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liuxghow can I invoke scope from my QML application?02:29
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dupingpinghi, everyone.05:10
dupingpingHow many Ubuntu touch users in the world?05:10
* ahoneybun raises his hand05:12
dholbachgood morning06:15
liuxgdoes anyone know how to invoke a scope from an application? thanks06:21
aquarismantechnical issue on kirillin here: apt-get install libudev-dev works well on stable but not on rc or proposed-rc. I get:07:32
aquarismanThe following packages have unmet dependencies:  libudev-dev : Depends: libudev1 (= 219-7ubuntu3) but 219-7ubuntu6 is to be installed07:32
aquarismanany ideas why?07:32
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aquarismanany devs here?08:35
davmor2aquarisman: lots, ask a question and they might be able to help you08:52
ogra_davmor2, he did above :)08:52
sturmflut2good morning08:52
ogra_aquarisman, kind of looks like your device doesnt know about the PPA08:53
davmor2ah missed that08:53
sturmflut2beuno: Ping09:00
popeyom26er: neither will chroots, will they?09:01
popeyer, s/om2er/ogra/09:01
aquarisman@ogra_ I expect things to work with the default apt/sources.list - should I add a repository?09:02
aquarisman@ogra_ and as I said - things work perfectly with the stable branch. problems are only when I try the rc branch.09:02
popeystable is utopic, rc is vivid+ppa09:03
popeywell, utopic-ish09:03
ogra_aquarisman, well, i'm not sure we even add the ppa to the soucres.list at all ... check it09:03
aquarisman@ogra_ what would be the "workaround" to solve this mismatch? can it get upstream to proposed-rc then?09:03
ogra_we dont test deb stuff (except from when people test changes before they enter the archive but that sets up tehz PPA)09:04
ogra_just add the PPA if you want to use deb packages ... it will break anyway eventually and you need to re-flash so it is rather moot if you modify it more i guess09:05
aquarismanI try to install other software that requires libudev-dev and it is just broken on rc (and if nothing changes, it will be broken on the next "stable")09:05
aquarismanno problem to hack a little now, but I would like the stable branch to work out of the box.09:06
ogra_well, can you check if the PPA is really not enabled anywhere09:07
ogra_if you are 100% sure,. fiule a bug against livecd-rootfs09:07
aquarismancan you explain more what are the differences between 219-7ubuntu3 and 219-7ubuntu6 ?09:07
* ogra_ has no idea ... i dont look at udev usually 09:07
ogra_look at the changelogs on launchpad perhaps ...09:08
aquarismanI just play with OTG usb stuff. that's a cool thing to have usb on your phone.09:08
ogra_well, it will most likely conflict with the gadget driver09:09
aquarismanfor me it is already a desktop replacement when I connect the keyboard and fire up the shell.09:09
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Monday, and happy Nature Photography Day! 😃09:09
ogra_(unless the android driver actually has OTG support ... which is really device specififc if it does)09:09
aquarismanAs I said - everything works perfectly with the latest "stable". Things break only on newer versions.09:10
aquarismanI work with the Aquaris E4.509:10
aquarisman@ogra_ is the PPA enabled on the stable branch? Where can I check it online?09:19
ogra_my install has /etc/apt/sources.list.d/extra-ppas.list09:20
cedian_linuxThanks to mariogrip I got apparmor09:45
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nhainesSo if everything's all lined up for bug 1464159, when might we expect to see that on the phone?  OTA-5 perhaps?10:02
aquarisman@ogra_ thanks. I will install rc and try adding this repository before apt-get install libudev-dev10:02
ubot5bug 1464159 in oxide-qt (Ubuntu) "Web browser should send the system language to websites (Accept-Language field)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146415910:02
ogra_aquarisman, rc-proposed should have it enabled alöready10:05
popeynhaines: doesn't look fixed, so OTA-5 at the earliest10:06
nhainespopey: thanks.  I think it needed the language packs to be pulled before it would be fixed.10:07
aquarisman@ogra_ I tried rc-proposed 2 days ago and the apt-get install libudev-dev failed. was the ppa added lately?10:07
nhainesShame about the timing.  I wish I'd noticed a week before.10:07
ogra_aquarisman, several months ago10:07
popeyom26er: aquarisman the version deps of libudev-dev looks wrong to me here on wily10:07
aquarisman@ogra_ than it is not the solution ...10:07
popeydepends on a specific version of libudev110:08
popeyor archive skew?10:08
aquarismanjust in case, /etc/apt/sources.list.d/extra-ppas.list on my stable has this contents: "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ci-train-ppa-service/stable-snapshot/ubuntu vivid main"10:08
ogra_popey, -dev versions always depend oin their rescpective binary version10:08
aquarismanshould I use the same on proposed-rc ?10:08
popeyogra_: but apt-cache search didn't find the matching binary version here10:08
ogra_can you define "stable" ?10:09
ogra_popey, wow, on wily ?10:09
popeyunless I hadn't had enough coffee and didn't interpret correctly10:09
ogra_on vivid that can happen due to the PPA ... on wily which uses the archive only this shouldnt be possible at all10:09
popeyogra_: i was looking at a 15.04 armhf chroot10:10
aquarisman@popey: I got " The following packages have unmet dependencies:  libudev-dev : Depends: libudev1 (= 219-7ubuntu3) but 219-7ubuntu6 is to be installed"10:10
ogra_(thouh on vivid it would also only happen if someone uploaded udev to the PPA ... PPAs dont have proposed migration tests which usually blopcks the broken landing)10:10
popeyogra_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11718659/10:10
Sleep_Walkerhi, sorry for my silly question - I'm trying to follow http://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-sdk/installing-the-sdk/ on my freshly made vivid chroot10:11
ogra_popey, looks all fine to me10:11
Sleep_Walkerit said it is for 14.04 (trusty something) - can I use it anyway?10:11
popeySleep_Walker: it says 14.04 (trusty *onwards*)10:11
popeymeaning, from 14.04 onward, meaning, yes, also 15.0410:12
ogra_popey, the candidates have the same version ... and you dont have libudev-dev installed for the current version10:12
popeyi misread it, sorry.10:12
ogra_all correct as it should be :)10:12
Sleep_Walkerpopey: that page yes, but information shown after add-apt-repository no10:12
ogra_not sure what aquarisman sees there10:12
aquarismanso what is the conclusion - libudev-dev can be installed on proposed-rc or not? Can anyone try it?10:12
popeySleep_Walker: i think you're overthinking it. just do what it says :)10:13
aquarisman[on my kirillin it didn't work]10:13
Sleep_Walkeraye sir!10:13
popeyaquarisman: I am on ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en here, is that the channel you mean?10:13
popeylet me try10:14
aquarismanthanks :)10:14
aquarismancan you check which version was installed then?10:14
popeyi doubt libudev-dev is installed by default10:14
ogra_heh, yeah10:15
popeyphablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ apt-cache policy libudev-dev:armhf10:15
popeylibudev-dev: Installed: (none)10:15
popeyyeah, it's not.10:15
ogra_whats the Candidate ?10:15
aquarismanand if you try to install libudev1 do you get 219-7ubuntu3 or  219-7ubuntu610:16
ogra_yeah, looks fine10:16
popeyi have   Installed: 219-7ubuntu610:16
popeyof libudev110:16
popeyaquarisman: do "apt-cache policy libudev1"10:16
* ogra_ looks forward to snappy based phones ... 10:16
popeyhah, shush10:16
ogra_then we wont have such probs anymore :)10:16
aquarismanok. I will try to flash again proposed-rc on the phone and reinstall. maybe it is something I messed in the repositories.10:17
popeyaquarisman: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11718674/10:17
popeyaquarisman: hang on10:17
popeyrun that command first10:17
ogra_i guess your package lists are just outdated10:17
aquarismannow I am on stable, so there is not much to test.10:17
popeyyeah, probably10:17
popeyoh, shame10:18
ogra_since the package db is readonly and we dont uipdate it ever10:18
aquarismanall repositories change with reflash, right?10:18
ogra_(but the db on the server moves on)10:18
aquarismanoh - so how do I "reset" the package db then?10:18
popeysudo apt-get update10:18
popeysame as always10:19
aquarismanso, do I get fresh sources.list* with ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel ubuntu-touch/proposed-rc/bq-aquaris.en or not?10:20
popeyyou get one that _was_ fresh10:20
popeywhen the image was built10:20
popeythen you need to flip it RW and "sudo apt-get update"10:20
aquarismansure :)10:20
aquarismanI just mean that my potential old garbage is deleted10:21
popeyit will be gone by the reflash10:21
aquarismanok. I will try later and report here.10:21
popeybut you still need to apt-get update10:21
ogra_it formates the partitions before flashing the new image10:21
popeyalso, you should use chroots :)10:21
popeyrather than build on device10:21
aquarismanwhy chroot? I work on the device?10:21
popeyI used to build on devices, then I saw the light10:21
ogra_even on the device you should use chroots10:22
popeyyeah, much more flexible on pc than on device10:22
popeyand faster10:22
popeyunless your main computing device is a Commodore 6410:22
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sturmflut2Are there any plans to give the user control over outgoing remote connections? I would like to see an option that enables a permission dialogie when an app tries to access a remote host for the first time.11:04
ogra_sturmflut2, accesses in what way ?11:04
sturmflut2ogra_: All of them, every try to establish a connection to a remote host.11:05
ogra_you mean you want a trust prompt for every http connection ?11:06
* ogra_ doubts that would be usable 11:06
sturmflut2ogra_: Not for every single one, a dialogue that appears the first time and has a "remember this answer" option would already be enough.11:06
ogra_well, what would you gain by that ?11:07
ogra_(we have such prompts for all local actions so an app can not access local data without you knowing ... i think it is kind of assumed that apps can beyond this always access a remote server)11:08
sturmflut2ogra_: Well, currently you don't know what apps are doing behind your back. It's just "network disabled" or "network enabled". That's a bit too binary for my taste.11:09
ogra_why ? they cant access anything locally11:09
ogra_what do you gain by knowing an app accesses port 2567 on a remote server11:10
ogra_it wont be able to track your location, read aqny data, access the mic or camera without you knwoing11:10
sturmflut2A fake Telegram app could send all my messages to a rogue server11:10
sturmflut2There's nothing preventing DTelegram, Webogram or Sommergram from doing that11:11
ogra_well but if you install a telegram app you kind of expect it to connect to a server11:11
ogra_how would a user know that the server it accesses is some third party one ?11:11
sturmflut2I think I would notice that "http://zhukov.github.io/webogram/" doesn't look like a proper Telegram server11:12
* ogra_ thinks such apps can only be identified via downvoting in the store and bad recommendations11:12
ogra_having such a prompt would gain you nothing11:12
ogra_users would just click it away11:12
ogra_it doesnt look like a proper telegram server for someone who knows what a proper telegram server is ... that wont help11:13
sturmflut2That's why I'm asking for an optional dialogue. One for us developers. So it gets easier to spot bad behavior.11:13
sturmflut2Currently I have to use phablet-shell and tcpdump and stuff11:13
ogra_well, file a whishlist bu ... but i dont think it is a good idea to perster the iuser with prompts for something he expects and which will have only cryptic info for normal people11:14
