
Nothing_Muchguess he's screwed by the hotel00:03
ahoneybunyay ssh tunnels!02:37
Nothing_Muchahoneybun, are you sleeping yet?06:57
ahoneybunballoons: ping13:02
balloonsahoneybun, pong14:54
ahoneybungoing to be at SELF balloons?14:54
balloonsahoneybun, I'm not actually. I had planned on it, but plans change14:55
ahoneybunwe drove by Jax14:55
ahoneybunme and KeithIMyers__ are in NC for it14:55
balloonsyea, I'm not exactly on the way.14:56
balloonsahh nice, you came with Keith, awesome14:56
balloonshave a blast!14:56
ahoneybunballoons: we were joking about picking you up14:56
balloons just a 2 hour detour, you could have :p14:56
ahoneybunwell you would not get on Hangouts!14:57

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