
kenvandinejgdx, yes, content-hub does support picking contacts00:29
hevyhomiehello anyone there know what this means: build/core/product_config.mk:222: *** Can not locate config makefile for product "cm_condor".  Stop.  ** Don't have a product spec for: 'cm_condor' ** Do you have the right repo manifest?01:57
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sturmflut2good morning07:04
sturmflut2What exactly is "full shell rotation"? Does that mean that unity8, scopes etc. will also rotate if the device is rotated?07:05
ogra_sturmflut2, right ... and the panel etc07:09
ogra_(and ... most importantly, your input gestures)07:10
cedian_linuxI did what jjohansen and ogra_ said, but still gives these errors:07:10
cedian_linuxI did what ogra_ and jjohansen said, but these pastes contain the errors http://paste.ubuntu.com/11694757/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/11694728/07:26
ogra_cedian_linux, well, you probably want to run something like "make clean" ... though i see you are working on a port for the oneplus, i think there is a semi-workin one already made by mariogrip07:43
cedian_linuxI'm working with mariogrip07:43
ogra_ah, well, perhaps he can tell you wahts wrong, i know he built the kernel multiple times before (you kind of have to when you do a port)07:44
cedian_linuxYeah, I know07:44
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cedian_linuxogra_ I've seen the kernel also fails to build on his jenkins server08:12
cedian_linuxcan this one be used, already? linux-apparmor-backports08:15
seb128mzanetti, oh, we have contacts browsing over bluetooth working? I though that was a todo08:38
mzanettiseb128, I was totally surprised when I saw it08:39
mzanettibut works fine with my Car08:39
seb128need to try that :-)08:39
mzanettiI think it's working over HFP though08:39
mzanettinot PBAP08:39
seb128mzanetti, the "can't pick call" he mentioned is likely bug #145300408:39
ubot5bug 1453004 in telephony-service (Ubuntu) "BQ E4.5 is ringing but no sliders to pick up the call are presented" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145300408:39
mzanettii.e. no contacts pictures and some other advanced features of PBAP not there obviously08:40
mzanettibut good enough for now I'd say08:40
mzanettiAVRCP would be more important08:40
seb128well having the phone numbers and being able to dial one is the most useful part08:40
victor_bqhi all, does anybody knows if SAP or rSAP is supported already?08:46
victor_bqor if it will be implemented soon?08:47
sturmflut2mzanetti: I was already happy when A2DP worked out of the box, didn't even know that AVRCP existed08:54
mzanettiit's quite odd to pul out the phone, unlock it, go to the music app and skip a song, when your headphones would have a skip button :D08:55
mzanettibut hey, I can pick up calls with that headphone :D08:55
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Ferris Bueller Day! 😃08:59
cottonhello everyone :) any other news about ota-4 update release date?09:09
cedian_linuxI just added a temporary fix to fix errors, I added direct paths for now09:12
cedian_linuxIt's compiling more than first09:13
cedian_linuxIt looks like it'll work09:27
BonobosSakeHi i've a problem i made my porting but my phone can't use fastboot so i can't flash with it ...10:37
fooloophi guys, does anyone know how to avoid using ubuntu one to install apps on a ubuntu phone? I kind of want to option to not or selectively use the cloud or be able to have opencloud or sommat instead (in the long run, I realise this is not realistic yet)10:50
popeyfooloop: no, you need a U1 account to use the store10:51
fooloopare there ways to get free apps without the store? Like I dunno, an fdroid for ubuntu? :D10:51
fooloopbasically all I want is a terminal hahaha10:52
fooloophow is that not standard?? :P10:52
popeyyou could grab the source and build the click package yourself10:53
popeyand side load it onto the device10:53
popey(ugh, I said "side load")10:53
davmor2popey: you meant moo cow it obviously10:54
fooloopok, am new to this phone/ubuntu thing, I have a laptop at home running archlinux.10:55
fooloopdo I build from the phone or from my box and then upload via usb?10:55
popeythere is another way10:55
fooloopawesome :)10:55
popeyget that10:56
popeyadb push com.ubuntu.terminal_0.7.74_armhf.click10:56
popeyadb shell10:56
popeypkcon install-local --allow-untrusted com.ubuntu.terminal_0.7.74_armhf.click10:56
popeyjob done.10:56
davmor2or just create an u1 account install it and done that way you'll get updates for it too :)10:57
fooloopit better be open, I will want to read what crazy shit I am putting on my device :P10:57
fooloopyeah I could do that, I don't know what else it decides to do automagically though, does it immediately sync everything?10:58
fooloop[literally just unpacked it pretty much, it still has the plastic sheet on the display]10:59
fooloopI'll probably run a wireshark on it later today10:59
fooloopor something10:59
popeythat would be an interesting exerecise.10:59
popeythere's a couple of settings in System Settings -> Security & Privacy you might want to switch off, if you don't want it "Phoning home" or whatever11:00
fooloopI will check it out. Hey thanks btw, you're really helpful!11:00
popeyYou're welcome.11:01
popeyYou caught me on a good day ã‹›11:01
fooloopmind if I lurk here for a bit? I am sure this won't be my last question. Am at work now too so can't do too much about it11:01
