
=== mkv is now known as m4v
jean-guyi got a little technical problem.  A few minutes ago, I got valuable imput/ comments, which I wanted to save (screensaver),  so I clic on the + at top right to get a full screen, to save the comments.  Now I like to know, how can I get out of the wide screen, and back to a normal screen for xchat?00:17
jean-guyif I clic on the minus - sign,   if minimized the screen;  it i clic on the plus sign  +  it seems to do nothing00:18
valoriehmmm, xchat isn't our software00:22
valorieand I've not tried it for years00:22
valoriecan you grab a corner after clicking the +?00:23
jean-guyokee no problem..   When I reboot, it may correct itself and revert back to the normal screen00:23
valorieseems like windows sometimes get "stuck" for whatever reason00:23
valoriebut if you can grab a corner, you can drag it back to what you want00:23
valoriegtk-based stuff seems prone to that00:24
valoriewhich I think xchat is00:24
* valorie uses konversation00:24
jean-guythamks Valorie....  I will reboot and let you know if that does the trick00:24
valorieI didn't suggest rebooting00:25
mparillo_The auto-spell-check stopped working for me on konversation Version 1.6 Using KDE Frameworks 5.9.0 Anybody else see that?00:27
jean-guyhi Valorie00:42
jean-guythanks Vaorie for you suggestion;  I've installed the konversation software from ubuntu-software-center, and it works fine00:47
austin6598how do i disable firewall on kubuntu?01:27
austin6598got it, sudo ufw disable01:30
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valoriehmmm, ubuntu software center for Kubuntu?02:33
valorieaustin6598: do you have git installed?02:34
valorie`apt-cache policy git` or look in muon or so02:37
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=== Guest47200 is now known as wolferz
wolferzHey everyone, I've got major display issues in my 14.04 Kubuntu distro. I was getting a black screen after the first symbol loaded during login. sound still worked through HDMI but no video. Guest account still worked. I followed, to my demise, a solution on kde forum to purge my nvidia drivers, so I purged nvidia*... Now I cannot even access the login screen or a terminal. I am running the 13.04 dvd in live mode, I am a good user04:05
wolferzand can follow directions well, am comfortable with terminal but do not know many commands. Please, if anyone can help me fix this display, I would greatly appreciate it.04:05
austin6598valorie> is there an alternative to git?04:15
bshahwhy do you want alternative to git?04:17
austin6598ok yes i have it04:17
austin6598sorry i confused it with apt get yum zypper etc04:17
austin6598i thought kubuntu might have its own git04:17
austin6598austin@Austin-Desktop:~$ $ git clone http://git.darksatanic.net/repo/btrfs-gui.git/04:18
austin6598$: command not found04:18
austin6598ok i took out the $ and its working04:18
austin6598how do i fix this:04:21
austin6598austin@Austin-Desktop:~$ sudo python3 setup.py install04:21
austin6598python3: can't open file 'setup.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory04:21
austin6598oh nevermind just had to do it in the directory04:26
valorieaustin6598: to answer your question, there are lots of alternatives to git, but it seems to be beating the rest of them out04:55
valorieeven launchpad is now allowing git use04:55
austin6598how do i make a dameon run on startup?04:56
valoriekubuntu uses Debian git to store our packaging04:56
valoriebut mostly KDE's git repos04:56
austin6598can someone explain this?:05:09
valorieI'm no coder, but to me it means that qmake-qt5 cannot be used as a command05:28
valorieyou might ask that one in #kde-devel where the coders live05:28
valoriealthough not sure how many people are there at this hour on a Sunday05:28
austin6598yea will check tmrw05:37
bshah!whatis qmake-qt505:38
bshahaustin6598: do you have qt5-qmake package installed?05:38
bshahor something around taht05:38
austin6598trying to install this05:39
austin6598is there a way to install a .deb through terminal?05:42
SaEeDIRHAhello, i am using Kubuntu vivid, and i have a wired problem , i cannot change the date and time manually , even when i use the command line "date" command05:43
SaEeDIRHAsudo date --set "Sun Jun 14 15:57:08"05:43
SaEeDIRHAbut still something reverts it back to its own settings05:43
