
micahghi bluesabre , I noticed an RC for blueman was in Debian, did we want that nowish or is later ok01:27
bluesabremicahg: no hurry01:38
bluesabremicahg: have you had a chance to glance over the greeter package?  I think it's okay, files are migrated as I expect, so it should be safe01:43
micahgno, sorry, will try soon01:43
micahgbluesabre: it seems that you are missing a slash before usr in a few places01:59
micahgalso, conf files in /usr/share seem wrong02:00
Unit193Depends on the config, that's where the lightdm xubuntu session is, and is good there.02:01
micahgwell, I would think it violates FHS, /etc is for configuration files02:06
micahgI see the lightdm files there...02:07
Unit193They aren't meant to be changed.02:07
micahgdoesn't matter02:08
micahgwell, does matter :)02:08
micahgbut still feels wrong02:08
micahgviolates Debian policy 10.7.2, https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-files.html#s-config-files02:11
bluesabredebian did it first at least02:14
bluesabredh_install debian/01_debian.conf usr/share/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf.d/02:14
micahgin lightdm?02:16
Unit193No, the greeter.  To override defaults, create a config file in /etc/02:16
Unit193micahg: pbuilder ships defaults in /usr/share/ where you're supposed to override in /etc/02:16
micahgseems like this needs clarifying02:28
micahgI have to run right now though02:28
bluesabreso maybe in the case of this package, 01_ubuntu.conf should go in /usr, and the existing conf should migrate to /etc02:36
ochosiUnit193: btw, wanna take on patching ubiquity to use feh instead of xfdesktop (since you've worked on that part before) ?06:43
Unit193Not specifically...06:45
Unit193Can't say I know it or python well.06:45
ochosiUnit193: if you change your mind and take a look, that'd be appreciated anyway ;)07:01
* knome cheers for Unit193 08:08
bluesabreTeam members read below10:46
bluesabreI'm trying to guage interest in meeting times since I suck at making it to meetings10:47
knomewe can simply run yet another doodle poll (tm)10:47
bluesabreM-F, 0:00 - 2:00 UTC, 9:00 - 12:00 UTC, 20:00 - 23:59 UTC10:49
bluesabreWeekends, any time10:49
bluesabreknome: yeah, that might require more effort and less chiming in10:49
* knome shrugs10:49
ubottubluesabre, elfy, jjfrv8, knome, lderan, micahg, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, slickymaster, Unit19310:49
knomei can set it up10:49
bluesabre(See above)10:49
knomeleaving your schedule there is easy10:50
knomebut sure, whatever works10:50
bluesabreknome: sure, if you'd like to set it up, we can go from there10:50
knomeok, just a sec10:50
knome!team | please fill in the doodle poll at http://doodle.com/vmzrybyw9r9929wt for meeting time coordination11:02
knomeoh stupid bot :)11:03
knome!conga-rats-#ubuntustudio-devel | bluesabre 11:03
ubottubluesabre: ♫ samba rumba bueno la conga cha cha cha11:03
knome!team | please fill in the doodle poll at http://doodle.com/vmzrybyw9r9929wt for meeting time coordination11:03
knomeubottu, please? :)11:03
knomemy luck has turned!11:04
knome!team | please fill in the doodle poll at http://doodle.com/vmzrybyw9r9929wt for meeting time coordination11:04
* knome slaps ubottu11:04
ubottubluesabre, jjfrv8, knome, lderan, micahg, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, slickymaster, Unit19311:05
knome22UTC... wasn't that our previous fixed meeting time :)11:06
knomeseems like it still works11:06
bluesabreedit my previous since I am UTC dumb... M-F, 0:00 - 6:00 UTC, 9:00 - 12:00 UTC, 22:00 - 23:59 UTC11:07
slickymasterWorkdone bluesabre, but please take in consideration that I'm just filling for DST11:07
bluesabrebut yeah, up there on doodle11:07
knomedoodle makes it so much easier to figure out the results <311:07
knomethat just works11:07
slickymasterWorkwhen I'm not under DST my time frame goes back one hour11:07
bluesabreslickymasterWork: np, this will help me get a general overview11:07
slickymasterWorkweekends generally any hour is good, provided I'm awake :P11:08
slickymasterWorkand not hanged over 11:08
knomeslickymasterWork, likely sameish for most11:08
slickymasterWorklol, not being hanged over?11:08
knomeslickymasterWork, but you didn't fill in any weekend time?11:09
knomewas referring to DST...11:09
slickymasterWorksee above knome 11:09
slickymasterWorkI know you were11:09
knomei know but it would be great if you could slap in all the times there then11:09
