
=== rusbus is now known as Russ_|Away
barrydkMore almal05:19
MaazThatGraemeGuy: By the way, Cryterion on freenode told me "tell ThatGraemeGuy For some reason after server maint, couldn't reconnect as domain would not resolve" 1 day, 7 hours, 42 minutes and 16 seconds ago05:52
mazalMorning everyone ,06:03
mazalbarrydk, here ?06:03
mazalHow are things ThatGraemeGuy 06:04
mazalmaaz tell barrydk Ek het die average gecheck , jy kan volle 1 gig gebruik vandag. Dis plus minus 6 ure minetest06:07
Maazmazal: Sure, I'll tell barrydk on freenode06:07
ThatGraemeGuyminetest uses 1GB in 6 hours? o_O06:07
ThatGraemeGuythat can't be right06:07
mazalplus minus 150mb per hour06:08
mazalDepends what you do , and add in some email reading and web browsing during the day06:08
mazalOn one Monday we were both connected the whole day , 8 hours. It chowed 2.8gig06:11
mazalThat'e when we had to start limiting our connection time06:11
mazalAnyway , if anybody see barrydk , please tell him he has at least 6 hours on today06:12
ThatGraemeGuyMaaz: tell barrydk <mazal> Anyway , if anybody see barrydk , please tell him he has at least 6 hours on today06:16
MaazThatGraemeGuy: Okay, I'll tell barrydk on freenode06:16
ThatGraemeGuydone :p06:17
Kilosmorning ThatGraemeGuy  barrydk  MaNI  and others06:25
Kiloshi mazal  06:39
mazal_Who is peer and why did he break my stuff :P06:55
mazal_More oom06:55
Kilosmore seun06:55
Kiloskoud ne06:55
Kilosys buite06:55
=== mazal_ is now known as mazal
barrydkNeeeman dis lekker buite, geniet die winter hy is amper weer verby06:57
Maazbarrydk: By the way, mazal on freenode told me "tell barrydk Ek het die average gecheck , jy kan volle 1 gig gebruik vandag. Dis plus minus 6 ure minetest" 50 minutes ago06:57
Maazbarrydk: By the way, ThatGraemeGuy on freenode told me "tell barrydk <mazal> Anyway , if anybody see barrydk , please tell him he has at least 6 hours on today" 40 minutes and 26 seconds ago06:57
barrydkThanks Maaz06:57
mazalLo B06:57
barrydkHi W06:58
mazalDankie maaz and Graeme06:58
mazalB average lyk goed , jy kan lekker speel vandag06:58
barrydkSal loer bietjie later, iemand weer jou goed gebreek?06:58
mazalMy goed ?06:59
barrydkkyk boontoe net na jy vir Kilos gegroet het06:59
barrydk08:55] <mazal_> Who is peer and why did he break my stuff :P07:00
mazalOh nee , "connection reste by peer" gekry. Toe raas ek met whoever peer is lol07:00
barrydkok bietjie stadig vanmore07:00
mazalDink my lyn is siekerig vanmore07:00
barrydkdag net ek gaan nou vir peer soek op minetest en al sy goed breek, sommer sy bene ook07:01
mazalbtw , ek het jou bome gebreek gisteraand07:01
mazalHet skoongemaak by my , en toe slaan die mal chainsaw hoog horisontale lyn07:02
barrydkaagwat sal weer groei07:02
mazalEn het helemal weggekyk van jou af. Weet nie hoekom die ding dit doen nie :(07:03
mazalNou het baie van hulle in die middel 'n gat , maar onder en bo ok07:03
barrydkwil in elkgeval van hulle uithaal daar is bietjie te veel, solank my rubber bome nog reg is is dit ok07:04
mazalOk then , my home data is not looking as good as the work data , so I am off to go do PS3.07:04
barrydkok enjoy the day07:05
superflysjoe, julle tweetjies.07:10
Kiloshaha hi superfly  07:12
superflyI don't know what I'd do without my uncapped :-(07:12
superflyAs soon as I saw it was mildly affordable, I went for it.07:12
Kilossuffer 07:12
barrydkYou are lucky to stay somewhere where it is available, I stay on a farm and the best i get is rubbish mtn and helkom's wireles07:15
inetprogood mornings07:33
Kilosmorning inetpro  07:35
Kilosim frozen07:36
magespawngood morning07:48
Kiloshi magespawn  07:49
magespawnhi Kilos 08:00
arnaudmezHello Guys08:07
arnaudmezHello Kilos08:07
Kiloshi arnaudmez  08:07
arnaudmezhello inetpro08:07
arnaudmezhi nuvolari08:07
arnaudmezhi Squirm08:07
arnaudmezhi superfly08:07
mazalugh I'm still in love with GT608:07
arnaudmezhi ThatGraemeGuy08:07
arnaudmezWhat's on the table brothers08:08
Kilosarnaudmez  what did you break08:08
arnaudmezKilos: my desk bro, my desk08:08
arnaudmezNo means nothing bro08:08
Kilosstop fiddling with things08:08
arnaudmezThe weekend was "pleasurized"08:09
Kilosyou broke nothing?08:09
arnaudmezI wasn't even connected for the whole weekend !08:09