sturmflut2Sure, the option would be off by default11:14
popeypackage up tcpdump and wrap it on some qml :)11:14
ogra_popey, +111:14
ogra_like the nmap tool11:15
popeyyeah, that's handy11:15
* ogra_ still waits for a proper terminal widget 11:15
popeyI was at a conf at the weekend and someone said "yeah, I really need a wifi scanner app before I could use Ubuntu phone".11:15
popeySo I showed him the wifi analyzer app11:15
popeyThen he said "Yeah, I also need an app for port scanning machines"11:15
ogra_so you can just hand it the command to the widget and have i.e. htop working11:15
popeySo I showed him the nmap app11:15
popey"Oh! Okay, I think I might get one then!"11:16
* ogra_ wants a terminal-app-container :)11:16
ogra_like the webapp container11:16
sturmflut2popey, ogra_: That's absolutely not the same. tcpdump doesn't decode protocols and can't look into encrypted connections. A proper system dialogue could tap into Qt and JavaScript and show you the actual hostname and maybe even the URL.11:17
sturmflut2Not even tshark would properly solve the problem.11:17
ogra_well, tcpdump wouldnt work anyway ...11:17
ogra_inside a confined click...11:17
popeyno other platform does this, for good reason11:17
cedian_linuxHow can I find log data?11:17
ogra_ceedsystem logs are in /var/log as usual11:18
ogra_cedian_linux, ^^^11:18
sturmflut2At the moment webapp-container doesn't even show you the whitelist URL it's been called with. You have to take the .click apart and look at the desktop file to see what's happening.11:18
sturmflut2cedian_linux: http://sturmflut.github.io/ubuntu/touch/2015/05/15/hacking-ubuntu-touch-part-6-logfiles/11:18
ogra_app logs in ~/.cache/upstart/11:18
cedian_linuxI mean logs of hardware ogra_11:18
ogra_what are "logs of hardware" ?11:19
cedian_linuxThanks sturmflut211:19
sturmflut2It really was worth the effort to write all this down11:19
cedian_linuxogra_ I meant kernel issues etc ogra_11:19
ogra_cedian_linux, they are in syslog11:20
cedian_linuxsorry accidentally wrote 2 times ogra_11:20
ogra_and indeed you can see them also with the dmesg command11:20
sturmflut2cedian_linux: Lots of hardware messages also get logged to the Android logging system11:21
cedian_linuxwhere is that stored?11:21
sturmflut2cedian_linux: First chapter of the article I posted11:21
ogra_in ram ... you need to use the locgat command to read it11:21
cedian_linuxOgra_ are you from canonical?11:22
ogra_i'm from germany ...11:22
ogra_but yes, i work for canonical11:23
cedian_linuxI thought that already since I'i've seen your public files which are pretty cool11:23
cedian_linuxthey are on people.canonical.com11:24
ogra_heh, yeah, my people.c.c account is a big mess :)11:24
* ogra_ needs to clean that up one day 11:24
cedian_linuxThis one is nice people.canonical.com/~ogra/touchbook-netboot.jpg11:28
ogra_heh, thats ancient :)11:29
ogra_(5 years(11:29
cedian_linuxIt's pretty I'm 15 but love ancient stuff11:30
ogra_this was the first device where you could detach the screen to have a tablet :)11:30
ogra_was before asus came up with the transformer netbooks11:31
cedian_linuxOr people.canonical.com/~ogra/ubuntu-mobile-intrepid.png11:32
cedian_linuxyeah and I've got a ancient laptop front 2011 an acer aspire which works still11:32
cedian_linuxUbuntu is pretty11:33
cedian_linuxsome stuff is too easy, that's why I also use Gen too to make it hard11:34
cedian_linuxOgra_ but how can I upgrade my preinstalled touch tar g?11:35
Se7hellou all11:40
Se7long time for me :)11:40
cedian_linuxHi Se711:41
Se7hi cedian_linux :)11:42
ogra_cedian_linux, with ubuntu-device-flash ...11:43
ogra_(or by setting up a system-image server like Tassadar has for the nexus5 builds)11:43
Se7anyone knows if it s possible to send mms??whith ubuntu phone11:44
cedian_linuxThanks ogra_11:46
cedian_linuxogra_ how long are you already working on Ubuntu for phones etc?11:50
ogra_for phones ... hmm,. i think 3 years ... pretty much when they were first announced publically11:51
Sleep_Walkeroh, finally running ubuntu-sdk for the first time :')12:03
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cedian_linuxI ran it already sleep_walker sadly enough Ubuntu edge failed/was dead12:05
Sleep_Walkerdon't ruin my little victory today ;b12:06
cedian_linuxI'm trying to make an app12:07
Sleep_Walkerafter all the attempts to provide native packages for openSUSE for ubuntu-sdk I ended with ubuntu in chroot ;b12:07
cedian_linuxfailed fetching12:07
cedian_linuxI've installed Ubuntu instead of gentoo on my internal drive I got gentoo  external12:08
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cedian_linuxTrying some stuff for sound and camera13:13
sturmflut2popey, ogra_: Hmmm, I thought it over. What about an optional "Audit Mode"? When activated, it simply tells the runtime environments and the system to log specific app activity, like outgoing connection attempts and other things that could be interesting. I know that I can do most of that with strace and friends, but as said lots of information is lost when such low-level tools are used.13:26
popeystill not a fan :)13:26
sturmflut2popey: Well, it would make *my* life easier ;)13:27
ogra_write it then :)13:27
ogra_woah, new terminal is 8M big !13:28
cedian_linuxReally?! Is there a new app ogra_?13:28
dholbachogra_, fat package13:29
ogra_yeah, its a wobbly13:29
ogra_*all wobbly13:29
ogra_cedian_linux, it works on x86 too now13:29
popeybe glad we don't also support powerpc and mips on the phone13:29
popeywould be even bigger than13:29
ogra_just wait13:29
ogra_snappy supports amd6413:30
ogra_so you add another third13:30
cedian_linuxogra_ the new app works great13:30
ogra_and once that TV settopbox manufacturere makes a good offer to canonical you'll see MIPS too ;)13:30
cedian_linuxI need arm ogra_13:30
dholbachsnappy will have deduplication and be clever about downloading stuff, right? :)13:30
ogra_theoretically :)13:31
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ogra_mzanetti, wow, shell rotation is quite annoying on the arale ... (i always hit the button and end up on the home screen unconditionally)13:32
mzanettiogra_, I blame that button13:33
ogra_me too13:33
ogra_we should have killed it :/13:33
mzanettiit should not be there13:33
ogra_well, the led should13:33
ogra_just the button function should eb off13:33
mzanettiogra_, well, we can't even control the led13:33
ogra_you can ... via /proc13:33
* ogra_ had it running as HDD eld for a while 13:34
mzanettione sec, need to find a bug report13:34
ogra_it is actually very interestong to see the dosk IO13:34
dobeymandel: how do i get debug logging for u-d-m?13:34
mzanettiogra_, can you add that information to here please: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/146168213:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 1461682 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "[MX4] LED does not notify for incoming notifications" [Medium,New]13:35
ogra_mzanetti, yeah, i know that bug ...13:35
ogra_it functions differently on the arale ... someone has to write a backend for that13:35
popeyits just in a different place in /sys I thought13:36
popeyI certainly poked at it just fine13:36
ogra_mzanetti, cat  /sys/class/leds/mx-led/trigger13:36
cedian_linuxogra_ where's phone debugger 0.1.click?13:37
ogra_cedian_linux, that was a joke :)13:37
mzanettiogra_, thanks13:37
ogra_i guess the timer trigger is what you look for13:37
cedian_linuxdidn't read that part ogra_ but I use arm on my phone13:37
ogra_(wild guess though)13:38
ogra_mzanetti, hah ...13:39
ogra_echo 1 >/sys/class/leds/mx-led/blink13:39
ogra_and it blinks :)13:39
mzanettiogra_, my arale's battery is dead atm. Can we also change the color?13:39
ogra_(echo 0 obviously stops it)13:39
ogra_not sure13:39
ogra_i think only the brightness13:39
cedian_linuxOgra_ terminal will be updated13:42
cedian_linuxright now13:42
jdstrandSleep_Walker: re 'apparmor is still alive'> yes very much so and healthier than ever. it is upstream, has a (small but) dedicated community, is in many distros, etc13:42
popeyjdstrand: what shall we do about the offline maps app pending in the store? The developer asked for manual review.13:43
ogra_popey, beats me13:43
jdstrandSleep_Walker: it's been healthy for years, though we can always use help :)13:44
ogra_jdstrand, i assume read_path wasnt intended for stoe apps (until we have a proper Sd card framework)13:44
jdstrandpopey: we need someone authoritiative to respond to the list on what the plan is for app access on the sd card13:44
cedian_linuxcrap errors again13:44
popeyI thought that might be you jdstrand :)13:44
jdstrandno. I am not driving the implementation. we need an architect13:45
popeyjdstrand: who might that be?13:45
jdstrandI'm neither driving the implementation nor the design13:45
jdstrandI CC'd tvoss in my first response13:45
ogra_do we actually have architects left in the phone area ?13:45
jdstrandyes, tvoss is the architect for ubuntu personal13:45
* ogra_ thought they moved all to snappy too)13:45
tvossjdstrand, yup, I will have a look tomorrow the latest, sorry for the delay13:46
jdstrandand personal will use snappy of course, so it is all related13:46
jdstrandtvoss: no worries at all :)13:46
jdstrandthings are quite hectic I know13:46
ogra_well, there are discussions atarting all over G+ currently13:46
ogra_because the app was announced13:47
jdstrandthat is unfortunate13:47
jdstrandannouncing the app before it is available. is that some sort of ploy to apply pressure?13:47
popeyi tested the app - it's well done.13:47
ogra_"it is only the reviwers that hold it back now"13:47
popeyif you live in belgium13:47
ogra_(quote from a post)13:47
jdstrandit isn't only the reviewers13:48
jdstrandman, how can I have been more clear13:48
ogra_we dont have an SD impolementation yet13:48
jdstrandI did it in the review, in private email and on the public mailing list13:48
ogra_"but hey, i used read_path like the other apps"13:48
Sleep_Walkerjdstrand: well, I'm working as support guy in the original company where apparmor was developed so that is where my opinion is comming from :)13:48
ogra_so it must work, right ? :P13:48
jdstrandI've probably literally spent a whole day just responding to this guy13:48
jdstrandSleep_Walker: original as in immunix?13:49
jdstrandSleep_Walker: you might want to hop in #apparmor on oftc and participate13:49
jdstrandsuse is still quite involved13:49
jdstrandand well represented13:50
jdstrand"but hey, i used read_path like the other apps" - read_path isn't for other apps. it is a workaround for core apps13:50
ogra_jdstrand, thats what i told him13:51
jdstrandand using it doesn't address the multiuser bits at all13:51
ogra_not sure i got through though13:51
jdstrandbah. anyway, sounds like the discussion is going to pick up again13:51
jdstrandogra_: at this point I'm doubting you can13:51
jdstranddholbach, ogra_, dpm: this is sounding like a PR issue. I'm stuck holding the line because there is no process for manual reviews and they are fairly meaningless anyway because there is no build from source upload functionality. plus he is trying to rush us to accept something rather than helping us drive to a design (once the design is understood, then maybe we could allow an exception, but at this point, the exception might change, etc)13:58
jdstranddholbach, ogra_, dpm: which would affect the users13:58
cedian_linuxapparmor is from immunix13:58
cedian_linuxwell originally13:59
ogra_jdstrand, yeah ... not good ...13:59
mandeldobey, you need to set the google log env vars13:59
ogra_jdstrand, we should probably disable manual reviews altogether13:59
jdstrandcedian_linux: yes, then Novell acquired them. http://wiki.apparmor.net/index.php/AppArmor_History14:00