popeysure, everyone is welcome to lurk here11:01
sturmflut2Have we ever had 311 people on this channel before?11:02
popeydunno, I rarely keep count11:02
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sturmflut2Softpedia: "Ubuntu Phone IRC channel has too many users, internet shut down automatically"11:03
popeysturmflut2: http://popey.com/~alan/touch/  there you go, instant stats :)11:05
sturmflut2He has a statistic for everything11:05
sturmflut2Haha, I'm in the top 25 twice11:06
DanChapmanlol "mhall119 is a very aggressive person"11:07
sturmflut2"JamesTait brings happiness to the world"11:08
sturmflut2absolutely true11:08
sturmflut2Without him I would never know which day to celebrate11:08
popeybah, laptop just spontenously rebooted11:08
cedian_linuxI once said sudo reboot, so my laptop rebooted, when I didn't wanted that11:09
JamesTaitsturmflut2, or annoyance - depends whether or not your able to take my tongue-in-cheek greetings in the intended spirit. ☺11:09
davmor2popey: oh man now I need to write lines to beat a stupid bot I hate you11:09
davmor21 line down11:10
popeystupid laptop overheating11:12
sturmflut2JamesTait: I hope you're only using your secret internet "days of the year" database query skills for good11:12
jgdxpopey, open and force feed it compressed air11:13
ogra_popey, yours too ?11:13
popeywarm day in uk11:13
ogra_mine as well, close to unusable since i upgraded it to vivid11:13
fooloopwhere in the uk?11:13
JamesTaitsturmflut2, now you've done it - you've gone and planted the seed of an idea.11:13
davmor2popey: get a north facing office end of issue11:13
popeyfooloop: farnborough11:13
popeydavmor2: true11:14
fooloopuntil two weeks back I was in scotland, it was never warm :P11:14
ogra_psensors shows a constant 69°C while idle :/11:14
sturmflut2JamesTait: Oh noes :(11:14
davmor2ogra_: I read that as pensioners had a whole different meaning11:14
ogra_(opening a browser and evolution keeps it constant at 95°C while idle .... starting to do *anything* on it makes it shut down then ...)11:14
JamesTaitsturmflut2, it's probably OK. I'll never get time to actually work on it, so it'll just fester in the back of my mind and slowly drive me insane. 😉11:15
sturmflut2JamesTait: You can always play "Don't Crash" to speed up the "going insane" part11:16
davmor2JamesTait: I'm sorry are you still under the impression that you are sane?11:16
popeynice pimping :)11:16
davmor2popey: I thought you just crashed cars if you get to pimp them too I'm all for playing it ;)11:17
JamesTaitdavmor2, it's all relative.11:17
davmor2JamesTait: That's true, you have kids they might not be insane can we talk to them instead :D11:19
Mirvniemeyer: any idea if this armhf ftbfs related to missing GLdouble on arm is something that could be fixed in qml.v1 git? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/208829732/buildlog_ubuntu-wily-armhf.ciborium_0.2.12%2B15.10.20150611-0ubuntu1_BUILDING.txt.gz11:20
JamesTaitdavmor2, it's only a matter of time. 😉11:20
Mirv(builds on x86)11:20
davmor2JamesTait: good man you bring them up right and they too can have a nervous tick ;)11:21
* JamesTait twitches11:21
JamesTaitWho? Me?11:21
fooloophttp://notyetthere.org/openstore-tweakgeek-and-more/ <--- anyone looked into this?11:23
jgdxmpt, hi, checkboxes on the left, to confirm? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PhoneApp?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=phone-settings-call-forwarding-some.png11:24
popeyfooloop: yeah, i use it11:27
popeyfooloop: mainly to force the terminal to stay alive when not focussed. works well.11:27
mptjgdx, just follow the toolkit default. I’m still working on getting the default position changed. :-)11:27
popey(tweakgeek that is)11:27
jgdxmpt, rog11:27
jgdxmpt, at the very least follow text direction11:28
mptjgdx, that’s an independent issue — if they should be on the left in LTR languages then they should be on the right in RTL, and vice versa11:29
foolooppopey: :)11:29
fooloopcool, I will have to add that to my list of things to look at11:29
popeyit's handy if you want to leave an ssh session open on your phone11:29
popeylike this http://people.canonical.com/~alan/screenshots/device-2015-06-11-123200.png11:32
davmor2popey: weirdo11:34
sturmflut2popey: You can also unlock the phone and use phablet-shell once, it will start an SSH server and set up an ADB port forwarding that stays alive as long as the USB cable is connected11:34
popeyoh nice11:34
sturmflut2popey: http://sturmflut.github.io/ubuntu/touch/2015/05/08/hacking-ubuntu-touch-part-5-adb-shell-vs-phablet-shell/ at the bottom11:34
sturmflut2(I really DO have a blog article for everything)11:35
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sturmflut2Oooh, Calendar app update!11:36
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fooloophmm Ican't find in my privacy settings to turn off cloud backups ..12:06
fooloopso accounts is not 'online' accounts.. I guess..12:13
sturmflut2fooloop: We have cloud backups?12:13
fooloopI don't know, I am trying to find out whether it does that default every other phone thing of backing up your personals to a cloud server12:14
fooloopThere is a part of the privacy agreement that stipulates 'online accounts' but I can't find a lot about the details12:14
fooloopIt does not feel very transparent but potentially it's just me being thick :/12:15
popeyfooloop: no, we dont backup automatically12:19
fooloopreally? wow..12:20
