
shaunothe unladen european diddledan?00:01
shaunoI should be in bed, but my butt and the couch are getting on so well, it seems like a shame to split them up00:03
shaunoI was out on that bloody contaption again.  it doesn't seem to be working, I'm still fat00:05
daftykinsannoying not getting instant results isn't it :/00:06
daftykinstell you what though, post hospital i could do maybe 5 pushups, now i can hit 19 or 20 back to back00:06
shaunoyeah.  I think I need a faster processor00:06
daftykinscollapse immediately after though :D00:06
shaunoI had a really silly planning error today though00:07
shaunoI cycled until I hurt.  and then turned around and cycled home again :/00:07
shaunoI honestly thought I was cleverer than that00:08
daftykinswell at least you can say you fought through the pain!00:09
shaunoit was more of a whine than a fight :/00:10
daftykinsa whimper!00:11
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=== Azeiphur is now known as Azelphur
mappshi all:)03:34
mappssundays are good04:41
mappssilicon valley and american odysey04:41
MooDoohello all07:06
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.07:06
MooDoohow are you brobostigon ?07:08
brobostigonnot too bad, all loved up, and you?07:09
* brobostigon is back together with his ex fiance.07:11
bujjimy load avg for 15m is 10.44 what should i do07:15
popeybujji: why is that a problem?07:16
bujjii dont know..no zombie07:17
popeyno, I'm asking why you're concerned about it07:18
bujjiload avg is greater 4 and all07:19
popeyso the box was busy.07:19
popeywhat's the 1m and 5m load average?07:19
popeymaybe you had a cron job running on the hour which has now finished.07:20
bujji3.45 5.34 8.3407:20
popeyso it's something that's passed then07:20
bujjihow can i  identify?07:22
popeywell, those processes have now ended or calmed down07:23
popeyIt's not necessarily a problem.07:23
bujjidoes cronjob will take heavy load on the syatem.07:23
popeyDepends what your cron jobs do07:23
bujjibefore that ,i did set cronjob for every minute delete text files in specified location.07:25
SuperMattload can be so many things07:25
SuperMattis there high io on the box?07:25
popeyit was high ~15 minutes ago, things may have changed since then07:26
bujjiSuperMatt:few can you list?07:28
popeyleave "vmstat 5" running07:28
popeylook at the "wa" column07:28
bujjipopey:for every 5 seconds virtual memory status07:31
popeytop and vmstat are useful for identifying problems when a machine is busy07:33
SuperMattif top is taking a long time to load though, just reboot ;)07:35
SuperMattalso, iotop is quite good07:35
bujjiif which value increasing  the sytem get problem07:35
directhexone of the things that contributes to a high load average is "iowait", i.e. the cpu not doing anything because it's waiting on slow disk activity.07:36
directhexif "iostat" shows a high iowait percentage, then that's the issue - basically only fixable by replacing spinning rust with SSDs07:37
popeyor moving work07:39
bujjidirecthex:how can i observe these tings in vmstat and make it things normal07:39
directhexsecond to last column, iirc?07:40
SuperMattalso, type "free -m". If the swap usage is anything above 0, you're simply using too much memory07:40
directhexyes, the "wa" column, second to last, is iowait.07:40
directhexand SuperMatt isn't wrong, you really don't want to be using swap07:40
SuperMattI have to tell our cloud customers off all the time for hitting swap07:41
bujjiwa 007:42
knightwisemorning everyone07:42
SuperMattI'm going to be very pedantic here, and employ an old techie staple:07:42
SuperMattHave you tried turning it off an on again?07:42
brobostigonmorning knightwise07:43
SuperMattif the problem persists, you have a hardware issue, if it goes then it's all software07:43
bujjiSuperMatt:me  on/off07:43
bujjiSuperMatt:how can i delete specific job in crontab -l07:45
SuperMattof course, if it's a production server, you may not wish to reboot07:45
