
davecheneygocheck fans00:32
davecheneyis there a method to check []string, contains, string ?00:32
wallyworldaxw: partial review done, gotta go get coffee, wil finish soon01:08
axwwallyworld: thank you01:11
thumperdavecheney: I've done jujud/agent now01:14
thumperdavecheney: I don't think there is a checker for that...01:14
davecheneyyeah, i wrote one myself01:14
thumperdavecheney: jc.Contains is a substring contains IIRC01:14
thumperdavecheney: do you know of a bug number for the gccgo problem comparing interface to struct?01:25
* thumper sighs...01:35
thumperhard to make the tests pass on my branch for python-jujuclient when the tests don't even pass on trunk...01:36
thumpermeh, blocked by  https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-jujuclient/+bug/146508401:39
mupBug #1465084: Tests fail with local provider and Juju 1.23.3 <python-jujuclient:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1465084>01:39
davecheneythumper: what bug is that ?01:48
davecheneythumper: ready for 1:101:53
* thumper coming02:02
davecheneythumper: https://github.com/go-check/check/issues/4302:10
davecheneythumper: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/255602:16
axwwallyworld: I've made a small change, about to push. added another case to the volumes which are removed on machine removal: unprovisioned machine-scoped02:19
wallyworldaxw: ok, will look02:28
thumperdavecheney: could you point Chris on https://github.com/go-check/check/pull/35 in the right direction of the sync call needed for the other read location?03:56
=== anthonyf is now known as Guest37830
thumperaxw, davecheney: defers are last in first out right?04:43
axwthumper: ^04:44
davecheneythumper: will do04:59
davecheneythumper: looks like your jujud/agent fix, didnt04:59
* thumper grunts05:00
* thumper looks05:00
* thumper interrupts his current work05:01
thumpernot sure why the firewaller isn't starting...05:03
thumperbut I know why the test is timing out at 20 minutes05:03
thumperit is because the rsyslog worker restarts every x seconds05:03
davecheneythumper: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11717800/05:03
thumperbecause it can05:03
davecheneycurrent state of play05:03
davecheneythere are new races in there05:04
thumpercan't write to a dir05:04
mupBug #1465115 opened: api: data race in test <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1465115>05:12
davecheneythumper: https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/master/apiserver/apiserver.go#L18705:17
* thumper looks05:18
davecheneyNewServer prints out the address of the listneing socket05:18
davecheneythen ignores it05:18
davecheneyand passes new address to the srv type !?!??05:18
thumperchanges local IP address for localhost?05:19
davecheneychange tghe listening address, the same port on localhost05:20
davecheneyi can't even, literally, even05:20
davecheneythis is nuts05:32
davecheneywe mask the address the apiserver is listening on05:33
davecheneyso that we can reliably construct urls pointing to localhost05:33
davecheneywhat's the point of constructing a URL to localhost ?!?!05:33
thumperthe comment says because it resolves nicely with IPv4 and IPv605:34
davecheneyit's wrong05:36
davecheneynobody can be using srv.Addr05:37
davecheneythis is another horrible string in place of typed objects problem05:38
davecheneyhostname, portString, err := net.SplitHostPort(srv.Addr())05:38
davecheney^ treating the address like a string05:38
* thumper has to go and make dinner now05:39
davecheneyalso, the apiserver tests sleep for a minute at the end of the test05:40
davecheneybecause, well, basically, fy05:40
davecheneyPANIC: action_test.go:1: unitSuite.TearDownTest06:12
davecheney... Panic: local error: bad record MAC (PC=0x414746)06:12
davecheney/usr/lib/go/src/pkg/runtime/panic.c:248 in panic06:12