cedian_linuxvirt_to_bus keeps giving errors at ambassador.h http://paste.ubuntu.com/11696011/12:46
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cedian_linuxthe full code: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11696018/12:48
sturmflut2cedian_linux: I highly doubt that you need this driver on your phone12:49
cedian_linuxok thanks12:49
cedian_linuxbut what should I do with it, to not compile it?12:49
sturmflut2I highly doubt you will be needing *any* ATM on your phone12:49
sturmflut2cedian_linux: edit the kernel configuration file or use "make menuconfig"12:49
cedian_linuxmenuconfig fails12:50
sturmflut2which error?12:50
cedian_linuxI'll post it soon12:51
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sturmflut2popey: https://github.com/Sturmflut/ubuntu-html5-webview-template13:04
popeyi see references to pandas :)13:05
sturmflut2Argh, right13:05
sturmflut2Saw it at the exact same moment13:05
Elleokenvandine: heya, I'm wondering if instead of, or possible in addition to the "All" type, we should have an "AllFiles" type? since things like filemanager/files-app that might want to register for all won't want be able to accept or provide things like links13:16
kenvandinenot sure what you mean13:16
kenvandinei see what you mean13:16
kenvandineall content != all files13:17
mptcharles, who is providing the timestamp in <https://launchpadlibrarian.net/206153952/screenshot20151204_001239822.png>?13:17
kenvandineElleo, that is much more complicated...13:17
mptIs it unity8, or indicator-messages, or something else?13:17
Elleokenvandine: yeah, as it doesn't make much sense for the files app to appear in the picker when you're trying to share a link for example13:18
kenvandinei see your point13:18
seb128mpt, trying to open a bug about that?13:18
mptseb128, no, it’s from bug 145368913:18
ubot5bug 1453689 in indicator-messages (Ubuntu) "Notifications from the future in the phone" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145368913:18
kenvandineElleo, we'd need some mapping of well-known types to files and !files13:19
seb128mpt, k, I was going to say it's filed ;-)13:19
kenvandineElleo, although it won't appear for sharing a link, but it would for opening a link13:19
kenvandinei didn't add "all" for share handlers13:20
Elleoah, right13:20
kenvandinebut we could still run into this13:20
Elleoalternatively we could actually have files app try to handle those cases, by e.g. saving a text file containing the link or something (same for the text type); not sure that'd be very useful though13:21
kenvandinethe transfer could end up with serialized content, for example renatu wants to send vcards without files13:21
kenvandineElleo, it could be for vcards :)13:21
kenvandineright now he creates a vcard file just for the transfer13:22
kenvandinethat was one of the use cases for the serialized content13:22
kenvandinebut that breaks when trying to send it to a file :)13:22
Elleomaybe that should be handled in the content-hub13:22
seb128mpt, it's likely on the right package13:22
Elleoif an app tries to read the file url from a serialized transfer then content-hub automatically saves it out to a file13:23
kenvandineElleo, that was one of the ideas i had for the content store api13:23
kenvandinesaving a content item to a content store13:23
Elleoah, cool13:23
kenvandinewould actually save the file13:23
seb128mpt, libmessaging-menu has apis used by client to add messages, there is a variant which let you specify a timestamp, otherwise it uses the current one13:23
kenvandinebut... that is all just ideas with now plans to implement :)13:23
kenvandinesaving a content item to a store, if it was already a file it would just link it13:24
seb128mpt, ubuntu-push seems to use the variant without timestamp, so I guess the issue is on the indicator side13:24
kenvandineif it wasn't, it would write it out to a file13:24
kenvandineElleo, i think that would be a very slick feature :)13:24
kenvandineand the content item knowns the type13:25
seb128mpt, or maybe the issue is that the messages arrive before midnight but there is a delay in the service13:26
kenvandineElleo, i also think it could be cool if the files-app was really a ContentStore browser :)13:26
kenvandinenot a file system browser13:26
kenvandinebut that really needs more thought than we've already put into this13:26
Elleokenvandine: not sure entirely what that would entail; would it then be able to browse the contentstores belonging to all the apps?13:27
kenvandineno... only the ones it had access too13:27
kenvandineso the user scope for pictures13:27
kenvandinefor example13:27
kenvandinewhich would be ~/Pictures13:28
kenvandinebut it could include more13:28
kenvandineif there was other locations13:28
Elleoah, okay; well that's sort of what it does at the moment, only by limiting the browsing to those specific directories rather than retrieving them as content stores, so should be easy to change that mechanism under the hood13:29
kenvandineElleo, it would be an abstraction point for the special mount points that the container has13:29
kenvandineand apps could use them the same way, but restricted to the app scope13:29
kenvandineso the API would be the same, but filtered by scope13:29
Elleoright, sounds good13:30
kenvandineso many ideas... so little time :)13:30
mpttedg, hi, did you see this question about the URL dispatcher? There are no replies. <https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg12886.html>13:31
