
diploMorning all07:13
MooDoohello all07:32
TwistedLucidityHello and welcome to "avoid Reddit" day07:47
SuperMattyes, I've seen that they had accepted their social responsibility and removed hate groups, yet there's always someone who wants to complain07:49
TwistedLucidityWas it all of them? There were some rather darker corners07:49
SuperMattwell you can only really get the ones which are obvious07:51
SuperMattbut if I was running something dark, I wouldn't rely on reddit for it07:51
diploTwistedLucidity: no only 5 or so07:53
diploStill some quite extereme ones there that haven't been removed07:53
directhexthey took out 5 seemingly minor ones, and left the big offenders07:54
diployeah that's what I thought too07:54
directhexthe reasoning given is that they're policiing behaviour, not thought. so being a massive racist is fine, but being a massive racist at specific people is not07:54
directhexyes, reddit is on fire today though07:54
directhexi hope all the people threatening to leave for a competing site do so.07:55
diploProbably won't though07:56
directhexthey've been threatening to leave for years07:56
SuperMattok, this is where people forget there is a difference between freedom of speech, and inciting hatred.07:57
directhexsomeone asked about suing on /r/legaladvice07:57
directhexthese kinds of hate-based neo-reactionaries (e.g. gamergaters) have a terrible time trying to understand that "i'm not listening to you" is not illegal. see also their legal threat based response to being blocked by people on twitter07:58
SuperMattsaying "I think fat people have themselves to blame and should do something about it" is OK, but saying "Lool, look at the fatty, aren't they disgusting! fat people should just die" is not ok07:58
directhexsubs about rape techniques stay. subs about specific rape targets are not. stay classy, reddit!07:58
foobarryif you get annoyed by reddit, you're too old for it08:17
TwistedLucidityAlso, reddit is not a place of free speech. It's private.08:20
TwistedLucidityLike, say, a shopping arcade.08:21
TwistedLucidityIt may look like a street, you may think you retain various rights; but you are wrong. It's private land and some of your rights just evaporated.08:21
TwistedLucidityI like reddit for some of the local banter, news and whatnot.08:22
TwistedLucidityOh, and the drama. Always with the drama.08:22
foobarryi only read 1 sub on there now08:24
foobarryand the linux one about 1nce a month if that08:24
foobarryalthough i also went to the button :|08:25
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
popeypip pip08:29
TwistedLucidityfoobarry: The main subs are lowest common denominator dross. The smaller ones are OK. Well, no worse than I'd imagine FB to be08:35
MyrttiI wonder what I'd need to do to get something 3D scanned in and then to have something made based on the dimensions scanned it (but not an exact copy) *nnnggghhh* I hate being a noob.08:36
TwistedLuciditydirecthex: Razer would seem to be a good fit, if the story is true08:36
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)08:39
TheGeekMyrtti, I would hazard some form of 3D lazer scanner would be in order.08:46
Myrttior just very, very careful measurements08:46
TheGeekbut wouldnt you rather play with one of these08:47
MyrttiI'm planning to buy a knitting machine and part of the project is replacing original 'motherboard' (which is attached to a cover and buttons) with an Arduino with a shield on top. The Arduino kit doesn't fit under the original covers so I recon new one would be in order08:47
MyrttiTheGeek: too small.08:48
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:55
TwistedLucidityMyrtti: How ghetto are you prepared to go?08:55
TwistedLucidityBecause some perspex, making woode molds and an oven might do it.08:56
Myrttithat's not a bad idea.08:57
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Ferris Bueller Day! 😃08:58
TwistedLucidityMyrtti: Of just root around for old plastic lunch boxes and see if one can be made to fit08:59
TwistedLucidityJamesTait: Sorry, I kinda stole your thunder and declared today "avoid reddit day"08:59
JamesTaitwfm, TwistedLucidity.08:59
TwistedLucidity"Wood Fired Marshmallows"?09:00
zmoylan-piworks from marsh09:00
TwistedLucidityWhole Foods Massive?09:00
zmoylan-piwell reddit comments are about the level of youtube comments so nothing of value was lost09:01
TwistedLucidityI noticed that voat.co has collapsed under load.09:02
zmoylan-piall those trolls trying to create a 1000 accounts each probably...09:02
JamesTaitTwistedLucidity, "Works for me" 😉09:03
MyrttiTwistedLucidity: or I could... uh. maybe... knit something. put it in a mould and uh... pour resin on it.09:07
shaunoanother angle would be to find an arduino that does fit?09:11
zmoylan-pisteam it over a hot kettle so it bends into shape that does fit... :-D09:12
shaunowell, like there's the mini/nano variants if it's footprint09:12
shaunoor the 'pro' variants if it's height09:12
* JamesTait lols at SuperMatt 09:12
shauno(not really much cost difference, 'pro' is just smt instead through-hole, and usually bare holes instead of headers; resulting in vertically-challenged boards)09:13