arnaudmezJust I discovered a really good IRC app that i'm only trying now08:09
arnaudmezand it's very lekker bro !08:10
* mazal munces milk tart and chocolate cake for breakfast08:10
Kiloswhat app arnaudmez  08:10
arnaudmezQuassel IRC08:12
Kilosoh half our guys use it08:12
mazalOS it runs on ?08:14
Kiloscomes in kde08:14
Kilosyou have it there already  mazal  08:14
magespawnmazal: most of them and there is also one for android08:15
magespawnarnaudmez: are you using the all in one or are the server and client seperate?08:15
mazalOh ok , on K I use konversation08:15
Kilosthats because you listen to me08:16
Kilosquassel is good if you want fone and everything to use one nick or something08:16
magespawnthere are other ways of doing but quassel is nice08:18
mazalI am too old school for smart phones08:18
Kilosi couldnt make it bloep08:18
mazalI still do pc stuff on pc08:18
arnaudmezmagespawn: I'm just trying it now and it looks very good client compared to what I've seen up to now !08:19
arnaudmezKilos: I don't use K but Gnome08:19
Kilosya K is for Klever08:20
arnaudmezKilos: clever you said ?08:21
Kilosyes with K08:21
arnaudmezcome to gnome my bro, just come08:21
mazalNow that was a lekker breakfast , back to GT608:21
Kilosnono, i still have 12.04 08:21
magespawnarnaudmez: there is a server component to quassel that allows you to install it on a web server, your client then connects to it, which basiclly means that you never log out of the room and never miss a message08:24
Kilosarnaudmez  once used to kde , its like a step backwards to go back to gnome08:24
magespawnany way have to go, chat later08:26
Kilosgo well magespawn  08:26
arnaudmezthat a good functionality08:31
pieter2627morning all08:37
arnaudmezmorning pieter262708:38
arnaudmezguys i want to know how can I manage my iphone 5 from Linux08:39
Kiloshi pieter2627  08:39
* pieter2627 now wonders whether arnaudmez is a new or old guy08:41
Kiloshe is in brazaville08:41
arnaudmezold but wish to know new things08:41
Kilospops in every now and again08:41
Kilosnormally when he breaks something08:41
pieter2627ah, so that what breakage causes him to pop out again :p08:42
arnaudmezpieter2627: Kilos not at all08:43
arnaudmezI like to chat with Kilos08:43
arnaudmezhe always look after my keyboard to make sure i don't break something !08:44
arnaudmezTell me Kilos09:18
arnaudmezis uGet working fine on your side ?09:18
Kilosi have never used it arnaudmez  09:19
arnaudmezjust giving it a try now09:20
Kiloswhat does it do09:20
Kiloshahaha Eskom is about to launch the NoWeb: you sit in front of the computer, stare at the switched-off screen for 2.5 hours, and pay them a premium for the service.09:39
MaNIsounds about right09:41
Kilosso does using tor use more data ?09:46
Kilosty not for me then09:47
MaNIyou are basically forwarding other peoples traffic around, so that they and you can be anonymous09:47
MaNIthis has to come at a cost :)09:47
MaNIespecially if you are an endpoint09:48
Kiloshi Padroni  09:48
MaNIyou can limit it though apparently https://www.torproject.org/docs/faq.html.en#LimitTotalBandwidth09:49
Padronisuperfly here?09:49
Kilosya just seems busy09:49
Padroniso then09:59
Padronigame of thrones S05 came to an end09:59
PadroniI have yet to watch it 09:59
Padroniso no spoilers please09:59
Padronion pain of death, I might add09:59
MaNIergh, seasons too short and gap in between so long :p10:03
Padroniikr ?10:06
Padronianyway - I am off to go study10:06
Padronilaters, folks10:06
Kilossjoe peeps are funny10:29
Kilossis thought her longs were getting shorter, then found that as she gets broader the legs get shorter10:30
MaNIwow, I can't believe I can't easily find a local retailer that stocks basic industry standard DC jacks10:46
Kilosoh my11:00
KilosMaNI  what do they look like11:30
Kilossame as a lappy power jack?11:30
Kilosshow me a picture then i can think about what is needed11:38
MaNIyeah it is a laptop jack basically11:43
Kilosask here http://www.hkcomputers.co.za/laptop-repair.html11:44
MaNImm yeah I'll give them a try11:45
ThatGraemeGuysuperfly here?12:02
superflyThatGraemeGuy: sortof12:03
ThatGraemeGuynot sure if I'm thinking of someone else, but did you say a while ago you had a pet corn snake?12:04
ThatGraemeGuywhat does it cost to feed per month roughly?12:05