SuperMattrun crontab -e and put a # at the start of the line07:45
bujjiSuperMatt:that means its a comment right..if i want to remove that one07:46
SuperMattyes, just comment it out - at least that means you won't lose it forever07:46
bujjised will work for that?07:47
bujjibeacuse i dont find any option for removing specific line.07:48
bujjiSuperMatt:i may not wish to reboot,what all the thins i need to do apart from reboot.07:50
SuperMattwait, you're using cron -e and you're struggling?07:51
SuperMattyou run crontab -e, and then it will load the editor of your choice (nano, by default), and then you put a # at the start of the line07:52
SuperMattbujji: what is your first language, out of interest?07:53
davmor2Morning all07:56
brobostigonmorning davmor207:59
bujjiSuperMatt:regional here08:00
bujjiSuperMatt:nice at atq,i got08:02
bujjiSuperMatt:hindi language08:03
davmor2http://speedof.me/show.php?img=150614180933-86825.png not too bad :)08:10
* Laney swears08:12
Laneycan't get my mortgage calculator spreadsheet to give the same numbers that I get on the statement08:13
SuperMattthe answer is "more than it really should be"08:13
Laneyit's like £4 out08:14
Laneybut over 24 years 5 months that will probably amount to a big difference :P08:14
baas_how to make one service as system start up(on reboot) using script....like  (service httpd start)09:02
popeybaas_: what version of ubuntu?09:05
popeythats not a version number I recognise09:06
zmoylan-piit was released in smarch? :-P09:07
popeySeptober I think.09:07
popeyI remember a Viz calendar had an extra month09:07
davmor2Laney: are you taking a yearly amount dividing it by 365 and timesing it by the number of days in the month or are you taking the yearly amount and diving it by 12?  as there are closer to 13 months in 4 weekly payments09:07
popeybaas_: 13.04 is no longer supported09:07
Laneydavmor2: I'm trying to compound the interest daily09:08
LaneyI have the balance on two dates and I'm trying to come up with a calculation that makes the second number match up09:08
baas_give me any idea to doing that one.09:08
foobarryare you including leap days09:09
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Monday, and happy Nature Photography Day! 😃09:09
davmor2Laney: then you would need to know how the bank round up?  ie does 12.32 become 12.32, 12.33, 12, 12.40 or 12.35 etc09:09
davmor2that could be the difference09:09
Laneydon't know!09:09
popeybaas_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/9382/how-can-i-configure-a-service-to-run-at-startup09:10
shaunoperhaps your bank are lying.09:10
popeyNO WAI!09:10
shaunoonly half-kidding .. I think if I couldn't figure out how to make my numbers match theirs, I'd ask them09:11
knightwisenature photography day : Is that "public snapchat" day ?09:11
LaneyIt might be that I don't know exactly when the payments are applied09:11
davmor2shauno: you are confusing banks with layers, Banks will always try to rip you off, but only marginally, Lawyers will try to rip your arm off and beat you with the soggy end and then charge you for the privilege09:11
Laneyso I have to calculate interest up to some mid point and then subtract the payment, then calculate it for the rest09:12
davmor2theres a w in there too09:12
JamesTaitknightwise, it's every day for me, pretty much. 😉09:12
LaneyI made an overpayment on the 1st but didn't get a letter until the 11th09:12
shaunohm.  my bank do all of that but beat me with the soggy end.  I think they've figured out that the more I forget they exist, the more they can get away with09:12
Laneywho knows when it actually got applied to the account09:12
davmor2Laney: check your statement09:13
Laneythis is all the info I have09:14
Laneythey have no online system either :(09:14
foobarryi think my mortgage accoutn is in credit09:16
foobarrynot sure if i get interest09:16
Laneywhat does it mean for a mortgage to be in credit?09:16
