
* pleia2 begins copying things over01:04
pleia2Unit193: link check? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue42101:28
Unit193No I have ice cream! :(01:29
Unit193Sure thing.01:29
Unit193All goot.01:31
pleia2thank you :) enjoy the ice cream!01:33
Unit193Sherbert, it's good thanks.01:34
pleia2yum yum01:34
pleia2ok, all sent off to editors01:34
ahoneybunpleia2: can you add my blog post on the fridge please :)05:04
pleia2ahoneybun: which one?05:04
pleia2ah, we don't really put event summaries like that on fridge, it's more for announcements (upcoming events, etc)05:06
pleia2it's on planet.ubuntu.com and is included in UWN that we're releasing tomorrow :)05:06
ahoneybunI saw that, thanks for adding it :)05:08
ahoneybunidk mhall119 suggested adding it to the fridge05:08
pleia2might be better for something like the loco council blog, we've never done event summaries on the fridge before05:09
ahoneybunok thanks anyway05:10
PaulW2USo is it bq, Bq or  BQ? Their website says "We are BQ."15:42
PaulW2UNot to be confused with UK DIY store B&Q of course :)15:43
PaulW2Upleia2: Looks like schlopo's returned. Should the text of the UK podcast summary be changed?15:54
PaulW2UFor some time I've not quoted the text but not worried about grammar either.15:55
PaulW2Uschlopo has changed what the podcast crew have written so that it is grammatically correct15:56
PaulW2Ueditorial ruling please :)15:57
pleia2PaulW2U: ah, good catch re: BQ, I'm pretty sure it is BQ with the capital letters16:20
ahoneybunIt is16:20
pleia2PaulW2U: with regard to the UK podcast text, I think at some point we dropped putting quotes around it, which would make it clear that it was a quote, if it does need grammar fixing I suppose it doesn't hurt to fix it and leave off the quotes16:21
pleia2always awkward here though, since it says "We" all over the place, and We is not us, it's them :)16:22
pleia2anyway, we can let the fixes stand16:23
PaulW2UI think those that do editorial review look at what they see differently depending on their involvement in the process up to that point ;)16:24
PaulW2UOk, won't change anything.16:24
pleia2indeed, I'm actually surprised to see Jim jump back in16:24
PaulW2UIt's been a while16:24
pleia2I can reach out to him if there are issuse with his editing style, in this case I'm just inclined to say it's fine16:25
ahoneybunpleia2: did you change the link to my blog on the uwn?16:26
pleia2ahoneybun: no, did it need to be changed?16:27
PaulW2UCertainly different to mine but I've recently found that I've been adding commas in *his* style  ;)16:27
ahoneybunI can't find it at all16:27
ahoneybunI might have a new one or something16:27
pleia2ahoneybun: "SELF Day 1: Ubuntu" is under LoCo News16:27
pleia2PaulW2U: if you do find you're butting heads with another editor, I can kick off a friendly email dialog to firm up some styling questions, just let me know16:28
ahoneybunI don't see anything16:28
ahoneybunOh the links are shooting me to 42216:29
pleia2what links? we haven't released yet16:29
ahoneybunThe top link in the channel16:30
pleia2the google doc is prepped for issues 422, that's done sunday night each week when we move everything to the wiki16:30
ahoneybunI just got the domain and moved things over16:31
pleia2ah, so you want us to use that link, not the one you've linked on planet.ubuntu.com?16:32
ahoneybunWell the content is still on the old one so it does not matter atm16:32
pleia2updated on wiki16:33
ahoneybunOh ok16:33
pleia2well, we want the link to work when people click on it in the future :)16:33
pleia2so if the old one is going away, we should use the new one16:33
ahoneybunI need to update the planet once I get home16:34
ahoneybunThough I can't imagine I'll have amazing things to share till akademy16:34
ahoneybunOther then the move to RST for the docs16:35
PaulW2Upleia2: Ok, then I'm done with #421. Now working on #422 ;)16:40
pleia2PaulW2U: thanks \o/16:41
* ahoneybun loves his new bouncer16:41
ahoneybunOTA 4 was pushed out for Phones17:35
pleia2ahoneybun: hm, that doesn't have any dates or anything, was it announced somewhere?17:42
ahoneybunI just got the email17:43
ahoneybunLet me see the ML17:43
pleia2ah, u-phone mailing list17:43
pleia2if you want to grab the direct link to the mailing list announcement, you can add it to the google doc under Ubuntu Phone News :)17:44
ahoneybunThe current article or next weeks?17:49
ahoneybunpleia2: is that good?17:50
pleia2the google doc, not the wiki17:51
pleia2yep, that's fine17:51
pleia2thanks :)17:52
pleia2releasing is still on my radar, work is keeping me swamped today23:33

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