SaEeDIRHAi have checked "Date & Time" application and the automatic option is not set05:45
SaEeDIRHAdo you know by any chance that what is causing the problem ?05:45
austin6598i googled it...05:47
SaEeDIRHAi did05:48
SaEeDIRHAbut i cannot find anything relevent05:48
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valorie!info qmake-qt505:51
ubottuPackage qmake-qt5 does not exist in vivid05:51
ubottudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.05:51
valorieI'm sure there is a command to use the cli, yes05:52
valorieSaEeDIRHA: usually date and time are gotten automatically from a time server05:52
valorieI've never seen a computer that allowed you to over-ride that05:53
SaEeDIRHAvalorie, lol, you havent seen a manual time settings ? :D05:53
SaEeDIRHAhow long you have been using computers for ?05:54
valorienow display is a whole different thing -- you should be able to configure the display of date and time in the applets or whatever05:54
austin6598 <SaEeDIRHA oh sorry i was talking about my problem05:54
valorieSaEeDIRHA: since the 80s05:54
SaEeDIRHAvalorie, so since the 80s u are using time server to sync ? :D05:54
valorieI guess before I was on the internet it had to be set manually -- can't recall05:55
austin6598i just installed redditr and i cant find it on my system05:55
austin6598 <SaEeDIRH05:55
austin6598oh sorry05:55
SaEeDIRHAwell i need to over-ride it manually :D05:55
austin6598didnt mean to put your name05:55
valorieSaEeDIRHA: you might need ##linux or so05:56
valoriethat isn't part of kubuntu or KDE as such05:56
SaEeDIRHAand the date command doesnt work05:56
austin6598oh nevermind, i spelled it wrong05:57
austin6598its reditr05:57
valorieaustin6598: have you searched in dolphin to see where everything was put?05:57
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)05:57
austin6598for some reason "recently installed" doesnt show up05:57
valorieSaEeDIRHA: ^^^05:57
valorieyou might find something there05:57
* valorie goes afk again05:58
austin6598how do you do that in irc valorie?05:59
valoriehow do I do what, austin6598?06:07
austin6598send messages to everyone06:07
valorieevery post in a channel goes to everyone06:08
valorienot sure what you mean06:08
austin6598this: — valorie goes afk again06:08
valorieah, you start the line with /me does whatever06:08
* austin6598 test06:08
* austin6598 talks about himself06:08
valorieand of course away is a status, set by /away06:08
valorieor /away message06:09
valorieand you come back with /back or /away again06:09
valorieat least in Konversation06:09
valorieneed to close the IRC window or I'll keep looking at it!06:09
* adfhdfhjgh test06:10
austin6598do only some clients show away?06:11
ubottuPlease do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»06:13
valorieI sort of broke that rule, sorry06:13
austin6598how so?06:13
valorieby announcing afk, although that's not as annoying as those who change nicks06:14
valoriein any case, I really really really am closing this window now, although my bouncer will let me read back later06:14
Unit193austin6598: Now, /who valorie   or /whois valorie  and you'll see she's away.06:19
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Unit193!test | austin6598806:21
ubottuaustin65988: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )06:21
austin65988oh ok06:21
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austin6598why doesnt kde have a "hibernate" option06:24
valorie!info kompozer06:52
ubottuPackage kompozer does not exist in vivid06:53
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lordievaderGood morning.09:21
neotheogood evening09:27
lordievaderHey neotheo09:30
woffyhi all :) after I have updated kubuntu 15.04 i get a bash screen saying starting version 219 Welcome to emergency mode ... how can I solve this?09:42
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BluesKajHowdy all10:38
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=== Mat__ is now known as Guest87719
Guest87719Hello everyone. Quick question - has anyone come across dual screen configurations not persisting between sessions using amd driver and kubuntu 15.04?11:13
Guest87719Any idea how I can save a configuration as default?11:13
Guest87719Using AMD prop driver fglrx through the driver configuration tool11:14
murthyGuest87719: do you know where the config is saved?11:16
