
dholbachgood morning06:15
fgimenezgood morning07:12
dholbachhey ogra_ - how's life?08:39
ogra_monday morningish :)08:39
dholbachogra_, I just had a long weekend, so I thought I'd just give you a ping and suggest we have a chat whenever you feel like working on the py-snapper :)08:40
ogra_dholbach, i'm still in the middle of experimenting08:42
dholbachogra_, cool - let me know how it goes :)08:50
ogra_essentially we'll just use PYTHONUSERBASE ... but i'm still fiddling on scriptery to get the interpreter shipped and used too08:51
ogra_(since python will eventually be gone from the images)08:52
ogra_if apps define #!/usr/bin/python we're screwed with that ... i have no clue how to get around this08:54
damjanogra_: report bug upstream to use console_scripts entry point :)08:58
damjanogra_: PYTHONUSERBASE FTW!08:58
ogra_damjan, against all packages in the ubuntu/debian archives ?09:02
ogra_i think the only solution would be to bind or overlay mount the shipped interpreter on top of /usr/bin/python ... and only do that insode the confined space09:06
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Monday, and happy Nature Photography Day! 😃09:09
ricmmogra_: that last one sounds kind of volatile09:11
ricmmogra_: if they *ship* the interpreter in the snap, isn't it ok to assume that they would also modify the shebangs accordingly?09:12
ogra_not really09:12
ricmmwhy not09:12
ogra_i wouldnt assume the packager to be fluent in that if he uses a script to roll some upstream project into a snap09:13
ricmmthey are already going through the work of shipping the interpreter09:13
ogra_like not everyone installing from a tarball on linux does need to know C fopr "configure, make, make install"09:13
ogra_they are running a script that ships the interpreter09:14
ogra_(at least thats the plan .. )09:14
ricmmright so they arent shipping anything thmselves09:14
ricmmyou are09:14
ogra_and my problem is to make it work without mangling their shebang lines09:15
ricmmI guess its ok to do what you said then09:19
ricmmconsidering it is also your script which will be bundling the interpreter09:19
ricmmso the possible paths are all accounted for, and chosen by you09:20
ogra_<ricmm> I guess its ok to do what you said then09:20
ogra_i gave three options :)09:20
ricmmthe overlay/bind mount09:20
ogra_well, how would i do that so it only affects the snap ?09:21
ogra_is there some cgroup stuff i can use ?09:21
ricmmI dont think so09:21
ogra_(overlay mount is out of discussion as long as we want to support BSP kernels, needs to be a bind mount )09:21
ogra_which doesnt make it easier :)09:22
ricmmogra_: thinking09:24
ricmmwhat other options do you have?09:24
ricmmso, python is an important part of snapcraft and so on09:25
ogra_loop over all files in our snap and patch the shebang with a variable if we find it ...09:25
ogra_i dont think there are more09:25
ricmmogra_: what if we remove python from the snap, but instead replace the interpreter with one of your awesome shell scripts09:25
ricmmone that sets up the env for the calling snap09:26
ogra_not sure what you mean ... replace the interpreter of the snappy installation ?09:26
ogra_that might make barry unhappy :)09:26
ricmmwhat we dont want is people using the shipped interpreter, but that doesnt mean we cant catch their usage with a script of our own09:26
ricmmunhappier than removing python altogether?09:27
ogra_well, that will happen eventually ... what do we do then ?09:27
ogra_once my shell script is gone the packages have the same prob again09:27
ricmmwhy would your shell script be gone09:28
ricmmI'm talking about *removing* python09:28
ricmmand shipping your /usr/bin/python shell script instead09:28
ogra_and i'm not sure we want to ship such scripts for all possible interpreters out there (i assume we'll have the same issue with other script langs)09:28
ricmmI don't see why not, if we want to provide a generic way of doing things09:28
ricmmeither we provide something, or we dont provide anything at all09:28
ricmmsorry, either we provide everything or nothing :p09:29
ricmmbut anywhere in between might be confusing and chaotic09:29