TwistedLuciditySuperMatt: This one - http://devopsreactions.tumblr.com/post/120174583354/the-service-is-broken-for-no-apparent-reason-10 shoudl speak to this one - http://devopsreactions.tumblr.com/post/121177282330/when-turning-it-off-and-on-actually-fixes-the09:14
=== Larva is now known as Guest25911
davmor2JamesTait: Oh Yeah https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYGngLcS0u409:57
JamesTaitdavmor2, Oh Yeah!09:58
davmor2JamesTait: More important when is Blues Brothers Day we can quote on that alll day long :)09:59
zmoylan-piwhat day are taxes due in cook county?10:00
zmoylan-piprobably april 22 would be blues brothers day... http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/the-blues-brothers-make-their-world-premiere-on-saturday-night-live10:06
davmor2It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark... and we're wearing sunglasses.10:07
zmoylan-piright, time to limp to lidl to see if they have any €20 bt keyboards left...10:07
JamesTaitzmoylan-pi, I'm pretty sure that wasn't the next line.10:08
JamesTaitdavmor2, I think Blues Brothers Day is either next Tuesday or next Saturday - depending on whether you go for the earliest release date or just the USA release date.10:08
davmor2JamesTait: it's just dawned on me that Ferris Bueller isn't actually that quotable for such a cult movie10:09
JamesTaitdavmor2, Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.10:09
MooDooJamesTait: Pardon my French, but Davmor2 is so tight that if you stuck a lump of coal up his ass, in two weeks you'd have a diamond.10:14
JamesTaitMooDoo, and davmor2 says it's not quotable. 😉10:14
davmor2JamesTait: no I said isn't that quotable there are maybe 6-7 good lines there rest are either conversations or need a visual accompaniment to make it make sense10:16
diplo My friend wants a way for 100's of people to upload wedding photos ( not FB ) any suggestions, don't want to have username/passes to use it though10:40
diploLooked at owncloud/jquery file upload  (blueimp ) thing, but can't seperate by directories per user easily10:41
MooDoodiplo - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/28/wedding-photo-apps_n_3519413.html10:43
davmor2diplo: they pretty much all need username and password10:43
diployeah so I've found, I *could* write something, I cba really though10:43
awilkinsdiplo, Syncthing?10:44
diploYeah MooDoo, seen those things10:44
diploDebated that awilkins, but means non tech people installing/setting up10:44
diploI like the blueimp thing, but no seperate dirs per user10:44
TwistedLucidityI was going to suggest ownCloud but....hmm...wonder if SeaFile or summat would give you the "per user" folder structure you want10:44
TwistedLucidityShame most browsers suck at FTP support10:45
diploOwncloud does anonymous uploading, only in Enterprise version though10:45
TwistedLucidityIf you want a folder-per-user, I would have expected at least a username to be mandatory so the system knew where to shove the files10:46
diployeah more so they can create their own dir10:46
awilkinsYou have to pay... to remove the "log in" feature10:46
awilkinsAnd you thought MS was the king of changing a build flag and selling it as "Enterprise"10:47
awilkins"Hey dogg, I changed MAX_MEM_CEILING to something more than 4GB for ya, that'll be another $200, ta."10:48
bashrc$200 per bit10:48
davmor2bashrc: per nibble10:49
TwistedLucidity"zero ohm resistor"10:49
awilkins"conductive bridge abatement operation"10:50
awilkins(wire link snip)10:50
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
davmor2http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/celebritynews/11666316/christopher-lee-dies-live.html noooooo12:05
MooDoohmmm just read that.....hmmm they are all dropping like flies :(12:09
popeyold people do that12:16
shauno93's a helluva run12:22
DJonesIts not often I congratulate MS for doing something good, but http://search.slashdot.org/story/15/06/11/1223236/ask-toolbar-now-considered-malware-by-microsoft   Way to go MS :)12:48
popeyho ho12:48
davmor2yeah I bet the bing bar is still fine though right :D12:50
ujjainI want to try out shooting for the first time. All you have to do is to decide whether you wish to visit on a Saturday (sporting rifle) at 2.30 pm or a Thursday evening (prone rifle) at 8.00 pm. What is easier?12:58
foobarrythe one they give girls14:03
foobarryapparently the kick off the rifle will give you bruising14:03
shaunoit shouldn't be that bad, they're both sporting classes, just putting a .22 through a bit of paper14:13
shaunowrong country for las-vegas style "let's go blow chunks out of the range"14:14
zmoylan-pitry archery instead, much more fun14:18
foobarrymy workmate went clay pigeon and said he was hurting after his session14:20
foobarryi like the sound of archery14:20
zmoylan-pishooting with a shotgun has much more of a kick than a .22 rifle14:21
diploMy son wants me to take him to arxhery lessons14:21
shaunoyeah, a shotgun is a different beast.  if his choices are between prone & lightweight sporting, they're much the same14:21
zmoylan-piif the uk is like ireland archery is available almost everywhere.  it's suprising how many archery ranges there are about14:21