cedian_linuxsome stuff breaks in kernels and jdstrand I read that ;)14:00
dholbachjdstrand, is this about an app which requires certain security privileges we can't grant easily?14:01
popeydholbach: it wants r/w on the sd card14:01
popeybecause it wants to download giant map files14:01
cedian_linuxWhat map files?14:01
ogra_navigation maps14:02
popeywe're talking about a mapping app14:02
jdstrandogra_: well, we need them for the exceptions that we have but I think someone should define what they mean, define a process/policy around it, then link to it near the button to request it, then have people in charge of doing them. right now it is much too ad hoc14:02
cedian_linuxand is it hard to port an android app to Ubuntu touch?14:02
dobeymandel: and those are? i don't know anything about google log. i guess this would make u-d-m the first project i've run into that uses it :)14:02
popeydepends on the app cedian_linux14:02
ogra_dholbach, we  dont havve any proper handling for SD card access for third party apps yet ...14:02
popey(and the developer) :)14:02
dholbachpopey, jdstrand: I guess we could update the reviewers tools to tell them that they can't have it right now because of reasons x, y and z and point them to where the discussion is happening(?)14:02
jdstranddholbach: so, the developer knows the story14:03
ogra_dholbach, scattered across G+ and some of it is on the ML14:03
ogra_jdstrand, thats what you think :P14:03
dholbachogra_, well, we could file a bug and discuss it there14:03
jdstranddholbach: via reviews, then private email the public thread14:03
mandeldobey, no problem => https://google-glog.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/doc/glog.html14:03
mandeldobey, look at setting flags14:03
dholbachjdstrand, yes - I think I recall having looked at the review page14:04
popeydholbach: bug would be good14:04
jdstrandI just mean adding a link in the review tools for this guy doesn't make sense-- he is who started the discussion on the list (after I advised him to do so)14:04
ogra_popey, btw, you said teh app is sane, how sane is that app on devices without SD card14:04
ogra_popey, does it blindly download the maps to /media/SD/* ?14:04
dholbachI just thought that it might help others who are blocked by this - but you are right, I'm not sure how many run into this14:04
popeyit makes a maps folder i think14:04
ogra_(this is stuff the SD framework was supposed to solve)14:04
dobeymandel: oh, so all log messages are already being logged? it doesn't mention anything about a debug log level there14:05
jdstranddholbach: if you file a bug with the review tools for what you want to help this with other developers, I'm happy to add it. I think however that we don't know what that is just yet because the conversation has only partly happened14:06
cedian_linuxthanks popey14:06
dholbachand maybe file a more general bug to implement the sd card story?14:07
cedian_linuxI got some issues with the kernel :(14:07
ogra_jdstrand, dholbach, i think as a start the app should be rejected with a proper comment for now14:07
ogra_so he doesnt keep hoping for a positive review14:07
ogra_(and doesnt go on spreading the word)14:07
mandeldobey, something like => export GLOG_minloglevel=1 export GLOG_logtostderr=114:08
jdstranddpm, ogra_, dholbach: fyi, this was my response on the public list if you haven't seen it: https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg13033.html14:09
mandeldobey, look at the flags, there is a minlog level there and send to stderr14:09
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jdstrandogra_: I think that person should not be me. so far I have been the only person blocking him and I'm afraid if I act in that manner it will only fan the flames14:09
cedian_linuxcc not found :(14:10
ogra_yes, it needs to be someone who wasnt involved before14:10
ogra_beuno, :)14:10
dobeymandel: right, but it says the default min log level is 0 which is INFO, which is already in the log file14:11
beunoogra_, what what?  this is the guy who wants to get his app through?14:11
mandeldobey, correct, what is the issue that you have?14:11
dobeymandel: does that mean there are no lower level debugging messages in u-d-m then?14:11
mandeldobey, not lower than that, but I ofcourse add a vlog with a 10 for example for very verbose ones14:12
dobeymandel: i'm seeing u-d-m starting up, not downloading anything, and then just tiimng out. i want to figure out why it's not downloading anything14:12
mandeldobey, is the download being created?14:12
jdstrandbeuno: yes, apparently now he is launching a google+ campaign to get the reviewers to yield14:12
ogra_beuno, yes, he wants to use the SD but we havent an Sd framework for third party apps yet ... so he copied the code from other apps beliving that will get him through ... we need a rejecttion with proper explanation that this isnt possible til an SD framework exists for store apps14:12
mandeldobey, you can start udb with -disable-timeout o that it does not diw14:12
ogra_jdstrand, i'm not sure he launched it ... but it speards and he discusses in comments14:12
jdstrandbeuno: also, see discussion here: https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg13033.html14:12
mandeldobey, then use dfeet to or anything else to interact with it and check if the download obj is present etc14:13
jdstrandogra_: I'm not sure how that could be true. how would anyone know of the difficulties and start the discussion? regardless, things are not going well which is why I wanting the community people to step in14:13
jdstrands/I/I am/14:14
ogra_jdstrand, i think he just made a youtube video of it ,., and someone else chared it on G+14:14
jdstrandbeuno: you might also want to read backscroll at least 16 minutes14:14
beunoso I have 2 thoughts on this:14:15
dobeymandel: ugh, the binary really shouldn't be in /usr/bin/ :)14:16
beuno1) Maybe we just let it through and be less heavy-handed until we have what is needed in place14:16
ogra_beuno, ugh, no14:16
beuno2) I SHALL NOT YIELD14:16
ogra_then we will have 100 apps doing the same in no time14:16
beunoso if you guys feel strongly against it, fine, I'll reply14:17
ogra_(and someone who documents how to do it in a blog etc)14:17
jdstrandbeuno: it isn't about '2'14:17
beunoI would default to be a bit flexible here and there14:17
ogra_it is actually 3) we are not ready yet14:17
jdstrandbeuno: I'm willing to do '1' provided someone give direction on it14:17
jdstrandbecause, yes, what ogra_ said14:17
ogra_i doubt "a bit of direction" will help here14:18
dobeymandel: hrmm. and running it with --logstderr=1 --disable-timeout, doesn't seem to actually work :(14:18
ogra_people will spread the word14:18
ogra_no matter if we give *him* direction14:18
jdstrandogra_: you misunderstand14:18
jdstrandI need the direction14:18
ogra_oh, ok14:18
jdstrandif I know what we are moving toward, I can better provide workaround policy14:19
ogra_well, for the current state, i would reject the app14:19
* davmor2 let loose the balrog14:19
ogra_but hey, i'm a german asshole :) you guys are probably less hard :)14:20
jdstrandbut right now, I don't know what to suggest. I mean, I suggested something, but don't know if it is what we should be doing cause I don't know what the plans are for the sd card14:20
didrocksI don't think it would be wise to reject the app without any ETA on our side when we would support the feature14:20
didrocksthat will just create some flames IMHO14:20
ogra_didrocks, well, 6mounts to 1year14:20
* ogra_ doesnt want to mount anything 6 times :P 14:20
dobeymandel: how can i tell if the download is being created or not, if there's nothing in the logs about it?14:21
ogra_thats loose enough ... and perhaps realistic14:21
didrocksbut still a long way ahead for someone who prepared an app (and can be demotivating)14:21
ogra_he can store the maps in the homedir14:21
jdstrandtbh, I'm really curious how the sd card framework is supposed to work, cause, well, fat filesystems14:21
ogra_it is just limited14:21
didrocksI understand why you don't want to get it through, but beuno seemed to be to have the most reasonable suggestion14:22
ogra_jdstrand, +114:22
didrocksjdstrand: yeah, I always wondered how google handled it14:22
ogra_jdstrand, loop mounted images per app ;)14:22
jdstranddidrocks: google threw their hands in the air14:22
didrockslike "you have access to everything"?14:22
didrocksso it's none or all?14:22
jdstranddidrocks: they treat the sd card as shared storage and are now trying to extricate themselves from that14:22
ogra_i think  they moved away from vfat14:23
davmor2jdstrand: like they just don't care?14:23
abeatodavmor2, have you hit bug #1347855 after latest nuntium landing?14:23
ubot5bug 1347855 in nuntium (Ubuntu) "MMS sent to me on the EE network are repeatedly sent" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134785514:23
didrocksok, so shared storage ;)14:23
jdstrandthey care--  that is why they are moving away from it14:23
jdstrandbut android wasn't designed with security in mind to begin with14:23
davmor2abeato: no pmcgowan already ask and I hope updated the bug14:23
davmor2abeato: no repeats over the weekend14:23
jdstrandso they implemented something that would work for developers and now are trying to fix14:23
abeatodavmor2, cool, I will mark it as released then14:24
sergiusenssome apps can't install to the sdcard for this very reason14:24
didrockssergiusens: those using some local db to store private data, I guess?14:24
didrocks(as it's a special app perm)14:24
jdstrandbut that is a side point. we've said apps should not be able to interfere with other app's data. period14:24
jdstrandso the shared storage is out. but how to enforce that with fat filesystems? that is an excellent question for the sd card framework14:25
beunojdstrand, so, I think I don't really know how to help here14:25
beunoI think you're saying you're happy to be flexible14:25
davmor2jdstrand: more a play on cameo word up! :) from me :)14:26
beunowe need a plan forward14:26
jdstrandbeuno: me either, but that wasn't why you were brought in14:26
jdstrandbeuno: the farther back backscroll is tvoss said he'd respond to the mailing list. which is good-- the discussions will move forward14:26
jdstrandbeuno: you were brought in because it was suggested that the app be rejected. I stated I did not want to be the one doing it cause thus far I have been the only person blocking it (which is something I'm not entirely happy about-- we need processes and clear documentation on what manual reviews mean)14:27
* beuno nods14:28
jdstrandbeuno: so then it was thought you should reject it. personally, I don't hink it should be rejected. I think we need to wait for the discussions to recommence and then we can understand the appropriate in the mean time policy", if any14:28
ogra_jdstrand, well, it is pretty clear that it will not be accepted in the current state it is in14:29
jdstranddavmor2: oh haha I totally missed that14:29
jdstrandogra_: maybe?14:29
ogra_(and i really dont want a /media/Maps folder created on my arale btw)14:29
ogra_(where i dont even have an SD)14:30
jdstrandit does seem wrong to me too14:30
jdstrandplus, if we allow that folder, how is the app supposed to migrate away from it? how are users supposed to deal with it14:30
jdstrandI much rather be very careful here and understand what we are going to14:30
ogra_and how do we prevent the next 99 apps that will copy that behavior "because you let this one in, why cant mine too ?"14:31
jdstrandwhich, incidentally, is us caring about the users of the app14:31
jdstrandogra_: right14:31
jdstrandwhich we are already getting for the gallery btw14:31
ogra_this is why i would reject it with a "we are working on it, til then please find another solution"14:31
jdstrandyeah, I tried that14:32
beunoogra_, we prevent it because they get stuck for manual review each time14:32