Guest87719naa not at all11:17
murthyGuest87719: Sometimes the application needs root access to save the configuration file, like in case of nvidia xconfig11:17
Guest87719The AMD catalyst control panel has an 'administratrive' mode which asks for sudo password when being run, so I would assume that it is running as an elevated user11:18
murthyGuest87719: Can you see any error messages in konsole when you save your config from the amd catalyst control panel?11:19
Guest87719I'vge been starting it from the applications menu, hold that thought I'll run it from a console window now and check11:20
Guest87719negative on the errors in console11:25
lordievaderFglrx still uses an xorg.conf if I am not mistaken.11:25
Guest87719xorg.conf is aware of my two screens, profiles seem correct etc.11:29
Guest87719well - by 'correct' I mean it appears to have a profile for each of my two screens.. haha11:30
murthyGuest87719: Did you enable the debug output for the amd catalyst control panel application in kdebugdialog before you try get the error messages?11:31
murthyI mean kdebugdialog11:32
Guest87719Naa, didn't know about that one - sussing it out now11:34
Guest87719The kdebugdialog does not seem to have an entry for the catalyst control panel?11:35
lordievaderHey gnomek11:36
gnomekCan you tell me please how to connect to #akademy channel in quasell? I read The IRC channel for the event is #akademy on freenode.net    I  added irc://irc.freenode.net:6667/ to networks but it doesn't appear in chats to chose from11:39
bshahnow that you are here, just run '/join #akademy'11:39
murthyGuest87719: Try running the kdebugdialog after you started the control panel11:41
gnomekThank you <bshah>11:42
bshahnp :)11:42
gnomekIs it appropriate to write on Kubuntu devel emailing list if I want to ask them to update network manager to a new version?11:52
gnomekI wonder if communication there it is not reserved only for developers and should not be joined by users.11:53
lordievadergnomek: Better to file a bug.11:53
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Guest81531hey there, I was just chatting to someone about a dual-screen persistence issue with amd catalyst drivers12:13
Guest81531Just letting you know I have it sorted12:13
regedittrouble setting up a dual boot Windows + Kubuntu system12:16
regeditfollowing instructions, i started by installing windows 8, left extra space during initial setup for kubuntu12:17
regeditwhoops got disconnected12:19
regeditas i was saying:12:19
regedittrouble began during kubuntu setup - it was complaining something about "...there seem to be other OSs that were installed with non-UEFI BIOS setting, but you seem to be in UEFI mode..."12:19
regeditmy UEFI was always enabled though :(12:20
regeditso i tried boot-repair12:20
regedithere is the paste: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11713662/12:20
regeditstill does not allow booting to windows, only seems to be aware f ubuntu12:21
BluesKajregedit, perhaps disabling secure boot will help12:21
BluesKajoops too late'12:23
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Arthur_Dhi, how would I make KCron run my script as I would run it myself? Atm it doesn't seem to store variables like it should13:34
Arthur_DI set up this test script: http://pastebin.com/bVEYj0MW13:35
Arthur_Drunning it myself in Konsole works as expected, but setting it to run every minute in KCron it prints nothing to the file13:35
Arthur_Dany help appreciated :)13:36
BluesKajArthur_D,  15.04?13:37
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BluesKajok, special windows and application settings finally remembered the size set for konversation on the desktop14:28
[RO]Danielhi all, is there any way to run latest vers of itunes without virtual machine?14:29
BluesKaj [RO]Daniel here's one i found for Amarok  https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=116&t=9169714:34
[RO]Daniel"How to import iTunes library to amaroK?"14:36
Arthur_DBluesKaj: Kubuntu 14.0414:36
[RO]Daniel:) thx but is not what i look for14:36
[RO]Danieli want especialy because of apple music, service that will be available from 30 this month14:36
[RO]Danielnot for sync/playlist other things14:36
Arthur_DI came a little further, but still not sure why it's not working - it does execute the script, but apparently doesn't do what it should. The script works standalone though :s14:37
