
dgh123Hello Everyone01:15
dgh123How are you doing today?01:15
DDRoh you know, not dead yet :)01:19
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deadsoulhi... why Ctrl+alt+F[1..12] doesn't show any tty ? except the F7 which brings me back to the X window01:43
deadsoulI'm using kubuntu 15.0401:43
deadsoulhow can i exit the x server ?02:06
deadsoulguys I'm trying to enter the tty1...6 but when I press ctrl+alt+f2...6 it just shows a black blank screen without letting me entering anything.. i'm using kubuntu 15.0402:15
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dgh123 Hello everyone, How are you doing?03:33
dgh123I was recording my desktop with the program recorditnow but I was somehow logged out and 1 hour of video was lost. Is there someone that could help?03:34
dgh123All help will be greatly appreciated.03:34
maelwrythWhats the debug channel for Kubuntu 14.04 called?03:54
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portnovhi all06:54
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capsadmini have a file extension type i want to open default with a program in dolphin07:05
capsadmini want to open lua files with zerobrane07:05
capsadminbut when i double click the lua files nothing happens even if i set zerobrane to be the default program07:05
capsadminbut right click and open with "zerobrane.sh" works07:05
capsadminin kde5, but i think i had this issue in kde4 as well07:18
ovidiu-florincan someone please help me with my GPG keys? https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=215&t=12683607:21
lordievaderGood morning.10:00
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BluesKajHiyas all10:44
nexiaProblem not fixed since yesterday, even after deleting those two ppa files and restarting :P10:44
nexiaer, and updating...and then restarting10:46
BluesKajhave updated and upgraded since?10:46
nexiaI'll try sudo apt-get uprade i uess.10:46
nexianothing to replace10:47
nexiaor rather, 0 anything changed I mean :P10:47
BluesKajso what is your problem again, I've forgotten ...there's been so much going on since yesterday11:02
nexiaBluesKaj: ah np11:06
nexiaBluesKaj: splash screen stuck at 40% (progress bar) forever.11:07
nexiaafter logging in from sddm login manager.11:07
BluesKajok ,which gpu ?11:07
nexiaThe thing is, one time I wasted time looking at my phone for a while, and it 'timed out' to lock screen...once I re-entered password11:07
nexiait was a blank screen, could only move around cursor11:08
nexiajust thought i'd mention that :P11:08
nexiaBluesKaj: I take it's using my intergrated?11:08
nexiaI have a discrete Nvidia GT 750M in my laptop.11:08
BluesKajis this a laptop ?11:08
nexia(I haven't installed additional drivers...declining the popup I got in plasma a few days ago since I wanted to delay installing updates)11:09
nexiait was something for my nvidia iirc, anyway.11:09
nexiaBluesKaj: http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/201306-13868/ Mine. Although it was bought just 3-4 months earlier.11:11
BluesKajnexia, ok , can you get to a VT/TTY, ctl+alt+F1-F6, login then run sudo apt-get install nvidia-346, then reboot11:14
nexiaBluesKaj: I guess I can.11:15
nexiawill do that now then :)11:18
Valohello, can anyone please help me setup how to ssh into my Kubuntu machine? I am quite new to linux... about 5 hours. :) thanks in advance11:21
BluesKajValo, are you trying to ssh from a Linux machine and is the other pc on your LAN or is it remote?11:27
ValoUsing a windows machine. It is currently a Kubuntu in a VM, same network, can ping back and forth between machines.11:28
nexiahm, I ran it..but realized internet connection available right now is shit :(11:29
nexiaso bunch of download errors, will have to try again later (I haven't re-booted yet!) when I get a better hotspot iphone connection.11:29
nexiaI guess running apt-get update will suffice or should I run the same command install command with --fix missing  ?11:30
BluesKajValo, make sure ssh server is installed on the other machine and find out what it's IP is on your network11:30
lordievaderValo: Installed and running ;)11:31
BluesKajand the pwd ... ssh@remoteIP in the terminal11:33
lordievaderValo: Also if you want to know if the ssh server is listening to port 22: sudo netstat -tulpn|grep ssh11:35
BluesKajI imagine if the ssh server is installed, it's listening om port 2211:36
lordievaderNot if it is not running.11:37
lordievaderOr wrongly configured.11:37
BluesKajlordievader, don't be so negative :-)11:38
