
__Myst__What is fwlps?00:02
__Myst__What is fwlps and is it safe to disable?00:03
jeeves_mossdoes anyone know how to fix this?  http://pastebin.com/exDWWLWw00:04
linuxuz3r__Myst__:  hi i think its a wifi property00:04
linuxuz3ra wifi settings00:04
__Myst__linuxuz3r: Can I disable it?00:05
linuxuz3ri dont know00:05
reisioit probably doesn't control whether your computer explodes or not00:05
linuxuz3ryou can try00:05
__Myst__I'll shut it off00:06
__Myst__I heard it helps with an issue I'm having00:06
jeeves_mossreisio, you still here?00:07
OerHeksips and fwlps are power management modules in some realtek nics00:07
reisiojeeves_moss: what's the problem00:08
__Myst__OerHeks: Can I safely disable it?00:08
OerHekssome mention disabling them is giving network a boost, others warn about it.00:09
__Myst__Warn about it?00:09
__Myst__How OerHeks ?00:09
jeeves_mossdid you see the pastebin?   I keep getting that over and over again in dmesg, and it causes the system to slow to a crawl, then lock totally up00:09
jeeves_mossreisio, http://pastebin.com/exDWWLWw00:11
OerHeks__Myst__, depends on the network devices i guess, try it and see it that works00:12
pavlosjeeves_moss, are you running ubuntu? which?00:13
pingpingpongHi all!00:15
jeeves_mosspavlos, yes, 14.04 LTS00:16
pingpingpongFinally looks like it works. Im new in here.00:16
jeeves_mosspingpingpong, we've all been there.  you have to start at the beginning.  at lest you have a GUI to learn.  when I started, I only had a CLI00:17
pingpingpongWell, i've been in the design field and going to the dev world slowly and a gui is of no good if not done well. And this ios app that I installed is not helping much! :)00:19
pavlosjeeves_moss, not sure if this might help ... http://www.antojose.com/content/solved-how-fix-mmc-mmc2-controller-never-released-inhibit-bit-bits-error-on-ubuntu-or-linux-mint-poulsbo-chipset-msi-x320-laptop00:20
terryleighHi guys, I'm new to setting up a web server.. I've installed Ubuntu 12 LTS.. I'm busy setting up a virtualenv for a Django installation, which directory should I store the envs?00:20
jeeves_mosspavlos, sweet, thanks.  I loaded 14.04 onto a Transformer pad.  it's been an up hill challange. I had to SPI a new BIOS into the unit.00:20
jeeves_mosspavlos, applied that already.  no change00:21
nicomachusI think I've tried just about every possible solution to format this USB drive to create a live disc, but Startup Disc Creator still says it has 0B free space00:22
jeeves_mossnicomachus, what are you using to make the live disk?  a windows box?00:23
nicomachusno, 14.0400:23
jeeves_mossnicomachus, are you using DD to make it?00:23
nicomachusno. just startup disk creator.00:24
jeeves_mossnicomachus, ok, time to get your hands dirty and use DD00:24
ObrienDaveor unetbootin00:24
OerHekswipe it.00:25
jeeves_mossnicomachus, do you know what drive it is?  (ie. /dev/sdb, /dev/sdc, etc)?00:25
jeeves_mossObrienDave, let's teach good habits00:25
nicomachusStartup Disk Creator: https://imgur.com/vUXscw100:25
jeeves_mossnicomachus, once you know the drive, then you run "dd if=<file name> of=</dev/<device>"00:25
ObrienDavegood habits? whatever works is good00:26
nicomachusman, dd makes me so...apprehensive.00:26
HatycatHey does anybody know if ther is a way to get a Youtube or spotify lens for dash ubuntu 15.04? havent used ubuntu in quite some time and appearantly all the old custom lenses are broken on new version of unity?00:26
nicomachusone letter wrong and I overwrite my laptop00:26
jeeves_mossnicomachus, lol.  don't worry.  it's like giving a loaded handgun to a monkey00:26
nicomachusoh yay.00:26
nicomachuslast time I said a command me nervous because of it's raw power, it was rsync, the pc crashed, and I lost 400GB of encrypted data. :/00:27
nicomachusbut hey, why not?00:27
jeeves_mossnicomachus, the command you want is "dd if=/home/nicomachus/Documents/Ubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdb"00:28
Hatycatnah sda00:28
OerHekseh, is that kinston data treveler 3.0 such device that comes with software, also known as U3?00:28
ObrienDaveunetbootin ;P00:28
Hatycatjust try all the letters till it works00:28
jeeves_mossnicomachus, no time like now to learn00:28
jeeves_mossObrienDave, you're making things complicated00:28
gshmuhello, I'm using linux kernel 3.19, How to disable update kernel 3.1300:28
ObrienDaveoh, not like you are ;P00:29
jeeves_mossObrienDave, I'm trying to teach him the correct way of doing it.  Shell is zen00:29
nicomachushaha, jeeves_moss, I hit enter 3 secs before you wrote the command for me.00:29
OerHeks!info u3-tool00:29
nicomachusand your path was off, so I'm glad.00:29
jeeves_mossObrienDave, and it's not like loosing data isn't a good learning exp!00:29
ubottuu3-tool (source: u3-tool): tool for controlling the special features of a U3 USB flash disk. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3-1.1 (vivid), package size 18 kB, installed size 84 kB (Only available for alpha; amd64; arm; armel; armhf; i386; ia64; mipsel; kfreebsd-amd64; kfreebsd-i386; hurd-i386)00:29
jeeves_mossnicomachus, np.  just making sure you could get it.  most people on here are too lazy to type it out in full00:30
ObrienDaveOMG SMH and saunters away00:30
nicomachusOerHeks: there was nothing installed. I bought it from the Fed Ex Office store I had to wait at for 30 minutes today. It was on sale for 3.99. haha00:30
OerHeksWhen i read usb 0 bytes, i think of U3 :-)00:30
jeeves_mossObrienDave, lol00:30
ObrienDaveall yours dude00:30
jeeves_mossObrienDave, thanks00:31
pingpingpongOff-topic! Somebody can help? I'm trying to join the mysql channel on freenode but somehow I can't.00:31
jeeves_mosspingpingpong, you have to reg a nic first00:32
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode00:32
WyZeGuYhello hello hello00:32
pingpingpongI just joined this ubuntu channel and it works but the mysql not.00:32
OerHeksbut that is already said, isn't it?00:32
WyZeGuYhow do you hog open wifi?00:32
nicomachusjeeves_moss: "dd: failed to open ‘/dev/sdb’: Permission denied" wth?00:32
jeeves_mossWyZeGuY, with bacon00:33
jeeves_mossnicomachus, DD requires route00:33
* nicomachus is idiot00:33
WyZeGuYjeeves_moss: hog. clever. lol00:33
jeeves_mossWyZeGuY, the muzzies in here are getting ready to bomb me for that comment00:33
WyZeGuYjeeves_moss: "muzzie". isn't that kind of as degrading as "beaner"?00:34
nicomachusugh dd doesn't have a --progress flag?00:34
jeeves_mossWyZeGuY, I could have said MUCH worse.00:34
WyZeGuYjeeves_moss: of course. we could all do much worse. the humanity is in not doing worse.00:34
jeeves_mossWyZeGuY, hence why I don't get involved in anything that says you should kill over what you belive in.00:35
WyZeGuYsoooo... anyone here know how to snatch open wifi?00:36
jeeves_mossWyZeGuY, look for an open access point00:36
WyZeGuYwhat does that mean?00:37
jeeves_mosswhat is your wieless adaptor listed as?  Wlan0?00:37
WyZeGuYwell, should be. i don't see it in the wireless settings, but i think that's what wireless always is.00:38
jeeves_mossopen a shell and type "ifconfig"00:38
gogishi there00:39
WyZeGuYipconfig says command not found00:39
WyZeGuYoh. ifconfig00:39
nicomachuslol this isn't windows, WyZeGuY00:39
WyZeGuYyes, wlan0.00:39
WyZeGuYi'm scatterbrained.00:39
gogisis there anybody  somehow contributing to Ubuntu development?00:40
jeeves_mossWyZeGuY, it should be ifconfig00:42
WyZeGuYyes, wlan000:42
jeeves_mossWyZeGuY, ok, then run "iwscan list"00:42
gshmui'm uncheck kernel but it downloading ...  https://clbin.com/6CXXnr.png   this may a bug00:42
ObrienDavegogis, yes, there are many. you can visit then in #ubuntu-devel00:42
jeeves_mossWyZeGuY, sorry, that should be "iwscan list"00:42
WyZeGuYjeeves_moss: what's the difference in what you just typed? and do i need to download this iwscan?00:43
TJ-WyZeGuY: Or even "sudo iwlist scan"  !!00:43
Hatycatis it even still possible to make scopes in Unity 8?00:43
WyZeGuYInterface doesn't support scanning.00:44
jeeves_mossWyZeGuY, no, it's installed already.  it's the wirelessconfig mod00:44
WyZeGuYoh, but wlan0 says Scan completed with some info. what's important here?00:44
TJ-WyZeGuY: Look at the ESSIDs that were found, those are the access points discovered00:45
WyZeGuYyes, I'm connected to an open wifi point right now, Hart's Laundry. I'm trying to hog their wifi.00:45
jeeves_mossWyZeGuY, and why are you trying to do this?00:46
WyZeGuYso that it doesn't run snail pace00:46
WyZeGuYand good to know for the future00:46
jeeves_mossanyways guys, I'm going to head back to the house.  I have a server to break00:47
WyZeGuYoh noes00:48
pbxi broke my notification style - now it's just pale blue boxes in the upper left instead of the nice style floating ones (in the upper right) i had before. how do i unbreak?  i thought it was from installing i3 but i removed that...00:50
pbx14.04 linux, unity fwiw00:50
MaimsterSamba4 AD-DC can be a real pain in the butt. Now that it's working I feel better.00:58
digdeepFor a couple of days, my ubuntu clock is out of sync, even it is configured to sync with the internet01:00
fotografistowhat's a replacement for dvd shrink in ubuntu?01:09
bazhang!handbrake | fotografisto01:10
ubottufotografisto: handbrake is a an open-source, GPL-licensed, multiplatform, multithreaded video transcoder, available for MacOS X, Linux and Windows. - http://handbrake.fr01:10
bazhangfotografisto, also avconv and ffmpeg01:11
fotografistogui for those programs?01:11
bazhangsmplayer with mpv fotografisto01:11
bazhangwinff for ffmpeg01:11
bazhangor is that mencoder01:12
vastkahunaWhat do I need to do to Ubuntu in order to be able to play videos from Comcast?01:12
bazhang!info winff01:12
ubottuwinff (source: winff): graphical video and audio batch converter using ffmpeg or avconv. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.5.3-4ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 113 kB, installed size 1493 kB01:12
fronce_handbrake has a gui, dvdbackup has a cli01:12
fotografistoI think you need a tv tuner vastkahuna01:12
bazhangvastkahuna, got ubuntu-restricted-extras installed yet01:12
OerHeksFor most Flash + DRM issues i would say install chrome01:13
vastkahunaNot yet. How do I do that?01:13
bazhangvastkahuna, install from the package manager01:14
nicomachusuh.... what's the administrative password for a live usb?01:18
nicomachusI'm trying to open nautilus with gksu and it's asking for an administrative password...01:18
TJ-nicomachus: there isn't one. Use gksudo01:21
lagrecahi, I'm running xubuntu 14.04.2. Whenever I set brightness to the lowest levels using fn keys and I let my laptop screen dimmed for a long time, I cannot reset brightness to a normal or highest levels. It goes dark, but cannot be light again.01:22
lagrecaWhat can I do in order to solve that?01:22
michelubuntu_TJ-: long time no see01:22
vastkahunaI installed restricted extras and comcast is saying I need to update flash but ubuntu says I have that already01:26
fotografistovastkahuna ubuntu may not be as up to date as adobe's flash01:27
fotografistogo to adobes site you should be able to download it there01:27
fotografistofor linux01:27
fotografistohttps://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/otherversions/ vastkahuna01:28
vastkahunaIt's showing 4 different options, which one do I need?01:29
xangua(20:13:08) OerHeks: For most Flash + DRM issues i would say install chrome - vastkahuna01:30
tewardvastkahuna: Comcast is identifying that you need Flash updated, which you cant get in Ubuntu repos anymore due to Flash dropping Linux support outside of that packaged in Google Chrome01:30
xanguafotografisto: there hasn't been a major flash upgrade since 2012, only security updates01:30
tewardvastkahuna: so I suggest installing Google Chrome.01:30
tewardxangua: and even then, their linux roadmap shows they're planning on total dropping, no new updates, soon enough.  No date, but it said 'soon' last i looked01:31
vastkahunaSo do I get it from the ubuntu software center or from google?01:31
maxxxxxHi. Would someone be so kind as to tell me how to mount my windows partition for the purpose of continuing to resize it?01:31
fotografistoubuntu software center vastkahuna01:31
tewardvastkahuna: https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/desktop/index.html or the software center01:32
kostkonteward, security updates for 11.2.x till 2014, that's the roadmap afaik01:32
tewardvastkahuna: then use Chrome instead of Firefox01:32
maxxxxxfotografisto: me?01:32
tewardkostkon: close enough, but since it's 2015, that effectively means it's all dead01:32
kostkonteward, errm, 2017*01:32
nicomachusughhhh. I'm trying to use rsync to move a temp-mounted encrypted home folder to an external HDD, through a live usb. I can navigate to the ecryptfs location in /mnt/tmp, but rsync says there is no such file or directory there. and if I try to actually go inside the ecryptfs folder, it says permission denied.01:32
vastkahunaOK I'm going to try that now01:32
kostkonteward, sorry01:32
tewardkostkon: still close enough, everything uses the higher version for checks :001:32
xanguavastkahuna: you get Google Chrome, from Google Chrome's site01:32
kostkonvastkahuna, http://www.google.com/chrome/01:33
kostkonvastkahuna, double click on the .deb file01:33
tewardmaxxxxx: if the resize was interrupted you have bigger problems, likely...01:35
Ereur01im new here01:35
voidwelcome Ereur0101:35
maxxxxxNo that's not the issue. When I boot the gparted livecd, it says the files can't be read and its status is unmounted so it won't tell me how much space I can resize, and won't allow me to resize, reward01:36
maxxxxx* teward01:36
tewardmaxxxxx: what's the exact error it says01:37
voidmaxxxxx, u tried resize in windows partition manager?01:37
tewardmaxxxxx: alternatively, use Windows to live resize the thing, if you're on Win7 or later01:38
maxxxxxvoid: it continues querying for available space into infinity01:38
tewards/the thing/itself/01:38
maxxxxxHold on ill take a picture01:38
vastkahunaOK after installing it told me this program is run from a terminal, so do I really need to open a terminal to run chrome or am I misunderstanding?01:39
maxxxxxTeward: void: https://i.imgur.com/l7Tg0XN.jpg01:40
tewardmaxxxxx: sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g     (confirm this is installed)01:41
maxxxxxUgh okay hold on I have to boot Linux now01:41
kostkonvastkahuna, ignore that message01:41
maxxxxxteward: can I do that on gparted or do I have to boot Ubuntu?01:42
kostkonvastkahuna, just search for it in the dash or look for it in your menu01:42
tewardmaxxxxx: you can do that from the live image01:43
teward(ideally it should already be there though...)01:43
maxxxxx(I already hooted ubuntu oops01:44
maxxxxxIt was upgraded01:44
maxxxxxteward: okay now what01:46
maxxxxxteward: ....01:47
tewardmaxxxxx: try gparted now01:47
tewardmaxxxxx: and patience i'm not JUST in this channel, i'm in several01:47
psusimaxxxxx, looks like the partition is corrupt... run scandisk on it from windows01:47
tewardmaxxxxx: i also agree with psusi01:47
maxxxxxpsusi: how01:48
tewardmaxxxxx: language.  that kind of language is bad here, don't.01:48
vastkahuna_I just installed chrome from google and two things, one is comcast is still telling me I need to update flash when I try to play a video, second is the ubuntu software center is telling me that chrome is run from a terminal. What does that mean?01:48
maxxxxxSorry again01:48
tewardmaxxxxx: boot to windows, run `chkdsk /f` and have it reboot to check.01:48
psusior click scandisk in the gui maybe?01:48
OerHeks" for the purpose of continuing to resize it?" did you interrupt it?...01:48
tewardmaxxxxx: Or boot to a Windows install disk to use its recovery environment01:48
tewardpsusi: it'll still force reboot01:48
tewardpsusi: can't make changes to Win filesys when mounted/running apparently01:48
teward(ran into that with my dualboot last week)01:48
pbxvastkahuna_, chrome does not install flash.  that's a separate bit.01:48
maxxxxxI don't have an install disk01:48
kostkon<kostkon> vastkahuna, ignore that message01:48
psusiteward, that's true of most filesystems, but that's not what the message is saying01:49
maxxxxxIs there a way to just blast windows from the disk?01:49
kostkonvastkahuna_, you probably missed my earlier message01:49
tewardpsusi: True, but 'scandisk' from inside Windows will enforce a reboot to actually fix things01:49
pbxvastkahuna_, dont' worry about starting chrome from terminal, just tap the windows key and type 'chrome' (among other ways)01:49
tewardpsusi: and from that, I speak of experience, unless you mean from Linux?01:49
psusimaxxxxx, you don't care about any files in that partition?  then just delete it01:49
lnxmenIs there any way to downgrade Plasma5 in Kubuntu 15.04?01:49
maxxxxxOkay hold on I'm gonna see if anything important is left...01:49
psusiteward, yea, of course we're talking about from linux?01:50
OerHekslnxmen, no.01:52
tewardpsusi: i think you need to explain to me how to run a scandisk from Linux, unless i'm so tired I'm misreading you01:52
teward(I'm still up at that spot)01:52
lnxmenOerHeks: Well, okay. Thank you.01:52
OerHekslnxmen, you might want to check #kubuntu too, but you would get the same answer i guess01:53
lnxmenI have already checked.01:53
psusiteward, you don't... you run it from windows, as I said...01:53
=== YlerGets is now known as YlerGets-Away
lnxmen(I mean, no response.)01:53
vastkahuna_OK that got it fixed, but now I have two versions of chrome instaleed, googles official one and also chromium. Do I need them both?01:53
tewardpsusi: i missed that, sorry, i'm tired from dissecting python code at work all day :/01:54
kostkonvastkahuna_, you only need chrome, since chromium comes without pepperflash support01:54
vastkahuna_OK thanks01:55
kostkonvastkahuna_, scratch that. you can install pepperflash in chromium.01:55
kostkonvastkahuna_, as well*01:55
kostkonvastkahuna_, for DRM playback though, Chrome is a safe bet.01:56
vastkahuna_Now if I want to install the restricted extras from the terminal, what command do I need?01:56
kostkonvastkahuna_, either search for ubuntu-restricted-extras in the software centre, or just give  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras in a terminal01:57
maxxxxxAlright I'm nuking windows02:00
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=== YlerGets-Away is now known as YlerGets
=== lenny is now known as lenny`goodnight
treeprogramIf I install both Ubuntu and Windows on a single machine, and the Windows machines get a virus like CTB Locker, can the virus affect the files on the partition used by Ubuntu?02:05
kali__can someone help me ?02:05
treeprogramI'm trying to determine whether my Ubuntu files will be endangered due to installing Windows in a dual-boot setting02:05
maxxxxxNot unless you open the infected file in the Ubuntu setting02:06
kali__Is there anyway to hack wordpress websites without brute force password  ?02:07
kali__From vulnerabilities ?02:07
psusitreeprogram, just make sure you tell windows to install to a partition you create for it and to leave the ubuntu partition alone, then you have to reinstall grub so you can boot ubuntu again02:08
psusikali__, I sense a ban stick in your future02:08
kali__psusi ?02:09
maxxxxxkali__: this channel isn't about helping people partake in illegal/illicit behavior02:09
kali__ok , talk privately :P02:10
maxxxxxpsusi: how do you check drive size in terminal?02:10
psusimaxxxxx, from the perspective of the filesystem if it is mounted?  df.. raw disk?  lsblk or parted -l or fdisk pl02:11
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OerHekssilly kali__ , your question is offtopic here in #ubuntu and illegal on #freenode.02:11
psusifdisk -l rather, not pl02:11
rapper97What is the difference between setting the boot loader device at e.g. /dev/sda vs /dev/sda2 ?02:14
maxxxxxI did df -h02:15
nicomachusdd needs a progress option.02:16
=== longdong is now known as catalase
rapper97nicomachus>> I just heard someone the other night talking about making it do so with pv but I have no idea how one would do that.02:18
nicomachusrsync has a --progress flag, but not dd. :/02:18
Bashing-omnicomachus: Well, there is a means to get a status of where 'dd' is . see: 'man dd ' for the instruction .02:20
Ben64pv /dev/zero | of=/dev/null02:21
Ben64dd of=/dev/null   ***02:21
moseshow do i have a console window always open to ssh to my irssi?02:22
mosesusing ubuntu02:22
mosesi got it02:22
unkn0wn@moses. use screen02:23
mosesthat way even if i close the terminal irssi will still be running?02:23
leonichello hoe do i installl lx viewer02:23
unkn0wnwell you can detach from your screen session and then reattach to it using screen -Udr02:24
unkn0wnscreen takes a little getting used to but its worth learning02:24
mosesi use it on my server when i ssh02:25
mosesshould i use it on this comp also02:25
unkn0wnperfect. yeah just leave it running02:25
leonici downloaded the tar.gz file but i do know how to install it02:25
mosesi connect to that server via ssh from this computer02:25
mosesshould i run screen here also?02:25
unkn0wnwell i leave it running on my server and then if i wanna irc is just jump on my server and reattach to my screen session02:26
OerHeksleonic, double click onthe tar.gz, fileroller opens, unpack it, and read the read.me inside it02:26
unkn0wnive also heard of tmux but never used it.02:27
unkn0wnbeen meaning to check that out02:27
leonicis home my working directori or is system  ?¿02:28
Ben64whatever directory you are in02:29
OerHeksleonic, yes, home02:30
OerHeks( to unpack from fileroller)02:30
sylarmaybe someone here knows, how private is chating over xchat and here02:33
reisiosylar: not02:34
reisioand even if it were, you'd be chatting in a room with 1737 other people02:34
reisiomake that 1500 other people and 237 covert logging bots02:34
moseswhats a really good programming text editor to use for ubuntu? vim?02:35
sylari was just curious, i always noticed that xchat existed, but never used it... What's its purpose02:35
mosesfor a beginner02:35
reisiomoses: yes02:35
reisiomoses: mmm, Vim takes a little learning, run 'vimtutor' if you're interested02:35
reisiootherwise it doesn't really matter, whatever comes with your DE will work until you graduate02:35
reisiosylar: it's an IRC client02:35
reisioIRC's purpose is manifold02:36
reisioIRC conveys all knowledge02:36
reisioIRC destroys all time02:36
reisioIRC satisfies all desires02:36
reisioIRC satisfies none02:36
nicomachussylar: are you using a VPN?02:37
nicomachusor proxy of any kind?02:37
sylari probably am not02:37
nicomachusLooks like you're currently in Slunj, Croatia.02:37
nicomachusI can give latitude and longitude if you want.02:37
nicomachusDoes that answer your question about privacy?02:38
sylarthats wrong but close... how did you do that02:38
sylarpretty much02:38
neurotsylar nicomachus is the FBI02:38
nicomachushaha, closer than you think to the truth, neurot. ;)02:38