ogra_thats a lot of maintenance work :/09:30
ricmmwell, someone made a choice about this somewhere ;)09:30
ricmmlets think a bit more09:30
ricmmshort of having something in /usr/bin/python be it a script, a bind mount of an interpreter, or the actual distro one... theres nothing we can do09:31
ricmmbesides catching a call to open()09:31
ricmmand stat09:31
ricmmogra_: maybe its time to discuss a libsnappy.so :)09:35
ricmmthat is always preloaded09:36
* ricmm has goosebumps09:36
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rsalvetiricmm: libsnappy? :-)11:49
rsalvetireally wish we had a proper overlay support11:49
ricmmrsalveti: :)11:49
ogra_rsalveti, tell that to the BSP kernels :P11:51
rsalvetiogra_: we don't even have a proper overlay story with upstream11:52
ogra_well, the live iso uses it, no ?11:53
ogra_so we have some story there11:53
longsleepMy snappy has a problem to get a DHCP address after i changed ethernet to another network. Dhclient loops with send_packet: Network is unreachable while trying to send DHCPREQUEST to the previous DHCP server.11:53
rsalvetiogra_: not with apparmor11:54
longsleepogra_: Does socker work on your rpi2 image? On my odroid i just get BUG: scheduling while atomic: docker.armhf/1227/0x00000002 when running a container :/12:13
* longsleep just realized that he has to start armhf images on arm platform12:18
ogra_longsleep, yep, running the owncloud package here12:20
ogra_on top of docker12:20
ogra_(thats usually my definitive test for the image, snapy install docker ... snappy instrall owncloud .... wait 10-15min ... test owncloud)12:20
ogra_(teh owncloud install downloads stuff in bg for 10-15min before first start)12:21
longsleepogra_: mhm ok - so its probably the kernel then. I get plenty of scary messages when running a docker container12:22
ogra_i havent tried running a docker container directly though12:22
ogra_i always only install these two snaps12:22
ogra_ou need some modules in your kernel for docker to work though12:22
longsleepif anyone wants to take a look http://paste.ubuntu.com/11719136/12:23
longsleepcan you try docker run -i -t armv7/armhf-ubuntu_core /bin/bash12:23
ogra_Unable to find image 'armv7/armhf-ubuntu_core:latest' locally12:24
ogra_latest: Pulling from armv7/armhf-ubuntu_core12:24
ogra_ffb007497c55: Downloading 2.751 MB/44.71 MB12:24
ogra_now it downloads12:24
longsleepyeah that works for me too, but it just hangs with kernel bug message in log12:24
longsleepwhen it starts after download12:25
ogra_ffb007497c55: Already exists12:26
ogra_Digest: sha256:f9678f50148f8461bec2593967e62aa1e2a95184eb1adb74c299c1399bf4e99b12:26
ogra_Status: Downloaded newer image for armv7/armhf-ubuntu_core:latest12:26
ogra_looks fine to me12:26
longsleepyeah good thanks - this means i need to look at the kernel again ..12:27
rsalvetiogra_: I'm trying to write a general status for our all team, and looking for the snaps that got uploaded/updated to the store, and I know you updated at least chatroom last week12:38
rsalvetiogra_: is there any other snap that you uploaded/updated over the past 2 weeks?12:38
rsalvetiI might just write a script for that, since it seems there is even a changelog in there now12:39
ogra_rsalveti, no, i was working a bit on Os.js but havent finished it yet ... and i plan to re-upload the fhem-demo one too but same thing ... the pi image ate nearly all of my last week12:43
rsalvetiyeah, no worries12:44
seb128sergiusens, hey, did you get anywhere on friday with the personnal image issues?13:03
sergiusensseb128: sorry, its taking longer than expected13:04
sergiusensgiven I took the opportunity to change things and not hack something in13:05
seb128sergiusens, did you find things wrong?13:05
sergiusensseb128: no, no real issues, I just don't want to code dup ;-)13:06
seb128sergiusens, k, but should hacking a different partition size should be enough to write the image? do you know what's the "issue while mapping partitions: more partitions then expected while creating loop mapping" is?13:08
sergiusensseb128: that should be kpartx doing something weird (dmsetup clear might work around it)13:11