Elleoheh, yeah13:31
tedgmpt, I saw it, but it's not a question about the URL dispatcher, it's a question about the webapp container.13:32
tedgmpt, It is basically "when do my URLs jump out"13:32
tedgmpt, I don't know the answer :-)13:32
tedgmpt, I'd be willing to bet that alexabreu probably does though.13:33
alexabreutedg, mpt oh that's an oldie, I missed that one ... I'll answer it13:34
alexabreutedg, the answer is "when it is asked not to" :) ... basically you can supply a list of patterns that define the set of urls you app is constrained to13:35
mptThanks alexabreu13:40
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Mirvjhodapp: a reminder to put bug #1377015 / https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-41054 patch upstream via their git codereview13:46
ubot5bug 1377015 in qtmultimedia-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "Upstream the media role property patch" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137701513:46
jhodappMirv, yeah, it's on my list...just a low priority atm :)13:46
jhodappMirv, thanks for the reminder though13:46
Mirvjhodapp: no problem13:47
Sleep_Walkerare you aware of problem with ocasional not showing incomming call dialog?13:48
Sleep_Walkerlast time happend while I was playing `Machines vs. Machines' (btw. damn addictive and hard game :)13:49
ogra_Sleep_Walker, there is a bug open for that, and there was a discussion on the ML about it today13:55
Sleep_WalkerOK, another ML to subscribe13:55
ogra_(though you seem to only be the second person that has seen that issue yet)13:55
Sleep_WalkerI have seen it before update annoyingly often13:56
ogra_(but perhaps others just dont speak up, who knows)13:56
Sleep_Walkerafter update I thought it was fixed but I met it today again13:56
Sleep_Walker(when my boss called :D )13:56
ogra_what do you have then, a completely black screen ?13:56
Sleep_Walkerusually just last application is visible13:57
ogra_you dont use a lock screen ?13:57
Sleep_WalkerI use13:57
Sleep_Walkerbtw. I have to unlock it during the call13:57
ogra_you should just be able to swipe to pick it up13:58
Sleep_Walkerwhole dialog just doesn't appear13:58
Sleep_Walkerso no slider to answer/reject the call13:58
ogra_yes, i meant when it works13:58
ogra_you shouldnt need to unlock for picking up13:58
Sleep_Walkerah ok13:58
cedian_linuxdo i need nouveau?14:02
cedian_linuxI mean gpu/drm/nouveau and gpu/drm?14:04
oSoMoNnerochiaro, I just posted a new comment on https://code.launchpad.net/~uriboni/webbrowser-app/keyboard-navigation/+merge/26018314:12
heyvhomiegood afternoon/evening. I am trying to port touch to moto e according to  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting I am having problems with the build. build/core/product_config.mk:222: *** Can not locate config makefile for product "condor".  Stop.  ** Don't have a product spec for: 'condor' ** Do you have the right repo manifest?14:13
sturmflut2pmcgowan: I just looked at your "Bug Management" karma and it blew my mind14:13
nerochiarooSoMoN: thanks, i will tackle that together with bill's concerns on the find in page14:14
pmcgowansturmflut2, hah, bugs are my life man14:16
sturmflut2pmcgowan: I know, I constantly see your name in all those e-mails from Launchpad14:17
cedian_linuxI'll built a pretty basic kernel, which might work14:26
Mirvmandel: niemeyer: I guess what would be needed would be a variant of http://paste.ubuntu.com/11696529/ applied to the qml.v1/gl14:28
popeycedian_linux: what device?14:28
cedian_linuxoneplus one14:28
popeycedian_linux: nice. a couple of other people have attempted that14:28
popeyI think mariogrip is one14:28
cedian_linuxnot too basic, but there were things that didn't work out, I'm working together with mariogrip14:29
popeyhe's got a working kernel, but I think 3g didnt work14:29
cedian_linuxand apparmor, but the kernel build failed most of the time14:31
cedian_linuxwhat's dvb14:31
ogra_TV cards14:33
cedian_linuxand ir decoders?14:35
niemeyer_Mirv: The gl package there is generated out of gl.xml.. it shouldn't use that constant if it's not supposed to be available14:37
niemeyer_Mirv: and this seems to find nothing there:14:38
niemeyer_grep 'GL_DOUBLE\|GL_FLOAT' ~/src/gopkg.in/qml.v1/gl/*.*/*.go14:38
Mirvniemeyer_: right. the build failure of missing GLdouble on arm only just reminded me of a similar problem in completely different context14:39
niemeyer_Mirv: Ah, right.. it does use GLdouble and GLfloat14:39
gogis_hey guys14:47
gogis_is there anybody??14:48
k1lsome are14:48
cedian_linuxyes i'm here14:48
gogis_I came here to ask if I can somehow help with the development of ubuntu14:48
gogis_do you guys contribute to ubuntu development?14:50
popeysure do!14:50
dobeyi'm not anybody :)14:50
gogis_okay, so what do you do? :)14:51
popeyWhat would you like to do?14:51
gogis_something connected to programming... I just finished high school and would like to acquire some experience... I'm not new to programming, but I lack some experience with serious projects14:53
dobeygogis_: this channel is primarily about development of the phone images of ubuntu14:53
popeyWhat languages do you know?14:53
ogra_sigh, so now calendar notifications dont generate persistent entires in the message menu anymore ?14:53
gogis_I have done algorithm competitions mostly in my free time14:53
ogra_does anyone know if thats on purpose ?14:53
popeythey dont?14:54
* ogra_ would like to know when he missed an appointment14:54