sylaror he used my ip02:39
nicomachussylar: all of this information is freely available for all users: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11693694/02:39
neurotnicomachus your taking advantage of a VPN02:40
nicomachusof course.02:40
neurotprivate Internet access VPN is the best one for no logs02:41
neurotsmart man02:41
nicomachuseh, they're still located in the US. But we're off topic now.02:41
unkn0wnagreed PIA is the best02:42
Koyaanisbut how do you know if a VPN is really not logging02:42
dem0ni don't know if PIA is the absolute best02:42
dem0nibvpn and cyberghost are really good02:42
reisiothat's why you use two proxies :p02:42
reisioor eleven02:42
nicomachusI prefer 9 proxies, personally.02:42
unkn0wnthats a great point. you dont.. haha you just have to take their word for it02:42
reisiofrom a café02:42
dem0nreisio lol02:42
reisiowhile wearing shades02:42
reisioor you could just buy a baseball bat02:42
nicomachusbut again, anything that isn't ubuntu support should be taken to #ubuntu-offtopic02:42
reisiothat keeps people from screwing you, too02:42
dem0nthere is always the test...02:42
dem0nuse your vpn02:42
unkn0wnwhy not host your own vpn server?02:43
dem0npost of facebook that you are are a terrorist02:43
KoyaanisALLAHU AQBAR02:43
dem0nif your door doesn't get kicked in...they don't log02:43
reisiopeople say vpn when they mean proxy02:43
nicomachustalk about VPN's on ##networking or #ubuntu-offtopic02:43
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:43
nicomachusthanks somsip02:43
reisiodem0n: free speech in my country :D02:43
dem0nnico...okay okay02:43
Koyaanislets go to networking02:44
HoloIRCUser1What is new in ubuntu 15.0402:44
somsipHoloIRCUser1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VividVervet/ReleaseNotes#New_features_in_15.0402:44
dem0nwow is ubuntu 15 already out?...02:44
somsipdem0n: 15.04 in April '15, and 15.10 in Oct '1502:45
nicomachushow long should this dd command take to run?02:46
gh0striderwhich dd command?..02:46
nicomachusI'm cloning a 1TB internal HDD to a 1TB external HDD, but there's less than 400 GB of data02:46
gh0striderthat will take awhile02:46
somsipnicomachus: often depends on the BS setting. Paste the command02:46
nicomachussudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdc02:47
nicomachusexecuted it about an hour ago.02:47
gh0striderBS setting is a factor that is for sure...but writting 400GB will take awhile regardless02:48
somsipnicomachus: :) - well, 1TB is a lot. FWIW http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=213902702:48
nicomachusit's also going over usb 2.002:48
somsipnicomachus: then I'd adjust my estimate to 'longer than a while'02:48
nicomachusguess I'll just plan on letting it run overnight...02:49
tewardnicomachus: which further slows down your transfer rate, 3.0 would be faster.  And 1TB is a lot of data.  400GB being transferred is definitely a while at least, potentially even over a couple hours depending on different factors02:49
somsipnicomachus: I was just going to suggest you sleep on it02:49
tewardnicomachus: that'd be my idea, yes, let it keep running overnight02:49
reisionicomachus: why dd?02:49
nicomachusteward: if the mobo supported 3.0 that's how it would be moving.02:49
tewardnicomachus: still not my point, even then it'd still take a while, suggestion is to leave it running overnight.02:50
nicomachusreisio: it's an encrypted drive and I'm having trouble getting to the Home folder data.02:50
nicomachusthe mobo/RAM/CPU all may be bad, so I'm just cloning the drive to an external and going to try to recover from my laptop.02:50
nicomachusthis is basically a last-ditch effort to recover the data.02:52
reisionicomachus: what, the drive is dying?02:53
nicomachusreisio: bootloader is completely broken. I've tried so many different things. originally the grub config was trying to boot the 3.13 kernel when 3.19 was installed, but I fixed that and still can't boot.02:54
reisiobootloader has nothing to do with data integrity, really02:54
nicomachusit's encrypted though. and it doesn't want to unwrap the passphrase.02:54
reisioyou're probably typing it wrong, or using it wrong, then02:55
nicomachuslol, no.02:55
reisiothat's a problem, but there's no reason to suspect your data is in trouble02:55
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nicomachuswhen I thought I finally had it, every file in the folder showed up as "ecrypt.fsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" with a ton of random characters.02:55
DrBotatoI'm super stuck on getting a init.d script working. when i run the service directly it loads fine, but when i try to start it with sudo service it doesn't run, it doesn't produce any errors it just goes back to the command line. This is my script: http://kopy.io/PEE1I02:56
HoloIRCUser1Try to repair bootloader boot-repair nicomachus02:56
reisionicomachus: that sounds about right, actually02:56
reisionicomachus: ecryptfs is FUSE based, IIRC02:57
reisiohaven't used it, though02:57
HatycatI hate to be a spammer, but does anybody know anything about custom lenses for dash in unity 8? i want muh built in youtube search02:57
nicomachusHoloIRCUser1: been there. that was the first thing I tried, of course. and yes reisio it's FUSE02:57
reisioI wouldn't dd a TB over it, anyway02:57
RazWellesSo I'm installing gnome-ubuntu, and when I get to the option to "Erase disk and install" it shows the hourglass-yin-yang icon for a few moments then goes back to mouse02:57
RazWellesI can't seem to get it to go into install beyond tha02:57
RazWellesAny idea what's up?02:57
nicomachusreisio: it's going to get a fresh install on the internal HDD anyway, doesn't hurt me any to clone it over to the external first.02:57
nicomachusexcept time. haha02:58
nicomachusbut that's what they made cigs and beer for. waiting.02:58
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ballyhooIs this the appropriate place to ask questions about running Ubuntu on a Macbook Air?03:16
nicomachusask away, ballyhoo03:18
aubahey , i have some badsectors in my hard disk , how can i fix that ?03:19
ballyhooIt rather concerns the battery life issue. I have an early 2014 Macbook Air and when running Ubuntu the battery life seems to be abysmal. Is there something that I've missed or not configured properly?03:19
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xor_ax_axcould it be normal battery wear?03:20
ballyhooxor_ax_ax, I don't think so. I get 9-12 hours on OSX.03:21
nicomachusballyhoo: do you dual-boot and still get 9-12 hours?03:21
ballyhooYeah, I was dual booting with refind and while booted into OSX I get around 9-12 hours, but in Ubuntu I'm lucky to get 3 hours.03:22
ballyhooI know the Macbook Air is a rather custom piece of hardware, but I just wanted to check to see if there was something I was missing.03:23
rican-linuxI just installed Ubuntu-GNOME on my MBP and my wife's MB Air03:24
nicomachusballyhoo: perhaps this will help? https://askubuntu.com/questions/158778/why-does-ubuntu-have-about-2x-shorter-battery-life-than-os-x-on-macbook03:24
nicomachusseems to indicate drivers that have poor power management.03:24
RonWhoCaresI am trying to burn a DVD.  The previous burn failed.  There is no "CUT" option to remove the files from the previous one.  Is there a way to remove them?03:24
Ben64is it a dvdr03:24
RonWhoCaresThe DVD isn't burned03:25
RonWhoCaresIt is in a cache some where03:25
nicomachusballyhoo: this will be helpful, I think: https://askubuntu.com/questions/285434/is-there-a-power-saving-application-similar-to-jupiter/285681#28568103:25
Ben64RonWhoCares: what software03:25
ballyhoonicomachus, seems to be the case. It's a fairly new machine so it is quite possible. I'll try this laptop-mode-tools thing, though.03:25
felix__29Hi, has anybody experience with ubuntu 14.04 getting stuck on the purple screen when booting?03:25
RonWhoCaresBen64: CD/DVD Creator Folder is showing03:25
nicomachusballyhoo: that second link is VERY detailed on different power-saving methods.03:26
ballyhoonicomachus, ahh, I see now. Lots of information. Thanks for the help! Lots to try out now.03:27
RonWhoCareshow O di remove it03:30
RonWhoCareshow do I clear that folder03:30
nicomachusfelix__29: can you be more specific?03:31
michael_pi tried to install nvidia drivers 3.46 on 15.04 it gets me to the splash screen then the screen gose blank03:32
Bashing-ommichael_p: The 346 driver is available in the software reposistory in release 15.04; How are you installing the driver ?03:35
michael_pthere is a youtube channel03:36
nicomachusa youtube channel?03:37
michael_pbut its for 14.0403:38
nicomachusthat's for the 340 driver. can you boot now or does it just go to black?03:40
Bashing-ommichael_p: If you have not installed any proprietary driver. the driver is available in the repo. just install it by ' sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ' / That is a big IF .03:41
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doublethinkerhello. I am trying to update with software updater but it says I don't have enough space.03:43
somsipdoublethinker: so what do you need help with?03:44
doublethinkerincreasing space to the partition03:45
somsip!gparted | doublethinker03:45
ubottudoublethinker: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php03:45
Bashing-omdoublethinker: Try terminal command ' sudo apt-get autoremove ' to remove the old kernels.03:45
doublethinkeri have gparted open03:46
doublethinkerthe /boot only has 250mb03:46
somsipdoublethinker: you know you cant resize a partition that is in use?03:46
michael_pthis is it  if it dont work i have reinstall03:47
doublethinkersomsip, what do I do then?03:47
nicomachusBashing-om: old kernels are stored in /boot aren't they? and it'll allow quite a few to build up before autoremove even touches them.03:48
Bashing-omdoublethinker: Maybe a victum also ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1357093 .03:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 1357093 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "LVM or Encrypted install creates too small /boot partition" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:48
somsipdoublethinker: take Bashing-om's advice on removing old kernels first as it's the easy solution. Have you done that>?03:48
WyZeGuYis it a good idea to disable SSH root login, to prevent hacking? is that what that does?03:49
Ben64it comes disabled03:49
somsipWyZeGuY: restriction of access is an important part of security03:50
WyZeGuYoh cool03:50
nicomachusdoublethinker: instructions on deleting old kernels here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/RemoveOldKernels03:50
doublethinkeri ran the command Bashing-om posted, now i'm trying to update again03:50
WyZeGuYBen64: thanks03:50
Bashing-omnicomachus: No, apt-get has been re-written to remove old jernels and leave the 2 latest ( in default settings )03:51
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nicomachusBashing-om: as of when? I had to manually remove 4 old kernels last week.03:51
Bashing-omnicomachus: As of 13.04 best I recall . We need to look and see what you have configured . 12.04 does not have this ability !03:53
nicomachusit was a machine going from 14.10 to 15.04. It's done and gone now, was a friend's.03:54
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doublethinkerit worked. thank you folk.04:00
ZarathuztraLooking for some help with ubuntu server 14.04 -- Can't seem to see it on my network. 1st time setup04:02
Bashing-omnicomachus: K, next time you run into this, check " /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01autoremove-kernels " file .04:05
Bashing-omdoublethinker: :) add your voice to the bug report, please .04:06
nicomachusmy laptop seems to be fine: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11694062/04:08
doublethinkerStatus changed to 'Confirmed' because the bug affects multiple users.04:10
nicomachuswho ever said one man can't make a difference?04:10
Bashing-omnicomachus: Yepper, look'n good .' uname -r ] say you are up on 3.13.0-54-generic ?04:11
Bashing-omnicomachus: Well there is a kernal update  to -54 .04:13
nicomachusisn't 15.04 on 3.19?04:13
nicomachusmy laptop is still on 14.0404:14
Bashing-omnicomachus: the 3.19 series is wily .04:15
nicomachusthe harddrive I'm working on recovering right now had grub broken on the 14.10-15.04 upgrade because of the 3.19 kernel. grub config was trying to 3.13 but 3.19 was installed.04:18
nicomachusand, of course, as soon as you mention the update to -54: https://imgur.com/A63KXj604:19
Bashing-omMicromus: HWE - HardWare Enablement stack - pops to mind . Unless there is a need, don't !04:19
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ircnode0somebody know why I can't get wired network. However, after I suspend and start Ubuntu 14.04, then I will always get wired network. This happens always when I reboot my machine. The computer is dual bootted.04:25
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KubishimeAnyone able to help me un-fuck myself? Need to create a bootable installer for OSX on Linux...04:27
Ben64first off, watch the language in this channel, and secondly, you should be asking the osx support channel how to do that04:28
lotuspsychjeircnode0: whats your network card chipset?04:29
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ircnode0lotuspsychje: "Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Connection I217-LM (rev 04)"04:31
lotuspsychjeircnode0: and driver loaded?04:31
ircnode0lotuspsychje: "firmware=0.13-3"04:34
lotuspsychjeircnode0: and in front? intel..?04:34
ircnode0lotuspsychje: this "/sys/class/net/eth0/device/driver -> ../../../bus/pci/drivers/e1000e"?04:35
lotuspsychjeircnode0: sudo lshw -C network should show it behind driver=04:36
ircnode0lotuspsychje: driver=e1000e driverversion=2.3.2-k04:37
lotuspsychjeircnode0: did you install ubuntu with internet enabled + updates during setup?04:37
ircnode0lotuspsychje: I just click "Install Ubuntu", then Ubuntu install something in the background. ^^;;04:38
ircnode0lotuspsychje: I didn't select any package.04:39
jr_Does the desktop sharing app that comes with ubuntu encrypted by default?04:39
jr_is the desktop sharing app*04:39
lotuspsychjeircnode0: sta setup start you can choose to enable updates during install04:39
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ircnode0lotuspsychje: you want me to update packages?04:40
jr_I am looking up information on the desktop sharing app and some people say that it is but I want someone to confirm it for me04:40
lotuspsychjeircnode0: are you up to date to 14.04.2?04:41
Ben64jr_: yep, uses encrypted vnc04:41
ircnode0lotuspsychje: Yes I am. "Description:Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS", from lsb_release -a04:42
jr_Ben64: thanks. I'm reading the reviews in the store...a lot of people say it can't establish connections...is this true or do you think these people are just being salty?04:42
lotuspsychjeircnode0: maybe check the intel website for more recent driver?04:43
Ben64hard to find a client on windows that can do it easily, but thats not the fault of the program04:43
jr_Ben64: ah I'm using everything ubuntu. No windows. One last thing, I'm seeing that it eats up processing power. More salty people?04:43
ircnode0lotuspsychje: The driver always work after the suspension. I find it annoying to start Ubuntu, suspend and wake Ubuntu up to get network work.04:45
lotuspsychjeircnode0: maybe try a no_acpi boot?04:46
Ben64jr_: i'm running it+2 games on wine+mythtv+steam+other stuff, and everything works fine for me, idk04:46
jr_Ben64: sounds cash. Thx BB04:46
wadSo I've got a command I'd like to run automatically on my Ubuntu box, every night at 8. Normally, I'd use cron. But this won't work, because the command does a bunch of ssh commands to different boxen. Is there a way to get around this?04:46
EriC^^wad: why don't you put them in a script and use cron to run that?04:46
wadI've got it in a script.... but won't this still lack my kets?04:47
wadI assumed it would not... I'll try it.04:47
ircnode0lotuspsychje: Well I can try that. I will also try to remove network module and insert it back also.04:48
lotuspsychjeircnode0: yeah i would try a fresh 14.04 install with all updates enabled during install + internet on04:49
ircnode0lotuspsychje: thank you for helping.04:50
lotuspsychjeircnode0: no sweat mate04:50
jr_I'm trying to configure the port for remote desktop in ubuntu. How do I do this?04:51
jr_Ben42: Sorry to call on you again. Do you know?04:51
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wadOkay, yeah, that fails.04:52
wadThe cron process doesn't have access to my keys and such.04:52
EriC^^wad: ^04:52
* wad clicky04:52
wadAha! That looks like what I needed!04:54
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lotuspsychjejr_: for one time use, you can try teamviewer also04:58
linuxuz3ris there a dev channel for ubuntu04:58
lotuspsychjejr_: just be carefull with remote viewing software enabled 24/704:58
lotuspsychjelinuxuz3r: #ubuntu-devel and #ubuntu-touch04:58
jr_lotuspsychje: I can't use teamviewer. It is not cleared as an industry standard (work)04:59
jr_Also it records sessions, this is confidential info.04:59
lotuspsychjejr_: ah okay, vnc over ssh or only ssh?04:59
jr_either, so long as it is encrypted04:59
jr_yes I know it's encrypted05:00
Shaun_I recently have installed mozilla browser from its souce site but how to install these apps in tar.bz2 format in ubuntu?05:00
jr_But I can't figure out how to set the port for the client computer05:00
zztoplessHi, Does anyone know if using two GPUs for CUDA data processing, do they need to be in SLI (or xfire, but SLI in this case)?  These are two 570 GTXs (differnt brands)05:00
lotuspsychjeShaun_: router or firewall block?05:01
jr_lotuspsychje: do you know how?05:01
lotuspsychjeShaun_: why did you install firefox from source?05:01
jr_I cant find anything on google05:01
lotuspsychjejr_: remote desktop should work out of the box i think05:02
jr_lotuspsychje: yes I know. But I want to set the ports myself05:02
lotuspsychjejr_: will be in some config, nto sure where05:02
jr_Thanks for the info05:03
Shaun_there were updates of mozilla but canonical provides its critical updates. can you help me in its maual setup and installeation?05:03
Shaun_Its next update would be in April 2017 by canonical.05:04
lotuspsychjeShaun_: its reccomended to use firefox version, for the ubuntu version you have05:04
OerHeksShaun_, that is not true05:04
ltk_why is win8 starting so faster?05:05
Shaun_You can check out software center if I/m not true.05:05
aeon-ltdltk_: wrong channel?05:05
rockook hello     i just downloaded nvidia driver on mu ubuntu and now it wont work05:06
KubishimeAnyone know how to create a bootable USB for Mac in Linux?05:06
lotuspsychjerocko: from where?05:06
ltk_no, i want to know linux can reach the plane05:06
zztoplessltk_ faster than what?  Windows 10 is faster again, but many nix distros are faster, depends what you  value05:07
HoloIRCUserLinux bootable05:07
HoloIRCUserLinux bootable ??? For mac???05:07
ltk_for example?05:07
Shaun_The installed version does not support many features provided by the latest version. So I just want you to help me in its manual installation.05:07
KubishimeHoloIRCUser yeah05:07
zztoplesskubuntu 15.05 with kde 5.3 is as fast as windows 10 imo and just as pretty (both still buggy)05:08
Shaun_Is it possible by the way?05:08
ltk_compare with linux( eg: ubuntu 14.04)05:08
OerHeksShaun_, and what is that latest version?05:08
zztoplesswhat flavour of  14.04 are you running that is slow for you and what hardware?05:08
ltk_lenovo y430p05:09
ltk_no ssd05:09
Shaun_Its probably Firefox3805:09
Shaun_But the installed one is 18.something.05:10
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OerHeks!info firefox trusty05:10
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 38.0+build3-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 (trusty), package size 37866 kB, installed size 88668 kB05:10
xanguaShaun_ what ubuntu release are you using¿05:11
OerHeksthat would be the same as the website :-)05:11
OerHeks!info firefox precise05:11
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 38.0+build3-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 (precise), package size 45040 kB, installed size 88681 kB05:11
xanguaShaun_ when was the last time you run the update manager¿05:11
Shaun_I recently have installed ubuntu 12.04.1 might be 15 days ago but did not performed any update though.05:13
ltk_oh, now i fall a sleep. bye05:14
OerHekssudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:14
OerHeksthen you will end up with 12.04.505:15
HoloIRCUserUbuntu Startup Disk Creator05:15
HoloIRCUserThis will help u to creat usb stick for ubuntu and for all debian base os05:16
Shaun_Is it not possible to manually install the apps in ubuntu by the way?05:16
bruceleehow do i bake a preseed file into a bootable efi kernel image?05:17
somsipShaun_: it is possible, but not always a good idea. Why do you want to do this?05:17
OerHeksShaun_, if you are not updated, you will get errors05:17
xanguaso you are far behind security updates and just want to keep on like that¿ Shaun_05:18
xangua3 years of security updates far behind05:18
OerHeksand blaming ubuntu does not upgrade untill 2017 :-D05:19
* OerHeks freak poodle heartbleeds 05:20
wafflejockShaun_, it's possible it's just not typically recommended in here since manually installed packages typically don't get updates automatically and aren't tested with the OS so it's at your own risk05:22
Shaun_The new version is running .05:23
Shaun_I downloaded the files for the latest version and extracted them. In the files there was an icon of executable file for it. The firefox successfully ran but what is so surprising is it still shows the information of version 18.0.2. Any reasons?05:29
Shaun_I downloaded the files for the latest version and extracted them. In the files there was an icon of executable file for it. The firefox successfully ran but what is so surprising is it still shows the information of version 18.0.2. Any reasons?05:32
excelsiorahey, how do I get alt-shift in tty1?05:34
lotuspsychjeShaun_: you how been suggested not installing firefox from source05:34
lotuspsychje!tty | excelsiora05:37
ubottuexcelsiora: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution05:37
excelsioralotuspsychje: I'm down with all of that, my problem is the chord alt-shift doesn't work. is there a workaround?05:38
excelsioradoes that make sense?05:42
rick_Hi All, If the system hang without any kernel message output, what can I do to know why it crash?05:42
excelsiorathat is, I'm in tty1, in emacs orgmode, and alt-shift doesn't work05:42
excelsiorais there a workaround?05:43
excelsioraa different term emulator I could use?05:43
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harishkruporick_, dont you have dmesg output05:45