davecheney/home/ubuntu/juju-core_1.25-alpha1/src/github.com/juju/testing/mgo.go:559 in resetAdminPasswordAndFetchDBNames06:12
davecheney/home/ubuntu/juju-core_1.25-alpha1/src/github.com/juju/testing/mgo.go:503 in MgoInstance.Reset06:12
davecheney/home/ubuntu/juju-core_1.25-alpha1/src/github.com/juju/testing/mgo.go:605 in MgoSuite.TearDownTest06:12
davecheney/home/ubuntu/juju-core_1.25-alpha1/src/github.com/juju/juju/juju/testing/conn.go:113 in JujuConnSuite.TearDownTest06:12
davecheney/usr/lib/go/src/pkg/reflect/value.go:345 in Value.Call06:12
davecheney/usr/lib/go/src/pkg/runtime/proc.c:1394 in goexit06:12
davecheneyPANIC: unit_test.go:317: unitSuite.TestPublicAddress06:12
dimiternjam, o/ sorry for being late, omw07:06
jamdimitern: actually I was looking for you07:06
jamit looks like Mark moved the spec meeting to today07:07
jamso I've got a conflict07:07
dimiternI see07:07
dimiternok, so no meeting then?07:07
jamdimitern: I'm happy to reschedule as it seems like we've been missing eachother. But I should also see you at standup I guess.07:07
dimiternjam, indeed07:07
jamdimitern: but yes, enjoy your breakfast07:08
dimiternjam, thanks :)07:14
mupBug #1465157 opened: uniter/filter: FilterSuite.TestUnitRemoval failure in CI <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1465157>07:27
jamwallyworld: ping07:57
wallyworldthanks for doc comments07:58
wallyworldi need to rework examples etc to match changes07:58
jamwallyworld: Did you see the changes on the draft spec ?08:03
jamwallyworld: mark and I met today and we had some thoughts on the syntax08:03
wallyworldjam: yeah, i already acted on them08:03
jamwallyworld: which I'm happy to discuss with you via whatever mechanism you prefer :)08:03
wallyworldi've got to update doc examples to match08:03
jamwallyworld: k, I might have been messing with your changes then, cause I was trying to put them into the use case spec as suggestions08:04
wallyworldah, i haven't updated the se cases yet08:04
wallyworldthat's on my todo list08:04
wallyworldjam: about to go eat dinner, i'll ping you later on08:04
jamwallyworld: k08:05
TheMuedimitern: now you're frozen08:36
wallyworldjam: did you want to talk about CLI syntax?08:56
voidspacedimitern: ping09:02
dimiternvoidspace, omw09:02
wallyworldfwereade: hey, are you able to look at and comment on bug 146447009:06
mupBug #1464470: A subordinate charm hook scheduled to run(but waiting for the principal charm hook to release the lock) goes to an error state after the principal charm hook triggers a reboot. <1.24> <1.25> <hooks> <juju> <reboot> <regression> <subordinate> <windows> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core09:06
mup1.24:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1464470>09:06
wallyworldsome initial analysis has been done09:06
wallyworldneeds a sme :-)09:06
fwereadewallyworld, right, I need to think a bit more about that09:07
wallyworldsure np :-)09:07
fwereadewallyworld, I think the fix is correct in spirit but I haven't figured out all the actual consequences09:08
voidspacedooferlad: https://github.com/juju/juju/compare/devices-api-maas...voidspace:generate-macs09:09
voidspacedooferlad: I can talk to you about that after standup09:13
dooferladvoidspace: thanks - sounds good09:13
dimiternvoidspace, o/09:51
voidspacedimitern: omw09:56
voidspacedimitern: there09:57
* Mmike grabs food12:44
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rogpeppe1axw: any chance you're around? :)13:32
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=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
mupBug #1403955 opened: DHCP's "Option interface-mtu 9000" is being ignored on bridge interface br0 <cts> <kvm> <lxc> <network> <juju-core:Triaged> <isc-dhcp (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1403955>14:19
mupBug #1465307 opened: 1.24.0: Lots of "agent is lost, sorry!" messages <landscape> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1465307>14:31