lordievaderI'm not being negative, I'm being realistic ;)11:39
lordievaderBesides I am still hoping for the day that Ubuntu will not start a service upon install.11:39
anupam64hi..my search operation in kubuntu  gives "invalid protocol" error. any solution ?11:42
Valotcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*                    LISTEN      8264/sshd11:48
lordievaderValo: That is ipv6. Are you trying to conenct over ipv6 or ipv4?11:49
Valomy mistake..11:49
Valotcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      8264/sshd11:49
lordievaderValo: If there is no pesky firewall you should be able to connect from your Windows box.11:49
Valoworks now :D11:50
Valomuch love to you!11:50
Valocant wait to move away from Windows completely.11:51
BluesKajhmm, forgetting complete cmnds, due to using too many aliases :P11:57
BluesKajlack of sleep doesn't help either11:58
* Valo buys a beer for BluesKaj11:58
BluesKajValo, thanks,  that ssh command should be ssh user@remoteIP , but I assume you figured that out :-)11:59
Valocurrently using putty from my windows machine :) got a few little things to work out, but ill keep tinkering with it :)12:00
BluesKajputty works quite well12:01
lordievaderValo: Set up ssh key authentication ;)12:01
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leyyinhi does anyone know how can I bring back the globe wallpaper or picture of the day wallpapers in kde 5, using 15.04 :)12:13
BluesKajleyyin, suggest you DL them from kde-look.org and install them locally with the "open" option in desktop settings12:19
leyyinI do not find anything :(12:25
leyyinthis is how it looks in kde 4 http://i.imgur.com/BiD4rGY.png12:26
sajimon /msg NickServ identify wsad12:34
sajimonhi guys, what's the default GTK theme used in kubuntu?12:37
sajimoni want to apply it in my system12:38
sajimonleyyin: all right, thanks12:39
sajimonhmm that's nowhere near kde's breeze theme, can anyone recommend something better?12:41
BluesKajsajimon, "better" is a matter of personal taste12:49
leyyinso, they removed globe and picture of the day from wallpapers? :(12:52
howlymowlhi everyone.. short question:  I an kubuntu 15.04 with KDE 5.3 using bakports...  I just connected a drawing tablet (it works, everything there is fine)  and wanted to configure it using kde wacom tablet settings... but that menu is "just not there"12:55
howlymowlany idea?12:55
howlymowlpackage manager says, its installed12:55
genii!info kde-config-tablet13:02
ubottukde-config-tablet (source: wacomtablet): implements a KDE configuration GUI for the Wacom drivers. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0-2 (vivid), package size 375 kB, installed size 1656 kB13:02
geniihowlymowl: Do you have the above package also installed?13:02
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Guest80036KDE Connect is wonderful13:07
howlymowlgenii: yes13:18
howlymowlin 14.04 i had an entry for wacom settings in the menu as well as in the settings13:19
geniihowlymowl: What happens if you do: kcmshell4 kcm_wacomtablet13:22
genii( in Konsole )13:22
marconehello. ive got a question: my kubuntu wont go to sleep automatically. what can i do?13:23
howlymowlgenii:  i get a window with "service not found"13:23
howlymowl"kde tablet service not found"13:23
geniihowlymowl: what if you use kcmshell5 instead?13:24
* genii sips and ponders dbus things13:25
howlymowl"Could not find module 'kcm_wacomtablet'"13:25
howlymowlwhen I use kcmshell513:25
howlymowlthis time i get the error in the console :=13:25
howlymowlin kcmshell4 --list there is an entry for kcm_wacomtablet, though under "following modules are available"13:27
geniihowlymowl: I think you should file a bug then, against package kde-config-tablet13:27
howlymowlkkl, alright ;)13:28
howlymowlhi everyone.. short question:  I an kubuntu 15.04 with KDE 5.3 using bakports...  I just connected a drawing tablet (it works, everything there is fine)  and wanted to configure it using kde wacom tablet settings... but I'll do that13:28
howlymowlsorry ;)13:28
howlymowlwanted to say:   "I will do that" ;13:28
lordievadermarcone: Does pm-standy work?13:34
marconei can manually go to suspend. is that the same?13:35
lordievaderPretty much. Is powerdevil running? And set to autosuspend?13:39
geniihowlymowl: If this issue is being caused by the bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xf86-input-wacom/+bug/1392887  you might want to enable the -proposed repository and dist-upgrade to see if it works13:40
