
cmaloneyEvening from Bean and Leaf00:25
jrwrenoh, its CHC time.00:34
jrwrenwell, I think I'll participate remotely.00:34
cmaloneyI'm drinking a milkshake00:35
jrwrenand by participate remotely, i really mean i'll keep working :)00:46
jrwrenI've beeen || <-- that close to solving this problem all day :)00:46
greg-gmmm, milk shake, I want one of those01:17
rick_h_slurpee time here02:44
rick_h_well, it was.../me stares at now empty cup02:44
cmaloneyGood morning13:41
cmaloneybrousch: It's correct from where I'm sitting14:05
brouschChristopher Lee has died14:05
cmaloneyWell, there is that14:05
ColonelPanic001require 'nap.php';17:12
* cmaloney slaps ColonelPanic00117:15
cmaloneyWe don't do PHP here. :)17:15
ColonelPanic001I don't either, when I don't have to17:16
ColonelPanic001but they pay me to, so I do17:16
* PainBank *laughs at cmaloney slapping ColonelPanic001 with his Javascript fish*17:17
jrwrensomeday I should figure out how to work a ciesta into my schedule17:19
cmaloneyPainBank: You're following my Learning Challenge too?17:21
* cmaloney is getting a little nervous now. :)17:21
* jrwren follows17:38
greg-gjrwren: re siesta, ditto, it was a great time when Rowan still napped17:46
jrwrenha! siesta. I can't spell very well.17:47
cmaloneyPebble Time watches showed up at home18:34
cmaloneyI'm at work.18:34
rick_h_that sounds like a problem withe one clear solutoin18:35
rick_h_*cough cough* 'going to head out early getting a headache..I mean..not feeling well18:35
cmaloneyrick_h_: I feel a case of the vapors.18:37
greg-g(is that how it's spelled?)18:38
cmaloneyVerklempt (sp)18:38
mrgoodcatmore openssl CVE18:51
mrgoodcatCVE-2015-1788 "logjam" if you want to google18:51
mrgoodcatit's a ECDHE bad handshake downgrade attack18:51
jrwrenlibressl ftw18:51
mrgoodcatlibressl was also vulnerable18:52
jrwrengnutls ftw!18:58
jrwrensecure transport ftw.18:58
jrwrenmozilla nss ftw!18:58
PainBankcmaloney: yes I am.  it is enjoyable reads.18:59
PainBankcmaloney: I'm having some fun learning AngularJS from www.codecademy.com19:04
PainBankcmaloney: looks like they also have plain javascript.19:04
PainBankthat's funny19:07
mrgoodcatjava the hutt19:11

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