
bazhangubottu mir00:13
ubottuMir is the next-generation display server currently under development by Canonical and Ubuntu. It's slated for inclusion in Ubuntu 14.04. For more information on it, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mir/Spec . For code, see https://launchpad.net/mir00:13
HFSPLUSany lawyers in here?00:14
bazhangObrienDave> Bolvaron, /swap will kill your SSD00:54
bazhangmight as well suggest that emacs stunts your learning00:55
bazhangwell, then again00:55
Unit193I'm sure chu will admit to it, yep.00:56
bazhangyou summoned him!00:56
bazhangrelease the emacraken00:56
ubottuObrienDave called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (jParkton)01:03
ubottujParkton called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()01:04
ObrienDavehelp in #U-OT please. jParkton thanks01:09
bazhangthanks ObrienDave01:09
OerHeksHi, i see a regular excess flood in #ubuntu for days now, from @ber19-3-78-220-252-108.fbx.proxad.net with changing names04:27
=== Guest60154 is now known as IdleOne
ubottuObrienDave called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (BobTheAngryCat)22:28
ubottuOerHeks called the ops in #ubuntu ()23:38
Unit193Flannel: Drone` already muted $:~a23:40
FlannelWe probably want +r at this point for a little bit.23:45

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