BluesKaj[RO]Daniel, have you looked into running itunes in Wine ?14:45
[RO]Danielyes, but it looks like it is only possible for older versions, not the latest14:46
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jalcine[RO]Daniel: might be out of luck until someone finds a means to do so14:54
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[RO]Danielyes jalcine :(15:33
[RO]Danielafter about 4 years of full linux usage i'm gonna switch back to win just for itunes?! wtf am i doing?15:34
BluesKajor you could find a substitute15:35
BluesKajitunes was neat init's day , now there's lots of competition, and some are free15:36
[RO]Danieli don't think any substitute exists15:49
[RO]Danieli want it because of functionalities, not because i can play music on :)15:50
[RO]Danieland "i want especialy because of apple music, service that will be available from 30 this month" i've said that before here15:50
[RO]Danielso i don't think in any other app you can log in with apple id in order for that service to work, or could i?15:51
BluesKajsorry [RO]Daniel , i have no idea16:08
Arthur_DI finally figured that I had pointed to the wrong public key path *blush*16:12
Arthur_Ddunno why it accepted it otherwise :s16:13
LildirtBeen running kubuntu-desktop for a bit and it seems KDE likes to crash after sometime. There's no particular reason why, it just kind of happens. I checked xsession-errors to find "init: startkde main process (2475) killed by TERM signal". Anyone know anything about this, possibly?16:26
LildirtEventually after some screen flickering my monitors go to power save mode, and there's no more output. No matter when I try to use CTRL+ALT+F2 I can't get a terminal, so I have to hardreset.16:27
BluesKajLildirt, have you checked power management in system settings to change the graphics power settings, otherwise if you are on 15.04 then KDE crashes are common since plasma/KF5 is still in development16:33
LildirtNope, I'm on 14.04. I also recall disabling any "power saving" features in power management.16:34
BluesKajhave you upgraded to plasma5/KF5?16:35
LildirtNo, I haven't.16:37
BluesKajLildirt, don't ,  from all reports it's worse on the 14 versions then the 15.04 kubuntu16:51
LildirtWell yeah, that'd kind of go without saying, haha.16:52
LildirtLooks nice but I'm not going to fall for it.16:52
LildirtBeyond startkde being term'd for no reason I've nothing to solve this problem with. Somewhat contemplating just installing another distro and throwing KDE on it.16:53
LildirtSeeing if it nukes itself then.16:54
BluesKajLildirt, actually I prefer the KDE/Plasma 4 look...but my role is comitted to testing kubuntu releases before the offiical release date, so i have to deal with changes that i don't like16:55
LildirtWell they both look nice honestly. I've preferred KDE over the rest for this reason, because it looks fancy. 5 reminds me a tad of a metro thing though, looks more minimalistic.16:56
BluesKajLildirt, will it's flat and simple , some say simplistic, default icons etc don't do much for me17:00
LildirtSure. Some people really like the minimalism thing though.17:01
LildirtI think it looks alright if you do it right, but honestly the minimalism that seems to have rushed in as of late makes things easier for designers more than anything lol.17:02
LildirtHaha, I like that part message.17:06
BluesKajLildirt, he's here all the time , but seldom participates17:22
BluesKajmany lurkers17:22
LildirtI'm here all the time too. I never chat though.17:22
LildirtI've over a hundred channels across different networks open though so it'd be kind of hard for me to.17:22
BluesKajgeneral chatting is supposed to be done in kubuntu-offtpic, by participating I mean helping others if you can17:24
LildirtWell true. But I never know anything so haha.17:24
BluesKaj7 chats at once is enough for me :-)17:25
TBotNikAll: Noticed a couple things that was wondering if anyone has solution resources on? 1.) Google's javascript, now using HTML5 memory cache no longer allows multi-user logins, 2.) Craiglist only allows 5 minutes of operation, then shuts you down for 15-30 min, before you can work again, 3.) Ubuntu/Kubuntu 14.04 is still unstable, cannot get any of my 8 machines to be/work the same!  All help appreciated17:27