Laneydoesn't it just end?09:16
foobarryi overpayed a bit09:16
foobarrythey kept the account open. i'm not sure. but i don't have to do anything with title deeds if the account is open09:17
foobarryand i could borrow aagainst my house easily without poening a new mortagage09:17
baas_foobarry: all is well09:24
ne2kI wanted to p2v a remote a server to logged into it and remounted the root filesystem readonly so that I could get a consistent image. Unfortunately, I got logged out and now cannot log in again. ssh takes my password and then just immediately closes the connection. is there any way I can recover this remotely or am I going to have to make a trip to the server?09:28
ne2kbaas_, how is this an answer to my question?10:06
foobarrydoesn't soudn promising ne2k10:07
MooDoone2k: not a vm i'm gussing?10:08
baas_it syncroniize data of two folders10:08
MooDoobaas_: he can't login to the box, what's nfs and rsync got to do with anything10:09
baas_does he have any key?10:10
baas_ne2k:execute a remote command what you want to do(it will execute and come out)10:13
ne2kbaas_, it does not10:13
baas_you told that ssh takes my password?10:14
shaunohave you tried ssh -vvvv to see what the last few things it complains about are?10:14
ne2kshauno, yes, it says "sending passowrd packet, waiting for reply" and then "connection closed"10:15
baas_ne2k:ssh <ip> <your task>10:15
MooDoothere isn't an exit command in your .bash_profile is there?10:16
ne2kbaas_, ssh user@host, ssh user@host "echo blah", ssh -T user@host "echo blah" all have the same effects -- password is taken, then immediately connection is closed10:16
MooDoone2k: http://askubuntu.com/questions/349631/why-is-my-ssh-connection-dropping-immediately-after-i-enter-my-password10:16
ne2kMooDoo, I have read that, this is different. I don't get the MoTD10:17
MooDooah ok10:17
baas_ne2k:did you set any firewalls10:17
ne2kbaas_, have you reboot the modem router?10:17
shaunoyeah, if you don't get "Authentication succeeded (password)" after sending password packet, sending different commands isn't going to help10:18
shaunoyou should get that, then channel new session, and then the command/shell become relevant10:19
ne2kbaas_, you need to reboot teh modem router and then you can try again ok?10:20
shaunoI suspect it needs to write to /var or /tmp or something and you've ro'd a little more than you needed to10:21
shaunoI'm not willing to try right now, since this box is in germany heh, but not being able to write to eg, /var/log/secure may be enough to confuse it10:23
shaunoor wherever utmp goes these days10:23
ne2krighto, it's fubared, I'll need to power cycle. fairy nuff10:27
diploI believe it's secure too10:27
shaunowell, it's secure now ;)10:41
shaunoquick, schedule audits while it's impossible to login10:41
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
shaunowasn't me11:17
diddledan_something broke then?11:17
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knightwiseYeeey ! XPS13 should arrive later on this week.12:36
diddledan_you finally succumbed?12:36
knightwisediddledan_: i ded :) ordered it about a week ago.12:41
knightwisethe HD version , I512:41
knightwisenot the QHD one12:41
knightwiseno touchscreen12:41
zmoylan-pithat will keep the screen cleaner :-)12:43
knightwisezmoylan-pi: and i don't "realy" need it.12:44
knightwiseUbuntu and touch .. it aint quite there yet. and I for one am not willing to run into a bunch of terrible scaling issues from a bunch of legacy apps12:45
knightwiseCurrently using the surface pro 3 to take with me on meetings and stuff. The xps will make a great companion device12:53
zmoylan-pii just use a phone with qwerty keyboard, currently a second hand symbian e5 i got for €5012:54
diddledan_zmoylan-pi: yeah, but you're still using VHS thinking it's God's Gift12:59
zmoylan-pii do keep meaning to recycle my vhs and dvd players.  no tv since 2009 or so13:00