ubottuUbuntu bug 1392887 in xf86-input-wacom-lts-utopic (Ubuntu Trusty) "serial wacom devices gone after upgrade to utopic/14.10" [Undecided,New]13:40
marconei used systemsettings-->energy management to set the time to suspend(name may be different as i have a german layout)13:41
lordievadermarcone: Is the power management service running?13:45
marconelordievader: i dont know. how do i find out?13:47
lordievadermarcone: Under Plasma4 it's System Settings -> Startup and Shutdown -> Service Manager -> Startup Services13:49
lordievaderI don't know where it went in Plasma5.13:50
marconelordievader: i have a "energie management service" running in "background services"13:52
lordievaderHmm, that should be okay then...13:52
marconelordievader: forgot to say that the screen darkens normally13:53
howlymowlgenii:   thx for the link  don't know yet, whether this is the same problem.. there dont seem to be any downloadable packages for vivid?13:57
lordievadermarcone: At what time is the standby set to?13:57
howlymowlanyway..  have to go..  i'l finish a bug report later13:57
genii!info xserver-xorg-input-wacom vivid-proposed13:58
ubottuxserver-xorg-input-wacom (source: xf86-input-wacom): X.Org X server -- Wacom input driver. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.25.0-0ubuntu1.1 (vivid-proposed), package size 83 kB, installed size 323 kB13:58
marconelordievader: i tried 20 minutes and 1 minute13:58
geniihowlymowl: It's there :)13:58
lordievadermarcone: Is there anything in the logs?14:07
marconelordievader: i found nothing but a error about a invalid edid of a conected monitor,14:12
lordievaderHmm... Odd.14:13
lordievaderI don't really know what the problem here is..14:14
marconelordievader: is it somehow possible to see what devices/tasks are busy?14:15
lordievadermarcone: What do you mean exactly? Something like top?14:20
marconelordievader: something in /sys or so. i tried powertop but i did not find anything useful.14:22
lordievaderI'm not really sure what you are after.14:23
marconelordievader: i thought that if you move your mouse the timer to suspend is reset. so maybe there is a place where you can see all events that block suspending.14:25
lordievaderAh, no idea if such a thing exists and where it would be if it did.14:26
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marconelordievader: ok, ill reboot and try without the 2nd monitor. mabe it helps. thanks and cu14:43
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thevariousJGreetings everybody15:10
thevariousJI'm trying to find out how to add dependencies to a .deb package15:10
thevariousJprecisely "plasmate"15:10
thevariousJit needs "plasma-scriptengines" as a dep15:11
thevariousJI have no idea where the code for package configuration is, though :\15:11
thevariousJanybody know?15:11
lordievaderthevariousJ: Download the source -> edit debian/control -> repackage the source.15:13
thevariousJ@lordievader trying to find source. all I found was the kde source http://lxr.kde.org/source/extragear/sdk/plasma-sdk15:18
lordievaderthevariousJ: apt-get source <package name>15:18
thevariousJ@lordievader thanks, checking out the packaging guide and I bet the contributing guide will be up next15:26
lordievaderNo problem, good luck ;)15:27
nexiaBluesKaj: So uh. Still not working, screen res a bit different and things, and progress bar reaches 40% ..hangs for a bit..then suddenly black screen where I can move cursor around15:36
nexiaand I can actually feel the screen dimming a bit when i move to the corners, weird15:36
nexiaontop of that, I think it's acting weird, when re-booting at least twice after the 'kubuntu logo' flashing, it went back to grub bootloader..and on second load worked.15:37
nexiabut, that's irrelevant for now.15:37
nexiaI'm not sure what I should do know, i3 still works fine in comparison to plasma >.>15:39
nexialeyyin, I cri everytim. plasma hates me I tell you15:42
nexiaI beta-tested sort of plasma 5 when it was beta, it hated and crashed on me then on my old laptop, it's repeating history now too :P15:43
BluesKajnexia, have you tried the latest image, ? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/15:44
BluesKajor are you on 15.04?15:45
nexia HexChat: 2.10.1 ** OS: Linux 3.19.0-20-generic x86_64 ** Distro: Ubuntu "vivid" 15.04 ** CPU: 4 x Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4210U CPU @ 1.70GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 1.70GHz ** RAM: Physical: 5.7GiB, 87.7% free ** Disk: Total: 606.7GiB, 71.7% free ** VGA: 8086:0a16 ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel HDMI1: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel PCH ** Ethernet: 10ec:8168 ** Uptime: 20m 20s **15:45