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
mupBug #1465317 opened: Wily builds fail: panic: osVersion reported an error: Could not determine series <packaging> <wily> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.22:Triaged> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1465317>15:01
dimiternvoidspace, you have a review btw15:03
voidspacedimitern: cool15:03
voidspacedimitern: I realised there's a bit of code missing though15:03
voidspacedimitern: which probably also means missing tests :-/15:04
dimiternvoidspace, oh really?15:04
voidspacedimitern: I need to populate NetworkInfo for kvm broker as well as lxc broker...15:04
dimiternvoidspace, well, I trust your judgment then :)15:04
dimiternvoidspace, oh, of course15:04
voidspacedimitern: the important code is in configureConatinerNetworking which is used by both lxc and kvm brokers, and just happens to live in lxc-broker.go15:04
voidspaceso I was only manually testing that mac addresses were used by the lxc broker15:05
voidspacewhen I discovered that NetworkInfo was empty15:05
voidspaceit's a one line fix, but also needs some test fixes too I think15:05
voidspaceah no, everything passes15:05
voidspaceI'd better add one more test for this though15:05
voidspacedimitern: ok, will look at your review - thanks15:05
voidspacedimitern: wow, a Ship It! first time15:06
voidspacedimitern: shame it wasn't complete ;-)15:06
dimiternvoidspace, ")15:08
dimiternvoidspace, :) even15:08
voidspacedimitern: updated15:19
rogpeppe1i am consistently seeing test failures in worker/provisioner (TestStartInstanceWithStorage and TestStartInstanceLoopMountsDisallowed)15:39
rogpeppe1can anyone get those tests to pass, or is it just me?15:39
rogpeppe1this is on juju-core tip, BTW15:40
voidspacerogpeppe1: there's a data race I believe15:40
rogpeppe1voidspace: really?15:40
voidspacerogpeppe1: normally those tests just pass silently15:40
voidspacerogpeppe1: yes15:40
rogpeppe1voidspace: do you know what the race is?15:41
voidspacerogpeppe1: startInstance in lxcBrokerSuite calls fakeAPI methods15:41
voidspacerogpeppe1: these have an assert in them15:41
rogpeppe1voidspace: i've removed the assert15:41
voidspacerogpeppe1: ah, that's why you have the problem then15:41
natefinchrogpeppe1: both those tests pass for me btw15:41
rogpeppe1voidspace: (it always failed anyway)15:41
rogpeppe1natefinch: interesting.15:42
voidspacethe assert failing was halting the test prematurely15:42
voidspacenatefinch: they will pass until you remove the assert in the fake API15:42
voidspacerogpeppe1: this branch fixes it15:42
voidspace<rogpeppe1> voidspace: i've removed the assert15:42
rogpeppe1voidspace: ah, that makes sense15:42
voidspacerogpeppe1: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/256515:42
natefinchvoidspace: well, rogpeppe1 asked if it passed on tip, and the answer is that it passes on tip for me... not with any changes :)15:43
voidspacerogpeppe1: but that's merging onto a feature branch15:43
voidspacenatefinch: right15:43
voidspacefair enough :-)15:43
rogpeppe1voidspace: it would be great to submit it is a separate fix if poss15:43
voidspacerogpeppe1: I believe that dooferlad is extracting the data race fix as a separate fix and merging it to trunk15:43
rogpeppe1voidspace: ah, it's merging already15:43
voidspacerogpeppe1: so "in progress"15:43
rogpeppe1voidspace: it's not really a race15:43
rogpeppe1voidspace: more like a bug in gocheck15:44
voidspacerogpeppe1: ok, sounds plausible15:44
rogpeppe1voidspace: ok, so i'll ignore the test failures for the time being. hopefully your branch will land.15:44
rogpeppe1voidspace: what's the *gitjujutesting.Stub field for in the fakeAPI struct?15:45
voidspacerogpeppe1: it's Stub that provides MethodCall, NextErr and SetErrors15:46
voidspacerogpeppe1: and CheckCalls15:47