LildirtMeh. Sometimes I'll have random conversations on random channels so.17:27
LildirtYeah I've noticed that Ubuntu isn't kind to literally anyone haha. Despite numerous installs it fails meh :c17:28
BluesKajTBotNik, your first 2 questions aren't kubuntu related, but the last one may get some attention if you tell us what your unstable install is or is not doing17:30
TBotNikBluesKaj: Work machine, corrupted "System Monitor" when I migrated from 12.04 to 14.04 and have found no way to recover that.  Gives XML error.  It also will not load TeamViewer, but was having that problem under 12.04 before the upgrade!17:35
TJ-TBotNik: did you ever customize System Monitor? Have you tested it with a new clean user profile?17:36
TBotNikBluesKaj: Laptop has Apache errors and will not load any site or file with "index.*".  It also will not sync at all on Dropbox!17:36
TBotNikBluesKaj: Desktop here and Laptop both have Network Manager problems17:38
TBotNikBluesKaj: None of the machines will sync MySQL17:39
BluesKajTBotNik, did you upgrade 12.04 via the package manager LTS updater and diyou upgrade the 12.04 packages before upgrading to 14.0417:39
TJ-TBotNik: I don't understand the 'apache error' - you mean the laptop has an instance of Apache httpd and reports an error when it received a request for any file with a name matching "index.*" ?17:41
TBotNikBluesKaj: Did the Work machine via online all others via Live DVD.  Also noticed the recover mode on boot from the LiveDVD, which was on all previous version is no longer an option, so you only 2 options, is format a new instance of OS or destroy all your data via full disk format!  Not acceptable at all!!!!!17:42
TBotNikBluesKaj: Cursor (Mouse) is now so totally crapped on this Desktop, that selection of any text is impossible!17:43
TJ-TBotNik: The Live images are for installation, not release upgrade17:45
BluesKajTBotNik, I read your complaints and issues, but you didn't answer my question17:45
BluesKajTJ-, unles he used / and home partitions then it's possible to have decent install17:46
TJ-TBotNik: To do a release upgrade locally using removable media you'd want to configure apt's sources.list to have a cdrom:// repository entry and then use do-release-upgrade17:47
TBotNikBluesKaj: Yes I ran apt-get install update && apt-get install upgrade before init of the 14.04 on the Work box!17:47
BluesKajor just install to / if  the machines have /home partitions17:48
TBotNikTJ-: Yes that is the exact error on any site/page with "index.*" say can't redirect!  Never say that error before in 10+ years on Unix/Linux!17:49
BluesKajTBotNik, a dist-upgrade should have been done as well to upgrade kernels or kernel modules17:49
TJ-TBotNik: "can't redirect" tells me you've got a bug in your redirect rules in the web site config17:49
TJ-TBotNik: could be an issue with the setting in Apache httpd for the DirectoryIndex17:51
TBotNikBluesKaj: I keep limits on files in /home/$user and keep most files on 2nd drives using symlinks, so I can keep data away for any possible partitioning on the main HD!17:52
TBotNikBluesKaj: Most machine have only 1 user, myself, one machine has 5 users, because it's a share desktop.17:53
BluesKajTBotNik, TJ- seems to have a handle on your problem , Apache is somewhat beyond my realm17:54
TBotNikTJ-: I have the 000-default.conf posted at: http://pastebin.com/Ee5hG7NJ17:55
TBotNikTJ-: See if you can find the error.  There is nothing in the error logs showing the issue!17:56
TJ-TBotNik: I'd need to see the entire apache config for that17:56
TBotNikTJ-: It's never been altered in it's 8 year history, unless the upgrade changed it!17:58
TBotNikTJ-: Want me to add that to the PB?17:59
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TJ-TBotNik: I'm trying to think of an easy way to collect it "-S" won't do it and apache2ctl configtest only reports syntax errors not weird config options. What error code does apache return when you request "index.html" for example?18:00
TBotNikBluesKaj: I think that is the cmd I ran on the Work box, but not the ones here at home.  Assuming full cmd: apt-get install dist-upgrade?  Correct?18:01
TBotNikTJ-: Please explain you post:  To do a release upgrade locally using removable media you'd want to configure apt's sources.list to have a cdrom:// repository entry and then use do-release-upgrade18:02
