
hossapport question: I work on an OSS project (lucene) that, as part of our automated tests, kills processes to then verify data integrity.   When devs use ubuntu, this causes apport to ask about sending in a bug report (for java) ... is there any sort of ENV variable we can set on these processes to tell apport "don't freak out if this proc dies horribly" ?00:10
mivoligoI'm trying to build Terminal app but I got this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11707033/09:23
mario__hey....I am developing a scope and I would like to know if I can make my PreviewWidget to perform a different action from simply opening an url13:02
mario__is it possible?13:03
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kalikianamhall119: would you know where the phone manual comes from? The Manual_Aquaris_E4.5_ubuntu_EN.pdf doesn't describe how to pick up a call correctly, see Re: [Ubuntu-phone] BQ4.5 damage, first report. from yesterday14:16
kalikianano idea where to report that14:16
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mhall119kalikiana: I have no idea, have you asked PES?15:40
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meles_whats the easiest way to make ubuntu-clock-app run with ubuntu-sdk?20:26
nik90meles_: just open the cmakelist file with qtcreator and then run it20:27
nik90meles_: no other extra step required20:27
nik90meles_: does it work?20:30
meles_nik90 opening yes. running not yet. I just shows me the desktop not the phone emulator.20:32
nik90meles_: any errors or warnings/20:33
nik90meles_: wait what only shows the desktop and not the phone emulator?20:33
nik90meles_: go to the Projects Tab on the left and then add the phone emulator kit20:33
nik90which should the i386 14.10 or 15.04 kit20:34
nik90meles_: then in the run target you can choose to run it on the phone emulator20:34
meles_nik90 I did that, the error now is make: *** No rule to make target 'all'.  Stop.20:35
nik90meles_: can you take a screenshot and share it here..I might get a better idea20:36
meles_nik90 ^20:40
nik90meles_: curious but does any other app compilation work for you?20:41
nik90meles_: also did you manually add the ubuntu-clock-app.config, .includes and .files?20:41
meles_i didn't try it yet on this machine. I had to change because on the other one I had problems with kernel 4.0 and the computer doesn*t work properly with a lower version.20:42
meles_nnik90: no i did not20:42
nik90meles_: could you try lp:podbird and check?20:42
nik90meles_: somehow I feel this isn't ubuntu-clock-app specific20:42
meles_ok i will try podbird. i was just about to get dekko20:44
mzanettipopey, hey, you about?20:44
Elleomeles_: try going to "Build -> Run CMake" and then try building again20:49
Elleo(and see if you get any errors during the cmake run)20:49
nik90meles: <Elleo> meles_: try going to "Build -> Run CMake" and then try building again20:52
nik90meles: <Elleo> (and see if you get any errors during the cmake run)20:52
melesnik90: just having issues with the qtcreator. it's stuck.20:53
nik90meles: is this ubuntu 14.04 with the SDK PPA installed?20:53
melesnik90: yes20:55
nik90hmm strange..that's the same system configuration I am using20:55
melesjust a second, it's running again20:56
melesnik90: after running CMake it works now21:00
nik90 meles: podbird or clock?21:01
melesclock, but i just saw it still gives me some errors with an incompatible Qt library21:03
nik90meles: which kit version are you using and also what emulator image/channel is this?21:03
nik90somehow your sdk setup is messed up21:06
melesGCC i386-ubuntu-sdk-15.04-vivid. emulator is 0.4+15.04.20141125-0ubuntu121:07
melesi m updating it21:07
nik90Elleo: do you know how to close a dialog from the outside? I tried PopupUtils.close(dialogComponent) but that fails21:08
nik90meles: I am not sure what is happening..you need to first confirm that this is not localized to clock app.21:08
nik90meles: if its your system I am afraid you will need to check with the sdk devs21:08
Elleonik90: you need to call close on the dialog itself, not on the dialogComponent; when you run PopupUtils.open() it'll return the actual dialog that gets created from the component, and you can call close on that21:08
melesnik90 alright i try podbird again21:08
Elleonik90: at least I think that's the case21:09
nik90Elleo: I am trying to show a loading dialog without a close button..the dialog should autoclose when the loading is done..so I am calling the close() function inside the refreshModel() function.21:09
nik90Elleo: will try calling close on the actual component returned by open()21:10
nik90Elleo: yup that worked..thnx.. although it closes the dialog before the freeze is actually gone..might need to search for the listview creation signal21:11
melesnik90 same issue with podbird: ... plugin cannot be loaded for module "Podbird": The plugin .... uses incompatible Qt library (5.41) [released]21:15
nik90meles: its your ubuntu sdk that is at fault..which version of qt do you have installed?21:16
nik90meles: do you install qt 5.4 or something?21:16
nik90meles: what I don't get is how you're running into this issue on a standard ubuntu 14.04 setup..surely u installed something that shouldn't have been ;)21:17
mivoligoI also have a problem. With Terminal app. When I try to run it from SDK to the phone I get this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11707033/21:19
melesprobably its easier to set up the whole environment freshly in a VM21:19
nik90mivoligo: that could involve you missing a package in your chroot where you build it. Does the terminal-app contain any build readme?21:20
mivoligonik90: let me check, I never read them anyway :P21:20
melesnik90 btw qt5.4 is not installed. i have 5.221:21
SturmFlutIt has finally happened, somebody created a Telegram webapp ("Sommergram") that sends all communication through a man-in-the-middle website located at http://julienmcjay.github.io/sommergram/21:22
nik90mivoligo: apt-get install libpam0g-dev:armhf (as mentioned in the readme ;)21:22