rogpeppe1voidspace: ah, so the required interface has grown, i see15:47
voidspacerogpeppe1: well, Stub is an implementation not an interface15:47
rogpeppe1voidspace: those methods weren't provided before by fakeAPI, so i can only presume that the required interface that it's implementing has grown15:48
voidspacerogpeppe1: nope15:48
voidspacerogpeppe1: Stub provides useful mocking methods for fakeAPI15:48
rogpeppe1voidspace: hmm, i must be missing something then15:48
voidspacerogpeppe1: nothing to do with the API that fakeAPI provides15:49
rogpeppe1voidspace: ok, i must have missed where they're used15:49
voidspacerogpeppe1: they're not required for fakeAPI they're useful for testing15:49
voidspacerogpeppe1: grep through that diff to see them in use15:49
voidspacerogpeppe1: CheckCalls uses the results of MethodCall15:49
voidspacerogpeppe1: NextErr uses the errors set by SetErrors15:50
rogpeppe1voidspace: i think it's somewhat misleading to embed Stub as an anonymous field15:50
rogpeppe1voidspace: it makes it look like it's being used to expose methods outside of fakeAPI15:50
voidspacerogpeppe1: what do you mean by "outside"?15:50
voidspacerogpeppe1: it's the intended use of Stub I believe15:51
rogpeppe1voidspace: the whole point of fakeAPI is to fulfil the provisioner.APICalls interface15:51
rogpeppe1voidspace: by embedding Stub, you make it look as if that is helping to fulfil that interface15:51
voidspacerogpeppe1: right, and Stub is a helper to do that15:51
voidspacerogpeppe1: the name is a big clue :-)15:52
rogpeppe1voidspace: whereas it's actually just an implementation detail *inside* fakeAPI15:52
voidspaceas well as how it's used15:52
rogpeppe1voidspace: i don't understand - none of the methods required by provisioner.APICalls are implemented by Stub15:53
rogpeppe1voidspace: so the fact that it's embedded isn't helping at all15:53
voidspacerogpeppe1: it's a helper for writing stubs15:53
voidspaceit doesn't take much beyond knowing [anything about] the API it provides to realise what it's for15:53
rogpeppe1voidspace: generally we embed fields for a reason, usually because we need the methods they implement in the method set of the object they're embedded in15:54
voidspacerogpeppe1: Stub is regularly embedded in fakes like this15:54
rogpeppe1voidspace: in this case, it seems to be embedded just to avoid an explicit field name reference15:54
voidspaceand knowing what Stub doesn't it isn't reasonable to think that Stub actually provides any methods of the external API that the fake object provides15:54
voidspaceso you seem to be making a purist point rather than a practical one15:55
rogpeppe1voidspace: it would be much more obvious that it wasn't involved if it wasn't embedded15:55
rogpeppe1voidspace: i'm saying that it makes the code less readable15:55
voidspaceand I'm saying I disagree15:55
voidspaceif it is a confusion it can only be if you haven't seen Stub before, and even then only momentarily15:56
voidspaceand this is how Stub is used in many places in our code15:56
voidspacepresumably you're the first to complain15:56
rogpeppe1voidspace: the Stub documentation can't agree with itself whether it's supposed to be embedded or not15:58
rogpeppe1voidspace: i see that it's used in other places like that, and i think it's a mistake15:58
rogpeppe1voidspace: i think it makes a big difference whether the method set of an object is immediately seeable or not.15:59
rogpeppe1voidspace: might i ask *why* you think it's a good idea to embed it, rather than using a named field?16:00
voidspaceI don't think it's a bad idea16:00
voidspaceand given that fake objects provide a specific interface (that being their point)16:00
voidspaceand Stub objects provide a different, very specific, set of methods16:00
voidspaceI don't think there's any reasonable possibility for confusion once you know what Stub does16:01