seb128sergiusens, not sure I understand what you mean there ... what should I try and how?13:11
sergiusensseb128: kpartx -avs [outfile]; parted [loop returned] print // should be 513:12
seb128sergiusens, kpartx returns nothing on the img...13:15
seb128well I'm unsure what that .img is now, since the udf command fails on the loop map error13:15
sergiusensseb128:  sudo DEBUG_DISK=1 ubuntu-device-flash ...13:27
seb128sergiusens, does it work locally for you?13:28
sergiusensseb128: u-d-f in general yes; what won't work for you is that you have no packages in the store for personal13:29
* sergiusens thought he mentioned this on Friday13:29
seb128sergiusens, unsure what it's downloading as well, the device tarball is < 100 mb that doesn't match the tarball from the cdimage builder13:29
seb128sergiusens, you mean "package"?13:30
sergiusensseb128: I mean all packages in the store are for core; snappy sends out the release name (and flavor) to the store to get packages13:30
seb128sergiusens, I've been tried with the local hack from http://paste.ubuntu.com/11700710/13:31
seb128sergiusens, well, packages are a matter once you have a working base img you can boot no?13:31
seb128I'm not trying to install packages, just to get an image that starts13:31
sergiusensseb128: the oem package needs to be in the store at least for personal (not that this is blocking you now)13:32
sergiusensbeuno: ^13:32
sergiusensseb128: I'll give that patch a go and tell you what's wrong with it13:32
beunowhat what?13:33
sergiusensbeuno: we need the personal counterpart for core-rolling13:34
beunosergiusens, ack. nessita ^13:35
seb128sergiusens, thanks13:38
seb128sergiusens, you need to UDF_UBUNTU_CORE_NAME=ubuntu-personal but I guess you saw that from the code ;-)13:38
sergiusensseb128: yup13:39
jdstrandkgunn: regarding lchown... apps don't currently have lchown cause apps don't know what user to chown things to, however, it can be added to you framework in the file you specify for seccomp to "security-policy"13:39
sergiusensseb128: I see a 900MB ~ download here13:43
seb128sergiusens, only one download? or do you cumulate tarballs?13:44
seb128sergiusens, that doesn't match the sizes from https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/wily/ubuntu-desktop-next/+build/2972813:44
sergiusensseb128: err sorry, 456 and 9913:45
seb128sergiusens, right, same here, but that doesn't match the tarballs from ^13:46
seb128even recompressing the device one in .xz it's 120M13:46
seb128unsure if the channel tarballs are identical to the livefs build ones though13:46
nessitaseb128, not sure what you need, how can I help?13:49
sergiusensseb128: it's 100MB on the s-i server13:49
sergiusensit's just M so not sure it's MiB or MB13:50
ogra_seb128, well, i think slangasek had a valid point with the /system dir prefix13:50
sergiusensseb128: here too -rw-r--r-- 1 sergiusens sergiusens 100M jun 15 10:45 /home/sergiusens/.cache/ubuntuimages/pool/device-9a06d62b4fe6485e22b0ae9f1d7da08aed8605b0286a63b6fa5639bc6e1f1187.tar.xz13:50
ogra_you might need to re-package the cdimage tarball13:50
ogra_(not sure that is your actual issue here )13:50
seb128nessita, hey, I want to build a snappy personnal image ;-)13:51
ogra_just do it then ... dont hold back13:51
* ogra_ hides13:51
seb128but I think sergiusens is looking at helping, so probably no need to have more people looking at the same thing13:51
seb128ogra_, oh, why didn't I think of that! :p13:51
seb128nessita, we have tarballs built on https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/wily/ubuntu-desktop-next and slangasek got those in a system-image channel for personnal, but bits are missing still to be able to get u-d-f to build a working img, trying to figure out what those bits are exactly13:52
nessitaseb128, hi! sorry I meant sergiusens before, autocomplete failure :-)13:53
seb128nessita, oh ok ;-)13:53
nessitasergiusens, so what do you need from me/the store?13:53
nessitaseb128, sorry sorry, I'm not that skilled in snappy to help you there13:54
seb128nessita, no worry13:54
