
mupBug #1464866 changed: Unable to commission node which needs hwe kernel on trusty <maas-images:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1464866>07:57
mupBug #1464984 changed: Crash in TFTP server booting NUC under UEFI <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1464984>08:27
mupBug #1464894 changed: Crash in TFTP server code serving UEFI boot loader <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1464894>08:57
* Mmike grabs food12:44
mupBug #1465305 opened: Spurious test failure: UnknownRemoteError: Code<UNKNOWN>: exceptions.TypeError: query() argument after ** must be a mapping, not unicode <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1465305>14:31
ctlaugh_I am trying to setup MAAS 1.8.0 rc3 on an HP Moonshot.  When I click "Chassis" under the "Add Hardware" dropdown, choose "Moonshot Chassis Manager" for "Power type", and enter my host/username/password info, I get the following: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11719979/.  Any suggestions?15:28
kikoctlaugh_, you get that in the web UI?15:43
kikonewell, ping? ^15:43
kikoctlaugh_, just for comparison, have you tested 1.7.5 and does it work?15:43
ctlaugh_kiko, newell: yes -- it shows up in the UI15:44
kikoroaksoax, potential 1.8 bug above15:45
kikolet me get our moonshot qa team here15:46
newellctlaugh_: so just to make sure I understand what you are doing, you tried probe-and-enlist with 1.7.5 and 1.8.0 rc3 and the first one works and the later doesn't?15:46
kikonewell, he's doing add hardware which AIUI is new in 1.815:46
newellkiko: okay never tried adding a chassis with that new capability yet, could be a new bug15:47
newellIf a bug is filed I don't mind taking a look at it15:48
kikonewell, could you test meanwhile? ctlaugh_ can add a bug, but his experience is pretty simple15:48
kikoctlaugh_, which cartridge type?15:48
ctlaugh_kiko: I haven't tried 1.7.5.  I just added the ppa:maas-maintainers/testing and grabbed the lastest out there.15:49
kikoctlaugh_, if you could try with 1.7.5 that would give us subsidy to stop the presses with 1.8 and get the bug fixed15:49
kikoi.e. if it is a clear regression in 1.815:50
ctlaugh_newell: I haven't tried 1.7.5.  The latest I was running with before was some version of 1.7 that did NOT have the new Add Chassis UI.15:50
newellkiko: yeah I will test15:50
ctlaugh_kiko: I'm using a mix of m300 and m400... BUT, I haven't even gotten to the point of enlisting anything.  I was just trying to add the chassis.15:51
kikoctlaugh_, without the UI, you can still do probe and enlist through the CLI -- did you know that?15:51
ctlaugh_kiko: I did know that, but I do it so infrequently that I can't remember how :)15:51
kikoctlaugh_, sure, but I guess my question you've answered -- with 1.7 you did it via the CLI and I presume it worked.15:52
ctlaugh_kiko, newell: are there any additional logs that I could grab that would help?15:52
ctlaugh_kiko: I did via the web UI and it worked.15:52
ctlaugh_kiko: (in 1.7)15:53
newellctlaugh_: if you look at /var/log/maas/*.log files on the region and/or cluster controller machines that would help15:53
ctlaugh_kiko: but that was before the "Add Chassis" functionality.  I just manually added the MACs of the nodes I wanted, and manually entered the MSCM IP and auth info and everything worked fine.15:54
kikoctlaugh_, so you never used the probe and enlist action15:54
ctlaugh_kiko: narinder gupta did help me with a script to probe and enlist the moonshot chassis and nodes from CLI  and that worked with 1.7 too.15:55
kikonewell, is it undocumented, maas cli probe and enlist? if not, could you get us a URL?15:55
kikoctlaugh_, ah, that script likely called probe and enlist15:55
newellctlaugh_: kiko: http://maas.ubuntu.com/docs/api.html#nodegroup look for probe_and_enlist_hardware in this section15:57
kikonewell, that's not trivial to convert into a cli example though15:58
newellkiko: you didn't ask for an example :P, one sec16:02
kikonewell, "I hate our docs"16:03
ctlaugh_newell, kiko: looks like, from the error JSON, it's trying to do the probe_and_enlist and that's what's failing.  The only thing I see in the logs related to this is a 400 entry in the apache2/access.log.16:05
ctlaugh_newell, kiko: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11720179/16:05
newellctlaugh_: if you do this you should be able to probe and enlist from the cli16:09
newell$ uuid=$(maas admin node-groups list | grep uuid | cut -d'"' -f4)16:09
newell$ maas admin node-group probe-and-enlist-hardware $uuid model=mscm host= username=chassis_username password=chassis_password16:09
newellwhere "admin" is the maas profile and the host ip address is supposed to be ip for the Chassis16:10
ctlaugh_newell: I just ran the command.... returned with no visible output.16:15
newellctlaugh_: nothing in the logs? nothing showing up on the UI as being enlisted?16:20
ctlaugh_newell: No change in the UI yet, no apparent log messages either16:21