rogpeppe1voidspace: but what's the advantage of embedding?16:01
rogpeppe1voidspace: it can only be that it's slightly less code to use, i guess16:01
voidspaceI don't see any advantage to mandating *not embediding*16:01
voidspacewhich is the direction you want to go16:01
voidspaceright, slightly extra effort16:01
rogpeppe1voidspace: embedding imposes greater cognitive load on the reader of the code16:02
voidspaceI disagree16:02
voidspaceas I've already stated16:02
rogpeppe1voidspace: "extra effort" being as hard as ".stub"16:02
rogpeppe1voidspace: you've said "once you know what Stub does" - that's what i mean by extra cognitive load16:03
voidspaceextra cognitive load being as hard as "that's a stub method"16:03
voidspaceto understand the code you *need* to know what it does16:03
voidspaceyou can't get away from that!16:03
rogpeppe1voidspace: i don't recognise the term "stub" from normal Go idioms16:04
voidspaceit's a programming term16:04
voidspacelanguage agnostic16:04
rogpeppe1voidspace: it's a terrible name - it means nothing really16:04
voidspacegetting you a link to the classic martin fowler paper16:04
voidspaceit's the generally used one16:05
rogpeppe1voidspace: it would be better as "APIStub" perhaps16:05
voidspacesee that article16:05
voidspaceStub itself can be used for any interface in juju - not just for APIs16:06
rogpeppe1voidspace: by the terminology of that article, i don't think it's either a mock or a stub16:06
rogpeppe1voidspace: i think it's a helper16:06
voidspaceyeah, a helper for writing stubs16:06
rogpeppe1voidspace: sure16:06
voidspaceI didn't write it or name it either by the way16:06
rogpeppe1voidspace: i think it's confusing to call it a stub when it's not, especially as "testing.Stub" tells you nothing at all about what it might be useful for16:07
voidspacerogpeppe1: ok16:08
rogpeppe1voidspace: and i think that embedding is conflating the testing.Stub helper with the stub itself in an unhelpful way16:08
rogpeppe1voidspace: i'll stop now. you weren't responsible :)16:08
voidspacerogpeppe1: :-)16:08
rogpeppe1voidspace: it feels like something implemented by someone that's still thinking in an inheritance-based way, not someone that actually knows Go well16:09
voidspacerogpeppe1: I don't object to a named field (with the exception I guess if that has to be a public field if you're writing re-usable stubs)16:09
voidspacerogpeppe1: however I don't philosphically disagree with embedding either16:09
voidspaceit certainly works fine not embedded - at the cost of an extra level of indirection for every use16:10
rogpeppe1voidspace: if i was writing a wrapper around Stub that just added some functionality, *then* embedding would be appropriate16:10
rogpeppe1voidspace: that's not a runtime cost, of course16:11
voidspaceI don't care about runtime cost until it's proven to be an issue16:11
rogpeppe1voidspace: +116:11
voidspaceI'm talking about cognitive overhead for the reader of the code ;-)16:11
rogpeppe1voidspace: for me, the "cost" of an extra level of indirection is actually a net benefit to the reader of the code16:11
voidspacedeliberate winky-smiley as I'm provoking you...16:11
rogpeppe1voidspace: because you know exactly which field is being routed to16:12
voidspacerogpeppe1: I understand what you're saying16:12
rogpeppe1voidspace: BTW you could use Stub as a value in the struct - no need to declare it as a pointer16:13
voidspacerogpeppe1: that would probably simplify it a bit16:15
voidspacerogpeppe1: just to show that I'm not utterly recalcitrant I'll change it to a field, and a value rather than a pointer16:16
voidspacerogpeppe1: in a follow up16:16
voidspacerogpeppe1: that branch landed - but only on a feature branch, not on trunk16:16
rogpeppe1voidspace: thanks, that would be appreciated16:16
voidspacerogpeppe1: dooferlad is working on porting the relevant bits to trunk16:16
rogpeppe1voidspace: oh bugger16:16