jdstrandthen it went to personal email because he insisted the bq phone had too little internal storage, so then I suggested he bring it up on the list, then I would respond CC'ing and To'ing the correct people with all the gory details, and here we are14:33
* ogra_ thinnks we have PR disaster enough with the deb apps that dont get reviewed already 14:33
jdstrandso I think we need to wait a little bit. but the community team needs to manage the potentially bad PR in the meantime14:33
beunojdstrand, ogra_, let me chew on this for a bit, on calls14:35
beunomaybe we should stick to our guns, apologise and hope people kick off creativity instead of rants14:35
jdstrandbeuno: I feel quite strongly that someone needs to define the processes around manual reviews. I don't think it is something that a handful of individuals do in their spare time. Yes, I agree we shouldn't have them, but clearly we can't get rid of all of them. we need to manage expectations, know who to consult, have clear escalation points, have docs developers can read to understand, etc14:35
beunojdstrand, agreed, I'll take that on14:36
mandeldobey, yes, in the logs it does state that downlod is created and registered to a dbus path14:36
jdstrandbeuno: cool, thanks-- I'm happy to help review, etc14:36
mandeldobey, can you paste the logs and I'll take a quick look14:36
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dobeymandel: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11719895/15:09
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dobeymandel: so looks like it's being started via dbus, but no download is being created for some reason?15:10
mandeldobey, looking15:11
mandeldobey, weird, it seems to not create the download after it gets the caller and then checks with apparmor to check your creds, how are you calling udm, is a confined app, a scope. have you checked you have the correct rights to call udm?15:15
mandeldobey, If you do not have them and I'm not returning and error, it is a bug of udm for sure, I should do return a dbus error of some kind15:15
dobeymandel: this is from unity-scope-click, which is unconfined15:16
mandeldobey, and calling the user session dbus, correct?15:16
dobeymandel: yes; i think it might be an issue in the scope now though, after more debugging. it seems this only happens when purchasing an app15:17
dobeymandel: so i guess the log might just be u-d-m being activated when we try to find an existing download for the app15:18
mandeldobey, neverthless.. I think there is something fishy in udm15:18
mandeldobey, let me know, neverthless I'm going to add verbose logging to udm so that we can set the verbosity to 10 and see more stuff15:18
dobeymandel: i'll have to debug more after my lunch to figure out what's going on exactly15:18
mandeldobey, ack15:19
dobeymandel: if you want a more verbose log level that isn't enabled by default, you will need to make it "-1" or something, i think15:19
dobeymandel: at least, according to those google log docs15:19
dobeymandel: why are you using google log anyway? it seems overly complicated :)15:20
mandeldobey, IShow all VLOG(m) messages for m less or equal the value of this flag.  The way I understand it, less or equal would be that if the default is 0, 10 will not be seen15:20
mandeldobey, we use it in lots of places already, so I grabbed it15:20
dobeymandel: then you are doing it backwards15:21
mandeldobey, excuse me, what do you mean?15:21
dobeymandel: according to those glog docs, only things higher than X should be shown for --minloglevel=X15:23
mandeldobey, VLOG works differently and I'm not using it atm15:23
dobeymandel: oh, i see now. you're talking about verbosity not log level15:24
dobeyugh, glob is too complex :)15:24
mandeldobey, yep :)15:24
dobeyi should productize my logger.h or whatever i called it, and convince you and everyone else to use it15:26
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ogra_mzanetti, hmm, so if i only have one app open and my phone is in landscape ... when i then swipe from the right there is no way to get back to my app from the scopes (it switches to scopes with the first swipe and subsequent swipes only get me the scopes manager)15:48
ogra_is that a known bug already ?15:48
* ogra_ thinks not rotating the scopes is a mistake ... 15:48
ogra_kgunn, ^^^ do you know if it will stay that way?15:55
kgunnogra_: i kinda feel like you do15:56
ogra_(feels very broken ... even with more than one app open and you accidentially land in the scopes)15:56
kgunnit was a design call15:56
ogra_(just had that twice in the last 10m,in)15:56
kgunnbut we can open a bug to see if they'll consider15:56
ogra_we just need a sprint and get olga really really drunk to sign it off on paper ;)15:57
ogra_never got these sprints when you really need them :/15:57
kgunn:) or maybe easier, just have her try a device with a modified desktop file for dash15:57
ogra_yeah, we should steal all these iphones from them :=)15:58
kgunnogra_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ux/+bug/146533115:59
ubot5Launchpad bug 1465331 in Ubuntu UX "should Dash rotate" [Undecided,New]15:59
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ogra_kgunn, commented :)16:02
mzanettiogra_, "no way" is wrong... the edge gestures are bound to the panel location basically.16:06
mzanettiI do agree this is a bit odd16:06
ogra_my mom wouldnt understand it16:06
mzanettinot so sure...16:06
ogra_she would then call my by landline telling me the phone is broken16:07
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mzanettiyour mom would probably rotate the phone16:07
ogra_because she cant get out of that thing that expnaded16:07
ogra_you dont know my mom ;)16:07
mzanettiI know mine...16:07
ogra_but yours is a rocket scientist !16:07
mzanettiyeah, exactly16:08
mzanettianyhow... if you switch to the dash, the painted orientation is changed16:08
mzanettiso not rotating the edge gestures with it would be wrong IMO16:08
ogra_well, if you only have one app open you can flick quickl between dash and the app in portatrait16:08
ogra_you cant do that at all in landscape16:09
mzanettino... if you switch to an app that is locked to portrait, you need to interact with the phone in portrait16:09
ogra_i am opening a webapp in landscape ...16:09
ogra_then i flick back to the dash16:09
ogra_when i now want to flick back to the app i cant16:10
mzanettiwell, you can, from another edge tho16:10
ogra_at least not with the same gesture i could use to get where i am or i can use in portatrait16:10
* ogra_ wonders what makes portrait always come out typoed like that 16:11
mzanettibefore, this was an issue with the browser for example... without shellrotation, you can't use the browser's bottom edge in landscape16:11
mzanettiyou can do that now16:11
JanCit's especially annoying when you accidentally flick to the dash16:11
ogra_mzanetti, right16:11
ogra_mzanetti, but imho either the gestures should stick to the rotation ... or even better, simply make the dash rotate too16:11
ogra_JanC, thats what i was meanin16:11
ogra_JanC, comment in bug 1465331 ;)16:12
ubot5bug 1465331 in Ubuntu UX "should Dash rotate" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146533116:12
mzanettiogra_, yes, making the dash rotate would be a good thing IMO. Doesn't solve the problem when you're switching to another app that's locked to portrait tho16:12
mzanettior when in portrait mode, and switching to an app that's locked to landscape16:12
ogra_can we now lock apps to a certain rotation ?16:13
ogra_last time i tried it only blocked the rotating itself16:13
mzanettiyep, that's fixed too now16:13
ogra_but didnt fix any orienmtation16:13
mzanettisadly, right now only in the .desktop file16:13
mzanettibut there's a plan to make an API and allow that dynamically16:13
mariogripCan i have a remote cdimage-device instead of local? stgraber16:22
mariogrip(system-image server)16:22
ahoneybunGreat to see your work on the OPO titles16:23
ahoneybunmhall119: and I talked about your port work at SELF16:24
mariogripahoneybun: Awesome :D16:29
ahoneybunmariogrip: can't wait to try it once we have working radio lol16:32
studio_is there a "deadline" when x applications will work on mir, i mean the xmir?16:33
popeystudio_: no16:33
studio_a "nearly" deadline?16:33
popeynot that I know of16:34
popeyask kgunn :)16:34
studio_hmm :(16:34
studio_i thought xmir is a target from mir?16:34
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kgunnstudio_: well...what do you mean exactly?16:34
kgunnbregma: ^16:34
studio_kgunn, i mean to run all the x apps, that i know from ubuntu, to run on the touch device16:35
mariogripahoneybun: yeah, I think lots of ppl are waiting for radio :) but i had a small break to work on OTA, Multirom and Apparmor3 after requests16:35
* ahoneybun waves at kgunn 16:36
kgunnstudio_: got it , not just a specific one...but all, so that'll be done through an lxc16:36
studio_kgunn, for exp. lmms16:36
ahoneybunmariogrip: when I get some more money I'll try to shoot some to you for the work16:36
kgunnstudio_: there's confinement issues with x apps in a generic sense...16:36
kgunnschedule wise i'd say we're looking around the fall of this year16:38
studio_i thought xmir will handle all that x apps?16:38
studio_"this year" sounds good16:39
kgunnstudio_: well, it'll handling the rendering/input....but xmir doesn't wrap them for click/snap etc and give them security policies16:39
kgunnso lxc is a way to get "all the xapps" without wrapping all of them16:40
mariogripahoneybun: Awww, thanks i really appreciate it :D16:40
ahoneybunAnd I really appreciate the work16:41
popeykgunn: one big lxc, or lots of them, one per app?16:42
jdstrandkgunn: I missed context here. are you saying that as a means to get X apps there will be an lxc container for X apps that talk to a single xmir that runs alongside other apps?16:42
jdstrandso, I can run thunderbird and rhythmbox in this lxc and they will be using the same xmir?16:43
jdstrandand what is in the container is what comes from the ubuntu archive? (and thus, vetted using normal archive practices)?16:44
jdstrandtyhicks: you may want to see this ^16:44
Walexpopey: the Click packaging system is described online in some introduction16:45
popeyWalex: i know about click packaging :)16:45
Walexjdstrand: my understanding is that policies regarding X apps and Mir and XMir are not quite fully defined. Right now my impression is that X apps are just not in scope. Eventually there will be "converged" phones where all these issues have been resolved. Interesting times at Canonical :-).16:48
studio_kgunn, btw. "security policies", what about the sd card and ext4 for the small memory in the bq e4.5, will ut able in the next future to handle that?16:48
egon1i have a aquaris 4,5 ubuntu... and want to use whatsapp... it is possible?16:48
popeyegon1: there's no whatsapp yet16:50
egon1and a trick exists?16:50
popeya trick?16:51
jdstrandWalex: right, I might have read too much into kgunn's comments but it was sounding like things were getting defined, and I wanted to understand them :)16:51
Walexjdstrand: things I think are *getting* defined. :-)16:51
bregmajdstrand, there will not be a common XMir shared between the container applications16:51
bregmait will be more like each contained application has its own personal X server16:53
dobeyoh my, again16:53
Walexjdstrand: what <bregma> says does not surprise me because the X protocol has some difficulty partitioning input events by application... :-)16:54
WalexI wonder sometimes what has happened to the "secure X" protocol16:54
dobeyegon1: the trick is to convince whatsapp that ubuntu is a platform they should support. beyond that, there is no workaround to using whatsapp. there are alternatives you can use though, like telegram16:54
