
sidiI'm having a pretty insane problem with UnityCore/GLibSource... I made my own GSource class that inherits Source, based on Timeout but with a custom dispatch function... started having systematic SIGSEGV in compiz when it attempts to dlopen libunityshell.so... I went back to GLibSource, and created an exact replica of the Timeout class (exact same code logic, just renamed it to Banana). It still SIGSEGVs if I use that class in my code, whilst using th00:42
sidie original Timeout class causes no SIGSEGV. So my question is: How does libunityshell.so import symbols from libunitycore.so exactly? Why is it missing my Banana dummy GSource?00:42
sidi(bazaar.launchpad.net/~sidi/+junk/unity-banana/changes + apply http://sidi.mupuf.org/files/dummy-banana.diff if anyone wants to replicate)00:44
sidi(+ add  http://sidi.mupuf.org/files/ZeitgeistManager.{cpp,h} to unity-shared/)00:46
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dednickgreyback: is there available for daniels app state changes?10:09
dednickgreyback_:  is there a silo available for daniels app state changes?10:09
greyback_dednick: nope, it's just been reviewed10:10
dednickgreyback_: hm. why have we put nearly every single public method that Application/Session/MirSurfaceItem into an interface?10:33
greyback_dednick: for testing I believe10:34
greyback_and eventual migration into unity-api probably10:34
dednickok. testing makes sense I guess.10:35
* greyback_ hates C++ or that10:37
dednickyeah. it's pretty nasty. there's a lot of things that shouldn't be in the interface in there. :/10:38
greyback_dednick: feel free to say so in the MR comments. I didn't look closely at that I'll admit10:39
dednickwell, i mean shoudn't be in there for third part to use. internal testing it's kinda needed if you want to mock.10:40
pete-woodshi guys, I can't seem to install the unity8-autopilot package any more?11:41
pete-woodsshould I be doing something different now?11:41
pete-woodsah, never mind11:42
pete-woodsseems to be working now11:43
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tedgmzanetti, One of the support folks sent me a question about using the scope:// URL for accessing a specific scope.13:48
tedgmzanetti, It doesn't seem to work for me. It brings up the dash, but the dash doesn't switch.13:48
tedgmzanetti, Do you know what the format of that URL should be?13:48
mzanettitedg, yes, one sec13:49
mzanettitedg, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/machines-vs-machines/trunk/view/head:/app/ui/info/Feedback.qml#L2813:50
mzanettitedg, that opens the store...13:50
tedgHuh, I can't get the same format to work with YouTube.13:51
tedgpstolowski, By chance do you have any ideas here? ^13:53
tedgIt would seem odd the store is somehow special here.13:53
tedgAlso, that URL seems odd in that it only has the package name, not the scope name in it.13:53
pstolowskitedg, it's not package name, it's *scope id* as understood by scopes machinery13:55
tedgpstolowski, How do I get from an AppID to a scope ID?13:55
pstolowskitedg, pete-woods may know if you can get that from the manifest? ^13:56
pstolowskitedg, but since scope ids are not going to change, why not just put youtube scope id there?13:58
tedgpstolowski, I don't know what it is?13:58
tedgpstolowski, That's what I was hoping to figure out :-)13:58
pstolowskitedg, ah, i understand the problem13:58
pete-woodstedg: com.ubuntu.scopes.youtube_youtube is the youtube scope ID14:00
tedgpete-woods, Cool, so it's just the short AppID?14:01
pete-woodstedg: yep14:01
pete-woodspackage ID + hook name14:01
tedgCool, that's easy.14:01
tedgThat works, thanks pete-woods, pstolowski and mzanetti!14:01
pstolowskitedg, also, if you manually go to ~/.cache/unity-scoopes/<scopedir>/ you will find <scopeid>.ini file there, that's you scope id14:02
tedgAh, okay. I'm old school and looked in the click dirs :-)14:03
tedgWhere "old school" is "used a technology that's been around a bit over a year or two" :-)14:04
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