
daftykinsthis stevendale person is just googling everyones question00:38
daftykinsit's useless00:38
EriC^^lol, yeah00:39
ObrienDaveyea, i 'cheat' that way sometimes LOL00:40
daftykinsthing is a DO guide is about their VPSs :/00:40
EriC^^yeah posting random links00:41
daftykinsblargh hate it when you just want to do a paste but they've broken their package setup00:42
daftykinsi should learn your nc trickery :D00:42
EriC^^um, nevermind not that swap i guess00:42
EriC^^daftykins: command | nc termbin.com 999900:43
EriC^^if that fails there's the obnoxious but helpful command | curl -F "sprunge=<-" sprunge.us00:43
daftykinsi vote we need an !ericpaste00:44
daftykinsi'm gonna leave those two at it for a bit, they're a match made in heaven00:46
ObrienDaveawww, uio got scared off ;P00:56
daftykinsit was the blind leading the blind there00:56
daftykinsasshat googling things =|00:56
ObrienDaveso i figured LOL00:56
ObrienDavestevendale is pretty active in #android00:57
ObrienDavewell, he was LOL00:58
daftykinsandroid, google... i'm seeing a connection00:59
daftykinsi'm adding 2 and 2 and making 500:59
ObrienDave"new" math? ;P00:59
daftykinsyep, because in British education it's more about understanding how you got there, not so much the result01:01
ObrienDavesounds like US schools ;P01:01
ObrienDaveback in the early 70s, we weren't allowed to have calculators. now you have to have a graphing one LOL01:02
ObrienDaveand a tablet/notebook. sheesh, next an iWatch will be required ;P01:04
daftykinsover my dead body.01:05
ObrienDavei'll be dead by then ;P01:06
Bashing-omHummmm .. Invent the next level of data storage, and only you know how it works, you might be kept alive for that duration . Huuummmmm .01:12
OerHekslast year of exams without calculator, 1986 in NL01:13
ObrienDavethey've been working on 3d crystal storage for 30+ years. if they ever perfect that......01:13
OerHeksheh, the universe is just an atom in my fingernail01:16
Bashing-omOerHeks: Perhaps ^ ; Then maybe this universe is but one plane of many ? Theoryist are going nuts trying to figure all this out . In the beginning was the Big Bang when God said .01:19
ObrienDavewow, one of my USB disks froze up. had to power down everything01:23
Bashing-omObrienDave: :( :( .. Does not sound like a case where petroleum jelly ( as a lubricant) will help ! .. Hope ya got backups !01:26
ObrienDaveLOL i have 3 USB drives all backed up and synced01:27
ObrienDavedanged WD USB controller01:28
daftykinshmm nice racism there01:29
daftykins(in #ubuntu )01:29
daftykinsi'd blame the other end ;)01:30
ObrienDaveyou would ;P01:30
daftykinshehe, i mean the USB controller of course01:30
daftykinsnot the pinkware ;)01:30
ObrienDavethis was not a case of pebcak ;P01:31
ObrienDaveit's my story and i'm sticking to it ;P01:31
Bashing-omYeah, I thought I had a controler lay done on me the other day, turned out to be a loose/bad sata cable connection . One of these days I will get motivated to get the 'locking' sata cables . I will, I will ( some day)01:31
ObrienDaveit just locked up. i was running FSlint on it01:32
daftykinsi've got a bunch of those locking suckers01:33
daftykinsweirdly only on one end o001:33
ObrienDavesomehow that does not make a lot of sense01:38
daftykinswhat's annoying is when you really need a right-angled SATA cable01:44
daftykinsi gotta commit to Monday happening, cya later all \o01:45
lotuspsychjegood morning guys02:11
lotuspsychjeObrienDave: hi mate02:11
EriC^^morning lotuspsychje02:12
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: hello to you too :p02:12
lotuspsychjeanother ubuntu device shows up02:12
lotuspsychjeslowly integrates all machines02:13
Bashing-omYaHooo ; Making way for tomorrow .02:13
lotuspsychjesince ubuntu phone came out, everyone taking ubuntu more seriously02:14
lotuspsychjemorning Bashing-om and histo02:14
Bashing-om'Tis it is .. ya just about in time to take up my slack .02:16
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: lol02:17
* lotuspsychje nmap -PN -sV Bashing-om .....interstings ports: sl33p02:18
Bashing-omI sleep better knowing all in in good hands . When I come back and take up a pair of reins, I know the job has been well done . :)02:19
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: with this crew right here, you can sleep on your 2 ears02:20
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: OK, ya going to make me read the instructions. port mapping not something I have had a lot to do with here lately .02:20
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: yeah nmap is becomming like a vague dream02:21
lotuspsychje!info nmap | Bashing-om but still alive02:22
ubot5Bashing-om but still alive: nmap (source: nmap): The Network Mapper. In component main, is extra. Version 6.47-3 (vivid), package size 3668 kB, installed size 17433 kB02:22
BluesKajHiyas all10:05
lordievaderGood afternoon.10:48
Gatisanyone know any good relax channel?11:31
lordievaderHey Gatis, this channel?11:31
Gatisany other11:31
GatisWhy UN flag uses flat earth map?11:32
BluesKajhi Gatis you're there :-)11:32
lordievaderAny of the -offtopic channels?11:32
Gatisoh i live offtopic channels11:34
MonkeyDustGatis  it's an artistic representation, i guess12:22
lotuspsychjegood evening to all17:06

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