rogpeppe1voidspace: i just pulled, hoping that would fix my tests16:16
voidspacerogpeppe1: so you can have exactly the same conversation with him...16:17
voidspacerogpeppe1: afraid not, unless you pulled our feature branch!16:17
voidspacerogpeppe1: I'll chat to dooferlad about it, I presume he's not around *right now* or he would already have popped up16:17
voidspacedooferlad: ping if you're around16:17
voidspacerogpeppe1: (I did talk to him this morning about porting these changes across - so I know he's working on it)16:18
rogpeppe1voidspace: perhaps this one fix could be ported separately16:18
voidspacerogpeppe1: yep16:18
voidspacerogpeppe1: he may already be part the way through it16:18
voidspacerogpeppe1: it involves changes to lxc-broker_test.go *and* kvm-broker_test.go (as kvm broker uses the fakeAPI as well)16:19
voidspacerogpeppe1: so if he's started it would be quicker to get that in than for me to unpick the branch I've just landed16:19
voidspacerogpeppe1: but if he hasn't done it I can do it tomorrow (morning hopefully)16:19
dooferladvoidspace, rogpeppe1: Hi, was just AFK for 10 minutes saying hello to the family since they just got home. I am just about to push my changes after a quick readthrough. They pass all the tests I have done.16:24
rogpeppe1voidspace: thanks. it would be nice to have juju-core tests passing locally16:24
dooferladrogpeppe1, voidspace: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1936/16:42
dooferladthere will be a 1.4 change landing soon16:42
dooferlads/landing/being proposed/16:43
rogpeppe1dooferlad: 1.4 version of what? Go?16:43
voidspacedooferlad: looking16:43
dooferladrogpeppe1: juju16:45
rogpeppe1dooferlad: ah, i've totally lost track of juju version numbering :)16:46
rogpeppe1dooferlad: aren't we at ~1.25 ?16:46
rogpeppe1dooferlad: or is this a version for some different aspect of juju?16:47
voidspacedooferlad: I presume you mean 1.24...16:47
voidspacerogpeppe1: you are correct16:47
dooferladrogpeppe1: oh, 1.24. Just being distracted by a tiny cute person. Sorry!16:47
rogpeppe1voidspace: ah, that really confused me!16:47
dooferladOK, need to call it a day. The fix backporting involves a little more than a cherry pick and fixing up the juju/testing version so I will get it done tomorrow morning.16:52
voidspacedooferlad: you have a review16:52
dooferladvoidspace: thanks16:52
voidspacedooferlad: mostly trivial - but there's one test that I think might be wrong16:53
dooferladvoidspace: will get to it tomorrow first thing. Thanks for taking a look!16:53
voidspacedooferlad: cool16:53
rogpeppe1wow, cmd/juju tests now taking 9m to run!16:57
natefinchrogpeppe1: is that better or worse than they used to be for you?  (I'm hoping worse)17:36
rogpeppe1natefinch: i'm pretty sure it's quite a bit worse17:36
natefinchactually,  I guess better is better....  but still.  9m sucks17:36
rogpeppe1natefinch: i remember 5 minutes, but 9?!17:36
natefinchrogpeppe1: is that on tip?17:36
rogpeppe1natefinch: yeah17:36
rogpeppe1natefinch: 9m for one package|17:37
rogpeppe1natefinch: i'm off now, back on wed17:38
natefinchrogpeppe1: have fun!17:38
rogpeppe1natefinch: will do17:38
natefinchrogpeppe1: fwiw, go test in cmd/juju runs in 2m35s  on my machine on tip17:41
natefinchnote that's go test, not go test ./...  if that makes a difference17:41
voidspacerogpeppe1: they time out on my machine17:42
natefinchvoidspace: doh17:42
voidspaceyep :-)17:42
voidspacenatefinch: 2m35! I'm on vivid17:43
voidspaceI wonder if they're worse on vivid17:43
natefinchvoidspace: I'm on utopic... it might be my SSD, it's a Samsung 850 pro, itsuper fast.17:43
natefinchs/itsuper/it's super/17:44
natefinchvoidspace: I noticed davecheney complaining about the time tests took, and his numbers were like 30 mins for the whole suite17:45
