
regeditok then00:00
Bashing-omregedit: Linix terminal command ' sudo fdisk -lu ' and look at the disk size . Is 1 way .00:00
regeditBashing-om: thanks! will try that00:00
EriC^^regedit: you'll want sudo parted -l cause you're converted to gpt now00:01
Bashing-omregedit: Yeah, 'fdisk' will not handle GPT partitioning .00:03
regeditsudo mkdosfs /dev/sdc -s 16 -F 3200:03
regedit^ looks right? ^00:03
ObrienDavewouldn't gparted be much safer?00:04
snkcldwhats the difference between --setprovideroffloadsink  --setprovideroutputsource00:04
snkcld ?00:04
EriC^^regedit: why the -s 16?00:04
regeditEriC^^: copy pasted from askubuntu... i'm new at this as you can tell00:05
regeditObrienDave: oh, ok, le'me look that up. thanks00:05
daftykinsyeah not sure why you're using CLI if not comfy :) gparted is your buddy00:05
B0g4r7Normally you make FSs on partitions, not whole devices.00:06
EriC^^regedit: wait, did you make a partition first?00:06
regeditEriC^^: the drive is currently NTFS and has the windows installation files, but not booting00:06
ObrienDavethat's a different issue00:06
regeditEriC^^: make a partition - where / what about?00:06
snkcldalso, when i use a proprietary nvidia driver (eg 352), i have issues with copy paste sometimes. why would the display driver touch the copy/paste of x?00:07
EriC^^regedit: how'd they get there?00:07
regeditEriC^^: this is the drive i'd like to use as the source for installing windows00:07
EriC^^hmm O.o00:07
regediti.e. the install usb drive00:07
EriC^^i don't know much about that00:07
regeditthere is another internal drive that's supposed to be the destination00:07
EriC^^ok, are you following any guide?00:08
daftykinshe's following the suggestion of this crazy daftykins fellow00:09
daftykinssorry he/she00:09
regeditEriC^^: for now daftykins00:09
ObrienDave*smh* ;P00:09
regediti am a troglodyte00:09
EriC^^regedit: ok, well you have to make an efi partition of the type ef0000:10
EriC^^regedit: use gparted to make some unallocated space preferrably at the end of a partition cause it's easier and faster00:10
daftykinsEriC^^: hrmm this is just the windows 8 ISO contents, it'll boot if just pasted onto a flash drive formatted as FAT00:11
daftykins(or at least i'm led to believe)00:11
EriC^^then type sudo cgdisk /dev/sdX, and make a partition with that space, using the hexcode ef0000:11
EriC^^daftykins: ah i see00:12
regeditwhoops network dropped again, stupid qwebirc00:14
regediti'm in gparted and dont mind deallocating the whole drive in question00:14
regeditshould i do that?00:15
regeditso i dont actually format the EFI stuff inside gparted?00:15
EriC^^daftykins: so wait, is he making an efi partition right now?00:15
EriC^^or just fat?00:15
daftykinsjust FAT sir00:15
EriC^^oh ok00:15
regeditok so in gparted i'll format the whole drive to FAT (16 or 32?)00:15
EriC^^yup fat3200:16
daftykinsassuming you already copied off the windows disc contents to the HDD? :>00:16
=== Neseth is now known as WhoA3
regeditye i have it on yet another extarnal drive00:16
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regeditok done, now copying over the files...00:17
regeditalright then, i guess all that's left now is to try booting into it, and hope that if it fails i still get to boot into ubuntu live...00:21
daftykinsunmount it cleanly00:21
regediti should unmount the FAT32?00:22
stevendaleumount /dev/sdX00:22
EriC^^should he set the boot flag or it's unnecessary cause it's efi?00:22
daftykinsafter finishing copying00:22
daftykinsshouldn't matter, but it may depend on the specific machines EFI implementation00:22
regeditdid kubuntu eject00:23
Vainglorywhere would i get apparmor help?00:23
regeditalright here goes... if i dont come back, its either very good news or very bad news. if i come back soon, its bad news00:23
stevendaleVainglory: The IRC channel is #apparmor on irc.oftc.net00:23
ObrienDavehope for good luck ;p00:23
stevendaleSource: http://wiki.apparmor.net/index.php/Main_Page00:24
=== Guest42750 is now known as brandonphuo
TJ-boot flag only applies to MBR, and some BIOS ignore it or require something more such as bootstrap code signature00:26
TJ-UEFI looks for the GUID of an ESP, which is usually - but doesn't have to be - the first FAT12/16/32 partition00:26
=== Mitchell92[A] is now known as Mitchell92
stevendale"Recent versions of parted enable you to type disk_toggle pmbr_boot on GPT disks to toggle the MBR boot flag on and off." http://www.rodsbooks.com/gdisk/bios.html00:28
TJ-stevendale: Yes, that can help in hybrid installations because parted usually only does one or the other00:29
EriC^^TJ-: so he should set the whole fat to have the ef00 hex code?00:29
daftykinsi sense someone is going for the google award today00:29
EriC^^TJ-: or all fat partitions have the same guid?00:30
TJ-EriC^^: "ef00" isn't really anything to do with GPT, it's something used by gdisk tools to represent the true GUID of an ESP... but yes, the ESP partition is set to 0xEF00 in those tools00:30
dongerinoHow can I remove all files in a directory except one folder and it's contents?00:31
EriC^^TJ-: ok, so if the uefi is to boot it the extracted iso he made, does he need to set it to ef00?00:31
dongerinoI installed ubuntu on my sda7 first, then onto sdb1, and ade sda7 my home, but forgot to format00:31
dongerinoso theres another ubuntu install in my /home folder00:32
dongerinothey are protected files and I can't rm them00:32
TJ-EriC^^: The Globally Unique IDentifier is a 16-byte value and there are several defined for different purposes.00:32
ubuntu-matehello world00:32
dongerinoey m800:32
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:33
EriC^^TJ-: what sets it?00:33
TJ-EriC^^: Yes, the partition needs marking as an EFI System Partition (ESP) so the the firmware know to search it for the UEFI boot loaders00:33
uioHi all. I have 1gb ram and sometimes the machine just freezes (or almost) in high CPU usage (I think) such that the only way out is hard power-off. Any ideas on alternative ways to solve this issue. For example, last time I visited chesscademy.com, it just froze....00:34
EriC^^TJ-: ok00:34
daftykinsuio: sounds like you have no swap.00:34
TJ-EriC^^: The partitioning tool will. In the case of the gdisk tools when you specify 0xEF00 it'll actually use the GUID for an ESP, which is C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B00:34
EriC^^TJ-: oh ok, i see00:34
uiodaftykins: Hmmm. How might I check it?00:35
daftykinsuio: free -m00:35
uiodaftykins: swap shows 0            0              0...00:35
stevendaleuio: You can follow this guide here to create a swap file: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-add-swap-on-ubuntu-14-0400:35
TJ-EriC^^: The 0xEF00 came from extending the single-byte MBR fdisk type codes to double-bytes and then mapping the resulting doube-byte values as close as possible to the MBR values to help people recognise the related/same types in both partitioning schemes00:36
EriC^^dongerino: you could open a terminal, type gksu nautilus, and then browse to your /home and delete the files you don't want, also press ctrl+h if there are any hidden files too00:36
daftykinsuio: yep so you don't have one by the sounds. also: "sudo apt-get install pastebinit && sudo parted -l | pastebinit" and paste the link to us00:36
EriC^^TJ-: i see00:37
uiodaftykins: Sorry, I don't quite understand what you mean...00:37
TJ-EriC^^: A good list of GUIDs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GUID_Partition_Table#Partition_type_GUIDs00:37
uiostevendale: Thanks... I am reading it right now !00:37
EriC^^TJ-: thanks00:37
daftykinsuio: commands to run00:37
daftykinsuio: the given link provides bad advice btw.00:39
uiodaftykins: Good to know! What would you suggest...00:39
daftykinswhat i pointed out above00:39
daftykinsopen a terminal and run the command i shared00:39
uiodaftykins: I ran the command00:40
daftykinsok follow my above instruction00:40
uiodaftykins: It is showing errors...00:40
daftykinscan i buy a vowel?00:41
daftykinsor could you mention said errors...00:41
uiodaftykins: ha!00:41
uiodaftykins: linux-image-3.16.0-40-generic is not configured..00:41
stevendaleuio: sudo apt-get -f install00:41
daftykinsugh alright so you've got package fun00:41
uiodaftykins: linux-image-generic-lts-utopic is not configured00:42
uiostevendale: Thanks! What will that do...00:42
daftykinsyes i saw.00:42
stevendaleuio: APT will try to correct any package dependency errors automatically00:43
uiodaftykins: Oh  - before this continues, and likely the source of the problem. (sorry it slipped my mind) I'm using lubuntu.... so I guess I should just leave for the other channel, or is this the same for both ?00:44
stevendaleuio: There's #lubuntu00:44
daftykinscarry on, it's all covered00:44
uiodaftykins: Should I paste all the errors?00:46
daftykinsyou're taking advice from one user and trying to supply it to another00:46
daftykinss/it/the result/00:46
daftykinsyour current command was from stevendale, you can provide output to him/her :)00:46
uiodaftykins: no, I mean for the one you gave me.00:46
daftykinsno longer relevant, keep working with stevendale ^00:47
uiostevendale:  I ran the command you gave me and then the one from daftykins again. Still errors.00:47
=== Mitchell92 is now known as Mitchell92[A]
stevendaleuio: sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-3.16.0-40-generic00:49
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MerdamChimpout Forum has now fully migrated to Chimpmania Forum!  Check out Chimpmania radio and listen to our invaluable advice and commentary regarding the feral negroid beast!  If you can't stand niggers, you will love Chimpmania!  http://chimpmania.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?8401:25
ObrienDavewow, and so it begins again *sigh*01:26
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ex0rTJ-, Are you here?01:39
TJ-ex0r: just about; about to go to bed it's 0239 here01:39
ex0rTJ-, I just wanted to say thank you for the help earlier01:39
ObrienDaveex0r, how did it go?01:40
ex0rI ended up just reinstalling ubuntu01:40
ex0rremoved 15 and reinstalled 14.0401:40
ObrienDavewell now you can do-release-upgrade and get back to 15.04 eventually01:41
TJ-x0r did you fix it?01:41
TJ-ex0r: Ha! good solution :)01:41
micromIs enemy territory still available? I don't see it in synaptic01:45
micromand it seems it was uninstalled from my system01:45
ObrienDavemicrom, it's in PlayDeb, i think01:46
leonichello i am in a live version and  i installl chromiun but it crashed a lot  any idea why01:46
Bashing-omleonic: Running out of ram ?01:47
ObrienDavelive version is meant to sample the OS01:47
ObrienDaveand install01:47
leonicthat explain it  but a don't have a hard drive at the momen  only a sd of 8 Gb01:48
ObrienDaveyou can install to the sd card. i have several like that01:49
ex0rObrienDave, - No thanks, I didn't really find any benefit of 1501:50
ex0rwait people still play enemy territory?01:50
ObrienDaveex0r, i prefer the LTS anyway. don't have to worry about 6 month release cycles :)01:51
ex0rshouldn't 15 be lts?01:51
ex0rOr is it every two years?01:51
ObrienDaveevery 2 years01:51
leonicObrienDave,  do you mean install ubuntu in the sd can you give a link01:51
ObrienDave16.04 will be LTS01:51
ex0rI wonder how much it'll change from 1401:52
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ObrienDaveleonic, how are you running the live OS?01:52
ex0rI want to play enemy territory now01:52
ex0rI haven't played that in like 10 years01:52
ObrienDaveex0r, i wouldn't know. i'm on Xubuntu, i have a 3 year cycle01:53
leonicinstalled in the sd car i have a usb adapter01:53
ex0rooh what's the difference between kubuntu ubuntu and xubuntu ?01:53
ObrienDavethe desktop environment mostly01:54
leonici made it bootable whit yumi i have mint and puppy but for some rason puppy don't load01:54
ObrienDavek = kde  x = xfce01:54
ObrienDaveleonic, if you have another sd/usb stick, you can use the current live system to install to the other device01:55
conangood night, someone could help me on this issue? " I'm on the latest Linux Mint release on an Acer Aspire S3. Unfortunately  I can't set the screen brightness in the Screen preferences. It doesn't  matter which position the slider has, it's always the same brightness.  Am I doing something wrong? Is there another way to set the brightness? "01:56
ObrienDave!mint | conan01:56
ubottuconan: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org01:56
OerHeksmint has its own issues01:57
ex0roh, and ubuntu uses its own?01:57
leonicconan use xrandr01:57
micromerror while loading shared libraries: libXext.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory01:57
leonichow mouch space ubuntu need to install01:58
leonic4 Gb o more01:58
micromI must have removedd 386 libraries by accident last week thinking I did not need them, how do I get them back?01:58
regeditEriC^^ ? dayangkun ?01:58
ObrienDaveleonic, 4GB minimum01:58
ObrienDave8GB is better01:59
regeditwell well well, some things have finally gone right this time round :)01:59
leonici guess 4Gb whiot libre office01:59
ObrienDaveleonic, yes you would need an 8GB or better02:00
regediti am able to boot to windows and to ubuntu02:00
EriC^^regedit: by dayangkun you mean daftykins?02:00
regeditEriC^^: heya :D oh i guess so02:01
leonic iguees ai need  other pc to do it  becasus my other sd adpter does not boot02:01
leonicit work but dont boot  i am using the camera to run the live version02:01
ObrienDaveyes making it bootable is a good thing :)02:01
EriC^^regedit: ok, that's great that windows is booting and so is ubuntu02:01
regeditEriC^^: i would really love to record the lessons learned here: what were those magic GPT steps you made me do, and why did they help (along with the FAT32 windows install drive with the EFI files)02:01
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conanPersonal, sorry. I am using ubuntu-mate and the problem is the same as described for LinuxMint. Display brightness always at 100%02:02
ex0rit seems enemy territory wont install02:02
EriC^^regedit: well uefi can't be installed in legacy(msdos) partition tables, it might have helped if windows decides to install in legacy if it finds a msdos partition table, anyways the command was sudo parted -l to get the disk then sudo gdisk /dev/sdX , then press "o" then "w"02:03
histoconan: I have to boot using acpi_backlight=vendor and acpi_osi=Linux to fix my backlight brightness02:04
ObrienDaveex0r, http://www.playdeb.net/game/Enemy%20Territory02:04
histoconan: perhaps try that in your /etc/default/grub  and sudo update-grub after the changes02:04
EriC^^regedit: i think what you did with daftykins was made fat32 partition and copy all the files over, the command is mkfs.fat -F 32 /dev/sdxY02:04
EriC^^*sudo mkfs.fat02:04
ex0rhmm I tried using the .run installer that is on the official site02:04
EriC^^regedit: after you create a partition first using gparted02:05
ex0rand that one doesnt seem to work02:05
ex0rsays package unavailable02:05
ObrienDaveex0r, go through playdeb ppa02:05
__Myst__Hi guys02:05
* ex0r researches02:05
__Myst__I'm having issues with my wi-fi connection02:05
__Myst__I'm on a b43xx wifi chip, and I've tried multiple fixes02:05
__Myst__disabling ipv6, disabling f-something, etc...02:06
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx02:06
__Myst__nothing works02:06
__Myst__ObrienDave: Did you even read what I said? None of that worked02:06
regeditEriC^^: i think i did both partitioning and fat32 formatting within gparted02:06
EriC^^regedit: oh ok02:06
ObrienDave__Myst__, you did not mention you tried the factoid link ;P02:07
OerHekswhich bcm43xx exactly?02:07
conanhisto: I used this command line and not decided: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi_backlight=vendor acpi_osi=Linux"02:08
__Myst__ObrienDave: Factoid link?02:08
__Myst__OerHeks: bcm4311 iirc02:09
__Myst__how do I check again?02:09
ex0rwoohoo ill be playing me some ET pretty soon!02:10
HiGregSis there  a gui for kernel modules? Something that handles multiple installed kernels perhaps?02:10
ex0rand I love this playdeb!02:10
__Myst__OerHeks: BCM433102:10
TJ-HiGregS: what do you mean, what do you want to do? the kernel has a gui configuration tool02:12
HiGregSsee what module versions are installed, update, downgrade, blacklist, etc.02:12
TJ-HiGregS: Modules in the file-system are under "/lib/modules/<kernel-version>/" there's no GUI wrappers around the command line tools for manipulating the kernel settings02:14
histoconan: k did it work?02:14
BUITREvoy por el mundo volando y buscando ayuda=ubuntu02:14
lotuspsychje!es | BUITRE02:15
ubottuBUITRE: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.02:15
HiGregSTJ-, seems like a good project for an interested developer (gui kernel module tool)02:15
conanhisto: Não, coloquei de acordo a linha de comando que te passei. viu?02:15
conanhisto: No, according put the command line that you spent.We saw?02:15
TJ-HiGregS: I can't think of any kernel developer that would swap command-line for a GUI02:16
HiGregSIt's pretty horrendous trying to navigate all the tools (plus directory modifications for blacklisting).02:17
BUITRElotus; tanks but i dont know how and where to select any option, my english is not well and i dont understand many words i'am 59. let's try to in english, do you want to help or anybody else .02:18
TJ-HiGregS: blacklisting for loading kernels? Just entries in "/etc/modprobe.d/"02:19
lotuspsychjeBUITRE: we surely want to help, can you describe your problem please?02:19
histoconan: what?  edit the default grub file then sudo update-grub02:20
HiGregSTJ-, sure! but there are about a dozen "just ..." for each individual function. And each of the 7 or 8 programs are a (small) learning curve. Would be nice for a gui to list the installed modules, be able to select a drop down (enable, disable, blacklist, etc.). And install from file, list available ones, etc.02:21
TJ-HiGregS: That's not so much a kernel issue, that's a distro issue for the userspace tooling02:22
BUITREi have installed a version of ubuntu and at this time experience an ¿overflow? i mean the processor speed go up and is working at 99% of it capacity and the system is very slow, i never seen it beefore02:23
ObrienDaveex0r, the main page is http://www.getdeb.net02:23
lotuspsychjeBUITRE: ubuntu version?02:23
TJ-HiGregS: It's done so infrequently no one has felt it so annoying as to want to write a GUI for it... but it's open source ... feel free to write a tool :)02:23
ex0rObrienDave, - I got it going :)02:23
ex0rnow just to wait forever for it to install >.<02:23
ObrienDavecool :)02:24
TJ-ex0r: same here... building a bisect kernel image :)02:24
BUITREwell; the base is ubuntu but the name is voyager x02:24
ex0rnot sure what that is >.<02:24
HiGregSTJ-: I agree with your sentiment. It's surprising that it hasn't annoyed anyone else (gui kernel module tool)02:24
snkcldthis is very strange. when i run nvidia-352, and i copy text in chrome, my tab freezes02:25
snkcldeven when i run bumblebee, and i do _not_ run nvidia on chrome, it _still_ happens02:25
lotuspsychjeBUITRE: im sorry mate, we can only support ubuntu02:25
snkcldbut if i run nouveau, its perfectly fine02:25
histoconan: ?02:26
snkcldwhy would the graphics driver be intefering with the clipboard?02:26
lotuspsychjesnkcld: bumblebee is outdated, use nvidia-prime instead02:27
histosnkcld: maybe chrome is the issue?02:27
snkcldisnt nvidia-prime differnet though, in what it effectively does?02:27
lotuspsychjesnkcld: is your card optimus?02:27
snkcldgtx 860m02:27
lotuspsychjesnkcld: then you need nvidia-prime package02:27
lotuspsychje!info nvidia-prime | snkcld02:28
snkcldwhen i used prime etc, no bumblebee, this still happens02:28
ubottusnkcld: nvidia-prime (source: nvidia-prime): Tools to enable NVIDIA's Prime. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.1 (vivid), package size 10 kB, installed size 114 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)02:28
lotuspsychjesnkcld: in combination with wich driver?02:28
snkcldbut i tried 346 too iirc02:28
lotuspsychjesnkcld: did yiu enable performance mode in nvidia-settings?02:28
snkcldthe copy paste is specificallythe problem02:30
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snkcldperformance was perfect02:30
lotuspsychjesnkcld: could be not related sure, just pointing your optimus02:31
BUITRElotus ; do you know how to ? ... well before start is appear  the name ubuntu not voyager, thanks anyway... i'am mexican.02:31
cfhowlett!es | BUITRE02:33
lotuspsychjeBUITRE: if you install ubuntu we can help you, but voyager live x isnt supported here sorry02:33
ubottuBUITRE: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.02:33
lotuspsychjeFlannel: tnx02:35
snkcldeven with nvidia-prime though, i dont understand why copy paste would hit video drivers?02:36
lotuspsychjesnkcld: i didnt said it was related mate, but worth a try to install needed things for your optimus card right?02:36
histosnkcld: why do you assume it's related to copy and paste?02:37
=== regedit_ is now known as regedit
regedit:( seems even konversation can't save me from a simply bad wifi connection...02:39
regeditdid i miss anything EriC^^02:39
snkcldi saaid that cause it happens when i copy text02:39
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:39
regeditEriC^^:  i was asking "...So this gdisk thing, why was it necessary? What did it do which finally helped everything be EFI? And what does "GPT" whatever that is have to do with it?"02:40
regeditso many questions02:40
TJ-snkcld: any clues in "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" ?02:40
EriC^^regedit: i told you already02:41
EriC^^regedit: well uefi can't be installed in legacy(msdos) partition tables, it might have helped if windows decides to install in legacy if it finds a msdos partition table, anyways the command was sudo parted -l to get the disk then sudo gdisk /dev/sdX , then press "o" then "w"02:41
regeditso it does something about legacy(msdos) partition tables?02:42
EriC^^regedit: gpt is a partition table type, like msdos, except it's newer and can have a lot more primary partitions and have bigger partitions (+2TB)02:42
snkcldin fact, i tried ot copy that text from the chrome tab, and the tab froze02:42
EriC^^and it's used with uefi02:42
snkcldand it never made it to my clipboard02:42
EriC^^regedit: that command makes a fresh gpt partition table, you had a msdos one02:43
regeditEriC^^: how might one opt for that kind of partitioning configuration if only in Windows world (without gdisk) ? Or does that force usage of lageacy(msdos) partition tables02:43
TJ-regedit: Disk drives usually have data written to them in multiple partitions. Those partitions are defined in a partition table at the start of the disk. Originally 4 partitions were thought to be sufficient and were stored in 64 bytes in the first sector (of 512 bytes) called the Master Boot Record (MBR). Later we needed more partitions on a disk and introduced Extended Partitions where MBR could chain several partition tables together. That got to be a mess, so02:44
TJ- GUID Partition Table design was introduced which addresses all the shortcomings and stores its data in a different place on the disk. The MBR tools on Linux are fdisk and its variations, for GPT its gdisk and companions, plus parted and gparted and so on02:44
EriC^^regedit: you can have gpt partitions in windows, i think the command diskpart in windows can let you do that, not sure02:44
histoEriC^^: true02:45
regeditEriC^^: ahh ok makes sense02:45
EriC^^you can make partitions and format them with that command, not sure if you can make a new partition table too02:45
regeditand TJ- that was awesome thanks!02:45
TJ-regedit: The UEFI standards require a disk to use GPT and to have a special partition (the EFI System Partition - ESP) containing all the boot-loaders, drivers, and tools (such as the UEFI shell) that the motherboard firmware will need/use02:46
regeditahaa i see... things are starting to make sense now02:46
regeditmight there be a "for noobs" wiki page explaining all this? i could really have used it just 2 days ago... then again i could have just googled for it a bit more...02:47
regeditso back in msdos land, i had like, 1 partition per partition. But once I started installing windows after configuring GPT, suddenly there was like whoa 4 partitions already; System something, EFI something, something something, and only then my actual partition02:48
TJ-regedit: To provide backward compatibility a disk can have both MBR (in sector 0) and GPT (in sector 1) on the same disk. This is usually called a GPT disk with Hybrid or Protective MBR02:48
regediti wonder if I did that? or is it all GPT now02:48
EriC^^you have a protective mbr02:49