popeycalendar has never used the message menu14:54
popeyonly the indicator-datetime14:54
ogra_i just got a notification (on both phones) for a meeting in 10min14:54
dobeygogis_: if you want to discuss more general development of ubuntu, such as you run on your pc currently, then #ubuntu-devel or #ubuntu-desktop might be a better place to discuss :)14:54
ogra_and they used to result in a blinking led and green envelope before14:54
gogis_I know C/++, Python, Pascal, quite Java... I also understand Assembly and I can learn other languages quickly14:55
cedian_linuxshineled fails14:55
davmor2dobey: no you are that body not any right :)14:55
sturmflut2gogis_: this is a special channel for Ubuntu on phones and tablets. You might want to start at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment14:56
cedian_linuxcan someone look at this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11696697/ ?14:58
sturmflut2cedian_linux: Hm, "shineled" doesn't seem to be part of the vanilla kernel. Is this an Android- oder vendor-only driver?15:01
ogra_makes the led shine :)15:02
cedian_linuxIt looks like it won't build the built-in.o in shineled, but I can't find out why15:03
nerochiarooSoMoN: what do you think of making F11 and CTRL+H toggles, on top of allowing exiting full screen and history with ESC ?15:03
oSoMoNnerochiaro, F11 should definitely be a toggle, and I don’t mind if Ctrl+H is a toggle too (although that sounds less natural to me)15:05
nerochiarooSoMoN: ok15:06
nerochiarooSoMoN: ill just do f1115:06
cedian_linuxmy makefile sturmflut2: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11696741/15:08
nerochiarooSoMoN: also, if we are in history view or in settings AND in fullscreen, do you think esc should exit both ?15:10
sturmflut2cedian_linux: That's the default Linux kernel Makefile, from what I know about kernel development you might rather look at linux/drivers/misc/Makefile or something around that location15:10
sturmflut2cedian_linux: apparently it tries to link the shineled object file, but it was never built?15:11
cedian_linuxno never built15:11
nerochiarooSoMoN: and finally, but i think you knew this already, escaping fullscreen from the new tab view is impossible since the focus will be permanently on the textfield15:12
cedian_linuxhere the other makefile from that directory http://paste.ubuntu.com/11696753/15:12
cedian_linuxI commented the lastpart out it works15:14
sturmflut2cedian_linux: Hmmm, in that case there might be a broken Makefile in linux/drivers/misc/shineled/ ?15:14
cedian_linuxbut got another error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11696765/15:15
oSoMoNnerochiaro, not sure I understand, how could the new tab view be fullscreen? I mean it doesn’t make sense to allow it to go fullscreen, does it?15:16
nerochiarooSoMoN: well, you are in fullscreen on a page, then switch tab to a new tab page15:16
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nerochiarooSoMoN: ctrl+tab to switch tabs can land you on a new tab page, ctrl+t while in fullscreen also15:17
oSoMoNnerochiaro, then those actions should result in leaving fullscreen mode15:17
nerochiarooSoMoN: great15:18
oSoMoNmandel, hey, could https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463559 be a bug in udm, by any chance?15:19
ubot5Launchpad bug 1463559 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "Incorrect file digest when it is downloaded through webbrowser-app with touch " [Undecided,New]15:19
cedian_linuxit's going on with compiling15:22
oSoMoNdpm, hey, we’re having an issue with oxide translations in the langpacks, can you advise?15:24
dpmoSoMoN, about to enter a call, but please let me know the details and I'll answer when I'm back15:24
oSoMoNdpm, oxide generates translations under /usr/share/locale/$LANG/LC_MESSAGES/oxide-qt.mo, they are being stripped off the deb by pkgstriptranslations, and they end up in the langpack under /usr/share/locale-langpack/$LANG/LC_MESSAGES/oxide.mo (notice how oxide-qt.mo became oxide.mo)15:25
oSoMoNhow could it possibly be renamed?15:26
nerochiarooSoMoN: one last thing, navigating to another page by clicking a link currently exits fullscreen. is this intentional ?15:28
oSoMoNnerochiaro, try in another desktop browser, how does it behave?15:31
nerochiarooSoMoN: other desktop browsers try to stay in fullscreen no matter what you do. you exit fullscreen only when you explicitly ask for it15:32
mptjgdx, seb128: It’s not reviewed yet, but I’ve posted a draft design for keyboard settings for pocket PC. <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LanguageAndText?action=diff&rev2=54&rev1=53#keyboard-hardware>15:33
oSoMoNnerochiaro, do you have an example page that I could use to test that?15:33
seb128mpt, thanks15:33
nerochiarooSoMoN: any page that has a link. go to google.com and click on the links at the bottom for example15:33
seb128kenvandine, jgdx, ^15:33
nerochiarooSoMoN: the reason it exits fullscreen on link click is because we get an onFullscreenRequested signal from oxide with the fullscreen argument set to false15:37
oSoMoNnerochiaro, ok, so it might (or might not) be a bug in oxide, would you mind raising that with Chris on #oxide?15:39
brunch875what the...!15:47
brunch875I can't send an email on my desktop15:47
brunch875The reported error was "GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name :1.142 was not provided by any .service files".15:47
brunch875Ogra, what are you snappers breaking? :P15:48
