[02:29] nom nom nom http://www.unixmen.com/setup-linux-containers-using-lxc-on-ubuntu-15-04/ [02:34] OerHeks: interesting, on my to-do list ! [02:35] especially that last part, webgui to control containers [02:36] just stumbled on it tru twitter, unixmen [02:37] I like it primarily because it is simple and configurable . // I had vaugley heard of LXC in another context . [02:39] i started yesterday with KVM/snappy, https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/start/ [02:43] Littlw birdies are saying snappy is the coming thing. We may best get hot and learn it . Yuk, I sure like what I have now for an operating system . [02:43] little* [02:47] Making some youtube examples is something i would like to contribute to [02:47] just had to install chromium with pepperflash on this xubuntu laptop to watch a youtube vid 0o [02:47] can't wait until flash is properly dead [02:48] ATI drm drivers will take over, i guess [02:48] opendrm is something in development i hear [02:48] lol? [03:17] good morning to all [03:19] It is good, better now that you have arrived . [03:20] :p [03:21] and i slept well, knowing you took over the support [03:23] lotuspsychje: OH No ! I fell short ! ... A bit back my eyes grew heavy and were crossing, and I timed out for a 2 hour nap . [03:30] lol [03:31] lucky for you the gods took over your nap-time in support [03:31] and ended life's infrastructure to a good end.. [03:45] Afternoon all [03:49] ruenoak: hello mate [03:49] hows it goi ng [03:49] going [03:50] great tnx and you [03:51] all good [05:34] Guys, it's been real, it's been fun, it's been real fun, but it is time for me to pull a lotuspsychje and also retire for the naunce. Until the next time. [10:00] Good morning. [10:03] * ObrienDave waves [10:06] Hey ObrienDave [10:10] how goes it? [10:11] Pretty good here. Rather too warm though... how is it there? [10:12] wet and warm [10:13] cool and rainy [10:14] Ok, where do I need to go? :P [10:14] denver, CO, usa ;P [10:15] Hmm, that is quite far... [10:16] not really, about 20 miles from here ;P [10:16] Hehe [10:17] oh, for you, yes just a bit far ;P [10:17] :P [10:19] On my bicycle, 15 miles/hour .. 4800 miles /15= 13. days [10:23] without resting, sleeping and eating [10:23] and without traffic lights ;) [10:23] But then i am in a nice cool and rainy Denver [10:31] OerHeks: You are going to cross the ocean at the bottom of it on your bicycle? [10:34] Is that not allowed? [10:38] it is, if you keep your lights switched on [10:44] Hiyas all [11:29] OerHeks: Surely it is allowed. Though your body might disagree. [11:30] Hey BluesKaj [11:30] lordievader: hi mate [11:30] Hey lotuspsychje, how are you doing? [11:31] fine tnx [11:31] what about you [11:31] Doing good, glad it rains. [11:31] sunshine here :o [11:31] hi lordievader, lotuspsychje [11:31] BluesKaj: hi [11:32] beautiful day here [11:32] * lordievader goes to fix some software [11:41] How usefull it is to skip sending the most valuable frame of the program... [12:01] http://news.softpedia.com/news/Eurocom-Unveils-13-Inch-Ultraportable-Ubuntu-Laptop-for-Students-and-Professionals-484194.shtml [12:02] Whoo a 3200x1800 screen, fancy. [12:03] yeah a beast [12:03] and beasty price too :p [12:03] ubuntu shows up everywhere these days [12:03] Yet the OS selector only shows Windows... [12:05] hmmzzz [12:05] Maxed out is only 4K euros.. ;) [12:06] lol system76 does better: 5600 euro [12:06] System76 has nice servers :D [12:06] samsung pro ssd's are nice addy in their list [12:07] Getting a display calibration profile is nice too. [12:08] Too bad monitor calibration on Linux isn't really nice (I'm expressing myself softly) [12:08] :p [12:08] i found a nice toy yesterday arandr gui shell for xrandr [12:08] !info arandr [12:08] lordievader: did you tryed that before? [12:08] arandr (source: arandr): Simple visual front end for XRandR. In component universe, is optional. Version (vivid), package size 66 kB, installed size 507 kB [12:09] for dual screen setup [12:09] I use xrandr... at times. For display calibration I use Oyranos or xgamma. [12:09] cool [12:10] brb [12:30] !info xgamma [12:30] Package xgamma does not exist in vivid [12:30] MonkeyDust: wow your here! [12:31] never noticed you :p [12:31] deactivated cloaking device [12:31] cool [12:39] afternoon EriC^^ and OerHeks [12:40] hi lotus [13:28] !info x11-xserver-utils | MonkeyDust [13:28] MonkeyDust: x11-xserver-utils (source: x11-xserver-utils): X server utilities. In component main, is optional. Version 7.7+2ubuntu2 (vivid), package size 147 kB, installed size 452 kB [16:59] sweet... i'm in a vbox virtual machine, using vagrant, and it my laptop's temperature doesnt increase [17:01] with vagrant, the vbox machine is launched from terminal, not from the vbox interface [17:07] !info vagrant [17:07] vagrant (source: vagrant): Tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.5+dfsg1-2 (vivid), package size 272 kB, installed size 2239 kB [17:07] MonkeyDust: whats the purpose of this layout? [17:16] lotuspsychje using and managing pre-built virtual machines, it is really aimed at large scales [17:17] MonkeyDust: nice! [17:17] i use it for fun purposses, obviously [17:18] MonkeyDust: so it can be distributed over commandline? [17:21] lotuspsychje yes, installing the first machine is complicated, but once you have, simply use "vagrant up; vagrant ssh" to go into it... with "vagrant provision" you can execute commands in the vm, without ssh'ing into it [17:28] I ssh into the vagrant box and from there into unixssh.com, where my screen/irssi session is running [17:41] MonkeyDust: Is Vagrant like Openstack but then for VB? [18:12] lordievader no, openstack is in the cloud, vagrant is on your pc [18:13] https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=vagrant [18:13] I see. [18:22] MonkeyDust: cool stuff [18:30] it is, now i'm looking for a command to ssh into it directly [18:31] * lordievader still likes KVM [18:45] Bashing-om:finaly you arrived [18:45] Bashing-om: we have been waiting for your supporting skillz :p [18:46] Oh yeay, I been peeking over shoulders, see what I can learn today . Hoz it with you and your world ? [18:47] in my insane world everythings fine :p [18:47] music, women and wine! [18:48] nice mix [18:48] and what music would that be? [23:05] * ObrienDave waves from win7ville ;P [23:07] 7 \o/ [23:07] have you tamed it yet? ;) [23:08] oh lordy, wipped it into shape ages ago LOL [23:09] ;]