knomethis isn't "you promised you can do that time on every occasion, pay us 1M$ since you didn't"11:10
bluesabregotta run now, bbl11:10
knomeit's "let's see when we generally are all available"11:10
knomehf bluesabre 11:10
slickymasterWorkok ok ok, it's done11:10
knomethanks ;)11:10
slickymasterWorkhf bluesabre 11:11
knomeslickymasterWork, i don't see it though :P11:11
knomeoh, there it is11:12
slickymasterWorkblame google11:12
ochosiafternoon ppls12:56
ochosiknome: i've got a free hour or so today, wanna work on some LO icons together or something?13:15
knomewith YOU?13:16
ochosiyeah, i know... does that make it weird?13:16
knomelet's see13:17
knomei'm having a nice break now13:17
sorinbHello :)13:22
ochosiknome: uhm, you mean a break in the sense that you're going afk? or a break in the sense that you wanna do something? :)13:23
ochosihi sorinb 13:23
sorinbi'm also sorinello, the guy from last night with the eclipse import issues :)13:23
ochosii supposed so :)13:24
* ochosi is wearing his sherlock hat13:24
* sorinb is still wearing his end-user hat :)13:25
knomeochosi, heh, break in the sense that i'm not doing work/foss work13:30
knomenot exactly afk either though13:30
brainwashsorinb: did you read bug bug 1388922 ?13:48
ubottubug 1388922 in xdg-utils (Ubuntu) "xdg-open doesn't properly detect Xfce/Xubuntu" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138892213:48
sorinbbrainwash, yes, but there is a thing I don't understand13:56
sorinbit states that the but was opened on 13:56
sorinbBug #1388922 reported by Danila Poyarkov on 2014-11-0313:56
ubottubug 1388922 in xdg-utils (Ubuntu) "xdg-open doesn't properly detect Xfce/Xubuntu" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138892213:56
sorinbyet, the first comment is from wrote on 2011-01-20: 13:56
knomesorinb, it's linked to a bugzilla bug that was reported earlier13:57
brainwashsorinb: the first comments are synced from the upstream report13:57
sorinbok, I understand. Not sure what is freedesktop.org, but it's quite olf idf this is from 2011 13:59
brainwashthe package in ubuntu is old. some patches were added over time14:01
sorinbso I guess I can close my issue, since it's not related to xfce at all. I have no experience on how packages from different entities interfere, so I was expecting exo to have full authonomy and apply whatever background command it needed to achieve the functionality. I implied that exo-open should call xdg-open14:01
brainwashubuntu 12.04 has version 1.1.0~rc1 too14:01
brainwashthe other way round, xdg-open should open exo-open14:02
brainwashyou should test xdg-open from upstream git before closing your report14:03
sorinbbrainwash, what do you mean ? checkout, build, install and test ?14:30
knomepleia2, ygm re: -contacts15:10
brainwashsorinb: yes. it's just a shell script after all, so not much can go wrong15:12
knomehaving seen what $users do... yes, a lot of things *can* go wrong ;)15:12
sorinelloindeed. I only ran autogen.sh and then built. I don't even know where the packabe is created so I can install it. Even more, I don't know what to test. The fact that it's not working ?15:20
knomethe reason why you would check with upstream is if it's working with the upstream version, eg. if the bug you have found is already fixed, but just not landed into ubuntu yet15:21
brainwashhow did you build it? why do you expect a package?15:22
sorinelloknome, yeah, I understand. But the bug on launchpad doesn't seem fixed15:23
knomesorinello, when using the upstream version?15:23
brainwashubuntu is downstream, freedesktop is upstream15:23
sorinelloknome, : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xdg-utils/+bug/1388922 this seems open15:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 1388922 in xdg-utils (Ubuntu) "xdg-open doesn't properly detect Xfce/Xubuntu" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:23
knomesorinello, yes, i've seen the bug...15:23
sorinelloso if the bug is still open, I guess there is no fix in the code15:24
knomesorinello, you should follow what brainwash is telling/asking you to check15:24
knomesorinello, in ubuntu, yes.15:24
brainwashsorinello: mmh, strange logic15:24
knomesorinello, the upstream status is "fix released" though15:24
knomesorinello, so it should be fixed in upstream15:24
knomesorinello, but as i said, maybe not in ubuntu yet15:25