jdstrandindeed. I'm quite familiar with that16:54
jdstrand(not the secure X bit, but the isolation)16:55
jdstrandbregma: ok, that's cool, but there will be a common lxc container?16:55
Walexjdstrand: you could open a terminal on your bq phone and have a look with multiple apps running :-)16:56
Walexfor the current state of things at least...16:56
bregmajdstrand, yes16:56
Walexbregma: ????????? common among what?16:57
jdstrandbregma: ok. is there a design doc? I'm curious how the container is going to be maintained16:57
jdstrandcause it sounds like we may be reintroducing apt on converged devices16:58
bregmajdstrand, that is still under investigation, but since it's there for the purposes of supporting DEBs, it is likely to be something along the lines of "apt-get upgrade" somewhere16:58
bregmaon the other hand, if a snappy app is shipping an XMir, the answer is simpler16:58
jdstrandbregma: we expect apps to ship their own xmir? won't the mir framework provide it for them?16:59
studio_again, will ut handle in the near future sd cards, formated in ext4, handle for additional memory/space ?16:59
bregmajdstrand, think of the container as a single app that provides an old-fasioned experience, like driving a classic car16:59
Walexbregma: so one container for all "traditional" apps, and one per each Click "confined" app, I guess.17:00
jdstrandstudio_: there is a thread on that on ubuntu-phone and it was discussed earlier today in this channel. the conversation should be picking up on the mailing list again this week17:00
bregmaWalex, clicks don't need to be in a container17:00
jdstrandbregma: that doesn't sound so simple :)17:01
bregmajdstrand, thinking of it that way is simple, it doesn;t mean the implementation is simple17:01
Walexbregma: and how do you enforce permissions then if a Click app in not in a container?17:01
studio_jdstrand, ok, nice to hear, it is in discussion ...17:01
jdstrandbregma: if this is getting written down somewhere, can you share the doc with me and tyhicks?17:01
popeyWalex: apparmor17:01
popeyWalex: same way we already do17:01
bregmajdstrand, I'll try to gather the docs together for you17:02
jdstrandWalex: this container approach sounds like a bridging technology. the best developer experience is going to be to support mir because then you can update whenever you want cause mir solves the X issue and apps are individually confined17:03
bregmajdstrand, we're currently stumbling on some security-related issues anyway and need some input17:03
jdstrandWalex: the container is a way to get stuff going on converged for existing apps in the archive17:03
Walexpopey: uhm. that's a bit surprising. Then why use Click at all?17:03
popeyclick apps are confined with apparmor, that's been the case on phone ~forever.17:04
bregmathe container approach will never give a fully satisfactory fully-integrated experience17:04
bregmaexception maybe the most trivial of cases17:04
jdstrandyeah. there are very interesting questions surrounding filesystem access, etc17:04
jdstrandanyway, that is precisely why I asked for us to get involved :)17:05
jdstrandwe don't have to solve it here17:05
Walexhttps://penguindroppings.wordpress.com/2015/01/30/snappy-app-trust-model/ by some "jdstrand"#17:05
jdstrandWalex: that would be me17:05
Walexwhat a coincidence :-)17:05
studio_one last question for today, what about "DisplayLink" an ut? i have seen, that displaylink is supporting drivers for their devices on (arm) based devices. will they in the near future also work on ubuntu (touch)?17:05
jdstrandyes, small world :)17:05
jdstrandstudio_: fyi, this was the mailing list discussion I was referring to earlier: https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg13033.html17:08
popeystudio_: DisplayLink support isn't great in Linux.17:09
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studio_jdstrand, thanks for the url. popey, i thought this, ASIN: B005RUSWHQ (amazon) is working under ubuntu, isn'tit?17:11
popeyi know of no phones with a USB A port like that :)17:11
studio_is it depending from a "phone"?17:12
popeyi was joking17:12
WalexOK guys I think I will have a look at recent Touch/Snappy docs, blog posts, mailing list stuff because it seems interesting and more fluid than I thought. I had though that AppArmor's role was to help confine LXC containers, instead of being an alternative, for example.17:15
jdstrandWalex: fyi, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Specifications/ApplicationConfinement#Questions17:16
WalexI think you have got quite a challenge, but getting there.17:16
* ogra_ wouldnt think of it as an alternative ... 17:18
jdstrandWalex: apparmor is used to confine lxc containers. it is used to confine processes in the distro. it is used to confine apps (along with secure designs like mir) to confine apps on touch. it is used with a few container techniques in snappy17:18
jdstrandWalex: app containers are great for certain things. if that tool works, use them (eg docker). however our requirements were different that simple app containers. that ApplicaionIsolation document gives a lot of detail on why we are doing what we are doing17:19
Walexjdstrand: you are listing a (small) number of somewhat different mixes of various techs. That was what I think has been confusing me.17:19
jdstrandSnappyConfinement iterates on that17:20
Walexjdstrand: I have read a bit of your latest URL and seems sensible to me.17:20
studio_popey, if canoncial can spend you this "www.amazon.co.uk/Accell-J130B-001B-UltraVideo-DVI-I-Adapter/dp/B005RUSWHQ" for testing, can you please test it?17:20
jdstrandWalex: right. the point I was making is that apparmor isn't an alternative to lxc containers for confinement. that presumes that lxc containers meets all the requirements and we chose something different to meet the requirements17:21
Walexstudio_: the Ubuntu Edge was supposed to have a mikcro-HDMI connector.17:21
ogra_studio_, weird, i thought anpok_ explained to you that these devices wont work due to the drm driver last time17:21
ogra_(or rather the missing drm driver)17:21
Walexjdstrand: I understand that now. I am not find of containers... I had imagined from various bits and pieces that Touch was more like Snappy or even the SystemD/BTRFS/Builder approach.17:22
popeyoh yes17:22
ogra_why would canonical have any interest in testing them if we already know they cant work17:22
studio_Walex, the is no Ubuntu Edge, just bq E5 and E4.5, without MHL and Meizu MX4 with MHL17:22
popey20:42 < anpok_> tathhu: hmm no.. it mostly means that you have another drm device not capable of rendering.. but capable of page flips/plane configuration.. so you need to find an efficient way to get the content from the android native buffer there17:23
ogra_and it is likely that neither will get a convergence mode17:23
ogra_the converged phone will actually have properly selected HW that will support external displays out of the box ...17:23
popeyyeah, that's step 1 :D17:23
jdstrandWalex: ah! ok, yes then I see why you might be confused17:24
ogra_and i doubt there is any other focus on supporting convergence on any other devices for this iteration (later perhaps ... )17:24
jdstrandWalex: we've not had too many people look at snappy first then touch :)17:24
ogra_which kind of flipped around recently :)17:24
ogra_(today it is snappy first)17:25
jdstrandWalex: so, ApplicationConfinement was for touch. touch came first. we learned a lot from that and are developing snappy. snappy for ubuntu core exists today. snappy for ubuntu personal is the future of touch/converged17:25
studio_popey an orga, does that mean, your re-postings, that the mx4 ubuntu-edition do not support mhl?17:25
jdstrandWalex: so everything in the touch world is moving to snappy, but it isn't there yet, so there are some differences17:25
Walexjdstrand: well maybe you need some communication about that because it is easy to think Touch is built on Snappy... While I now seem to understand they sort of parallel for now.17:25
ogra_studio_, no, it means that nobody will look into doing anything with MHL on that device17:26
ogra_focus for convergence will be on the convergence phone17:26
jdstrandWalex: very soon touch will be on snappy-- people are actively working on it as we speak17:26
ogra_and the few developer resources we have will work on making this work flawless17:26
ogra_instead of looking into phones that are clearly only phones for now ...17:26
ogra_as i said, they might get supported at a later poiint but surely not before 16.04 release17:27
jdstrandWalex: well, 'very' is perhaps strong. there is a lot to do, but there is a big focus with deliverables for 15.10 and then more for 16.04. I don't have all the details or the timelines, but we want everything to be on snappy as soon as possible17:27
studio_ogra_, what is the different between a "phone", "smart-phone", "PDA" and an "handheld pc"?17:28
ogra_Walex, yeah, the gors of developers moved from phone to snappy for this ...17:28
Walexstudio_: exactly! The Edge was designed as a high end converged phone with the ability to drive an external display, but it does not exist yet. The bq ones haven't been designed to be converged phones.17:28
ogra_studio_, the installed stuff we put on their images17:29
ogra_the phones will stay phones for a while ... convergence focus will be on the converged device that will eb developed by bq17:29
studio_ogra_, houch, maybe i missed the point, thanks that you pointed to "we put ..."17:30
ogra_also i highly doubt you can make MHL work easily with the mx4 ... the PVR driver has its issues (like al PVR drivers always had)17:30
WalexBTW I am quite happy with the bq 4.5 it is very good value as a midrange phone. Ubuntu Touch 14.10 has some big functionality missing but it is quite usable and I quite like the swipes, excellent idea.17:31
ogra_(it is too bad that such beautiful hardware has such bad drivers ... (we had this prob with all TI hardware and it didint really change over the last 5-6 years)17:31
ogra_functionallity will grow as people push apps to the store17:32
popeyyeah, it's already surprised me what people have been able to do17:32
popeythat'll get even better as more devices are out there17:32
popeyin more regions :)17:32
ogra_(liek the SD card issue that came up today ... that triggers proper planning of an SD card service that apps can use for example)17:33
Walexogra_: I means really big stuff like GPS, SIM contacts, the vexed SD issue above, unmounting the SD, ...17:33
popeyyeah, new apps trigger those conversations17:33
ogra_Walex, the OTA4 upudate should come today or tomorrow17:33
Walexbut I heard in this channel some of those things will be fixed in that update.17:33
ogra_Walex, at least GPS now works pretty reliable17:33
ogra_(and sim contact import too)17:33
Walexgood good17:34
ogra_Sd is quite a thing, since we need to secure it17:34
ogra_so that will end up with a service that SDK apps can use to write to it or some such17:34
Walexyes, I was reading the SD discussion.17:34
ogra_no direct access etc17:34
* Walex is about to vanish to catch a train17:34
* ogra_ would actually go with a sparse img file per app that gets loop mounted :) 17:35
ogra_that way you can still keep shared dirs like Music and Documents ... and can keep vfat17:35
ogra_but have per app dirs too17:35
studio_Walex, i don't know, why some peoples write in the internet, that the next/first convergence phone will be build by bq ... DisplayLink would be nice on all ubuntu devices ...17:37
ogra_studio_, again, the driver will prevent that from working17:37
studio_ogra_, i didn't wrote that the device is working on ubuntu, i only posted the asin17:38
ogra_studio_, well, anpok_ gave you the info that display link cant work a week ago ...17:39
ogra_due to drm drivers17:39
ogra_popey, that remids me ...17:40
ogra_why dont we have a YO! app yet !!!17:40