TJ-regedit: Microsoft went overboard with their allocation of partitions when they adopted GPT - not sure why, it was mostly unnecessary02:49
EriC^^it's so that some other os that doesn't recognize gpt doesn't think your disk isn't partitioned and tries to partition it02:49
ObrienDavegpt can have 128 partitions iirc02:50
TJ-regedit: The different between a hybrid and Protective MBR is, the latter has 1 partition defined which covers the entire disk so that tools that don't know about GPT partitions will think the entire disk is already in use and won't try to create MBR partitions that would wipe out existing data02:50
snkcldis htere anywayi can have copy paste handled by some other service?02:50
TJ-Whoops! we overloaded regedit with data :)02:50
histo!partition | regedit02:51
ubotturegedit: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PartitioningSchemes l - For partitioning programs see !GParted, or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap02:51
ObrienDavepoor regedit ;P02:51
TJ-histo: regiedt quit a couple minutes ago02:51
EriC^^!partition | ubottu: !partition |02:53
ubottuEriC^^: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PartitioningSchemes l - For partitioning programs see !GParted, or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap02:53
EriC^^i had to see if ubottu would explode02:53
regeditwait what happened, didnt realize i got disconnected02:53
regediti was yappin on02:53
powersurgehey, I'm on an xps 13 and I'm suffering from a problem where after a while all touches on my touchpad are registered as clicks02:54
powersurgeI found a reference here: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Dell_XPS_13_(2015)#Touchpad to my issue but I'm having trouble sussing out what I actually need to do to fix it02:54
powersurgedo I need to use the 4.1 kernel to fix it?02:54
TJ-regedit: The different between a hybrid and Protective MBR is, the latter has 1 partition defined which covers the entire disk so that tools that don't know about GPT partitions will think the entire disk is already in use and won't try to create MBR partitions that would wipe out existing data02:54
cfhowlettpowersurge, device specific trouble is best solved via the OEM, i.e. Dell02:55
powersurgewell, I found a solution, I think, I'm just having trouble digesting it02:55
TJ-regedit: Hybrid MBR allows use of the other 3 primary MBR partitions to map directly onto 3 of the GPT partitions (using the same starting sector number and quantity of sectors) so that both MBR and GPT tools can 'see' those 3 partitions.02:55
Bashing-omregedit: TJ-'s most excellent tutorial on booting : https://iam.tj/kb/pc/boot/#a_bootloader .02:56
TJ-Bashing-om: I'd  forgotten I wrote that!02:56
regeditTJ-: knowledge overflow :p02:56
ex0rgrr et wont load :(02:57
regeditso does any of this explain why i dont have BIOS setup anymore?02:57
TJ-regedit: BIOS was replaced by UEFI but its' all firmware on the motherboard - just they implement different public interfaces (APIs) that the boot-loaders need to talk to02:58
TJ-regedit: UEFI adds a lot of powerful extensibility such as being able to load device drivers before the operating system is started which is especially useful for *big* server systems02:59
regeditTJ-: so for example how might i switch Virtualization now that i converted to UEFI?02:59
EriC^^TJ-: he had installed windows in uefi mode, then ubuntu but the installer told him windows was in legacy mode, so he tried installed both in legacy then came here, i hold him to make a fresh gpt and then install windows, daftykins extracted the iso on a fat32 and everything worked out well03:00
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TJ-regedit: enable the VT extensions of the CPU, you mean? On AMD they should be enabled by default. On Intel CPUs the firmware should provide an option to do that03:00
regedit^ my entire day accurately reduced to a nutshell03:00
TJ-EriC^^: yeah, I saw the bootinfo output, looked like a bit of a mix up somewhere03:00
EriC^^so i guess the question is, does windows decide to install in legacy mode if it finds the disk has a msdos partition table? i know if you boot in uefi it should install in uefi.. so.. i dont know if making a gpt helped, or daftykin 's iso extract or ....03:01
regeditTJ-: well until now i used to switch it on in BIOS, what do i do now?03:01
EriC^^that's what regedit wants to know03:01
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snkcldhow can i go about figuring out where a window "is" as far as processing, if its frozen?03:01
snkcldis that what apport does? when X sees that a window doesnt respoind, apport generates a trace?03:01
regeditand ^ what EriC^^ said03:02
TJ-regedit: UEFI should still provide a Setup menu - in many firmwares you can barely tell the difference between BIOS and UEFI although some desktop motherboards have a GUI based Setup03:02
TJ-regedit: Usually you press F2 or similar at power-on, the screen should show a hint as to what key to press03:02
regeditTJ-: i cant seem to reach this setup menu anymore :( used to be Fn+F2, which now does nothing03:02
TJ-regedit: What make/model is the PC?03:03
regeditTJ-: Fn+F12 would always show BIOS boot menu. currently still works, except the additional option to go to bios setup - disappeared!03:03
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as _7
regeditTJ-: Lenovo IdeaPad U410 (non Touch)\03:03
TJ-regedit: Did you enable Fastboot? If so, I believe there's a special sequence in Windows to disable that so you can enter Setup again03:04
TJ-regedit: have you read page 39 of the user manual?03:05
TJ-gone again!03:05
TJ-In case I've gone when regedit returns, from the manual: "To start the BIOS setup utility:" "Press the Novo button and then select BIOS Setup."03:06
TJ-regedit: from the manual: "To start the BIOS setup utility:" "Press the Novo button and then select BIOS Setup."03:07
ex0rgrr you need 32 bit linux to play ET03:07
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regeditconnection keeps dropping...03:08
ObrienDaveno, you need to install multiarch support03:08
TJ-ex0r: Ubuntu is multilib now; if the system is installed as 64-bit you can install the 32-bit libraries as well to support 32-bit processes03:08
regeditTJ-: i dont remember there being an option about that, it was a very minimal phoenix bios setup03:08
ex0rTJ-, thats what im doing right now but not sure what libraries it needs.03:08
ex0rObrienDave, - how do I do that? sudo apt-get install multiarch ?03:08
TJ-ex0r: run "ldd /path/to/executable"03:09
regeditTJ-: no mention of speed bootup or anything like that that i can remember03:09
ObrienDavei cant remember, been so long since i did it LOL03:09
ex0rnow to find out what libs et needs from 32 so I can install them03:10
regeditTJ-: actually the manufacturer did publish a BIOS fix to "fix BIOS not being accessible after using windows recovery" which might be relevant. I did try installing it in the past and failed, but then again i didnt have UEFI/GPT setup correctly either...03:10
Ben64ex0r: what is et03:11
ex0renemy territory03:11
TJ-regedit: Ahhhh... now that is sounding more like it ... bug in the firmware. Can you install that update now you've repaired Windows?03:12
regeditam i the only one being dropped from freenode all this time?...03:12
Ben64ex0r: googling enemy territory linux .... the first link is how to get it working on ubuntu03:13
Ben64regedit: you're quitting03:13
* TJ- giggles03:13
ObrienDaveex0r, sudo dpkg --add-architecture i38603:13
ObrienDavesudo apt-get update03:13
ObrienDavesudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:14
ObrienDavethen install ET03:14
ObrienDaveor run it. it should work then03:14
ex0rwill give that a try.. thank you! I forgot about this game03:14
regeditso what if my wifi is unstable? just hold on another few seconds...03:15
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juanitogday guys, got an ipv6 related question, I have a box at linode and they send RA with a gateway at fe80::1 it works sweet on the default config03:17
juanitoif i add fe80::1 to one of the interface on the box this ra is then skipped03:17
juanitodoes anyone has an idea ?03:17
TJ-juanito: That makes sense. The routing table will route to your local interface if you give it fe80::103:27
regeditTJ-: so uh, any clues about my BIOS setup?03:27
TJ-regedit: Ahhhh... now that is sounding more like it ... bug in the firmware. Can you install that update now you've repaired Windows?03:28
TJ-regedit: I think you've got update the firmware to fix it03:29
juanitoTJ-: mmm why would it route it to local interface ?03:29
juanitofe80 is link-local03:30
juanitoso the scope of the interface only right ?03:30
juanitothe ra comes from the interface eth0 so it should be added03:30
juanitoactually if i had the route manually it work03:30
TJ-juanito: correct, but on the PC the routing table will only contain 1 entry for that destination03:30
tomhardy_hey all... i'm looking for a bittorrent program that's good.. i hate both transmission and deluge.   Transmission because it doesn't have anyway to add local peers, and lacks many options, Deluge because it just crashes all the time.03:32
tomhardy_Utorrent on osx and windows is excellent. are there any other alternatives for ubuntu.. i don't mind if they are command line based.. just needs to have lots of options03:32
Ben64tomhardy_: you should just figure out why deluge is crashing03:32
juanitoTJ-: what do u mean the ra i receive should add it , if i remove the fe80::1 from an other interface then it reappears again03:32
ex0rand no that didnt fix it03:33
regeditTJ-: dayum this is my wifi bad luck day. i was linking this list look for BIOS http://support.lenovo.com/sg/en/products/laptops-and-netbooks/ideapad-u-series-laptops/ideapad-u410?c=103:36
TJ-regedit: That looks like the fix: https://download.lenovo.com/consumer/mobiles/bios_readme_u310_u410.txt03:38
TJ-regedit: The update for Windows 8, not the one for Windows 703:38
TJ-regedit: version 65CN99WW03:38
kostkontomhardy_, qbitorrent. Great option. You can add its ppa to keep it up-to-date.03:42
tomhardy_nice.. i'll check it out03:42
tomhardy_kostkon: does it have lots of options? and command line?03:42
kostkontomhardy_, GUI is similar to Utorrent's03:42
kostkontomhardy_, i'm guessing yes for both03:43
tomhardy_sweet, local peers is the thing i need the most03:43
regeditTJ-: yep that is the exact BIOS up that's not behaving right03:43
regeditdid you get my message about how it installs? *03:44
regeditBIOS *update03:44
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TJ-regedit: No I didn't03:44
regeditthis is where i got it from http://support.lenovo.com/sg/en/products/laptops-and-netbooks/ideapad-u-series-laptops/ideapad-u410?c=103:44
TJ-regedit: Yes... i got that and sent you 3 messages about it03:45
TJ-regedit: version 65CN99WW03:45
TJ-regedit: That looks like the fix: https://download.lenovo.com/consumer/mobiles/bios_readme_u310_u410.txt03:45
regedityes i took the Windows 8.1 x64 version, is that not the same?03:46
TJ-regedit: Yes... did it install?03:46
regediti run it, it immediately seems to try flashing without any confirmation, immediately restarts the system (without asking!..), power cycle occurs, and then nothing - black screen03:46
regedituntil i give up and hard reboot03:47
regeditand pray the system isnt fried03:47
TJ-regedit: OK, that's certainly not correct. Since you reinstalled Windows have you installed *all* the Lenovo specific drivers too? I bet 1 of those is needed to access the firmware to upgrade it03:48
TJ-regedit: OK, that's certainly not correct. Since you reinstalled Windows have you installed *all* the Lenovo specific drivers too? I bet 1 of those is needed to access the firmware to upgrade it03:50
* TJ- rolls eyes03:50
HoloIRCUser3Is there an easy way to tether my cell phone to 14.04?03:51
regeditTJ-: actually not yet, will try. Are youuuu on for much longer today/night?03:52
HoloIRCUser3I Friedlander earlier but that didn't work03:52
TJ-HoloIRCUser3: Network Manager allows you to create a "Wireless (shared)" or "Wired (shared)" connection03:52
HoloIRCUser3Tried planet03:52
TJ-regedit: it's 04:53 and I'm off to bed :)03:52
HoloIRCUser3TJ cool03:52
regeditTJ-: alright, thanks a ton for all the help!03:53
TJ-regedit: OK, that's certainly not correct. Since you reinstalled Windows have you installed *all* the Lenovo specific drivers too? I bet 1 of those is needed to access the firmware to upgrade it03:54
regeditTJ-: actually not yet, will try03:54
HoloIRCUser3Anyone have a good link that describes the process?03:54
regeditTJ-: so like, without chipset or video driver the BIOS flash wont work?03:55
genewitchi need a desktop application that tries to read files and display any image files it finds in a grid or slideshow03:55
TJ-regedit: I'd bet one of those packages contains motherboard specific drivers to access the firmware interface03:55
regediti somehow doubt it, since earlier today i did have most drivers installed (including chipset) and the flash still didnt go03:56
regeditbut ill try03:56
TJ-regedit: Look in the Windows Event Log for clues as to why it crashes03:56
jeeves_mosshas anyone been able to install spotify on x86 hardware?  I've added the repo, did the update, but it can't find the package03:56
regeditsome of those lenovo packages are broken BTW, dont extract/install correctly etc...03:57
TJ-regedit: That doesn't sound good03:57
regeditTJ-: might chipset directly from Intel be better than the one offered by manufacturer?03:58
TJ-regedit: have you seen this? http://support.lenovo.com/sg/en/products/laptops-and-netbooks/ideapad-u-series-laptops/ideapad-u410/documents/HT101636?tabName=Solutions04:06
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regeditTJ-: oh cool, does an equivalent exist for linux/ubuntu?04:13
TJ-regedit: The OS reboot-into-setup? No, I doubt it, although I bet it just flips a couple of bits in the firmware nv-ram04:13
regeditTJ-: no i mean a way to view bios version04:14
EriC^^sudo dmidecode04:14
regeditTJ-: also, by step 10 on that page, it used to say Setup, now that option has disappeared04:14
regeditversion is 65CN13WW, thanks EriC^^04:16
TJ-regedit: to view firmware version without tools you can also do: dmesg | grep DMI04:18
regedithm indeed04:19
TJ-regedit: good luck with that, I'm off for a final kernel test before sleep04:20
regeditk rebooting to windows to try and flash that bios04:20
regeditcheers TJ-thanks again04:20
=== Guest49303 is now known as dazm
lostwould anyone be interested in teaching me some tips and tricks ?04:34
BuzzardBuzzlost, what would you like to learn today?04:38
lostBuzzardBuzz: yes im always looking to learn some stuff04:39
lostim on youtube learning how to exploit android using metasploit now04:40
BuzzardBuzzsounds like your learning some neat things today04:41
lostim going to install kali on a flash tonight also so i can have it available because i use ubuntu normally04:41
BuzzardBuzzrecently i used transmission to get kali and have not had time to install it yet04:42
losti like to do things colabotativly tho i like it when if i dont understand i can ask someone i dont have many people i can ask about this stuff04:43
BuzzardBuzzyou should get a fast download speed for that04:43
losti was thinking of just making it a bootable usb for kali04:43
BuzzardBuzzhave you tried using virtual machines instead for learning04:44
OerHeksplease, kali is not supported here04:44
ubottuUbuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)04:44
lostwell im planning to get a better connection soon me and my gf are moving in toghether04:44
lostim only using kali here i was just talking about getting kali thats all04:45
lostoops sorry im only using ubuntu sorry04:45
MCSHHi, I'm getting kernel panic on ubuntu 15.04. Can someone help me?04:45
BuzzardBuzzyou get the panic with a live boot media?04:46
lostBuzzardBuzz: i have yes  ive used virtual04:46
OerHeksMCSH, pastebin some details04:46
lostmy fave distro is ubuntu but kali i just want as a bootable usb so i have it ready to use04:47
MCSHI can't.  The system freezes. The GUI won't respond at all. And if it happens that I'm in tty for some reason I see a stack trace of hex numbers04:47
lostBuzzardBuzz: what is your fav distro04:48
MCSHI can't.  The system freezes. The GUI won't respond at all. And if it happens that I'm in tty for some reason I see a stack trace of hex numbers04:49
MCSHSorry for duplication,  my connection was lost for a moment04:49
BuzzardBuzzhave you gotten no panic using different settings for the boot in the past with this machine?04:50
OerHeksMCSH, there should be a log, /var/log/syslog or dmesg04:50
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com04:51
MCSHOerHesks, I'm aware but as soon as I log in everything freezes.04:51
lostif i want to find specific files how do i do that through terminal04:52
BuzzardBuzzlist files04:52
lostlike if i want to find my syslog how do i find the exact location04:53
BuzzardBuzzlost try this -> sudo tail -n 100 -f /var/log/syslog04:57
BuzzardBuzzlost: inside the terminal you will see things happening04:58
lostBuzzardBuzz: what does this do?04:58
BuzzardBuzzlost: you see the stuff added to your logs as it happens04:58
lostwhat does it do?05:00
MCSHOerHeks I tried to pastebinit from recovery but I don't have Internet access.  I tried enabling it but still no luck using ifconfig05:00
BuzzardBuzzlost: it displays logged information into the terminal window05:01
lostBuzzardBuzz: what do you think the top 10-20 cmds i should know?05:03
nabnanyone using gnome on ubuntu? how can i configure it so that i can alt-tab between windows only on the current workspace?05:03
lostBuzzardBuzz: is there a cmd to check the temp of cpu-gpu ?05:03
lostBuzzardBuzz: if so is there a cmd to make the fan speed higher and stuff like that ?05:04
BuzzardBuzzthere are some packages to hepl with hardware monitoring05:04
BuzzardBuzzi prefer gui operation and less command line things05:05
lostcould you teach me how to do a remote shutdown?05:05
BuzzardBuzzlike using a webadmin type remote connection like for a server05:06
nabnlost: if you can ssh into the machine, i suppose you could issue a 'sudo poweroff'05:06
cloud2332ubuntu app center does not let me download Wine, any ideas why?05:06
lostBuzzardBuzz: oh i c .  i love the whole terminal interaction with my os05:06
lostnabn: secure shell into a machine?05:06
lostnabn: im super new to linux could you help me understand  ? what does that mean ssh  and how could i do this?05:08
cloud2332on 15.04 but I can not download Wine. anyone know y?05:09
lostnabn:im interested in learning code i was even thinking about writing a code for when i first do a fresh install so it would install all the things i normally would do and even customize the background and all that stuff that i usually do with one code is this possible id even like to learn how to write a code for virus to do a botnet for my self at home to remote control my other computers on my lan05:11
losti just am trying to learn a bunch of stuff and i have no one to ask thats why im here sorry to bug you05:12
cloud2332I hear you <lost> trying to do the same here. new in into user myself.05:14
lostdoes anyone know where i could go to find ready made scripts others made ?05:14
cloud2332new ubuntu user.05:14
BuzzardBuzzlost: you can remote conrtol your lan easily enough05:14
lostcloud2332: ive been playing with linux for about a year now but im very ambitious becaus ei was a windows user and hated it lol05:15
BuzzardBuzzyou just need to get vnc servers running on the computers that need controlling05:15
Lurchyevening all05:15
Lurchyanyone awake?05:16
lostBuzzardBuzz: do you know how to set up a at home botnet i have 3 other computers i wanna make do some stuff maybe even have them at my moms and play with them from my house05:16
cloud2332lost: I agree I left Windows and now I have left Mac liking Linux a lot more just wish I could figure why it is not allowing me to download Wine. need to open a Windows program for school.05:16
lostcloud2332: do u use terminal much?05:17
BuzzardBuzzwhat are the operating systems for the 3 other computers that need to be under your control05:17
Lurchywhats the command to post on the clipboard again?  I need some help setting static IP on a new ubuntu install05:18
cloud2332lost: just started last Thursday. trying to figure it out, learning to program for school05:18
BuzzardBuzzinstall vnc server software on each and use vnc client on your ubuntu machine05:18
Lurchyonce I update interfaces file...whats command to restart my network again??05:18
Lurchy"reload network" gives me error05:18
lostcloud2332: did u add repository?05:18
nabnlost: if you do a 'sudo poweroff' in your terminal, it shuts your computer down. SSH-ing is remotely accessing a computer from another over a network. Do a bit of googling on how to do this, there are plenty of resources. here's one: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-ssh-to-connect-to-a-remote-server-in-ubuntu05:19
cloud2332lost: what is that? I read in the forums that wine would open the exe file so that I could run the program.05:19
lostnabn:thank you05:20
Lurchyonce I update interfaces file...whats command to restart my network again??05:21
BuzzardBuzzlost: using ssh you can also use vnc from your house to your moms to control other computers05:21
lostBuzzardBuzz: thank you i just looked some stuff up about sshing05:23
BuzzardBuzzyou are very welcome :)05:23
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest10636
Ben64cloud2332: open terminal, type "sudo apt-get install wine"05:25
lostBen64: i think he needs repository also05:26
lostoh ok05:26
B0g4r7wine should be in the default repo(s)05:26
BuzzardBuzzim surprised wine is not on the preinstalled list for the distro05:27
Ben64it shouldn't be05:27
cloud2332I am clueless cause it won't let me download it from the app center, message say no connection05:27
B0g4r7It's quite friggin large.  Installing by default would consume quite a bit.05:27
Ben64cloud2332: run the command i suggested05:27
BuzzardBuzzhow large is it?05:28
cloud2332ben64: trying now.05:28
B0g4r7I'm BuzzardBuzz IDK offhand, but I'd say over half a gig.05:28
BuzzardBuzzwow, i can remember when it was alot smaller05:28
lostwell the ppa is "ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa"05:29
cloud2332ben64: I typed and it came back with command not found05:29
Ben64pastebin the full command and error05:29
B0g4r7I'm pretty impressed by wine.  It runs a lot more stuff than I had expected it to.05:30
Ben64cloud2332: also, what are you trying to run with wine05:30
cloud2332a program called Raptor Flowchart05:30
lostsudo add-apt-repository install ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa   is this how this would go?05:30
MCSHGuys I think I solved my problem by un installing a druver, but I'm getting login loop.... what should I do05:30
Ben64lost: stop worrying about the ppa05:31
cloud2332ben64: did you say to type something else on the command line?05:31
Ben64cloud2332: pastebin the full command and error05:31
lostBen64: im not worring . im just new to linux and since i found the ppa i wanted to know if i was correct with how i wrote it out05:32
lostcloud2332: check this05:32
lostcloud2332: https://www.winehq.org/download/ubuntu05:32
Ben64lost: stop confusing stuff05:32
cloud2332ben64: sorry new to the command line, don't know how to write the command now05:33
Ben64lost: the ppa is not necessary, and it is very important to know the problem before suggesting unsupported 3rd party repositories05:33
Ben64cloud2332: you said you typed it, and "it came back with command not found", please copy+paste the full command and error that you got into pastebin.com or a similar service05:34
cloud2332lost: yes I have been there. it forces me to download it from the app center then it fails with a message of check your internet connection but I am on the internet05:34
BuzzardBuzzthere is a solution for the login loop on the previously posted page05:34
lostBen64: im not suggesting it i was asking if that was how it would be learning05:35
BuzzardBuzzthope that helps your issue05:35
Ben64lost: you're definitely suggesting it, please stop05:35
lqhello. I have done some work for nvidia tegra on my ubuntu host. During installation, armhf architecture has been enabled in apt and now i get 404 errors during apt-get update because trusty-security and backports does not have armhf packages. How do i solve such issues in general? Or do I have to live with the 404's?05:35
lostBen64: your rude and i really dont care what you think because first of all i know that i dont know much about whats going on so how about you just do what your doing and stop worring about me05:36