natefinchvoidspace: I'm running go 1.3.3 right now (just happens to be what I last switched to), and I run gomaxprocs=8.  Not sure if any of that makes a big difference or not17:45
voidspacenatefinch: I think my SSD is an 840 - not going to be a *great* deal of difference I don't think17:48
voidspaceI'll try them on my laptop17:48
voidspacenatefinch: I'm running go 1.2.1 maybe that hurts17:48
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
natefinchvoidspace: newer versions are definitely faster, though I wouldn't think they'd be that much faster17:50
voidspacegomaxprocs wouldn't affect the timing of one package, as that will be a single process17:50
natefinchvoidspace: good point17:51
voidspacenatefinch: if it makes it faster enough to not timeout that would be progress for me...17:52
voidspaceupdating to 1.317:52
natefinchvoidspace: you're on an XPS 15, too, right?17:53
voidspacenatefinch: this is on my desktop17:53
natefinchvoidspace: which should be even faster, presumably17:53
voidspacenatefinch: yeah, but not much17:54
voidspacetrying now with go 1.3.317:54
voidspacenatefinch: I wonder if vivid is the difference17:54
voidspacenatefinch: my laptop is utopic17:54
voidspacenatefinch: I'll try on that17:54
perrito666man running tests on a bar drives all kinds of odd looks to your screen18:37
* perrito666 deploys a lot of things on a bar, will start hearing angry people in 3, 2, 1 ....18:41
katcoperrito666: natefinch: cherylj: wwitzel3: i need a volunteer to look at bug 146530719:20
mupBug #1465307: 1.24.0: Lots of "agent is lost, sorry!" messages <blocker> <landscape> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1465307>19:20
natefinchmup: infer RandomChoice[{'natefinch', 'howAboutThatNateGuy', 'ummmNate'}]19:25
mupnatefinch: WolframAlpha request failed. Please try again soon.19:25
* natefinch sighs19:25
natefinchkatco: well, regardless of mup trying to save me from myself, I can volunteer19:26
katconatefinch: :p ok ty... please remember to assign yourself to the bug and keep the comments updated w/ progress19:26
katconatefinch: fwiw, i don't think it has to do with leadership, i think the messages were just symptoms of something larger not running, but that was just from a very cursory analysis19:27
natefinchkatco: doesn't look like a happy environment, that's for sure19:29
katconatefinch: yeah19:29
natefinchdpb1: can you post some logs to #1465307?19:44
mupBug #1465307: 1.24.0: Lots of "agent is lost, sorry!" messages <blocker> <landscape> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1465307>19:44
=== alexisb is now known as alexisb_lunch
dpb1natefinch: I downloaded everything, let me look through19:46
dpb1natefinch: ok, check those, if you want any more let me know19:56
dpb1natefinch: so far, I don't really have any issue repeating this.19:56
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
natefinchdpb1: what are the repro steps?20:21
dpb1natefinch: I'm deploying a customish bundle.  I could try minimizing it.  I would say, bootstrap + 5 lxc + 3 other nodes.  all with the ubunt charm, that would probably be enough to hit it.20:27
natefinchdpb1: I can't reproduce it just deploying the ubuntu charm to a bunch of machines.  If you could get some minimal repro steps, that would be great.21:00
natefinchdpb1: I'll be on later to look into it some more.21:00
=== natefinch is now known as natefinch-afk
voidspacenatefinch-afk: hey, on my utopic laptop cmd/juju takes 248 seconds21:24
voidspacenatefinch-afk: still slower than your machine (will try again with newer version of go)21:24
voidspacenatefinch-afk: but they time out on my vivid desktop21:24
mupBug #1465404 opened: worker/provisioner: fail lxcBrokerSuite.TestStartInstanceLoopMountsDisallowed <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1465404>21:26
=== alexisb_lunch is now known as alexisb
=== anthonyf is now known as Guest93759

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