
lazyPower|eowpleia2: I'm pretty sure I can get you in regardless :D00:46
lazyPower|eowpleia2: if you pre-reg on the event brite page i'll make sure you're known to the door guy00:48
pleia2lazyPower|eow: cool, done :)00:53
pleia2lazyPower|eow: oof, I just realized that it's on a Sunday D: I likely won't be home from adventuring by then01:01
pleia2also, father's day01:01
pleia2we'll see01:01
JonathanDHow's it going?10:36
teddy-dbearMorning peoples critters and everything else12:09
=== lazyPower|eow is now known as lazyPower
WorkingTurkeyJonathanD: jedijf KyleYankan i saw fosscon was announced20:21
WorkingTurkeyopportunities to present?20:21
pleia2they've been begging for talk submissions for months, pretty sure the schedule is done now20:27
CrissiDWorkingTurkey: Our schedule is full. The only things we have availability for at the moment are possible hands-on workshops. And we only have a few of those.20:30
JonathanDCrissiD: or a back up talk.20:33
CrissiDWorkingTurkey: sent you a pm.20:34
pleia2o/ CrissiD20:34
CrissiDhaihai pleia2 :)20:34
waltmanWorkingTurkey: where have you been all year?22:16
waltmanmaybe you could do a cigar-rolling workshop22:17
waltmanor a build-your-old arduino-powered-humidor workshop22:17
JonathanDbuild your own old22:24
ChinnoDogI want to see the arduino powered humidor.23:48
jthanI second that.23:55
jthanCOntrol a humidor (desktop sized, of course) with an arduino or Pi23:55
jthankeep it at the desired humidity23:55

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