Ben64lost: then stop confusing people with irrelevant information05:36
MCSHThat didn't helped but thanks. BuzzardBuzz. I think it's a driver issue. I'll try un installing nvidia05:36
RavenBlackcloud, can you install other software or is it just wine that wont install?05:37
BuzzardBuzzyou are very welcome :)05:37
dtscodehttps://bpaste.net/show/ef73e4577096 Can someone help me with this?05:37
cloud2332ben64: put up into paste in05:38
Ben64dtscode: what version of linux are you running?05:38
Ben64cloud2332: you need to give me the url to the paste05:38
cloud2332ravenblack: yes I can download other apps05:38
dtscodeBen64: How can I tell?05:39
cloud2332ben64: I am running 15.04, url is pastebin.com/zuet6sbu05:39
Ben64dtscode: "lsb_release -a" or "cat /etc/issue"05:39
Ben64cloud2332: take away the quotes05:39
dtscode14.04 trust05:39
Ben64dtscode: that is not 14.04's kernel, not sure whats going on there05:40
cloud2332ben64: k trying now05:40
* dtscode shrugs05:40
B0g4r7dtscode, what does 'uname -r' say?05:41
cloud2332ben64: I believe it did not work05:41
Ben64cloud2332: pastebin again :)05:42
cloud2332ben64: k05:42
B0g4r7dtscode, that's, uh...odd.  That sure looks like a redhat-type kernel.05:43
* dtscode shrugs05:43
dtscodeIt came with the vps05:43
xanguathen contact the VPS05:44
dtscodeWell I mean I can reinstall05:44
dtscodeor yeah I guess I should do that05:44
Lurchygrr...how frustrating05:44
cloud2332ben64: here is the new url pastebin.com/D9bVy7yz05:45
dupingpingUbuntu Vivid does not offer commercial apps?05:45
Lurchysetting static IP on fresh install and its not working  :-(05:45
Lurchyanyone have a moment to help?05:45
lqLurchy: your network is not working?05:45
Lurchynetwork works fine05:46
lqcan you post output of "ifconfig"?05:46
Lurchyjust installed fresh ubuntu server...dhcp works great...trying to set static ip behind my router for ubuntu server05:46
Ben64cloud2332: ok, run "sudo apt-get update" and then try it again, it should work,05:46
Lurchylq...whats that command to post again?05:46
Lurchyso I can post link of clipboard05:47
cloud2332ben64: trying now05:47
LurchyI am using this link as my guide....http://www.unixmen.com/setup-static-ip-ubuntu-14-04/05:47
Lurchyto set static ip05:47
lqLurchy: actually I dont know :) I do not show up here very often. I just upload it manually to paste.ubuntu.com05:47
BuzzardBuzzLurchy: this command might help you see what is happening for you during your attempts to set up the networking ->sudo tail -n 100 -f /var/log/syslog05:48
Lurchyhold on buzzard...05:48
LurchyI edited my interface file to this....05:49
Lurchylook accurate?05:49
cloud2332ben64: took me to a grey screen with ok at the bottom but now I can't do nothing. what next?05:50
Lurchythats the right one05:50
Ben64cloud2332: what took you to a grey screen05:50
BuzzardBuzzso you dont want to just use the network-manager?05:50
Lurchybut when I try to ifup/ifdown...give me error05:50
lqLurchy: I dont know about ubuntu server, but normally network manager does network stuff and might interfere05:50
lqLurchy: if thats the case, you can either disable it or start using it05:51
cloud2332ben64: the download of wine. it is a screen that at the top is written configuring ttf-mscorefronts-installer05:51
Lurchyforgive me guys...novice with ubuntu05:51
mach20xok, so somehow my 105gb partition got filled with junk I was able to use bleachbit to clear about 16gb's and emptied the trash for another 6gb's but I am still at a lost to account for the rest.05:51
Lurchytaking the plunge :-)05:51
BuzzardBuzzwell network manager works well with static ip stuff but of course you dont have to use it05:51
Lurchywell...I edited my inteface file...dont i have to restart networking on ubuntu server?05:52
Ben64cloud2332: it might take a bit to get all the stuff it needs05:52
B0g4r7Lurchy, what error is given?05:52
BuzzardBuzzyou want to restart the networking service05:52
Lurchyone sec..lemme try again05:52
B0g4r7down, then up.05:52
lqLurchy: I am not sure but I think that because of networkmanager your interface file can be ignored.05:53
Lurchybuzzard....wont a restart accomplish that?05:53
cloud2332ben64: how do I I ow when it is done?05:53
BuzzardBuzzyes it will]05:53
Ben64cloud2332: you can probably look at the terminal window to see what its doing05:54
lqso you either disable network manager and continue your way or start using network manager to do this static ip05:54
neetzzHey guys , I'm trying to download this very important package which is needed but unfortunately it's saying not found   when i run this commnad "sudo apt-get install kvm-pxe"  on my ubuntu 14.0405:54
Lurchylq......which is preferable...and why?05:54
cloud2332ben64: I can't it has been replaced by this screen05:55
Lurchyforgive the ignorant question05:55
xangua!find kvm-pxe trusty | neetzz05:55
BuzzardBuzzi prefer network manager due to the ease of use with the GUI05:55
ubottuneetzz: Package/file kvm-pxe does not exist in trusty05:55
lqLurchy: Personally, I would use networkmanager. You get a nice tool and unified place for wifi and eth.05:55
Ben64cloud2332: is there anything in the window05:55
neetzzxangua: ubottu  Oh what's the alternate ?05:55
Lurchyis network manager installed in default ubuntu package?05:56
cloud2332ben64: no05:56
lqLurchy: on desktop, 100% yes. On server - i think too05:56
Ben64cloud2332: try hitting enter or space bad05:56
lqtry running "nmcli"05:56
Ben64space bar*05:56
Lurchylq....this is server05:56
Lurchynot client05:56
zeRezhi everyone05:56
BuzzardBuzzdid it come preinstalled on your distribution?05:57
Lurchybuzzard....i installed directly offa disk and connected to web to update05:57
Lurchythe iso05:57
LurchyI installed openssh flavor of ubuntu05:58
BuzzardBuzzdid it come with network-manager already on it?05:58
mach20xRKhunter results05:58
mach20xSystem checks summary05:58
mach20xFile properties checks...05:58
mach20x    Required commands check failed05:58
mach20x    Files checked: 14705:58
mach20x    Suspect files: 13005:58
mach20xRootkit checks...05:58
lqLurchy: lets find out then :P Try "dpkg -s network-manager | grep Status"05:58
Lurchynetwork manager not isntalled05:59
lqok, so on server its not installed05:59
lqthen we should examine your method06:00
lqwhy it doesnt work06:00
lqill take a look at the file again06:00
mach20xhey am I still +q06:01
neetzzHey guys , I'm trying to download this very important package which is needed but unfortunately it's saying not found   when i run this commnad "sudo apt-get install kvm-pxe"  on my ubuntu 14.0406:01
mach20xhere is the output on my rkhunter scan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11717949/06:02
lqLurchy: can you do "sudo ifconfig eth0 up" and then paste the output of "ifconfig"?06:02
BuzzardBuzzLurchy did you look at your logs also with this -> sudo tail -n 100 -f /var/log/syslog06:02
lqLurchy: and also paste the logs BuzzardBuzz is talking about. It can help us understand what is going on there06:03
BuzzardBuzzyou have your hostname set up and your dns stuff also?06:03
BuzzardBuzzare you also using samba?06:03
BuzzardBuzzon the server?06:03
Lurchyhostname is nto setup06:04
Lurchysudo ifconfig eth0 up  give me not output06:05
Lurchyerr no output06:05
lqLurchy: that is fine :)06:05
BuzzardBuzzthere is a tutorial for this i beton the google screen somewhere06:06
Lurchyive been looking :-P06:06
BuzzardBuzzi have done this many times in the past myself06:06
BuzzardBuzzbecause i dont always use network manager myself06:07
Lurchywell if this was client..then not problem...but server seems to be challenging06:07
Lurchyrebooting again....still getting errors on network06:08
BuzzardBuzzi bet that server guide will do the trick06:09
Lurchybuzzard...it has same method i am using....06:09
Lurchylet me look again06:09
BuzzardBuzzhow many internet adapters are you using inside your server?06:10
BuzzardBuzzethernet not internet06:10
Lurchyjust the one06:10
BuzzardBuzzso you are not doing any nat; what kind of server aer you wanting to have?06:11
cloud2332bben64: wine is installed now having trouble opening the program with wine06:11
cloud2332ben64 just wrote you a line06:12
Lurchysudo ifup eth0 gives me a error about not being able to read instefaces file06:12
Lurchyinterfaces file06:12
Ben64cloud2332: yeah not every program works with wine06:12
cloud2332ben64: ah I see well thank you very much for the help I got further than I have before06:13
BuzzardBuzzhow did you determine your gateway ip address06:16
BuzzardBuzzcan you ping it from the server?06:17
Lurchyfrom the windows computer I am using....06:17
Lurchycmd line....ipconfig output06:17
Lurchyping the gateway?06:18
Lurchyor the ubuntu server?06:18
mach20xI'll be back in a bit and repost the link to my rkhunter output, hopefully someone knows of a fix, maybe I can use a live CD to repair?06:18
lqping gateway from server06:18
BuzzardBuzzdid you try this -> sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask
Lurchyi can ping gateway just fine06:19
Lurchyi did that06:19
Lurchyjust rebooted...seeign if it sticks06:19
BuzzardBuzzdid you get the correct ifconfig results06:19
BuzzardBuzzdont reboot that wont stick06:19
lqyou can ping gateway from server? what is the problem then? It is not persistent?06:19
Lurchysettings didnt stay06:19
BuzzardBuzzto get it to stick you need the file to be accepted as usable06:20
BuzzardBuzzso when you reboot then it will stick06:20
regedithello, what are my chances for flashing a CAP file to my bios? using the manufacturer's Windows Installer fails... any Linux-side hacks possible?06:20
lqLurchy: down the interface, then set it up and post any errors and "ifconfig" output06:20
LurchyI just did a sudo ifconfig netmask
Lurchyand i can ping the gateway06:21
BuzzardBuzznow we need to fix your file06:21
neetzzHey guys , I'm trying to download this very important package which is needed but unfortunately it's saying not found   when i run this commnad "sudo apt-get install kvm-pxe"  on my ubuntu 14.0406:21
BuzzardBuzzthen reboots will stick06:21
lqneetzz: do you have universe repository enabled in ubuntu?06:22
BuzzardBuzzyour nameservers inside your file are suspected06:23
neetzzlq:  Nah I don't think so , how do I do it ?06:23
BuzzardBuzzyou should not need nameservers inside that file06:23
lqneetzz: open software center, click on edit -> software sources. Make sure the universe repo is checked.06:23
BuzzardBuzzthey are somewhere else i think06:23
BuzzardBuzzat least i think that they are to be somewhere else06:24
Lurchyi didnt configure nameserves in interfaces file06:24
Lurchyi did06:24
BuzzardBuzzthe file i thought you posted had nameservers inside it at the bottom06:24
lqnameservers are in /etc/resolv.conf06:25
Lurchylet me look06:25
Lurchysudo nano /etc/resolv.conf????06:25
neetzzlq:  everything is ticketed06:25
lqneetzz: ok, let me check where can we find the package06:26
Lurchyhmmm....its blank06:26
neetzzlq:  thanks a ton bro06:26
BuzzardBuzzyou need to put the nameservers you want into the file06:26
Lurchyboth and
lqyou can put both. but will work alone too06:27
BuzzardBuzzif you want your own dns resolver then you would use that here instead06:28
detach-some ISPs may block external DNS requests06:28
BuzzardBuzzif you wanted to use dns bufferring for your server06:28
detach-just so you are aware... if you have what your ISP gave you, try them if fails06:28
lqneetzz: this package is not in standard ubuntu repositories, we need to get it from somewhere else06:29
neetzzlq:  like how ? :(06:29
lqneetzz: it was in 12.04 i think06:29
neetzzlq:  yes06:29
Lurchydamn...errors on reboot  again06:30
BuzzardBuzzdid you do your hostname yet?06:30
Lurchywaiting for network configuration............06:30
Lurchyi just put
Lurchydont I have to flush something?06:31
Lurchyflush dns...and refresh?06:31
Lurchysorta like ipconfig /renew on windows06:31
BuzzardBuzzrebooting should have flushed it good enough i would think06:31
rick_hi all, I am trying to build linux kernel and put it on my ubuntu box, when I run 2d test or x11perf, sometimes it hang without any kernel output to console, what can I do to know what happens when kernel freeze?06:32
BuzzardBuzzcan you ping the gateway ?06:32
lqLurchy: first you need working network, then take care of nameservers.06:32
BuzzardBuzzwhat does ifconfig say?06:32
neetzzlq:  any solution ?06:33
lqLurchy: we need ifconfig output after reebot and log06:33
lqneetzz: i was thinking - can't we bypass your problem? I mean, are you sure you need this package?06:33
lqneetz: are you following any specific instructions from web?06:33
Lurchyone sec06:33
neetzzlq:  yes i need it :/06:34
lqneetzz: I mean, maybe you can use something else on 14.0406:34
neetzzlq:  nah , i tried that but didn't work06:34
neetzzlq:  that's why want the same package06:34
Lurchyeth0 doesnt show up06:34
=== Lee` is now known as Lee1`
BuzzardBuzzlurchy, just a hint, now you are finding out why i just install network-manager and not mess with the files06:35
Lurchy"cant read interfaces file"06:35
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Lurchybuzzard...correct me if I am wrong.....network manager is not installed in server....06:36
Lurchyonly in client06:36
BuzzardBuzzall you need to do is install it and set it up though06:36
lqneetzz: what about kvm-ipxe? would that do the trick? :P maybe the software you want to use is obsolete now06:36
BuzzardBuzzit works fine if you do that06:37
BuzzardBuzzbut you do not have to do it that way06:37
neetzzlq:  it worked , but what is ipxe ?06:37
neetzzlq:  i mean what does 'i' stand for06:38
lqneetzz: i dont know anything about this topic, I'm just trying to help with package management :D the ipxe was just a guess. Maybe they have renamed the package or something. Im not sure if it will work for you tho06:38
Lurchynetwork manager...bot isnt that a gui??06:39
Lurchyerr but06:39
lqLurchy: you can use it in command line too through "nmcli" tool06:39
BuzzardBuzzare you needing gui-less server interface?06:39
neetzzlq: thanks dude06:39
lqneetzz: no prob. check whether if really works :P06:40
BuzzardBuzzif so then network-manager is not an option for you06:40
Lurchybuzzard....im just frustrated06:41
neetzzlq:  haha ;)06:41
Lurchycommand line non gui06:41
neetzzBtw does anyone has a link fo Game of Thrones Season 5 10th episode ?06:41
Lurchyneetz....its on the netalready06:42
Lurchyneetz....its on the net already06:42
neetzzLurchy:  link bouy06:42
neetzzLurchy:  i ain't finding any downloadable link06:42
neetzznor in torrents :(06:42
neetzzappreciate the help06:43
Lurchyneetz....its in torrents06:43
Lurchybut shouldnt speak of such things here I think06:43
BuzzardBuzzauto eth006:44
BuzzardBuzziface eth0 inet static06:44
BuzzardBuzzis this inside your interfaces file?06:45
BuzzardBuzzthen that is not your issue06:45
BuzzardBuzzyour reboot lets you ping the gateway now?06:45
Lurchyno...drops eth006:46
BuzzardBuzzwhat does your ifconfig output say?06:46
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BuzzardBuzzand the syslogs info06:46
Lurchyonly shows lo06:47
dtscodeB0g4r7: If you are still there, would sudo apt-get upgrade upgrade my kernel?06:47
Lurchynot eth006:47
Lurchywhen i do a ifdown...gives me error about not being able to read my interfaces file06:47
lqdtscode: i think it will, if one is available for your distro06:48
BuzzardBuzzso your file looks good but does not work, maybe typo in your file?06:49
Lurchynah...triple checked06:49
dtscodelq: thanks06:49
lqdtscode: if you really want a newer kernel, you can try this out: http://www.wikihow.com/Update-Ubuntu-Kernel06:49
dtscodeill certainly try that out06:50
BuzzardBuzzso when you start the network service you get an error message then06:50
ikoniathat looks like a virtual machine kernel06:50
Lurchyahh wait...says to remove dhcp?06:51
ikoniadtscode: why are you trying to change your kernel ?06:51
lqdtscode: but have in mind that its experimental stuff :P06:51
ikoniaare you running on a vm ?06:51
ubuntu103dtscode: dist-upgrade06:51
ikoniait is not that simple06:51
ikoniado not blindly try to change your kernel - more so if you don't know what platform you are on06:51
BuzzardBuzzit only should say static06:51
BuzzardBuzziface eth0 inet static06:52
ikoniadtscode: it looks like you are running in an container or virtual guest of some sort06:53
ikoniathat kernel is a redhat kernel commonly supplied to virtual platform providers06:53
ikoniado not try to change it06:53
BuzzardBuzzyou found the google magic to fix it, cheers :)06:55
Lurchylets see06:56
dtscodeikonia: ok... thanks for the tip06:57
Lurchythis is so frustrating06:57
BuzzardBuzzlet us hope that you endure the learning process long enough to figure it out.07:01
* Lurchy hopes also07:02
* Lurchy pulls hair out07:02
ikoniaLurchy: what's the problem ? you're just making self pity noises07:03
mach20xAnyone have an idea on my course of action for correcting this output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11717949/   ??07:03
Lurchysetting static ip in ubuntu server is a pain07:03
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lqikonia: he is trying to setup networking on ubuntu server 14.04 using interfaces file and resolv.conf07:04
ikoniamach20x: ignore rootkit hunter07:04
ikoniathat is the correct course of advice07:04
Ben64mach20x: i see nothing requiring correction07:04
=== lq is now known as liquidee
Lurchynow when i do ifconfig...eth0 is not there...only lo07:04
ikoniaso that means it can't see your network card07:05
ikoniaso you're totally wasting your time07:05
LurchyIm not knowledgeable enough to know what I am doing wrong07:05
ikoniahas your network card even been seen by ubuntu07:06
Lurchytried ifdown eth0 command but get "cant read interfaces file"07:06
Lurchyyes....fresh install07:06
Lurchydhcp worked fine07:06
ikoniafirst question - is this ubuntu desktop or ubuntu server07:06
Lurchywhen I went into to edit interfaces file to set static...now wont work07:06
Lurchyubuntui server07:06
ikoniaok - put your interfaces files back to how it was - reboot and get your network interface back07:07
ikoniathen move forward from a stable point07:07
ikoniaat the moment you are wasting your time07:07
mach20xMy graphics is causing issues where I have to hardware reboot the machine, the screen freezes and doesn't allow for any user input from mouse or keyboard07:07
ikoniathat doesn't sound like graphics07:08
ikoniathat sounds like a kernel panic07:08
Lurchyone minute ikonia07:09
Lurchynow wont work when i reset back to dhcp07:09
Lurchyfuq it.....reinstall from scratch07:09
Lurchybe right back in 5 minutes07:10
liquideethis is the unregged channel, right?07:10
liquideedo you think it is a good idea to mark all ubuntu repo mirrors in /etc/apt/sources.list with [arch=amd64] ? I have armhf arch enabled in apt for which it is trying to fetch from standard repos generating a 404.07:12
liquideeIt certainly works but I'm wondering whether there wont be any problems with 32 bit packages. What is the recommended solution? Do i have to simply bear the 404's?07:13
ikonialiquidee: say that again please, I'm not sure I follow what you're actually asking07:14
liquideeikonia: I have amd64 comp with ubuntu 14.04 installed. I have also enabled armhf architecture in apt. Therefore, when doing "apt-get update" i get a lot of 404's. It tries to fetch index for armhf from standard ubuntu repositories, which do not exist07:15
Lurchywell..this dual core 3.0 with 8gb of ram should work decent with this ubuntu server i hope07:15
ikoniaLurchy: why have you done that ?07:16
ikoniaLurchy: sorry not you07:16
ikonialiquidee: why have you done that07:16
ikonialiquidee: you're not running on arm, so why are you trying to enable the arm repos ?07:16
mach20xok, so I have 8gb's of ram, the kernel is apparently panicking my linux partition is getting overloaded by I don't know what else... I've cleaned out a lot via Bleachbit, yet still have about 50+gigs locked up in the system07:16
liquideeikonia: im working with tegra board, the host software fetches packages for the board and installs them remotely07:16
ikonialiquidee: that is not how it work07:16
liquideeikonia: i didnt enable the arch myself. This is just my explanation :)07:17
ikoniadisable it07:17
Lurchyhere is a dumb question....but what flavor of ubuntu should I install? openssh server?  or manual?  I want to make a lamp server...but also run open remote....and a video camera ssystem07:17
ikoniayou are not running an arm arch07:17
ikoniaLurchy: there is no such  flavour as openssh server07:17
ikoniaor "manual"07:17
ikoniawhat is the real question ?07:17
Lurchyat ubuntu install screen...options are to install core...and others software07:18
ikoniaLurchy: install ubuntu desktop07:18
ikoniaLurchy: from an ubuntu desktop CD07:18
Lurchythis si server07:18
ikoniause the desktop07:18
ikoniayou'll find it much easier07:18
Lurchythis is server07:18
ikoniause the desktop07:18
ikoniayou'll find it much easier07:18
LurchyI am putting desktop on my other rig.....this is for webpage and other stuff in my networked home07:19
ikoniaso use the desktop07:19
ikoniayou don't need a "server" install for that07:19
LurchyI appreciate your recommendation....but I am going to go the server route07:20
ikoniawhy ?07:20
ikoniawhy are you making it harder for yourself ?07:20
Lurchyguess I am stubborn...want to learn server command line07:20
ikoniayou can use the command line on the desktop07:20
ikoniayou clearly don't understand what you are doing - so why don't you follow peoples advice, and then you can actually learn07:21
ikoniarather than make a problem and complain endlessy that nothing works as you have been doing07:21
ikoniathere is nothing wrong with running server functionality on an ubuntu desktop install07:21
ikoniait's a great platform to learn but has a better setup to get up and running quickly and undo any issues you may make, and has tools to help you learn07:22
Lurchythanks ikonia.....but I prefer to set this machine up without gui and telnet into it07:22
ikoniayou have no idea what you are doing07:23
Ben64telnet :|07:23
ikoniaand that last comment just proves it07:23
ikoniayou can disable the X11 gui07:23
ikoniabut it's nice to have it installed / available should you need it07:23
Lurchyno shit dude.....instead of being condecending...07:23
Johnny_Linuxyou take ikonia  wrong, ikonia  knows whats going on, good advice.07:24
ibjHow can I install Wine in Ubuntu 14.04.2 trusty? It depends mesa drv utopic and if I continue its installation will wreck my Ubuntu installation. This happened to me yesterday...07:42
m57hi all, I compiled a quick program, basically a ptrace call to "ptrace(PTRACE_TRACEME, 0, 0x1, 0)" why does it work on other machines but on ubuntu i get (from strace) "ptrace(PTRACE_TRACEME, 0, 0x1, 0)       = -1 EPERM (Operation not permitted)"07:44
m57this should onyl really fail if someone is debugging the process i assume07:45
m57but is there some kernel hardening or something i am not aware of07:45
Ben64ibj: pastebin the full command and any errors you're getting07:45
Lurchyfor those of you who were helping..thanks...figured it out07:46
Lurchy"sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth0"  and putting nameservers in networking file did the trick07:47
liquideeLurchy: wth was wrong last time then07:48
axinom57: check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/Features#ptrace07:48
Lurchyperhaps....since I didnt encrypt home dir this last time?07:48
Lurchyreinstall and no encryption of home dir07:49
Lurchynow....installation of openssh07:49
Lurchyso I can yank this video card out of system and stick server in my data closet07:49
ibjSorry it doesn't depend mesa drv utopic. Yesterday I installed Wine and Virtualbox in Ubuntu 14.04 and after the reboot I couldn't login to desktop. no video and no lightdm . everything was black07:50
S2pidany one knows about eggdrop07:50
LurchyS2pid in mirc???07:51
Lurchywhat about them...usually operate with an in channel command07:51
S2pidi amtrying to install in my vps07:51
S2pidbut its showing some error07:52
Lurchybeen awhile sinc eI installed one....year actually....it was part of the custom script I was using07:52
Lurchyerr years07:52
Lurchywhat error?07:52
S2pidits showig tcl07:52
S2pidi already install tcl and other thing but still07:53
Lurchytcl is a type of script....what do you mean "TCL" error07:53
S2pidits say tcl not install07:54
Lurchytry http://www.egghelp.org/07:54
S2pidi did07:55
Lurchyhavent seen him recently08:02
mach20xI got this output on an apt-get update command. What is up with all the 404 errors? http://paste.ubuntu.com/11718304/08:29
mach20xWhat bothers me the most is the ones for Audio, I have yet to get my rear audio jack working08:31
OerHeksyeah, first you have cd rom enabled in your sourceslist08:32
OerHekssoftwarecenter > edit > sources08:32
