[07:18] morning all [16:53] Hello [16:53] hi Rajiv_ [16:53] Actually i had one question. Please execute me if i am at the wrong place. [16:54] excuse :-) [16:54] lol [16:54] the correct channel to get help is #ubuntu [16:54] do you know how to join there? [16:54] What is the procedure to join the LoCo team? [16:55] Sorry.. no [16:55] if you want to join the loco team then you can get help here [16:56] Thank You... Is there any specific requirement needed? [16:56] but to join other channels you type in /j #channel name [16:56] you need to be an ubuntu member [16:56] where are you? [16:57] Sorry if my question was unclear... What is needed to become an ubuntu member... I am from Mauritius.... [16:57] oh you have a group there , let me see if i can find them [16:58] read this so long https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Forums/Membership [16:58] Thank You.. One more question... Do you guys do programming? [16:59] Thank You.. One more question... Do you guys do programming? [16:59] many do [17:00] Which language do they do and for whom? [17:00] all the languages i think [17:00] http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-mu/ [17:01] thats the mauritius team [17:01] they will guide you [17:01] join their mailing list [17:01] Thank you. [17:02] you are welcome [17:04] Rajiv_ you can also join #ubuntu-africa [17:05] go see http://ubuntu-africa.info