
Unit193xfce4-hamster-plugin updated in extras, pushed to lp git.08:19
Unit193(Does anybody care?  Is anybody there? :P  I don't, I'm not.)08:20
knomewhat did that do again anyway? :P08:50
Unit193Some sort of time tracker stuff.  Who cares. :P08:50
Unit193!info indicator-hamster08:51
knomesomebody likely does..08:51
ubottuPackage indicator-hamster does not exist in wily08:51
Unit193knome: Yes, PPA shows a little usage, so I did update it.08:51
knomeochosi, first things first with this thing: http://pad.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-website-ssl (comments welcome)08:56
knomeUnit193, was there something you'd change with that then?08:56
Unit193I did not think so, just asked a few questions.  Thanks, knome.09:05
knomesure, np :)09:05
knomewhen ochosi/pleia2 acks it, i'll forward it through then09:06
Unit193I have no idea what it is I would add. :)09:06
knomeme neither09:06
Unit193FWIW, https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+git/xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin and https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+git/xfdashboard differ from the repos https://bitbucket.org/xubuntu so I left them (and am using the bb ones), but all others were removed (linked from https://wiki.smdavis.us/doku.php?id=development:packages)09:34
bluesabregood morning folks10:30
bluesabreUnit193: xfdashboard, sure10:31
Unit193xfdashboard 0.5.0 successfully uploaded to extras.19:22
Unit193Dangit I need to contact micahg.19:44
Unit193knome points out in #x that xubuntu-restricted-{addons,extras} pulls in gst0.10 and gst1.0.19:52
Unit193Or, at least reminded me.19:53
Unit193xfburn is the only thing IIRC and upstream's release fixed that.  We also dropped them in -desktop.19:53
Unit193Hah, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/wily/ubuntu-restricted-addons/wily/view/head:/xubuntu-restricted-addons-i38619:54

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