superflydepends on what you feed it. I feed him rats, which are about R12 each, and I feed him 2 every 2 weeks.12:06
ThatGraemeGuycool and what other running costs are involved?12:06
ThatGraemeGuyheating i guess?12:07
superflyyes, heating, and your license12:07
superflyer, permit12:07
superflywhich is about R100 every 2-3 years, I think.12:07
ThatGraemeGuymeh that's negligible12:07
superflyI can't remember what the latest is12:07
ThatGraemeGuydoes the heater run peridically or full time and do you know offhand what the wattage of a typical one is?12:08
superflyMine is just a plug hanging out the back of the tank. plug it in and it's on.12:09
superflyYou only need it in winter, when the weather is cooler12:10
ThatGraemeGuyyou just plug it in for a few hours at a time or does it run all winter?12:11
superflyThatGraemeGuy: mine runs all winter. I haven't noticed it actually using a significant amount of electricity12:34
ThatGraemeGuyok thanks12:35
superflyThe only other things you need to do are take the snake out at least once a week (they need to be handled often to remain tame), check water bowl about twice a week, and clean out the vivarium (which can be a little yucky, but it's not a lot of work)12:37
ThatGraemeGuywhat else do you put in with him? sticks and rocks and stuff or not really that kind of stuff?12:38
superflyWe have a branch, some rocks and a house. The house is pretty essential, the branch not so much.12:47
ThatGraemeGuythanks for all the info :)12:51
Kilosso! we into 1 hour shedding now as well13:09
Kilostime to tweet tsane and ask where to claim for damaged drives13:14
ThatGraemeGuynot load shedding, must be a local issue13:15
inetprocan't we build a world wide grid for electricity like we have for the web?13:54
inetprohave it powered from sunshine around the clock13:54
MaNIelectricity transport losses are large :p13:55
inetproMaNI: fix it!13:56
MaNIwhat makes far more sense in my opinion is to have a lot of smaller grids, each with centralized mechanical storage13:56
Kiloswe are all too far apart13:56
MaNIe.g. the whole of capetown could pump solar into a cape town grid during the day13:56
MaNIexcess power could feed th e helderberg pump storage system, and at night that could generate power for the cape town grid13:57
Kilosmany batteries and inverters needed unless you convert everything to 12v13:57
MaNI(or a fly wheel, or molten salt, or some other fancy mechanical power storage)13:57
MaNIno batteries at all :p13:57
Kiloshow do you store dc?13:57
inetproMaNI: I like your idea13:58
Kilosac cannot be stored13:58
inetproKilos: you can store water13:58
MaNIit can, its jsut difficult13:58
MaNIsee pump storage and this other thingy let me find a link13:58
Kiloslet me see that in my google free browser13:59
MaNIhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pumped-storage_hydroelectricity <- we already have a few of these for peak demand they work really well13:59
MaNIthe problem is that suitable sites for pump storage are limited14:00
Kilosoh i see14:00
MaNIbut yeah mechanical storage works in principal, its just not affordable or practical for individuals14:01
Kilosit would take much water to drive turbines14:01
MaNIwhich is why I think mini grids with everyone pooling in for a central mechanical storage system makes sense (for small industry and homes) - large industry must just provide their own power14:01
MaNIthe ares thing is a rather nifty alternative :p14:02
Kilosif someone can work out a way to store ac that would be wonderful14:02
inetproKilos: or figure out how to transport it cheaply over long distances14:05
MaNIbasically it uses the AC power to push really heavy railway cars up a steep track, and then when power is required they come down slowly in reverse with a sort of regenerative braking technology to generate the AC back14:05
Kiloswe must also follow minetest and use wind towers14:06
Kilosi dont know ct well but pe blows most of the time14:06
Kilosct  should be good too following the weather liars info14:07
MaNIheh, I don't think long distance transport is a reasonably solvable thing, I mean I guess we could position mirrors in orbit and just make it daylight all the time or something :p14:07
Kiloslol i use mirrors to shine sunlight into my room for warmth14:07