zmoylan-pibut it is a region free dvd player and i do have one dvd box set that is region 1... :-)13:03
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davmor2Charley says meow meow meow..meow meow meow.13:15
diddledan_charlie bit me!13:16
zmoylan-pireply for charley. *bark*13:16
diddledan_davmor2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrJjcCnd9O013:26
davmor2diddledan_: you need help13:27
davmor2popey: admit it you want one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gs8Ze4g6wec13:33
popeydirecthex: you watching the e3 stream on youtube? is it pausing for you every so often?16:53
directhexyeah. really janky16:53
daftykinsxbox event?16:55
* daftykins is watching16:55
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
popeycuphead looks amazing17:25
daftykinsdoes :>17:26
daftykinsneat style17:26
popeyyeah, really looks authentically old17:35
popeythe RARE bit17:36
popeyknight lore!17:37
popeymy son will love to see that minecraft demo17:51
davmor2popey: just start saying I know something you don't know until he cracks17:53
diddledanwhat am I missing?17:54
davmor2daftykins: You have to train your kids that the real world sucks :)17:56
davmor2daftykins: the single role of parents is to prepare their kids for the eventual flight from the nest17:57
davmor2popey: more important have you got OTA4 yet?17:58
diddledanthat look skeery17:58
popeyno :(17:58
popeywonder how they're doing the 360 on xbone compatibility18:03
popeydynamic recompilation? full system emulation?18:03
daftykinsthat's what interests me18:05
daftykinsa very moany friend was going on about "boo hoo why can't we play 360 titles" a while back and i tried to explain architecture differences, but hrmm18:05
diddledancloud acceleration :-p18:05
popeyI wonder if it's cloud based18:07
daftykinswell it said it'd support retail discs, so hrmm18:07
popeymaybe just for checking license18:07
popeyhe did say it was only 100 or so games at launch18:08
popeyand that there's zero effort, publishers just flip a switch18:08
popeywhich makes me think it's in the cloud and not local.18:08
daftykinstime'll tell18:08
daftykinsquite a lot of time to wait, too18:08
daftykinsi wonder how big the Windows 10 base for the xbox one will be to download, too18:10
daftykinswould rather a disc image download really :>18:10
directhexthere was a list of ~100 for xbox original on 360 too18:13
=== Razor is now known as Guest45787
=== Guest45787 is now known as RazorUK
brobostigonhas anyone got a nexus 4 with ubuntu touch, who can confirm something for me please.18:38
popeyI don't have a nexus but I may know the answer anyway18:40
brobostigonwith gps and network location on, things like the nearby and weather scopes and other location elements, arent picking up the correct location.18:41
popeyeven after pull-down refresh18:42
sebsebsebbhi from Sweden18:42
davmor2brobostigon: open the browser and goto maps.google.com what location does it give you?18:43
brobostigonone moment davmor218:43
brobostigondavmor2: it says, maps could not determine your location.18:45
davmor2brobostigon: that'll be why, You obviously don't have here maps agps so you will need to get an initial fix at a guess, that can take up to 15 minutes18:47
brobostigondavmor2: so what do i do?18:47
davmor2brobostigon: go outside or prop it up at the window. Open terminal app and type "powerd-cli display on" then open a mapping app or leave google maps open and eventually it will get a gps fix18:50
brobostigondavmor2: ok, thank you.18:51
davmor2brobostigon: but keep the mapping app in the foreground till you get a fix18:51
awilkinsDoesn't it have agps?18:52
diddledanrandom, but related, the here-maps thingy that ubuntu contracted a while back (agps et al) - is that from the nokia that microsoft did or didn't buy?18:52
awilkinsThat's usually a lot quicker than 15 minutes18:52
davmor2awilkins: the commercial phones do the nexus device don't18:53