nexiaer, yeah. 15.0415:45
BluesKajI have to say that 15.10 seems much more stable for some users than 15.0415:46
nexia"here we go again" lol15:47
lordievadernexia: What video card did you have again?15:47
nexialordievader, Nvidia GT 750M15:47
lordievaderAh, what driver are you using?15:47
nexiatbh, I haven't installed a driver for it yet - i declined something because of bad internet connection...KDE driver update something? forgot15:48
nexianow, BluesKaj did make me install nvidia-436 though, right?15:48
nexias/make me/ suggested me to/15:48
BluesKajyes it's the rcommended driver for your gpu15:49
lordievadernexia: So you are using nouveau now?15:50
nexiahow do I check if ubuntu recognizes what video cards I have?15:50
nexiaany command?15:50
nexia lordievader no idea :|15:50
lordievadernexia: lspci -k|grep -A2 VGA15:50
BluesKajno he says he installed nvidia-346 as I suggested15:50
nexianyalox@Inspiron-7537:~$ lspci -k|grep -A2 VGA15:51
nexia00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0b)15:51
nexiaSubsystem: Dell Device 05fa15:51
nexiaKernel driver in use: i91515:51
ubottunexia: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:51
nexialordievader, I was under the impression lines lesser than 5 or something were fine, sorry :p15:52
lordievaderWait, that was all?15:52
lordievaderThen you have no nVidia card.15:52
BluesKajuhm you said nvidia gpu, not intel15:52
nexiayes, my laptop is the one I linked above ofc15:53
nexiaon my windows 8.1 installation, OS switches between intergrated and discrete based on application15:53
nexia(uh, it's called nvidia optimus or something?)15:53
lordievaderOfcourse? Why not the pc in question?15:53
nexialordievader, I also DID get a 'install additional drivers' notification when I first installed 15.0415:54
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nexiafor nvidia...but I regret not doing it right there15:54
lordievaderThat doesn't answer my question... Could you run that command on the computer with the problem and pastebin the output?15:54
nexialordievader, wait what? I'm not using two computers. only one laptop, which is the one in question.15:55
lordievaderNow I am really confused.15:55
nexiaOkay. Hold one. When I said <nexia> yes, my laptop is the one I linked above ofc15:56
nexiaI was talking about <nexia> http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/201306-13868/15:56
nexiaMaybe I worded it weirdly, sorry.15:57
lordievadernexia: That is the specification of your laptop? The one with the problems?15:58
nexiaYes. Exactly.15:58
nexiaAs seen on that page, my laptop has an Nvidia GPU.15:59
lordievadernexia: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/HybridGraphics15:59
nexia"Video 15:59
nexianVidia GK107M [GeForce GT 750M]" "Intel Haswell-ULT Integrated Graphics Controller"15:59
nexialordievader, Ic. Soo 14.10 instructions work?16:02
nexiaI see 'lightdm' there, I have sddm, and I see I have to install this "nvidia-331" package apparently.16:03
lordievadernexia: Err, the instruction go as far as 14.04, so that is your best bet.16:03
nexiaoh ..:(16:04
nexialordievader, tell me honestly though, do you think it's really worth the try, or should I just give up and wait till 15.10 comes out?16:04
nexiaI'm kinda tired of this >.>16:05
lordievadernexia: I've heard of problems concerning sddm + nvidia prime. Perhaps it is better to switch back to lightdm.16:05
nexiaouch,  I might as well re-install with a 14.10 thing then :|16:05
lordievaderFurthermore, I have no experience with hybrid graphics.16:05
nexiaBut, it was working 'fine' (aside from plasmashell constantly crashing) before I updated plasma to 5.316:06
nexianow, this happens all of a sudden heh.16:06
nexia'll just consider my options I guess for now. Thanks for the help though, I really appreciate it BluesKaj, lordievader :-) I16:08
nexiaweird keyboard fail aside.16:09
lordievaderNo problem, too bad we didn't get very far.16:10
BluesKajso it is a hynrid , suspected it was , but I was busy unfreezing some apps on my desktop16:15
BluesKajit would have been nice to know that before we tried to help with just one gpu when there are two16:18
nexiaSorry, I said 'intergrated and discrete' a couple of times I think, but wasn't able to convey it properly.16:18