rick_harishkrupo, no, the system completely freeze and no console output any more...05:47
harishkrupowhen does it freeze?05:48
harishkrupodo you suspect any application or does it freeze on login?05:48
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rick_I play 2d test05:49
rick_and system hang randomly, sometimes play 20 hours without any error, sometimes hang05:50
rick_Since I update kernel to 3.18.14, I am interesting if I can find what happens in kernel?05:50
harishkrupowhat is 2d test05:51
excelsiorashould I go to Debian or Linux IRC?05:52
harishkrupono debian will redirect you back here generally05:52
harishkrupoand if you are sure it is a kernel issue then you can go to linux irc05:53
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* floaterdude says hello people!05:53
harishkrupodmesg is the way to find out the messages from the kernel05:54
harishkruporick_, check /var/log/kern.log05:55
somsiprick_: I'd suspect hardware. Maybe you should investigate hardware issues like overheating05:55
somsiprick_: ...bad memory...failing mobo/video....etc05:57
rick_harishkrupo, system freeze and I can't do anything even check /var/log/kern.log05:58
lotuspsychjerick_: computer brand?05:59
harishkruporick_, kern.log has log of almost 2 days05:59
harishkruporick_, so restart and then check05:59
pragomerI want to install Ubuntu 14.04 on an ACER Aspire E17.. in Bios the harddisk shows "hd0 : frozen"    in Gparted Ubuntu does not see any partition... never had this issue.. whats this, "hd frozen??"06:16
cfhowlettpragomer, never seen that error but it sounds ominous06:16
CondomsOptionaldid you try formatting the drive to the black sector?06:16
CondomsOptionalthere is the black thing in gparted06:16
pragomerseems like hd is bios protected.. but no chance to edit this..06:17
CondomsOptionalit's the black square it formats it to all 0s I think06:17
pragomerthere ARE partitions on the disk.. because win7 is pre-installed and works !06:17
cfhowlettpragomer, should be editable on boot up06:17
CondomsOptionalif you wipe the drive clean it should override no matter what06:17
pragomermm.. yes.. I wanted to "keep" the windows as dual boot06:18
IVplayEeeewwww... Windows...06:18
CondomsOptionalalso did you you boot from a flash drive?06:19
tr3eeif i would like ubuntu to be the primary os i will keep windows in virtualbox, just power up when needed06:21
xanguais that a statement or a question?06:22
teszthy :D06:28
tesztxubuntu is awesome os :D06:28
tesztwe love this in our school06:30
cfhowlettteszt, this is the problem solving channel.  continue it #ubuntu-offtopic06:30
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cestdiegohello, anyone around? I'm in big trouble. I accidentally deleted the file `/usr/bin/i386` and I'm too afraid to reboot to see if my system was compromised06:47
unclouded"sudo ln -s setarch /usr/bin/i386" to get it back if it's Ubuntu 14.0406:48
cestdiegounclouded: *thanks*06:49
cestdiegothat happens when you try to delete i3 WM by sudo rm /usr/bin/i3* ;_;06:50
cestdiegooh...but I have Ubuntu 64 bits though...will that be a problem? :Oo06:51
uncloudedsame here and that symlink is what it looks like on my system06:51
cestdiegoare there any other i3* stuff there? :(06:51
uncloudednot on this machine although it's a fairly fresh installation06:52
cestdiegooh ok that's ok same here06:52
cestdiegoI can't thank you enough :unclouded06:52
cestdiegok thx gtg and restart06:52
nxtzanyone read me?06:55
cfhowlett!test | nxtz06:55
ubottunxtz: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )06:55
nxtzthanks :)06:55
uncloudedhow would I go about diagnosing why my scanner doesn't work?  simple-scan hangs with no output.  I have rw permission in /dev/bus/usb/..  it's a CanoScan LiDE 2006:57
AtuMis there a way to upgrade maverick to natty at this point? can "do-release-upgrade" use "old-releases" ?06:58
cfhowlett!eolupgrade | AtuM06:58
ubottuAtuM: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades06:58
bruceleedoes installing ubuntu in UEFI mode create an ESP07:14
jeeves_mossis there a way to set the affinity for MySQL on Debian07:15
cfhowlettjeeves_moss, wrong channel.  ask #debian07:15
jeeves_mosscfhowlett, I'm actually runnung Ubuntu on this box.  and ubuntu apparently is a bad word in the #mysql channel07:16
jeeves_mossugh....  I want to go back to the 90s.  things were simplier07:20
uncloudedjeeves_moss: go back to the 80s: simpler still07:22
cfhowlettstill too much like work.  go back to the fifties when only government and universities ever had to worry about computers.07:23
uncloudedI suspect some sort of USB3 thing with this scanner.  it doesn't work on Ubuntu 12.04 or 14.04 on a host with USB3, doesn't work on Debian 7.8 with USB3 but *does* work on Debian 7.8 on a host with USB2 hardware07:26
=== GeertJohan is now known as GeertJohan|ircc
SubCoolanyone up... im having an issue with wine and picasa07:40
OerHeksSubCool, join the wine channel for applicationhelp07:41
SubCoolwell, more directly. Im having an issue installing it.07:41
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu07:41
OerHekssad that picassa is discontinued for linux07:41
ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications07:42
SubCoolty, i forgot about that.07:42
SubCoolIt erks me too. I ran into a couple programs that work on linux for it. but i ike the face recognition.07:43
SubCoolbut i cant remember what they are.07:43
ubottucedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega07:45
SubCooli use to use it a long time ago. I might just skip it. im so done with headaches.07:45
SubCoolwine is refusing to see the file. its so stupid.07:46
SubCoollike check that out..07:47
Ben64if you're in the directory already, just 'wine picasa39-setup.exe'07:48
SubCooli did, but thats the point.07:49
Ben64ls -l picasa39-setup.exe07:49
SubCool-rw-rw-r-- 1 subcool subcool 17385800 Feb 13 15:00 picasa39-setup.exe07:50
Ben64how did you install wine07:50
Ben64run winecfg, go to the drives tab, make sure you have either / or /home mapped to a drive letter07:51
SubCoolgood call07:54
SubCoolyoure too awesome07:54
=== Yukkii is now known as Dhs92
EvanionHello, I have setup a sentry running supervisor and nginx, I can start the service just fine on the sentry user, but when I try to tail the supervisor task, I get a 'no log file' error?08:01
EvanionI have tried with both syslog and absolute paths08:02
shibu_I have a one pendrive which is not format in windows and by gparted how can i format this pendrive08:12
shibu_Hlo everyone08:17
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chris_hi, i swapped my graphics card and upgraded to 970gtx i have nvidia-356-updates installed. my second monitor is now only present as unknown monitor and i can't select the correct resolution.08:20
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amitprakashHi, it seems the uwsgi init script overrides the logto directive for the application, how do I fix this?08:34
shibu_I have one pendrive which is not formated by windows how can i format pendrive from the ubuntu?08:34
shibu_PLease help me08:34
AtuMshibu_, how big is the pendrive?08:35
shibu_16 bb08:35
shibu_16 gb08:35
Ben64open gparted, format to whatever you want08:36
shibu_I tried by gpated but it is not worked08:36
Ben64elaborate on 'not worked'08:36
AtuMshibu_, you might need ntfs-3g support packages08:36
shibu_How can i get ntfs-3g support packages08:37
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AtuMshibu_, or mkdosfs if you want FAT3208:37
Ben64or before installing a bunch of stuff, explain what exactly you're trying to do, and what is stopping you08:38
shibu_The disk utility says Error formating disk (Error synchronizing after initial wipe:Timed out waiting for object (udisk-error-quark, 0) while i try to format my pendrive08:40
AtuMshibu_, it might be broken.. have you checked "dmesg" output?08:41
Ben64use gparted instead08:41
shibu_I used gparted but not worked08:41
Ben64not worked how...08:41
shibu_is there any graphical application for format pendrive08:41
Ben64yes. gparted08:42
AtuMshibu_, gparted is best08:42
shibu_I tried gparted believe me08:42
shibu_but not worked....08:42
Ben64well you're not saying how it 'not worked'08:42
AtuMshibu_, your pendrive might be broken.. believe me08:42
Ben64so how do you expect anyone to help you08:42
shibu_I mean while i tried to format by gparted then pendrive is not format08:43
shibu_I tried all system08:43
AtuMBen64, he's written how: (Error synchronizing after initial wipe:Timed out waiting for object (udisk-error-quark, 008:43
Ben64he said that was the disk utility08:44
yaccAny idea what could be the cause the color calibration dialog does show only 2 of my 3 displays? (the VGA connected one is not shown, while the HDMI connected one shows up kind of twice, once as DP1 and once with monitor name)08:44
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AtuMBen64, true,.. disk utility complaining about hardware..08:46
shibu_I want to install android adb on ubuntu any idea simply install adb on ubuntu?08:47
k1lshibu_: its in the repos08:50
k1lshibu_: install the packages android-tools-adb and android-tools-fastboot08:51
SubCool_to remove a symlink is rmdir or rm08:51
shibu_how to install a android-tools-adb and android-tools-fastboot08:52
Ben64SubCool_: rm08:52
shibu_is there any way or terminal command than install automatically install08:52
shibu_Android adb08:52
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SubCool_Ben64, rm: Storage/: is a directory08:52
=== YlerGets-Away is now known as YlerGets
Ben64then its a directory08:53
k1lshibu_: do you know how to install packages from the ubuntu repos?08:53
SubCool_its a symlink, i just put it there..08:53
shibu_i have some knowledge08:53
shibu_I am a new user08:53
Ben64SubCool_: it isn't08:53
SubCool_lrwxr-xr-x  1 0   80       12 Jun 11 04:48 Storage@ -> /mnt/Storage08:53
Ben64Storage@ ???08:54
AtuMshibu_, apt-get install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot08:54
k1l!apt-get | shibu_08:54
ubottushibu_: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)08:54
Ben64SubCool_: http://sprunge.us/IFOe08:55
barqAfter doing some updates the font size is huge in kubuntu. How can I fix this?08:56
shibu_Yep i do apt-get install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot08:57
shibu_Then what should i do08:57
k1lshibu_: did it installl?08:58
shibu_It is install08:59
k1lso you have adb now.08:59
shibu_oh nice08:59
shibu_In the terminal just show 155 kb08:59
shibu_And install very fast09:00
k1ladb is not that big09:00
shibu_Then in my pc adb is install09:00
k1lshibu_: so you can use adb now09:00
shibu_Ok after install a adb can i root my android phone09:01
k1lshibu_: that depends on your android device09:02
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SubCool_Ben64, i know its suppsoed to be simple, but i still dont get it. im getting lost.09:02
k1lbest is to ask the ##android specialists how to root your device09:02
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SubCool_let me pastebin something to make sure. i know we just did this yetserday.. but- ugh.09:03
SubCool_Ben64, http://pastebin.com/awDbpkL609:06
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buzz_Hello, I'm running Vivid on a MacBook Air 6,2 and can't fix the no-brightness-after-sleep problem even though I applied the instructions on the wiki for the driver.09:07
Ben64SubCool_: so... 'rm Storage\@'09:07
barqWhen I try updating I get http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/raring/main/source/Sources 404 Not Found. How can I fix this?09:08
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SubCool_its freenas, bsd.09:09
Ben64SubCool_: so why are you asking in #ubuntu ...09:09
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k1lbarq: raring is out of support. so the repos are shut down.09:09
SubCool_ur helpful.09:09
k1lbarq: so upgrade asap.09:09
Ben64SubCool_: yes, for ubuntu issues i'm helpful09:09
k1l!eolupgrade | barq09:10
ubottubarq: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades09:10
SubCool_yeah, but your still crazy smart.09:10
Ben64only ubuntu issues are on topic here09:11
SubCool_k- thanks for trying.09:12
barqk1l: So I just need to run sudo aptitude install linux-image-generic linux-headers-generic after doing sudo aptitude install update-manager-core update-manager ?09:14
Ben64barq: i think k1l is saying you need to upgrade to a supported release09:15
barqk1l: When I do $ lsb_release -d Description:    Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS CodeName trusty09:15
Ben64ooh, then why do you have a raring repository?09:16
barqI don't know.09:16
k1lbarq: no. you know that you dont get any security updates (like shellshock, ...) etc? you really need to upgrade the ubuntu to at least the 14.04 version.09:16
Ben64barq: can you pastebin the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list09:16
k1lbarq: what? why did you mess with your sources then?09:16
barqI didn't mess with the sources.09:16
k1lplease pastebin the /etc/apt/sources.list09:17
krusoHey everybody. I changed from lucid to trusty and faced with IO write performance issues on trusty now. I opened a question on https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/267544. Unfortunately I got no helpful answer. Has anybody an idea where I could get more input for further analysis?09:17
barqI only have sources.list.distUpgrade09:17
barqk1l: http://paste.ofcode.org/iNTiTJ9sZ9JvYEwP9rTRbn09:18
Ben64barq: can you pastebin 'ls -l /etc/apt'09:19
buzz_Hello, I'm running Vivid on a MacBook Air 6,2 and can't fix the no-brightness-after-sleep problem even though I applied the instructions on the wiki for the driver.09:20
barqBen64, k1l: Now I got it: http://paste.ofcode.org/GvWedrnfqkx9ZXmaawwudE09:20
chris112my second monitor is declared as unknown display. how to set correct resolution?09:21
k1lbarq: remove the lines 3 to 9. PPAs and old repos dont belong into the sources.list09:21
k1lbarq: and yes, you did mess with the sources.list manually. there is no way a raring repo can come into a sources.list on a saucy.09:23
lumia935Legal vBulletin 5 Connect License Status: 3Selling License Expiration - Never License Image http://www.criosphinx.net/vb.ong contact at: www.criosphinx.net/boards09:23
barqk1l: I didn't set up this VM, I inherited it.09:24
k1lbarq: remove the lines 3 to 9 in sources.list. neither the PPA nor the raring repo belong in there09:24
barqYes, I've done that now.09:24
barqAnything else I should do?09:25
k1lthen run "sudo apt-get update"09:25
workerbeetwoHI :) can I step through the stdout thats already on screen to copy it to the clipboard?09:25
barqAlso upgrade and dist-upgrade?09:26
k1lbarq: if there are missing updates, yes09:26
barqNo, those two commands did nothing.09:27
barqHowever, now the fonts are much bigger than before I did any updates.09:27
barqI enabled forcedpi now to get them smaller, but not sure that is a good option.09:27
k1li dont know how to change the fontsize on kde. see the settings09:29
barqWhat is ppa?09:31
k1lbarq: 3rd party software repo09:32
k1l!ppa  | barq09:32
ubottubarq: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge09:32
CheticHow do I make debian installer install my custom kernel package automatically when building a custom Ubuntu-based ISO? Instead of me having to chroot into /target and do it manually.09:34
BrutusHi, in Ubuntu Server 15.04, what is now used for startup applications?09:34
k1lBrutus: its systemd now09:34
Brutustrying to get two apps to auto start, using init didn't work09:35
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SubCool_Ben64, thanks for the help. everyting is great now :)09:50
dexter_Hey guys, more specialised question, has anyone got any experience with VAAPI encoding in Ubuntu?09:51
mosesanyone up?10:00
SwantzterI'm sitting here dividing with myself If I should install Ubuntu on an USB to carry with me and use on different computers when I please10:02
SwantzterAnd if I got a 16GB stick, it should work?10:03
SwantzterAnd if I boot from that stick it doesnt do anything to my computers HDD right10:04
SwantzterAm I right on it?10:05
MagePsychohow to check if command exists.. for shell script10:08
IceBot3000Swantzter: Provided the computer lets you boot from USB. No, it won't alter the HDD10:08
bstarekSwantzter, I wouldnt let anybody boot my laptop on a usb stick10:10
bstarekSwantzter, but I assume there is TRUST involved :)10:10
Ben64Swantzter: you'd probably be better off using a live usb10:12
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=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
ctz`recoverHey everyone, I'm currently on a live ubuntuMATE instance because my LightDM is failing to start and I have no idea why, can anyone help me find out what's the problem_10:35
n1ghtmar3hi try this http://askubuntu.com/questions/74196/how-to-restore-lightdm-settings10:36
EriC^^ctz`recover: type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999910:37
EriC^^paste the link here please10:37
ctz`recoverEriC^^, http://termbin.com/77xr10:40
EriC^^ctz`recover: type sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt10:43
EriC^^ctz`recover: nevermind, is it an encrypted install?10:43
ctz`recoverEriC^^, yes it is, I've already unlocked the HDD with the passphrase to be accessible through the live instance10:43
EriC^^ctz`recover: where is it mounted?10:44
ctz`recoverEriC^^, /media/ubuntu-mate/hugehash here10:44
EriC^^ok, type sudo cat /media/ubuntu-mate/....../var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log | nc termbin.com 999910:45
EriC^^ctz`recover: when you say lightdm doesn't start you mean you get a black screen?10:46
ctz`recoverEriC^^, the only "useful" information i got from lightdm.log is that is exited with a signal6, before getting a live USB I was going through lynx+google but didnt find anything "useful" bue here's the log10:46
EriC^^ctz`recover: did you try booting with nomodeset?10:46
ctz`recoverEriC^^, http://termbin.com/8ria. I wouldnt know where to set that option10:47
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter10:48
ctz`recoverEriC^^, what bothers me is that everything was working fine until yesterday10:48
nayefaeHi Guys, I am using ZF2, I have a form that has a (one to many) relationship, a site has many adverts types, in the form I want to create the site and the adverts in the same form, I am using fieldsets and collections for both, I use doctrine. everything works fine when I create the site, but site's adverts don't change when I update the site. can you help me please? Here a link to the code https://gist.github.com/nayefae/6e10:48
EriC^^ctz`recover: type sudo cat /media/......../var/log/lightdm/x-0.log | nc termbin.com 999910:49
phionawhy is there no insert - horizontal line in my copy of libre office Version: ..... https://help.libreoffice.org/Writer/Inserting_a_Horizontal_Line10:49
ctz`recoverEriC^^, that looks more like an error trace, thanks! wouldnt know how to parse this info though: http://termbin.com/8ria10:50
ctz`recoverhttp://termbin.com/g26e *10:50
Unhammernayefae,  perhaps try http://framework.zend.com/irc/10:51
EriC^^ctz`recover: try sudo cat /media/.../var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc termbin.com 999910:51
ctz`recoverEriC^^, http://termbin.com/ntox10:53
shomeHas anyone here ever had to backup a running vm ?10:54
ctz`recovershome, snapshots dont help?10:54
EriC^^ctz`recover: did you recently add anything to /etc/environment ?10:55
phionawhy is there no insert - horizontal line in my copy of libre office Version: ..... https://help.libreoffice.org/Writer/Inserting_a_Horizontal_Line10:55
shomectz:My knowledge of them is pretty rudimentary.10:55
stevenmCan anyone here who is a dropbox user - tell me... does the dropbox icon show up in your notification area.... or as an application indicator ?!10:55
shomeI'm tasked with a disaster recovery mock scenario.10:55
ctz`recoverEriC^^, not being aware of. I've tried quake3 on linux on tuesdat10:55
shomeI mounted a local virtualization recovery point, RDP'd into the server, now i'm tasked with backing up the vm and having some trouble. It's a windows server.10:56
shomeWindows 7 box that is.10:56
EriC^^ctz`recover: this looks similar https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/146322410:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 1463224 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/X segfaults on startup" [Undecided,New]10:57
ctz`recoverEriC^^, Also I've switched back and forth ATI's proprietary drivers and the open source ones while testing some of compiz features, don't know if that might've got anything to do with it10:57
EriC^^ctz`recover: try booting an older kernel and see if it works10:57
ctz`recoverEriC^^, can I try to update my kernel from the live instance or would I have to boot from the HDD to do it?10:58
EriC^^ctz`recover: you can chroot and update it10:59
EriC^^if you have an older kernel already trying booting that from grub10:59
ctz`recoverEriC^^, I'ma look into it, be right back!11:00
ioriaEric^^ i was checking this bug report of yesterday.... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/146322411:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 1463224 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/X segfaults on startup" [Undecided,New]11:01
ioriaEric^^ he just upgraded the kernel11:01
shomeAnyone ever use shadow protect ?11:01
hackalHello, how come I am not able to change resolution above 1920x1080 even if my monitor is 27" and has maximum 2560x1440 resolution?11:01
ctz`recoverEriC^^, apparently I only have one kernel available, how would I got about getting another version, in a safe way11:01
Svetlanahackal: what connector?11:02
hackalSvetlana: hdmi11:02
hackalSvetlana: I have a laptop and monitor connected with hdmi11:02
Svetlanahmdi what version?11:03
hackalI do not know, is there a way to check this in system?11:04
hackalhttps://www.asus.com/Notebooks_Ultrabooks/K55VD/specifications/ says just HDMI11:06
EriC^^ctz`recover: did you mount the partition yet?11:06
hackalSvetlana: I should have at least hdmi version 1.311:07
ctz`recoverEriC^^, Yes, I've mounted before checking the logs, orelse I couldnt access said logs11:08
EriC^^i mean again since checking if you have an older kernel in grub11:08
EriC^^you did check grub, right?11:08
ctz`recoverEriC^^, silly me, I checked the liveCD I guess \.\11:09
Svetlanahackal: there is some stuff like http://superuser.com/questions/119755/hdmi-with-resolution-2560-x-1440-possible so if you really want to make it work then you have to mention your hardware in some way. I'm not sure what a "Dell hdmi 1.3 limits the resolution" means, since I would think that a graphics card is more than just "dell". With that you may want to ask the question one more time in one line without highlighting me, as I suspect that this11:10
Svetlanapoint is where my knowledge ends.11:10
EriC^^ctz`recover: hold on11:10