ogra_brunch875, why would i break anything on your desktop :)15:48
brunch875It could be some convoluted and evil scheme15:49
ogra_i just had the same issue because i moved ~/.ssh around15:50
ogra_killing gnome-keyring-daemon and restarting the mailer worked for me15:51
ogra_(after i had putr back ~/.ssh15:51
brunch875oh I installed openssh-server yesterday15:52
brunch875I notice a pattern here15:52
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dpmoSoMoN, what distro are we talking about re: oxide translations, vivid (and wily) I guess?15:58
oSoMoNdpm, vivid for sure, I haven’t checked on wily yet, let me do that15:58
dpmoSoMoN, it seems there are no translations templates for wily yet, so vivid it is for now15:59
dpmoSoMoN, so what I've done is to change the translation domain in the source package in LP from "oxide" to "oxide-qt". If I remember correctly, this will make the translations to be exported as "oxide-qt" in the next language pack export. I'd suggest to check with pitti next time the langpacks are built16:01
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oSoMoNdpm, thanks! How come this domain is hardcoded, instead of extracting the domain name from the filenames installed by the package?16:02
oSoMoNdpm, and is there a project/source package I can target the bug at, for reference?16:05
dpmoSoMoN, the first time a source package that contains translations is uploaded, LP asks for the template name (how it will be shown in the translations URL) and for the domain (filename to export as in the langpacks). IIRC, LP does a guess and sets domain = source package name, which admins can manually override. Perhaps the first upload the source package was named "oxide"?16:07
dpmI don't know, that would be one option16:07
dpmone possiblitiy of what could have happened, I mean16:07
oSoMoNdpm, ok, fair enough16:08
dpmoSoMoN, not sure if it's worth filing a bug (that'd be against lp:launchpad). The first ever approval of translations is always manual, and as much as I'd like to be fixed, reallistically I don't see it happening16:08
oSoMoNdpm, in fact the mo files used to be named oxide.mo, but were renamed oxide-qt.mo at some point, so the initial setup made sense16:08
oSoMoNalexabreu, ^^16:09
dpmso that was probably it. The setup made sense initially, but then the domain in LP wasn't updated according to the change16:09
oSoMoNdpm, do you mind if I quote our IRC conversation in https://launchpad.net/bugs/1464159 ?16:09
ubot5Launchpad bug 1464159 in oxide-qt (Ubuntu) "Web browser should send the system language to websites (Accept-Language field)" [High,Confirmed]16:09
dpmoSoMoN, not at all16:09
alexabreuoSoMoN, dpm yeah I think there was a rename at some point16:09
dpmfeel free to quote any public conversations I have16:09
alexabreuthat explains it16:10
oSoMoNalexabreu, so all we have to do is wait for the next langpack update, IIUC16:12
oSoMoNdpm, how often are the langpacks built?16:12
alexabreuoSoMoN, right, ... dpm can we force a quick update?16:12
dpmoSoMoN, I think translations are exported daily and then the langpacks are built shortly afterwards. Generally I keep track of the cronjobs after asking the LP team to set them up, but I haven't for vicid16:16
dpmpitti, are you around and do you know? ^16:17
dpmor cjwatson, do you know the schedule for language pack exports on LP? ^16:17
popeyjdstrand: the terminal app cannot execute programs located in the home directory, this breaks the ability to run stuff in ~/bin (which gets added to PATH if it exists). Any way we can work around / fix that?16:26
popeyjdstrand: because it's quite handy being able to slap random binaries in ~/bin16:27
jdstrandpopey: what is the denial?16:27
popeyoh, hang on. this _could_ be my bad16:28
cjwatsondpm: You can find it in lp:lp-production-crontabs, which I believe ~canonical can see16:28
cjwatsondpm: vivid is 30 10 * * 116:28
ogra_popey, i dont think it is... i had the same issue16:29
popeymore testing needed16:31
popeyjdstrand: ignore me for now, unless ogra_ has a good sample16:31
ogra_not currently ... but i tried scripts in ~/bin more than once ...16:32
ogra_ssh localhost helps ;)16:32
ogra_gives you a completely unconfined terminal ... until the lifecycle kills the ssh connection16:33
popeylocally on device, having a shell script in ~/bin it fails when you try and run it16:33
popeywith "bash: bin/in.sh: Permission denied"16:33
popeyjdstrand: ^ that16:33
popey[26531.600286] type=1400 audit(1434040394.724:247): apparmor="DENIED" operation="exec" profile="com.ubuntu.terminal_terminal_0.7.74" name="/home/phablet/bin/in.sh" pid=11131 comm="bash" requested_mask="x" denied_mask="x" fsuid=32011 ouid=3201116:34
popey(unignore me now) :)16:34
dpmcjwatson, I can see them indeed, thanks. For future reference, on which crontab are the LP exports?16:37
dpmcjwatson, nm, I found them16:38
jdstrandpopey: can you file a bug against apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu with that denial?16:42
jdstrandballoons: hey, is this still needed in the apparmor policy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11697185/16:43
balloonsjdstrand, howdy.. we were talking about this the other day :-)16:45
balloonsjdstrand, based on everything that happened (and broke), I'm guessing we could remove all those changes we did at this point16:46
balloonsbasically everything to try and help autopilot run with a fake home, etc16:46