diddledani.e. which of the two nokias is the contract with18:53
awilkinsdavmor2, I thought the "assisted" part was in software?18:53
brobostigondavmor2: does it need to be ran as root?18:53
davmor2awilkins: it's the contract with here18:53
awilkinsIs it standard?18:54
davmor2brobostigon: maybe18:54
awilkinsWhen I had an N90018:54
brobostigondavmor2: ok,18:54
davmor2brobostigon: it's been a while18:54
awilkinsThey killed the AGPS coordinate server for the N90018:54
brobostigondavmor2: ok, ty.18:54
awilkinsBut you could reconfigure it to the main Nokia one18:54
davmor2diddledan: the bit not owned by MS18:55
diddledanthe "real" nokia :-0p18:55
diddledanI believe ms are rebranding away from the nokia name per the agreement they signed when they bought the mobile business18:56
diddledanalso I believe the "real" nokia are soon allowed to re-enter the mobile handset market18:56
awilkinsWould something similar to this work on the Ubuntu phone ? http://www.littlegreenrobot.co.uk/hackerzone/make-your-phone-get-a-gps-lock-quicker/18:56
ali1234i doubt that works anywhere19:09
ali1234those instructions are stupid19:09
popeydavmor2: showed sam the minecraft hololens video - he now wants a hololens :)19:16
davmor2popey: foolish mortal your soul is mine19:17
brobostigondavmor2: is powerd-cli meant to output anything?19:20
davmor2brobostigon: no it just keeps the screen active so you don't have to keep tapping it19:20
brobostigondavmor2: ah i see.19:21
davmor2brobostigon: if you don't the battery saving kicks in and turns off gps when the screen blanks and you have to start again from scratch, the same is true if the mapping app isn't in the foreground19:22
brobostigondavmor2: interesting, i see,19:22
diddledanturning off gps when the screen is blank sounds like a bug to me19:25
diddledanthat's akin to turning off gsm because it's in your pocket19:26
MartijnVdSsounds like powersaving to me19:26
davmor2diddledan: if the screen is off you are not using gps right19:26
MartijnVdSdavmor2: maybe you have the thing in your pocket, and are using audio-only walking navigation?19:27
diddledandavmor2: I want gps to retain accurate position information ready for my usage. I don't want to wait 15 minutes for a lock because I just turned off the screen 5 minutes ago19:27
davmor2diddledan: once you have an initial fix it is pretty quick, but it is designed for battery saving and agps which gets you an acurrate fix by the time the app is open on the whole19:29
diddledandavmor2: if it's turning off the gps system then I will lose the initial fix19:30
davmor2diddledan: it keeps the data it's just the hardware it turns off19:30
diddledandavmor2: and while the hardware's turned off I move 5 miles. now my fix is 5 miles out of date19:31
davmor2diddledan: the issue comes if you reboot then you have to start again19:31
davmor2diddledan: and? don't use a nexus device then19:31
diddledanso your answer to "it doesn't do this right" is "well don't bother then"19:32
diddledanor rather "don't try then#"19:33
awilkinsI even have the screen off when I use GPS in the car sometimes19:33
davmor2diddledan: it does do it right, it just there is no agps that is not something we can do anything about19:33
awilkinsVoice directions good enough, and the 3D rendering and backlight are enough to push the power consumption over what the charger can squeeze into it - so my battery actually discharges19:34
diddledandavmor2: my in-car gps navigation devices doesn't have agps and that manages fine19:34
awilkinsPlus it gets really warm (Nexus 4 without the heat spreader mod)19:34
awilkinsdiddledan, Suspect the dedicated units have a much larger antenna tuned specifically for GPS19:34
diddledanawilkins: I think it's more likely that they don't randomly reset things19:36
ali1234why is there no a-gps?19:37
davmor2ali1234: there is on the commercial products, it's under contract with here maps19:38