ctz`recoverchroot always reports permission denied when I try running any command from /media/ubuntu-mate/encryptedhdd11:10
EriC^^type sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt11:10
EriC^^ctz`recover: or, sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/ubuntu....../boot11:11
EriC^^ctz`recover: do the second one11:11
CheticHow do I make debian installer install my custom kernel package automatically when building a custom Ubunt-based ISO? Instead of me having to chroot into /target and do it manually.11:11
EriC^^ctz`recover: which ubuntu version are you using?11:12
ctz`recoverEriC^^, I'm on ubuntuMATE 15.0411:12
EriC^^!info linux-image-generic11:12
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (vivid), package size 2 kB, installed size 27 kB11:12
EriC^^ok, you have the latest kernel installed already11:12
EriC^^!info X11:12
ubottuPackage X does not exist in vivid11:12
EriC^^!info Xorg11:12
ubottuxorg (source: xorg): X.Org X Window System. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.7+7ubuntu4 (vivid), package size 3 kB, installed size 81 kB11:12
EriC^^!info xserver-xorg11:13
ubottuxserver-xorg (source: xorg): X.Org X server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.7+7ubuntu4 (vivid), package size 66 kB, installed size 299 kB11:13
ctz`recoverEriC^^, i've mounted /dev/sda1 into my HDD's /boot11:13
hackalhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/515994/nvidia-x-server-settings-only-shows-1-screen-laptop-external-monitor-connecte Hello, I have the same issue. In my nvidia x server settings I have one virtual monitor instead of two separate. I wasn't able to fix the issue. I do not know what to change in the config.11:14
azyrhow can i get full 802.11n speeds from my wifi on ubuntu? i can get 20-25 MiB/sec (160-200 Mb/sec) when running windows 8 but only about 3 MiB/sec when running linux mint...11:14
EriC^^ctz`recover: ok, let's make this easier and type sudo mount --move /media/ubuntu..../ /mnt11:14
azyri suppose i have to turn on some option somewhere11:14
azyrto enable the full speed11:14
ctz`recovermount: bad option. Note that moving a mount residing under a shared11:15
ctz`recover       mount is unsupported.11:15
EriC^^ok, type for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount $i /media/ubuntu.../hashhere$i; done11:16
BrisanceGOOD DAY!11:16
EriC^^ctz`recover: sorry typo11:16
EriC^^ok, type for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /media/ubuntu.../hashhere$i; done11:16
Brisancetype rm -rf /*11:16
MonkeyDustBrisance  not funny11:17
EriC^^!ops | Brisance11:17
ubottuBrisance: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang11:17
shomeIs anyone familiar with storage craft, shadow protect ?11:17
Brisancerm -rf on root dir wont work since forever11:17
=== Yukitteru is now known as Yukkii
EriC^^Brisance: with /* it will11:17
crocket_Can I install ubuntu solely on a btrfs partition?11:18
MonkeyDustshome  is that a game?11:18
crocket_It seems grub fails to recognize /boot on btrfs.11:18
ctz`recoverEriC^^, wouldnt the last part be /media/user/hddhash/$i ?11:18
ctz`recoveror am I supposed to be mounting everything on top of my main hdd?11:18
EriC^^ctz`recover: no, cause $i has a leading /11:19
crocket_grub so pervert11:19
ctz`recoverEriC^^, ok I have 2 /dev and 2 /pts mounts now11:20
ctz`recoverinside my main hdd11:20
EriC^^ctz`recover: i dont follow11:20
EriC^^ctz`recover: what do you mean?11:21
ctz`recoverEriC^^, I ran what you told me and now the file browser shows 4 mounts inside my main HDD, 2x /dev and 2x /pts11:21
kanupatarhi guys, May I get a distro with wayland only supported? and no X11? I need to install it into my laptop.11:21
EriC^^ctz`recover: main hdd you mean your decrypted installation?11:22
EriC^^ctz`recover: that command should bind mount your /dev from the live usb to the empty /dev dir in your decrypted installation, so we can install new kernels if we need to11:22
MonkeyDust!wayland | kanupatar11:22
ubottukanupatar: Wayland is a display server protocol that is intended to replace X. More information can be found at http://wayland.freedesktop.org/ . Ubuntu is instead focusing on development of !Mir; see its factoid for more information.11:22
kanupatarMonkeyDust: I know man.  May I get a distro with waylad only?11:23
MonkeyDustkanupatar  ask in ##linux or so, this is ubuntu only11:24
kanupatarMonkeyDust: okay11:24
EriC^^ctz`recover: if you typed the command and it didn't return anything it means it went through, i have no idea about you saying you have 2 mounts of /dev in your main hdd11:24
ctz`recoverEriC^^, I might've gotten confused or explained myself wrong, here's a picture, I think we achieved what was supposed :) : http://snag.gy/lvedy.jpg11:26
EriC^^ctz`recover: ok, cool11:26
EriC^^ctz`recover: type sudo chroot /media/ubuntu.....11:27
kanupatarMonkeyDust: ubuntu does not support wayland?11:27
kuba7447is there a way to remove the sample content from /usr ???11:27
crocketubuntu installation tests my patience.11:27
ctz`recoverEriC^^, huh, I can't launch a terminal now11:27
jishjishhi all. Is there a tool I can use to monitor fan speed and CPU temperature and find out whatever it is that causes the fan to go spinning full speed non stop. Sometimes it happens after a short time and just doesn;'t stop. Other times it just stops randomly.11:27
ctz`recoverEriC^^, There was an error creating the child process for this terminal11:28
jishjishmaybe it's a process or a program on startup maybe it's something else.I have a 8510w compaq11:28
EriC^^jishjish: psensor is a nice program for monitoring temps11:28
jishjishfor instance right now the fan is not spinning much at all and is not noisy. a moment ago it was full on. not stopping. I11:29
EriC^^jishjish: open a terminal and keep a running instance of htop or top11:29
MonkeyDustkanupatar  read everything there is to know on the link ubottu gave you11:29
EriC^^ctz`recover: odd11:29
EriC^^ctz`recover: try a different terminal11:30
ctz`recoverEriC^^, I'll restart the liveusb instance and be right back.11:30
EriC^^xterm or something11:30
jishjishEriC^^: will it help me find out what is causing it, i.e. log temps in conjunction with runing processes. Can they be logged? I.e. how else can I work out which ones are running on startup. I think one of those is causing it to go nuts.11:30
kuba7447how do i delete the sample content , do i need root access?11:30
=== Yukkii is now known as Yukkino
EriC^^jishjish: it should be pretty obvious, when it heats up check htop and see if anything unusual is there11:31
shomehtop is pretty11:31
jishjishEriC^^: but how can I do that as the login manager starts up (at that point I haven't logged in and can't run anything11:32
MonkeyDustkuba7447  yes, for everything outside /home, you need root access11:32
kuba7447how do i gain root access?11:32
MonkeyDustkuba7447  with sudo11:32
kuba7447but i want to remove the folder, do i type something like sudo -rm /usr/share/sample ?11:33
EriC^^jishjish: log in, and check it, whatever is making it hot before logging in would show up too11:34
jishjishso i'm loking for the process with the highest ram/cpu -- this would be what's causing the fan?11:34
MonkeyDustkuba7447  rm -r to remove a folder11:34
kuba7447thanks, MonkeyDust11:35
MonkeyDustkuba7447  careful, know what you're doing11:35
EriC^^yeah look for something that's using up the cpu11:35
ctz`recoverEriC^^, Ok I`m back with a fresh live instance, can you resend that for loop please?11:36
EriC^^ok, type for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /media/ubuntu.../hashhere$i; done11:37
EriC^^ctz`recover: also mount /dev/sda1 to /media/ubuntu/..../boot11:37
tomhardyhey guys i created a smb share and i get NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME when i try to connect to it11:37
tomhardyany idea how i can debug this?11:38
tomhardyhttps://gist.github.com/anonymous/bd171d6b066b67ce5401 << that's at the bottom of my conf file11:38
bdhyhi all11:39
kuba7447ok, i deleted the folder but the song is still on my play list...11:39
tomhardysmbclient // -U tomhardy << is the command i used to connect11:39
tomhardyi've googled n googled.. but i'm not able tow ork out what this error actually means11:39
ctz`recoverEriC^^, ok, both mounts are done11:40
mosesanyone have an nvidia card?11:40
mosesdo i need to install the nvidia driver ?11:40
mosesor  does 14.04 already do it for me?11:41
stevenmCan anyone here who is a dropbox user - tell me... does the dropbox icon show up in your notification area.... or as an application indicator ?!11:42
stevenmobviously you need to be able to tell the difference :S11:42
ctz`recover&j #lightdm11:42
ctz`recoverwoops, sorry11:42
EriC^^ctz`recover: ok, type sudo chroot /media/ubuntu...11:44
ctz`recoverim here11:44
jishjishEriC^^: thanks for psensor, is there a graphical one for monitoring fan speeds as well?11:44
EriC^^jishjish: i don't know one11:45
jishjishEriC^^: no problem thanks11:45
EriC^^jishjish: if you need to monitor before logging in to x you could use a tty btw11:45
pranali_how to connect freenode in mob.Androirc app11:46
jishjishah yes alt + f4 +ctrl I think that's a great idea11:46
EriC^^ctz`recover: ok type ls -l /boot | nc termbin.com 999911:46
EriC^^jishjish: in the terminal if you type sensors alone it'll tell you the temp11:46
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EriC^^watch -n1 sensors to monitor it11:47
Johnny_Linuxjishjish  gkrellm11:47
ctz`recoverEriC^^, I have initrd.img.-3.16.0-36-generic and then
ctz`recoverEriC^^, also there are matching abi, config, System.map and vmlinuz files11:48
EriC^^ctz`recover: ok, did you fresh install 15.04 or upgrade to it?11:48
ctz`recoverEriC^^, I upgraded from 14.10 and had to manually clean /boot because my sysadm was not around and it didnt have enough free space for the upgrade11:48
=== Guest62074 is now known as Axeon
EriC^^ctz`recover: ok, try booting the pc while holding shift, when you get grub go to advanced > choose 3.19.0-2011:49
EriC^^ctz`recover: type exit first, then reboot the pc11:49
ctz`recoverEriC^^, when I hold shift I get Dell's boot selector screen, am I supposed to hold shift before or after inserting the HDD passphrase?11:50
EriC^^ctz`recover: before11:50
ctz`recoverEriC^^, ok then, I'll try again, brb.11:51
macboysup guys11:52
martindouglashey macboy11:52
macboysup bro11:53
mo0pHello, I am trying to read an NFC card, i installed drivers for the reader (acr122U) and lsusb shows the device there11:55
kuba7447macboy? are you using ubuntu on a mac?11:56
mo0phowever ncf-list shows "NO NFC DEVICE DETECTED"11:56
mo0pcan anyone assist ?11:56
mo0pHello, I am trying to read an NFC card, i installed drivers for the reader (acr122U) and lsusb shows the device there.. however nfc-list shows "no nfc device found"11:59
MonkeyDustmo0p  is that for a smart phone or tablet?12:02
mo0pMonkeyDust, its a USB nfc reader for MiFare card.12:03
MonkeyDustmo0p  how is that ubuntu related?12:04
mo0pMonkeyDust, it works on my arch install with same drivers, something else mst be required on Ubuntu..cant seem to figure out what12:04
MonkeyDustmo0p  what is 'it'? start from the beginning, what brings you here12:05
mo0pIn short i am having issues with an nfc reader and the issue seems to be specific to Ubuntu 14.04.12:05
mo0pwas wondering if any one else had any issues with nfc readers on ubuntu and if so, what was resolution. The reader is detected in lsusb after installing the drivers for the reader. but when i nfc-list when a card is placed on the reader nothing is detected.12:06
mo0pon my Arch linux install, same drivers and tools it is detected. but i use Ubuntu as my main pc and would like it to work over here.12:07
mo0pif this is not the place to discuss this, thats cool. I will poke around more on the weekend when i have more time jus tthought this would be a good place to start.12:07
mo0pAlso.. dmesg has output for the device .. it is fully detected and drivers are loaded12:09
brad__i just installed 14.04 and now want to install windows 7, but it wont boot from cd. What do I do?12:10
kuba7447brad__, why do you want to install windows?12:11
mo0pCould try to intrupt boot and select to boot from disk? sometimes an F key will present the user with a boot device selection12:11
MonkeyDustbrad__  better ask in ##windows, this is the ubuntu channel12:12
brad__I always run ubuntu, but want the windows on there so I can use my cad program12:12
kuba7447brad__ , do u want to dual-boot ?12:12
MonkeyDustbrad__  windows will ruin grub and you'll have to repair it12:13
mo0pif you install windows first then ubuntu .. grub will work its magic too12:13
kuba7447you can use windows in virtual machine12:13
mo0palso VM yes12:13
mo0panyway... monkeydust... wrong drivers are being loaded... compared dmesg from working linux distro vs ubuntu ... and different drivers are being used12:13
brad__im unfamiliar with VM12:13
kuba7447do u have another hdd that u can install windows on?12:13
mo0pbrad install windows first then ubuntu and select to install along side windows12:13
brad__mo0p - I am trying to do that. But ubuntu is already installed and it doesn't allow me to boot from the windows disk when inserted12:14
brad__got to do some work now...brb12:15
kuba7447did u encrypted ubuntu when installing?12:15
kuba7447i had the same problem when i encrypted linux mint12:15
MonkeyDustmo0p  if you don't get an answer here, there are some 20 people in #linux-nfc12:15
mo0pbrad__ google your laptop manufacture and how to select boot device on start up.. usually an F key will do this for you .. or just enter bios and adjust to book from disk before hdd12:15
mo0pMoneyDust Thanks! i will go over there.. but i think i found the issue when compareing dmesg output after plugging in the nfc reader12:16
lunagirli upgraded the kernel and when i did autoremove on the old it complained about vmlinuz link being broken12:22
lunagirlis this some leftover from older framework?12:22
rapper97I installed Ubuntu with the bootloader on the /efi partition as the help wiki told me, but when I restart Windows Boot Loader does not start.12:28
rapper97Other tutorials tell me to use dd and bcdedit but that is for MBR not UEFI? so I am confused.12:28
muresanHas any of you tried to open c++ .sln projects with monodevelop?12:34
MonkeyDustmuresan  this is ubuntu support, try ##programming or so12:35
EriC^^rapper97: you say windows boot loader does not start?12:37
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rapper97That is correct - I was lead to believe it would recognize it and start automagically but that is not the case.12:38
rapper97It just boots straight into Windows after the Linux instal.12:38
EriC^^rapper97: ok, so you mean the windows boot loader does start12:38
Guest4283I could'nt get you!!12:38
EriC^^the ubuntu boot loader doesn't12:38
mstc_hi guies you here12:39
rapper97Windows boots, but the big friendly screen that says "Windows Boot Loader" and presents me options does not appear.12:40
EriC^^rapper97: it's probably cause of your bios being hardcoded to boot only the windows boot loader12:40
rapper97That is the behaviour I would like.12:40
Guest4283Heyy everyone. Can anyone help me with the GParted Partition Editor12:40
EriC^^rapper97: is this a wubi install?12:40
EriC^^rapper97: ok, i don't know about the windows boot loader but i might be able to get ubuntu to boot instead of the windows boot loader, and you can choose to boot ubuntu or windows from there12:41
rapper97No, I would rather use the Windows Boot Loader, not GRUB.12:41
EriC^^rapper97: ok, /join ##windows12:42
rapper97Yes  :)12:42
Guest4283I have got two partitions on the external disk I wanna move the data of one partition to the other and delete it. I need assistance ofr doing it using GParted GParted Partition Editor.12:44
Guest4283I already have got four primary partitions on the partition that I wanna keep.12:46
auronandaceGuest4283: you mount both partitions then use a file manager to copy what you want over, then you use gparted to delete the partition you want to get rid of12:47
MonkeyDustGuest4283  four is the highest number of primary partitions12:47
Guest4283I know12:47
scatterpcan anyone help me with this ? -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 28G Jun 11 15:49 modules.ccwmap12:49
mhammonsi was wondering if there was a reason the xz utility in ubuntu has its threading option disabled?12:50
Guest4283I'm unable to copy the data on the first partition.12:51
Guest4283On opening any folder it shows 'You have no permissions to read data on *whatever* folder'12:52
Guest4283Actually I have got two versions of ubuntu one on each partition.12:53
Guest4283Data that belongs to the other version cannot be copied directly from the present running. So I need assistance doing it with GParted Partition Editor.12:55
* scatterp listens to the beatles "Help!"12:55
CheticHow do I cat a multiline file to a variable in gnu make xor find a gnu make irc channel?12:57
Guest4283How to copy data to an allocated partition with GParted Partiton Editor??13:01
scatterpGuest4283 i dont think you can you might need to use dd and create a drive image13:02
Guest4283*without deleting it.13:02
st_d3vilcp or dd?13:02
stevenmCan anyone here who is a dropbox user - tell me... does the dropbox icon show up in your notification area.... or as an application indicator ?!13:04
dididodohi ... what tools are there in order to let a peer directly upload a file to my computer? (background: i urgently need a document but dont want it to be sent via email)13:04
MonkeyDustdididodo  dropbox, box and others13:05
dididodoMonkeyDust, thank you, i'll check them out13:05
stevenmi'd hardly call dropbox "direct"13:06
ctz`recoverEriC^^, you still here_13:06
MonkeyDustdididodo  tonido is more direct  http://www.tonido.com/13:07
mo0pscp ! lol13:07
dididodoMonkeyDust, thats a filehosting service, not what I'm looking for13:07
mo0pport forward tcp\22 to your pc ;) and allow him to scp a file over ..13:07
Guest4283Would cloning work in this case?\13:07
stevenmdididodo, this 'peer' of yours? is he/she on your network?  if so just right click a folder you want to share and share it13:08
ctz`recoverHello guys, is it possible to run a system update and to reset grub on my HDD if I-m running from a liveusb right now_13:09
dididodostevenm, the 'peer' is my dad, it's not about networking. i just want him to upload once a document needed. i thought more about ftp or someting ...13:09
dididodostevenm, we are not on the same network13:10
stevenmdididodo, ok well the easiest thing do is probably get your dad to download filezilla13:10
dididodostevenm, ok13:10
stevenmdididodo, then if your PC has openssh-server installed... he can use SFTP on filezilla to send you the file13:11
k1ldididodo: when you start a ssh-server the other user can use scp or sftp to upload a file to your system13:11
stevenmyou'll need to forward port 22 to your PC though from your touer13:11
thebrownpupguys, I read about checkinstall just now that it makes .deb files from the source file given13:11
thebrownpupthe question is13:11
IceBot3000I suggest writing a new file exchange protocol, then implementing a server in C and sending your dad the client software via USB stick in the post13:11
hrolfHi #ubuntu.13:11
hrolfI'm on Ubuntu and whenever I do sudo apt-get install <something> I get this error -> "E: The package virtualbox-4.3 needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it."13:11
vormuxdididodo: syncthing13:12
thebrownpupdoes the generated .deb file contain the supporting libraries along with it, so that I can install it in another linux machine?13:12
k1lhrolf: can you paste all the output into a pastebin?13:12
EriC^^hrolf: try sudo apt-get -f install13:12
k1l!paste | hrolf13:12
ubottuhrolf: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:12
workerbeetwohey. How can I avoid using the mouse in terminal just to copy lines to the clipbaord out of the lines on the stdout screen?13:12
ctz`recoverhey EriC^^ sorry for taking so long but I couldn-t for my life to boot to recovery13:12
dididodostevenm, thats more like it ... what ubuntu package do you recommend? i dont want to spend hours reading manuals for installing the ssh-server...13:12
hrolfk1l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11696175/13:13
stevenmdididodo, if you install 'ssh' or 'openssh-server' it'll install the same thing13:13
stevenmdididodo, only the first one 'ssh' will also install the client - which your system will already have anyway13:13
stevenmno config is needed13:13
MonkeyDustdididodo  sudo apt-get install openssh-server13:13
stevenmit'll start up straight away13:13
vormuxdididodo: syncthing http://syncthing.net13:13
thebrownpupdoes it generate .deb file from the source file or it links the libraries with it too?13:13
EriC^^workerbeetwo: command | xsel13:14
dididodostevenm, MonkeyDust,vormux ... thanks13:14
k1lhrolf: what ubuntu version are you on exactly? "lsb_release -d" will tell you13:14
workerbeetwoEriC^^: I dont mean jsut to pipe a commands output to somewhere.13:14
thebrownpupguys, I read about checkinstall just now that it makes .deb files from the source file given. The question is, does the generated .deb file contain the supporting libraries along with it, so that I can install it in another linux machine?13:15
hrolfk1l: Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS13:15
stevenmdididodo, your dad will need to connect to your external IP (see www.canihazip.com) using FileZilla and using SFTP... the username/password - best to use your own (the one you login with every day) - that way he'll be putting the file into the area you see in your home directory13:15
EriC^^workerbeetwo: it will pipe it to the clipboard13:15
stevenmdididodo, either that or make him a user on your PC for him to log in over SSH with13:15
workerbeetwoEriC^^: I understand your suggestion. but its not what I want.13:15
EriC^^workerbeetwo: command | xsel , then pressing shift+insert or middle mouse will paste the output13:15
EriC^^workerbeetwo: what do you want?13:15
k1lhrolf: so did you add a PPA for virtualbox or where did it come from?13:15
workerbeetwoEriC^^: think of walking the history of the last commands by using the arrow keys, but it should be walking the lines on the screen that are already processed.13:16
dididodostevenm, yes, i got it ... make him a guest user on my box thats a good idea13:16
k1lhrolf: well. i would suggest to run a "sudo apt-get update" and then see if that error is still there.13:16
ctz`recoverEriC^^, is there any other approach I could try? apparently rebooting into recovery is not an option.13:17
stevenmso for the last time - does *ANYONE* have dropbox installed on their ubuntu here!?   if so!  is the icon you've got in the corner.... a) in your notification area or b) an application indicator13:17
hrolfk1l: I don't exactly remember. I had VirtualBox installed few years earlier :)13:17
hrolfk1l: Okay let me try.13:17
EriC^^ctz`recover: not recovery, the older kernels13:17