sorinellobrainwash, I understand. I'm totally new to these, it seems I can't even read correctly launchpad :)15:25
knomesorinello, that's why brainwash tried to ask you if the bug is fixed for you in the upstream version15:25
brainwashsorinello: so, from now on you should post all the commands you are using to pull/build/install software15:26
sorinellobrainwash, I ran autogen.sh fomr the exo root dir, then I did "make". And I was expecting something like a deb ? again, I am totally new to this. If you have any documentation on how to get me up to speed, please give me15:26
sorinelloa deb which I would install with dpkg15:26
knomesorinello, building with make *never* gives you a drb.15:26
knomesorinello, it builds the code to a binary from the sources15:27
brainwashbuild this -> http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xdg/xdg-utils/15:27
sorinellook, I'll remember that. Also I'm very new with C, I have more like a Java background15:28
brainwashforget about exo for a moment :)15:28
brainwashxdg-open is part of xdg-utils15:28
brainwashwhich is outdated in ubuntu (several years old)15:28
sorinelloany reason why they use such an old version in ubuntu ?15:28
brainwashthe new version seems to fix a lot issues15:29
brainwashmainly because of debian which also has an old version15:29
brainwashusually new packages are synced from debian15:29
sorinelloI see15:30
sorinelloat least for me, since this gives me some clues on how the whole Ubuntu echosystem works :)15:30
brainwashit can be a mess15:31
sorinelloso basically the flow is like this: I want to open a link from xchat, xchat runs xdg-open, then xdg-open should figure out that I have xfce, then xdg-open should call exo-open ?15:32
sorinelloand a fix has been made in vanilla xdg (freedesktop) but has not been ported into ubuntu/xubuntu yet15:33
sorinelloand you want me to get the v anilla xdg, build it locally and see if the new xdg works as expected15:34
sorinelloand the bug in xdg vanilla (freedesktop) has been reported in 2011, so this functionality is broken for 3+ years ?15:36
sorinellobroken in xubuntu15:36
sorinelloand xfce15:36
brainwashI don't know, maybe it was not broken completely in the beginning.15:37
brainwashsorinello: also, the ubuntu package is heavily patched (some upstream changes have been picked over time, even custom tweaks were added)15:41
sorinelloodd, because from pov of the functionality, this doesn't sound so complex.. it's not rocket science... I wonder what was t he rationale of these small patches15:42
knomefix other bugs.15:44
sorinelloseems to be more an integration/armonization problem ...15:46
sorinello*harmonization between packages, so they fit better in *buntu15:46
dkesselwelcome SwissBot19:47
knomeUnit193, does it offer free swiss chocolate samples?19:53
Noskcajochosi, yes, only since 1.5 (maybe 1.5.1)19:57
Unit193knome: No, it eats them.  It ate mine. :(20:57
* knome sighs21:01
SwissBotHeya, dkessel.21:03
dkesselgood night, SwissBot!21:03
ochosievening all21:42
ochosiNoskcaj: hm, can't reproduce. guess we need to find more people who can reproduce your problem, as i said, we haven't changed anything in the brightness key handling22:13
Noskcajstrange. I'll look through some logs today and try and find the issue22:14
ochosiok, that'd be great, thanks!22:15
ochosii've heard of the issue before, but it seemed to be very isolated, singular cases, and i could never reproduce22:15
ochosisome folks messed up their installs so the brightness stuff couldn't be handled because of wrong policies / missing rights for xfpm22:16
ali1234like display backlight brightness?22:47
ali1234because i had an issue with that not working22:48
ali1234actually...  still do22:49
ali1234and i know it's not my install because over the past two weeks i put my xubuntu disk into four different laptops22:49
ali1234and on all but my usual one the brightness control worked22:50
Unit193bluesabre, knome: Also, I'll say this one more time.  You cannot direct factoid calls to links, it's an anti-spam measure.22:50
knomeUnit193, aha.22:50
knomeUnit193, i'll never remember that, so... keep on reminding. :)22:50
Unit193knome: Or just silently laugh.22:50
bluesabreUnit193: np, I'll continue just talking, then pinging23:00
Unit193bluesabre: Hello!23:01
bluesabreochosi: can reproduce23:01
bluesabrecan change brightness with scroll wheel on panel plugin, not with hardware keys23:01
bluesabrehi Unit19323:02