TBotNikTJ-: BRB, going to get the Laptop to run "localhost" and "google.com" to give you the results!18:04
TJ-TBotNik: When an install is done from a CD/DVD image it adds an entry to Apt's sources.list so it can install additional files without going out over the network. Something like "deb cdrom:[Ubuntu-Server 14.04 LTS _Trusty Tahr_ - Release amd64 (20140416.2)]/ trusty main restricted"18:04
TJ-TBotNik: If that media doesn't contain a package, or the package is out of date compared to network archives, then Apt will look to those instead.18:05
TJ-TBotNik: So if you have a mirror on a DVD of the packages required for upgrade and remove any network entries from sources.list it is possible to do a release upgrade entirely from a removable media.18:05
TBotNikTJ-: Per BluesKaj's post I should be running th: apt-get install dist-upgrade cmd on all the boxes to fix the errors?18:07
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TBotNikTJ-: On the laptop google.com says: "The page isn't redirecting properly" and localhost says: "Unable to connect" but if I enter localhost/alias they all come up!18:11
TJ-TBotNik: I think BluesKaj was meaning that in preparation for a release-upgrade from, for e.g., 12.04 to 14.04, the 12.04 install needs to be fully up to date with th archive packages. So "apt-get dist-upgrade" ensures that. *then* the release-upgrade is started.18:12
TBotNikTJ-: Would that fix a lot of the issues with these machine by machine inconsistancies?18:13
TJ-TBotNik: After the release-upgrade? It won't harm but it can't do much with regard to any inconsistencies between the original 12.04 packages and the 14.04 packages.18:15
TJ-TBotNik: I don't understand your comment about the web-site. What web-site is Google reporting as "not redirecting properly"? I thought the site you referred to was running on a local, LAN-based, laptop installation.18:16
TBotNikTJ-: Thinking there should be no residuals of 12.04 left but not sure so running it now.  Funny It said 0 of 0 need upgrading, then it actually did start upgrading stuff!18:16
TBotNikTJ-: The redirect error comes from the googl.com site, since it's default page starts with "index."18:17
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TBotNikTJ-: That is what is so weird. Almost all Home Pages of any site is an "index.*" page, so can not see any home pages, but if I know a subpage they will show!18:19
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TBotNikTJ-: Therefore anysite.com/subpage always works, but never anysite.com18:20
TBotNikBRB: Coffee run!18:21
TJ-TBotNik: Are you trying to literally request a page with the name "index.*"  ?!?!18:23
TJ-TBotNik: As in trying to browse to "http://www.google.com/index.*" ?18:24
TBotNikTJ-: Ok so when you enter www.google.com the default page behind it is www.google.com/index.php or index.* and so there is a redirect to the actual index.* file and that is what fails.18:25
TBotNikTJ-: Could be index.html, index.htm, index.do, index.php, index.php5, index.pl etc, but any "index" file error on any and every site!18:27
austin6598is there any way to make the notification tray load faster on startup?18:27
austin6598when i startup kubuntu, synergy says: System tray is univailable, quitting18:27
TJ-TBotNik: no, the "*" means 'wildcard that matches anything'. The DirectoryIndex directive in Apache httpd specifies the names of the default pages to sever up when a user agent requests the directory name only. Any other request is processed literally according to the redirect rules18:28
TJ-TBotNik: give me an example of a URL that fails for you?18:30
TBotNikTJ-: I'm giving you that because it does not matter the extension, if the filename is "index" regardless of the extension it errors! that is why I used the wildcard character, so you would understand this applies to all files/pages named "index"!18:30
TJ-TBotNik: That suggests your browser or local network proxy are altering the request. Give me an example of a URL that fails for you so I can compare18:31
TBotNikTJ-: www.google.com18:31
TBotNikTJ-: You won't see it you don't have the problem.  They will all go through on you side, but not here.  Only my laptop does this, no other machines, so is specific to just that machine!18:33