workerbeetwoEriC^^: and then a way to copy a line to the clipboard.13:17
ctz`recoverEriC^^, my motherboard as shift holding options which I cant turn off, so I cant trigger the advanced boot options on ubuntu to allow me to select an older ekrnel13:17
stevenmdididodo, right... so when he uploads his files will be in /home/dad/files   and you'll need to nagivate from /home/yourself/  to his area - might need to add yourself to his group so you can view his files... this command will do that.....     sudo usermod -a -G dad $USER     (replace where it says dad)13:18
EriC^^ctz`recover: chroot like we did before and edit /etc/default/grub to boot an older one13:18
EriC^^then update-grub13:18
k1lhrolf: if that error is still there try: "sudo apt-get remove virtualbox-4.3". if that doesnt help we need to try the hard method afterwards13:18
dididodostevenm, cool ...thx13:18
EriC^^workerbeetwo: oh, no idea13:19
dididodostevenm, i think i can work this out13:19
ctz`recoverEriC^^, just to review, mount /dev/sda1 into the the mountedhdd/boot13:20
ctz`recoverwhere can I check logs for these channels? i dont wanna keep bothering for command repastes13:20
EriC^^workerbeetwo: you could grep for the line if you knew it13:20
workerbeetwoEriC^^: because stdout is on a file?13:21
hrolfk1l: Still there. Let me try removing VirtualBox then.13:21
workerbeetwois it logged/loggable?13:21
SchrodingersScat!logs | ctz`recover13:21
ubottuctz`recover: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.13:21
hrolfk1l: Hey, even removing gives same error :)13:21
hrolfk1l: What's the hard method?13:22
k1lhrolf: ok, try this: sudo dpkg -P --force-remove-reinstreq virtualbox-4.313:22
hrolfk1l: Now fine.13:22
EriC^^workerbeetwo: you could send stdout where ever you want and then get the line you want some how13:23
hrolfI don't know what went wrong with VirtualBox. It was working fine.13:23
hrolfk1l: Anyways, I don't have any immediate need for it now. :)13:23
hrolfk1l: Thanks.13:23
k1lhrolf: ok.13:23
EriC^^workerbeetwo: if you already know what it has you could do command | grep something | xsel13:23
vetwangcnare you ok? junlie13:23
workerbeetwoEriC^^: have yo got an idea hwo to autolog stdout ?13:23
workerbeetwoEriC^^: forget about the current command way. just anything on stdout is object of interest here.13:24
HoloIRCUserHow do i use amd driver in ubuntu13:25
EriC^^workerbeetwo: command > /stdout.log 2>&113:25
EriC^^that will also redirect stderr13:26
=== wickedpuppy2 is now known as wickedpuppy
k1lHoloIRCUser: if your card is still supported by amd install the fglrx13:26
EriC^^workerbeetwo: command > /stdout.log 2> /stderr.log13:26
workerbeetwoEriC^^: you are telling me how I can pass a commands output to a file. that is not at all what I what. :)13:26
HoloIRCUserYes but its not configured in ubuntu13:26
HoloIRCUserI installed it so many time13:27
workerbeetwoEriC^^: anything that is on screen and on stdout shoudl be written to a file, which can be searched later.13:27
EriC^^workerbeetwo: ok, what do you mean by autologging stdout?13:27
stevenmthebrownpup, i can't speak with any authority as I've never used checkinstall.  But after reading up about it.  The .deb package will *only* contain the files created/modified by the 'make install' script that comes with your source13:27
EriC^^workerbeetwo: ok, script /path/to/log13:27
HoloIRCUserIam using amd 7730M gpu13:27
EriC^^then when you're done type exit13:27
HoloIRCUserAny help ??13:27
stevenmthebrownpup, if you've had to install dependencies prior to running ./configure - or had to install dependencies after it was installed to make it run - then no these wouldn't be in that .deb13:28
HoloIRCUserIn dell inspiron 15R 7520 SE13:28
workerbeetwoEriC^^: script?13:28
EriC^^workerbeetwo: yeah, it's a command13:28
EriC^^it will log the whole session13:28
HoloIRCUserPlease help for installation of amd gpu driver in laptop13:28
k1l!details | HoloIRCUser13:28
ubottuHoloIRCUser: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)13:28
k1lHoloIRCUser: what is the exact issue?13:29
workerbeetwoEriC^^: ah ok. I thought thats a generic expression. this looks good.13:29
HoloIRCUserEverytime i install amd driver and restart my system i see menu13:29
workerbeetwoperhaps the bash guys can tell me more abotu reading that logfiel then.13:29
HoloIRCUserRestart or restore13:29
k1lHoloIRCUser: which ubuntu is it exactly?13:29
EriC^^workerbeetwo: maybe, it's not a bash built-in though13:30
workerbeetwoEriC^^: but there is a similar function.13:30
HoloIRCUserI tried in 12.04 12.10 13.04 13.1013:30
EriC^^workerbeetwo: which function?13:30
k1lHoloIRCUser: 12.10, 13.04,13.10 are not supported anyway. what about 14.04?13:30
EriC^^workerbeetwo: nevermind, i guess you mean it's useful for writing scripts13:31
k1lHoloIRCUser: and what ubuntu are you running now exactly?13:31
HoloIRCUser12.04 is still supported till 201713:31
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw13:31
HoloIRCUserRightnow iam not running ubuntu13:31
BluesKajHello all13:31
k1lHoloIRCUser: <k1l> HoloIRCUser: 12.10, 13.04,13.10 are not supported anyway.   <<< where did i mention 12.04??13:31
k1lwsdjeg: this channel is english only13:32
MonkeyDustHoloIRCUser  so now you're on ubuntu 12.04 ?13:32
wsdjegubuntu 15-413:32
workerbeetwoEriC^^: no. it improves my workflow.13:33
wsdjegi use the irssi tu join the irc13:33
dawnsonJordan_U: it worked btw :)13:33
k1lHoloIRCUser: i see issues with 13.04 and 13.10 and that its solution is 1) to update the bios and 2) try 14.0413:34
EriC^^workerbeetwo: k13:36
HoloIRCUserYes i updated my bios to latest version but no luck13:40
k1lHoloIRCUser: and 14.04?13:40
=== wsdjeg is now known as wangshidong
HoloIRCUserToday iam going to install ubuntu 14.04 any other proper procedure to install amd driver13:41
wangshidongnew version ubuntu need UEFI boot13:42
HoloIRCUserWith intel 4000hd13:42
k1lHoloIRCUser: that seems to be a hybrid card. and amd just supports that cards on linux since a short time. so please try 14.0413:42
HoloIRCUserI try it but any proper way to installhybrid drivers13:43
wangshidongwhy don't u use 15.0413:43
HoloIRCUserFor intel 4000HD and AMD 7730M13:43
k1lHoloIRCUser: yes, boot the ubuntu, then install fglrx from the repo13:44
chotaz`wEriC^^, I tried a very manual but that ended up working solution, care to tell me where to go next?13:44
wangshidongi use the unetbootin13:45
chotaz`wEriC^^, without being able to chroot into my hdd or even access the recovery menu, I edited /boot/grub/grub.cfg manually and changed the default kernel loaded from to, saved the file and rebooted13:45
troophello, i have created lamp stack on ubuntu, then installed vsftpd. now i am developing test project from remote but everytime i created a php file it needs to change permissions for running.. how can i fix this situaton?13:45
troopi am connected via root user13:45
chotaz`wEriC^^, that led to being presented with the recovery options by default so I choose to load an older kernel and apparently I managed to boot now13:46
wangshidongchange to 77713:46
TheBardif I can see a network drive in the GUI, how can I navigate to it from the terminal?13:46
troopwangshidong everytime i change to 75513:46
wangshidongoh sorry13:46
troopi just want to all new files created with 75513:47
wangshidonghow many chinese13:47
cfhowlett!cn } wangshidong,13:48
ubottucfhowlett: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:48
cfhowlett!cn | wangshidong,13:48
ubottuwangshidong,: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw13:48
wangshidongi know13:48
Guest____Why can't I resize the partition that contains root while I've got two partitions for separate OSs.13:49
wangshidongbut ubuntu-cn has no people13:49
wangshidongonly 2113:49
cfhowlett!kylin | wangshidong13:49
ubottuwangshidong: Ubuntu Kylin is a variant of Ubuntu that focuses on Chinese users. It is a formal part of Ubuntu. For more information, see http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/ubuntukylin13:49
wangshidongi know13:49
wangshidongbut i like ubuntu13:50
wangshidongnot ubuntukylin13:50
wangshidonghow to  hide the message about the people who joined in or quit13:52
Guest____Help me in creating a drive image.13:52
Pici!quietirc | wangshidong13:52
ubottuwangshidong: To ignore joins/parts/quits in your favorite IRC client, see http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/Hide_join_part_messages13:52
nexiawangshidong: what IRC client are you using13:52
Guest____Help me in creating a drive image.13:54
wangshidonguse the unetbootin13:54
Guest____whats that?13:54
wangshidongcreating an useboot13:54
wangshidonga soft13:54
Guest____can you help me with dd13:55
wangshidongsorry i can't13:55
wangshidongyou can ask baidu13:56
Guest____who's baidu?13:56
reisioGuest____: /nick somethingelse13:56
reisiobaidu is a search engine13:56
wangshidonglike google13:56
cfhowlettonly inChina13:56
wangshidongwhat IRC client are you using?13:58
wangshidongwhy there is no irc13:58
wangshidongin the empaty13:58
IceBot3000Freenode is the server, not the client. you probably mean qwebirc13:59
=== physics_ is now known as Nick_Kulacz
wangshidongo o13:59
wangshidongi want get a  teacher14:00
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wangshidongwho can help me14:00
cfhowlettwangshidong, teacher?  teaching what??14:00
wangshidongis there anyone use the ubuntu 15.0414:01
reisiowangshidong: someone, sure14:01
wangshidonganything like friends14:01
cfhowlettwangshidong, #ubuntu-offtopic14:01
Guest____Ok can you just tell me how to copy data from one partition to the other?14:02
wangshidongtonight i only want to chat14:02
dasorenQuestion: I have been getting an error from curl. /usr/bin/curl: /usr/local/lib/libcurl.so.4: no version information available (required by /usr/bin/curl), more info here https://serverfault.com/questions/696631/libcurl-so-4-no-version-information-available14:02
cfhowlettwangshidong, this is NOT a chat channel.  for general chat, go to the other channel.14:02
wangshidongis there anyone use the ubuntu 15.0414:03
wangshidongwhy the empathy has no IRC14:03
wangshidongi has istall the widget14:04
Guest____I've got two linux versions on each partition and want to copy the data of one version to the other while I'm logging in from destination OS. Please help its urgent!14:04
Piciwangshidong: empathy is a poor IRC client.  If you really really want to use IRC in empathy, you'll need to install the telepathy-idle package.14:04
reisioGuest____: /nick urgentman14:05
wangshidongi has installed14:05
reisiodasoren: how'd you install curl?14:05
PiciGuest____: You want to copy a partition over the partition that you are currently using?14:05
dasorenapt-get install14:05
wangshidongbut i cant see the IRC in the empathy14:05
Piciwangshidong: I believe  that you'll need to add a new account in empathy for that.14:06
wangshidongsudo apt-get install14:06
=== nic is now known as Guest53430
dasorensudo su, apt-get install14:06
PiciGuest____: You shouldn't, and can't, overwrite a partition that is in use.14:06
wangshidongi has use ubuntu for five years14:06
wangshidongi know how tu install the widget14:07
wangshidongand the 15.04 has a bug about the java14:08
Guest____So how can I backup the data on that partition.14:08
Guest____I cant access the data on that partition the data . Any other way?14:09
PiciGuest____: Use a live-cd or similar.14:09
wangshidongbye good night14:10
Guest____Use a live cd for what?14:11
Guest____It can be used to reinstall the system but that would create another partition!14:11
Guest____Or you mean something else?14:12
Guest____Another thing if I remove the hard drive and plug into a Windows system that is available to me in another system it is unable to read the contents in that partition.14:16
pbxsomehow i messed up notifications on my 14.04 unity setup. they used to appear in the upper right, nicely styled. now they are small pale-blue rectangles in the upper left.  and the volume-change indicator doesn't appear at all. how might i investigate/fix?14:16
PiciGuest____: You don't need to run the installer process from the live CD, just open the terminal and do your thing.14:16
MonkeyDustpbx  try this: system settings > displays > scale for menu14:17
temocquiero instalar spotify y no e podido14:18
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:18
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=== bezet is now known as Guest20862
klezhello everyone14:25
polyphagiahi klez14:25
pbxMonkeyDust, interesting, thanks. that didn't fix it unfortunately. i think installing i3 may have been the cause of this, though AFAICT i have now removed it14:26
Pinkamena_DI have had a custom keyboard shortcut set up for Ctrl+Alt+Super+D which has been working fine for months, and now it will not. It works if I assign it to another set of keys, like Ctrl+Alt+4, but re assigning it back to the original does not work.14:28
Pinkamena_DI have not installed anything new that I am aware of, and each of these keys seem to work correctly on their own.14:28
Pinkamena_DAny idea how to fix this?14:28
Pinkamena_DEven if I just move the shortcut to Ctrl+Alt+Super+A or some other letter then it works, just not D14:31
Pinkamena_Dbut the D key types fine14:31
=== wsdjeg is now known as wangshidong
k1mmyyyhey guys i'm going crazy here14:38
k1mmyyyi have an sd card, but it won't let me delete the files from it14:38
Pinkamen1_Ddid you flip the little plastic part on the side to 'lock' possibly?14:39
Pinkamen1_DI had mine mounted as a read-only filesystem somehow recently14:39
k1mmyyyi have an identical one that *is* working, and when i do it with that one, i can first delete the files in the file browser, and then they go to this hidden .Trash folder (but still take up space on the card), but i can get rid of them from there by doing rm /media/blablablah/*14:39
kuba7447what card reader are you using?14:39
Pinkamen1_DIf you want to perma delete just use Shift+Del14:40
k1mmyyybut with this one that's not working, when i try the rm /location one, it says "can't remove, read only file system"14:40
k1mmyyyhmm thanks i'll keep that in mind14:40
tsoutsekii know this is not a homework helping channel, but i need some help with C coding. someone msg me if you are eager to help (it is an easy thing). thanks14:40
rypervenchek1mmyyy: what happens if you try to touch a nee file on the SD card? what output do you get?14:40
k1mmyyythey have the same exact output of sudo fdisk -l and then ls -l /dev/theirlocation14:40
cfhowletttsoutseki, not a homework site and not even the right channel.  ask ##c14:40
k1mmyyyrypervenche, lemme check14:40
lno1I'm trying to collect two environment variables from a curl command. I want both the HTTP code as well as the actual response content.14:41
cfhowletttsoutseki, or #c++14:41
Pinkamen1_DI got that filesystem issue with mine recently. I had a built in laptop card reader and an expresscard reader. When I moved the card from the build in to the express then it started working.14:41
k1mmyyyrypervenche, cannot touch, read only file system14:41
k1mmyyyi've also added myself to the disk group14:41
Pinkamen1_DAlso functionality returned on both after I restarted14:41
k1mmyyysince that's what group it says in fdisk -l14:41
k1mmyyyPinkamen1_D, it is also a built in SD card reader14:42
k1mmyyyi'm just confused since the working one and non working one have the same filesystem, same group, same owner, same permissions14:42
k1mmyyywhat's different?14:42
Pinkamen1_DYou can try to manually umount it and mount -rw but when I tried that it still gave some error that it would not mount because it was explicitly read-only or something14:42
Pinkamen1_DMy best guess for this is that the plastic lock thing it a bit glitchy but I could be midtaken.14:42
michaliskasapassup guys!!!!!!!!!114:43
k1mmyyyi tried remounting it using a command online, it didn't give an error but still didn't work14:43
cfhowlettmichaliskasapas, not a social channel.  ask your ubuntu questions14:43
k1mmyyyhm, lemme try fiddling with it i guess...14:43
Pinkamen1_Ddid you add the -rw stitch to the mount command?14:43
k1mmyyyPinkamen1_D, i did sudo mount -o remount,rw /media/mydisklocation14:44
k1mmyyycan't i just like, sudo chmod stuff14:44
Pinkamen1_DI guess that translates to about the same14:45
michaliskasapasi love ubuntu!14:45
Pinkamen1_Dno, because the filesystem being readonly changes you from touching any bits including the ownership ones14:45
MonkeyDustmichaliskasapas  thank you for sharing your deepest feelings with us, but stick to ubuntu questions14:45
k1mmyyyPinkamen1_D, even if i use my root account?14:45
michaliskasapasi have14:46
gogishey guys14:46
Pinkamen1_DI believe so. I have had this with network mounted filesystems that were rw, the local root still got permission denied.14:46
michaliskasapasi try to put the ubuntu in old pc but the say /tmp not work!14:46
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k1lmichaliskasapas: we have #ubuntu-offtopic for chat, because we try to keep this channel cllear for support and to help people with ubuntu issues14:46
k1mmyyyPinkamen1_D, you appear to be correct14:46
k1mmyyyPinkamen1_D, just tried it, said read only for all the files/folders...14:46
k1mmyyywhat the hell can i do?14:46
Pinkamen1_Ddo you have any other SD readers handy?14:47
michaliskasapasplz help me14:47
cfhowlettmichaliskasapas, old PC?  use lubuntu14:47
ubottulubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.14:47
k1lmichaliskasapas: did you try lubuntu?14:47
k1mmyyyPinkamen1_D, hmm, not here i think...14:47
michaliskasapasi know man14:47
michaliskasapaslubuntu!! i know it14:48
k1mmyyyit's just so weird, these are literally identical sd cards14:48
kuba7447LXDE looks ugly14:48
k1lkuba7447: well, that is your personal opinion. others might have a differen opinion14:49
Pinkamen1_Dcan you try mounting somewhere else? $ umount ... $ mkdir -p /media/test $ mount -rw /dev/... /media/test14:49
Pinkamen1_D(sudo those)14:49
michaliskasapaspreload is good??14:49
k1mmyyyPinkamen1_D, what filesystem type sholud i specify?14:51
Pinkamen1_DI have not had to14:51
k1mmyyywhen i tried mount it said i have to...14:51
Pinkamen1_Dbut it would depend on how it is formatted14:51
Pinkamen1_Doh that sounds not too good, like it had trouble reading/dececting it14:52
Pinkamen1_DI would guess that SDs could be FAT32 but you could theoretically use many filesystems14:52
=== swordsmanz is now known as _2swordz_
k1mmyyyPinkamen1_D, yeah, from fdisk, it's W95 FAT32 (LBA)14:54
michaliskasapaswhat is /tmp ???14:55
k1mmyyywelp, this is making me crazy14:55
k1mmyyyis there some way i can easily just reformat it?14:55
Pinkamen1_Dyou can try gparted14:55
michaliskasapasplz guys what is /tmp14:56
Pinkamen1_Dthat is the package name14:56
michaliskasapasaaa ty man14:56
michaliskasapasi have a pr with this14:56
michaliskasapasi try to put on low pc lubuntu14:56
michaliskasapasand a have error14:56
Pinkamen1_D /tmp is just a temporary part of the file system, sometimes mounted as a ramdisk, and usually writable my all users.14:56
michaliskasapasty man14:57
michaliskasapascy guys14:57
kuba7447tmp = temporary14:57
Arloany one here or just idle14:59
cfhowlettArlo, ask your ubuntu question14:59
kuba7447im here15:00
Pinkamen1_DI am not here15:00
Arlolooking for a good tool to monitor switch traffic15:00
michaliskasapasi am afk15:00
michaliskasapaspreload is good?15:01
Arlothanks ill research15:01
epicnahhello, im using intel, any chance for me to install ubuntu 15 server ?15:01
cfhowlett!server | epicnah15:02
ubottuepicnah: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server15:02
MonkeyDustmichaliskasapas  in a terminal, type this command and see if you can use it    apt-cache show preload15:02
michaliskasapaspreload is good for 1gb ram?15:02
michaliskasapaspreload is good for 1gb ram?15:02
cfhowlett!patience | michaliskasapas15:03
ubottumichaliskasapas: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:03
michaliskasapasok sr man15:03
compdocwhats preload?15:03
michaliskasapasfaster load for ram15:03
michaliskasapasbut if is only 1gb is it bad?15:04
kuba7447can i mix two different ram sticks?15:04
michaliskasapasyes but15:04
cfhowlettkuba7447, everything I've ever read says NO ...15:04
michaliskasapashe go in lower ram stick hzr15:04
michaliskasapasif is 1100hrz and 900hrz he go in 90015:05
epicnahi was installed ubuntu 15 server with usb stick + squid network proxy connection. why do i got kernel error during the ubuntu 15 server error install for my intel i5 proc ?15:05
Arlolooks like preload is a readahead daemon15:05
Arloi am looking to find network collisions on a switch15:05
cfhowlettepicnah, md5sum you .iso and your boot USB15:05
kuba7447ok, thanks, cfhowlett15:06
cfhowlettkuba7447, happy2help!15:06
epicnahits usb installer from pendrivelinux. does it support ubuntu 15 usb install ?15:06
cfhowlettepicnah, yes, but you should still verify integrity15:07
michaliskasapaslook i have 32gb ram and 10tb hard disk! and i have wn 8.1 and ubuntu15:07
epicnahaye aye sir15:07
=== YlerGets-Away is now known as YlerGets
skinuxDo the latest repos have PhpMyAdmin version 4.4?15:10
Arlosudo apt-cache search PhpMyAdmin15:11
Arlotype that15:11
epicnahall my iso have matched md5, why do i still got error for my intel i5 proc :( is it squid network matter of my PC hardware problem ? i have tried it since yesterday, still no luck for me :( any idea?15:11
daumhey guys i'm following http://work.allaboutken.com/node/21 to add multiple ips to a single ubuntu machine.  It works for a secondary ip, if i add a 3rd ip should it be tab 3 or should it still be tab 2?15:11
=== owner is now known as Guest79257
skinuxI know ubuntu repos have PhpMyAdmin, I'm asking about the specific version15:11
epicnah***of or15:11
Piciskinux: The next release of Ubuntu will have 4.4, but that isn't due until October15:11
k1mmyyyPinkamen1_D, for future reference tell people to use gparted, i just nuked the stupid SD card and now it works15:11
k1mmyyythanks bye15:11
Arlogotcha sorry15:12
skinuxWell, I'm just noticing that the documentation pages for PhpMyAdmin doesn't even list 4.0 anymore.15:12
skinuxWell, it lists a bunch of 3.x versions and then 4.415:13
Arloskimux  look here you can d/l not sure on repositorieshttp://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/downloads.php15:16
Arlooooops skinux15:16
skinuxDocumentation lists a PPA, but will that replace the default installation or would it be an additional installation?15:17
Arloi do not know, ill leave that for someone else to answer15:18
sara_hey people i got problems booting my ubuntu studio after i updated yesterday....15:18
sara_anyone wanna help?15:18
cfhowlettsara_, no detailz = no helpz.  be specific15:19
k1lmichaliskasapas: dont use preload. lubuntu uses zram ootb. that is good.15:19
sara_when i boot the screen is dark....it is on but no picture....if i punch in my password it plays that login sound....but again no picture15:19
