
micahgdebfx: thanks for the help BTW :)02:24
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - 10 years of friendlyness | Status: KF5 5.10 Wily http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/kf5-status/build_status_5.10.0_wily.html | https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | Kubuntu at SELF! http://www.southeastlinuxfest.org/ | ximion membership time http://doodle.com/erwzrscse5hxedkr
=== drawkward_away is now known as drawkward
* ahoneybun has a bouncer I think04:46
ahoneybunstill kicking ovidiu-florin ?04:59
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: ha?05:12
ovidiu-florinkicking who?05:12
ahoneybunI have a bouncer I think05:12
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: ready for wednesday?05:37
ahoneybunI never am ready lol05:38
ahoneybunI need help getting good lighting sound and video05:38
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: shall we settle this this evening (my timezone evening)06:23
ahoneybunYea sure its almost 2:30 am here06:24
ovidiu-florinit's 9:24 her06:24
=== drawkward is now known as drawkward_away
=== mck182|afk is now known as mck182
BluesKajHiyas all10:05
lordievaderGood afternoon.10:48
mparilloGood morning13:06
lordievaderHey sgclark 13:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 1464924 in powerdevil (Ubuntu) "kubuntu: after dist-upgrade powerdevil unable to launch" [Undecided,New]13:39
ahoneybunMorning all14:39
BluesKaj'Morning ahoneybun14:40
ahoneybunHey BluesKaj 14:41
Mirvpublishing Qt 5.4.2. it'd be nice to get the remaining kio etc 5.10.0 autopkgtests fixed so that Qt too could migrate to release pocket in wily15:14
MirvI don't expect 5.4.2 to fix the test failures (although maybe some of them could?)15:14
kubotufeed branches had 11 updates, showing the latest 615:59
MirvI guess it's mostly kio, kstars, libkdegames (http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#kio). all of them will be now rerun against Qt
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: ping16:47
ovidiu-florinsick_rimmit: ping16:47
ahoneybunSup ovidiu-florin 17:30
Mirvnoticed qtstyleplugins-src as a new package depending on qtbase-abi, so reuploaded that too18:04
* Mirv noted on #ubuntu-devel how Plasma 5 seems to work on wily-proposed just as good after the Qt update as before, and wishes a solution to migrating everything to release pocket despite KF5 5.10.0 autopkgtest problems18:27
sick_rimmitovidiu-florin: pong18:43
sick_rimmitahoneybun: ping18:43
RiddellMirv: I've been busy on sprint stuff and not delt with kde uploads propertly this week I'm afraid, if you let me know what to override hints to let it through I can do that18:45
MirvRiddell: ok, I know sprints tend to be hectic, no worries. if the list problematic autopkgtests is enough, they are: kdbusaddons kdeplasma-addons kio kstars kwindowsystem libkdegames modemmanager-qt rocs19:07
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: podcast? 20:39
ahoneybunThe planning?20:39
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: ^20:42
ovidiu-florinYes 20:43
clivejoanyone experience random blank desktops in Wily?20:46
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: Hangout? 20:52
ahoneybunOn the road20:53
ovidiu-florinIs #kubuntu-podcast logged? 20:54
ovidiu-florinHow can I check? 20:54
ovidiu-florinHow can I make it be logged if it isn't? 20:55
ahoneybunI don't think it is20:56
ahoneybunHave to ask rick20:57
ovidiu-florinWhere is Rick? 21:18
ovidiu-florinI fell asleep after I've pinged 21:18
ovidiu-florinMy  sleep schedule is really messed up 21:19
Riddellovidiu-florin: ask irc council people I guess21:52
ScottKRiddell: Can you take care of Mirv's unblocks?21:52
RiddellScottK: not just now I'm afraid21:52
* ScottK neither.21:52
ovidiu-florinRiddell: where? Who? 21:52
ScottKovidiu-florin: For IRC questions, my standard approach is to ping jussi01 and ask him how to get what I want done.21:53
ovidiu-florinjussi01: ping21:55
ovidiu-florinThank you ScottK 21:55
ovidiu-florinjussi01: can you please help me with the #kubuntu-podcast channel? Is it logged? Can you or someone make it logged if it isn't? 21:56

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