TJ-TBotNik: OK, for me that returns a 302 redirect to  "Location: http://www.google.co.uk/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=Bsl9VfeXA9CKoQfW9IC4DQ"18:34
TJ-TBotNik: OK, do what I did, use a telnet connection to see if the response you receive has been interfered with18:35
TJ-TBotNik: here's how to do it: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11715784/18:36
TBotNikTJ-: On my desktop it redirects to: https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl18:39
TJ-TBotNik: Ahhh... it's trying to redirect you to a TLS/SSL site. What happens if you try to access that directly? here's an example: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11715837/18:43
TBotNikTJ-: All home (index) web pages use a redirect. This is global! That is why I know it is in the 000-default.conf file, because I copied that file from my desktop, which works to the laptop, which now has this error.  that is the only change made, before this error started occurring!18:44
doggy_Hello everyone! Sorry for my bad English. Can you please help me? Ive disassembled my laptop (lenovo z370) to clean cooling system.18:48
TBotNikTJ-: I've now got a couple guys on #httpd, trying to help, can you join there?18:48
doggy_Then assembled it back and it working fine except wifi. What strange is that lspci command show Network controller: Qualcomm Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI18:48
doggy_But i cant find wlan device in /dev. And as you can expect i cant connect via network manager.18:49
doggy_So does anyone know is it hard or soft problem? How can i determine it to be sure. Ive spend 7 hours googling, assembling and dissasembling my laptop trying, to figure out what was my mistake18:49
blacksoulhey, I just installed kubuntu 15.04 and opened firefox: the context menu in firefox doesn't stay inside my display boundaries... (1) open website > move mouse near the right border > right click ...half menu is visible, other half is outside (depends on the click position)..18:52
blacksoulany idea?18:52
BluesKaj, doggy_, but your ethernet is ok ? Try, sudo ifconfig wlan0 up18:53
BluesKajblacksoul, i just had the same problem, close and open FF18:56
doggy_BluesKaj. Yes Ethernet works fine. Im using it right now. SIOCSIFFLAGS:(SIOCSIFFLAGS: Операция не позволяется из-за RF-kill) Operation is not permitted by RF-kill18:56
blacksoulBluesKaj: ill try.. brb18:57
BluesKajdoggy_, sudo iwlist wlan0 scan|grep -i essid18:57
blacksoulBluesKaj: still not working..18:58
doggy_wlan0     Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down18:58
BluesKajdoggy_, which wifi chip , sounds like you need to a wifi driver18:59
doggy_black look to sys settings->screen. There may be extra monitor18:59
doggy_Network controller: Qualcomm Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)19:00
BluesKajdoggy_, atheros is one of the best wifi chips foir linux, this surprises me19:04
BluesKajdoggy_, just make sure the driver is installed , check the package manager19:04
viphi ho19:07
vipis there any on screen keyboard for kde?19:07
vipflorence, hmm19:14
vipbut crashes a lot19:14
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bjrohanI haven't had any issues with my 14.04 installation regarding networking until about an hour ago. i had to restart my system, and when I did I can not get my wifi to turn on. Any help with this would be appreiated21:49
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austin6598when i run genymotion it says:22:03
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baudsparkHi all, I have a tiny script I wrote to automatically connect to my VPN, and when I run it from a shell it works exactly as advertised, but when I add it to the list of Automatically Started Applications in Autostart, it doesn't work--whether I put it to Run on "Startup" or "Pre-KDE Startup". Here's the script: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/231970/21976143/    Can anyone give me a clue what I'm doing wrong that is causing it22:48
baudsparkto not work?22:48
baudsparkI've also tried throwing it in /etc/init.d, and in rc.local, those solutions don't work, either. There's clearly something wrong about trying to run the script outside of my user session. Just bugger if I know what.22:49
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