sergiusensnessita: releases today are core-15.04 and core-rolling, we need personal-rolling13:55
sergiusensor the other way around with flavor / release13:55
* sergiusens always forgets13:55
nessitasergiusens, currently we have rolling-core13:58
nessitasergiusens, shall I add rolling-personal then?13:58
sergiusensnessita: yeah13:58
nessitasergiusens, done13:59
elopiogood morning14:08
tedgMorning elopio!14:08
seb128nessita, sergiusens, just trying to understand what's going on/how thing work, what are those server release? what is "personal-rolling" now, a channel name or...?14:08
ogra_elopio, such a beautiful game on the weekend !!14:11
sergiusensseb128: the store filters on releases, it's like frameworks from the click world14:11
seb128sergiusens, ah, I see14:11
sergiusensseb128: so when you start to publish snaps that only work for personal we won't see them in core and vice versa14:11
seb128sergiusens, who/what defines on what release you are? can you see that info from the command line?14:12
sergiusensalthough I suspect everything in core would work on personal14:12
seb128it should14:12
sergiusensseb128: right now snappy info (but it's derived from the channel name)14:12
sergiusensseb128: the current u-d-f patch doesn't have the right release setting right now, but once it's used it will affect you14:12
elopiofgimenez: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/g6uj5z3fgt7ybmm4ltyadiyqima14:12
elopioogra_: wait, the one agains korea?14:13
* ogra_ loved it 14:13
sergiusensseb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11719625/14:14
sergiusensseb128: so it works for me, the mapping error you see needs to be signalled to the kernel somehow; but I don't really know how to get out of it sometimes without a reboot14:14
seb128sergiusens, hum, unsure what you did differently?14:15
sergiusensit sometimes keeps showing 2 partitions even though it has 5 (according to parted on the .img at least)14:15
seb128mvo has the same mapping error than me when he tried14:15
seb128so it's a random failure issue, need to reboot and retry?14:15
sergiusensseb128: I rinsed and repeated twice already and no mapping errors (this time without --install webdm)14:18
seb128sergiusens, k, let me try again locally, thanks14:18
seb128sergiusens, I see a grub error in your log though, did that make the img generation fail?14:18
sergiusensseb128: your image is missing /usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi/modinfo.sh in any case steve would know how to get that in14:18
sergiusensseb128: yeah14:19
seb128slangasek, ^14:19
sergiusensseb128: that's run with 'chroot' so it needs to be either seeded or mungled in from livecd-rootfs14:19
seb128sergiusens, right, I see that livecd-rootfs/auto/config has "add_package install grub-pc"14:21
seb128I guess we need that in desktop-next14:21
sergiusensseb128: that's seeded as well14:21
seb128mvo was right, we should merge those sections :p14:22
sergiusensseb128: grub-pc, grub-efi-amd64-bin and grub-efi-ia32-bin (for amd64)14:22
mvoha! I like to be right14:22
seb128mvo, :-)14:22
* mvo has no idea what he was right about14:22
seb128sergiusens, oh, right14:22
seb128Get:1019 http://ftpmaster.internal/ubuntu/ wily/main grub-pc amd64 2.02~beta2-25ubuntu1 [221 kB]14:22
seb128on https://launchpadlibrarian.net/209103030/buildlog_ubuntu_wily_amd64_ubuntu-desktop-next_BUILDING.txt.gz14:22
mvoseb128: oh, yeah, we need some sort of inheritance in that script indeed14:23
elopioogra_: that was good, yes! I thought nobody watched women football games.14:25
ogra_i watch a lot of them14:25
davmor2ogra_: is the watchman14:27
tedgHa, in the US we do, it's where we win sometimes :-)14:27
ogra_yeah, your team is pretty awesome14:28
* ogra_ relaly hopes for germany vs USA14:28
slangaseksergiusens, seb128: see the core seed, which includes both grub-efi-amd64-bin and grub-pc.  Ultimately, you actually want to have shim-signed, grub-efi-amd64-signed, and grub-pc-bin seeded, so maybe you want to seed those now and see if udf keeps up14:36
seb128slangasek, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/209105327/buildlog_ubuntu_wily_amd64_ubuntu-core_BUILDING.txt.gz doesn't mention grub-efi...14:38