studio_ogra_, the guys who posted the ASIN B005RUSWHQ is working under ubuntu also wrote it is depending from the kernel17:40
ogra_or am i old fashioned and the trend is over ?17:40
popeystudio_: linux support for displaylink is not great17:40
popeyogra_: i have it installed on my android device17:40
popeybut only rarely "Yo" people17:41
ogra_studio_, whatever he wrote, i trust the person working on Mir a bit more about what works with it and what doesnt :)17:41
anpok_(well i didnt that sayt it wont work.. it just needs a code path that we do not have yet.. and it may be possible someone sorts that out..)17:41
ogra_(and since Mir does use a similar driver stack to wayland i guess displaylink will over time stop working on all distros)17:41
anpok_but I think studio_ is pitching that from the wrong direction..17:41
DexterFGoogle has annoyed me long enough and I noticed the Bq Aquaris E5 HD comes with Ubuntu preinstalled, too. So, does U/P cover all the devices features, dual sim, gps? and: is there any app that can talk to Threema?17:41
ogra_anpok_, as iusual ...17:42
anpok_/1/ Will clients of system compositors server want anything other than17:42
anpok_fullscreen surfaces? This is what the Mir code does by default, as does17:42
anpok_Unity8 and the USC spinner. (When I checked with Gerry on IRC he didn't17:42
anpok_wrong channel17:42
ogra_DexterF, not threema, but telegram17:42
ogra_DexterF, beyond that ... yes to all other questions17:42
studio_ogra_, how can it be, that the device is working under 14.04, but not under 14.10 or 15.04? So the must be have some changes in the kernel for ubuntu?17:43
popeystudio_: displaylink devices aren't working well on linux17:44
ogra_studio_, no, distros switch away from Xorg ... and the DRM drivers used for it17:44
DexterFogra_: hmm, bugger. I have a lot of Threema contacts. Would have to work them into switchign *again*.17:44
studio_hmm, how to fix that?17:44
ogra_and beyond that ... i think popey said 5 times now that displaylink devices are a pain under linux in general17:44
* ogra_ has a few DL USB devices and they are ... well usable for consoles ... 17:45
studio_ogra_, is it general linux or only ubuntu?17:45
ogra_studio_, you talk to the vendors, talk to the driver developers, talk to the linx developers and send them patches that fix it17:45
ogra_studio_, please read the backlog, i dont want to parrot popey all the time17:46
popeystudio_: linux - specifically the linux kernel17:46
ogra_DexterF, well, you could convince threema to provide a client ;)17:49
studio_popey, thanks. i am a bit confused about Android-Kernel, Ubuntu-Touch, Ubuntu-Next, Xmir, Mir, Snappy, Debian and Wayland ...17:49
ogra_thats a lot stuff unconditionally mixed together17:49
popeystudio_: that's why I very deliberately said "Linux" every time. Linux is the kernel17:49
DexterFogra_: I will ask them, actually, I just doubt they will listen17:49
zygaogra_: I have a usb3 vga adapter17:49
zygaogra_: works for 1080p17:49
zygaogra_: a bit weird but works17:49
ogra_zyga, under Mir or wayland ?17:49
zygaogra_: neither17:49
ogra_see :)17:50
zygaogra_: under vmware17:50
zygaogra_: and windows17:50
ogra_and once Xorg is gone there wont be a way to use it ...17:50
zygaogra_: it's not bad apart from that17:50
zygaogra_: (linux drivers are coming, so they say017:50
ogra_but perhaps vaendors will recognize that and provide proper drivers17:50
zygaogra_: the hell is very cold lately so that's quite possible17:51
studio_zyga, what device are you using?17:53
zygastudio_: one sec17:54
zygastudio_: usb ID: 1d5c:200017:54
zygastudio_: it's a new chip17:54
zygastudio_: seems to be called "Fresco"17:55
ogra_because it is fresh 117:55
zygaogra_: (fanfare) :-)17:56
zygaogra_: I don't know if it's possible but it seems to be lossless17:56
zygaogra_: the quality is perfect17:56
popeyat 3fps?17:56
studio_zyga, what chipset is it using?17:56
zygapopey: no, full video17:56
zygapopey: I use it to roll random stuff that helps me work17:56
popeyoh, usb317:56
popeymissed that17:57
zygapopey: yes, it does 800x600 over usb 217:57
popeyand doesn't work at all on linux, right?17:57
ogra_with USB3 you can even have crappy drivers :)17:57
zygapopey: yep17:57
* ogra_ decides to give up on py-snapper today ... 18:01
ogra_why cane everyone use shell ... all these fancy programming languages !!!18:01
zygaogra_: because they are rewriting 26 man-years of $everything to go ;-)18:03
ogra_go away !18:03
conyoopfff image 160 rc proposed gives me a black screen in emulator x8618:12
conyooi can connect adb shell to the emulator18:13
ogra_yeah, there was some issue with the gles stuff iirc18:13
conyooconnection to Mir server failed. Check that a Mir server is18:13
conyoorunning, and the correct socket is being used and is accessible. The shell may have18:13
conyoorejected the incoming connection, so check its log file18:13
conyoook i see18:13
ogra_the emulator needs specific gles rebuilds of the driver stack18:13
brunch875hey guys I just went for a stroll and I noticed the GPS works now18:13
brunch875also, the new rotation is amazing18:13
brunch875good jerbs!18:14
ogra_sil2100, ^^ wasnt that supposed to be solved ?18:14
ogra_(qtmir-gles and friends)18:14
conyooogra_, thanks :P18:14
svij"Software is up to date" … *waits*18:16
cedian_linuxHi I'm back18:17
=== popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-touch to: Home: http://bit.ly/YEqEfo | Install: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install | Porting (advanced) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting | Bug filing: http://bit.ly/1aV9AJG | Dashboard: http://bit.ly/12AQV53 | Changelog: http://bit.ly/1ljube1 | http://www.bq.com/gb/ubuntu.html | http://www.meizu.com/products/ubuntu.html | OTA 4 is out! (phased updates)
* ogra_ feels the power 18:19
ogra_there it goes again18:19
ogra_hah, you won the lottery !18:19
ogra_why is it so small ?18:19
ogra_that should be closer to 450M18:20
davmor2ogra_: I suppose that popey has all the apps updated from the store18:21
ahoneybunIf I'm on wily with r220 when will we get the GPS and rotation fixes?18:21
ogra_well, that wont make the tarball he downloads smaller18:21
davmor2ogra_: indeed does seem wrong18:21
ogra_ahoneybun, it is in rc-rproposed ...18:22
cedian_linuxI got some errors18:22
ogra_ahoneybun, just use a sane channel . wily isnt really that18:22
ahoneybunSo I think I'm on rc-proposed18:22
ogra_then you have the shell rotation18:22
ahoneybunI've not seen a big update18:23
ogra_rotate with an app open and see if the panel rotates along18:23
ahoneybunSome small app updates18:23
mariogripahoneybun: I just checked, it does on rc-proposed18:24
ogra_ahoneybun, what device ?18:24
ogra_on the bq you should be on 3618:24
mariogripah, i bq18:24
cedian_linuxmariogrip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11720957/18:24
ogra_ah, havent booted that in 6 months :)18:24
ahoneybunI'm on edge with it atm18:25
ahoneybunSo no way I'll download a update if it does come18:25
mariogripcedian_linux: did you pull the vendor files?18:25
cedian_linuxyes I think so18:25
ahoneybunI'll reboot and check18:26
popeyso ~9 minutes total ogra_18:26
cedian_linuxmariogrip: nothing in there18:26
ogra_popey, how many apps ?18:26
popeyphablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ click list | wc -l18:26
ogra_mine was closer to 15 ... but that was from rtm-proposed to rc-proposed18:26
ogra_and a while ago18:26
ogra_(two weeks or so)18:26
mariogripcedian_linux: it seems like it didn't fetch all the vendor files, i think you need to fetch them again18:27
ahoneybunSo not ported to the mako yet18:27
mariogripcedian_linux: download a working version of cm and flash it to the device and run the extract-files.sh (in device/oneplus/bacon)18:29
ogra_ahoneybun, well, it is a rootfs change ... should be identical on all devices ... but if you are on edge it perhaps simply doesnt show you the new image18:29
ahoneybunYea maybe18:29
ahoneybunI'll check it out once I get decent wifi18:30
conyoommm bacon18:30
cedian_linuxmariogrip: Can I sync it too?18:30
mariogripcedian_linux: ? what to you mean by sync18:31
cedian_linuxmariogrip: repo sync18:32
mariogripah yeah18:32
mariogripbut that will not fetch the vendor files18:32
cedian_linuxI got them in another directory, I think,18:32
cedian_linuxthey're copied18:33
mariogripcedian_linux: http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Doc:_porting_intro#Add_the_blobs_to_the_vendor.2F_directory18:33
cedian_linuxmariogrip: that's weird18:35
cedian_linuxmariogrip: I thought Muppets had them18:35
mariogripyou can use this https://github.com/TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_oppo/tree/cm-11.018:37
cedian_linuxYeah I know mariogrip, I used it18:37
buntyanybody has any idea about x11 server issue on nexus 7 using ubuntu touch? please help.18:46
lotuspsychjebunty: wich touch channel did you install?18:47
buntytouch channel? i didn't understand?18:48
lotuspsychjebunty: you installed ubuntu touch on your nexus7 right18:48
lotuspsychjebunty: there are several channels you can install18:48
buntyohh yeah right18:48
lotuspsychjebunty: devel, devel-proposed,etc18:49
buntylet me tell u18:49
buntyit's devel18:49
lotuspsychjebunty: try installing devel-proposed, works very good on my nexus718:49
buntyare you using gstreamer for videos?18:50
buntybecause I am using this video player for running Real time streaming.18:50
buntydo you know any video player? because I can only find VLC18:51
lotuspsychjebunty: didnt test myself, you can ask in chat here18:51
buntythat to not working on my device. I am opening it but it again closes automatically18:51
SturmFlutWaiting for an OTA is always so nervewrecking18:52
ogra_come on :)18:53
svijSturmFlut: hehe18:53
buntyanybody using gstreamer on ubuntu touch??18:53
ogra_impatient youngsters ...18:53
* ogra_ shakes his cane18:53
SturmFlutogra_: I think we are about the same age18:54
ogra_bunty, everyone who uses media froma QML app :)18:54
ogra_*from a18:54
ogra_SturmFlut, geez, really ?18:55
* ogra_ did think of you as below 30 :) 18:55
ogra_you surely have less wrinkles on IRC :)18:55
SturmFlutogra_: Hm no, wait, you're actually ten years older18:56
ogra_ha !18:56
SturmFlut"Grandpa ogra_ is telling war stories again"18:56
ogra_well ... back then ... you know ...18:56
buntyOgra_: I am facing problem while using gstreamer. it say X11 server problem18:57
ogra_when we compiled linux 0.99 with a steam engine ...18:57
ogra_bunty, you try to use gstreamer directly ?18:57
SturmFlutYeah, yeah, we know, back when rubber boots were still made out of wood18:57
ogra_instead of through media-hub ?18:57
ogra_SturmFlut, they were so much more comfortable ... and they didnt sink if you lost them !18:57
SturmFlutogra_: I know, everything was better back then. Even the future.18:58
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=== tvoss|test is now known as tvoss
davmor2Luxury When I were a lad you wore broken  glass on your feet and were grateful for it ;)  I love that sketch18:59
buntynot really. I have downloaded package gstreamer 1.0 from terminal window and tryig to run it but no video pop up and even I also try to capture a animated image but its not creating that too18:59
ogra_yeah, thats not how it works19:00
ogra_what is your final goal of this ?19:00
SturmFlutogra_: The funny thing is that you are ten years older, but we both spent the same time using Linux.19:00
buntyI have to run a RTSP stream on gstreamer19:00
taiebotgetting confused here with the channels list. What channel should i used to get mako #20 if i flash with ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel=ubuntu-touch/stable i get version #1919:01
buntyI have it on my ubuntu 12.04 desktop19:01
ogra_so you would write a QML wrapper that recieves the rtsp and hand it to the medis-hub service19:01