newellctlaugh_: can you -->  tail -f /var/log/maas/*.log so that you can see what is happening when you issue that command?16:23
newellctlaugh_: you should definitely see something after issuing the probe and enlist command16:23
ctlaugh_newell: regiond.log had a single line show up showing the HTTP POST coming in (with 400 HTTP response code)16:26
newellctlaugh_: can you paste the command you used?16:27
ctlaugh_newell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11720318/16:30
newellctlaugh_: don't know if you responded to me or not, I lost connection16:53
ctlaugh_newell: Here's the command and regiond.log message: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11720318/16:53
newellctlaugh_: docs say 400 error is form parameters not being passed properly.  Could you try to use the deprecated cli command probe-and-enlist-mscm and then just delete the model=mscm portion?16:55
ctlaugh_newell: That got a "Success" message from the CLI and an HTTP 200 in regiond.log.16:56
ctlaugh_newell: Nodes are showing up in the web UI too16:57
newellctlaugh_: would it be possible for you to report a bug on this?  That would help.16:58
ctlaugh_newell: Yes, no problem17:01
newellctlaugh_: thanks :)17:02
newellctlaugh_: go ahead and post the bug url here when you are done and I will assign myself to it17:02
kikonewell, okay, so it's broken for real in 1.8?17:08
newellkiko: I haven't tested it myself but when he uses the deprecated probe-and-enlist-mscm it works17:08
newellwhile when he uses the probe-and-enlist-hardware it doesn't, so something is not working right17:08
kikoI'm trying to get sfeole to join as I am curious how testing hasn't picked this up17:08
newellctlaugh_: could you do another test for me?  Could you try the original probe-and-enlist-hardware command that was failing but also pass the accept_all=true parameter at the end (in addition to what you had before)?17:11
ctlaugh_newell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/146535317:11
ctlaugh_newell: still failed (with accept_all=true)17:12
newellctlaugh_: thanks17:12
ctlaugh_newell: no problem -- glad to help17:16
mupBug #1465353 opened: Unable to probe and enlist a Moonshot chassis in MAAS 1.8.0 (rc3+bzr4000) <MAAS:New for newell-jensen> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1465353>17:20
kikoctlaugh_, thanks for testing! we'll get this nailed. thank narinder for the assistance if you run into him17:37
kikoctlaugh_, what are you using maas for?17:37
ctlaugh_kiko: No specific purpose... just using to quickly provision clean nodes when needed for testing.  In the past, was using w/ Juju to deploy Openstack on the nodes.17:39
newellctlaugh_: you still around?18:18
ctlaugh_newell: yes18:18
newellctlaugh_: could you test the probe-and-enlist-hardware again with one slight modification?18:19
newelldo same command but instead do model=mcsm18:20
ctlaugh_newell: 'c' and 's' switched positions?18:21
newelltypo ;)18:21
ctlaugh_newell: success....18:21
newellctlaugh_: can you now test with the add hardware on the UI?18:21
ctlaugh_newell: still an error (as expected?)... data: host=
newelloh okay yeah...now we need to change the file18:24
newellctlaugh_: can you do this...18:24
newellopen with admin rights /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/maasserver/api/nodegroups.py18:24
newelldo a search for mcsm and switch it to mscm18:24
newellsave the file18:24
newellthen on the command line restart the region by doing....18:24
newell$ sudo restart maas-regiond18:25
newellthen retry using the webui18:25
ctlaugh_newell: That worked -- no visible "success" message, but the "panel" closed and a few seconds later, a new node that I had previously deleted reappeared.18:27
newellctlaugh_: cool, thanks for testing that out for me18:29
ctlaugh_newell: You're welcome.  Glad that's all it is :)18:30
newellctlaugh_: I typo'd it in the source and unit tests so didn't catch until you reported this, thanks18:31
newellkiko: https://code.launchpad.net/~newell-jensen/maas/fix-1465353/+merge/26199718:32
newellI know this needs to be backported to 1.8 branch as well18:32
newellkiko: gotta run for doctors appointment but will do an MP for 1.8 branch when I get back18:37
mupBug #1465367 opened: Enhancement: Display node architecture in table <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1465367>18:41
negronjlCan any of you guys point me to an example of a commissioning script ?18:42
negronjlI can't seem to get a simple script working and I think an example would point me in the right direction18:43
negronjlkiko, roaksoax ^^ ?18:44
kikonegronjl, roaksoax is on vacation, blake_r is on paternity leave and I am clueless, but..18:45
kikolet me try and help18:45
negronjlhey kiko ... thx for trying18:45
negronjlkiko: Im trying this on MAAS 1.8 if it makes any difference18:47