davmor2diddledan: there difference is turn off hardware and have a battery that lasts days or leave it all on and have a battery that last 4-8 hours. we went with the former.19:39
MartijnVdSPWM it :P19:39
ali1234i thought a-gps was provided by the mobile network?19:40
davmor2ali1234: no,  google has its own, ms uses nokia and apple uses apple maps.19:41
davmor2ali1234: the agps providers know where the towers are19:42
ali1234knowing where the towers are isn't useful, that's not what a-gps is19:43
davmor2anyway I'm off enjoy your evenings19:44
ali1234a-gps is just a faster way to get the almanac without having to wait 12 minutes to receive it from the satellite19:44
diddledanTBH I don't get why the almanac needs to be downloaded every time myself19:46
diddledanI guess the satellites aren't truly static?19:46
ali1234because of satellite drift and ionosphere disturbances19:46
ali1234the satellites aren't even kind of static, they're not geosynchronous19:47
diddledanI figured they were19:47
* diddledan googles gps19:47
ali1234the almanic is like 30kb, but it takes ages to receive it from space19:47
diddledangps-iiiA is being planned for service "from2016". hmm /me clicks wiki link19:51
awilkinsMust be like downloading software via Ceefax adapter19:54
awilkinsYou'd think any old almanac would work though ; are there not open sources of it online?19:56
awilkinsOr is the bit to download it just left out of that version of the software?19:57
MartijnVdSawilkins: old almanac data gets useless *fast*19:57
MartijnVdSas in, a few days19:57
awilkinsYeah, but is this data no good : http://www.navcen.uscg.gov/?pageName=gpsAlmanacs19:58
MartijnVdSawilkins: you'd need specs of the hardware to know how to tell it about that data19:59
* awilkins grows at proprietary firmware19:59
MartijnVdSgrows, eh ;)19:59
awilkinsI unequivocally state that I do not have a fetish for any GPS receiver20:00
awilkins(GLONASS on the other hand.... sweet sweet GLONASS)....20:00
MartijnVdSwhat about Galileo?20:01
awilkinsAre there actually any receivers that work on it yet?20:01
MartijnVdSnah they don't even have 1/3 of the network up20:01
MartijnVdSthey're supposed to have enough for basic positioning soon though20:02
MyrttiAnd this my friends, is the reason I keep my passwords in Keepass2 instead of LastPass.20:12
daftykinsMyrtti: what is? :)20:19
shaunoali1234: any advice on finding optical mice that'll work with the amiga?20:19
popeyMyrtti: wool related game on http://youtube.com/e3 now!20:21
Myrttidaftykins: lastpass was hacked20:21
daftykinsheh nice20:23
daftykinshaven't looked at my news feeds today20:23
ali1234shauno: best bet is to by or build a ps/2 to busmouse converter20:27
shaunoI've tried three different adaptors :/20:28
shaunomouse just doesn't light up at all20:28
ali1234optical mouse probably needs more power20:29
shaunohm.  I wonder if I can bust out the kynar without frying anything20:30
diddledanMyrtti: :-o20:37
* diddledan googles20:37
shaunohm, yeah.  pinouts.ru says that port is max 50mA.  the mouse has 100 written on its bottom20:44
diddledantheir password reset system is broke20:44
shaunohm.  tried jumping the 5v on the mouseport (50mA) to the 5v on the floppy port (250mA).  still nada.21:25
daftykinsare you fully power cycling the machine between tries?21:28
shaunoheh, yes21:33
shaunolike killing the psu before I poke wires in it :)21:34
diddledanshauno: I got el capitan installed21:34
shaunodiddledan: sorry21:34
shaunoI thought I told you not to?21:34
diddledanthe most obvious change I noticed is new beachball :-p21:34
shaunoyes!  it's now flat21:34
shaunolearn to love the new beachball.  you'll be looking at it a lot :/21:35
shaunoI beta'd all the things.  total regret.  it's not a good first round21:36
shaunoI got the "south atlantic ocean" bug on my watch21:36
diddledanI don't know what that is21:36
shaunoif the gps fix isn't good enough it's meant to keep using the last known21:37