MaNIct gets strong wind but its only for parts of the year, and very gusty, apparently gusty wind isn't that great for turbines :p14:08
Kiloshi solidity  14:11
Kilosgoed dankie, en self?14:13
soliditykan nie kla nie14:13
Kiloshaha ek kan baie kla maar niemand luister nie14:13
solidityag almal kan kla14:14
soliditybyvoorbeeld: Ai tog, hoekom kla almal die heeltyd?14:14
inetprosolidity: ons kla nie, ons soek oplossings14:24
inetproMaNI: but why do they have to patent something like the ARES project?14:25
Kilosso thers cant steal your income14:26
MaNIbecause they want to make money :p14:26
inetprobut see, there's one big problem that we need to solve somehow14:26
MaNIthat said the current patent system is broken14:26
MaNII'm not against patents, I'm against the current system14:26
solidityoh boy, here we go~14:26
inetprosolidity: see ARES system to put energy storage on the right track http://www.gizmag.com/ares-rail-energy-storage/28395/14:28
inetproa charge/discharge efficiency of 86 percent14:28
MaNIpatents should expire much quicker14:28
* inetpro likes it14:28
inetproMaNI: true that14:28
MaNI75% would be enough honestly14:28
MaNIefficiency that is14:29
MaNIprice is more important14:29
inetprowhat's the efficiency of hydro?14:29
MaNIpumped storage, not sure14:30
inetproyes pumped storage, sorry14:30
Kiloshydro very efficient as long as there arent droughts14:31
MaNI70-80 apparently14:31
inetproKilos: wait until you see this video: https://vimeo.com/75895781 14:31
inetproa very clever idea14:31
MaNIhonestly even 60 would be good at the right price range/scalability :/14:31
Kilosno man vida eat data14:32
inetprooops... sorry oom14:32
MaNIits more about shifting power from one time to another than about being 100% efficient14:32
MaNIthough better efficiency is a bonus :p14:32
Kiloswhat ever happened to cabora basa14:33
Kilosforget spelling14:33
MaNIthe dam is about to collapse14:33
MaNIbig controversy14:33
MaNIwe still import power from it AFAIK14:34
inetproCahora-Bassa (previously spelled Cabora Bassa)14:34
MaNIit's interesting because its one of the few long distance power lines in the world using DC14:34
MaNIor was don't know anymore I should read up on it14:35
Kilosold za pumped millions into that14:37
MaNIahh it's kariba dam wall thats collapsing - but Cabora Bassa will be destroyed in the aftermath :p14:38
MaNIhopefully it won't get to that14:39
MaNII wonder why Ingula is never mentioned in the media14:49
Kiloswhats that14:49
MaNIit is a new 1500 mw pumped storage plant that is also overdue :p - media only ever medupi and kesile (sp?)14:50
Kilosmaybe they want to see if it can work14:51
MaNIwe already have 1mw (drakensberg pump storage) and 400mw (palmiet pumped storage) so its not like the technology is in doubt :p14:52
MaNIits part of the reason they were shedding us only on weekends at a point, fill the dams as much as possible over the weekends and then try meet peak during the week with it14:53
Kiloswe also need to dam up lotsa deep valleys14:55
Kiloswater is become scarce14:55
MaNIyeah suitable sites for pumped storage are  unfortunately limited 14:55
Kilosim just talking about water storage now14:55
MaNIbut ingula would help with current problems thats why I'm wondering why there is complete silence on it :p14:56
MaNIheh yeah, water storage is our next problem :(14:56
solidityDam them all! Them them all to heck!14:59
Kilosbig dam full and little damn fool too15:00
MaNInuclear plants are great at desalinating salt water :p15:04
Kilosthen you get clean water?15:09
Kilosits just used for cooloing right?15:10
MaNIbut people are too scared of nuclear to see the benefit15:10
Kiloswhere does all the salt go15:10
MaNIyeah cooling15:10
MaNIbut its a separate loop, so it doesn't go through the reactor15:10
MaNIlike theres an internal cooling loop, and then the outer desalanation loop cools the inner loop, safer :p15:11
Kilosim convinced nuke is the way to go15:11
MaNIthe salt I guess they package and sell it in supermarkets IDK :p15:11
MaNII've always been a nuclear fan but I don't think the masses will ever allow it :( - and that said the current russian deal is probably a giant rip off filled with backhanders15:12