michaliskasapasi have same error to!15:20
michaliskasapaswith last updated15:20
sara_yeah please help i am on wifes comp atm....really need my comp for work15:20
bstarekdo you have ssh server on it? and a static ip?15:20
k1lmichaliskasapas: please make a proper question and name your ubuntu version, the exact error and the hrdware specs15:21
sara_no ssh but ip is static15:21
sara_i mean i thik i dont have ssh :P sry15:21
bstareksara_, boot on livecd, copy your data and then we will talk15:21
bstareksara_, it is not installed by default, thus i dont think you have it15:22
* epicnah coffe time15:24
supersmilersHi. I tried Ubuntu Mate but It won't install certain packages when I installed Ubuntu in Virtual machine. My host is Windows 8.1 Pro on Surface Pro 3.15:26
k1lmichaliskasapas: what ubuntu is it exactly? is it installed or live version? what is the exact errormessage? ....15:26
k1lmichaliskasapas: details matter15:26
compdocsupersmilers, which packages?15:27
sara_i remembered i have team viewer and i booted and put in my password and now i can log in and see desktop on my mobile team viewer app15:27
supersmilersNormally it would hang on configuring desktop packages that are kernel based like desktop-base.15:28
supersmilersHow do I fix that without reinstalling Ubuntu Mate every time when it happens.15:31
nicomachus-f install?15:32
k1lsupersmilers: i am not aware of any such issue15:33
k1lsupersmilers: can you pastebin some examples?15:33
supersmilersI always install those kind of packages through Synaptic Package Manager and my Virtualization Host client is Hyper-V15:34
sara_bstarek i got team viewer on my machine and i can log in using team viewer app on my mobilephone15:37
sara_bstarek i am installing team viewer app on wifes comp so i can work better15:37
supersmilersToo bad Hyper-V don't have 3D support for Linux OS distros15:38
=== Samul` is now known as Samul|AWAY
bstareksara_, you said you werent able to login to your computer?or to bootup?15:39
SaucisseCocktailHi everybody, Who get sometimes a very slow menu in Kodi 14.02 ? strangely, it seems to get correct after going in the video system menu...15:39
bstarekSaucisseCocktail, this is kodi bro15:39
sara_i ll say again.....when i boot my comp i got no picture15:39
bstarekSaucisseCocktail, this ISNT kodi15:39
bstareksara_, black screen?15:39
sara_but if i put in password i can hear login sound15:39
sara_it is black but not off15:40
bstareksounds like driver issues15:40
bstareksara_, which version of ubuntu are you using?15:40
sara_ubuntu studio 14.0415:40
supersmilersThe version of Ubuntu Mate I used is 15.0415:41
bstareksara_, it all started after an upgrade?15:42
sara_2 days ago15:42
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter15:42
bstareksara_, what is your desktop environnement?15:43
chotaz`wsara_, no mode set just saved my life after a fault kernel upgrade15:43
sara_hmm ubuntu studio default :P xfce maybe?15:43
sara_ok i ll look into that link.....is it complicated15:43
bstareksara_, let me check that real quick15:43
=== michael__ is now known as Guest86091
TheEagerPadawanHi i wonder if a future employer refers in a job description up to 3 years of experience means that you need to have at least 3 years of exp or if he means it to be maxium 3 years15:44
bstareksara_, you got an nvidia card?15:44
supersmilersAnyway, I have better luck with Raspbian on my RPi 2 than my tablet.15:45
k1lTheEagerPadawan: that better suits into #ubuntu-offtopic since its not ubuntu related :)15:45
TheEagerPadawank1l: my bad, moving channels15:45
telestoHey all. Is there a way to give someone SSH access to just one directory, which also can be served by nginx? I thought maybe a chroot but wasn't sure if that would prevent the web server from serving those files15:45
thisischrysis there a way to run a single application with a different WM? I tried exporting WINDOW_MANAGER in a terminal before running it but that didn't help15:45
Guest86091I have a problem with server that running ubuntu, is this a proper channel to ask question about it?15:45
supersmilersWould pure Debian work better in Virtual Machine than Ubuntu?15:46
sudoritzcan i show abolute file path but also show permissions too  like ls -lart rwxrwxrwx but show files for 2 levels /folder1/file.xxx15:46
MonkeyDustsudoritz  general linux questions in ##linux please15:47
Guest86091this is my question15:48
sara_bstarek any news?15:48
bstareksara_, can you acces command line ?15:48
Guest86091if anyone could help, I would appreciate this15:48
bstareksara_, and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-current-updates"15:48
sara_i will try trough team view...15:49
bstareksara_, what is your laptop model? dell?15:50
bstareksara_, full model please15:51
sara_im currently writing from wifes comp...lenovo E325 but this one is ok15:51
sara_my comp is stationary...or how to say15:51
bstareksara_, what is model? or graphic card model?15:52
sara_my graphic card is nvidia 560 gtx15:53
bstareksara_, ok one sec15:54
sara_ok i did this "sudo dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-current-updates" nvidia current updates is not installed and no info is available15:55
ltk_hello, i want know what is mean that 'LIST_POSION1' and 'LIST_POSION2' from linux kernel file "list.h"15:57
bstareksara_, ok one sec15:57
sara_am using nvidia 331.113 propriatery drivers15:58
sara_just checked15:58
thisischrysltk_: they're pointers to trap wrong use of freed list heads15:59
bstareksara_, try this link http://askubuntu.com/questions/469377/cant-install-ubuntu-14-04-shows-black-screen-gtx-750-ti15:59
ltk_thisischrys: the function "list_del" how to work by two macros16:01
thisischrysltk_: this really isn't the place for linux kernel support or explanations, I suggest #kernelnewbies on irc.oftc.net16:03
bstareksara_, try this link too    "http://askubuntu.com/questions/561948/ubuntu-14-04-nvidia-331-update-problem"16:03
ltk_thisischrys: tks16:04
thisischrysgood luck16:04
bstareksara_, i'm just googling my a** lol...i am trying to help, sorry if you dont get results.16:05
iorialtk_ http://www.makelinux.net/ldd3/chp-11-sect-516:06
bstareksara_, by experience i know that nvidia could give troubles for graphic cards, that one needs to make sure to pickup the right one. if not, you need to un-install and re-install the right ones.16:06
sara_bstarek thanks i appreciate your help16:07
sara_but i am a bit pissed becouse i got a feeling i ll have to reinstell everithing16:07
sara_my work comp :(16:08
crocketThe boot screen is black after upgrading ubuntu to 15.04.16:08
crocketIt seems radeon driver is missing from initramfs.16:08
crocketHow do I insert radeon driver into initrd?16:08
sara_bstarek how do i change drivers from terminal from nvidia 311 proprietary to nvidia 331 updates?16:09
sara_maybe that culd help :P16:09
bstareksara_, it is ok, try what i have sent you first....if nothing works, save your work and re-install, it is no big deal, it happens to us all.16:09
g105bHow do I check that my Ubuntu server is set up to use NTP to keep the time synced?16:09
MonkeyDustg105b  is this useful https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/NTP.html16:10
g105bMonkeyDust: thanks, didn't realise it ran as a service.16:10
bstareksara_, let me check..one minute16:11
crocketI just had to insert 'radeon' into /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and execute 'update-initramfs -u -k all'.16:11
bstareksara_, http://askubuntu.com/questions/138284/how-to-downgrade-a-package-via-apt-get     remember google is your friend.16:12
sara_bstarek thanks16:13
crocketoh noes...16:13
bstareksara_, you are welcome, glad to help.16:13
crocketEven with 'radeon' in initrd, the monitor gets no signal during ubuntu boot.16:14
ImJuneI am trying to run this command after pressing ctr alt f1 "diff -ns ~/dmesg_boot ~/dmesg > ~/dmesg_diff"16:14
ImJuneI am getting permission denied statement16:15
sara_really appreciate your help bstarek16:15
bstareksara_, no problem, good luck with your issue.16:15
ImJuneis there a way to enter that command16:17
ImJuneI am guessing I should be root16:17
panicbitHi, I'm trying to update to PHP 5.4 on lucid using this PPA: https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/ubuntu/php5-oldstable    But apt still wants to install PHP 5.3 from the distro repo. Any ideas why that might be?16:17
panicbit(Yes I did apt-get update)16:17
fullstackAnyone have the problemw here Chrome goes crazy and displays a bunch of pink tab squares instead of a webpage?16:19
Picipanicbit: What release of Ubuntu are you running now?16:20
panicbitPici: 10.04.416:21
Picipanicbit: Well, that PPA only has packages for 12.04.16:21
panicbitOh right16:21
Picipanicbit: Additionally, 10.04 was dropped from Ubuntu support on April 30th.16:22
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support ended on April 30 2015. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details.16:22
panicbitPici: Then I only need to adjust my sources line... The packages work fine when installed manually16:22
Picipanicbit: well, good luck with that ;)16:22
panicbitPici: Eh, I sadly can't upgrade...16:22
panicbitPici: vserver suckage16:22
panicbitPici: The server is a big mess of software pulled from newer versions... :/16:23
Picipanicbit: Gross. At least you recognise it though.16:23
sara_bstarek im in :D16:24
bstareksara_, great :), how did you fo?16:24
panicbitPici: Hm, I think the PPA has dropped support for lucid...16:25
panicbitOh well...16:26
sara_trough team viewer i logged on my pc and changed drivers to xserver-xorg-video nuveau from nvidia 331.11316:26
sara_i just got one final question16:26
bstarekok good16:26
sara_i work with graphics specially with 3D so i need better drivers....which driver should i choose now?16:26
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bstareksara_, i cant tell you, you will have to make some research on google.16:27
sara_ok np16:27
bstareksara_, or maybe try the nvidia forum16:27
bstareksara_, but I am sure you will find the information if you look for it.16:28
notevenandrewHello, I made a udev rule to run a script every time i connect my phone, but now my phone won't auto-mount in /run/user/1000/gvfs/ Does anyone have any  suggestions im stuck!16:28
epicnahsara, apple pc is good for designer CMIW. im using intel, comfort with nvidia in my opion :)16:29
sara_i hate apple16:29
sara_i work on mac pro at work16:30
epicnahbut the color is more deep in apple16:30
sara_u joking16:31
bstareksara_, try this "http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/84721/en-us"  in "supported products"16:31
sara_u mean difference between rec 709 and sRGB display device?16:31
epicnahreally ?16:34
sara_what really?16:34
sara_look for comparison between rec709 and sRGB16:35
sara_if you dont belive me16:35
sara_i ll log back in from my main comp under vandorius nick ;)16:37
notevenandrewOk so apparently GVFS stands for gnome virtual filesystem. Therefore it is obvious that nothing is mounted there since nautilus doesn't automatically mount it (or detect it)16:37
notevenandrewHow can i manually mount that MTP device somewhere else then :-)16:37
Picinotevenandrew: iirc, you can access it from the shell by going into ~/.gvfs/  I might be confusing things though (I'm not a desktop person)16:38
notevenandrewPici: thanks for the input, but i think you missed the context: The automount was working well, and it was mounting my device under /run/user/1000/gvfs/mtp:[blabla], i put some custom rules in udev, and this automount thing stopped working. So i am looking for a manual way to mount it somewhere from the script im running16:41
Picinotevenandrew: oh, sorry, I did miss a bunch.16:45
JinjaNinjaI have JACK Virtual Keyboard running, and It's connected to Calf Organ plugin. For some reason though, it doesn't make sound.16:50
fgrohi all. so I helped a friend of my mother to switch from windows vista to ubuntu. everything works fine, except for her printer/scanner. it's a brother mfc-j430w. any recommendations on how to deal with this? I think the best would be for her to get a new printer/scanner that works plug and play since I'm several hours away and don't have remote access to her machine. Thanks for your advice.16:55
lotuspsychjefgro: check apt-cache search brother, maybe your printers drivers show there16:57
LinuxNewbWhy is ubuntu so bad16:58
lotuspsychjeLinuxNewb: this is not the right place for this kind of opinions16:58
BluesKajLinuxNewb, tell us what's bad so we can help you make it good16:59
ImJuneI dunno16:59
ImJuneI had my mousepad fixed16:59
ImJuneI had to reinstall and now my "touchpad" rather is not working agian16:59
BluesKajLinuxNewb, or are you just to complain?16:59
ImJuneI went to /etc/default/grub16:59
LinuxNewbWell the fact that ubuntu is like the windows of the gnu world, they want to only make money17:00
fgrolotuspsychje: i tried to install the printer, but there were no drivers available. i found instructions which included complex commandline instructions, but it didn't work.17:00
bazhangLinuxNewb, wrong channel17:00
LinuxNewbon top of that unity is trash17:00
BluesKajLinuxNewb, then you're in the wrong place for that discusssion17:00
ImJunechanged the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT= as I did before17:00
ImJunebut this fix doesnt work17:00
ImJuneany more17:01
ImJuneis there somekind of kernel bug or something I can fix?17:01
lotuspsychje!details | ImJune17:01
ubottuImJune: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)17:01
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ImJuneOk so my laptops touchpad is not responding17:02
lotuspsychjeImJune: ubuntu version?17:02
ImJune9 month support version17:02
lotuspsychjeImJune: did you have same on 14.04?17:02
LinuxNewbImJune i can help you , just open a terminal17:02
ImJuneterminal is open17:02
LinuxNewbnow type sudo poweroff17:02
lotuspsychje!ops | LinuxNewb17:02
ubottuLinuxNewb: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang17:02
bazhangLinuxNewb, dont try anything silly here17:02
ImJunenice troll17:03
LinuxNewbwas your touchpad working before? or like just suddenly it stopped?17:03
ImJuneI have fixed this issue in the past editing the grub file in /etc/default17:03
ImJuneNo I mean I had to reinstall and the prior fix that I used wont work agiann17:04
lotuspsychjeImJune: what fix?17:04
notevenandrewWherever i searched, they tell you to install and use go-mtpfs17:05
notevenandrewbut i can't install that xD17:05
lotuspsychjenotevenandrew: wich ubuntu version do you have?17:05
lotuspsychje!info mtpfs17:06
ubottumtpfs (source: mtpfs): FUSE filesystem for Media Transfer Protocol devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-5 (vivid), package size 15 kB, installed size 74 kB17:06
ImJuneadding i8042.reset i8042.nomux i8042.nopnp i8042.noloop to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT= line17:06
ImJuneas before there was only "quiet splash"17:06
ImJunethis fix had worked prior17:07
notevenandrew!info go-mtpfs17:07
ubottuPackage go-mtpfs does not exist in vivid17:07
notevenandrewit is in another repository, but i added it :<17:07
ImJuneany ideas?17:07
bazhang!find gmtp17:07
ubottuFound: gmtp17:07
bazhangits gmtp17:07
notevenandrewokay let me try it :)17:08
lotuspsychjeImJune: never seen that addline sorry, where did you find that?17:08
lotuspsychjeImJune: i mean wich tutorial/forum?17:09
lotuspsychjeImJune: sounds like this kind of bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/144866517:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 1448665 in xorg (Ubuntu) "touchpad not detected" [High,Incomplete]17:11
narkmanyes i know that bug17:12
narkmani have it to and i fix it17:12
ImJuneyou fixed it?17:12
fgroso what i'm looking for is a plug and play printer/scanner for 14.04 .. i found this list, but anyone with recommendations https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners17:12
lotuspsychjefgro: hp always does the trick17:12
lotuspsychjefgro: with hplip tools its gonna be your best bet with ubuntu17:13
fgrolotuspsychje: hplip needs to be manually installed I assume?17:13
fgrolotuspsychje: or does it come with ubunut preinstalled?17:13
lotuspsychje!info hplip | fgro17:13
ubottufgro: hplip (source: hplip): HP Linux Printing and Imaging System (HPLIP). In component main, is optional. Version 3.15.2-0ubuntu4.1 (vivid), package size 65 kB, installed size 390 kB17:13
lotuspsychjefgro: optional17:14
fgrolotuspsychje: thanks17:14
lotuspsychjefgro: no prob17:14
ImJunecan you share how you fixed it?17:14
ImJuneeverysingle time I reboot there is an error message system problem detected17:15
lotuspsychjeImJune: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingTouchpadDetection17:15
ImJuneI have been there but some of their instructions don't even work17:16
lotuspsychjeImJune: did you try a no_acpi boot?17:16
ImJunehow to do that?17:16
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | ImJune17:16
ubottuImJune: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:16
lotuspsychjeImJune: same way you set nomodeset, try no_acpi17:17
ImJuneOk I will try this17:18
ImJuneshall I add exactly this ? GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nomodeset acpi_osi=\"Linux\""   ?17:20
ImJuneas shown in your link?17:20
lotuspsychjeImJune: no, not the nomodeset17:20
lotuspsychjeImJune: try F6 at boot and get into boot options for no_acpi17:21
ImJuneso don't alter grub from inside17:21
ImJunedo all this at boot ?17:21
lotuspsychjeImJune: yes you can try from boot17:21
ImJuneI cant17:22
ImJunedoesnt give me that option17:22
ImJunebecause I have disabled the grub screen17:22
lotuspsychjeImJune: http://askubuntu.com/questions/160036/how-do-i-disable-acpi-when-booting17:22
notevenandrewi think you can still see it if you spam Esc after POST17:23
YokoBRdudes... zentyal team has taken a shit on that project17:25
lotuspsychje!language | YokoBR17:25
ubottuYokoBR: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList17:25
YokoBRidk if they're trying to be a commercial focused group17:25
YokoBRsorry about that17:25
YokoBRi'm just pissed off about it17:26
lotuspsychjeYokoBR: whats your ubuntu questione exactly?17:26
YokoBRjust an off topic comment.17:26
robholquite a few channels on freenode with sticks up their ass, heh17:27
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YokoBRwhen you think about enterprising, you think about long term. products, like ubuntu lts17:28
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:28
YokoBRokay, thanks and sorry17:28
ImJunesorry it says evtest command not ffound17:31
ImJuneis this tool no longer around?17:31
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SchrodingersScat!info evtest | ImJune, was in my 15.04 repos,17:31
ubottuImJune, was in my 15.04 repos,: evtest (source: evtest): utility to monitor Linux input device events. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.32-1 (vivid), package size 12 kB, installed size 65 kB (Only available for linux-any)17:31
ActionParsnipImJune: doesn't xev do what you need?17:32
ImJunewell when I try to use it in a vt I get command not found17:32
ActionParsnipImJune: what is the output of:   cat /etc/issue17:33
nimbioticsHello everyone. There is only one user in my ubuntu 14.04 installation. I mistakenly took ,myself out of the sudoers group. Is there a way to fix that?17:35
ActionParsnipnimbiotics: use root recovery console from Grub17:35
ActionParsnipnimbiotics: you can then add your user to the sudo group and reboot.17:35
ImJuneubuntu 15.0417:35
nimbioticsActionParsnip: Ok, thanks17:35
ActionParsnipnimbiotics: you may need to remount your system partition as writable using:   mount -o remount,rw /17:36
ImJune\n \l17:36
ActionParsnipImJune: is this a server install? No gui?17:36
ImJunethis is full gui17:36
ImJuneunity desktop17:36
ImJuneI had fixed this previously touchpad working no issues17:36
ImJunebut I reinstalled to an mSata drive and deleted the sata3 drive17:37
ImJunenow I can not get this mousepad working again17:37
ActionParsnipImJune: unity is a shell (gnome is the desktop) :)17:37
ImJuneok my bad17:37
ActionParsnipImJune: is it a laptop?17:37
ImJunevery generic one17:37
ActionParsnipImJune: what make and model?17:37
ImJuneits a frontier pc KOUZIRO 14 laptop17:38
ImJunei5 3317u17:38
ImJunesame chip as the original surface pro and one of the macbook air models17:38
ImJuneif you have time can we go to pm?17:39
ActionParsnipImJune: have you tried the boot option:   i8024.reset     or         i8024.irqpoll     or      i8024.nomux17:39
ActionParsnipImJune: worth a shot17:39
ImJuneI will pastebin for you17:40
ImJunethe grub17:40
ActionParsnipImJune: i dont need it, just try the options17:40
ImJuneall at once?17:40
ImJuneor 1 and 117:40
ImJune1 by 1*17:40
ActionParsnipImJune: individually. You will need to reboot to test17:40
ImJunedid you mean i8042?17:45
ActionParsnipImJune: https://encrypted.google.com/search?hl=en&q=i8024.reset      no :D17:45
ActionParsnipImJune: its a common couple of boot options I know that do something to make touchpads work.17:46
nimbioticsActionParsnip: It worked, Thanks!17:46
ActionParsnipnimbiotics: sweet as17:46
ActionParsnipnimbiotics: you can use the same to reset user passwords if you forget yours17:50
nimbioticsActionParsnip: hope note. but thanks!!17:50
notevenandrewApparently udev doesnt like running commands from it, even if i use disown17:50
jaydemirhello all17:50
anonimouseHello anyone there?17:52
anonimouseCan anyone help me?17:52
MonkeyDustanonimouse  start with a question17:52
ImJunethis is brutal17:53
ImJunefar to fall when it was working fine before17:54
anonimouseI am having a dual boot with  window s 8.1 . Hours before, i used windows and returned to ubuntu  to find i cant get audio from VLC and other players17:54
JinjaNinjaAnyone have experience with jack connections?17:54
MonkeyDustanonimouse  in a terminal, type    alsamixer    if you see MM, go there and hit m17:54
JinjaNinjaMonkeyDust, you seem like you could be of some help, could you help me connect my Virtual JACK keyboard to QSynth?17:55
anonimouse@MonkeyDust my alsamixer is looking weird with just three squares all saying OO17:55
MonkeyDustJinjaNinja  better ask in #ubuntustudio, it's multimidia dedicated17:56
JinjaNinjaThanks :)17:56
pbxJinjaNinja, anonimouse, also - address the room, not individuals17:56
anonimousesorry pbx. How do i  address the room?17:57
pbxanonimouse, just ask your question(s)17:58
BluesKajanonimouse, you are addressing the room by typing into the textbox and hitting enter17:58
pbxanonimouse, i apologize though, i see you were responding to MonkeyDust, never mind17:59
jaydemirI had a question. I'm running xfce-desktop on my chromebook and I'm trying to customize it. I want to change the menu from default, and it's asking for a menu file. Where can I get more menu files to choose from?17:59
ImJunewhat does booting to insecure mode mean?17:59
ghosty_bonjour a tout le monde17:59
