
Unit193micahg: Not sure if you were going to snag them, or if one of us should.  But between your change to desktop and a reminder that xubuntu-restricted-* exist, gstreamer0.10 can be dropped from there too I'd think.03:19
micahgah, ok, cool03:20
* micahg will take a look in a bit03:20
micahgalso, the ISO seems oversized03:20
Unit193Awesome, thanks.03:20
Unit193Yeah, likely due to LO.03:20
micahgno, I think it has to do with some of the desktop packages switching to python303:20
Unit193Ah I was wondering just recently what's holding our ISO on python2, bluesabre usually makes his compatible with both, or easily portable.03:21
micahgI was going to look into that03:21
pleia2knome: I added a couple questions to the end of the document for context/intent07:25
pleia2knome: also, thanks re: distrowatch updates, however that came on your radar :)07:36
pleia2now that the server static.x.o is on can talk to bzr, updating will be easier \o/ (can even put it in a cron job if we want)09:07
pleia2on my Sunday I'll spend some time making sure everything is in bzr and repulling everything directly from bzr, unless there are objections09:08
pleia2a .bzr directory will exist, but I don't think we care09:09
micahgbluesabre: Unit193: I'm not so sure about updating the restricted addons, other non-xubuntu programs might need the libraries until the whole archive is migrated, do we care?17:48
Unit1930.10 is dead, and clementine looks like the biggest user.17:56
micahgI agree conceptually, but it might result in a few more bug reports until the whole archive is migrated18:09
ochosievening all18:13
ochosihm, we still have python2 stuff?18:13
ochosimicahg: do we already know what's pulling in python2?18:17
micahgno idea, about to look18:17
micahgapt-offline is one18:18
ochosimeh, blueman18:20
ochosiblueman gets python3 support with 2.018:25
ochosi(which has been released already)18:25
ochosi(21 days ago, to be exact)18:25
micahgit's in Debian18:25
micahgDebian is still building with python218:26
micahgI guess I can merge and switch to python3, but it doesn't do us much good until the rest is migrated18:26
ochosii'm putting this list on the whiteboard, one sec18:27
ochosifeel free to fill in more details where you see fit: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-w-development18:27
ochosiseems like didrocks has started to work on gconf: https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/gconf/python318:29
ochosishould be fixed in wily already18:29
ochosi(3 days ago)18:29
knomepleia2, np; there was that person telling us that system requirements are "too hard to find" - he had wandered to our site via distrowatch...18:35
pleia2knome: ah, I see the connection now :)18:36
knomethough that doesn't explain anything in his case - anyway, since i bumped into it...18:37
* pleia2 nods18:40
* ochosi tests a new music player (lollypop, has a few annoying depends though)18:48
knomepleia2, btw, wrote replies on the pad (and added some context in the text itself)18:56
ochosiknome, pleia2: i think the ssl discussion is up to the two of you, i don't know enough about it (in other words: i trust your judgement)18:58
knomeochosi, yeah yeah, just wanted you to know what's happening :)18:59
ochosigood .)18:59
pleia2knome: oh thanks, I'll have a look19:00
pleia2knome: oh, shall I social media our shiny new get involved page?19:09
knomewe could do that :)19:09
knomelet's draft a nice blurp19:09
pleia2also, I put the 14M Edubuntu-Xubuntu 14.04 Quickstart Guide pdf from Computer Reach on static.x.o but didn't put it in bzr because I'm a bad person, should I, or would a 14M pdf in the repo ruin your life?19:10
knomeoh btw19:11
* knome facepalms19:11
knomedid you look at the document?19:11
pleia2it was too big to upload to wordpress19:11
pleia2yeah, why?19:11
knomeyou need to tell them to use our new logo.19:11
pleia2oh, that19:11
knomeand i guess the new ubuntu logo19:11
knomeand new edubuntu logo19:12
pleia2I did, but updating this isn't high on their priority list, and I've snagged them to help me with my non-profit19:12
knomewhat's their source format?19:12
pleia2I don't know19:12
pleia2probably something not awesome19:12
knomeif they're willing to share it, point them to send it to me, and i'll look for updating it19:12
knomedon't they have this available on their own website?19:13
pleia2maybe in a few weeks, I need to stop asking them things :)19:13
pleia2no, it's on dropbox19:13
knomei'd imagine that would be a nice thing, somebody else doing them things :P19:13
knomethey just need to send me the source19:13
knomeand i'll return it to them modified with the new logos19:13
knomewell considering i can edit the source format19:13
knometheir website has the *old* logo too19:14
knomei thikn that's snatched from the old *website*19:14
knomeand their website breaks if you stretch it around :(19:14
pleia2websites, eh?19:17
knomewell, you *can* do it right...19:17
pleia2alas, non-profit budgets19:19
knomei know19:19
brainwash__any opinions on bug 1459417 ?19:35
ubottubug 1459417 in xfce4 (Ubuntu) "the numeric pad should provide the regional separator" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145941719:35
brainwash__"On Microsoft Windows systems, this is properly handled."19:36
knomei wonder if the locale is designed to hold that kind of information19:55
knomeand yeah, the xkbmaps could handle this19:55
knomepleia2, so for the social media stuff:20:21
knomepleia2, Our newly improved Get Involved page makes it even easier to start contributing and help Xubuntu!20:22
knomejust the starting point...20:22
pleia2that's a good initial post :)20:23
knomeok, want to change spelling or sth or shall i just tweet?20:23
pleia2go for it, I'll FB and G+20:23
pleia2others done too20:27
knomegood good20:27
pleia2knome: oh yeah, so should I add the pdf to the static bzr repo?20:28
knomelet's worry about that later20:29
pleia2well, now that we have bzr ability on the server I was hoping to switch the static stuff over to the pulled in bzr repo rather than just uploading manually and adding the .pdf manually20:29
pleia2haven't updated to latest static content changes since I was going to do it all at once20:30
pleia2but I can wait if we want to worry about it later20:30
pleia2lunch time with the husband now, bbiab20:32
knomemaybe you can just .bzrignore a directory20:38
knomethen you can keep it unversioned until we decide to add it20:39
knome(if we decide to)20:39
Unit193micahg: Oh hey ,since you seem to be around.  https://sigma.unit193.net/source/xfce4-eyes-plugin_4.4.4-0ubuntu1.dsc - https://sigma.unit193.net/source/xfce4-time-out-plugin_1.0.2-0ubuntu1.dsc or http://pad.lv/ppa/unit193/staging21:03
micahgUnit193: I;m getting P: xfce4-time-out-plugin: copyright-with-old-dh-make-debian-copyright on the timeout package21:46
Unit193Yeah it's the old copyright format.21:47
micahgplanning to fix at some point?21:48
Unit193I had hoped to leave that for the next person, d/copyright files can be a major pain. :/21:58
Unit193(cdbs has helped me learn to hate them.)21:58
Unit193If it's needed, I could of course.22:09
micahghrm, well, eventually, would be good for getting into Debian22:10
micahgI can upload without it for now22:10
Unit193Nothing in wnpp for this one, for the other there's Debian #407380.22:11
ubottuDebian bug 407380 in wnpp "RFP: xfce4-eyes-plugin -- eyes plugin for Xfce panel" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/40738022:11

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