ali1234bluesabre: do you see the brightness notification popup when using keys?23:09
bluesabreali1234: for keyboard brightness yes, screen brightness no23:11
ali1234i don't have a backlit keyboard23:11
ali1234what happens here is that i see the notification and the bar moves left/right, but the display brightness never changes23:12
ali1234but only on this one laptop. same disk in a different laptop and it works23:12
bluesabreyeah, different problem than here23:13
bluesabreare you able to change your brightness with mouse wheel on the panel plugin?23:13
ali1234i dunno, how do i get the panel plugin?23:13
ali1234what does it look like?23:13
bluesabrebattery icon, labeled as the Power Manager Plugin in the applet list23:14
ali1234i just tried directly setting the backlight brightness in /sys/class/backlight/ and that worked23:14
ali1234doesn't seem to be installed23:15
bluesabrewhat release are you running?23:17
ali1234oh... 14.0423:18
bluesabreit might have a different name on that release... ochosi could give you a better idea (since he keeps renaming it)23:19
ali1234i usually run the dev ppas23:19
ali1234not sure if this laptop has it or not, i don't use it very often23:19
bluesabreI think 14.04 used indicator-power since the xfce4-power-manager was a bit unmaintained at the time23:20
ali1234yes, i do have that23:20
bluesabrehttps://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/xfce-4.12 has a newer power-manager release23:21
ochosithing is, some ppl report brightness keys not working with xfpm 1.4, some claim it only stopped working with 1.523:22
ochosiit always worked for me (i'm mostly using dell laptops though)23:22
ochosiwhat i'm trying to say is that the reports so far were rather inconsistent23:22
bluesabreworked for me with 1.4, I've had plenty of issues with upower in vivid though23:22
ali1234yeah, my question still stands though: does the notification show up?23:22
ochosifor me, the notification shows up, only with the buttons though (as intended)23:23
ali1234i mean for the people for whom it does not work :)23:23
bluesabrefor me, no notification, no worky23:24
ochosifyi, xfpm uses RandR to change the display brightness23:26
ochosialternatively, you can use the kernel's display brightness support directly23:26
ochosiworks better with some laptops, which is why the brightness key support is optional23:26
ochosibluesabre: have you tried disabling the brightness key support in xfpm yet?23:27
bluesabreochosi: nope, how?23:27
bluesabreochosi: that setting was off, turned it on andddddd.23:28
bluesabrestill no work23:28
ochosialso, you can try to run "xfpm-power-backlight-helper --set-brightness $percentage" from cli23:28
bluesabre$ xfpm-power-backlight-helper --set-brightness 10023:29
bluesabreThis program can only be used by the root user23:29
bluesabre$ sudo xfpm-power-backlight-helper --set-brightness 10023:29
bluesabre[sudo] password for bluesabre:23:30
bluesabreThis program must only be run through pkexec23:30
bluesabre$ pkexec  xfpm-power-backlight-helper --set-brightness 10023:30
bluesabrenow its very dark23:30
ochosiyeah, sorry, $percentage was misleading23:30
ochosithe values are set by the hardware/driver23:30
ochosiso it's not always up to 10023:30
ochosicould be 1000 even23:30
ali1234mine goes up to ~1300023:30
bluesabreI think mine is in the 800s23:30
ochosidepends on how many brightness steps you have23:30
bluesabrehow do I check that again?23:31
ochosiodd though if that helper script works23:31
ali1234look in /sys/class/backlight/*/brightness23:31
bluesabrescrolling works23:31
ochosiok, lemme quickly check something23:31
ochosiyou definitely need polkit support23:34
ochosiotherwise that script won't be called successfully from within xfpm23:34
bluesabreyeah, np23:34
bluesabreI just thought it was amusing23:34
ochosianother option is that your brightness keys aren't recognized by the kernel as such23:36
ochosihave you tried xev?23:37
ochosigenerally speaking, the plugin calls the same function as the media-key listener23:37
ochosiand that function first tries to go through RandR (if the driver supports it) and if that doesn't work, it uses the helper script23:38
bluesabrethe kernel no longer supports my hardware keys23:38
ochosiproblem solved23:38
ochosiwell, "solved" :D23:38
ochosii meant: not my problem anymore ;)23:38
ochosiNoskcaj: please check whether this is the case for you too ^23:39