BluesKajnexia, the word is hybrid , but I should have picked up on the "integrated and discrete" and realized there were 2 gpus16:25
nexiawell, I got into a bad habit of refering to it like that haha, like it's always 'intergrated intel graphics' on windows, didn't think twice.16:26
BluesKajbrb, reboot required16:29
juboxiwhat's the command to dist upgrade ?16:38
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jubo2My friend's GNU/Linukka has run into problems16:40
jubo2the Kubuntu15 will not boot16:40
jubo2the loader bar after login gets stuck16:40
jubo2at the exact same point as mine got stuck16:41
jubo2we tried reinstalling on / but no help16:41
jubo2But the Kubuntu14 works16:41
jubo2now we would try to upgrade the Kubuntu14 to 1516:41
jubo2What is the command to upgrade from 14 to 15 ?16:45
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lordievaderjubo2: sudo do-release-upgrade17:41
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Suomithanks lordievader19:21
Suomiwe decided we have so many promilles we leave the "sudo do-release-upgrade" for another time19:21
Suomiyou know.. drinkin' and upgradin'..19:21
vegaoneeHi! What is the name of the power manager in Kubuntu 15.04 Plasma 5.3?19:39
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vegaoneeI don't think I have it installed.19:39
vegaoneeWhat is the name of the power manager in Kubuntu 15.04 Plasma 5.3?Anyone?Can't adjust my brightness on screen.19:52
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BluesKajvegaonee, look in kmenu>settings>system settings>power management>energy saving>screen brightness20:07
austin6598how to I run a dameon on startup?20:10
vegaoneeIt is not installed BluesKaj. That is my guess20:11
vegaoneeSince the module can't be loaded.20:11
vegaoneeBluesKaj: I had a failed upgrade from 14.10 to 15.04, so KWin among other things didn't get installed properly.20:12
vegaoneeJust need the command for installing the default power manager.20:12
BluesKajvegaonee, did you upgrade to 14.10 first, then 15.04 ?20:13
vegaoneeI don't think so. This computer is fairly new.20:15
vegaoneeWas straight from 14.10 to 15.04.20:15
BluesKajnot a good move , skipping a release will always result in a broken system, unless you mean that you backed up your data then installed 15.04 from a  live media image20:17
BluesKajsorry i nisread your posts , vegaonee ...it's been a long day , and need a  break ...others here can help you20:21
vegaoneeLost the connection, sorry. Did I get a new reply?20:24
vegaoneeWhat is the name of the power manager package in Kubuntu 15.04?20:46
austin6598how can i change firewall settings to get synergy to work?20:53
leyyinis your firewall running? ;)20:55
leyyinsudo ufw status20:55
austin6598Status: inactive20:56
austin6598it works from windows 7 to windows 8.1 but not w7 to kubuntu20:56
leyyindoes synergy does not work for you?20:56
leyyinbtw there is a clipboard bug in 1.7.3 better use 1.7.2 :)20:58
austin6598yep both are on newest version20:58
leyyinthen there is a possibility your clipboard sharing will not work properly :P20:58
austin6598thats ok20:59
austin6598i can wait for that fix20:59
austin6598just want to get it working21:00
leyyintry to enable ufw21:00
leyyinsudo ufw enable21:00
leyyinthen allow port 2480021:00
leyyinsudo ufw allow 2480021:00
austin6598Firewall is active and enabled on system startup21:00
leyyin[23:56:24] <austin6598> Status: inactive21:00
austin6598yes i just enabled it21:01
leyyinah ok, I misunderstood21:01
austin6598still not working though21:02
leyyintry to stop and start the server/client again21:02
leyyindid you configer the IP, computer, etc properly :P ?21:03
leyyinin synergy21:03
austin6598i just went to "configure server"21:03
austin6598added my w7 laptop as its pc name21:04
leyyinthis discussion is better for #synergy tbh21:04
austin6598ok talk over there21:04
austin6598server says ip adresses:
austin6598sorry wrong channel21:06
austin6598leyyin would there be any way to transfer my google chrome settings including all extensions and apps from windows to kubuntu?21:20
leyyinidk, use a connected google account, search on google21:20
austin6598leyyin ok, all my extension carried over but not the extension's settings21:21
vegaoneeWhat is the name of the power management package(s) in Kubuntu 15.04?21:30
austin6598im trying to run updates and it says an error occurred while applying changes:21:31
austin6598pressing Details >> button does nothing21:32
valorieaustin6598: then try sudo apt install -f21:39