slangasekseb128: I don't know that that's the right build log, then?14:39
seb128slangasek, that's one from https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/wily/ubuntu-core14:39
seb128isn't that ubuntu-core?14:39
slangasekseb128: no, that's the old ubuntu-core14:40
slangasek(ubuntu-core doesn't build on powerpc or arm64)14:40
seb128slangasek, hum, that's all confusing to me :-/14:41
seb128slangasek, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.wily/view/head:/touch-core isn't the right seed either?14:41
slangasekgrep -rl snappy --> system-image14:42
slangasekbut again this is /not/ what I'm recommending you seed for the personal image; instead I'm recommending that you seeed:14:43
slangasekshim-signed [amd64]14:43
slangasekgrub-efi-amd64-signed [amd64]14:43
slangasekgrub-pc-bin [i386 amd64]14:43
slangasekgrub-efi-ia32 [i386]14:43
ogra_seb128, FYI https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/wily/ubuntu-core-system-image/14:43
seb128slangasek, yeah, I'm just wondering if we based/derived from the wrong seed14:44
seb128Laney, ^ do you think we got confused?14:44
seb128slangasek, thanks14:44
slangasekseb128: quite possibly.  The touch seeds being a separate seed pod, not tied to main, is a bug14:44
ogra_well, you want the seed content from the touch-desktop seed14:45
ogra_but not necessarily the same setup in the end ...14:46
ogra_(since ... snappy vs system-image)14:46
seb128ogra_, yeah, I though we wanted ubuntu-core + desktop_bits14:46
Laneyseb128: Sorry, confused about what?14:46
seb128so that we wanted to inherit from core14:46
seb128rather than duplicate14:46
LaneyWhere do we get the core bits from now?14:46
seb128Laney, core seems to be http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu.wily/view/head:/system-image14:47
* ogra_ doesnt actually know where the ubuntu-core-system-image seed lives ... 14:47
slangasekogra_: the touch-desktop seed being outside of ubuntu.wily is a bug14:47
ogra_mvo, ? ^^14:47
slangasekI already pointed them to the source of the ubuntu-core system-image seed14:47
ogra_ah, k14:47
seb128Laney, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.wily/view/head:/desktop is the "Task-Seeds" wrong then?14:48
* seb128 confused14:48
sergiusenscan we rename that file to core or snappy-core?14:48
ogra_slangasek, oh, btw, do yoou think it is ok to move the /system prefix creation into livecd-rootfs (i understood your mail comment like that)14:48
ogra_sergiusens, "that file" ?14:49
sergiusensogra_: system-image in the seeds14:53
Laneyseb128: I think that means that we get the packages from Task: touch-core too14:53
ogra_sergiusens, ah14:53
ogra_i guess we can14:53
Laneyseb128: Not sure what your question is - do you want to include that system-image seed?14:53
slangasekogra_: it's ok, but needs to be properly coordinated across both sides of the infrastructure14:54
seb128Laney, it seems like it would make sense, what do you think?14:56
Laneyseb128: probably, would touch-core need splitting up then?14:57
seb128Laney, I'm unsure what my question is ;-) trying to figure out what's the right way to do what we need14:57
seb128should be seed grub&co like slangasek recommended14:57
seb128or somehow makes our seed include the system-image (ubuntu-core) one14:57
seb128which already brings those in14:58
seb128Laney, unsure, why would it?14:58
LaneyIt has click and some of the same core utilities14:59
slangaseksunsetting the ubuntu-touch seed pod would not be a bad idea14:59
slangasekit was only ever separate because we needed something that worked while the touch packages were not yet in the archive15:00
slangasekit has long outlived its usefulness15:00
ogra_slangasek, well, most touch packages are still universe ... the initial plan back then was to merge the touch seed into the official ubuntu branch once they have migrated to main15:04
slangasekogra_: that's upside-down15:04
ogra_but then we were told to not push for main inclusion anymore and the whole thing fell off the table15:04
slangasekpackages move to main *because* they're in the seed15:04