shaunoit now goes to 0,021:37
shaunoso half the time my weather is for the 'south atlantic ocean'21:37
zmoylan-piwindy with a chance of penguins...21:37
diddledanTUX FTW!21:37
* zmoylan-pi taps barometer...21:37
daftykinsshauno: in the PSU o021:38
zmoylan-piso just how of course does google think you're going to get on your yacht? :-P21:38
shaunoon the plus side, I did manage over 75,000km on my bike this weekend21:38
daftykinsshauno: how is it, down there?21:38
zleapdoes anyone know what size sd card ubuntu mate needs for the Pi2 (or ideal size)21:39
shauno4gb or moar21:39
zmoylan-pimoar is better21:39
zleapso 8 is fine21:40
zleapsame for snappy i take it21:40
zmoylan-pithe longer it's running the more updates which will take space plus your files21:40
shaunoI tend to stick <64 just because I don't know if the pi does sdxc cards yet21:40
shaunoit may, it may not, I've not needed more than 32 to care yet21:40
zleapi have sent a message to the list asking if anyone can come to the torbay tech jam and talk about snappy core21:41
zleapat some point21:41
zmoylan-pimy original pi b running raspian on 4gb card is down to half a gig free...21:41
shaunodaftykins: not wires in the psu, no.  but I do make sure the psu is off before I poke things anywhere21:42
zleapi know there is an alternate raspbian that can fit in something like 51221:42
shaunoI've solder a wire to the 5v pin on the adaptor, and shoved it in the floppy port21:42
zleapas it is seriosly cut down21:42
shaunolessbian is about 75021:43
shauno(and have fun googling that)21:43
* diddledan sniggers21:43
zleaphmm i have a pic of my local ladies rugby team,  that would make apt desktop wallpaper21:44
zleapso is class 4 or 10 more suitable21:45
zleapfor the pi21:45
zleapwell pi221:45
daftykinsthe faster the better21:45
zleapwe are getting 3x pi 2s donated to the tech jam21:46
zleapthese prices are crazy,  same product different prices and where they have said it is for a specific phone / tablet they charge more21:55
daftykinsyou definitely want to stick to known brands and not be too cheap, lots of fakes out there21:57
zleaplike kingston21:57
zleapthey seem pretty good so far21:57
daftykinsyeah or sandisk etc21:58
zleap http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0036V9AGU21:59
zleapseems pretty good21:59
zleap16b class 10 for 4.7521:59
daftykinsGB ;]22:01
zleapdaftykins: so does that look good ?22:03
zleapok also found info on lessbian,  barebones jessie for servers but it should be fine for other stuff too22:04
zleaplike install python or just X + Scratch22:04
shaunoI'd just stick with raspbian to be honest, unless there's a genuine need for it22:05
daftykinszleap: yep, should be legit from amazon direct22:07
daftykins(no funky marketplace sellers)22:07
zleaplooking at the lessbian site22:09
zleapTo setup wifi, edit the wpa_supplicant.conf file in /boot directory (also editable from windows)22:09
zleapi thought the wpa_supplicant was in /etc22:09
zleapnot /boot22:09
shaunousually.  I think they've misplaced it intentionally so you can set it up without needing access22:12
shaunoie, write the card under windows, edit the wifi config under windows, then stick it in a pi and be ready to roll22:13
zleapsounds like a good plan22:13
zleapi guess it can actually be anywhere so long as a path environment variable can point to it22:13
shaunoI think that's why I prefer to stick with raspbian; you'll match up better with the billion tutorials for things online22:16
zmoylan-piit's optimised for the hardware22:16
zleapraspbian is fine but if all you want to do is stick pi in a robot and use python there is a lot of disk overhead or use for say datalogging22:17
zleapyou need that extra space i guess22:17
zleapit is just nce to have options22:17
zleapi wonder if there is a command line tool to set up wpa_config22:18
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