OerHeksand ubuntu-audio-dev has no vivid candidates.. so that ppa is useless https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-audio-dev/+archive/ubuntu/ppa08:33
OerHekssame for that transmission ppa08:33
OerHeksremove them, and update08:33
OerHeksany 'utopic' ppa entry in vivid will surely give an error08:34
diyttoThis channel has always seemed insanely huge to me08:46
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mach20xOerHeks: granted, however the audio and transmissionbt are both vivid, there is no reason for the 40408:58
OerHeksreally ?? https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-audio-dev/+archive/ubuntu/ppa https://launchpad.net/~transmissionbt/+archive/ubuntu/ppa08:59
mach20xwhy the heck is my kern.log and syslog altogether about 27gb's in size?09:01
mach20xhttp://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-audio-dev/ppa/ubuntu/dists/vivid/main/binary-amd64/Packages Is what I got on a readout09:01
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zhongfumach20x: 27GB sounds pretty scary.. what's inside?09:03
zhongfudmesg gets sent to syslog too, so maybe check kern.log: tail /var/log/kern.log -n 50009:04
mach20xI have an encryptfs file that is 22gb's in size too...09:04
mach20xzhongfu: this is what I got, I just did the swapfile a bit ago to address the kernel panic http://paste.ubuntu.com/11718432/09:09
RagBalI'm trying to get my Huawei mobile broadband USB module to work, I see in dmesg that it is recognized and usb-switched to 5 tty ports. Shortly after that I get "cdc_ether 1-1.3.4:2.0 eth1: CDC: unexpected notification 01!"09:10
RagBalttyUSB2 is for sending AT commands, I can read and write to there with minicom, but after a few seconds nothing responds anymore and that init sequence starts again09:11
RagBalIs this a driver issue? Or configuration? Perhaps both? Or hardware related?09:12
RagBalI'm on 14.04 and trying to use a Huawei mu60909:13
mach20xzhongfu: this is the one on syslog http://paste.ubuntu.com/11718455/09:14
ReptiliaHow do i make Xubuntu "remember" the brightness level settings i have made? On every new boot i have to reduce the brightness, since it does not remember my setup. Also, i can't find a GUI for setting brightness levels.09:15
buffon137which deb package is the module  of " snd_pcm_oss"   included in ?09:15
buffon137anyone know it ?09:16
zack_s_can I setup a ubuntu server installation without a user?09:17
mach20xapparently anacron is not doing it's job to trim my logs...09:33
crazyhorse18hey all09:40
crazyhorse18how do i do an rsycn backup of my computer that is not encrypted if i have an encrypted home directory?09:40
crazyhorse18.Private/ECRYPTFS_FNEK_ENCRYPTED << in the rsync log i am seeing lots of directories like this09:41
EriC^^decrypt it, then run rsync09:41
crazyhorse18how do i decrypt it?09:41
crazyhorse18EriC^^,  it's not exactly obvious.. in osx.. you untick a button and it becomes unencrypted over time09:43
Mionjust rsync the files09:45
MionI asume you actually have the key/password to unlock your container09:45
crazyhorse18yeah i do09:45
crazyhorse18but it unlocks automatically when i login i assume?09:45
Mionif it does, then what is the problem?09:46
Mionjust log in and rsync the files09:46
crazyhorse18ok.. what are all these .encrypted directories then?09:46
Mionsee the encryptfs docs09:46
crazyhorse18should i be setting up ubuntu 14.04 or 15.04?09:48
bstarekis 15.04 lts? i havent researched09:48
crazyhorse18dont' think so09:49
linuxuz3rbut you got the latest packages if you use 15.0409:49
Dudytzhi all, there is a way to create an alias with the name coming from a variable? like this: "alias $my=mycommand"09:49
bstarekgo with the last version09:51
crazyhorse18my current installation is completly broken09:52
crazyhorse18random crashes etc from 14.0409:52
crazyhorse18spent ages trying to work out the issue a few months back, im hoping a format will just fix it09:53
mach20xok! so I think I have a handle on my problem09:57
zhongfumach20x: what's up with the postfix errors though, there's quite a few09:58
zhongfunot sure, maybe you could try touching /etc/mailname to remove the orders i guess09:59
metalicehi anyone is using quassel here? i cant get it to show ctcp confirm dialog popup like in mirc09:59
bstarekcrazyhorse18, whats wrong with your 14.04?09:59
crazyhorse18no idea10:01
crazyhorse18i spent about 2 days10:01
crazyhorse18and asked lots of quesitons in here10:01
crazyhorse18basically random apps freezing10:01
crazyhorse18with no spike in load-average10:01
crazyhorse18so they just go grey.. and then the OS locks up10:01
crazyhorse18but the interface partially responds10:01
crazyhorse18then after about 2 or 3 minutes the app starts wroking10:02
crazyhorse18also its all apps10:02
mach20xI installed the graphic drivers for my Radeon cards and I'm getting this "kernel:  [    306.889133]  [drm: radeon_cs_ioctl [radeon] ] *ERROR* Failed to sync rings: -3510:02
bstarekcrazyhorse18, weird10:03
crazyhorse18bstarek, yeah i also had it on 12.0410:03
crazyhorse18did an upgrade to 14.04 and that didn't fix it10:03
crazyhorse18i'm rsyncing the entire drive10:04
bstarekcrazyhorse18, i went straight for the 14.04, no probs10:04
crazyhorse18and i'll tyr and setup a new computer10:04
bstarekserver or desktop?10:04
bstarekjust do a clean install10:04
mach20xzhongfu: in 5 minutes it created a billion lines of that which is probably the kind of thing that is panicking my kernel10:04
crazyhorse18also the computer is a beast, 32gb of ram, ssd, 4 core intel i510:04
crazyhorse18intel motherboard10:04
zhongfumach20x: oh I see10:05
crazyhorse18i chose just the highest rated components10:05
crazyhorse18but yeah.. hmm10:05
mach20xno to mention leaving me with an enormous kern.log10:05
mach20xnot to mention*10:05
BluesKajHiyas all10:05
cisconinjaanyone here used/s lantronix ?10:05
zhongfumach20x: I've radeon errors on my server (which also happens to be a repurposed laptop)10:05
zhongfuthey seem similar, let me see10:05
zhongfunope they're not the same but both the integrated and discrete graphics cards on the laptop are pretty much dead10:06
bstarekcrazyhorse18, server or desktop version?10:06
crazyhorse18bstarek, desktop10:07
halfbeinghello. since 15.04 upgrade my wifi connection keeps getting dropped. if i plug in the ethernet cable for a minute i get the connection back. how can i get a stable wifi connection?10:07
mach20xzhongfu: touch: cannot touch ‘/etc/mailname’: Permission denied10:07
crazyhorse18i hate wifi :(10:07
crazyhorse18almost impossible to debug10:07
zhongfucrazyhorse18: the .Private files are the actual files on the HDD, so if you want to rsync the unencrypted files you should mount the ecryptfs folder somewhere and then exclude the .Private directory in your rsync command10:08
zhongfumach20x: sudo?10:08
crazyhorse18zhongfu: ohh right.10:08
crazyhorse18so i should do that before i format?10:08
zhongfuIIRC /etc/mailname is to redirect mails to somewhere else, let me see10:08
crazyhorse18how would i go about mounting the ecryptfs folder?10:08
zhongfucrazyhorse18: either way *should* be okay, but I personally wouldn't like to take the risk of it breaking somewhere10:09
zhongfuhave had some bad experiences with ecryptfs folders (not home folders)10:09
zhongfucrazyhorse18: let me see10:09
crazyhorse18i've got a goolge10:09
TunaFishhi, hdd question, using ubuntu/gsmartmonitor, do you enable offline data collection? Why, why not? I am thinking about enabling for non-performance desktop pc.10:09
mach20xyeah I didn't sudo, it's late in my timezone10:09
zhongfucrazyhorse18: are you currently booted into the installation, or livecd?10:09
crazyhorse18currently booted10:10
zhongfucrazyhorse18: it's your home directory, right?10:11
zhongfucrazyhorse18: probably something like ecryptfs-mount-private10:12
crazyhorse18yeah it is10:13
crazyhorse18i tried mounting it10:13
crazyhorse18it asked for a million options10:13
crazyhorse18keysize, bytes, cipher10:13
mach20xzhongfu: I think the postfix dialog was due to rkhunter and clamav use to a degree, not sure what touch etc/mailname is doing for me10:24
mach20xzhongfu: I would definitely like to fix the video issue because (currently) the only sound I'm getting is from the HDMI audio channel to my monitor's speakers..10:27
mach20xI understand the touch command now10:30
metalicehi anyone is using quassel here? i cant get it to show ctcp confirm dialog popup like in mirc10:31
bazhangmetalice, try #quassel10:32
robbixgod damn touchpad... disregard that last post. And this one for that matter.10:38
pondohello I have downloaded jdk-8u45-linux-x64.tar.gz now how do i install it in ubuntu10:42
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bazhangpondo, thats not the way to get java10:43
bazhang!java | pondo have a read10:43
ubottupondo have a read: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.10:43
pondooh how do you get java 810:43
bazhangsee above pondo10:44
metaliceso you can recommend on other irc apps?10:48
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bazhangmetalice, gui there are several popular ones, cli irssi and weechat predominate10:49
metalicethank you10:49
bazhangmetalice, apt-cache search irc10:50
masshaving problems with telnet10:51
massi can not connect to any site10:52
mass_have problems with telnet can not connect to any address10:55
Ben64you need to give a lot more details10:55
mass_telnet is install but i keep having refused connection error10:56
Ben64more details ... what exactly you're doing, pastebin stuff10:56
mass_mass@massinternational:~$ telnet massinternational.org Trying telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused10:57
mass_configuring mail server10:57
Ben64ok then the server is refusing the connection, not an ubuntu issue10:57
Mionalso telnet is not the way to configure a mail server10:58
luusei'm trying to understand why chrome and ping (and probably most other) programs can10:58
jpdsmass_: Give it a port after the domain name.10:58
luusecan't resolve host names10:58
luusebut host can10:58
luuse(the command host)10:58
luuseor rather, chrome works with external domains but it can't resolve the internal domain10:59
mass_its the last stage of configuring mail server on ubuntu10:59
luusethe machine is a standard ubuntu install with a dhcp provided network config10:59
luusei'm on the same network with an arch machine and it works flawless without any manual intervention11:00
mass_ubuntu server 15 lts11:00
luuseboth of ours /etc/resolv.conf has the search field set to the correct domain11:00
luusebut i have a bunch of nameservers fields set as well which he is missing11:01
luuseany ideas?11:01
jpdsmass_: 1) You should be using 14.04 as it's an LTS.11:02
mass_was just the testing phase11:02
jpdsmass_: 2) It's more like: telnet massinternational.org 2511:02
jpdsmass_: Or whichever port your mail server is on.11:03
mass_thanks bt it times out11:03
fdsfi cant get working usb stick bootable iso from another distro with ubuntu 14.04 when i use dd it just produces stuff which load bootloader but not kernel11:03
mass_maybe the server does nt accept telnet11:03
jpdsmass_: 'sudo netstat -ltnp' on the mail server.11:03
fdsfi used for example dd if=img of=/dev/sdb11:03
jpdsmass_: Doesn't matter, you have to find the right port number.11:03
fdsfso how can i produce a working bootable usb stick from another distro?11:04
fdsfthe stick works alright, used it before times11:04
jpdsfdsf: Using dd depends on if the ISO image was created as a 'hybird' ISO.11:04
fdsfjpds: idk im no ubuntu dev11:04
fdsfjpds: if not, what to do then?11:05
fdsfjpds: what else i can use11:07
jpdsfdsf: usb-creator-gtk ?11:07
jpdsfdsf: unetbootin?11:07
fdsfjpds: first sound alright, thx11:08
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bstarekluuse, try to ping domain first11:11
bstarekluuse, looks like a dns problem11:11
bstarekluuse, check your dns server config, it is bind9?11:11
luusebstarek: we've tried ping and chrome, neither work. The host command does work though11:14
luuseand the host command resolves the domains to the correct IPs11:14
luusenot sure which dns server it is tbh11:14
bstarekwho configured dns?11:15
jpdsluuse: Can you ping your gateway, then your DNS server?11:15
luusewe're on an internal network at work so the dns server is centrally managed and it might be a windows server since there are some AD stuff on that domain11:16
luusepinging the gateway works11:18
bstarekluuse, looks like you dont have access to dns server itself11:19
luuseand pinging the dns server works11:19
luusebstarek: and running "host <a subdomain on the internal domain> <ip to internal dns server>" resolves the correct ip11:21
pondoubotu, i got it thanks11:27
luusethis is the different contents of the resolv.conf files: https://gist.github.com/luuse/4ad0fb33421d3960c69411:31
Anotyhello guys!11:35
JustMozzyhola everyone. I'm having trouble connecting my samsung tablet to my ubuntu box. no matter which port I connect it to, it does not show up in lsusb. anyone has any ideas?11:45
Hannibalwho wants to talk?11:45
HannibalDrone` can you make me to an Operator please?11:46
arcskyhi guys, hud-service process running high cpu. is that something i kill?11:47
bazhang!ot | Hannibal11:48
ubottuHannibal: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:48
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barqI have new system updates available, but when I want to update I get The following pieces of software cannot be verified, openssl and libssl1.0. How come I am getting this warning for system updates and can I install them safely?11:58
Ben64barq: run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" from the command line and pastebin the result11:59
barqupdate fetched a bunch of updates.12:01
barqWhat's the difference between upgrade and dist-upgrade?12:01
bazhang!dist-upgrade | barq12:02
ubottubarq: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.12:02
barq./sbin/ldconfig.real: Can't link /usr/lib//build/buildd/libjna-java-3.2.7/build/native/libjnidispatch.so to libjnidispatch.so12:02
barqBen64: This is the paste: http://pastie.org/private/deeubd8vxni7dxyf2x7kq12:05
=== Luyinot is now known as Luyin
MaxFramesI have lubuntu, uname -r says 3.13.0-53-generic12:10
MaxFramesI need to know if this usb to serial adapter will work12:11
zhongfuwhat chipset does it use12:11
MaxFramesProlific - PL-230312:11
MaxFramesit says it's compatible with kernels 2.4.x-3.9.x which I think/hope comprises all kernels in between12:12
zhongfuIIRC the PL2303 should work12:12
MaxFramesI need it to manage switches via db9 from a netbook12:12
zhongfuthe pl2303 kernel module is in and startech also advertises linux support12:13
MaxFramesgood, looks like it will work then12:13
zhongfu3.13 is newer than 3.9 though12:13
zhongfujust fyi12:13
bakhow to find my ram type frequency12:13
MaxFramessomehow I read 3.1.3 :P12:14
MaxFramesso there is a slight chance it may _not_ work12:14
Johnny_Linuxfind the latency12:14
bakI tried this  sudo lshw -short -C memory12:14
Johnny_Linuxpc ####12:14
MaxFramesI'll write to startech12:15
lynxxtahurel: meow12:22
Dave____get guys12:25
Dave____got a problem?12:26
Dave____the new kernel really sucks12:26
LordHamsterye im sitting next to a fag12:26
LordHamsterlog live stallman12:26
Dave____log x12:26
LordHamsterall hail the almighty12:27
Dave____torvalds is so damn sexty12:27
InokiQ about the upgrade process to a higher version via LiveUSB, anyone here to answer?12:31
LuyinInoki depends on your question. why don't you just ask it?12:33
ju849I am having problems on my Ubuntu 14.04. It seems like that my user cannot perform certain operations (wireless adapter, mount USB, shutdown/reboot)12:33
ju849any idea?12:34
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ju849I am getting 'Operation not permitted' when trying to select a wireless network and I can't disconnect/change the settings from the GUI12:35
InokiLuyin: I'm on 14.04.2 and would want to upgrade to 15.04 via bootable USB, not "do-release-upgrade" while logged in in terminal. The Q is how safe is the LiveUSB step when you get to the installer and you are offered several options, one of them used to be "upgrade <previous v.> to <new version>". Is it recommendable/reliable? I used to select "something else" and do my own partitioning, never bothered to choose the other option bec12:37
Inokiju849: Are you sure you are not logged in as Guest?12:39
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ju849Inoki: extremely sure12:39
LuyinInoki why don't you choose your own partitioning again, then? I'm always doing it this way, always worked best _for me_12:39
ju849I tried running Manager.CanReboot and I get 'challenge'12:39
ju849instead of 'yes'12:39
nroetertWhen running LXC containers, is there a problem mounting NFS exports in them?12:40
InokiLuyin: yeah, it's just curiosity. Because that option says in the description, that my documents and personal stuff are not harmed, only the system is upgraded. I wanted to choose this step so I don't have to manually re-install everything again, as the upgrade should also upgrade software installed right? Or only software that comes with the update?12:40
InokiLuyin: am not sure how that process works and wanted to know from someone who's already done it.12:41
LuyinInoki I'd never trust something that says "my personal stuff isn't harmed" without a backup12:42
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ju849any clue Inoki?12:43
InokiLuyin: I think that's a good enough answer for me :D I think the same, just wanted to save myself from extra "work", although I might just continue doing that extra "work" instead of getting into extra trouble :D12:44
Inokiju849: nope, sorry, never heard of your issue before.12:44
Inokiju849: being improperly logged in sounds like it. Or perhaps something with user groups and privileges.12:44
ju849Inoki: I checked and my user is correctly in the sudo group12:45
ju849Inoki: I typed 'who' and got my username12:45
ju849Inoki: I am getting 'Connection activation failed = (32) Not authorized to control networking'12:45
ju849Inoki: I am in the netdev group12:46
Inokiju849: in that case, if there's nobody more experienced here to help, you might as well try searching/posting your Q to askubuntu and/or ubuntuforums. Really, if your user is in those groups and you are not logged in as guest something else is wrong.12:46
Inokiju849: do you have a separate root password set up?12:47
austin4312Hey ikonia, it's me, austin12:48
bloodnufskyCan someone tell me what this is?12:49
austin4312Anyways, according to help.ubuntu.com. vino is the default vnc server on ubuntu12:49
austin4312However, if I want to install x11vnc, how do I remove it?12:49
austin4312Also, if I remove it, will it cause any problems?12:49
ju849Inoki: no it's the same12:49
ju849Inoki: could it be something with the x11? I checked and I had to modify the XWrapper.conf because my user was not allowed to exec 'startx'. I changed from console to anybody and logged out: same12:50
Inokiju849: try this https://askubuntu.com/questions/593648/loosing-user-permissions-after-upgrading-kubuntu-14-04-to-14-1012:52
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random1234543hello, when I’m trying to start ssh on ubuntu I get the following: ssh stop/pre-start, process 2146412:55
random1234543what can I do to start the ssh server?12:55
Luyinrandom1234543 sudo service ssh start, which should usually not be necessary12:56
ju849Inoki: nope, I don't have it. I went through the policies of freedesktop and changed some stuff to allow (sleep, Sleep, wake) but it didn't seem to change anything12:56
random1234543Luyin: ssh stop/pre-start, process 2151112:56
Inokiju849: then it might be a bug of some kind. Perhaps also the one in that Q on askubuntu? Either way, I am not that experienced, so I would recommend you to post your own question with as detailed description as possible (what you did and how until now).12:59
Luyinrandom1234543 that means your ssh-session is up and running13:02
random1234543when I’m  trying to connect I get connection refused13:02
Amozrandom1234543, correct port?13:03
ju849inoki: I just realized that my ubuntu is now 14.10...13:03
ju849Inoki: it got updated to that (I am sure I had installed 14.04)13:04
ju849Inoki: perhaps that is what broke stuff13:04
NindustriesHi guys. I periodically have the problem that Dash does not return ANY program I try to search for. Ideas?  A reboot fixes it13:04
Inokiju849: and the question I posted here refers exactly to permission losses after upgrade, so check it out ;)13:04
random1234543yes, the port is correct13:05
ju849Inoki: your link had 1 reply which suggested to remove a package I don't have. not very useful :/13:05
Inokiju849: if nothing else works do a fresh install to the latest 15.04 (takes only about 10 minutes if you're on a good connection) and you're good.13:06
ju849Inoki: and lose all my libraries and stuff: nah thx13:06
Inokiju849: try one of these https://askubuntu.com/search?q=Not+authorized+to+control+networking. If none works, you can either wait for someone more experienced to help or make a backup of your files (just in case) and upgrade to 15.04 with a fresh install. If you know what you're doing takes even less than 10 mins :)13:07
fyuza21hello. Installed xfce. When using nautilus with xfce the delete button does not work. how to set it?13:09
dstarhWe need to have a different log rotation schedule for auth.log than for the rest of the items already being rotated via logroate.d/rsyslog ,  What do I need to do in postrotate to get the logs to reset?13:15
mombloHello guys! I`m new with Linux. so how i can install fedora in ubuntu to play steam games?13:16
ju849Inoki: you said 'fresh install'. Doesn't that already imply that I will lose all my data? Of course, I should backup then13:16
MonkeyDustju849  yes backup first... during fresh install, create a separate /home partition... you personal wil then remain untouched during future fresh installs13:19
MonkeyDustyour personal files*13:20
random1234543how can I start ssh, I get ssh stop/pre-start, process 2198613:24
Luyinrandom1234543 have you made sure your connection set up properly? have you made sure both server and client are connected to the internet/ local network?13:25
random1234543yes, I’m already connected to it via ssh13:25
Luyinwhat is your problem then?13:26
random1234543I can’t connect anymore13:26
Luyinyou are connected, but cannot connect again? I don't understand what the problem is13:27
Luyinwhat did you do to reach what aim, what did you expect to happen, what happened instead?13:28
random1234543connection refused when I try to connect again13:29
random1234543apt-get install openssh-server fixed the problem13:29
random1234543apparently he removed it13:29
=== emanuele is now known as Guest81447
Samul`is there a way to decrease the resolution of a hd video on ubuntu 15?13:30
pbxSamul`, say more about the problem you are trying to solve.  you are talking about playback or generating a new file?  what player are you using? what have you tried and what happened? etc.13:31
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Samul`pbx: I need to generate a new file13:34
Samul`which has a lower resolution than the original13:34
=== easyOnMe is now known as neuron
Samul`I haven't tried anything yet, pbx13:34
Samul`as I don't even know where to start from13:34
Samul`the matter is that I have to post a video on the internet, and it's full hd13:35
Samul`it's about 1.5 gb even when compressed13:35
Samul`so the only way is to lower its resolution, how can I do so?13:35
=== neuron is now known as easyOnMe
vemacswhat compression13:35
Samul`it's probably the only one accessible from the users the video is for13:36
Samul`is there a format which can compress it further?13:36
vemacsoh, that's not compression13:36
Samul`I am willing to try13:36
vemacswell, that's lossless13:36
pbxSamul`, don't compress video files, there's little point, they're extremely compressed by design already13:36
vemacswhat format is it13:36
vemacsat the moment13:36
vemacsyou can choose lossier output options13:37
pbxSamul`, try this: https://handbrake.fr/13:37
Samul`how can I change the format of a video? I guess I need a video editing program13:37
vemacsffmpeg would work13:37
vemacsthere's several GUI wrappers as well13:37
Samul`how can I do this by ffmpeg?13:37
r0uteSamul`, avidemux would do it13:37
vemacsbasically just lower the bitrate13:38
Samul`thank you13:38
Samul`I'll go for the easiest solution13:38
Samul`I don't need anything complex13:38
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Samul`vemacs: it just doesn't work with ffmpeg13:44
vemacshow so13:44
Samul`it outputs a file which makes vlc crash upon opening it13:44
YamakasYanyone an idea about libini_config13:45