mivoligonik90: I'm reading this but I don't understand where should I install it. On my phone or on my desktop?21:25
nik90mivoligo: in the chroot21:25
nik90mivoligo: Tools->Options->Ubuntu->Maintain kit chroot21:25
mivoligonik90: got it, thanks :)21:26
nik90mivoligo: just a tip, whenever you need to install a dependency it is almost 99% always in the chroot since that is where you're building your app for various architectures like armhf, i386, amd64 etc.21:27
mivoligonik90: thanks, I never done that before21:28
dakerSturmFlut: maybe contact The review team or beuno21:31
mivoligonik90: do you maybe know how can I clear the clipboard on the phone?21:47
melesnik90 I m setting up a VM now. Thanks for your great help!21:48
nik90mivoligo: no..within the app I think there was a SDK function afaik21:48
nik90meles: no worries, feel free to ping me about clock app. I am the maintainer of it.21:48
nik90mivoligo: it seems I was wrong21:52
nik90mivoligo: the sdk provides a so called clear() function that may be used to clear the system clipboard.21:52
mivoligonik90: how can I use it?21:52
nik90mivoligo: https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/apps/qml/sdk-14.10/Ubuntu.Components.Clipboard/21:53
mivoligonik90: that's not what I'm looking for :)21:53
mivoligonik90: I just want to clear it from my phone21:54
nik90mivoligo: not sure how to do it in UT...to be honest you can't even do that in Ubuntu desktop without a clipboard indicator.21:54
mivoligonik90: ok, thanks, I'll try to reboot21:55
mivoligoBTW I'm hoping pasting selected text with mouse wheel click will be present in the Ubuntu Next desktop :)21:58
mivoligonik90: cleared after reboot :)21:58
melesnik90 ok great to know. I was wanting to find out more about bug #1442518. I posted some informations.22:01
ubot5bug 1442518 in Ubuntu Clock App "Enabling alarm after midnight schedules it for the next day" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144251822:01
nik90meles: I am unable to find the fault in the underlying logic which schedules alarm when you press the switch.22:06
nik90meles: the main issue here is that testability of a patch since the conditions necessary to reproduce the bug are difficult to achieve22:07
melesnik90 doesn't the bug affect you personally?22:08
nik90meles: it does..at the moment I workaround by editing the alarm and then saving it.22:08
nik90meles: I can reproduce it..but somehow it happens only after midnight22:09
nik90I am looking into the logic hoping to find the solution22:09
melesnik90 i tried a lot today and it seemed that it always sets the alarm for the next day. But when you had the alarm activated on one day and you deactivate it again, the day after it will work as it should. so to me it seems that the date is somehow saved wrong.22:11
melesnik90: i thought that the bug might be in app/alarm/AlarmDelegate.qml around line 10022:12
* nik90 looks22:13
nik90meles: I just noticed something...right now when I enabled an old alarm I had that was set to 11:00 AM..it showed as "in 1d 10h 41m" which is obviously wrong22:19
nik90meles: however it shows up correctly scheduled in the indicator22:19
nik90meles: meaning the "time to alarm" delta value is incorrect..so may be the fault function is alarmUtils.get_time_to_next_alarm)_22:20
nik90meles: actually ignore what I said...22:21
melesnik9: :-) ok.22:21
melesnik09 I checked the mentioned function but I couldn't find anything weired22:22
nik90meles: yeah that function is fine..I miscalculated..22:22
melesI set the time manually today. Created an alarm every two hours and changed the date till I was at the 21st. Now when I wanted to check what you said. I activated an alarm for 10:15. And it says: 7 d 9h 52 m22:23
melesits also wrong in the indicator-applet22:24
nik90so line 103 in alarmDelegate.qml is the culprit22:24
nik90I am trying out a different logic atm..lets see if that works22:24
nik90nope that failed22:28
melesnik90 is that good or bad22:29
nik90meles: well bad since I don't have a solution to the bug22:29
nik90too tired now..I will try to take a closer look tomorrow22:30
melesnik90 ok just thought the same, but one last suggestione even though my mind is not to clear anymore22:32
melesnik90 if alarmData.date < new Date() then it sets it to tomorrow22:33
meleswhich is past midnight, 1d Xh22:33
melesif I set the alarm yesterday this is true and it will shedule the alarm for tomorrow22:34
nik90well it will schedule the alarm for tomorrow only if alarmData.date.getTime() <= currentTime.getTime()22:35
nik90otherwise it should set it for today22:35
nik90the alarmData.date < new Date() is only there to check if this is an alarm from the past...since alarm created to ring in another 2 days don't need all this logic and can be enabled directly22:36
melesjust stumbled about this part22:36
melesgetTime just returns the clocktime?!22:37
nik90I would expect so22:38
nik90you think that's at fault?22:38
melescould be. If it returns a datetime.22:38
nik90I think it returns datetime22:39
melesjust checking22:39
nik90meles: may be instead of checking the time which seems to also include the date, I should specifically check the hour, minute and second alone22:41
nik90if alarm.time < new time then set it for today or tomorrow accordingly22:42
melesnik90 yes22:43
nik90meles: if I send you a click package in about 15 mins would you be able to test?22:44
melesnik90 yep! than i just go for a shower meanwhile22:44
meleshow woud you implement the test hours*3600+minutes*60*+seconds?22:45
nik90I am thinking about it now22:47
nik90meles: I did http://paste.ubuntu.com/11710946/22:53
nik90meles: does it look good to you?22:53
nik90meles: I did preliminary testing and it doesn't seem to break anything22:53
melesyes if alarmData.date.getHours() returns the hours of the day and not since 1970 or something like that22:56
nik90bah it didnt work :/22:57
nik90I manually changed the date to tomorrow and checked22:57
nik90anyways I am off to sleep meles22:59
nik90tty later22:59
melesnik90 ok me too. maybe i get my testing environment working tomorrow.23:00

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