
=== mwenning is now known as mwenning-wfh
lathiatTurns out enabling the openstack kilo ubuntu repository on my maas controller was a mistake, upgrades twisted and hits https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/143174114:30
kikolathiat, 1.7 right?14:50
kikorvba, why is that only fix committed? did it not go into 1.7?14:50
kikolathiat, can you apply that patch live and does it fix the issue?14:51
rvbakiko: it doesn't seem that fix is in 1.7.  But AFAIUI MAAS 1.7 doesn't target platforms with Django 1.7.14:56
mupBug #1464701 opened: Deselected filter left with stray underline <landscape> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1464701>15:03
lathiatkiko: well, no, 1.5 from the 14.04 repos.15:55
lathiatprobably not the end of the world since i dont actaully need that repo on th emachine15:55
lathiati did it trying to find cloud-archive:tools for 14.04 which it turns out doesn't exist15:55
kikolathiat, yeah -- could you move to 1.7?16:06
lathiatkiko: is there a ppa for it?16:06
lathiati looked but coldn't find mention in the docs16:06
kikolathiat, yes, I think it's mentioned in the topic16:07
lathiatahh https://launchpad.net/~maas-maintainers/+archive/ubuntu/stable16:08
lathiatare docs bugs file dinto launchpad?16:08
lathiatthe current docs say to use ubuntu-cloud:archive, saying it has the latest lts release support16:08
lathiatbtu that archive only supports 12.0416:08
lathiatso that could be updated16:08
lathiati will try that repo out thanks16:09
mupBug #1464720 opened: commit_within_atomic_block is depreacted <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1464720>16:09
mupBug #1464741 opened: 1.8.0 unable to rename machine <ui> <ux> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1464741>18:06
mupBug #1464741 changed: 1.8.0 unable to rename machine <ui> <ux> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1464741>18:09
mupBug #1464741 opened: 1.8.0 unable to rename machine <ui> <ux> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1464741>18:21
=== ming is now known as Guest91806
=== jfarschman is now known as MilesDenver
Mmikekiko, responded to https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/146015121:48
Mmikekiko, when I want to remove maas-proxy, everything gets removed (maas, maas-dns, maas-region-controller)21:49
Mmikekiko, btw, re: btrfs - I was using it only for lxc provisioning - got an separate ssd just for lxc, and it was workingok. Then I got another SSD, and did mkfs.btrfs -d raid0 over both of them. Then I started to experience slowdowns after a week or two of usage (btrfs-transactio process was hammering the drives in the background).21:50
MmikeThe other day I got another 2 SSDs (so I can have 4 of them in raid0-like config) and that killed btrfs performance completely. The slowdowns were frequent - for instance deploying mongodb charm in lxc took over 20 minutes (mongodb creates large oplog files, and I guess those don't play well with COW filesystem)21:51
MmikeAlso, qcow2 images on btrfs is also no-no. raw images work a tad better, but also very very slow. I now reverted to lvm on mdraid0 over those 4 ssds (I actually didn't need mdraid0 as lvm can do that by itself), and the performance is superb.21:52
Mmikefio test gives me over 40MB/sec in troughput in 16job random readwrite test over 8GB file. (On btrfs I had cca 900k/sec)21:53
Mmikekiko, that's all on trusty kernel (3.13)21:53

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