Samul`ffmpeg -i kata.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -crf 20 katacompress.mp413:45
Samul`the exact same command as in the link you posted13:45
YamakasYI need version 1.1.0 on Ubuntu13:45
Samul`(I tried the first as well)13:45
Samul`I can see this red line13:45
Samul`[aac @ 0x215ea80] The encoder 'aac' is experimental but experimental codecs are not enabled, add '-strict -2' if you want to use it.13:45
Samul`but I don't know where I am supposed to add that argument13:45
vemacshmm, not sure, try handbrake (it's a ffmpeg wrapper)13:46
vemacsmight make it easier to use the proper args13:46
SchrodingersScatSamul`: anywhere before the output should be fine13:46
Turnip_GreenGood morning (at least where I am) guys I keep running into the same problem.  I have been experiencing this for several releases now.  It seems when I try to install the 64 bit version of Ubuntu my networking will not work.  With 12.04 (I believe) the 64 bit variant would not even see any of my networking hardware and in subsequent releases my hardware is recognized however when I try to connect to my network (wireless13:46
Turnip_Greenor hard wired) all attempts fail.  This has been an issue with two different wireless adapters now.  Any ideas?13:46
Samul`SchrodingersScat: okay now it seems to work13:47
Samul`will it take long generally?13:47
danofsatxgreetings. I'm running a local Ubuntu mirror, using apt-mirror to set it up. When apt-mirror runs, I get a stream of errors where the script can't find the Packages.gz file for the repositories, however the files exist and are reachable.13:47
vemacsre-encoding is fairly CPU intensive13:48
vemacshow long is your video13:48
danofsatxfor example, here's the output from this morning's run: http://fpaste.org/232136/34376109/13:48
Samul`vemacs: 1.20 minutes13:50
Samul`something aroud 150 mb13:50
vemacsso like barely over a minute and it's 1.5GB?13:50
vemacsare you shooting 4k lol13:50
MonkeyDustdanofsatx  which ubuntu release? make sure it's not !eol13:51
Samul`vemacs: it was three videos13:51
danofsatxis trusty eol?13:51
vemacsstill that's insane13:51
vemacsdanofsatx, lolno13:51
Samul`but will it actually decrease the size of that video?13:51
vemacs2019 eol13:51
vemacsSamul`, incredibly likely13:51
Samul`it looks like it's already over 90 mb13:51
danofsatxok (I don't follow ubuntu, sorry)13:51
MonkeyDustdanofsatx  that's a lot of PPA's13:51
traekilihow do you install 4k monitor in ubuntu 1513:51
danofsatxyes, I know. My users have unique requirements.13:52
Samul`vemacs: I'm willing to reduce significantly the resolution of that video in order to decrease its size as well13:52
vemacsffmpeg offers that too13:52
Samul`so maybe I should try with more severe settinfs?13:52
Samul`heh how do I do it?13:52
MonkeyDustdanofsatx  the PPA's are most probably the cause of your technical problems13:52
vemacsuse the scale filter13:52
vemacstry re-encoding first though13:53
danofsatxMonkeyDust: I can browse to every file the apt-mirror script says it can't find.13:53
vemacsand if you want smaller filesizes13:53
vemacschange crf to 2413:53
vemacsfrom the 20 provided in the example13:53
Samul`so I re-encode and then I actually reduce the size13:53
Samul`and it will be fine?13:53
vemacstry re-encoding first then see if you actually need to reduce the resolution13:53
vemacsif you're running with crf 20, i'd bump it up a bit13:54
vemacsonly use scale filter as last resort13:54
Samul`okay the video looks pretty much like the original one13:54
Samul`but it's about 120 mb13:54
vemacsso is that good enough13:54
Samul`I don't think so13:55
Samul`there are two more videos13:55
Samul`and I have to be able to upload all of them13:55
vemacswhat's the original filesize of the first video13:55
vemacsfor reference13:55
Samul`176 mb, now 114 mb13:56
vemacsokay, try crf 2413:56
Samul`is that the previous link you posted?13:56
IsoLnCHiPHi, does anyone know an archive mirror that still provides Saucy packages?13:56
Samul`nope it doesn't look like that13:56
Samul`how can I re-encode?13:56
vemacs2nd command, change 20 to 2413:56
vemacsre-encode the original, don't re-encode the one you just did13:57
vemacsyou still got a 36% filesize decrease from just reencoding13:57
MonkeyDustdanofsatx  your clients, you say... is that a server?13:57
vemacsbasically just mess around with the settings, continually lower the bitrate13:58
vemacsuntil you get the filesize you want13:58
astroboyhi, will ask, can we show notification from terminal?13:59
Samul`so if 24 isn't enough13:59
Samul`I have to increase that number?13:59
vemacsit should be lol13:59
vemacs51 is worst possible14:00
danofsatxMonkeyDust: the apt-mirror script is indeed run from a central hosting server.14:00
vemacsyou can probably go up to 2814:00
vemacswithout resulting in a significantly different looking video14:00
vemacsjust mess around14:00
vemacsif you really don't care about quality14:00
vemacsturn it up14:00
vemacsmax is 51 but i guarantee it'll look terrible14:01
danofsatxMonkeyDust: I can run wget from the command line on that server and get the files that apt-mirror can't. The error lies in apt-mirror, I just don't know how to troubleshoot it.14:01
Samul`let's hope it will be okay with 2414:01
MonkeyDustastroboy  https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100416134043AAq6b7114:01
vemacstry 28 next14:01
vemacsjust keep on going up14:01
MonkeyDustdanofsatx  there's also #ubuntu-server, better ask there, I guess14:02
danofsatxok, thanks14:02
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astroboythx MonkeyDust14:03
Semiartyhello, I somewhat a new unix (ubuntu) system user, at the moment I am trying to download files from another server to my own ubuntu server through ssh. The problem is that I have to do ssh twice and I don't want to do downloading twice. Is there a way to somehow bypass one ssh step and download straight from the server ?14:03
jpdsSemiarty: http://sshmenu.sourceforge.net/articles/transparent-mulithop.html14:05
Semiartythank you j_f-f14:06
random1234543I’m trying to connect remotely to a laptop using ssh: ssh -X -p 22 backup@ and when I try  firefox -no-remote I get: https://upl.io/6elmm314:08
compdocrandom1234543, that url isnt opening14:10
random1234543http://paste.debian.net/230921/ try this one :D14:11
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btorchanyone here knows a channle or have worked with overlayfsroot ?14:19
btorchon 14.0214:20
fearnothing-altif I need to pass a ! in a parameter in bash, how do I do that?14:20
fearnothing-alt(part of a regex)14:21
Samul`pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=114:28
Samul`how can I undo this?14:28
geniiSamul`: pactl unload-module module-loopback14:34
zertyuhi there14:35
zertyui try to install ipscan14:35
Samul`thank you genii14:36
knightyyso I have a pretty silly question,I first installed Ubuntu 15.04 but then decided that I don't really like Unity,so I installed kubuntu-desktop through terminal.Overally it was a smooth transition(I broke ubuntu during installation as I chose lightdm as display manager and ubuntu didn't like that,It didn't tell me what to choose either but I fixed it via recovery mode),but since day one Application tab of application launcher misses some logos http://14:36
knightyyI wonder if I better format and install kubuntu properly or if my current setup is fine in the long run?14:36
zertyuthis is the error  i got : http://paste.ubuntu.com/11719724/14:36
TJ-zertyu: which Ubuntu release is that on?14:37
zertyuthis is an other erro : http://paste.ubuntu.com/11719728/14:38
zertyuUbuntu 14.04.2 LTS \n \l14:38
zertyuanyone there ?14:40
peter1789yes I'm here ... I test xchat for the first time14:42
MonkeyDustpeter1789  it works, we see you14:43
peter1789Yes, it's working ...14:45
Scuniziknightyy: I have a pure kde install of 14.04 and a lot of what you're seeing as missing icons is normal. don't worry about it.14:47
Scunizizertyu: do what it says... "sudo apt-get -f install" without the quotes (")14:49
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TheBardI created a drive mount using sudo mount -t cifs -o "yadda yadda", and it worked, but the mount is owned by root, and group root, and wont' let me change it.14:58
knightyyThanks Scunizi!was a bit worried because I ruined an ubuntu installation playing with different interfaces,but it seems like I have finally settled with KDE.Now next question,I have two linux-swap partitions and gparted says that one is not being used.how can I make sure that it was made incorrectly and then connect the linux-swap partition to my main ext4 partition safely?15:02
knightyyIt is worth noting that I didn't manually format my drive,I told Ubuntu 15.04 installer to remove my ubuntu 14.04 and then install itself. my ext4 partition is /dev/sda7,linux is using swap on /dev/sda5 and my "inactive" swap is on /dev/sda615:05
MonkeyDustTheBard  use 'man mount'... scroll down to 'user'... or use /user to start a search15:05
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azizLIGHThow do i capture all the notify-send that have been sent? i want to also mirror them to my phone15:11
jayjoDoes it make sense to try and connect to my public ip from the machine itself? Is that some sort of networking no-no?15:15
jayjoI have mysql running, does it make sense to connect to the server's ip or do I connect over localhost?15:15
jayjowill it even work with the public ip/15:16
compdocI havent done it, but I think you can connect remotely if its set up for that15:17
zteamHi all!15:19
zteamIs there any easy way to make a bootable Windows usb-key from Ubuntu?15:20
jayjoit's an ec2 instance, I can connect fine from my machine (when it is a remote connection) but I'm struggling with connections from localhost15:20
somtinoi'm new here,does  anyone mind telling me how to install adobe flash player15:20
roryzteam: yes there is http://askubuntu.com/a/38156015:21
zteamI already tried with win-isb amd dd but both of that failed15:21
jayjois there a way to test outbound connections on the machine?15:21
zteamrory, that's what I tried, it did failed15:21
roryCould you provide any more details than "failed" ?15:21
przemytrielhi guys when i reboot my server my os hangs on:  A stop job is running for Pacemaker High Availability Cluster Manager15:22
przemytrieldo you know what is the problem?15:22
boomlshello - how can I test my mic and replay sounds?15:22
zteamit stated error 512 at the end of of the process, and the resulting usb-key can not be booted15:23
zteamrory, it's just give me a blank cursor15:23
boomlsok - what's a good website to test mic and webcam?15:25
TJ-zteam: that is a BIOS/firmware + Windows bootable issue. blinking cursor suggests a BIOS/MBR boot attempt not finding the windows boot-strap code on the media. Try asking in ##windows15:26
IP92I can't seem to ID myself using facebook on firefox15:26
zteamTJ-, guess I can do that, but they will most likely tell me to try from a Windows machine15:27
lynxxtahurel: meow15:28
jayjois there a way to get system statistics from the cli ?15:28
jayjolike disk space used, etc15:28
jpdsjayjo: df -h15:28
TJ-zteam: why not test it in a Virtual Machine?15:28
TJ-zteam: it depends on what Windows image you're trying to boot from. It may not support BIOS/MBR boot15:29
tahurellynxx: meow15:29
jayjoI'm just noticing some latency issues while working on my ssh session. the filesystem is at 50% used, is there another easy thing I can diagnose?15:29
jayjotrying to solve a slowdown issue15:29
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zteamTJ-, it's a Windows 7 iso so yes, I'm sure it supports MBR, and my machine is really to old for EFI / UEIFI anyway :-)15:30
TJ-zteam: examine the image in detail then to determine what kind of boot code it has15:31
wakennnTJ-: can you help me again please?15:31
wakennni was trying to install ubuntu server 15.0415:32
wakennnbut it doesn't recognise my wifi15:32
boomlsanything better than cheese for video capture? I can't change frame rate15:32
wakennnin debian i could sideload some firmware TJ- what's ubuntu solution to this?15:32
TJ-zteam: If the image is El Torito but the BIOS is expecting a fixed disk then that would account for the flashing cursor since there's no MBR bootstrap code15:32
wakennnif i install without network i end up with a system without any higher level wifi programs15:32
TJ-wakennn: firmware is in "/lib/firmware/" - there are several firmware packages available in the archives, and additional files can be installed manually15:33
wakennnTJ-: i don't understand.. how do I load them?15:34
TJ-wakennn: just save them in that location in the file-system15:34
wakennnoh mount the stick on other pc and drag iwlwifi to /lib/firmware/ TJ- ?15:35
zteamTJ-, yes, that's probably it. O15:35
TJ-wakennn: Yes. kernel drivers that require firmware ask the kernel for a named file, kernel asks userspace to provide it, and usually its udev that handles that15:35
zteamTJ-, trying to install it from the terminal right now15:36
TJ-wakennn: udev looks in /lib/firmware/ for the named file and passes it to the kernel if found.15:36
IP92hey, I have a small problem. I can't seem to sign in to websites using facebook. when I click sign in, a popup with nothing in it appears, and nothing else happens. using firefox15:37
wakennnTJ-: http://packages.ubuntu.com/vivid/ here for ubuntu server 15.04?15:37
wakennnit's not under "kernel"15:37
TJ-wakennn: what is "it" ?15:38
wakennniwlwifi and the other iw...15:38
wakennnTJ-: ^15:38
TJ-wakennn: the firmware files are in package linux-firmware, which I'd have thought was already installed15:39
zacktuI need to install libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0.  Is it in one of the gtk libraries that I can install?15:39
sistematicoHello all15:42
kuba7447hello, how do i set up deluge as my default bitTorrent client?15:42
sistematicoWhich software is used here: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ & ubuntulog ?15:42
SchrodingersScatsistematico: you mean apache2?15:43
wakennnTJ-: well ubuntu server doesn't see/use my wifi15:43
sistematicokuba7447, http://www.howtogeek.com/117709/how-to-change-your-default-applications-on-ubuntu-4-ways/15:43
sistematicoSchrodingersScat, For rotate the logs...15:44
TJ-wakennn: Have you configured networking correctly to use it?15:44
pbxsistematico, it's possible there's a lead from this page - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots15:45
remihello everybody15:46
sistematicopbx, hmmm, IRSeekBot maybe?15:46
sistematicoremi, hello15:46
Turnip_Greenwakennn my computer did something similar with the 64 bit desktop variant.  As of yet no one has been able to explain why the 64 bit stuff does this and the 32 doesn't.  At least not to me.15:46
Picisistematico: ubuntulog is just an irssi instance iirc.15:47
pbxsistematico, unlikely that bot code is going to be dealing with log rotation.15:47
remime i have no problems with my ubuntu.15:47
TJ-wakennn: On 'server' you have to configure WPA supplicant yourself, whereas on 'desktop' NeworkManager does it all for you15:47
pbxsistematico, for all we know it's just logrotate with a plone front end15:48
wakennnTJ-: is there a wiki for that? is it complicated?15:49
tee1hi can someone help with my Comodo antivirus. keep getting "file system driver is not loaded"15:49
wakennni want a minimal install without any DE/Unity/GNOME and lots of other programs...15:49
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sistematicoPici, I can do with any client + irclog2html?15:50
ahoppAre some of you used to systemd ?15:50
sistematicoLike znc or bip?15:51
Picisistematico: if that client has sane logs, sure.15:51
sistematicoPici, Thank you.15:51
ahoppNo one ;|15:52
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ahoppA small question ;) http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/209829/impossible-to-login-before-networking-service-has-finished15:53
andrew-lany one here have experience running 12.04 on a macbook pro 13 with graphics working properly?15:53
wakennnTurnip_Green: i'm on server though (or at least trying to)15:54
TJ-wakennn: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo#WPA_Supplicant15:55
Turnip_GreenI know you are.  Just saying that such problems are not uncommon.  I'd like to know the answer myself because I'd like to get a 64 bit system running.15:55
Hanumaangetting source of postgresql-9.4 is not working but with same command I am able to install. Also postgresql-9.3 source I am getting. Command i used is : apt-get source postgresql-9.415:59
astroboyHow to show properties of file using terminal?16:02
SchrodingersScatastroboy: which properties? ls -la filename ?16:03
wakennnwhat options do I have for a minimal ubuntu installation without any bloat, or even desktop environment. the only thing I need is a working wifi... thanks16:04
traekilithe minimal iso16:05
wakennntraekili: no UEFI support16:08
wakennnfor whatever reason16:08
astroboySchrodingersScat: to show information just like when we rigt click the file and click properties16:09
SchrodingersScatastroboy: then yes, try ls -l16:09
astroboySchrodingersScat: actually i only want to know file size16:10
SchrodingersScatastroboy: du (-h if you want human readable in MB/GB/etc.)16:11
blibwhen I ssh from my windows box to my ubuntu box, I get a ssh : bad file number error. Any ideas how to debug this? From the same machine, from virtualbox ubuntu, I can ssh without problems.16:11
blibssh: connect to host 172.16.xx.xx port 22: Bad file number16:12
astroboySchrodingersScat: ls -h ?16:12
SchrodingersScatastroboy: probably need -lh16:13
geniiblib: Sounds like a firewalling issue.16:14
blibgenii: I turned off the windows firewall - still the same error16:15
klepblib: other firewall16:16
blibklep: how do I find out which other firewall on windows?16:16
klepubuntu side16:16
astroboySchrodingersScat: yup, thx16:16
blibklep: ssh is firewalled on ubuntu 15.04?16:17
klepblib: is it running?16:17
klepssh localhost16:17
blibklep: ssh localhost works16:18
blibam getting connection timed out from other machines16:18
klepsudo ufw status verbose16:18
blibklep: inactive16:19
kleptcpdump -nei any port 22   then ssh from windows host you see the traffics?16:19
blibklep: restated wifi, and it worked16:19
klepnever would have guessed16:20
MonkeyDustklep  solved by restarting wifi?16:20
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klepno idea16:21
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IPhotonWhy doesn't the terminal support highlight right click copy16:39
darthanubisit does16:39
darthanubisdouble click whatever you want to copy, it'll highlight16:40
darthanubisyou don't need to right click anything16:40
darthanubisalthough you can16:40
IPhotonHmm, never tried double clicking16:41
IPhotonEven during vim I guess16:41
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muh2000i have a new cpu and now the frequency is always highest possible value.   how to fix that?16:44
pavlosIPhoton, double click selects word, triple click whole sentence16:45
Guest86507i have always lowest possible value16:45
OpenSorceSo does this channel only support Unity or does it support the non-adware DE's as well?16:48
MonkeyDustOpenSorce  non-adware?16:48
SchrodingersScat!flavors | OpenSorce16:49
ubottuOpenSorce: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.16:49
OpenSorceMonkeyDust, out of the box Unity is amazon.com adware. Common knowledge. I was asking if THIS channel offers support for the other DEs or not.16:49
polyziumi installed ubuntu today16:50
MonkeyDustOpenSorce  what makes you think that unity is amazon adware?16:50
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polyziumgrub menu does not show plz help16:50
OpenSorceMonkeyDust, because... it throws up ads for amazon in every search. Anyone going to answer the question though?16:51
tgm4883This channel really needs a do-not-engage policy16:51
SchrodingersScatOpenSorce: already have16:51
MonkeyDustOpenSorce  simply disable that option16:51
OpenSorceSchrodingersScat, No you showed me what other DEs there are. Does this channel support them?16:51
MonkeyDustOpenSorce  and don't spread FUD about adware nonsense16:51
trijntjeits always fun to see people insult the channel and then ask for help16:52
polyziumso what i need to do with grub?16:52
trijntjepolyzium: it wont show up if you only have ubuntu on your pc, did you remove windows?16:52
tgm4883lets stay on topic16:52
SchrodingersScatOpenSorce: the ones we don't support normally flag you to seek help elsewhere.16:52
MonkeyDustOpenSorce  what is your actual question?16:52
OpenSorceMonkeyDust, wasn't the point... and it isn't FUD. It's fact. So does this channel support the other DEs or no?16:52
polyziumtrijntje, it boots into windows16:52
tgm4883OpenSorce: to the best of our ability, yes16:52
polyziumand grub menu is not shown16:53
OpenSorcetgm4883, thank you!16:53
tgm4883OpenSorce: but we may refer you to the flavor specific channel16:53
trijntjepolyzium: in that case something went wrong with the installation, better try again16:53
OpenSorcetgm4883, that would certainly be helpful.16:53
MonkeyDustOpenSorce  don't confuse FUD with facts, that's confusing to new users16:53
OpenSorcetgm4883, I'm asking for research.16:53
polyziumtrijntje, i need to reinstall again? maybe that's because i put grub into /dev/sda4?16:54
tgm4883OpenSorce: research for what?16:54
OpenSorceMonkeyDust, not gonna do this with you. If you have to disable adds, it's adware. Pure and simple. I'm not hating.16:54
trijntjepolyzium: installing again is the easiest, you have to put grub on /dev/sda16:54
OpenSorcetgm4883, an article I'm writing aimed at new users.16:54
polyziumtrijntje, it says failed to get canonical path of cow16:55
Rodrigo5244Hello, I have removed and installed Firefox, and now the Ubuntu's scroll bar is missing just on Firefox. How do I get it back on Firefox?16:55
OpenSorceSo for instance, if a new user came in here and said they don't like the ads and the general feel of Unity you would help them find a suitable replacement?16:55
trijntjepolyzium: it?16:55
tgm4883OpenSorce: yes, that has happened before16:56
OpenSorcetgm4883, thank you again :-)16:56
boodllebathow to get device node ?16:56
xanguaRodrigo5244: if by Ubuntu scrollbar you mean the Overlay scrollbar, Firefox doesn't use it16:57
polyziumtrijntje, what? i typed "sudo grub-install /dev/sda"16:57
OpenSorceRodrigo5244, how did you remove and then install FF. Was it through the package manager?16:57
trijntjepolyzium: where did you type that?16:57
boodllebathow to get connected device's node in ubuntu ? Thanks16:57
polyziumtrijntje, from liveusb16:57
trijntjepolyzium: that wont work, its easier to just reinstall16:57
trijntje!grub see this polyzium16:58
ubottutrijntje: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:58
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Rodrigo5244OpenSorce: I think I removed it using Ubuntu software center. And I installed it using apt-get install.16:58
trijntje!grub | polyzium16:58
ubottupolyzium: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub216:58
OpenSorceRodrigo5244, kk... you should be fine then. Was it there before you removed it?16:59
Rodrigo5244OpenSorce: I don't remember. After installing Ubuntu I removed a lot of packages, Firefox included, and installed a different browser.17:00
OpenSorceRodrigo5244, I think xangua is right. I don't think FF uses it.17:00
Rodrigo5244OpenSorce: I don't know how exactly the scroll bar works. I know I removed Firefox Ubuntu extention, do you think that is the issue?17:00
OpenSorceRodrigo5244, is it not scrolling now or did you just want the look of the Unity scrollbar?17:01
Rodrigo5244That is weird. All the other applications have the overlay scrollbar. Why Firefox does not have it?17:02
xanguabecause firefox is not a GTK app17:03
trijntjeAFAIK they needed to do some special hacks for firefox because it draws its own scrollbar or something17:03
xanguaneither is LibreOffice17:03
trijntjebut I dont know the details17:03
tomtom_hi there17:04
polyziumxangua, what it uses? Qt?17:04
Rodrigo5244I know chrome draw its own scrollbar, but I think Firefox uses gtk for the scrollbar.17:04
polyziumxangua, what is this?17:04
OpenSorceRodrigo5244, there should be a Unity theme for it though if you want the look.17:05
tomtom_I've got a bit of an issue after restoring a supposedly full backup of my system17:05
polyziumtrijntje, SOLVED i installed boot repair17:05
trijntjepolyzium: cool, congratulations on your new ubuntu ;)17:06
jayjowill it cause a problem if I have acronjob that is still executing when it's time to run another job, or does the cron utitlity handle all of this?17:06
tomtom_every time I want to resolve some apt conflicts, I get Base class package "Debconf::DbDriver::Cache" is empty.17:08
