
cmaloneyGod morning13:39
cmaloneySo let it be written, so let it be done.13:40
jrwrenand craig said, let there be work, and there was.13:40
cmaloneyAnd it was good.13:59
rick_h_greg-g: sorry, /me sends some party greg-g's way17:34
greg-gI'll take my req# back, please17:36
greg-gI went from 0 new hires for the next fiscal to now -117:36
rick_h_greg-g: :(17:36
greg-gI have a backfill position (a person I let go) that somehow disappeared17:36
greg-gI'm pissed17:36
rick_h_greg-g: understand17:36
rick_h_that's definitely "grumpy"-able17:36
cmaloneygreg-g: Ugh17:37
greg-gnow I get to go be grumpy asking people wtf happened and how they're going to make the situation better and not fuck over a coworker17:37
greg-gie: who's going to give me back a req#17:37
greg-gwhoa, new Fx settings menu18:29
greg-gmore Chrome-like18:30
greg-gI like it18:30
jrwrengreg-g: you must not run developer edition?18:46
jrwrengreg-g: about:preferences has been chrome-like for a while now in Fx Dev Edition18:46
greg-gjrwren: nope, iceweasel ;)18:46
jrwrenhardcore GNU18:46
greg-glazy debian user18:46
jrwrengreg-g: you might have these features too: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Tools/Performance18:47
jrwrenhttp://www.meetup.com/Ansible-Detroit/events/222394073/  cscheib ?18:48
jrwrencscheib: fyi nsible meetup18:51
cscheibI may attempt to go.   you going?18:52
jrwrenno, i just thought you may like to know about it given your other meetup18:53
cmaloneyI'm debating on going18:57
cmaloneyhttp://xkcd.com/1537/ <- wolfger19:04
wolfgerthanks for the heads up rick_h_20:08

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