kikonegronjl, I don't think it does, and to confirm, this is not about a preseed, but rather custom commissioning, right?18:49
negronjlkiko, correct18:50
kikonegronjl, what are you wanting to do during commissioning incidentally?18:50
mupBug #1465367 changed: Enhancement: Display node architecture in table <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1465367>18:50
negronjlkiko: Trying to modify /etc/environment by adding some http_proxy .... and https_proxy stuff to it18:50
negronjlkiko: Any example that creates a file should give me a good idea18:50
negronjlkiko: creates and populates a file I should say18:51
kikonegronjl, hmm, but how could that be relevant for commissioning? that feels like something you want to do during install no?18:52
negronjlkiko: That's the thing ... I can't find any documentation on when the commissioning scripts run or if they persist ... so I'm trying there ...18:52
negronjlkiko: Is this something that I should be doing via /etc/maas/preseed/preseed_master ?18:53
kikonegronjl, what you want is a custom preseed18:53
kikonegronjl, I happen to have an example of that18:53
negronjlkiko: cool18:53
kikonegronjl, it's a bit cryptic so bear with me18:53
kikonegronjl, I think this can only be done via the CLI at the moment18:53
kiko(and smoser can correct me if I'm wrong)18:53
kiko$ maas home-smoser node start node-79b67e82-d25c-11e4-a333-00163eca91de user_data=XXX= distro_series=trusty18:54
kikonegronjl, the user_data piece is the secret there; it's a base64-encoded string18:54
kikoin this case, this is the script that was encoded18:54
negronjlkiko: The encoded script is what you used in user_data=..... right ?18:55
smosernegronjl, you pass in base64 encoded user_data. cloud-init reads that user_data during first boot of the installed system.18:56
negronjlkiko: This works for me ... it does what I need18:56
negronjlkiko: Any chance of setting this globally ?18:56
negronjlsmoser, ack ... thx18:57
smoseryou need vendor_data for that (which maas *does* need)18:57
smoserwell, so not 'no'.18:57
=== imthewherd is now known as cgseller_is_away
smoseryou oculd do it in the preseed_master as you showed or in a late_command to /etc/maas/preseeds/curtin_userdata18:58
negronjlyup ... that works for me18:58
smosernegronjl, just a warning, though, /etc/environment will not be paid attention to by upstrat.18:59
mupBug #1465367 opened: Enhancement: Display node architecture in table <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1465367>18:59
negronjldamn proxies ... they are everywhere here ... so I'll have to figure something out for that18:59
smoseror services that it invokes.18:59
negronjlkiko, smoser: thx for the help ... this gives me the information i need18:59
smosernegronjl, for such an environment, /etc/environment is the best i've come up with though. :-(19:00
negronjlsmoser, yup ... that and a hijacking iptables rules to redirect to proxy :/19:00
negronjlnot elegant but, it works ( mostly )19:00
smoseryou can make it more dynamic by putting a forwarding proxy like tinyproxy on the system.19:00
smoserand pointing everything at that.19:00
smoseroh, i never tried hijacking iptables rules.19:01
smoserthat is what I do  some places.19:01
smoserit is a pain though, in that it means all connections require the intermediate proxy.19:02
negronjlsmoser: and some things like embedded pip commands ignore proxies altogether19:02
smoseryeah, its AWESOME.19:02
negronjlThe iptables rule that I use ( normally on the MAAS server ): sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i <internal_interface> -p tcp -m multiport --dports 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 312819:04
negronjland http_port 3128 transparent somewhere in squid.conf19:04
kikosmoser, ah, late_command in curtin_userdata is the piece I was missing19:24
kikosmoser, is there a bug on vendor_data for maas?19:25
smoseri guess not, kiko.19:29
smoseri answered 'vendor_data' to you a while ago when you asked about landscape integration19:29
kikoI am clueless about these magic feature strings though :)19:30
=== cgseller_is_away is now known as imthewherd
kikonegronjl, would it be annoying to ask you to post an ask.ubuntu.com question that I could respond with this?19:41
kikonegronjl, it could serve as an initial stab for proper documentation19:42
negronjlkiko: Sure .. give me a few to test this out19:42
negronjlkiko: https://askubuntu.com/questions/636837/are-there-examples-of-commissioning-scripts19:57
kikonegronjl, you rock^219:58
kikonegronjl, smoser: http://askubuntu.com/questions/636837/are-there-examples-of-commissioning-scripts/636867#63686721:26
kikoyour comments welcome21:26
kikosmoser, I would like some detail on vendor_data and your reference to preseed_master21:26
kikoah, I see, it could be added to preseed_master as opposed to the late_commands stanza in curtin_userdata21:28
kikothe naming of these files is FUCKING CONFUSING!!21:28

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