buntyand the same i want on my ubuntu touch tablet19:01
davmor2SturmFlut: yeah but that is because Linux isn't that old :)19:01
ogra_SturmFlut, yeah !19:01
SturmFluttaiebot: The stable channel should give you OTA-4 (#20) within the next 24 hours19:02
ogra_i worked in non coomputer jobs until linux came around :)19:02
buntyOgra: I am not getting your point. can you please tell me more on it19:02
taiebotSturmflut i though forcing a channel update would give me #2019:03
ogra_bunty, to have your app work on the phone you shoulld use QML ... in QML the system offers you to use the media-hub to play audio, video and/or stream stuff19:03
SturmFlutdavmor2: Both ogra_ and me started around 1995. That was 20 years ago! Old enough!19:03
buntyit means gstreamer will not work right?19:03
ogra_bunty, https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/development/19:04
ahayzenAnyone else getting bug 1458897, i was getting it on rc-proposed #159 but now not on #160, it seems a bit random as it keeps getting 'fixed' and then returning, would be interested if anyone else has seen it?19:04
ubot5bug 1458897 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "[mako] When starting/seeking music the volume notification appears" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145889719:04
ogra_bunty, Ot.Multimedia uses gstreamer ... but your app wont have direct access, it needs to go through media-hub (either by using C++ and link against it or voa QML)19:04
davmor2SturmFlut: Meh I use BBC micros back in the day https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BBC_Micro which means I used arm before it was cool :)19:04
ogra_SturmFlut, my first computer was a TI57a though ... my second one a VC2019:06
ogra_(and there was no C64 on the market back then)19:06
davmor2SturmFlut: I have a boxed SuSE Linux 6.3 on my shelf that was my first dabbling with Linux :)19:06
* ogra_ has a 14 floppy SuSE version 19:06
davmor2SturmFlut: and then Fedora Core before it got numbers19:06
ogra_right before they started pressing CDs19:06
davmor2ogra_: this has both19:07
ogra_http://tajzsite.free.fr/ComputerMuseum/TI57a.jpg .... there is nothing like red glowing wires to draw numbers :)19:08
ogra_pixels are lame :)19:09
SturmFlutbunty: The phone does currently not work the same way the desktop does. The phone can run gstreamer, but you don't interact with it the way you do on the desktop.19:09
davmor2ogra_: hahaha19:10
SturmFlutbunty: I just used phablet-shell to log into my phone and tried "ubuntu-app-launch mediaplayer-app rtsp://", it seems to work somehow. I can hear the audio, but there's no video.19:10
buntySturmFlut: ok got it. but then what if I want to run my shell scripts on it?19:10
SturmFlutbunty: You can run your shell scripts using the "Terminal" app or phablet-shell, but there's an App Lifecycle which probably stops them in many cases.19:11
* ogra_ wonders if anyone filed a bug for user crontabs not being writable btw 19:12
buntyactually in my case my shell scripts is running and also giving the proper output as i needed but when it comes to video streaming it saying x11 server error and generic error.19:12
ogra_(it came up so often on the ML now ... but i bet there is no bug)19:12
mariogripthe "generic" device on the image server is arm and just a "installable version" of the cdimage preinstalled-armhf right?19:13
ogra_bunty, because there is no X111 on the phone19:13
SturmFlutbunty: There is no X11 on the phone19:13
buntyyou mean tablet right? as i am having nexus 7 tablet19:13
SturmFlutbunty: Let's say "device"19:13
SturmFlutbunty: There's no X11 on the device, it uses Mir instead.19:14
buntyyeah. so what are the possibilities to get it done?19:14
ogra_"thing" ... since we live in the aera of internet of things :)19:14
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ogra_bunty, well, i gave you one above ... a few lines of QML should get you going19:15
buntyI saw a weblink given by you. but I am not getting it actually19:15
* davmor2 now pictures the internet made of this http://addamsfamily.wikia.com/wiki/File:The-Thing-addams.jpg19:15
ogra_(there are surely others)19:15
buntyis it like a C++Qt?19:15
ogra_QMl is more like HTML actually19:16
SturmFlutbunty: What is your script trying to accomplish exactly? If it isn't confidential, can you post it on http://paste.ubuntu.com and post the link?19:16
dobeydavmor2: just think of all the free hands there will be, to help with typing code19:16
ogra_dobey, like monkeys you mean ?19:16
davmor2dobey: so you got no excuse right :P19:16
buntyyes i can do it.19:17
dobeyogra_: an infinite number of disembodied hands, typing on an infinite number of keyboards, will recreate Shakespeare?19:17
ogra_and marx !19:17
SturmFlutEvery time I think of ogra_ it ends with Snappy Skynet19:18
SturmFlutSnappy Skynet satellites, built from Ubuntu Fridges19:18
buntySturmFlut: here is the line which i am trying to execute on terminal: gst-launch-1.0 rtspsrc connection-speed=100000 latency=0 buffer-mode=none location=rtsp://admin:12345@ ! rtph264depay ! avdec_h264 ! videoconvert ! deinterlace mode=interlaced ! fpsdisplaysink sync=false -v19:18
dobeybunty: you'll need to use sdl or something as the sink, which can work under mir.19:19
dobeybetter of course would be to perhaps sync to a stream that media-hub is playing from19:20
SturmFlutbunty: Oh, that's a pretty elaborate one. I think dobey is right, you need something at the end that talks to Mir instead of X1119:20
ogra_probabyl jhodapp can give you a hint ...19:20
ogra_(though seems he just dropped off IRC)19:20
ogra_but as the media guy he surely knows the runes19:21
buntydobey: what kind of sink under mir you are talking about?19:22
zygaogra_: I envy you19:22
zygaogra_: the stuff you work on has hordes of people interested in and active19:22
dobeybunty: outputs in gstreamer are "sinks"19:22
ogra_zyga, come over to the dark side :)19:22
dobeybunty: you'll need to use one for your video, which supports rendering on mir19:22
ogra_bunty, there is jhodapp_ ;)19:22
ogra_he might be able to help you19:23
zygaogra_: I wish I had 0.1th of that19:23
dobeyzyga: meh. loads of interest == lots of people whining about things, too :)19:23
ogra_and bugs19:24
davmor2or just dobey  :D19:24
buntyogra: thanks man. i will ask him19:24
ogra_davmor2, dont you say anything bad about dobey, dobey  is always helpful and pays in scotch19:24
zygaogra_: do you have cookies? ;)19:25
zygadobey: that's an indication of good and bad things19:25
zygadobey: bad is that stuff doesn't work19:25
zygadobey: good is that people care19:25
dobeyzyga: people whining doesn't necessarily mean stuff doesn't work19:25
davmor2ogra_: I don't care you're not my dad :P19:25
ogra_lol, not *that old :)19:26
dobeydavmor2: no scotch for you. you get miller lite19:26
SturmFlutdavmor2: never anger ogra_, he has satellite fridges. And he *will* use them.19:27
ogra_i'm working on sharks with lasers though19:27
zygadobey: send everyone what whines to #checkbox, ;-)19:27
davmor2dobey: I don't drink you're influence is nill to me ;)19:27
ogra_sattelite fridges are so last month19:27
zygaogra_: I was just dreaming of a micro-sat that gets launched on a rocket19:28
zygaogra_: to get snappy into space19:28
zygaogra_: I would hate to have that "oops, I boot from eMMC bug" on orbit19:28
zygaogra_: maybe you can merge my patch ;->19:28
SturmFlutI can't think of anything cooler than an Ubuntu Fridge19:28
jhodapp_ogra_, what'd I do? ;)19:28
dobeyzyga: just flash an image to a satellite that's already in orbit19:28
ogra_zyga, will care for it during the week19:28
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dobeyzyga: maybe you can convince the lightsail people to use it ;)19:29
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zygaogra_: thanks19:29
ogra_jhodapp, bunty tries to run gstreamer directly with an rtsp stream from commandline and doesnt know what output sink to use for Mir19:29
SturmFlutdpm: o/19:29
zygaogra_: if it needs some more testing or different desing do tell me19:29
zygaogra_: I just want it fixed for what we're building19:29
dpmhey SturmFlut19:29
ogra_zyga, i think we're fine with testing19:29
jhodappogra_, thanks, talking with him now19:30
SturmFlutogra_, jhodapp: We could have just looked at http://sturmflut.github.io/ubuntu/bq/2015/05/31/hacking-the-bq-part-3-supported-media-plugins-and-codecs/ , there's "mirsink"19:31
* zyga just had a quick design idea, long press on camera setting (hdr, for example) toggles the option)19:32
ogra_but who reads documentation if he can chat on IRC :)19:32
jhodappogra_, :)19:32
SturmFlutogra_: I don't reverse-document all your crazy ideas for nothing!19:32
ogra_mine ?!?19:33
SturmFlutWe reverse-documentists take pride in our work19:33
zygahmm, I just reflashed krillin, is the stable channel still on the 14.09 image?19:33
zygahow does phased upgrades interact with the image server?19:33
SturmFlutzyga: system-image-cli takes a "--percentage" parameter19:33
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SturmFlutzyga: look at http://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/stable/bq-aquaris.en/krillin/index.json , at the very end it says "phased-percentage: 18"19:35
zygaSturmFlut: how can I flash the new version without           waiting?19:38
beunoSturmFlut, I assume your earlier ping was re: review?19:39
* ogra_ wonders if u-d-f supports --percentage ... i doubt it 19:39
ogra_so you likely have to flash what you get and then use system-image-cli19:39
conyoounknown flag `percentage'19:40
* ogra_ sees SturmFlut's last G+ post and notes that most of his apps are still on 14.04 19:43
dobeywould be nice to see how many people have upgraded to the new image once the rollout is done, and it's been a couple days19:44
dobeysee how many people with the e4.5 didn't upgrade19:45
SturmFlutbeuno: No, it was a question about flagging an inappropriate app in the store at first, but it quickly extended into a more general discussion about more things. Consider it solved for the moment, I'll write to the mailing list once I have throught everything through.19:46
zygaogra_: I tried s-i-c --percentage both 1 and 100 and still nothing?19:46
ogra_zyga, i think you need to match the percentage in the index.json19:46
beunoSturmFlut, ack. We have an API to flag them that the client doesn't use (yet)19:47
ogra_(not sure though)19:47
SturmFlutdobey: I thought the exact same thing just a couple of hours ago! We really need more statistics about the store, so we developers can target the platforms of our users better19:47
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SturmFlutbeuno: Ooooh! I didn't know about that.19:48
beunoSturmFlut, luckily, it hadn't been terribly important so far  :)19:48
zygaogra_: nope, doesn't work either19:49
zygaSturmFlut: do you know perhaps? --percentage, how to use it?19:49
ogra_zyga, oh, did you stop the running backend first ?19:49
ogra_running s-i-c twice in a row witout killing the dbus process is a bit tricky19:50
ogra_(it times out after 10 or 15min)19:50
SturmFlutbeuno: Yep, today was the first time that I came across an app where I thought "this is not right, this should be checked"19:51
dobeySturmFlut: are you talking about that telegram app?19:51
dobeyit looks ok to me19:52
SturmFlutdobey: Jep, sorry for nagging about it19:52
dobeywell, i didn't go through the code, but the code for the web site looks to be gplv3 and it's on github, and it's a fork of the other webogram app19:52
* ogra_ wanders away t the Tv to watch the world cup ... 19:53
beunothere's one that redirects all your data through their own service19:53
beunothat was unpublished19:53
