
=== tmpRAOF is now known as RAOF
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cimigreyback_, ping09:22
greyback_cimi: pong09:22
cimigreyback_, hey doc09:22
cimigreyback_, I know you answered already, I forgot :)09:22
greyback_cimi: 'sup!09:22
cimigreyback_, if I create an Image/BorderImage and I set visible to false, is it loaded by qt but not rendered?09:23
cimior is not even loaded?09:23
cimigreyback_, adding shadows to cards in dash, wondering if I should put the shadow in a loader since for now is only for application scope09:24
greyback_cimi: it is loaded by the CPU, and pushed to GPU texture memory09:24
greyback_but is not rendered09:24
greyback_cimi: I was chatting with loicm about this09:24
cimigreyback_, so I think I will put it in a Loader09:24
cimigreyback_, yeah, I heard design wants shadows in _many_ places09:24
greyback_cimi: could you try replacing the BorderImage with 4 images surrounding the application surface?09:25
cimigreyback_, I am doing a different thing09:25
greyback_cimi: what's your thinking for your approach?09:25
cimigreyback_, I am adding shadows to cards in dash now09:25
cimigreyback_, not app spread09:25
greyback_cimi: okay. I suggest you don't do anything fancy until you have proved the standard approach is costly09:26
greyback_shadows are not costly on their own09:26
greyback_but a bunch of shadows overlapping is costly09:26
cimigreyback_, for the app spread, we want to slice and just use 3 shadows I would say, not sure we need the right edge shadow unless for the rightmost app09:26
greyback_cimi: agreed09:27
greyback_but perhaps the code complexity implementing that is worse than that right edge shadow09:27
cimigreyback_, going back to cards in dash... we want shadows under apps in app scope09:27
greyback_is something to be played with09:27
greyback_under the app icon?09:27
cimigreyback_, so far I have image & borderimage under ALL cards with visible to false, since you just told me there is CPU loading the png etc etc, I might just put those in a loader that loads only in app scope09:29
greyback_cimi: why are you thinking of these optimisations? Have you implemented the simple solution and found it extremely slow?09:29
cimigreyback_, no09:30
greyback_we should only optimize when we identify a problem09:30
cimigreyback_, no09:30
cimigreyback_, we should write reasonable code at first09:30
greyback_reasonable = simple to maintain IMO09:30
greyback_optimizations introduce complexity09:31
cimigreyback_, we have hundreds of scopes, hundreds of cards, and ALL will load one image & borderimage that will never use09:31
greyback_complexity should have a good justification09:31
cimiputting the inside a stupid loader won't hurt I think09:31
ltinklcimi, Image uses caching, so I suppose it won't hurt that much09:31
cimiltinkl, yeah but they are not used....09:32
greyback_cimi: that's your intuition speaking though09:32
greyback_do you have evidence for this statement?09:32
greyback_qml does lots of clever things to avoid loading too much09:32
ltinklcimi, now but chances are the image is already loaded and decoded when you create a new one with the same source09:32
greyback_we should only optimize when we have to, not because we feel we should09:32
ltinklagree there, "don't fix what ain't broken" :)09:33
ltinklcimi, tried to write a simple benchmark with and without a loader?09:34
greyback_you may end up writing complex code which has no benefit over the simple code09:34
greyback_I say, write the simple code first. If things end up slow, use a profiling tool to detect the most expensive things and optimize those09:34
cimiltinkl, but it will load at least once09:35
cimiltinkl, we can avoid this one09:35
greyback_hmm, internet wonky today09:36
greyback_<greyback_> cimi: that's your intuition speaking though09:36
greyback_<greyback_> do you have evidence for this statement?09:36
greyback_<greyback_> qml does lots of clever things to avoid loading too much09:36
greyback_<greyback_> we should only optimize when we have to, not because we feel we should09:36
greyback_<greyback_> you may end up writing complex code which has no benefit over the simple code09:36
greyback_<greyback_> I say, write the simple code first. If things end up slow, use a profiling tool to detect the most expensive things and optimize those09:36
cimigreyback_, all right doc09:38
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ChrisTownsendpopey: Hey, are you around?  Wanted to follow up on your unity8-lxc issue.12:20
popeyChrisTownsend: hey!12:25
popeyChrisTownsend: just grabbing a sandwich, what should I be looking for?12:25
popey(in unity, not in my sandwich)12:25
ChrisTownsendpopey: lol...So I think the LXC is not starting up for some reason.  Let's start from a fresh baseline.  Could you run 'sudo unity8-lxc-setup --rebuild-all --redownload"?12:26
ChrisTownsendpopey: And let's make sure that completes with no errors.  Then we'll go from there.12:27
popeyChrisTownsend: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11701731/ that look right to you?12:32
ChrisTownsendpopey: Yep, looks good.12:33
popeyso reboot and login to unity8?12:33
popeyfor a nice clean session12:33
ChrisTownsendpopey: Yep, let's give it it try.  If it doesn't work, then we'll dig some more.12:33
popeyChrisTownsend: well! now I get a welcome screen, never had this before!12:37
ChrisTownsendpopey: Awesome!  It works!12:37
popeymy "phone" is now ready to use \o/12:38
popeythanks ChrisTownsend12:38
ChrisTownsendpopey: lol, a big phone like 1995.12:39
ChrisTownsendpopey: Sure thing!12:39
popeyi suspect it was down to that upstart install12:39
ChrisTownsendpopey: Yes, I had to add some workarounds pretty recently in getting upstart into the container.  It simply does not like systemd right now.12:40
popeyyeah, phone is upstart for user session12:40
ChrisTownsendpopey: This is upstart for the system.12:40
ChrisTownsendpopey: systemd just did not play nice with the whole lxc thing I have set up there, so the easiest thing to do was to whack systemd and install upstart for the system services.12:41
ChrisTownsendpopey: And you probably tried setting up unity8-lxc while I was trying to nail all that down.12:42
popeyprobably :)12:42
ChrisTownsendpopey: And it just wasn't installed correctly.12:42
ChrisTownsendpopey: Anyways, I'm glad it works for you now.12:42
* greyback_ 's router giving trouble, bbiab12:48
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOW
=== Trevinho is now known as Trevinho|Holiday

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