tomtom_seems like some files or packages were not part of the backup because I excluded *Cache*17:08
unknown_userHello, guys! How are you?17:09
tomtom_but I don't know which file or files I need to restore17:09
tomtom_http://pastebin.com/whcFm5Tq for a bit more context17:09
trijntjetomtom_: how did you make the backup?17:09
tomtom_trijntje: with backintime as root17:10
trijntje(also, if you put LANG=C in the terminal it will give all output in English)17:10
tomtom_trijntje: oh yeah, sorry about the german17:10
renokikeviHow do i remove same content one dual displays  with xrandr?17:11
tomtom_trijntje: new version in english: http://pastebin.com/QJqQUe8x17:12
Rodrigo5244Ok, it seems that more applications don't support the overlay scrollbars too, so I will disable it to get a more uniform user interface. Thanks.17:12
TJ-tomtom_: try reinstalling the 'debconf' package17:12
tomtom_TJ-: thanks, will give it a shot17:12
TJ-tomtom_: That packages contains: "/usr/share/perl5/Debconf/DbDriver/Cache.pm"17:12
tomtom_Oh yeah that sounds like a possible culprit17:13
Rodrigo5244Now Firefox scrollbar looks the same as other applications. It seems it does use gtk and does not draw its own like chrome.17:14
Rodrigo5244Now I can see that some applications have one style of scrollbars and others have a different style.17:17
Rodrigo5244Maybe the gtk2 theme is different than the gtk3 theme?17:17
tomtom_TJ: how would you reinstall the package? Apt always asks me to use install -f because some packages have unmed dependencies17:19
renokikeviI got two displays that are showing the same content how do i fix that?17:20
victor__ hi guys, i installed a  plasma theme via systemsettings5 and now i want to uninstall it but i don't find the file, where is it stored? (kubuntu here)17:23
jmfurlottAny way to improve the tiling system in Unity? Or rather, run xmonad, i3, etc with unity?17:23
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squeegilyI want to use my VPN connection ONLY for Deluge - all other programs, I want to route through my regular internet17:27
squeegilyIt's OpenVPN - how can I do this?17:27
E}l{ukkursor tormozit na ubuntu 15 v Hyper-V win2k8 R217:27
lotuspsychjejmfurlott: maybe the #i3 guys might know?17:29
squeegilyChecking "Use this connection only for resources on its network" disables routing ANY packets through that interface - even when manually specifying (e.g., curl --interface tun0)17:32
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DexterFgreetings! does this channel cover ubuntu phone?17:39
popeyDexterF: #ubuntu-touch mostly does17:39
jayjoCan I have a crontab execute all python scripts in a directory/17:42
jayjoOr should I have it execute a script that recursively executes all python scripts in a subdirectory17:42
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lotuspsychjejayjo: maybe the #python guys might know?17:46
tewardjayjo: #python might know, but ideally you would be having a crontab execute a script that would execute the other scripts...17:46
squeegilylotuspsychje and teward: It's not a Python-specific thing, it could be any language. #python would not be suitable for that question17:47
jayjoWell, right now I have a crontab that executes python scripts by first calling a shell script17:47
squeegilyI think how you're doing it now is pretty much right then17:47
tewardsqueegily: true.17:48
jayjothis works fine, but I was wondering if there was a way to recursively execute the scripts so I don't even need a line that says 'python <filename>' but I could just place them all in a directory that would execute them17:48
squeegilyjayjo: There's nothing built-in in any scripting language I can think of17:50
arijkGot a new external 1TB HDD (USB3.0). How can I check if it has bad sectors? How much time would it take for the process to complete??17:55
arijkRunning Ubuntu 14.0417:55
lotuspsychje!info testdisk | arijk17:55
ubottuarijk: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool, and PhotoRec file recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.14-3build2 (vivid), package size 343 kB, installed size 1382 kB17:55
ioria!info e2fsprogs18:03
ubottue2fsprogs (source: e2fsprogs): ext2/ext3/ext4 file system utilities. In component main, is required. Version 1.42.12-1ubuntu2 (vivid), package size 762 kB, installed size 2993 kB18:03
Denommuswhere can I ask about libappindicator-gtk2 and libappindicator-gtk3?18:03
DenommusI'm trying to compile them for 32bits but getting errors18:03
ioria!info libgtk2-appindicator-perl18:08
ubottulibgtk2-appindicator-perl (source: libgtk2-appindicator-perl): Perl bindings for libappindicator. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.15-1build2 (vivid), package size 13 kB, installed size 101 kB18:08
losthello can someone help me with installing tails im using ubuntu18:10
Denommusioria: are you saying that I should install the perl version before trying to compile the gtk2 and gtk3 versions?18:10
ioriaDenommus, not at all, i don't either know what are you doing :þ18:11
Denommusioria: I'm just trying to compile libappindicator for 32bits, under a 64bits system18:13
Denommusioria: I am downloading the latest stable version, but getting an error "no: unknown command"18:13
lostso far i have[ dd if'/home/lost/Desktop/tails-i386-1.4/tails-i386-1.4.iso'  of=/dev/sdb1 bs=16M && sync]18:13
lostand got18:14
lostdd: unrecognized operand ‘if/home/lost/Desktop/tails-i386-1.4/tails-i386-1.4.iso’18:14
lostTry 'dd --help' for more information.18:14
ioria!info libappindicator118:14
ubottulibappindicator1 (source: libappindicator): Application Indicators. In component main, is optional. Version 12.10.1+15.04.20141110-0ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 19 kB, installed size 102 kB18:14
lotuspsychjelost: try multisystem to make iso to usb18:14
Denommuslost: it should be if=<yourpath>, not if'<yourpath>'18:14
ioriaDenommus, that ^ ?18:15
Denommusioria: yes, but I'm using version 12.10.018:15
Denommusioria: should I try the version listed?18:15
ioriaDenommus, why are you compiling from source ?18:16
lotuspsychjelost: with multisystem you can create a boot usb easy, drag n drop the iso18:17
lostlotuspsychje: do i install multisystems?18:17
Denommusioria: because I'm not using Ubuntu18:17
lotuspsychjelost: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/multiboot-create-a-multiboot-usb-from-linux/18:18
ioriaDenommus, where did you get the source ?18:18
Semiartyso I have tried using http://sshmenu.sourceforge.net/articles/transparent-mulithop.html to download files from a target server with bypassing intermediate host, but I cannot do it because the intermediate host does not have netcat. Is there any other way of achieving my goal?18:20
bekksSemiarty: Just use the good old ssh -L18:21
Semiarty-l ?18:22
Denommusioria: https://launchpad.net/libappindicator/12.10/12.10.0/+download/libappindicator-12.10.0.tar.gz18:22
bekksSemiarty: -L, not -l18:22
Semiartyok, -L, so how does it work?18:22
ioriaDenommus, anyways to enable 32bit look here : http://www.unixmen.com/enable-32-bit-support-64-bit-ubuntu-13-10-greater/18:23
Semiartygoogle doesn't tell me anything18:23
arijklotuspsychje: Got into testdisk....  Getting this " /dev/sdb1 - 1000 GB / 931 GiB" But it shows 999.7GB Free(Total Capacity 1.0GB) and 443.2MB Used when I right click > Properties on the drive...18:23
bekksSemiarty: create a ssh tunnel, and "bypass" the intermediate host.18:23
arijkIs this OK?18:23
umarmunir94hi there guys.. I have a problem here with Xubuntu18:23
umarmunir94installed it first time after Manjaro crashed during an update18:23
lotuspsychjearijk: scan the whole disk with testdisk or install e2fsprogs as ioria suggested18:24
Denommusioria: I'm not using Ubuntu..........18:24
Semiartyumarmunir94 #xubuntu18:24
umarmunir94Manjaro detected wifi when I pressed Fn + F2 but Xubuntu isn't detecting it18:24
Denommusioria: I'm asking here because it seems this library is from Canonical, and the problem I'm having is upstream, not from my distro18:24
umarmunir94I have connected it through wire18:24
losti downloaded it to the desktop as told and when i double click it it doesnt give option to run from terminal so i copy pasted into terminal and then had to put sudo pass and then nothing?18:25
ioriaDenommus, ok, what are you using, then ? (why don't you install ubuntu ?)18:25
hplchow do i mirror a webpage to a local folder? (for later editing of fonts/fontssize before printing)?18:26
lostnow i have a window for x Term stuck open and wont close18:27
arijkEven if I go forward ...Do I choose Intel/PC as the partition table type  since the HDD is NTFS formatted?18:28
Denommusioria: I'm using Arch Linux18:28
arijklotuspsychje: ^18:28
lotuspsychjearijk: yes18:28
ScuniziHP laptop is giving me fits installing ubuntu.. HP has 4 partitions on the drive preventing me from installing. sda1 = system 199MiB, sda2 = typical windows parition for data, programs etc (resized to 93 gigs), sda3 = recovery 33GiB, and sda4 HP tools 103Mib fat32.  So without eliminating one of the partitions I can't add any more. The question is can I eliminate sda4 and still be able to use the recovery partition for re-installing windows if 18:28
arijklotuspsychje: Then choose Analyse right?18:29
ioriaDenommus, you  have to find out the equivalent dependencies for arch, then18:29
lotuspsychjearijk: you can do the tests you want from list18:29
Denommusioria: yes, I have the dependencies installed, that's not my problem, though18:29
lotuspsychjearijk: also check your syslog and dmesg for harddisk errors18:29
Denommusioria: my problem is that I get an error "no: command not found" when trying to compile the library18:29
Denommusioria: wait, I have some logs18:29
Denommusioria: http://pastebin.com/BYpP1nS418:30
ioriaDenommus, could be the shell .... not /bin/sh, but /bin/bash18:32
PiciDenommus: It looks like its trying to execute a program called "no", which doesn't exist.18:33
DenommusPici: I know, I just don't know why it's trying to execute that18:33
DenommusI looked into the makefile and couldn't find anything about that18:34
ioriaDenommus,  i had the same problem with popd18:34
Denommusioria: using /bin/bash instead of /bin/sh solved it? But how did you tell configure or make to use /bin/sh?18:34
arijklotuspsychje: This is a new external 1TB USB3.0 HDD that I got today. Just want to check if everything's okay in there....  Gievn that I haven't written any data on it yet would dmesg or syslog have any external HD errors logs in them?18:35
lotuspsychjearijk: if a disk fails or badblocks, should show in the logs18:35
ioriaDenommus,  if i type /bin/sh no i get Can't open no   with /bin/bash  No such file or directory18:36
ioriaDenommus,  i think it's a shell path problem18:36
ioriaDenommus,  oh, that could be a problem . maybe you have to change Makefile, or the header of each script, or the global  shell env variable18:37
acovrigI can’t get an apt-get upgrade to work, this is the output (https://bitbucket.org/snippets/acovrig/zyoMM); corrupted .deb download? BTW: Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS on Linux bananapi 3.4.90 #3 SMP PREEMPT Tue Jul 29 16:16:05 CST 2014 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux18:38
arijklotuspsychje: I ran the Analyse option and and I got this http://paste.ubuntu.com/11721024/18:39
ioriaDenommus,  check echo $SHELL18:40
arijklotuspsychje: I am thinking I would give it fresh NTFS format and start the testdisk again. Maybe the disk was not properly formatted by the manufacturer?18:41
lotuspsychjearijk: you can try in another format yes, but i think bad sector is a bad sector18:42
compdocnetware 3.11. heh18:42
Denommusioria: /usr/bin/zsh18:42
lotuspsychjearijk: ask in ##hardware if you want to be sure18:42
ioriaDenommus,  oh... maybe you have to change it...18:42
Denommusioria: it seems $(CSC) has "no" as a value in bindings/mono/Makefile.am18:43
ioriaDenommus,  what you mean ?18:43
Denommusioria: and $(CSFLAGS) is ""18:43
Denommusioria: so the command generated by this line is no -keyfile:...18:44
Denommusioria: I guess CSC should be the name of my csharp compiler18:44
n00bhi guys18:45
ioriaDenommus,  i'd compile in C, first and correct the shell then18:46
Denommusioria: CSC should probably be "csharp" instead of "no", and that's the problem18:46
ioriaDenommus,  don't know, you can try18:47
Denommusioria: that was it18:47
ioriaDenommus,  compiled ?18:48
Denommusioria: yup, I had to run make CSC=csharp18:49
ioriaDenommus,  that's interesting18:50
Kilikit_Thi, just a quick q, linux peeps: I want to purge win7 starter from my sluggish and now fairly old netbook and replace it with linux. basically all I really want to do is some text editing, very occassional video chat, small amounts of web browsing, and some light coding tasks for my raspberry pi. what's the best ubuntu flavour for me?18:52
Denommusok, now that it is compiled I must find out why it isn't installing XD18:53
lotuspsychje!flavors | Kilikit_T18:53
ubottuKilikit_T: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.18:53
zykotick9Kilikit_T: if you are worried about netbook's resources, xubuntu is lighter then ubuntu, and lubuntu is lighter then xubuntu.  But, you might want to start by testing ubuntu and see?  best of luck.18:53
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Kilikit_Tyou guys have macros for everything. thanks lotuspsychje18:54
lotuspsychjeKilikit_T: do you know wich grafix card inside that machine?18:55
Kilikit_Taw nope18:55
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Kilikit_TI can find out two secs18:55
newbsduserhello, /bin/cp -fr testx testy ; echo $? gives me:  "/bin/cp: `testx' and `testy' are the same file", how can i bypass it want to see exit code 0 and overwrite the file...18:56
lotuspsychjeKilikit_T: anyway as zykotick9 suggests you could try ubuntu as first, see what it gives18:56
impiim going crazy18:56
lotuspsychjeimpi: can we help you?18:56
impiubuntu is SHIT.18:56
lotuspsychje!language | impi18:56
Kilikit_Tgma 3150, I believe Intel18:56
ubottuimpi: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList18:56
impii get a m3800 dell because it's punted as a ubuntu laptop18:57
impinothing works.18:57
impi2 weeks in. multiple kernels, nvidia worked with the edgers ppa 352 after one update everything is wrecked18:57
lotuspsychjeKilikit_T: to run smooth i would test xubuntu/lubuntu18:57
Kilikit_TI feel like I shhould just go with lubuntu18:57
lotuspsychjeKilikit_T: yeah for your needs, that will fit percetly :p18:58
DJonesimpi: Are you surprised? you've installed unsupported nvidia from the ppa, have you asked them how to fix?18:58
f343nceimpi: ppa's are last resort use.18:58
Denommusdmcs instead of csharp works for both building and installing :-)18:58
DJonesimpi: This channel only supports software from the official repo's, ppa's are unofficial, and you do take your chance18:58
impidj3000, i used the propriatry drivers in addition drivers, thats where the problems started clean install 14.04 that crashed my system18:58
impiDJones, ^^18:59
Kilikit_Tjust as a time saver, can anyone point me at a url for a downloadable installer to prepare a usb to load the install from? I can handle the bios boot-path stuff, just no experience iwth linux as such18:59
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lotuspsychjeKilikit_T: try universal usb installer from ubuntu website18:59
canineSo after setting up my apache2 website and moving it to a production droplet, I decided to disable root access. Then i logged in to ssh using a different user and overwrote index.html. Suddenly the website was showing a blank page. I did chown root on the file, but still nothing. It only worked after I rolled back the snapshot.18:59
canineAny idea why that happened?18:59
f343nceKilikit_T: lots of usb loaders if that is the goal, check the web.18:59
impilook clean install 14.04 - additional drivers -> 331 propriatry drivers leaves you with a broken system19:00
lotuspsychjeimpi: did you enable internet+updates+3rd party software at ubuntu setup?19:00
impilotuspsychje, yes19:00
n00bi have a problem with the touchpad19:00
lotuspsychjeimpi: so after clean install it crashed on you?19:01
wakennnis ubuntu minimal really a bare bones system? if i install GNOME3 will it become just as ubuntu non-minimal?19:01
impiyes, after clean install i install the nvidia 331  via additional drivers, broken system19:01
impiit's been downhill from there19:01
tgm4883impi: why did you clean install? It comes installed with ubuntu..19:01
histowakennn: bare bone by ubuntu terms yes19:01
n00banyone test snappy core??19:02
lotuspsychjeimpi: what was wrong with the drivers ubuntu choose at first?19:02
histo!anyone | n00b19:02
wakennnhisto: what does it mean19:02
lotuspsychjen00b: check #snappy19:02
impitgm4883, ceo ordered the laptop fron the states for me, as a gift, it landed up in south africa with windows on it19:02
ahopWhen doing """ifup wlan0""" on a system with / mounted as read-only (embedded computer), I get error        (no problem if / is rw)19:02
n00blotuspsychje, you are rigth19:02
f343ncewakennn: minimal is base system no desktop, add what you like, it is a net install.19:02
ahopDo you know how to solve this?19:02
n00bsorry, and sorry for my bad english jajaj19:02
impilotuspsychje, it was the nevou(spelling) driver19:03
lotuspsychjeimpi: ok and what was wrong with nouveau?19:03
tgm4883impi: have you talked to Dell? In the past, they've had a special image for their Ubuntu offerings (although I thought that was no longer the case)19:03
wakennnf343nce: yes but if i install gnome 3 will it become just like normal ubuntu (with amazon stuff, compiz ... )?19:03
impiwell, it wasn't using my gpu on my card K1100 nvidia19:03
jakrI ran Archive Manager to compress a folder into a .iso.  I got the error: The application Archive Manager has closed unexpectiedly.19:04
f343ncewakennn: gnome 3 is the gnome shell, no compiz it is not unity. Yes you will have a full gnome 3 shell if that ios what you install.19:04
lotuspsychjeimpi: is that an optimus card?19:04
impitgm4883, i downloaded that image from the dell site, and have not booted with it, just installed the debs and booted into the kernel, and still not working - just doesnt use the nvidia gpu. I think I have to burn that to a disc and use that as installer somehow19:05
f343ncewakennn: Why the net install?19:05
impilotuspsychje, yes19:05
Kilikit_Tone more question guys19:05
impithe 352 open source drivers from edgers worked really well19:05
lotuspsychje!info nvidia-prime | impi you need this19:05
ubottuimpi you need this: nvidia-prime (source: nvidia-prime): Tools to enable NVIDIA's Prime. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.1 (vivid), package size 10 kB, installed size 114 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)19:05
wakennnf343nce: I am coming from Arch and want to setup just what I need myself19:06
impiit was great, then i installed the latest updates, and it's messed it up bad19:06
Kilikit_Tis there a programme for lubuntu that can save as .txt files since i will be switching between os environments fairly regular. no probs if not I guss 'cause I can just email19:06
impilotuspsychje, i have installed that19:06
lotuspsychjeimpi: did you enable performance mode with nvidia-settings?19:06
jakrMy error message is: "You have some obsolete package versions installed.  Please upgrade the following packages..."19:07
f343ncewakennn: Ah, however you have described will "I Have" apps from two desktops, unity is one the gnome shell the other.19:07
impilotuspsychje, at the moment, nvidia settings tells me i am not using a nvidia card - i cant seem to get it working at all19:07
xanguajakr: and this message shows after what? what ubuntu release do you use?19:07
impiman im really disappointed - really bad show of ubuntu19:07
lotuspsychjeimpi: if you have the correct driver, you should be able to choose intel/nvidia19:07
lotuspsychjeimpi: then choose nvidia- performance mode19:08
tgm4883impi: from what it sounds like you did, I'm not 100% I'd blame Ubuntu19:08
jakrxangua, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.19:09
wakennnf343nce: oh sorry I didn't mean just desktops, I mean stuff like the amazon stuff, default programs like firefox etc. or if that is all done by me?19:09
lotuspsychjeimpi: remove that ppa or bumblebee (if you installed)19:09
jakrxangua, I recieved the message after trying to compress a folder into a .iso file19:09
f343ncewakennn: the amazon stuff is part of the unity desktop. The net install is the best beyond a personal build to getting just what you want, that will be supported here. If you stay within the ubuntu repos.19:10
impitgm4883, well just google for nvidia black screen, or login loop and then reconsidder blaming ubuntu19:11
lotuspsychjeKilikit_T: just add .txt at the end of your file19:11
tgm4883impi: I'm not sure the relevance.19:11
lotuspsychjeimpi: there's no need to blame anything, focus on your issue19:11
lotuspsychjeimpi: remove your ppa and test another driver19:12
f343ncewakennn: Lots of desktop choices, all can be removed/purged as needed if you know how.19:12
impibut hang on a second19:12
impiif i go to additional drivers19:12
impiand i install the 331 propriatry driver19:12
impiwill that still pull from the ppa?19:12
lotuspsychjeimpi: its wise to not install things from ppa's19:13
lotuspsychje!ppa | impi19:13
ubottuimpi: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge19:13
wakennnthanks f343nce19:13
suHi, i want to get my screen at 640x480, but the lowest is 800x600. How can i get it 640x480?19:14
acovrigone question: *why*?19:15
ioriasu i can lend you my monitor19:15
wakennnwhat is better for creating usb drives with OS install media: "dd bs=4M if=... of=..." or "dd bs=4M if=... of=... && sync" ?19:15
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Guest43597hello everyone19:16
stupidwolfhello everyone19:16
stupidwolfneed help here..19:16
lotuspsychje!ask | stupidwolf19:16
ubottustupidwolf: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:16
TJ-wakennn: 'sync' just forces cached blocks to be flushed to the underlying devices immediately without waiting for the write-back cache timeout19:16
f343ncestupidwolf: Do we guess?19:16
molgrumhey i have a 100/10 fiber connection, i assume running "apt-get clean" is safe for me then?19:17
wakennnTJ-: I can do without sync ?19:17
impilotuspsychje, tgm4883 thanks for the help, im going to try and get this thing working again19:17
Bashing-omsu: 640x480 may be out of range for the hardware; From a grub prompt ' vbeinfo ' is that resolutiion shown ?19:17
f343ncewakennn: No problem, I like a gui in your last question myself. ;) love arch ran it many times19:17
TJ-wakennn: I'd keep it... it ensure if you remove the media (after sync) it has all data written to it19:17
wakennnok thanks19:18
stupidwolfjust install 15.04 dual with win8, boot animation missing only black screen,19:18
lotuspsychje!uefi | stupidwolf19:19
f343nce!bootinfo | stupidwolf19:19
ubottustupidwolf: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI19:19
ubottustupidwolf: Boot info script is a useful script for diagnosing boot problems. Please run the script following the directions here: http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ and then !pastebin the RESULTS.txt for us to use to help diagnose your problem.19:19
Kilikit_They here's a q for the channel. are there any linux distros that don't feature guis? I would be so into that19:20
pluxevheya, my dad has had me using ubuntu for 5+ years now. I am interested in trying other systems. What is similar to ubuntu but could potentially be better?19:20
tgm4883Kilikit_T: like Ubuntu server?19:20
lotuspsychjepluxev: ubuntu is the most popular one19:20
Kilikit_Tubuntu server hey? basically like going back to dos days for all intents and purposes?19:20
tgm4883Kilikit_T: yes, it's command line only19:21
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Kilikit_Tessentially I'm going to want one machine which is solely for writing19:21
lotuspsychjepluxev: maybe more a question for ##linux ?19:21
pluxevk thanks19:22
f343ncepluxev: Many linux "system" are more the same than different in the base system, and the desktops are not much different. Most have what the others have in their repos.19:22
stupidwolfdisable it will make boot faster isnt it?  how i do that?(soory i'm really noob)19:22
v3n0mapt-get blow up server19:23
lotuspsychjestupidwolf: make your life easy and install ubuntu single on your machine :p19:23
stupidwolflotuspsychje : i guess you're right..  thanks dude19:24
sardonyx_anyone familiar with pure-ftpd? my users cannot upload/rename any files, and i'm not sure why19:24
lotuspsychjestupidwolf: disable fastboot and secureboot from bios, and install ubuntu clean, single will rocknroll19:25