tck9anyone seen this before? nfsmount fails to mount a share on bootup (dmesg has svc: failed to register lockdv1 RPC service (errno 97)). After the system has booted up, manually doing a 'mount -a' works fine and mounts the share17:59
ImJunethis is literally depressinng17:59
notevenandrewImJune, i can relate to that!17:59
JinjaNinjaDoes anyone know of some multimedia chans besides #ubuntustudio ?18:00
jaydemirI couldn't quite get cinnamon working on here but I was trying to see if I could get a nice transparent menu going.18:00
anonimouseI cant hear audio from video files. I cant hear anything if I try to  play mp3 files with VLC , but i can hear using mp3 players. However I can hear drumrolls.18:00
pavlos!fr| ghosty_18:00
ubottughosty_: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:00
marcanuyI've made a new directory /opt/foobar; adduser john; usermod -a -G john myCurrentUser; chmod 775 /opt/foobar; touch /opt/foobar <--- PERMISSION DENIED, what am I missing?18:01
marcanuyJinjaNinja, my current user belongs to /opt/foobar group18:02
JinjaNinjamarcanuy, are you doing this as root?18:02
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marcanuyJinjaNinja, I've created them with root, then I switched to a regular user18:03
JinjaNinjado sudo <all the stuff you put into term>18:03
marcanuyJinjaNinja, I was trying to create a new group, add my current user to it, and be able to work in a directory belonging to that group18:04
samuraicatHoping for some help with XSANE. Was scanning fine but suddenly I'm getting error during save: Broken Pipe18:06
entity_mattHi can anyone help me get my laptop to output to a second monitor. I'm using bumblbee and my vga port is connected to my nvidia card18:08
notevenandrewOk so now im stuck trying to find how to detach a script from my script udev runs, so it unblocks it and lets it mount, i tried setsid but without any luck, also disown didnt help either18:09
notevenandrewif i just comment the line that runs the script, everything works fine, but when it runs, it just blocks it, even with setsid :(18:10
ImJunegod I wish this would work again18:10
ImJunethis is crazyness18:11
entity_mattHi can anyone help me get my laptop to output to a second monitor. I'm using bumblbee and my vga port is connected to my nvidia card18:11
lumia935Download current vBulletin Styls/Plugins, or request one that you see from vbulletin.org (We hold a valid license) http://www.criosphinx.net/18:11
lumia935Download current vBulletin Styls/Plugins, or request one that you see from vbulletin.org (We hold a valid license) http://www.criosphinx.net/18:11
samuraicatXSane was scanning fine but now I get an error "Error during save: Broken Pipe"18:12
deadmundIn the new OS X you can shake the cursor and it will grow to help you find it (http://video.businessinsider.com/d671cfbc-8412-416e-851c-c27510ede9a7.webm).  Is there a similar feature anywhere in the Ubuntu world? (I use KDE if it matters)18:16
entity_mattHi can anyone help me get my laptop to output to a second monitor. I'm using bumblbee and my vga port is connected to my nvidia card18:17
reisiodeadmund: to indicate where the cursor is, or specifically to make it grow upon "shaking"? :p18:17
deadmundreisio: either/or   Do you know of a feature that indicates where it is?18:17
reisiodeadmund: yeah, in compizconfig, show mouse18:18
deadmundreisio: thanks!18:18
deadmundreisio: What's the relationship between KDE and compiz?  It seems that it's using compiz but not fully or something?  I think that gnome 2 handled compiz the best but I've never dug into it with KDE (much less KDE 5)18:20
xanguadeadmund: kde uses it's owm compositing efects (kwin) and Gnome Shell uses "mutter" I believe18:21
reisioyeah ^18:21
reisioKDE probably has one, though18:21
reisiosince that's basically an accessibility issue18:21
reisioask #kde about it18:21
xanguakde used to use compiz too back in 3.x18:21
reisioI think not18:21
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deadmundok, thanks guys18:22
deadmundSo it's actually not compiz, but it is a similar feature-set.18:22
reisiodeadmund: yes18:22
marcanuyIf I do "$id myuser" it shows it is belonging to the same group defined in /opt/dev, "chgrp mygroup /opt/dev; chmod 775 /opt/dev", but when I try "$touch /opt/dev/something" shows Permission Denied, any idea?18:23
notevenandrewI summarized my issue in http://paste.ubuntu.com/11697737/ If someone can read that i would be really thankful :)18:23
reisiodeadmund: try CTRL+Win18:23
reisiomarcanuy: chgrp is for files18:25
marcanuyreisio, chown mygroup:mygroup /opt/dev18:25
reisiodeadmund: http://www.bbc.co.uk/accessibility/guides/mouse_pointer/computer/linux/kde/#finding or #kde, again18:25
reisiomarcanuy: might want -R18:26
deadmundreisio: You the best!!!18:26
marcanuyreisio, yes, the problem is that it doesn't allow a user belonging to that group to write a file there18:26
marcanuyreisio, even with chmod 77518:26
samuraicatXSane was scanning fine but now I get an error "Error during save: Broken Pipe"18:28
deadmundreisio: excellent thanks!18:30
deadmundreisio: Talk about customer service!18:30
=== Shrooms` is now known as Shrooms
samuraicatXSane was scanning fine but now I get an error "Error during save: Broken Pipe"18:34
muhkuhhello world o/ might someone help me with a minor problem?18:37
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:38
samuraicatMagically solved my XSANE error. I just printed something and all of a sudden the scanning started working again!18:38
muhkuh=) right18:38
muhkuhi tried to tell my ubuntu studio version to start with the generic kernel as shown here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudioPreparation, but it still is botting with the low-latency one18:40
Inspirali made a fresh install of 14.04 lts. I ran 'sudo apt-get install lamp-server' and then 'service mysql stop', I then copied my old /var/lib/mysql folder to the new installation and tried 'service mysql start' i hit an error and would like to know how I can remove this install of mysql entirely and reinstall it as I cannot get it to restart even after removing /var/lib/mysql and 'apt-get purge mysql-server' and 'apt-get purge mysql-server-5.5' any18:40
Inspiral ideas?18:40
MonkeyDustmuhkuh  you too, there's also #ubuntustudio18:40
muhkuhaight Monkey18:41
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DrBotatosometimes my backspace key makes a ^H instead of actually deleting. eg: rm: remove write-protected regular file ‘test.tar.gz’? su^H^H^H^H^H^C18:45
DrBotatois there a way to fix this?18:45
angular_mike_I think my OS got really messed up18:48
Lunariohow can I access an ssh network device added to nautilus via terminal?18:48
Lunarioits not in /media18:48
angular_mike_I've installed updates with security updater and restarted when prompted.18:48
angular_mike_But when I booted back up, I've immediately noticed some problems18:48
angular_mike_first, the quick launch bar to the left is gone18:49
angular_mike_second, many keyboard shortcuts have stopped working. I cant use them to switch monitors or open terminal18:49
angular_mike_It's a miracle that i've been able to navigate to chrome18:50
angular_mike_by creating a new folder on desktop18:50
angular_mike_how do I go about fixing this?18:50
MonkeyDustangular_mike_  spare the enter key, please18:50
Inspirallol you're a helpful fellow MonkeyDust18:51
Inspiraluse of the enter key helps convey the desperation angular_mike_ is expressing18:51
angular_mike_ok, sorry for flooding, I'm just really distressed as you can guess; s/security updated/software updater/18:52
Inspiralangular_mike_, it seems like your desktop environment is messed up,18:52
Inspiralangular_mike_, if you create a new user account and login with that does everything show ok?18:53
kostkonangular_mike_, what's your graphics card and what driver are you using. You could start with this http://www.webupd8.org/2012/10/how-to-reset-compiz-and-unity-in-ubuntu.html18:53
angular_mike_Inspiral: yeah, i've also noticed that maximized windows get glitches a their top and there is no top menu with stuff like 'File', etc18:53
angular_mike_Inspiral: would logging in as guest be enough?18:54
Inspiralangular_mike_, try that link kostkon pasted18:54
pavlosLunario, are you using samba?18:55
Inspiralguest might, i don't know. I was just suggesting to eliminate any configuration that's setup in your ~/18:55
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Lunariopavlos:no, ssh18:57
angular_mike_kostkon: I'm guessing, I have to install the rest tool. Software Center doesn't seem to work anymore. I can install it via terminal, right? How do I open the terminal then?18:57
pavlosLunario, I guess I dont understand your question ... you ssh to another box, now what?18:58
kostkonangular_mike_, ctrl+alt+f1 to f6 to access TTY F7 to get back. what rest tool?18:58
angular_mike_*reset tool18:58
Lunarioi ssh'd into it via nautilus so that i can access the files in nautilus.. but how can i access the filesystem via terminal? i know i can ssh into it or use scp, but if the filesystem structure of the remote system has been "mounted" in nautilus (which seems to be the case) why is it not in /media or /mnt?18:59
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pavlosLunario, http://askubuntu.com/questions/412477/mount-remote-directory-using-ssh19:00
kostkonangular_mike_, follow the 2nd method.19:00
kostkonangular_mike_, or download it with chrome, then to install it   sudo dpkg -i ***.deb or19:01
wafflejockLunario, can use Ctrl+L to see the current path in nautilus when you have the server window open and see if it's mounted somewhere or just connected via samba or otherwise19:01
kostkonangular_mike_, just download and run the script19:01
Lunarioi am familiar with sshfs but I thought it might already be mounted but just not where I expected it to be... anyways, thanks19:02
kostkonangular_mike_, or try the 2nd method, as I suggested already19:02
angular_mike_kostkon: ok, i'm following the second methd. I've got an nvidia card for laptops, btw19:03
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notevenandrewUbuntu keeps asking me to enter the password for cryptswap1, is there a way to decrypt it? It is popping up very frequently.19:06
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angular_mike_kostkon: hmm, I get `error: Cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY` when trying to run `dconf reset -f /org/compiz/` from the TTY19:06
kostkonangular_mike_, hmm ok. are you sure you can't start a terminal on your desktop?19:07
angular_mike_kostkon: the hotkey combinations dont work19:08
angular_mike_kostkon: if I could find the executable, I might be able to19:08
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kostkonangular_mike_, tried both alt+f2 & ctrl+alt+t ?19:08
angular_mike_kostkon: yes19:09
angular_mike_shit, alt + tab also doesnt work, I thought I had lost the browser for a while19:10
kostkonangular_mike_, is there any way you could open a nautilus window?19:11
kostkonangular_mike_, like having a folder on your desktop you could click on. also try pressing ctrl+n19:11
angular_mike_kostkon: yes, I managed to open it by creating a new folder on desktop19:12
kostkonangular_mike_, gnome-terminal should be in /usr/bin19:13
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kostkonangular_mike_, alternatively, you could download and run the script from the webupd8 page19:13
angular_mike_kostkon: hmm I see no gnome-terminal in /usr/bin19:14
kostkonangular_mike_, should be there19:15
MonkeyDustangular_mike_  type   which gnome-terminal19:16
angular_mike_MonkeyDust: it returns nothing19:16
MonkeyDustangular_mike_  where did you type it? is it ubuntu?19:17
angular_mike_MonkeyDust: in TTY19:17
angular_mike_MonkeyDust: yes, it's ubuntu19:17
angular_mike_MonkeyDust: I've found a desktop shortcut to gnome-terminal and launching it yields `there was an error launching the application`19:18
MonkeyDustok, then try installing it... sudo apt-get install gnome-terminal19:18
angular_mike_MonkeyDust: alt+f4 works strangely. useful, because there's no 'x's for closing19:18
MonkeyDustangular_mike_  i'm not following you, what was your initial question?19:20
angular_mike_MonkeyDust: ok, terminal runs now19:20
angular_mike_MonkeyDust: um, my inital question was how to fix this mess19:20
MonkeyDustangular_mike_  specify "mess"19:21
angular_mike_MonkeyDust: no quick launch tab and multiple hokeys not working19:21
angular_mike_kostkon: ok, now I've successfully run the `dconf reset -f /org/compiz/`19:23
blzHello, how do I configure groups such that all newly-created subdirectories belong to a given group?19:23
kostkonangular_mike_, either do setsid unity or if you want, reboot19:24
blzFor instance, I have directory `A`.  I want it and all its future children to belong to group `g`.19:24
blzhow do I do this?19:24
angular_mike_kostkon: it says that I need to run `setsid unity` next. When I run it I get ` execvp: No such file or directory`. Quick google shows people reinstalling gcc++ to fix that. Should this apply in my case?19:24
angular_mike_kostkon: wait, installing execvp19:25
kostkonangular_mike_, i guess you could reboot. although your system exhibits some peculiar symptoms, like the initial problem when trying to start the terminal and now this19:26
angular_mike_kostkon: ok, ill reboot then19:26
kostkonangular_mike_, i don't really know what to make of this19:26
angular_mike_kostkon: hopefully, I'll be able to launch chrome after that19:26
angular_mike_LETS GO19:26
kostkonangular_mike_, do it :P19:27
angular_mike_ok, after restart nothing seems to have changed19:31
angular_mike_kostkon: as you might have noticed I seem to also be missing some cruicial program installations19:31
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angular_mike_kostkon: before installing updates I was messing with virtualbox, but nothing more dangerous than `apt ge install/remove` no flags like `purge`19:32
kostkonangular_mike_, you could try reinstalling the ubuntu desktop,    sudo apt-get clean    and then   sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop --reinstall19:32
pbxhow do i change the system notification style in 14.04 (unity)?19:33
angular_mike_kostkon: ok, trying19:34
angular_mike_pbx: you mean the graphical notification bubbles?19:35
angular_mike_pbx: there seems to be a 3-rd party patch for customizing them: http://askubuntu.com/questions/128474/how-to-customize-on-screen-notifications19:36
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angular_mike_kostkon: ok, reinstalling the ubuntu desktop seems to have fixed the problem, at least the symptom, thanks you19:39
angular_mike_I'm still worried about the missing programs19:40
angular_mike_any idea how to survey the damage?19:40
EriC^^what programs angular_mike_ ?19:40
angular_mike_EriC^^: my gnome-terminal had magically disappeared for once19:40
EriC^^was it still installed in dpkg -l ?19:41
EriC^^or apt-cache policy ?19:41
kostkonangular_mike_, good news, you could check your logs for any possible damage. make sure you check your dpkg.log and see what packages were installed / removed during in the last couple of days i guess19:41
angular_mike_EriC^^: also, I recall ctrl+alt+T stopping opening terminator instead of terminal right before restart after installign the updates19:42
kostkonminus during*19:42
angular_mike_kostkon: will do19:42
angular_mike_I have to say, this is not the first time I messed up my Ubunty by messing with Virtualbox19:43
heeenI'm on kubuntu and for some reason powerdevil stopped working19:43
heeenthis setup is like 2 hours old19:43
heeenthere was a conflict earlier and I had to do apt-get install -f19:43
EriC^^angular_mike_: debsums can check all files of installed packages and see if the checksums match19:44
EriC^^!info debsums | angular_mike_ in case you need it19:44
ubottuangular_mike_ in case you need it: debsums (source: debsums): tool for verification of installed package files against MD5 checksums. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.53 (vivid), package size 41 kB, installed size 200 kB19:44
pbxangular_mike_, thanks. yeah, that's what i meant. i changed the style and don't know how it happened (perhaps by installing i3)19:46
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Finetundracan I ask questions about lxqt here?19:47
brainwashFinetundra: you should first ask in #lxde19:51
Finetundrabrainwash: I have but they're not very active. I was hoping I might m=be able to ask here19:52
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brainwashFinetundra: lxqt is not available in the official repos, so it's not really supported here19:52
brainwashFinetundra: just wait a bit and someone in #lxde will answer. maybe even use the mailing list19:53
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meyouanyknow know how i might undelete a vmdk from a vmfs volume using fuse vmfs20:01
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jean-guygood day everyone... in xubuntu, can we find a code for each letter of the alphabeth, or number or other symbol ?  something like the ascii codes in windows?20:07
nicomachusso I finished a HDD clone via dd this morning... and there was a 1B difference between the if and of. oops? going to matter? trivial?20:10
pavlosnicomachus, one byte?20:12
EriC^^nicomachus: how did you get that difference?20:13
dStructhey guys, i'm launching Ubuntu via a Unetbootin USB bootloader/grub and I appear to be doing something wrong trying to get into single user, here's the grub line .. /ubnkern initrd=/ubninit file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper quiet splash -- persistant20:15
dStructdo I need to put "single" before the --?20:15
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dStructdaftykins: trying to figure out why I can't get into single user mode20:21
daftykinsit doesn't exist anymore20:22
daftykinsboot with 'text' instead20:22
dStructdaftykins: seriously, even on 12.x?20:22
nicomachusEriC^^ and pavlos: according the readout when dd finished. It showed the if size and of size, and there was a 1B difference.20:22
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angular_mike_ok guys, remember the problem I had about half an hour ago20:22
EriC^^nicomachus: what options did you use for dd?20:22
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angular_mike_I've been able to replicate it20:23
nicomachusDon't remember the numbers exactly, but something like if=936473879839 of=93647387983820:23
nicomachusno options, EriC^^20:23
nicomachusI thought it was just kinda odd that it was 1B20:23
EriC^^nicomachus: ok, i'm not sure if it matters20:23
angular_mike_All I had to do was install this package: http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/4.3.28/virtualbox-4.3_4.3.28-100309~Ubuntu~raring_i386.deb20:24
angular_mike_gnome-terminal -- gone20:24
nicomachusyea, I don't think it'll make much of a difference... will be home in 1.5 hours and will try to boot it up then.20:24
angular_mike_is there anywhere I should report this?20:24
EriC^^nicomachus: you could always run it with dd if= of= bs=4M conv=sync,noeror20:25
lotuspsychje!info virtualbox | angular_mike_20:25
ubottuangular_mike_: virtualbox (source: virtualbox): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.3.26-dfsg-2ubuntu2 (vivid), package size 15697 kB, installed size 60053 kB20:25
EriC^^nicomachus: that will ignore errors and pad the blocks that have errors so the image is in sync20:26
angular_mike_lotuspsychje: sorry?20:26
EriC^^nicomachus: also 4M is way quicker than copying it 512bytes at a time20:26
lotuspsychjeangular_mike_: wich ubuntu version do you have?20:26
angular_mike_lotuspsychje: 14.04 LTS20:26
lotuspsychje!info virtualbox trusty | angular_mike_20:27
EriC^^nicomachus: you could always run it with dd if= of= bs=4M conv=sync,noeror,notrunc if you're writing it to an img and not a hdd20:27
ubottuangular_mike_: virtualbox (source: virtualbox): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.3.10-dfsg-1ubuntu5 (trusty), package size 15203 kB, installed size 59163 kB20:27
angular_mike_lotuspsychje: Ubuntu 13.04 ("Raring") / 13.10 ("Saucy") / 14.04 ("Trusty") / 14.10 ("Utopic") / 15.04 ("Vivid")  i386 |  AMD6420:27
lotuspsychjeangular_mike_: its reccomended to install virtualbox version, for your ubuntu version20:27
nicomachusEriC^^: Oh well, it's done now.20:27
angular_mike_lotuspsychje: the virtualbox website suggested that package for my version20:27
lotuspsychjeangular_mike_: and ubuntu suggests to use version from official repo20:29
angular_mike_lotuspsychje: it had some incompatibilities with extensions20:30
lotuspsychjeangular_mike_: wich one?20:30
angular_mike_lotuspsychje: VirtualBox 4.3.28 Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack  I think, software center wouldn't let me install it over virtualbox20:31
lotuspsychjeangular_mike_: use packages for trusty only mate20:31
angular_mike_lotuspsychje: but, there's a lot of stuff not available in ubuntu repos20:32
mitfreeAnyone know? Which canonical resource should I use first when experiencing an issue with a ubuntu 14.04 server?20:38
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MonkeyDustmitfree  ask your question here, for a start20:39
MonkeyDustmitfree  however, we're volunteers, not canonical employees20:39
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angular_mike_mitfree: are you talking about URL?20:39
angular_mike_Canonical URL20:40
lotuspsychjeangular_mike_: apt-cache search virtualbox show a few things20:40
angular_mike_lotuspsychje: what do they show?20:40
nicomachuslol wat?20:42
k1l_nicomachus: dont mind the trolls :)20:42
nicomachussomeone's gotta break the monotony of the workday. :)20:42
lotuspsychjeangular_mike_: check in your terminal :p20:42
angular_mike_lotuspsychje: the virtualbox I've got installed right now is the one from Software Center, do you still want it?20:43
nicomachusnot that I'm an expert at all, lotuspsychje, but isn't it better for him to ask what a command does before typing it blindly into a terminal?20:43
lotuspsychjenicomachus: apt-cache search is pretty harmless mate20:44
angular_mike_nicomachus: `search` couldn't hurt, could it?20:44
nicomachusstill doesn't hurt to ask.... but carry on20:44
lotuspsychjeangular_mike_: want what?20:44
* nicomachus slinks away20:44
angular_mike_lotuspsychje: the output20:45
mitfreeangular_mike_: By resourse I mean.. irc, forum, man page, wiki, mailing list.. etc. My issue maybe a bit involved. So are you guys recomending people come here before those other resources. It's been awhile since I've used ubuntu.20:45
lotuspsychjeangular_mike_: no mate that was for you, as you asked before for extensions..20:45
lotuspsychjemitfree: the #ubuntu-server guys might be able to help?20:46
k1l_mitfree: so you mean: "i have an issue with ubuntu, where to get help?" or are we talking about paid canonical support?20:46
MonkeyDustmitfree  type /j #ubuntu-server, ask your question there20:47