seb128Laney, I'm unsure to understand, what would you split touch-core into?15:05
slangasekwho said not to push for them in main?15:05
ogra_slangasek, right, once they are ready for that15:05
ogra_slangasek, product team iirc ... i dont know who exactly, back then asac forwarded the info15:05
ogra_(when he was still a phone guy... thats all long ago)15:05
Laneyseb128: Do you want click on this image?15:06
ogra_slangasek, all main inclusion efforts have stopped since (beyond stuff like Mir which is used on the desktop too)15:07
seb128Laney, not especially, I don't think click is going to work in the image is ro?15:07
LaneyIt's in touch-core15:07
seb128Laney, in any case http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu.wily/view/head:/system-image has click-apparmor and some other bits15:07
seb128Laney, right, but is that right that we derivate from touch-core15:08
seb128rather than from system-image ^15:08
slangasekogra_: I don't know what you think "once they're ready" means... getting them ready for main means going through the MIR process15:09
ogra_slangasek, exactly that :)15:09
ogra_having MIRs, making sure the deps are migrateable etc15:09
seb128Laney, sorry, it's all confusing ... I think the easiest first change would be to add the grub depends slangasek recommended to http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.wily/view/head:/desktop15:09
seb128we can see about re-organizing later I guess15:10
seb128slangasek, is system-image (ubuntu-core) not including shim-signed [amd64] on purpose?15:10
ogra_slangasek, point is, i was the guy nagging people to get their stuff into main and at some point i was told to stop nagging since that wouldnt be wanted ... so i stopped ... and thats the status quo15:11
ogra_ask asac for details ...15:11
Laneyseb128: OK, I guess it would fine to reorganise it in conjunction with moving everything to 'ubuntu'15:12
LaneyI imagine the MIR team is going to have to grow first15:12
ogra_that too15:13
noise][sergiusens: or ogra_:  hi, have a minute to help me figure out why that latest rpi2 image I installed has an old/messed-up webdm?15:13
ogra_noise][, not only that but you also have a clock at 1970 ... and thats tecnically impossible with the recent image15:14
ogra_noise][, did you try flashing it again ?15:14
ogra_does smell a bit like your flashing failed15:14
noise][ogra_: yes, reflashed, and: cat /etc/ubuntu-build15:14
ogra_system-image-cli -i15:14
Laneyseb128: You might want to know if they add things to system-image to mirror those over to desktop15:14
noise][and there's recent (jun 11) files15:14
Laneyi.e. maybe consider subscribing to that branch15:15
ogra_thats the better way to find your version15:15
ogra_(but will indeed output 3 too)15:15
ogra_yeah, that looks all fine15:15
seb128Laney, yeah15:15
noise][but getting that same snappy list output i stuck in the email15:16
noise][w/ webdm 0.115:16
ogra_i'm not really sure what to say ...15:17
noise][i feel like i must be doing/have done something silly but not seeing what it is :)15:17
ogra_there cant be a 0.1 version15:17
ogra_and the image clearly ships 0.915:17
noise][i checked the md5sum of the image I dd'd and clearly i'm on #315:17
noise][maybe i'll try to build an image for kicks15:18
mvomterry: have you looked if go generate might be helpful for the gettext stuff?15:26
ogra_well, if you use my oem snap and my device tarball and the latest ubuntu-devlce-flash you most likely get an identical image, but try it :)15:26
ogra_noise][, you could try to zero the card first or some such15:26
mterrymvo, no, let me see what that's about15:27
noise][ogra_: I totally wiped it before last dd :(15:28
ogra_do you ahev a serial cable so you could capture a full boot with screen -L ?15:30
ogra_screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200 -L15:31
ogra_that will create screenlog.0 in your current dir15:31
noise][yes, will do15:31
mterrymvo, hmm, no probably not super useful.  It's easier to extract strings from all files at once15:31
geniiNeed sudo with screen if you want to set the speed15:31