ochosibluesabre: well at least now you can map that helper script to a fun keyboard shortcut of your choice23:39
ochosialso, since that is out of the way, feel free to review my MR ;)23:40
ochosi(not that i really want to put more effort into light-locker-settings, but it seemed like an easy and worthwhile improvement)23:40
bluesabreoh right23:41
bluesabreI'll take a look at that shortly23:41
ochosisure no rush23:41
ochosijust didn't want it to rot23:42
bluesabrealso replied to your email23:42
ochosiyes, read that23:42
ochosinot sure what milestones mate is participating in, i'm not in touch with any of them23:43
bluesabreflexiondotorg: poke23:43
flexiondotorgbluesabre, :)23:43
ochosithat was quick :)23:43
flexiondotorgI was just about to turn in. 23:43
flexiondotorgWhat can I do you for?23:43
bluesabredo you know the milestones ubuntu mate is participating in this cycle?23:43
flexiondotorgYou mean aplha and beta?23:44
flexiondotorgAll of them. Although I've not communicated that to anyone.23:44
bluesabreok, cool23:44
ochosifrom what i know, you can only participate in the milestones you release yourself23:44
flexiondotorgYou cught me because I've just be releasing MATE 1.10 :)23:44
ochosiso it means actively taking charge of that23:44
flexiondotorgochosi, I saw the email. Didn't understand what it was asking of me.23:45
ochosiotherwise you can only participate in the milestones ubuntu does (i think they only do final beta)23:45
flexiondotorgOn my list of stuff to do.23:45
flexiondotorgochosi, They do.23:45
flexiondotorgochosi, So are Xubuntu wanting to do all milestones?23:45
bluesabrewe might line up with you guys this cycle since we have at least the toolkit and lightdm apps in common23:46
ochosipersonally, i don't see much benefit in doing alphas23:46
flexiondotorgI guess this is because elfy was a causality after the recent community debacle?23:46
bluesabreat least the first one23:46
flexiondotorgI'm happy to join up with you guys.23:47
bluesabreyeah, ochosi and I are taking a more active role in the release decisions with elfy's absense23:47
ochosicould start with b123:47
flexiondotorgAlthough I have no idea what I am signing up to.23:47
flexiondotorgI'd like to do the alpha.23:47
bluesabrewe can help your team out as well to an extent since you're still fresh :)23:47
flexiondotorgWas really sad to see elfy go. Some real arse hats out there.23:48
ochosii think Laney also said there23:48
ochosi'd be help23:48
flexiondotorgWell, I'm totally up for it.23:48
bluesabrebut yeah, there's definitely a benefit to keeping our communication chains up :)23:48
flexiondotorgAre Lubuntu interested?23:49
flexiondotorgThey are introducing LXQt this cycle. 23:49
flexiondotorgLots of change.23:49
flexiondotorgI imagine they'd want to do the aplha.23:49
flexiondotorgHave you discussed this with Kubuntu?23:49
bluesabreit was just an initial discussion/passing thought23:50
flexiondotorgOK. 23:50
flexiondotorgWell nearly 01:00 here.23:50
flexiondotorgSo, I'm in.23:50
bluesabreyeah, you're free to go23:50
flexiondotorgBut off to bed now :-)23:50
bluesabrethanks for taking the time to chat with us23:50
flexiondotorgNo probs. Most welcome.23:50
* flexiondotorg Goes to sleep Z Z Z z z z . .23:50
bluesabreochosi: so there's that at least23:51
ochosipersonally, i'm not 100% sure we really get more testers by doing more milestones23:53
bluesabreI agree that the first alpha at least is not particularly useful, since everything changes after that point23:54
ochosiwill you be around tomorrow at some point?23:55
ochosicause i really gotta hit the sack23:55
bluesabreand with the revised package testing plan this cycle (run wily or PPAs and report), it should be okay23:55
bluesabreI'll probably be around at least in the morning23:55
bluesabreand maybe the evening23:55
ochosilet's talk in the morning (your morning)23:55
bluesabrefridays are always up in the air23:55
ochosii'll look up the release schedule and maybe i'll drop elfy a few lines23:56
ochosiwho knows, maybe he gets back to me with his experiences in terms of how many testers contributed23:56
bluesabreoh, we generally have all that info23:56
bluesabrebut yeah23:57
bluesabrego to bed23:57
bluesabreI need to undo my hour walk in the sun :)23:57
ochosiyeah, let's talk when i'm less tired :)23:57
bluesabresure thing23:57
bluesabrenighty ochosi23:57
ochosialrighty, nighty!23:58

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