v3n0mi am19:25
molgrumhey i just need a quick answer, if i have 100 Mbit/s down, can i apt-get clean without worries?19:25
v3n0manyone know sting3r19:25
tgm4883molgrum: why would the speed of your connection affect the answer to that question?19:26
lotuspsychjev3n0m: this channel is for ubuntu support only mate19:26
sardonyx_v3n0m: my pure-ftpd config is:  /usr/sbin/pure-ftpd-virtualchroot -l puredb:/etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd.pdb -l pam -O clf:/var/log/pure-ftpd/transfer.log -H -S 1122 -p 12000:13000 -u 1000 -E -8 UTF-8 -Y 2 -B, is anything else needed for write permissions?19:26
molgrumtgm4883: "This may not be desirable if you have a slow Internet connection, since it will cause you to redownload any packages you need to install a program." from the help ubuntu page19:26
r2c4how do you ubuntu?19:27
molgrumtgm4883: so... i have a fast one :)19:27
stupidwolflotuspsychje: well it's my first time using ubuntu, hope u can help me19:27
lotuspsychjestupidwolf: just make an usb stick with ubuntu 14.04 LTS and disable secureboot+fastboot in bios then boot into setup19:28
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r2c4how come when i type on the keyboard the letters dont come up19:30
duquefirst time on irc, i just install ubuntu for the first time19:33
lotuspsychjeduque: good choice, you have joined an ubuntu support channel to solve problems19:34
unknown_userduque: What can you say about Ubuntu?19:34
Koyaanisnice duque, how do you like it sof ar19:34
kuba7447duque, welcome to the community19:34
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unknown_userduque: I mean, are you liking this distro?19:35
lotuspsychjeunknown_user: please dont stimulate offtopic19:35
KoyaanisAll this welcoming is overwhelming for him19:35
unknown_userlotuspsychje: Sorry, it wasn't my intention.19:35
duquethanks kuba19:35
Koyaanisduque: you can write the first letters of a nickname on IRC and autofinish it with TAB19:36
duqueKoyaanis nice19:36
A1ReconI ran testdisk on my New External 1 TB HDD(NTFS formatted). Here is the output for Analyse. http://paste.ubuntu.com/11721133/ Can anyone check if its ok??19:37
lotuspsychjeA1Recon: did you ask in ##hardware?19:38
lotuspsychjeA1Recon: and checked syslog and dmesg as i suggested before<?19:39
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histoA1Recon: what's wrong with it?19:42
A1ReconI asked in hardware no one responded...19:43
histoA1Recon: why are you running testdisk?19:43
lukalukahi ~~19:45
lukalukaI just updated my 14.04, and couldn't log in anymore =.=19:45
lukalukaI found this, might be the solution to my problem. http://askubuntu.com/questions/454576/cant-login-to-ubuntu-14-04-after-upgrade19:45
A1Reconhisto: JUst checking if the harddrive has any problem.... Its a new harddrive19:46
angela_I'm in trouble! When I turn on the Audacious and the Hydrogen, by QJackCtl after aguns minutes it crashes because it gives error (xrun). How do I fix this? I'm using UbuntuStudio, 3.13.0-54-LowLatency kernel.19:47
angela_This has never happened before.19:47
angela_I have already put the frames to 1024 but still gives the error.19:47
angela_An error message on the jack and lock all applications, including the jack19:47
angela_I was using an updated kernel (3.19), but began to appear this problem. I thought that was the kernel and returned forthe kernel "original" version 14.4 (3.13.0-54-LowLatency)19:47
angela_Can anyone help me?19:47
lotuspsychjeangela_: try previous kernel again from grub?19:48
f343ncelukaluka: Try booting from a previus kernel, number of reasons this can happen, details are the key here.19:48
angela_lotuspsychje, yes19:49
angela_lotuspsychje: yes19:50
lukalukaf343nce thanks. I need to log in recovery mode to change my home directories ownership, but I can't19:50
Bashing-omlukaluka: Broken proprietary grahics driver ? Can you login to console ( at logins screen keycombo ctl+alt+F1) ?19:50
lukalukaBashing-om that's the problem. I got Nvidia GPU. c+a+f1 just gives me pure black19:51
f343ncelukaluka: Are you doing this, with any understanding, or just runing commands hoping?19:51
MotoUnixhey guys19:51
MotoUnixhow you doing ?19:51
A1Reconoh god.... Reading syslog is hard. Lotsof jargon and MAC IDs, username, file locations....19:51
Ben64lukaluka: try doing a "sudo dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-331"19:51
v3n0mits sudo su19:52
Bashing-om!nomodeset | lukaluka :: Try this :19:52
ubottulukaluka :: Try this :: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter19:52
lukalukaf343nce I would say hoping XD this is the closest thread I could find, so wanna git it a try19:52
v3n0mfor super user19:52
MotoUnixA1Recon: how did you read syslog ?19:52
k1lv3n0m: no its not.19:52
buntyis is possible to install ubuntu desktop on my nexus 7 tablet??19:52
k1lv3n0m: use sudo -i if you really need a root shell.19:52
f343ncelukaluka: Stop that thread and lokk at the answers here, seems to most likely a graphic driver issue and just needs reloaded.19:53
k1lbunty: better ask in #ubuntu-arm19:53
A1Recontyped in log in Ubuntu Search thingy..19:53
lotuspsychjebunty: for now only ubuntu-touch runs smooth on nexus719:53
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lotuspsychjebunty: try devel-proposed as i sugested you in #ubuntu-touch19:53
v3n0mkil they ot work19:54
lukalukaf343nce ok. but I can't get into any terminal to reload gpu driver19:54
buntylotuspsychje: yes i will do that19:54
ness2uwhere would be a good place to ask some (newb) file-security questions?19:54
lukalukaf343nce tried to enter recovery mode, during boot up, but I can't enter recov mode too.19:54
k1l!details | v3n0m19:54
ubottuv3n0m: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)19:54
A1ReconMotoUnix: Typed in 'log' in Ubuntu search thingy19:54
lotuspsychjeness2u: if its about ubuntu, ask right here19:55
v3n0mim helpin19:55
f343ncelukaluka: boot the computer wait about 30 seconds thatn hiot ctrl-alt-f1 for a tty terminal and look at Ben64's command19:55
buntylotuspsychje: I want to play my RTSP stream using gstreamer and that is not easily possible on ubuntu touch.19:55
lotuspsychjebunty: ask in #ubuntu-touch mate19:55
buntyya I did19:56
lotuspsychjebunty: here we can only support ubuntu19:56
buntyI had a discussion with jhodapp for media19:56
k1lv3n0m: if so please dont give false advice19:56
buntylotuspsychje: ok19:56
lukalukaf343nce tried. when I hit ctrl alt F1, pure black screen responds. This nvidia driver kind of not responding to c a F1, so I can't input any command19:57
lukalukaf343nce I am looking for help to get into terminal by another way, do you know how?19:57
yardlinuxcould u point me to a good tutorial re dual booting win 8 and ubuntu ?19:57
justicefriesanybody switch off unity to i3wm?19:58
ness2ulotuspsychje: what are the best practices regarding private certificate storage on ubuntu server? I'm a windows developer trying to conform to our security team requests...19:58
lotuspsychjejusticefries: maybe the #i3 guys can help you?19:58
f343ncelukaluka: Ah, I would chroot to it from a live, if there is really no cli access, however others here can probably get you to one, this is an issue I have not had to really work on.19:58
justicefrieswelp, I tried #i3wm19:58
Jordan_Ujusticefries: Please just ask your actual question.19:58
justicefriesthanks lotuspsychje :)19:58
Bashing-om!nomodeset | lukaluka : Once more, try ::19:58
ubottulukaluka : Once more, try ::: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter19:58
justicefriesJordan_U I know how IRC works, thanks, I wasn't ready with a question, was curious. :)19:59
lotuspsychje!dualboot > yardlinux19:59
ubottuyardlinux, please see my private message19:59
lotuspsychje!uefi > yardlinux20:00
lukalukaBashing-om ubottu ok, never seen that before, let me read the thread and try20:00
tomeohi, what program could I use to see if my harddrive is working or not?20:00
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yardlinuxthanks ubottu and lotuspsychje20:01
Bashing-omlukaluka: K: We are here to help . read and comply and we take it from there, once you are at a terminal .20:01
EricBBif I have a lamp server with apache listening on 80 and 8010, and I go to 80 and get my www folder contents, but 8010 gives me 404 not found, what is the proble?20:01
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A1Reconlotuspsychje: histo: Syslog after I connected the drive http://paste.ubuntu.com/11721467/20:01
justicefriesEricBB may be better to ask in the Apache room. :)20:01
lukalukaBashing-om sure. Thanks for your time!20:01
lotuspsychjeA1Recon: no errors there, try the ubuntu disktool: smart test etc20:03
lotuspsychjetomeo: same for you mate, try the ubuntu disktool and run some tests20:03
A1Reconlotuspsychje: the disk doesn't support SMART tests.... Tried badblocks it would take around 6 hrs to complete with the -v flag.20:04
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Jordan_UA1Recon: All modern drives support S.M.A.R.T. It's *possible* that your USB enclosure doesn't support passing on S.M.A.R.T. commands, but even that is unlikely.20:05
RoBo_VGuys, best way to schedule auto wake up ?20:06
Jordan_UA1Recon: Please pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l".20:07
lotuspsychjeRoBo_V: you mean wake up on lan from bios?20:10
lukalukaBashing-om ok, to my understanding, I need to modify grub config file. The problem I am having right now is that I can't get into my grub boot menu by pressing SHIFT  during boot up because my GRUB is set to hide the OS selection menu on boot by default.20:10
A1ReconJordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11721514/ Output for only the /dev/sdb20:11
lukalukaubottu thanks for your link. I can't modify grub config file in my case. Can't access grub boot menu because it is hidden by default.20:11
ubottulukaluka: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:11
RoBo_Vlotuspsychje: that is already happening, i mean to schedule wakeup from rtc within system20:11
RoBo_Vpossible ?20:11
lukalukaBashing-om http://askubuntu.com/questions/507434/grub-boot-menu-not-available-after-installing-ubuntu-14-04-lts-on-msi-ge-6020:11
RoBo_Vlotuspsychje: oh yea i can also schedule wakeonlan from other server20:12
lotuspsychjeRoBo_V: http://askubuntu.com/questions/61708/automatically-sleep-and-wake-up-at-specific-times20:12
A1ReconJordan_U: The thing is my /dev/sda has got some badblocks.... I want to copy all the data from the 2(NTFS) of the 3 partitions of my internal HDD to the new external one. Before starting the copying process i just want to see if the /dev/sdb1 is ok or not...20:13
Jordan_UA1Recon: Despite its name, testdisk is *not* a tool for checking disks. It's a tool for recovering files and fixing partition tables.20:13
A1ReconJordan_U: So I have to run badblocks then??20:14
Jordan_UA1Recon: If you really want to be thorough, yes.20:14
RoBo_Vthanks lotuspsychje20:14
A1ReconJordan_U: The last time I ran Analyse in testdisk for /dev/sdb1 I got this http://paste.ubuntu.com/11721133/20:15
histoA1Recon: testdisk is not the right tool for checking your drive20:15
Jordan_UA1Recon: Please pastebin the output of "sudo smartctl --all /dev/sdb".20:15
Bashing-omlukaluka: I am back, and lookin at your reference .20:17
lukalukaBashing-om thank ~20:17
A1ReconJordan_U: "sudo smartctl --all /dev/sdb1" output http://paste.ubuntu.com/11721560/20:17
Jordan_UA1Recon: Please run commands exactly as given.20:18
Jordan_UA1Recon: Again, testdisk is *not* a tool for testing disks. Those errors are related to the process of recovering deleted partitions, a process that you don't need to do and is thus not at all relevant.20:18
Bashing-omlukaluka: OK, Is your system UEFI ?20:19
A1ReconJordan_U: OK got it about testdisk20:19
histoA1Recon: western digital has diagnostic utilities available to check yoru disk use those. If you are worried. You do realize the failure rate is extermely low on new hardware. Seems to me like a waste of time.20:19
lukalukaBashing-om a ha, I don't know what is UEFI, let me google that for a sec20:20
histoA1Recon: selecting an appropriate backup and restoration plan for the data would be a better use of time then relying on some tool you don't understand how to use.20:20
A1ReconJordan_U: /dev/sdb1 is the external HDD. If I run sudo smartctl --all /dev/sdb, I get this "/dev/sdb: Unknown USB bridge [0x1058:0x0820 (0x1012)] Please specify device type with the -d option."20:20
Bashing-om!uefi | lukaluka20:20
ubottulukaluka: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI20:20
whoawostbWhat is the correct way to disable compositing in "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"?20:23
macskayhow can i get "perf" back for my 3.13 kernel back?20:23
macskayIt's not in the linux tools20:23
A1Reconhisto: OK histo, tell me this. A few years ago, when I tried to copy data from a bad HDD to a flashdrive, the Windows gave me "Cyclic Redundancy Error" and exited. I think Ubuntu's simple copy and paste would do that too. Is it possible to copy bit by bit whatever is there on the internal HDD's 2 partitions to the 2 separate folders on the external HDD? I don't care if there's some error, just it shouldn't stop copying midway. Is the20:24
histoA1Recon: you can use ddrescue to recovery data from failing drives.20:25
Jordan_UA1Recon: /dev/sdb1 is not a device node for a drive, it's a device node for the first partition on a drive. While smartctl is smart enough to figure out what you actually mean when you pass it a partition, but I'm very surprised to see it refuse "/dev/sdb", so much so that I'm thinking that you simply mistyped something. Please run "sudo smartctl --all /dev/sdb" and pastebin the full output, copying the portion of your ...20:25
Jordan_U... terminal showing the command as well.20:25
histoJordan_U: it's an external drive probably something with western digitals silly usb interface causing all sorts of havoc20:26
lukalukaBashing-om ubuntu is my sole OS on that pc, and I use automatic installer " Erase the disk and install", would that grant me UEFI system?20:26
lukalukaBashing-om or any info useful I can provide?20:27
A1ReconJordan_U: Here you go http://paste.ubuntu.com/11721651/20:27
histoA1Recon: so are you still trying to recover data from the failing drive from "A few years ago" or what are you asking??20:28
bagginsDKhello, i don't know how to install oracle DB. I saw a tutorial asking for Kernel changes and i don't want to go so deep. Is there any simpler way?20:28
Semiartyso... I've been playing around and I was reading a guide on how to get ubuntu servers IP static and I deleted DHCP-client, now I want to get it back, but I have no connection to the internet and thus have to do it manually, I downloaded dhcp client and transfered it onto my usb flash, I'm trying to install dhcp-client and I am getting errors---> "dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration20:29
Semiartyof isc-dhcp-client: isc-dhcp-client depends on isc-dhcp-common (=4.1.ESV-R4-Oubuntu5.5); however: Version of isc-dhcp-common on system is 4.2.4-7ubuntu12.2. and "isc-dhcp-client depends on iproute; however: package iproute is not installed"20:29
A1Reconhisto: No I just gave you an example of what happened all those years ago. Now I just want to get the data from my Laptop's internal HDD to the external HDD.20:29
Semiartyso as far as I understand something does not match up, as in version, but I am not sure on how to proceed next20:29
Bashing-omlukaluka: No, UEFI is a firmware interface of the mainboard system to that of the operating system. That firmware is already set . Now how you access grub is depebdent on that tupe of firmware .20:30
MonkeyDustSemiarty  seems to me, you have to install iproute, first20:30
Jordan_UA1Recon: That is bizarre. This post: http://superuser.com/questions/482404/check-ssd-health-without-using-smart shows that some drives support S.M.A.R.T. but claim not to, and your drive might be one of these. Even if S.M.A.R.T. can be made to work with this drive/enclosure I would return it as defective for not supporting it properly. If it can't be made to support S.M.A.R.T. then you should definitely return it.20:31
=== win is now known as impi
A1Reconhisto: Reading from here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery there are 2 ddrescue programs, are you talking about the GNU ddrescue or just the ddrescue?20:32
impiyeh, something is definitely wrong with ubuntu 14.04 and nvidia 331 (propriatry/tested) drivers20:32
lukalukaBashing-om ok, if I enter BIOS,  I could see my boot mode is set to be legacy + UEFI, and ubuntu is in my first boot option: UEFI Hard Disk: ubuntu20:33
impiclean install, install this driver from the additional drivers screen and after reboot i get "system running in low graphics mode"20:33
lotuspsychjeimpi: did you install nvidia-prime after?20:34
impilotuspsychje, no - just clean install and the propriatry driver20:34
lotuspsychjeimpi: we talked about this earlier mate, if your card is optimus you need nvidia-prime package20:35
lotuspsychjeimpi: then enable performance mode from nvidia-settings20:35
impimmm ill try install it, but i mean the basics dont work20:35
impino otherway to put it20:35
Bashing-omlukaluka: K; Making progress; OK UEFI syste, ! Access grub : Reboot, and as soon as the setup screen clears, repeatedly depress and release the escape key ( only a 3 second window of oportunity). Now do you get the grub menu ?20:36
SemiartyMonkeyDust doesn't work: "iproute conflicts with arpd; iproute provides arpd and is present and installed. dpkg: error processing archive iproute...deb (--install): conflicting packages - not installing iproute"20:36
lukalukaBashing-om in there right now20:36
f343nceimpi: The basics are understanding what your doing and told, and remembering.20:36
impino the basics is activating an additional driver, and rebooting to a graphical interface20:37
impierror free at least20:37
impithats the basics.20:37
f343nceimpi: If you stay in that mind set you will continuosly need help, you have to do some research on the hardware and software.20:38
lotuspsychjeimpi: your card has optimus technology and the nvidia card needs to be enabled with nvidia-prime20:38
Bashing-omlukaluka: With the top most ubuntu kernel selected, 'e' key for edit mode -> boot options screen; arrow down to the line starting with linux, arrow across to quiet splash, replace "quiet splash" with the term nomodeset. Key combo ctl+x to continue the boot process, Do you now boot to the GUI ?20:39
impithen there should be a notice at that driver screen that says - please install nvidia prime otherwise your laptop will be borked after a reboot20:39
whoawostbIf I turn off compositing in xorg.conf, is it normal to get logged right out and sent right back to login screen after logging in?20:39
lotuspsychjeimpi: every card is different, thats not ubuntu's fault20:41
impiyour missing the point, thats the job of the operating system to support these cards20:42
lotuspsychjeimpi: drivers react different on different hardwaren not the Os fault20:42
Jordan_Uimpi: This channel is not for reporting bugs, and trying to do so will only waste time as your reuests will never make it to developers. Please stick to productive support discussion in this channel.20:43
Jordan_U!bug | impi20:43
ubottuimpi: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.20:43
lukalukaBashing-om yes, right now20:43
impii feel that after buying a 3K laptop, which is built and punted as ubuntu ready that this should not be the outcome20:44
A1ReconJordan_U: http://www.wdc.com/wdproducts/library/UM/ENG/4779-705098.pdf It does support SMART but something is up with WD's Enclosure or USB implementation.20:44
impiim all for loggin bugs, but if you go and look there are duplicates upon duplicates of this very bug20:44
lotuspsychjeimpi: you can check sudo lshw -C video to check wich driver loaded and wich card active20:44
Bashing-omlukaluka: Right ; OK, we need a terminal .. what results with key combo ctl+alt+F1 ?20:44
lukalukaBashing-om give me a sec20:45
lotuspsychjeimpi: just try nvidia-prime, switch drivers and enable performance mode20:46
Jordan_UA1Recon: Again, I would return it as defective.20:46
lotuspsychjeimpi: best driver, is the one working best for your card20:46
impiim going to try that definitely, im sure you are right20:46
lukalukaBashing-om I boot into not so GUI interface. It's more terminal like. I can see ubuntu login: _20:47
A1ReconJordan_U: What is the command to check SMART status? Also put in the flags20:47
impiit's just 2 weeks in, 3 installs, multiple kernels, multiple drivers, nvidia-prime, black screen bug, low graphics mode errors - at some point you get to where i am now which is a little irritated by the mission20:47
lukalukaBashing-om then I log in, now I am in the terminal. ^^20:47
Jordan_Uimpi: That doesn't change the fact that continuing to rant about it here doesn't get any bug closer to being fixed, but does waste our time. Please stop.20:49
Bashing-omlukaluka: OK, now we want to know what the hardware is . To pass that info we ned to install a tool . do: ' sudo apt-get install pastebinit ' .20:49
impiJordan_U, the only reason your time is being wasted is because you dont admit this is a bug20:50
impiit's this then that, then this20:50
lukalukaBashing-om oh, god... somehow wifi is broken now... give me a sec20:50
Jordan_Uimpi: I never said that it wasn't a bug. This is your last warning, stop this and any other unproductive discussion.20:51
Bashing-omlukaluka: No hurry . ( got access to a wired connection ?)20:51
lukalukaBashing-om let me grab my 40 ft ethernet cable orz20:52
histoA1Recon: just copy the data to it then, use rsync or whatever you want20:53
histoA1Recon: as far as ddrescue you want the gddrescue version if you ever have to use it.20:54
Bashing-omlukaluka: Panic not. Just proceed in a calm and orderly fashion.20:56
SemiartyI am trying to do: sudo apt-get install dhcp-client and I get message: "Package dhcp-client is a virtual package provided by: isc-dhcp-client 4.2.4-7ubuntu12.2. ; pump 0.8.24-7 ;  dhcpcd5 6.05-1.1 ; You should explicitly select one to install. ; E: Package 'dhcp-client' has no installation candidate". How and what version do I choose to explicitly select to install?20:56
lukalukaBashing-om sure. Thanks. the package is installed now20:57
PiciSemiarty: isc-dhcp-client is the one normally installed.20:58
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A1Reconhisto: Thinking about using grsync .... What does the Windows compatibility option do?20:59
A1Reconhisto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync20:59
Bashing-omlukaluka: OK, terminal command 'sudo lshw -C display | pastebinit' the result is a URL , pass that complete URL back here . We see what it is we are dealing with to advise better .20:59
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histoA1Recon: windows compatibiltiy option is probably for timestamp comparisons21:00
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lukalukaBashing-om http://paste.ubuntu.com/1172181121:01
histoA1Recon: FAT uses a 2 second resolution for time stamps.  So you can tell rsync to accept values that are off by up to a second so it doesn't think the files differ.21:02
Bashing-omlukaluka: Look'n at your http://paste.ubuntu.com/11721811 .21:02
zykotick9Bashing-om: IMO, that sure doesn't show much... but nvidia?!?!21:02
lukalukaBashing-om yes?21:03
lukalukaBashing-om looking like the motherboard didnt recognize my GPU?21:03
Bashing-omlukaluka: zykotick9 Yeah, bit it so show there is no driver loaded . lukaluka ; next pastebin 'lspci -vnn | grep VGA -A 12 | pastebinit' so we know the graphics set up .21:04
lukalukaBashing-om http://paste.ubuntu.com/11721842/21:06
A1Reconhisto: Apparently rsync fails to get corrupted files but  but .... here's the best part ... it outputs the error files in a log. So the plan is to run Grsync, see what files are missing or were not copied.... and go after those files using specific programs for file recovery. Good enough??21:07
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zykotick9Bashing-om: lukaluka fyi debian's judd pciid pasted to http://paste.ubuntu.com/11721855/21:08
histoA1Recon: I thought we weren't doing file recovery. You said you just wanted to copy the files.21:09
v3n0mcan you get day z21:10
A1Reconhisto: Copy files, yes. Some files might be corrupted so file recovery, too.21:10
Bashing-omzykotick9: checking that http://paste.ubuntu.com/11721855/ !! lukaluka .21:10
histoA1Recon: How did the files get corrupted?21:11
lukalukazykotick9 Bashing-om yes I saw~~ though I don't know how to make use of it ~21:11
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lukalukazykotick9 Bashing-om enlighten me plz XD21:12