ogra_genii, ug, on gentoo perhaps15:31
mvomterry: aha, if it does not do wildcards, then yeah, probably not. it would also have to run automatically at least during package build which it seems is currently not done15:32
ogra_genii, a proper ubuntu should be using udev-acl and give you full access to ttyUSB015:32
elopiosorry I missed the last part of the meeting.15:32
elopiocrappy internet here.15:32
ogra_no sudo needed15:32
mterrymvo, yeah, it doesn't run automatically, and it seems oriented towards doing something to *this* file or *this* package.  Whereas I want it to work on all project go files15:33
geniiogra_: Interesting, I found without sudo before, and parameters passed don't take. But this is with 12.0415:33
mterryNot much convience over a tiny shell script15:33
ogra_genii, hmm, even 12.04 should allow that ... sounds like a bug15:34
mvomterry: *nod*15:35
mterrymvo, if it ran automatically, that would be nice.  Is there a concept like "install hook"?15:35
mterrymvo, btw you can see what I proposed here: https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/snapcraft/gettext/+merge/26196515:36
mvomterry: I look at it, thanks15:38
elopiofgimenez: https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/snappy/go-tests2/+merge/26198215:38
elopiofgimenez: and I think you can remove the python code, your go version works nicely.15:39
fgimenezelopio, awesome thx!15:40
elopiofgimenez: this one fails: FAILED: ./_integration-tests/tests/80_test_failover. Because of the no reboot file we are touching, right?15:43
fgimenezfgimenez, i haven't executed it yet but it'll likely be because of that, we should look into the adt-run error while rebooting15:45
awojois snappy ready to be used as your daily driver on a laptop?15:50
ogra_as a server perhaps15:51
beunoyeah, not yet15:51
elopiofgimenez: it's a little before the reboot. rm: cannot remove ‘/writable/cache/system/etc/rc.local’: No such file or directory15:51
elopioI'll dig more to see what's that about.15:52
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fgimenezelopio, i'm getting this http://paste.ubuntu.com/11720144/ it seems that it's rebooting ok?16:00
elopiofgimenez: I hate it when it fails only for me16:01
fgimenezelopio, yep very frustrating :) there are other tests that also reboot, 07_test_install_framework is working?16:04
elopiofgimenez: yes, I was wrong. My error is after the reboot, on the last step.16:04
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noise][well I can't explain it, but I re-flashed a 3rd time and now I've got the correct webdm 0.9. system-image-cli -i output is exactly the same before/after. very strange. In any case thx ogra_ for the help.16:10
elopiofgimenez: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11720208/ the first thing that seems different on mine is that it says "another snappy is running".16:10
elopiomvo, sergiusens: any idea what can cause that? ^16:11
ogra_noise][, \o/16:12
ogra_hooray !!!16:12
noise][now to take over the world!16:12
fgimenezelopio, i've seen something similar when executing commands at the same time that snappy-autopilot was doing its thing, don't know if it's applicable here16:14
fgimenezhave a nice evening everyone o/16:17
sergiusenselopio: disable autopilot16:32
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* ogra_ sees the vido conferencing thread and notes that nobod even thought about snappy chatroom 18:37
ogra_ToyKeeper, did the MAC address fix work for you ?18:38
* ogra_ needs to get some additional data from other RPis18:38
ToyKeeperogra_: Yes, it did.  Thanks.  :)18:38
ToyKeeperogra_: I tried the snappy chatroom, actually.  :)18:39
ogra_could you tell me your MAC ?18:39
ogra_i'm not sure it is actually unique (i only have one Pi)18:39
ogra_damn !18:40
* ogra_ will need to talk to the Pi people then ... seems this one is hardcodd into u-boot ... we need the start.elf to hand us the actual info 18:40
ogra_ToyKeeper, chatroom is likely not for connferencing with customers indeed ... but every time that discussion comes up i wonder why people dont just run a snappy cloud instance and use it :)18:41
