
micahghi siretart, is gnucash on your list of merges that you're interested in?  there's a libaqbanking transition in progress, so we need the new version from Debian19:50
DarkPlayermicahg: did you have time to take a look at the wine-staging package? (you talked with slackner on wednesday about it)21:07
micahgDarkPlayer: no, that's on my list though21:07
DarkPlayerthe package needs some changes (replacing the prefix with /usr) etc., but what would be the further steps if we fixed that?21:17
micahgneeds 2 reviewers to sign off before uploading to Ubuntu, per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages#Going_through_MOTU21:19
DarkPlayermicahg: is there any interest in us maintaining the package or do you want to leave this to the ubuntu devs?21:46
micahgDarkPlayer: if you want to insure it gets updated, I suggest that you maintain it, the Ubuntu devs updating Ubuntu local packages is best effort only21:47
micahgand there's a limited amount of resources21:47
micahgyou can eventually get upload rights for the package: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers#Per-package_Uploaders21:48

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