shaunolightweight sporting replaced pistol-class shooting when they made sporting pistols neigh-on impossible after dunblane14:22
awilkinsI wonder how many of the laws that require us to practise archery on the village green are still in effect14:22
awilkinsAnd whether that means we can just rock up with a target and start plinking arrows14:22
zmoylan-pii was thought archery by ex irish special forces guy.  he was chuck norris x steven segal levels of awesome :-D14:23
popeyI went clay pigeon shooting at Bisley for a company jolly. Was exceptionally jolly!14:23
shaunoI tried hunting in michigan.  it was horrible.14:24
popeyWould do again, which I said at the time - about 10 years ago - and never have since.14:24
bashrchunts jaffa cakes14:31
zmoylan-pibe careful, a wounded jaffa cake can be nasty when cornered14:33
shaunojaffa cakes shouldn't have corners.  they're mouth-shaped for a reason!14:38
* davmor2 shoots the jaffa cakes so bashrc can't have any muhahahahahahahaha ;)14:39
* zmoylan-pi hopes that shauno had a licence to hunt jaffa cakes out of season14:42
* zmoylan-pi loves the handing salmon in suspicious circumstances law in the uk :-) http://now-here-this.timeout.com/2013/03/11/londons-top-ten-weird-laws/14:44
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
davmor2popey: a waffer thin mint sir.....Oh come on sir just one waffer thin mint16:48
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
bujjihello all17:23
diddledanhttp://www.framestore.com/work/galaxy-choose-silk-chauffeur this is fascinating19:53
diddledangalaxy brought audrey hepburn out of retirement19:54
MartijnVdSwow.. local council is releasing a list of trees19:57
MartijnVdSin XML19:57
diddledanxml trees eh?20:02
MartijnVdSdiddledan: yeah.. just look at that 21MB dump20:03
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
daftykinshallo there20:35
daftykinsjust had a heavy thunderstorm and some mild flooding at my place :(20:36
daftykinsi'm not even low lying XD just pesky backed up drains20:38
daftykinsi decided to power a few things off during the storm, which i never do. on firing back up my UPS was all "newp replace battery"21:15
daftykinsturned it off again, back on... hooray it accepted it :D21:15
popeytrickster ups21:16
daftykinsit definitely is beyond life now though, i think i've been using that one for 10 years21:16
daftykinsi saw a new kind of Yorkie chocolate bar in the shop just before :O Yorkie Peanut?21:19
daftykinsnew one on me21:19
zmoylan-pithey appear every few years21:27
shaunono idea why, they're obviously inferior to raisin yorkies21:33
zmoylan-piputting raisans in chocolate is merely a waste of chocolate21:34
daftykinsshauno: ^5! i just purchased a Raisin yorkie just then :>21:36
daftykinsor raisin and biscuit even, i think they are o021:36
daftykinsah this is great, today marks 3 months since i moved my old xbox360 account to Guernsey from the UK - only to discover that they don't let Guernseyans use xbox live21:36
daftykinsfinally just switched back to UK and can play online again \o/21:37
shaunoyou missed arguing with 13yos?21:38
daftykinsi only play online with my friends :) we pretend they don't exist21:38
daftykinsthe xbox one has been fine thankfully, but their system instantly irreversibly bans any account that switches region within 3 months21:38
shaunoI'd tell you my NES doesn't have these problems, but I'd start to sound like zmoylan-pi ;)21:39
* zmoylan-pi banishes shauno to guernsey....21:40
shaunohm.. do they get cable?21:43
daftykinstubes and TV? nope21:44
daftykins40/5 Mb VDSL2 best offer, TV via freesat/sky if you want it21:45
zmoylan-piand the high wind speeds will make ip over avian unreliable, you'll need the heavier hardier sheep version :-)21:46
shaunodo they just sling harddrives in glass bottles or something?21:48
zmoylan-piamphibious sheep21:49
zmoylan-picalled bob21:49
daftykinszmoylan-pi: i really do hope you're writing that RFC in your idle moments ;)21:54
shaunoI'm still proud of EweDP, even if no-one laughed the first time21:55
daftykinsaww i would've laughed had i seen that one21:55
daftykinshow many hard disks do you think we can strap to a sheep o021:55
daftykinsit's not sneakernet, it's hoofnet21:56
zmoylan-piwell if we still want them to float  we'll have to balence them or use the hard disks as a keel...21:57
zmoylan-piself righting sheep...21:58
shaunohm.  but if you float them, you can't dye different sheep as a compression algo21:58
zmoylan-pithere's an idea, if the packets take forever to transfer you could shave qr codes into their fleece...21:59
zmoylan-pior tattoo the 1s and 0s on their skin necessitating having to shear them to read the information.  so if the packet is intercepted you'll at least know it was read preventing mitm attacks22:00
shaunodolly attacks aside22:03
zmoylan-piyou wouldn't download a sheep....22:04
shaunodiddledan would =x22:05
zmoylan-piyeah... wel... diddledan is odd... even for this channel... :-P22:05
daftykinsd'aww he's our diddlest dan, you can't take that away from here!22:15

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