jdstrandballoons: so that is ok to remove toady in wily?16:47
jdstrandtoday even16:47
balloonsjdstrand, I believe so. No tests should be using it, but we could check before putting it in16:49
jdstrandballoons: would you mind doing that? that will greatly simplify the fix for popey's bug16:50
jdstrandballoons: either you or tell me who to ask16:50
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jdstrandpopey: hey, would you mind reviewing my permy 0.8 upload?17:29
popeyjdstrand: sure17:30
jdstrandpopey: thanks!17:34
popeynp, and in return https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu/+bug/146434117:34
ubot5Launchpad bug 1464341 in apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "Denial when running binaries in terminal app" [Undecided,New]17:34
jdstrandpopey: thanks, I'll fix that after I get feedback from balloons17:35
bschaeferhello, anyone getting a crash in ubuntu-clock-app on wily? http://paste.ubuntu.com/11697457/17:40
balloonsjdstrand, what would you want me to do? propose the removal or ?17:40
balloonsjdstrand, popey sorry, my irc phantom'd dc'd on me and I've been talking to myself17:40
jdstrandballoons: oh, heh, let me paste17:40
popeybschaefer: dont use wily :)17:41
jdstrand11:50 < jdstrand> balloons: would you mind doing that? that will greatly simplify the fix for popey's bug17:41
jdstrand11:50 < jdstrand> balloons: either you or tell me who to ask17:41
bschaeferpopey, but i need to :(17:41
jdstrandwhere 'that' refers to: 11:49 < balloons> jdstrand, I believe so. No tests should be using it, but we could check before putting it in17:41
bschaeferso far all the other core apps are working (only tried 4-5 others)17:41
bschaefersomethings not working with qtposition (0x0 on this)17:41
popeybschaefer: feel free to file a bug17:42
bschaeferpopey, alright17:42
bschaeferpopey, thanks!17:42
balloonsjdstrand, I'll check if you can supply the revamped file17:42
balloonsOr I can attempt to do it ;-)17:42
jdstrandballoons: autopilot is going to need to remove the 'owner @{HOMEDIRS}/autopilot/fakeenv/*/.local/share/@{APP_PKGNAME}/** mrwklix,' or any related fakeenv rules17:43
jdstrandballoons: sure, where is the branch?17:43
balloonsjdstrand, ohh right.. that's in autopilot17:43
balloonssorry, I was thinking it was somewhere else17:43
jdstrandI need that ^ removed so I can remove the rules in the unconfined template and do something simple to fix popey's bug17:44
balloonsi'll propose, test and ask for your review17:44
jdstrandsounds great17:44
jdstrandthere is a weird thing called 'conflicting x modifiers' with apparmor policy that we need to make sure we are in sync with otherwise profiles with the autopilot rules still in there will fail to load17:45
cedian_linuxCan someone help me i get these errors and can't find out why: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11697492/ the code it's about: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11697516/17:48
jjohansennot really weird, think of it as you have two or more rules instructing the profile to do different things on exec. Instead of just arbitrarily choosing one of the conflicting rules, apparmor forces the policy author to fix the conflict17:48
jdstrandjjohansen: no it isn't weird, I just didn't want to take the time to describe it in detail17:48
jdstrandjjohansen: I had a feeling you'd call me out on 'weird' :)17:49
jjohansenwell the message is a bit 'weird' :)17:49
cedian_linuxYou are both weird ;)17:50
balloonsjdstrand, looks like veebers just took out the apparmor click.rules file in a recent revision17:51
jdstrandballoons: is that already in wily?17:51
balloonsit seems like it should be yes17:52
balloonslet me verify17:52
balloonsjdstrand, yes it is in wily17:53
balloonsseeing as I was going to do something similar, sounds like you are safe :-)17:54
jdstrandballoons: ok, let me be clearer-- click.rules is no longer shipped in wily, therefore there are no fakeenv rules for me to worry about?17:54
balloonsjdstrand, correct. no more fakeenv rules17:54
jdstrandballoons: thanks for checking on that for me :)17:54
cedian_linuxjjohansen: I can't find what the error is and how to fix it in my code these are the errors http://paste.ubuntu.com/11697492/ and this is the code: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11697516/17:55
jjohansencedian_linux: not the right file17:59
balloonsjdstrand, we need the version from May, but I'm hesitant now to say it's in Wily, because I don't have it locally18:00
balloonsso it's a little confusing. I'm going to take back my previous statement. It's not been released yet18:01
jdstrandballoons: looks like dbus-property-service ships /usr/share/autopilot-touch/apparmor/click.rules18:03
balloonsjdstrand, I was just going to say this :-)18:03
balloonsthey moved it18:03
balloonsso I guess we'll be proposing over there18:03
balloonsthe merge that removed it had nothing to do with apparmor, so it was kind of buried18:04
jdstrandballoons: so, now the question remains-- can they be removed from dbus-property-service?18:04
jdstrandballoons: I don't know what in the testing environment is using fakeenv18:05
balloonsjdstrand, right-o. I'm still of the mind it can be removed, but as I said, I'd like to check to be sure18:06
jdstrandballoons: ok, which loops us back around. can you add a comment in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dbus-property-service/+bug/1464341 when you've done that?18:06