MaNIso I'm excited that we may finally go nuclear but at the same time upset that its probably going to be a disaster, very conflicted15:21
MaNIthe anti nuclear people are abusing the fact that it's a dodgy deal to try tarnish nuclear in general, it's annoying15:22
MaNIergh anyway let me go do some work :p15:22
Kilosthe ruskies must just bring their own labour15:23
=== Russ_|Away is now known as rusbus
Kiloshi rusbus  16:04
Kilossee i didnt forget you are in toti16:08
rusbusyou forgot me16:08
rusbusafter we became chilibros16:08
Kilosno man16:08
Kilosi only forgot that it wasnt someone else in toti16:09
rusbuswe were chilibros... and you forgot me...16:10
Kilosim old man i forget los16:12
Kilosand we can only be bros once you have made my curry 16:13
rusbusOH BUT I HAVE, GOOD SIR16:13
rusbusyou underestimate my affinity for a good curry!16:13
Kiloswell then you forgot me , because i got no feedback16:14
rusbusI was gonna tell you two days ago16:14
rusbusbut you forgot me16:14
rusbusso I was like16:14
rusbuslet me not bother this old man :p16:14
Kilosits fine i wont give you my other secrets16:14
Kilosi make a great garlic and chilli source16:15
rusbusI just so happen to love garlic :D16:15
Kilosoh there was another free server thing for a year16:23
Kilosdunno if it still has that offer16:23
rusbusit's not a proper year16:23
rusbusin normal time sense16:23
rusbusI think it's about CPU cycles16:24
rusbusbut still good, nontheless16:24
Kiloshaha that was posted in the wrong channel16:24
Kilosi get so mixed up16:24
rusbuswell I hope my input has enriched your conversation16:25
Kiloslol yeah ty16:25
Kilosthe pro uses it16:25
Kilosgot my bot there16:26
Kiloshi georgelappies  16:38
georgelappieshi Kilos16:39
Kiloshi Tonberry  16:41
smileKilos: ping18:00
Kilossmile  pong18:01
smileKilos: pong pong18:02
smileI cleaned up my e-mail today :D18:02
smile2200 messages less :P18:03
Kilosi dont even want to see mine18:03
Kilos5 g on one account18:03
smileKilos: :P18:10
superflyThatGraemeGuy: ping18:11
superflyThatGraemeGuy: http://pasteboard.co/1fjWztpq.jpg18:12
ThatGraemeGuycool :)18:24
superflyNothing fancy18:35
superflyThatGraemeGuy: Do you know how the permitting works?18:35
superflyAlso, do you know where to get rats/mice from and how big they should be?18:36
ThatGraemeGuyI haven't looked into the permits18:40
ThatGraemeGuythere's a shop near me that sells all the food and accessories18:40
superflyYou need a permit to move the snake (you need to get it before you can buy the snake), and then once you have the snake at home you need to apply for the actual permit, and they like to come and do a home visit.18:50
superflyThatGraemeGuy: ah great. they look like they know what they're doing.18:52
superflyThere used to be a pet store in Durbanville that I bought from occasionally.18:53
smilebye :)19:03
Kilostoods smile19:03
smilegood night! :)19:03
Kilossleep tight19:03
smilethanks, you too19:03
smile* :)19:03
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:10
magespawngood evening19:26
=== Cryterion is now known as Cryterion`hiding
inetprowb magespawn19:58
inetpromagespawn: I almost uninstalled gridwatch yesterday19:58
inetprootherwise looks like a useful app 19:59
inetprowb georgelappies20:04
=== smile is now known as smile|NaN
magespawnty inetpro 20:17
magespawnwhy uninstall?20:17
inetpromagespawn: they were spamming us yesterday20:18
smile|NaNJust making sure I am not a number. ;-)20:18
=== MaNL is now known as MaNI
magespawnaahh right, that would be a good reason to get rid of it20:19
inetpromagespawn: was like one moment loadshedding was suspended only for it to start the next... rinse and repeat several times20:19
magespawnahh aybe they had some other issues20:19
magespawnmaybe too20:19
inetproyep, fortunately got sorted quickly20:19
inetpromagespawn: thanks for the hint 20:21
magespawnabout grid watch20:21
inetprojust makes life a little easier if you get a warning ahead of time20:23
magespawnyup no need to check the website all the tie20:24
magespawnlooks like the m key is sticky20:24
smile|NaNJust press it hard21:18
smile|NaNIt will come back to life21:18
magespawnyes it does21:22
smile|NaNSlaapwel :)21:22
magespawnyou too smile21:24
magespawngood night22:30

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