
xubuntu09wHi I use Kate under Xubuntu 15.04. It does not save/restore current session/recent files on exit/start and does not import highl. templates. It seems not to use ~/.kde/share/config at all03:55
holsteinshouldnt be anything "breaking" that from xubuntu.. are you seeing that config file? have you tried as another user?03:56
xubuntu09wKate saves its sessions in $HOME/.config/session. But it does not restore them. Under a new user, it keeps the "recent files" list between logouts. Not as the original user.04:27
holsteinxubuntu09w: i would look at my users settings, then, if its isolated to that user.. could be, something you have brought from an older version? another install? etc04:27
xubuntu09wThis was a clean install of 15.04. In Kate I switched on session saving and recent files list 30 entries.04:31
xubuntu09wJust tried to open Help for Kate. This might contain some hints:  Cannot talk to klauncher: The name org.kde.klauncher5 was not provided by any .service files04:32
holsteini would blow the relevant configs away, if its working as another user..04:33
holsteinyou can always save them, and revert, if you want..04:33
=== xangua1 is now known as xangua
user2ehello everyone,trying to save modifications done in terminal to a file and can't get out of editing mode (ctrl+x) won't do it09:10
knomewhich file?09:14
user2ethanks knome,file i edited is /etc/xdrp/startwm.sh09:16
user2eusing gnu nano09:16
knomehow did you edit it?09:17
knomewhich command did you issue?09:17
user2edid echo xfce4-session >~/.xsession and then09:18
user2enano /etc/xrdp/startwm.sh09:19
knomeyou'll need sudo in order to be able to edit that file09:19
user2eok,how do i exit nano now if you can tell me09:19
knomeand see what nano saus09:19
user2eit says save modifed? Y N then i choose Y and just go back to last options,won't exit09:20
knomeyes... since you still can't save the modifications, you should just quit09:20
user2eoh ok09:20
user2ewas concerned quitting may mess it up09:20
user2ethanks again knome will try again using sudo before the commands.09:20
knomeyou only need it for the last one09:21
knomedon't use sudo when you don't need to09:21
user2estill won't let me exit,did sudo nano /etc/xrdp/startwm.sh09:24
knomeso... what does it say now then?09:25
user2esame thing in gnu nano,ctrl+x then Y and it won't exit,only option is ctrl+c to cancel09:25
knomethat's because ctrl+x isn't "save and quit"09:26
knomewhat does nano say after you press "Y"?09:27
knomethe best advice i can give you is... pay attention to what you are doing, and think with your own brains09:27
knomeif you blindly follow a tutorial or somebody helping you, you'll never learn09:27
user2eok,was likely trying to save time on this will try and do as you suggest,new to linux and will read on the other options like append prepand dos format and others.09:29
knomethat's likely not necessary though09:29
knome(just try hitting enter)09:29
user2ethanks man,that's all it was09:30
user2ehave a nice day :) bye09:30
spicypixelI've got some ghost items in my menu that the menu editor doesn't list, and have been apt-get purged but still show (minus the icons)20:26
spicypixelany way to force rebuild the app launcher menu?20:26
knomespicypixel, it's likely that the desktop files (which are used to build the items) are invalid20:42
knomethis is why menulibre doesn't show them20:42
spicypixelyeah I've found them and removed them20:43
knomethe menu should update automatically20:43
knomeif it doesn't, then you likely have some desktop files left somewhere20:43
spicypixelit did20:44
knomeno problem20:44
hylianhello all21:55
xubuntu97whello !22:12
xubuntu97wI have a question about tar.gz files22:12
xubuntu97wI'm a beginner i the xubuntu word22:13
xubuntu97whow to install a software with the extension .tar.gz?22:13
xubuntu97win xubuntu?22:13
knomeis that software not available in the software repositories?22:14
xubuntu97wyes ans no22:14
xubuntu97wthe software is Geary22:14
xubuntu97wbut the version in the software center is 0.622:14
ochosithere is even a PPA for geary if you're not happy with the version provided in the official channels22:14
xubuntu97wand the latest version is 0.1022:14
ochosithat would be much better than trying to build geary yourself (which is what you have to do with a tar.gz archive)22:15
xubuntu97wIf I'm not wrong, I can have it from teh PPA but for the 0.6 version22:15
xubuntu97wnot the 0.1022:15
ochosilmgtfy: https://launchpad.net/~yorba/+archive/ubuntu/ppa22:16
ochosixubuntu97w: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=geary+ppa+ubuntu22:17
xubuntu97wthank a lot22:18
xubuntu97wIf I use your method, I will be able to install the latest version 0.10?22:19
ochosihave you used PPAs before?22:19
xubuntu97wyes 1 or 2 times..22:19
ochosiright, then you can simply check what versions of geary are available for the version of ubuntu/xubuntu you're using on that launchpad site i linked above22:20
xubuntu97wokkkk... understood now22:22
xubuntu97wi can have the 0.1022:23
ochosithere you go22:23
xubuntu97wany advice on a book or internet site if I want some informations about .tar.gz files??22:23
xubuntu97wwell explained of course...22:24
knomexubuntu97w, .tar.gz is basically just a container format (like .zip), there is no single way how they should be dealt with22:24
xubuntu97wso.. If I download a tar.gz... how do I uncompress and install the software ?22:25
xubuntu97wI had a quick look on internet and it looks a bit compicated..22:25
ochosithe general advice is not to install software by hand if you don't know what you're doing22:25
ochosithe software center is there for a reason22:26
knomeas i just said, there is no "one stop guide" for that, it depends22:26
xubuntu97wso better to use the PPA if possible..22:26
xubuntu97wI guess..22:26
ochosiyeah, or ideally just the general repositories22:26
ochosieven with PPAs you're installing software from untrusted sources, so to speak22:26
xubuntu97wso how to know if I install a trusted version if I use PPA??22:27
xubuntu97wtrusted source...22:27
knomeyou don't.22:27
knomePPA's are never considered trusted sources22:27
ochosirepositories == trusted. anything else == untrusted22:27
xubuntu97wlast question..22:29
xubuntu97wI have Xubuntu installed alonside windows 8.122:29
xubuntu97wI will ike to mount the windows folders automatically mounted in Xunbuntu..22:30
xubuntu97wis it possible?22:30
xubuntu97wI mean each time I start xubuntu...22:30
knomei thought that was the last question :(22:31
xubuntu97wit is...  :)22:31
knomeanyway, Unit193 can help22:32
xubuntu97wI will contact him...22:33
knomejust wait here :P22:33
xubuntu97wthanks a lot for your time22:33
Unit193Generally speaking, I'd say using fstab is the method to do this.  There may be some GUI way.22:34
Unit193Hello, please do keep it in channel, xubuntu97w.22:34
xubuntu97wfstab? ok22:35
xubuntu97wI will check on google22:35
Unit193https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab should do it.22:35
xubuntu97wthanks for the doc.22:37
xubuntu97wI will have a look and will come back to you if needed.22:37
Unit193It's not the easiest way, you could in theory maybe get gigolo to automount.22:37
xubuntu97wthe easiest way between fstab and gigolo is ?22:38
Unit193If gigolo can do it, it is a GUI rather than just a file to edit.22:40
xubuntu97wthanks for your time guys..22:42

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