ubot5Launchpad bug 1464341 in apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "Denial when running binaries in terminal app" [Undecided,Triaged]18:06
jdstrandballoons: once you've done that, I can upload both18:08
cedian_linuxwhat does rtc mean?18:19
anpokvarious things.. real time clock?18:20
cedian_linuxcan, but is it needed?18:20
anpokhm why does bluetooth not work on manta/nexus1018:20
anpokcedian_linux: sorry, i am lacking context18:20
cedian_linuxI get this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11697728/ and anpok: what do you mean?18:21
davmor2anpok: it never has18:22
cedian_linuxI meant is it needed for a working kernel?18:22
davmor2anpok: chipset is not supported and we never had the driver iirc ogra_ or rsalveti or cyphermox can probably give you more info18:23
dobeydavmor2: is it that, or is it the same reason bt hasn't worked on n5? ie, it needs bluez518:28
dobeyiirc, the drivers are there, but it requires going through the android hal instead of normal bluez hci, so bluez5 is needed to be able to do that18:29
davmor2dobey: oh it could be that, I know there is a reason and it was driver related not sure what the fix was though18:29
dobeyi'm pretty sure it's that. but bluez5 got held up due to other issues18:30
dobeyi guess cyphermox is probably best person to ask about that18:31
anpokhm ok it seems to have th bcm4324118:37
anpokwhich does wifi bt4 and fm18:37
nik90bschaefer: Do you mind checking if other apps like OSMTouch, GPS Navigation etc crash when using Qt Location on wily-proposed? Clock app uses Qt Location from the QML side and I don't see anything like accessing a null pointer etc from the clock app side of things.18:37
bschaefernik90, yeah i can, was looking for a different example but they didnt use position :)18:38
nik90bschaefer: test https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-weather-dev/ubuntu-weather-app/reboot .. perfect example for this use case18:40
bschaefernik90, osmtouch crash looks like the same place18:41
* bschaefer tests weather18:41
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bschaefernik90, same crash18:42
bschaefernik90, the one thing that looked strange was18:42
bschaeferUnable to select module, using dummy.18:43
bschaeferim not sure if it failed to select a video module or something, but a dummy module could be null18:43
nik90bschaefer: I have seen that msg before as well..although I cannot remember the specifics.18:43
bschaefernot sure if its one of the false warnings one or not18:43
bschaeferbut if its failing to find a device or something18:43
nik90bschaefer: I think we can defer the bug report to https://launchpad.net/location-service since it is the common denominator amongst all these apps18:43
bschaefernik90, alright sounds good18:44
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cedian_linuxI keep getting usb ether.o errors, but I tried to disable it and it comes back19:09
cedian_linuxmy uhci starts failing19:15
cedian_linuxI meant ehci and is it needed?19:17
anpokwhat are you compiling?19:19
anpoki mean which kernel..19:19
cedian_linuxoneplus one19:20
cedian_linuxand keep getting this when running an other make http://paste.ubuntu.com/11698096/19:22
babajusshello Can anyone tell me if  I can install ubuntu touch to any device or only to mentioned in table in ubuntu.com? Thank you. By the way I have Sony xperia z that I do not use. I would like to instal ubuntu to it.19:31
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SturmFlutOh wow, Android M comes with a system-wide app backup. So now they don't just own anything that is usually synchd with the cloud, they get *all* your data from *all* your apps.19:53
charlesjhodapp, ping20:13
charlesjhodapp, wrt your last couple of comments in https://bugs.launchpad.net/media-hub/+bug/1373313, what changes do you see that need to happen in i-sound?20:14
ubot5Launchpad bug 1373313 in Media Hub "Media Hub not exporting MPRIS controls" [High,Triaged]20:14
jhodappcharles, hide the next/prev buttons if it's not possible to go next/previous (use the MPRIS has_next()/ has_previous() methods)20:14
charlesjhodapp, anything else?20:14
jhodappcharles, there might be another change, but won't know until I re-enable exporting the MPRIS interface in media-hub20:15
jhodappcharles, so that's it for now20:15
charlesjhodapp, just to confirm, you meant the CanGoNext and CanGoPrevious properties, right?20:20
jhodappcharles, yes sorry, I gave you the media-hub method names :)20:22
HoloIRCUserIt's compiling the touch system21:27
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dobeyuhm, ok21:51
dobeySturmFlut: i suppose that's only if you enable it?21:53
SturmFlutdobey: No, it's on by default, you have to explicitely disable it as an app developer. Probably the user can disable it somehow, but all the other Google Sync services are also usually activated by default when you do a fresh setup of an Android device.21:55
SturmFlutdobey: They even give you additional free Google Drive storage for this feature, to get everybody on board21:55
dobeydo they do encryption by default now?21:56
SturmFlutAt least they say that the backup is encrypted, but with what key? Apparently all app data is restored if you log into your account with a new device, so the key has to be either stored somewhere or it can be calculated from your login data21:59
SturmFlutLike with iCloud, they tell you that everything is encrpyted, but using their key...22:01
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