
schnitzTrying to record into ubuntustudio with Hammerfall DSP Audio Card. Signal is coming in, I can see it under HDSPmixer, however both Audacity and Ardour won't record and signals00:32
schnitzhas to be something small and stupid... audio signal is already 'in the system'00:33
schnitzbut it can't find the reason why no waveform / audio in is showing up when I record in audacity or ardour00:34
johnnyclocksDon't know the programs well enough myself, but perhaps Audacity and Ardour are listening to the wrong device?00:45
schnitzthanks for answering00:46
schnitzI found something00:46
schnitzI have a hint00:46
schnitzalright seems to be working, yes it was about routing and settings, but what seems to work now is titled the wrong way, but never mind. it works :-)00:54
schnitzthank & bye00:55
kris27mcWhy didn't he just use QjackCtl to start jack and route it that way?01:14
kris27mcIs Jack not compatible with that audio card or...?01:14
kris27mcNever mind.01:15
kris27mcIt seems the Hammerfall has native routing?01:15
schnitzhey everyone, this is for once not something not working, but after ages, I finally got my ubuntustudio to run with my hammerfall card and external 8-channel input, I can now record up to 12 channels in parallel into ie. Audacity, and IT WORKS FOR THE FIRST TIME!01:53
schnitzI think thats pretty cool :-)01:53
johnnyclockslol i wanna congratulate the guy but he keeps leaving02:08
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AliGeyikDotComHi all08:05
AliGeyikDotComI have 169G free at my /home but I can not create a .qcow2 image over 24G, virt-manager says I only have 24G available space, can anybody help me?08:05
Samul`are there any good LV2 pitch correction plugins that allow to select a vocal track and correct the pitch of another one based on that previous track?14:26
holsteinSamul`: there are options for pitch correction15:35
holsteinmaybe not *exactly* what you are looking for, but, i say, try the available options, and see if you can make them fit your needs15:35
holsteinauto-talent, etc15:35
holstein!info autotalent15:36
ubottuautotalent (source: autotalent): pitch correction LADSPA plugin. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2-4 (vivid), package size 15 kB, installed size 66 kB15:36
Samul`I had already took a look at autotalent holstein15:38
Samul`it looked good yet I still have to figure out how to use it effectively15:39
Samul`holstein: since I'm trying to record and mix vocal covers for some song I guess I will have to set it so that it correctes the pitch of my voice according to the key/scale of the song15:39
Samul`is that right?15:40
Samul`I'm a newbie so I am not sure15:40
holsteinSamul`: its all up to identifying, and addressing your specific needs15:46
holsteinSamul`: you can try #opensourcemusicians or other communities that may have volunteers with more specific information about what you are trying to accomplish15:46
holsteinfor me, i just install the "best" tools, that meet the needs, and try them.. trying all options.. i know autotalent is a well known option15:47
Samul`okay thank you15:47
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studio-user117Ok.  This is my first time running Ubuntu Studio and I am exploring.20:23
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silverliongood eve everybody22:19

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