ToyKeeperI showed it to Samantha to make a point, and she was quite impressed that "that little thing" could host a video-conferencing service.18:42
ToyKeeper(she's trying to find a service to use for a network of private support groups for her nonprofit)18:42
ogra_well, in fact your browser hosts it (but dont tell her) :)18:42
ogra_the snappy part is only establishing the connections18:43
ogra_(and serving the website indeed)18:43
ToyKeeperBTW, any suggestions for a relatively easy way to build binaries for the orange box?18:47
ogra_plars, hmm, i think  the beagle guys took some effort to make latest beagles not require the S2 button after you booted from the SD once18:47
ToyKeeperI'm pondering possibly setting up a lxc host configured to cross-compile, or maybe running a native build environment under docker on the box itself.18:47
ogra_the easiest is using qemu-debootstrap to just create an armhf chroot ... but not as fast as real cross compiling18:48
plarsogra_: yeah, I really don't want it to behave like that though18:48
ogra_plars, but thats upstreams default18:48
ogra_we should better deal with it instrea of reverting it18:48
plarsogra_: I have a modified emmc image that fixes this for the most part18:48
plarsogra_: that way we can test snappy without having to mess with the snappy image18:49
ogra_plars, well, but that way we break fixes that upstream did to their default board setup18:49
plarsogra_: the patch that zyga sent for set the bootpart is useful regardless of what I'm trying to do, since it helps deal with the fact that you don't know what's on the emmc18:50
ogra_i wouldnt want to do that for the general public18:50
plarsogra_: no, the image I'm running is just for me18:50
ogra_what if they want to go back to their default debian image18:50
plarsogra_: that's the point, you can't do that in any automated way if you have an sd card in there18:50
plarsogra_: the only way to do it is to eject the sd card right now18:50
plarsogra_: I want a way to get back to the image running on the emmc even if there's something in the sd slot18:51
ogra_right, i just got stuck on "I can reliably boot into the emmc when s2 is not held down, and boot to the sd card when it is held down." ... that sounds like you always need to press the button now18:51
ogra_which is not upstreams behavior18:51
plarsogra_: ah, sorry. that's *only* if you are running my emmc imge18:51
ogra_it stores the info if you pressed that button and keeps the setting18:51
ogra_ah, cool  then18:52
ogra_zygas case is different because he completely zeroed the MMC18:52
plarsogra_: the funny thing right now, is with the default debian image, you can boot snappy without ever touching s218:52
ogra_(including the preinstalled bootloader)18:52
plarsogra_: and if you just boot with the snappy sd card, it loads uboot off the emmc and boots the sd card with it - so you could break uboot in the snappy image and nobody would know most likely18:53
ogra_heh, yeah18:53
ogra_well, the fix is fine then18:54
plarsogra_: right, zyga's patch is useful because we currently assume that the user is running the stock debian image. But if they've replaced it, or destroyed it in some weird way, then snappy won't boot18:54
ogra_it was just that sentence that made me wonder18:54
plarsogra_: sorry for the confusion, I was mostly just trying to add that I had tested it, and it does not even interfere with my automation plans :)18:54
ogra_plars, np18:55
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n00bhi there19:03
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kgunnjdstrand: hey, just wanna clarify something...i saw where if you goof with apparmor policy and install same snap version you need to21:24
kgunnsudo aa-profile-hook21:25
kgunnto regenerate the profile, but for seccomp, is there something similar21:25
kgunnor is if fine to just keep adding to the list and installing21:25
kgunn....and do i even have to build the snap? or can is there a file i can modify in place on the filesystem (to cut down on the build/install time)21:26
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