valoriethat will force any undone installs to finish21:39
valoriealong with dependencies21:40
austin65980 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 123 not upgraded.21:40
austin6598they cant even start21:40
austin6598no system programs are running21:40
austin6598is there a way to check?21:40
valorieso: `sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade121:41
valorieso: `sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade1`21:41
valorieso: `sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade`21:41
valoriefull-upgrade will remove unneeded stuff, which sometimes block upgrading21:42
austin6598E: Invalid operation full-upgrade21:42
austin6598let me try again21:42
valoriedid you past exactly what I typed?21:42
valoriewithout the typo 121:43
austin6598no i tried using this thing my brother got me apt-fast21:43
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valorieI know nothing about apt-fast21:43
valorieI know the above command works, as i use it all the time21:43
valoriein fact, using it now21:43
austin6598ok its doing the whole updating thing21:44
valorieexactly as I typed21:44
austin6598sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade21:44
austin6598ok it has errors i will pastebin21:45
valoriedid you try apt install -f first, as I suggested?21:46
Guest47923hello i would like to have a help me with my install kubuntu 15.04 in FRENCH21:46
valorie!fr | Guest4792321:47
ubottuGuest47923: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:47
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Guest47923ben voyons merci les british21:47
austin6598its problem is with a windows partition21:49
austin6598i had to force shutdown because windows wont, its broken somehow21:49
valoriewell, this is not a kubuntu problem, you have a file-system problem21:51
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austin6598can i disconnect windows partition from kubuntu21:51
Unit193Oh gosh, btrfs.21:51
valorieaustin6598: I suggest asking in #btrfs21:52
austin6598windows is on ntfs21:52
valoriethis is a rather deep-level problem, and you need some experts21:52
valorieyou might run a backup right now21:52
valoriebefore things go horribly wrong21:53
austin6598ya ive had this problem b421:53
austin6598i reinstalled w8 and now its back months later21:53
valoriein my experience, those who are using btrfs just love it until everything falls apart21:55
valoriesometimes even after, which makes me wonder if there is a religious element involved21:55
austin6598im using ntfs21:55
austin6598btrfs is just kubuntu21:55
valorieI use kubuntu, and have never used btrfs21:56
Unit193austin6598: Boot windows, shut it down entirely, boot windows, reboot into Kubuntu, problem solved.21:57
austin6598it has a break system for backing up21:57
valorieI've never seen anything like your error message, either21:57
austin6598Unit193> i know but the problem is windows wont shut down21:57
austin6598it just goes to a black screen and any mouse movement goes to lock screen21:57
valorieaustin6598: your error message tells you what to do21:59
Unit193Well that sounds fun.  Anywho, you'll have to either fix that so you can run Windows' chkdsk, or just force it and hope for the best.21:59
valorieThe NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown21:59
valorieWindows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting), or mount the volume21:59
valorieread-only with the 'ro' mount option.21:59
valoriethat has to be dealt with first21:59
austin6598and how to do that?22:00
austin6598how to mount as ro22:00
ubottuPartitioning programs !PartitionManager or !GParted (see also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mount partitions from System Settings -> (Advanced tab) Removable Devices. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter22:01
valoriealso just try `mount --help` in the cli22:01
Unit193Basically, while ntfs support has gone a long way the best tools for checking and fixing NTFS are in Windows, and it recommends you use them.  Boot into safe mode, do whatever.  Just get Windows to check the disk and shutdown cleanly.22:02
* valorie is going afk -- best of luck, austin659822:03
racarHey guys, i just bought a asus pci-ac68 dual-band wireless adapter. Everything's is working but for an unknown reason, the stability is really bad. I ignored ipv6 but doesnt change anything. Anyone have a idea r how to improve/debug this  ? Thank you22:18
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