SturmFlutdobey: There are three of those apps now, DTelegram, Webogram and Sommergram. They all load unsigned code from a third-party website, while we have a native Telegram app and while there is https://web.telegram.com . I have no idea what the guy behind Sommergram is planning, he just forked Webogram to change the color of the icons and so he can host the code himself.19:54
SturmFlutIn all three cases I would expect that it's just a webapp wrapper around the official web client, not that it pulls code from somewhere else.19:56
dobeySturmFlut: well, webogram was made before telegram had the web or ubuntu clients19:57
ogra_SturmFlut, oxide allows you to inject any kind of code in the browser ... so be happy they are doing it that obvious ...19:57
ogra_the could just use a local greasemonkey script and you wouldnt notice19:58
SturmFlutdobey: As far as I understand it, web.telegram.com is an officially hosted instance of Webogram19:59
conyooi'm gonna start learning c, can you guys give me some pointers?20:01
conyoopointers, hehe (i'm so dumb)20:02
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dobeywrite code20:02
SturmFlutI don't want to nag about it too much, I fully understand that some things cannot be prevented and the world will never be perfect. I just have the feeling that some security-related things could be improved. Let's end the discussion for today, I'll come up with some proposals and then we can look if any of it makes sense.20:03
SturmFlutbeuno: Are there any plans to show the requested AppArmor profiles before an app is about to be installed?20:05
beunoSturmFlut, quite the opposite20:06
beunothere's a write up somewhere as to why we don't want to replicate what android did20:06
beunoand instead show users in context when an app tries to access something20:06
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SturmFlutbeuno: But that doesn't apply to all AppArmor profiles, right? e.g. there is a permission dialogue if an app tries to geolocate the user, but there is none if it tries to connect to remote hosts.20:10
dobeySturmFlut: but apps can't read arbitrary paths on the filesystem either20:11
SturmFlutdobey: Sure, but you can do lots of stupid things without requiring access to user data. For example I could turn my QML game into a DDoS bot, and at this moment nobody would ever notice that a simple QML game attacks remote hosts while the user is playing.20:12
dobeySturmFlut: also, i don't think allowing it to a choose a contact magically grants it permissions to read all your contacts. it only gets the contacts you pick via content-hub, as i understand20:13
dobeySturmFlut: well, if it's qml/js, so i'm sure someone would figure it out by reading the source :)20:13
dobeySturmFlut: but sure. but you can only do that while the user is actively using the app. and if the purpose of your game is to ddos stuff, it's probably going to be a very unresponsive and crappy game while you are performing those attacks, so nobody will want to play it, and thus nobody will be running it :)20:14
dobeySturmFlut: then there's also the problem that people don't view network as private data, and expect everything does something on the internet, so asking that for every app is going to be daunting for the user.20:17
zygaogra_: no, thanks for the tip!20:17
SturmFlutdobey: I think full network access is so powerful that the user should be informed if an app wants to use it. It doesn't have to request permission for every connection, a general "do you really want this app to access the network" dialogue the first time would IMO already be much better than what we have now.20:18
SturmFlutdobey: Users are actually quite sensitive about app permissions, just look at the Android App Store. There are lots of people who write negative reviews because of too extensive permissions requested.20:19
dobeySturmFlut: yes, but android's permissions are also very unclear, and often very broad. nobody complains about the apps having network access though.20:20
dobeySturmFlut: you'd be better off comparing ubuntu to what ios does, i think20:20
jjohansenSturmFlut: install permy it will show you the set of permissions the app has20:21
SturmFlutdobey: Good point, I've never used iOS. Will have to do some research.20:21
SturmFlutjjohansen: Good call. I think something like Permy should be integrated into the core system.20:24
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jjohansenSturmFlut: yeah, it really should20:25
cedian_linuxjjohansen I'll use Ubuntu 14.04 or what the latest LTS was mariogrip: I'll remove Ubuntu 15.04 and go back to the latest LTS due to build problems20:28
jdstrandwriting it down and bring it up for discussion is a good thing. I can say that the current behavior is that we want tasteful contextual prompting. contacts is a good example of contextual prompting-- the user picks a contact and then behind the scenes that is implied permissions20:29
jdstrandan app that tries to access location service is an example of straight up security prompting-- it asks the first time, but then is remembered20:30
jdstrandassuming networking could be made to work like loaction service, nearly every app would ask for the networking permission20:31
jdstrandor rather20:31
jdstrandnearly every app current does ask for the network permission and if we prompted on first access, all of those would ask on startup20:31
jdstrandthere are scores of scopes installed on the device now20:32
jdstrandthey all hit the network in some fashion20:32
jdstrandso there is an interesting user experience issue to deal with on networking20:32
jdstrandand prompting the first time (nearly) every new app is launched is not a good user experience or tasteful. people understand in this day and age nearly everything hits the network and prompting for it would desensitize people20:34
cedian_linuxBTW Google wants to allow users what to share with a  app ops kind of thing  while app ops never was planned to release, but CyanogenMod kept it20:34
jdstrandso we don't prompt on that but do make sure apps can't steal data and send it off20:34
SturmFlutjdstrand: I could imagine some kind of "Audit Mode" for us paranoid people. It would simply log some things, like basic information about established network connections, to the logfile. This way it doesn't annoy the "normal" user, it makes my life much easier, and the information could be much more detailed than a simple tcpdump/tshark because the runtime environment (e.g. Qt or the JavaScript engine) could "enrich" it.20:35
jdstrandfyi, Ubuntu touch supports removing permissions from an app (eg, 'networking') if people want to do that20:35
jdstrandit isn't exposed via a gui though, but it can be done. it is also expected most apps won't function correctly if you remove the permissions they ask for20:36
jdstrandbut again, it is there for people who want it20:36
jdstrandSturmFlut: I would not at all be opposed to audit mode20:36
dobeyi could see a case for prompting for network access, when on a data plan that can be quite costly, for things that would be running in the background20:37
dobeyit would be weird though to have youtube asking me for network access20:37
cedian_linuxbut most people allow everything in order for free stuff. I've read that there were people who made a free open wife access point a which was fake they got around 10-20 users, later they made a fake page which people were redirected to on which stood that everyone who wanted wifi access should've gave his first born child or any pet20:38
jdstrandyeah, it is an interesting problem20:38
cedian_linuxa lot of people accepted it20:38
jdstranddo note application lifecycle prevents this background thing, but that will have to be adjusted for converged anyway20:38
jdstrandcedian_linux: yeah, the world can be a scary place with bad people :\20:39
jdstrandthat sounds dismissive, but it wasn't20:39
jdstrandpeople put so much trust into the network they are on and the apps they have installed without even thinking twice about it20:40
jdstrandlet alone the isp they use or the country they are in :)20:40
SturmFlutjdstrand: I'll see if I can write something up until the end of the week. I'll be on trains for a *very* long time, lots of time to think20:41
cedian_linuxsome manufacturers of NAS added anonymous FTP. It was on avrotros opgelicht/avrotros scammed20:41
cedian_linuxyeah jdstrand20:41
cedian_linuxand with a simple Google search people had access to digital identification papers20:42
cedian_linuxor any search20:42
cedian_linuxin my country the Netherlands the government has a bad security department20:43
cedian_linuxI mean web security20:43
cedian_linuxcool SturmFlut20:44
SturmFlutWhile we're at it: LastPass was hacked20:46
SturmFlutStoring passwords in the cloud, what could go wrong20:47
cedian_linuxKeepass is also decrypted20:47
cedian_linuxYeah what can go wrong with key data we store bad encrypted publically for everyone20:48
cedian_linuxMy phone wanted to type keep ass instead of keepass20:50
K1773Rjdstrand: thinking twice about it? i would be happy if they think once about it...20:58
cedian_linuxK1773R is right21:03
brunch875Damn I need a bluetooth headset21:06
brunch875better yet, what I need is to answer calls on my desktop21:06
brunch875oh please tell me you've got something on hands21:07
SturmFlutWith OTA-4 on krillin there's a single white pixel in the top left of the indicator bar. Does anybody else see this too?21:25
SturmFlutWhat the...21:30
SturmFlutpopey, mzanetti: Ping21:32
mzanettiyou, what up?21:33
mzanettiSturmFlut, ^ :)21:33
SturmFlutmzanetti: On the first reboot after the OTA-4 update it looked like the whole framebuffer on krillin was shifted one pixel to the right.21:34
mzanettihmm... yeah... we have seen that before, but never found a way to reproduce and it doesn't seem to happen often21:34
mzanettimust be in the lower layers somewhere, quite sure it's not unity21:34
SturmFlutI would think so, I took screenshots and the problem is not visible on them21:35
SturmFlutLet me see if I can trigger this...21:35
SturmFlutHm, no, at least my idea didn't trigger it once in five reboots21:41
SturmFlutogra_: Oh, apparently the phased update logic changed between OTA-3.5 and OTA-4?21:46
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cedian_linuxNotification led works on the opo22:00
SturmFlutrsalveti: Ping22:10
SturmFlutsil2100: Ping22:14
sil2100SturmFlut: pong22:15
nhainesHmm, it worked just fine in the vivid-proposed days, and it works fine on wily, but OTA-4 broke contenthub with my webapp.22:16
SturmFlutsil2100: I was just looking at the phased update process out of curiosity, and I'm probably just an idiot, but the code shipped with OTA-4 is different from the one in OTA-3.5 and checking the github code for ubuntu-system-image the version in OTA-4 seems to have been replaced last year22:17
SturmFlutsil2100: Was the system-image-common package somehow reverted back to an older version on OTA-4?22:19
sil2100SturmFlut: hmmm, I just checked an I'm a bit worried now, it seems that indeed barry didn't backport the s-i version to the vivid overlay22:23
SturmFlutsil2100: I just found out because the code for the calculation of the phased update percentage is broken in this version, otherwise I wouldn't have noticed22:24
sil210014.09 had a custom system-image version, wily got the 3.0 s-i, but it seems none of those got prepared for the PPA22:24
SturmFlutsil2100: And lots of other files in that package have timestamps from last year too22:25
sil2100SturmFlut: thanks for noticing, it's indeed troublesome that barry didn't forward the changes there22:28
SturmFlutsil2100: :/22:28
* sil2100 needs to go to sleep now22:29
SturmFlutsil2100: Yeah, me too, same timezone22:29
sil2100I'll bring it up with him tomorrow once he's up22:29
SturmFlutsil2100: Good night22:29
sil2100Good night!22:30
cedian_linuxGood night folks22:33
ignacioHi everyone :P22:42

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