angular_mike_lotuspsychje: oh, so what will it do?20:47
lotuspsychjeangular_mike_: search all packages on the text 'virtualbox'20:47
lotuspsychjeangular_mike_: i tought maybe it shows relevant packages you search for?20:47
angular_mike_lotuspsychje: no, I mean what use is it for me?20:47
lotuspsychjeangular_mike_: you named a virtualbox extension before20:48
angular_mike_mitfree: I'm no expert, but I don't think they provide support, unless you're a paying customer20:48
angular_mike_lotuspsychje: oh, ok20:48
lotuspsychjeangular_mike_: and maybe the #vbox guys can also point you deeper to your needs20:48
mitfreek1l_: Right, I don't mean paid support. You know how some distros say search the mailing list first... If I recall, ubuntu used to have a pretty big forum community, but I'm going back a few years. Things might hace changed.20:50
PCatineanHey guys, i wanted to install the ubuntu-restricted-extras and also accepted the EULA with the fonts now I want to chuck them away20:50
PCatineanhow can one do that?20:50
lotuspsychjePCatinean: hit TAB20:50
angular_mike_mitfree: then I guess you're looking for Ubuntu community support, not from Canonical20:50
PCatineanlotuspsychje, it's already done, now I want to revert it :(20:51
PCatineanI read about it only after20:51
angular_mike_mitfree: they've still got a forum, last time I checked20:51
k1l_mitfree: its your choice if irc, mailinglists, ubuntuforums, discourse or askubuntu suits you best20:51
angular_mike_mitfree: as well as an IRC chat20:51
MonkeyDustmitfree  simply ask your question, then we can answer and give directions20:51
lotuspsychjePCatinean: you want to uninstall restricted-extras?20:51
angular_mike_mitfree: #ubuntu20:51
k1l_mitfree: there even is the possibility to ask a question on launchpad20:51
lotuspsychjePCatinean: what are you trying to do mate?20:53
PCatineanlotuspsychje, when installing the ubuntu-restricted-extras, I accepted EULA whatever and it installed the fonts and change the fonts, now I just want to remove those20:56
EriC^^PCatinean: try sudo apt-get purge ubuntu-restricted-extras , maybe20:57
PCatineanthat will remove everything except the fonts EriC^^ from what I see in the list20:57
lotuspsychjePCatinean: why dont you change the font to what you like?20:57
PCatineangstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse libavcodec-extra libfaac0  libmjpegutils-2.1-0 libmpeg2encpp-2.1-0 libmplex2-2.1-020:57
PCatineanthat's all20:57
OerHeksi would try ' sudo apt-get purge ttf-mscorefonts-installer'20:57
PCatineanlotuspsychje, I just want the standard one, dunno which one is that20:57
PCatineanOerHeks, that sounds like something better20:58
lotuspsychjePCatinean: the fonts, are just extras mate20:58
PCatineanit said installing fonts, not sure if it updated as well20:58
lotuspsychjePCatinean: some microsoft fonts in there, some users need20:58
lotuspsychjePCatinean: that doesnt mean its gonna change font in your ubuntu20:58
OerHekssome programs want those, especially those containers20:59
MonkeyDustdeformations in documents may occur, if you don't have the same or right fonts20:59
lotuspsychjei think verdana font sticks in there20:59
PCatineanthanks guys!21:00
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: good evening mate21:02
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: o/ .. Yeah Good one .If it is not a good day, let us make it a good day.21:03
awsumattHey I'm having trouble with an Asus R9 270, does anyone know how to help?21:21
reisioawsumatt: yup21:21
awsumattI have tried everything and looked everywhere and spent hours trying to fix this. I'm kind of a new, I mean I've been using Linux for about a year now so I know a little but nothing crazy. Anyways I just got an Asus R9 270 (https://www.asus.com/us/Graphics_Cards/R9270DC2OC2GD5/) and Catalyst detects it but doesn't use it. All I get is a black screen when I plug into it. However the Xorg driver works and Ubuntu only displays the boo21:23
awsumatt*my integrated graphics21:24
Bashing-omreisio: Bug reported; info and a solution : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2244700 ; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2278589 . Maybe of some help .21:25
Bashing-omawsumatt: ^^ . Sorry reisio .. Do not recal what I did to highlight you .21:27
reisiotransposed a msg I sent to awsumatt, probs21:27
reisiothe human mind is a dangerous thing :p21:27
Bashing-omreisio: :) especially so when I take it out and play with it .21:28
N1ch0l4sHey, I'm a bit of a network noob, and I have a DNS issue.21:28
awsumattThanks, I will try that stuff21:29
N1ch0l4sI connect to the internet through a wireless AP.  I'm configuring another linux host, and I'm hooked up to it through ethernet. By fiddling with network settings I can ping my wireless gateway and the ethernet connected linux host, but DNS fails.  disconnecting ethernet solves this.21:30
brandonpI just installed Ubuntu for the first time21:30
brandonpI like it a lot.21:30
k1l_brandonp: good to hear21:31
brandonpI have a question though, so the first thing I did was "sudo apt-get update"21:31
brandonpthen "sudo apt-get upgrade"21:31
iziplease help me to learn english langauge21:31
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k1l_izi: try in #english21:31
brandonpthen I typed "sudo apt-get install" -- does this last install prompt do anything?21:32
izisudo apt-get install english21:32
izinot work21:32
brandonpor do i have to preface it with a package, like "sudo apt-get install git"21:32
k1l_brandonp: no that will not install something. you need to specify a package (or several packages)21:32
brandonpah ok thanks21:32
EriC^^brandonp: if you want to upgrade all the packages, including the kernel, use sudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:33
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k1l_brandonp: and with "just" apt-get upgrade you might miss some updates. better use "sudo apt update" and "sudo apt full-upgrade"21:33
brandonpok thanks21:33
brandonp"sudo apt-get install -f" doesn't do anything either right?21:34
k1l_they tried to reduce the confusing naming with the new apt command21:34
k1l_brandonp: dont use that out of nowhere.21:34
k1l_that install -f is needed if something went wrong and you want to force (-f) the install21:34
brandonpAh ok. I w as just typing in random prompts trying to fix my wifi. But I just installed that kernel you told me about and it fixed it. Lol.21:35
EriC^^brandonp: it checks for any problems and broken dependencies21:35
_NOLUNCHi have a blank folder with unreadable size in BYTEs named /root in my phone. anyone knows how much is the size and how may i use this block folder to increase ram?21:35
_NOLUNCHi have a blank folder with unreadable size in BYTEs named /root in my phone. anyone knows how much is the size and how may i use this block folder to increase ram?21:36
TheChipsyears ago, I used to use ubuntu, but I didn't use the latest version because the latest version ran a little slower. nowadays, which version of ubuntu do folks use when they want a recentish, but low resource usage ubuntu for their crappy ancient netbook?21:36
EriC^^( and tries to fix them brandonp )21:36
brandonpUnderstood, thanks EriC^^21:36
k1l_!lubuntu | TheChips21:36
ubottuTheChips: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.21:37
EriC^^brandonp: no problem21:37
k1l_TheChips: and then start with the 14.04 LTS version21:37
iziwhy i cant join to another server21:37
buzainTheChips: i run xubuntu on my 5 years old dell studio laptop and it works fine21:37
_NOLUNCHi have a blank folder with unreadable size in BYTEs named /root in my phone. anyone knows how much is the size and how may i use this block folder to increase ram?21:38
k1l__NOLUNCH: ubuntu phone?21:39
TheChipsfair enough, buzain . there was a noticable performance difference between versions, at the time. I think it was 10.04 or something21:39
buzainTheChips: as k1l_ suggested, use the LTS version21:40
TheChipsyeah, I'll try updating to 14.04, thanks you two21:40
TheChipsI could always keep the version I've got but where's the fun in that? :)21:41
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buzainTheChips: I use the latest and get decent performance but mainly for browsing and email21:42
Jordan_UTheChips: Which flavor of Ubuntu 14.04 did you decide to use?21:43
thomedyokay.. so i think i have gotten to the bottom of my issue... or at least i hope... im running ffmpeg from a website... right now its  local and the file name is nothing that is inputed from the user.. so just for a second. lets suspend our assumptions that it is unsafe21:43
thomedymy question is this.... i think i am not getting my output file.mp4 or whatever because my browser is running as www-data and has no permission to run ffmpeg21:44
thomedyam i right?21:44
thomedyhow close to the truth is that21:44
Jordan_Uthomedy: ls -l $(which ffmpeg)21:45
thomedyso you are saying i should type exactly that into command line21:45
Jordan_Uthomedy: Yes. It will show you, among other things, the permissions for the ffmpeg binary. Unless you're doing something very odd it should be executable by all users.21:46
thomedyiit is in usr/local/bin21:46
gt8ost4ldoes anybody know how to get back the status bar in ubuntu 15.0421:46
thomedyand i compiled exactly how  ffmpeg.org page said to21:47
thomedyit is from source code on ffmpeg.org or whatever21:47
Jordan_Uthomedy: Why did you compile from source at all?21:47
thomedybecause my ubuntu software center wasn't working21:48
k1l_depending on the ubuntu version used ffmpeg is not in the repos. avconv is always in the repo21:48
thomedyit was lacking differnet dependencies and i couldn't access the h26421:48
thomedyand all my googling said ffmpeg was the most reliable method21:48
k1l_thomedy: could use the fork of ffmpeg "avconv"21:48
thomedyavconv would hav ebeen fine but very few google searches pointed to avconv in comparison with ffmpeg21:48
thomedyso thats what i did21:49
thomedycan avconv get h264 and back again21:49
Jordan_Uthomedy: Yes.21:49
thomedycan you tell me the command for it21:49
thomedyi  will need h264 and flv21:49
pedro__hi can anyone tell me how to stop the pulse audio sound server?21:49
Jordan_Upedro__: What is your end goal?21:49
k1l_gt8ost4l: what status bar? the panel on the top edge?21:50
gt8ost4lno the bar that display the hard drive space21:50
pedro__Jordan_U, its to put my condenser microphone working on skype, but pulse audio is on the way21:51
k1l_thomedy: i dont know what you want to do at all but here is the manpage: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man1/avconv.1.html21:51
k1l_gt8ost4l: where was that bar? i dont know what you are talking about. ubuntu doesnt have that as a standard21:52
luvenfuhow i use sudo inside of a bash script?21:52
Jordan_Upedro__: What makes you think that pulseaudio is "in the way"? Skype *requires* pulseaudio.21:53
josharensonNot sure if this is the correct place to ask... trying to get lightdm-qt-greeter to run, and it seems that the greeter is not talking to the lightdm server. Are there env variables that need to be set?21:53
pedro__Jordan_U, yes, but at skype sound settings i used to have "samsom usb microphone" option21:53
gt8ost4lk1l_ didnt you use ubuntu 12.04 it had it there in the taskbar21:53
MonkeyDustluvenfu  same as when you type it... you can use 'sudo true' in the beginning of the script21:53
pedro__Jordan_U, thats the option thats going to give me recording sound at skype, i used to have that working21:54
k1l_gt8ost4l: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-vi3fMYU1SsE/T09a-4NQcUI/AAAAAAAAIGM/U-2d5PhdO8Q/s1600/ubuntu-12.04-precise-pangolin.png21:54
brandonpshould I use "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" or "sudo apt dist-upgrade" ?21:54
k1l_brandonp: sudo apt full-upgrade21:55
brandonpOk, thank you.21:55
k1l_brandonp: that combines the old "sudo apt-get upgrade" and "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"21:55
brandonpTwo for one? Nice21:55
brandonpIs there any reason why I should just use sudo apt upgrade without dist?21:56
pedro__Jordan_U, could you gie me a hint on a good gui to configure puse audio working with my usb micro?21:56
k1l_when saying dist-upgrade some people still think it will upgrade from 14.04 to 14.10. so they got scared to run that command21:56
k1l_brandonp: apt-get upgrade will not install new packages, only update packages. but for some updates you need to install new packages (like kernel updates etc) so that cant be installed.21:56
brandonpk1l_: Ah okay, I see, it's just more control21:58
k1l_brandonp: the reasons are historically (from 10-15 years ago) and are not used like back than today. so the old differences just confuse today21:58
k1l_so "apt" instead of "apt-get" is more uptodate21:59
brandonpI understand now. 3/4 of the tutorials on the internet I'm reading use "apt-get", hah. I guess they're just used to it?22:00
k1l_brandonp: well, apt is just 1year old in ubuntu.22:00
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rapper97How can I be sure I'm doing a UEFI instal? The help wiki links to an AskUbuntu answer that is far from clear.\22:24
reisiorapper97: what do you see at bootup before any OS boots?22:24
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rapper97What do you mean?22:25
rapper97Nothing, really; it's a black screen and kicks straight into Windows 8 unless you hit e.g. F9.22:25
PazoozaI have a crypt-luks 1tb drive with no showing partitions in gparted. Why does update say there is not enough room in /boot? I don't see a partition for that. I have 900gig free.22:31
Bashing-omPazooza: What does terminal command ' df -h ' tell you about "/" ?22:33
Jordan_UPazooza: Please pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l" and "df -h".22:33
PazoozaNever mind, I see mount point /boot 243 meg size.22:33
Bashing-omPazooza: Try terminal command ' sudo apt-get autoremove ' to remove old kernels to free up some space .22:34
PazoozaI actually used gnome-commander in root mode to delete the old kernels and headers.22:36
Jordan_Urapper97: If the directory /sys/firmware/efi/ exists then you're booted via UEFI, and the installer will therefore try to install for UEFI.22:36
PazoozaDo you suppose I could resize the /boot partition larger?22:37
Jordan_UPazooza: Please pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l".22:37
nicomachusEriC^^ or pavlos: I'm trying to mount that HDD now that was 1B short on the dd, and can't: https://imgur.com/RoNGScI22:37
rapper97Jordan>> So when I boot into the live distro, look for that directory in the mounted filesystem?22:37
nicomachusoutput of dmesg | tails: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11698908/22:38
Jordan_Urapper97: I'm not sure what you mean by "in the mounted filesystem". Literally running "[ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo UEFI || echo BIOS" will tell you if you're booted via UEFI.22:39
nicomachusthat line about bad geometry?22:39
rapper97Jordan_U>> In the file system of the live CD/installer.22:39
Jordan_Urapper97: Yes.22:40
rapper97jordan_u ty22:40
Jordan_Urapper97: You're welcome.22:41
rapper97Will this directory also appear on the resulting instal, Jordan_U?22:43
Jordan_Urapper97: Yes. Pretty much any time you have a GNU/Linux system that has been booted via UEFI that directory will exist.22:45
rapper97So... is it, like, "virtual?" In other words, if it did not appear on an instal before, might it now?22:46
rapper97if I rebooted in UEFI mode? Or does its absence mean it wasn't installed in UEFI22:46
rapper97and thusly it can never be there.22:47
Jordan_Urapper97: Everything in /sys/ is "virtual". It's a way that the kernel communicates with userspace. The files exist only in memory, they are not ever stored on disk.22:47
rapper97Wow. This changes everything.22:49
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Koyaanishow the hell do i use bootchart22:52
Koyaanison 15.0422:52
rapper97"From an Ubuntu installed on the HDD (neither liveCD nor liveUSB)"22:53
rapper97(either that wasn't in the tutorial I read or I was too tired + missed it.)22:53
Jordan_Urapper97: That sentence has no meaning to me without context.22:54
jkdjeffHi folks, support question: I just put 15.04 on a Toshiba laptop. Things are working well but my Synaptics touchpad isn't even showing up in xinput. Where to start with troubleshooting?22:54
StephanX_@jkdjeff - have a look here http://superuser.com/questions/437601/mouse-touchpad-stuck-in-ubuntu-12-04-after-resuming-from-suspend/437607#43760722:56
StephanX_also, double check that you don't have any hardware key disabling the touchpad22:56
jkdjeffhmmmmm. would that prevent it from even showing up in xinput?22:57
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Jordan_UKoyaanis: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootCharting23:09
nicomachusfsck says a device is busy, but it's not even mounted...23:10
Jordan_Unicomachus: Please pastebin the complete output from fsck and the contents of /proc/mounts.23:11
nicomachusfsck: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11699044/ and /proc/mounts: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11699045/23:13
nicomachusJordan_U: fyi, it's a crypto_luks partition23:13
Jordan_Unicomachus: You can't fsck /dev/sdb5 if it's encrypted. You need to unlock it then point fsck at the /dev/mapper/ device node representing the unencrypted contents.23:16
hplci reformatted a disk, and did set a label to my liking, but after reboot the label is changed, to a long long string of numbers and characters?, annoying, how to change it?23:16
nicomachusah, ok23:16
Jordan_Unicomachus: But before you do that, please explain what your end goal is. What problem are you having that's leading you to want to run fsck?23:17
nicomachusJordan_U: the boot partition on this had a corrupted superblock and I had to restore from a backup, so I was just trying to the same here.23:17
nicomachusI was going to check it first with fsck, then restore the backup if need be23:17
nicomachussee: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11699013/23:18
Jordan_Unicomachus: OK. Have you checked the S.M.A.R.T. status of the drive to see if it might be failing?23:21
nicomachusJordan_U: this is a cloned image off of a failing drive.23:21
nicomachustrying to repair the damage now and recover fiels.23:22
hplcthe "prompt" is so long it going all across the screen23:22
Jordan_Unicomachus: Ahh, so you were the person to whom I recommended GNU ddrescue. Did you end up using GNU ddrescue? How many blocks was it not able to recover, if any?23:23
hplccan the label be changed with parted?, without breaking anything?23:23
nicomachusdon't think that was me. sorry.23:23
Jordan_Unicomachus: OK, then it was another person with a failing drive using LUKS within the past few days :)23:23
nicomachushere's the crypt partition fsck output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11699078/23:24
Jordan_Unicomachus: How did you clone the drive?23:24
nicomachusdd. took all night.23:24
nicomachusI was later informed there were better options. oh well.23:24
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ObrienDaveyou went with dd any way? there are easier option ;P23:25
nicomachusyea, hey, thanks! where were ya last night! lol23:25
Jordan_Unicomachus: Did dd report any read errors?23:26
ObrienDaveyour buddy decided he wanted to show you the "right" way LOL23:26
nicomachusno, except the if was 1 byte larger than the of23:26
Jordan_Unicomachus: And both the if and of were drives?23:27
nicomachusone was an internal 3.5 and the other was an external 2.5, but both were 1TB23:28
nicomachusboth toshiba, too, actually. haha23:28
nicomachusahhhh it's not liking any of these backup superblocks..23:29
Jordan_Unicomachus: That's very odd. No drive should have a size that is anything but a multiple of 512 bytes.23:29
nicomachusnot sure what you mean23:31
ObrienDave512 is the smallest sector size. all drives are multiples of 512 in capacity23:32
nicomachusyea, I get that part. what's his point?23:33
ObrienDaveone drive can't be 1 byte different from the other23:33
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ObrienDavemultiples of 512 yes, not 123:34
nicomachusyea I should have screenshotted that.23:34
nicomachusit was like 6am this morning.23:34
ObrienDavebeen there, done that :)23:34
nicomachusand I was just walking past the computer to go get in the shower and leave for work. ahah23:34
gt8ost4ldoes anybody know where the system diretory is23:35
Jordan_Ugt8ost4l: What is your end goal?23:35
gt8ost4lim installing drivers i need to know where system>administration23:36
Jordan_Unicomachus: Encryption will multiply corruption. A basic characteristic of encryption is that a one bit change in the input (per encrypted block) should cause a seemingly random change in all of the other bits in that block.23:37
nicomachusJordan_U: this entire fiasco has turned me soooo far away from favoring encryption..23:37
nicomachusI mean, jesus... I could have had this fixed 2 weeks ago without it.23:38
nicomachus>insert boot-repair live cd >click ok >reboot >enjoy.23:38
Bashing-omgt8ost4l: Sounds like old documentation from the 10.04 era . What release are you running ? We now have command line tools to install drivers. What returns ' sudo ubuntu-drivers list ' .23:41
gt8ost4li need your help its not just inf files its sys and another inf23:42
gt8ost4lim running 15.0423:42
Bashing-omgt8ost4l: Huh ? Are you compiling from source ?23:43
gt8ost4lno im using ndiswrapper23:43
gt8ost4lwhat that compiles it from source?23:44
Jordan_Ugt8ost4l: Do *not* use NDISWrapper.23:45
Bashing-omgt8ost4l: Not done ndiswrapper, so that lets me out . In 15.04 what is the problem that you can not use the drivers in the software repository .23:46
gt8ost4li cant connect to my router from ym other laptop so i need to install the drivers23:46
Jordan_Ugt8ost4l: What wireless card are you using? Is it internal or external (USB)?23:47
Jordan_Ugt8ost4l: Please pastebin the output of "lspci -vnn".23:49
Jordan_Ugt8ost4l: You have an Atheros card which is very well supported by open drives, which are included in Ubuntu by default (and are currently in use). You do *not* need any more drivers, and installing NDISWrapper is likely to break the drivers you already have.23:53
Jordan_Ugt8ost4l: What happens when you try to connect to your wireless network?23:54
gt8ost4lit shows no wireless connections23:54
Jordan_Ugt8ost4l: Please pastebin the output of "nm-tool".23:55
gt8ost4lits not found23:56
gt8ost4ljust show me how to install the drivers23:56
Jordan_Ugt8ost4l: You already have the proper drivers installed.23:57
Jordan_Ugt8ost4l: What version of Ubuntu are you using?23:57
gt8ost4li told the other guy already23:57
Jordan_Ugt8ost4l: "nm-tool" is included by default, did you mistype it?23:59
gt8ost4lnope i did what you said23:59

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