zykotick9lukaluka: at least judd recognizes it as an nvidia GM200 [GeForce GTX TITAN X] i have zero suggestions on gettin' it working, sorry.  best of luck!21:12
lukalukazykotick9 no problem. Thanks21:13
histoA1Recon: I have to go but perhaps if you state your problem clearly other people can help.21:13
histo!details | A1Recon21:13
ubottuA1Recon: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)21:13
Bashing-omlukaluka: zykotick9 :: getting into deep waters here myself, twin Nvidia cards .. is this a SLI situation ?21:14
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lukalukaBashing-om zykotick9  I do attach SLI link to connect them, but it's not necessary. I could take it off. if that would help. But... you think the reason that I couldn't log in after update is caused by proprietary GPU driver?21:16
A1Reconhisto: Ran SMART test on the internal HDD of my Laptop one day using the "Disks". Just checking what SMART TESTs were. Lo and behold SMART tests failed. Then googled and ran badblocks, it spit out 12 bad blocks. Further confirmation was when I booted up Windows, and it started running CHKDSK utility and it "recovered" some files and put it in a folder called "found.000" in NewVolume (First data partition in my HDD). [Part 1/2 because21:17
AmazonianDudeHow do I check my Ubuntu 14.04 HDD for bad sectors?21:17
Bashing-omlukaluka: While we ponder : How did you install the drivers . PPA ? show ' tail -v -n +1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* | pastebinit ' . // as of now there is no graphics driver installed, and we must install one to drive the GUI .21:18
badbodhAmazonianDude, fsck them21:18
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lukalukaBashing-om I install drive from here. http://www.nvidia.com/Download/driverResults.aspx/84043/en-us21:19
badbodh'man fsck' for details in terminal21:19
AmazonianDudeYes but is it possible to do it while the HDD is logged into ubuntu or do I do it from a live cd21:20
lukalukaBashing-om http://paste.ubuntu.com/11721896/21:20
lukalukaBashing-om but  i did install drivers for sure. otherwise I wont be able to use nvidia CUDA21:21
A1Reconhisto: I figured Windows has a bad track record for failing HDDs, so I stopped booting up my Windows(Ubuntu - Win 7 Dual Boot). I haven't gone back to Windows boot after that. Don't mount New Volume unless absolutely necessary and I haven't written anything in that partition. Fast forward to today. Got my HDD. Wanted to check whether its fine (hence the badblocks, testdisk, etc. talk a few hrs ago). And here I am reading up on rsync 21:22
A1Reconhisto: Part 2/2 ^21:22
badbodhAmazonianDude, live21:22
A1Reconhisto: Was that summary sufficient?21:23
RoBo_VIDK my server waking up auto every morning 5.30, how to diagnose it ?21:23
badbodhAmazonianDude, data drives can be repaired in normal boot, root drive better repaired from live21:23
lukalukaBashing-om the process of installing driver is via the scrip download from that nvidia link, all the internal procedures are hidden from me.21:23
A1Reconhisto is long gone...21:24
Bashing-omlukaluka: What happened is that there was a kernel upgrade, now that Nvidia driver was built against the old kernel, and the driver broke when the kernel was upgraded, There is no PPA involved here so it is back to the Nvidia installer to re-install the driver againt the new kernel. Does the Nvidia .run file still exist ? show ' sudo find / -name "NVIDIA-Linux-*" | pastebinit ' .21:24
lukalukaBashing-om empty document21:26
guest8574I love Ubuntu. It has no bugs! http://tinyurl.com/nln3h5221:26
AmazonianDudebadbodh: i don't trust ubuntu's upgrading mechanism anymore. Last time I tried doing an upgrade through the update manager it booted into a black screen and rendered unusable. was able to rescue data, and reinstall ubuntu on same drive.21:27
lukalukaBashing-om so you suggest I reinstall the nvidia driver?21:27
Bashing-omlukaluka: Humm .. makes no sense, does not compure, let me double check my command syntax . and while i do .. what returns ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia | pastebinit ' .21:28
badbodhAmazonianDude, in grub > advanced/other boot options select an older kernel. ubuntu does mess up updates :D don't update things like kernel,xorg,video card drivers21:29
AmazonianDudeSo you're saying canonical releases a flawed OS.21:29
lukalukaBashing-om empty string again, let me check if it's my typo21:30
guest8574AmazonianDude: It's beyond flawed.21:30
Panasonicso, I had the same problem listed in two bugs on launchpad, someone can take a look?21:31
lukalukaBashing-om no typo21:31
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Bashing-omlukaluka: I can not imigine why there would now be no Nvidia files existent on the system . any return ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' ?21:32
Panasonicits ok to post the link to the bugs here or should put them in paste?21:32
AmazonianDudeguest8574: Should not be released to the general public until they can fix the ubuntu messing up updates problem21:32
k1lAmazonianDude: ubuntu got automated testings for the upgrades. so if it breaks for you there might be some hardware or package issue which is not a general issue,21:32
AmazonianDudeAh then nvm. That makes sense.21:32
lukalukaBashing-om no... empty.21:32
AmazonianDudeWell brb. Fsck'ing.21:33
k1lAmazonianDude: and where does the updates issue relate to your drive having bad sectors?21:33
lukalukaBashing-om but I did install 349.16 driver before21:33
k1land btw did his "ubuntu broke the update" like a "i want the latest video driver so i load stuff from some website that breaks on a new kernel"21:34
Bashing-omlukaluka: Sheeeshh .. I have no clue why the Nvidia files are removed. OK, once more from the Nvidia site, .... (RE-)install the driver .21:34
lukalukaBashing-om aha, ok, on the way~21:36
Bashing-omlukaluka: K. I am here on pins and needles . Just Have never ever encountered where Nvidia driver was installed, and just up and disappears !21:37
lukalukaBashing-om XD, let's proceed in calm and ordered fashion XD21:38
lukalukaBashing-om dl ing driver21:39
lukalukaBashing-om ok, the problem is there still an x server running on the back, so I am going to get into recovery mode and, install driver there21:41
zykotick9Bashing-om: lukaluka just a sidenote/fyi, but #debian's "why nvidia installer sucks" factoid pasted to http://paste.ubuntu.com/11721965/21:41
Bashing-omlukaluka: Try .. If unity .. ' sudo service lightdm stop ' (14.04) will stop X .21:42
acz32what's a good update notifier for kde?21:42
nomicfor system updates?21:42
Bashing-omzykotick9: I can use a chuckle at this point .21:43
zykotick9Bashing-om: ;)21:43
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lukalukazykotick9 hahah, I agree.21:44
RoBo_Vhey guys my rtc is off then why system waking up every morning 5.30 ?21:44
Bashing-omzykotick9: That is a fact ! Always try and use inhouse resources when possible .. But but with SLI, best I recall we have no support for SLI .21:45
lukalukaBashing-om Err: your kernel headers for kernel 3.16.0-40-generic can't be found.21:45
lukalukaBashing-om and the install scrip suggest me install that header package, should I?21:46
Bashing-omlukaluka: What have you done ??? .. PK, let's look at the header situation . ' ls -al /usr/src/ | pasteninit ' . We fix !21:47
lukalukaBashing-om I was running driver install scripts only...  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11721997/21:48
AmazonianDudeCan you run a bad sectors test from a live cd21:49
AmazonianDudeor can that safely be done from the actual CD21:49
AmazonianDudeErr install21:49
leafybasilHey all. I'm running ubuntu on a macbookpro10,1 and under ubuntu audio works fine.  When I boot into DWM I lose audio, if I load alsamixer and I plug in/unplug my headphones I see the mixers change, but neither outputs any audio can anyone help?21:49
k1lAmazonianDude: still: live cd/usb21:49
losthi im looking to see if anyone can help me im trying to make a bootable usb of tails i have it downloaded and ive tried a few things and unseccessful21:50
AmazonianDude"Permission denied while trying to open /dev/sda1. You must have r/w access to the filesystem21:50
zykotick9Bashing-om: "Always try and use inhouse resources when possible" <- I couldn't agree more  "But but with SLI..." <- I've not zero knowledge/experience, so as I mentioned to lukaluka, i've got nothin'.  good luck.21:51
AmazonianDudeNevermind. Was forgetting the sudo command, my mistake21:51
Bashing-omzykotick9: Me too ! But I am going to wade into this and get my feet real wet ! lukaluka Look'n at http://paste.ubuntu.com/11721997/ .21:52
lukalukaBashing-om yes , I didn't see 0-40 too, should I have one?21:52
Funwhats the easiest way to reside disk that uses lvm?21:53
AmazonianDudesudo e2fsck -c /dev/sda1 to be exact. Ubuntu manual says not to run badblocks directly21:53
AmazonianDudeFun: reside disk?21:54
Funsorry :D21:54
Bashing-omlukaluka: Humm .. Wonder what the installer is doing .. There sure is no -40 header .. ok, back to the 1st rule when installing. Make sure we are fully updated. do ' sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt full-upgrade ' .21:56
Jordan_U!smart | AmazonianDude21:56
ubottuAmazonianDude: smart is Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology, a monitoring system for hard drives. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools21:56
lukalukaBashing-om running21:57
leafybasilIs there a way to stop audio playing from both speakers and headphones?21:58
lukalukaBashing-om http://paste.ubuntu.com/11722035/21:59
lukalukaBashing-om it skipped 40, haha. Should I go ahead and run install script?22:00
lukalukaBashing-om ok, same error msg22:00
lukalukaBashing-om let me try long lived version of driver. 352.2122:01
Bashing-omlukaluka: Is the .run file on the system ? ' ./Nvidiawhatever.run --uninstall (must be cd'd to the directory/location) .22:03
lukalukaBashing-om yes, let me try that22:03
lukalukaBashing-om done22:04
Bashing-omlukaluka: If we can run --uninstall, we can start all over from scratch .22:04
lukalukaBashing-om it's done.22:04
lukalukaBashing-om how should we proceed from scratch22:05
Bashing-omlukaluka: ' sudo find / -name "NVIDIA-Linux-*" ' .22:06
lukalukaBashing-om empty22:07
whoawostbIs it normal to get immediately logged out and brought back to login screen after turning off compositing in xorg.conf and rebooting and then logging in?22:08
Bashing-omlukaluka: K ; no return then we can download from Nvidia once more . From the start .22:09
lukalukaBashing-om ok, do you recommend long live or short live version?22:11
Bashing-omlukaluka: Lemme have a bit to look at what Nvidis recommends .. be back soonest .22:12
lukalukaBashing-om thanks for your time22:12
Bashing-omlukaluka: Let's see what results with the long live release .22:15
lukalukaBashing-om on it22:16
lukalukaBashing-om ok, same error msg. I guess nvidia really want me to be 0-40-generic22:17
lukalukaBashing-om though I don't know why22:17
Bashing-omlukaluka: Ehen ya get a break, out of curiosity, what returns ' sudo ubuntu-drivers devices ; sudo ubuntu-drivers list ' ?22:17
lukalukaBashing-om they only return my wifi card driver from broadcom,22:19
lukalukaBashing-om no sign of GPU driver22:20
Bashing-omlukaluka: Not real surprised at no return on the driver searchs . As to -40 kernel what returns ' apt-cache show linux-image-3.16.0-40-generic' ?22:23
lukalukaBashing-om http://paste.ubuntu.com/11722111/22:24
[Saint]Somewhat of an odd request, but, is there any way that I can disable automatic decryption of ~ on local password logins?22:24
[Saint]As per, say, ssh key based login.22:25
[Saint]tl;dr: I would like it to prompt for decryption every time regardless of the login method22:25
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v3n0mwho is stig3r22:27
lukalukaBashing-om fyi, this happened once before when I was using 15.04.  I didin't know IRC then, so end up reinstall 14.04. till this morning update breaks my system again.22:28
[Saint]breaks how?22:29
lukaluka[Saint] after update I can't login anymore. type in pwd and return to original login window, infinite loop.22:30
Bashing-omlukaluka: Humm .. you are using 14.04 and yet you have utopic's kernel ?22:31
[Saint]lukaluka: have you tried dropping into single user mode?22:32
lukalukaBashing-om  I don't understand, beyond my linux understanding XD22:32
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lukaluka[Saint] not yet. now Bashing-om  is working with me, try to nail what's going wrong22:33
Bashing-omlukaluka: We will work through this . The latest kernel for 14.04 : sysop@1404mini:~$ uname -r >> 3.13.0-54-generic .22:34
[Saint]Hold shift during boot, press 'e' to edit the boot commands, append 'single' after 'quiet splash' in the boot params (these changes aren't persistent), press F10 to boot, and see if it'll let you login in a purely text based environment.22:34
Bashing-omlukaluka: a) the -40 kernel is available. b) what is on your system ' ls -al /boot ' ? c) what are you booting ' uname -r " ?22:36
lukalukaBashing-om b) 11722155 c) 3.16.0-40-generic ..... now I am really confused... I do have -40?22:38
lukaluka[Saint] we just replaced spash to nomodeset, and in text env for a while ~22:39
SchrodingersScatAmazonianDude: e2fsck doesn't check drives for bad sectors?22:41
Bashing-omlukaluka: 11722155 ?? get " paste.ubuntu.com/11722155/ - did not match any documents." .22:41
lukalukaBashing-om http://paste.ubuntu.com/11722155/22:42
lukalukaBashing-om mn? that link works for me, can you see?22:42
Bashing-omlukaluka: Do not know what I did formerly wrong. Yeah the -40 kernel is there, but a later one is availabale, let's reboot, and go through the 'nomodeset' routine once mre and see if we now come up on the -41 kernel (uname -r ).22:44
dgarstangUpstart... I want to write an upstart job, but since there's no daemon running, when I call stop it fails. How can upstart handle that?22:44
lukalukaBashing-om k, on it22:44
Bashing-omlukaluka: Nother thought .. get some operating head room (??) let's remove those old no-longer-needed kernels ; ' sudo apt-get autoremove ' .22:45
Kilikit_Tin language settings during install, what's the difference between extended winkeys, intenrationioal with dead kets, and bog standard english uk22:46
lukalukaBashing-om done both. we got 41 after uname -r22:46
dgarstangUpstart... I want to write an upstart job, but since there's no daemon running, when I call stop it fails. How can upstart handle that?22:47
Bashing-omlukaluka: Wow that was fast . OK, what do we have Nvidia on the system ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' ?22:49
lukalukaBashing-om empty22:49
lukalukaBashing-om wanna try install long live driver this time?22:50
Bashing-omlukaluka: That do blow me away that Nvidia does not exist . OK, again download from Nvidia and see what happens now . And yeah the long live version .22:50
[Saint]Kilikit_T: different keyboard layouts, with or without certain elements - ask Google about the (largely subtle) differences. If you're unsure which option to choose, it can detect which keyboard to use by way of asking you to type in specific samples and answering a few simple questions.22:51
[Saint]Though pretty much everything these days in just En-US QWERTY in my experience.22:51
lukalukaBashing-om install succeed22:53
lukalukaBashing-om reboot?22:53
Kilikit_Tthank you, aplty named saint22:57
[Saint]Not a problem my friend.22:57
dgarstangUpstart... I want to write an upstart job, but since there's no daemon running, when I call stop it fails. How can upstart handle that?22:58
Bashing-omlukaluka: Yeah ! let's reboot at this time and see if ya come up normally to the GUI .23:01
lukalukaBashing-om the os back to normal now ~ I can log in just like old days XD23:02
Bashing-omlukaluka: Outstanding ! .. We do have lift off !23:03
dgarstangUpstart... I want to write an upstart job, but since there's no daemon running, when I call stop it fails. How can upstart handle that?23:04
tewarddgarstang: if there's no daemon running, it can't.23:04
lukalukaBashing-om yeah ~~ so basically we do reinstall gpu driver, update os, and remove some packages, really thanks for your time!23:04
tewarddgarstang: what is your use case for the upstart job?23:04
dgarstangteward: job to add ec2 instances's IP to DNS on boot, and remove it on shutdown. Or... another to add a node to chef server on boot, and remove on shutdown.23:05
lukalukaBashing-om I learned a new way to get into terminal XD can I ask you one more question? what IRC client are you using?23:05
Bashing-omlukaluka: Hey, glad to help. Be aware, each time the kernel is upgraded, will have to (RE-)install the graphics driver .23:05
Bashing-omlukaluka: My client is irssi . fast, light, and configuarable .23:06
lukalukaBashing-om will def give it a try. and do you recommend me upgrade to 15.04?23:07
dgarstangteward: It seems that upstart is not capable of managing startup/shutdown jobs that don't spawn daemons.23:07
Bashing-omlukaluka: I am not a proponent of non LTS releases, except for testing and/or hardware issues. irssi : see: http://www.andrews-corner.org/ubuntu/irssi.html .23:08
lukalukaBashing-om fair enough. Let me install irssi now XD thanks for your time!23:09
Bashing-omlukaluka: You will pass it own . We are open source ... 1 for all and all for one .23:10
lukalukaBashing-om ^^23:11
dgarstangSo, since it seems that upstart isn't able to handle stopping scripts that don't have daemons, what other options might I ahve to run a job on shutdown? Old fashioned system V init?23:13
[Saint]dgarstang: cron23:16
[Saint]dgarstang: or....actually, hmmm.23:17
[Saint]You could play with /etc/rc6.d/23:18
[Saint]I _think_ runlevel 6 is shutdown, but, don't quote me on it.23:18
EriC^^i think 0 is23:18
EriC^^somebody google23:19
[Saint]AH, you're right.23:19
[Saint]6 is restart.23:19
[Saint]0 is shutdown.23:19
[Saint]Thanks, EriC^^23:19
ubottuIn Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.23:19
[Saint]Well, that was rather useless. Thanks, ubottu. ;p23:20
Ranger15Has anyone had good luck at all with Intel 7260 wifi/bluetooth card on 15.04?23:21
itaylor57Ranger15: working here23:22
Ranger15I have one and it disappears on suspend. lspci gone.     Or Stops working after along idle time.23:22
Ranger15I have tried a few different firmware versions.23:23
Ranger15itaylor57,  no problems at all?23:23
Ranger15itaylor57,  are you on 15.04?23:24
Ranger15what firmware version?23:24
itaylor57no idea23:24
Ranger15one sec i will get the command, if you dont mind23:24
Ranger15do mind ?23:25
itaylor57i do not mind23:25
Ranger15dont want to bug you23:25
itaylor57not a problem23:25
Ranger15k brb23:25
regeditplease help! 15.04 here, I accidentally my /etc/default/grub :(23:30
regediti have a whole UEFI setup, does that mean that file had special non-default settings in it?23:31
neonixcoderGood day all. I am trying to install an Option modem module in Ubuntu 14.04 by using dkms..23:31
neonixcoderI am able to add module using "dkms –ldtarball --archive=hso-1.x.x.tar.gz"23:32
neonixcoderAnd I can see installed module by using "dkms status"23:32
itaylor57Ranger15: firmware=
neonixcoderbut when I try to build module by using "dkms build –m hso –v 1.10.0" I am getting HSO can not be handled..23:33
neonixcoderAny suggestions team?23:33
Ranger15itaylor57,  how did you get that?23:34
Ranger15man i have done this so many times i can figure it out this time.23:34
Ranger15same as you23:37
Ranger15and that was the first command I ran but just was in to much of hurry to grep for firmware.. oh well23:37
Ranger15itaylor57, what kernal you running?23:38
Ranger15uname -a23:38
Ranger15itaylor57,  3.19.0-20-generic     for me23:38
itaylor57well that just changed today 3.19.0-21-generic23:39
platzhirschThere was a problem during do-release-upgrade, it seems to be still running how can I attach to the window again? (I am sshing)23:39
[Saint]remote release upgrade.23:40
[Saint]...someone's keen.23:40
Ranger15I am going to read about the 20 to 21 difference's.23:41
[Saint]platzhirsch: unless you happened to be running it in screen I'm not entirely confident you even /can/.23:41
Ranger15itaylor57,  but you have been running it for awhile with the card right23:41
itaylor57Ranger15: i had no issues on the previous kernel23:41
* [Saint] runs all his ssh sessions in screen for precisely this reason23:41
Ranger15thats what I thought23:41
Ranger15what kind of hardware? if you dont mind me asking23:42
[Saint]If you're using screen it is really trivial to reattach a detached head.23:42
[Saint]Without it...dunno man.23:42
Ranger15I have system76 laptop23:42
itaylor57i am on a system 76 laptop23:42
itaylor57glago ultrapro23:43
platzhirsch[Saint]: yeah but it looked like it started a screen session anyway23:43
Ranger15k wierd thats freaky23:43
itaylor57can't seem to type23:43
[Saint]platzhirsch: you can check pretty easily23:44
Ranger15I just got there low end one but maxed it all out. Lemur with 16G ram 256ssd w.1TB ata23:44
[Saint]platzhirsch: do "screen -ls"23:44
Ranger15Maybe the hardware and the card dont like each other.23:44
[Saint]platzhirsch: if there is a detached session running, you can force it to reattach by (I /think/) "screen -d -r"23:46
Ranger15itaylor57,  I have had the issue since day one. And have been working Make and S76 to fix it. Nothing yet has helped23:46
Ranger15at S7623:46
platzhirsch[Saint]: thanks23:46
[Saint]Ah, sorry, its 'screen -D'23:47
[Saint]Glargh, nope, I was right the first time.23:47
[Saint]Either way the first step is checking if there's acutally an available session to reattach.23:47
platzhirschI think I broke it lol23:48
Ranger15itaylor57, I get rfkill hard block after suspend. Like a physical switch has been turned off. But there is no switch.23:48
[Saint]screen -list or screen -ls will tell you if there's a session available.23:48
[Saint]platzhirsch: I must say you're mighty confident for doing a remote relase upgrade, lol.23:48
platzhirsch[Saint]: how else would you do an upgrade of a VPS? :D23:48
[Saint]I'm not meaning to laugh at your misfortune. Sorry.23:48
platzhirschit's fine, nothing on that server23:49
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EriC^^platzhirsch: you're doing a do-release-upgrade?23:49
[Saint]Generally speaking, I don't. I just drop out ~ and my configs and spin up a new instance.23:49
platzhirschEriC^^: yes23:49
EriC^^platzhirsch: what version are you currently running?23:50
EriC^^ok, did you fix the sources.list ?23:50
EriC^^!eolupgrades | platzhirsch23:51
ubottuplatzhirsch: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades23:51
EriC^^platzhirsch: you'll have to upgrade to 13.10 first, then 14.0423:51
platzhirschI think that was what is was doing. In any case I need to rebuild the partition now anyway :)23:51
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EriC^^rebuild the partition?23:52
[Saint]You basically just told him what he was already doing in a more convoluted fashion.23:52
EriC^^[Saint]: making sure he knows he has to upgrade to 13.10 first, and the sources.list are required23:53
FlynnCould anyone help me with a screen brightness problems? I've tried everything and if my charging cable is not plugged in, my screen dims after 10 seconds of no movement without fail. very annoying!23:53
platzhirschEriC^^: I can't ssh anymore to the box23:53
EriC^^platzhirsch: after doing what?23:53
[Saint]do-release-upgrade would have done that anyway, no?23:53
EriC^^[Saint]: no, you have to modify the sources.list23:54
[Saint]Then one would posit do-release-upgrade to be largely broken by design. :-S23:55
OerHeksI would ask my VPN provider for upgraded image, as VPN images usually are heavily tweaked.23:57
EriC^^yeah what OerHeks said, the VPS sometimes make it very hard to upgrade too23:58
[Saint]yeah, like I said I'd just drop out ~ and my configs and get the provider to spin up a new instance23:58
platzhirsch15.04 or 14.04 for the new image? LTS or bleeding edge?23:58
EriC^^Flynn: try gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power idle-dim false23:58
EriC^^platzhirsch: 14.0423:58
[Saint]Depends what you want to achieve.23:59
=== joshh20- is now known as joshh20
[Saint](and arguably 15.04 isn't bleeding edge but +1 seems to be a curse word here)23:59
JinjaNinjaHello all, I have JACK audio and guitarix for use with my acoustic electric guitar on my linux computer. In the Mic jack, I've got an aux cord plugged in, and on the other end of the aux cord, I've got an aux >> Quarter-inch. The aux >> Quarter inch plugs into my acoustic electric guitar. This should work, right?23:59
JinjaNinjaLinux Ubuntu, btw23:59

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