
bluesabremicahg, Unit193: reviewed the greeter packaging again, fixed some paths.  Will follow debian and install the base template in /usr, will migrate existing config to /etc10:51
ochosihi bluesabre 10:51
bluesabredebian to ubuntu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11718760/10:51
bluesabreubuntu to ubuntu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11718764/10:51
bluesabrethis should be good to roll tonight10:51
bluesabrehey ochosi10:52
ochosiany plans for when to schedule the next meeting?10:53
bluesabreI'll schedule it tonight for what looks to be the weekend10:55
ochosimhm, ok10:56
bluesabrethere's a few common times that work for a several people10:59
ochosibtw, you didn't distinguish sat/sun11:03
ochosimight make a diff, but anyway, we'll have to see11:03
bluesabreknome did it11:05
bluesabreprobably because we didn't want 168 options11:05
ochosiyeah, the times are fairly granular11:06
knomeochosi, didn't the poll description say you can write further comments/exceptions to comments :P11:28
bluesabre"read poll description?! pah!"11:34
knomeyeah, why cares about instructions11:34
knomebefore it's too late anyway :)11:34
knomethink: you buy a new gaming console, do you read the manual or boot it and start playing?11:35
bluesabrewhen I was a kid...11:35
bluesabrethe manual for games or consoles was the best part about the drive home11:36
bluesabre"32-bit graphics, O.M.G."11:36
knomeback when they had manuals that actually included something else than the safety precautions and a note to go online for support11:36
knomei remember reading the transport tycoon manual so much it started wearing - before i could even get to play it11:37
bluesabrethe golden year11:37
=== Luyinot is now known as Luyin
ochosijust installed LO 5.012:48
ochosimeh icon changes :/12:48
ochosiwell it's still b3, i hope not much else changes12:52
ochosibut new items in the toolbars12:52
ochosigeez, "insert footnote" and "insert endnote"12:53
ochosihow in the world can someone do a meaningful distinction on 24x2412:53
* knome shrugs12:53
knomemaybe one can't, but who cares?12:54
ochosiif we could modify the items shown by default in those toolbars, that one would go12:54
knomei likely would vote against that12:55
knomebecause really, people are clingy12:55
knomeespecially non-high-tech-level ones12:56
knomeyou simply don't touch their defaults :)12:56
ochosii don't think we can influence those defaults12:56
knomeno, but even if we could, i wouldn't want to do it12:56
ochosiunless there's an rc file or something we can ship which defines a default there12:56
ochosibut i don't suppose so12:56
knomebut anyway, i'm off12:56
ochosihf then12:57
knomewill be back late in the evening12:57
knomei'll try to :P12:57
=== qwebirc539535 is now known as slickymasterWork
Unit193https://packages.qa.debian.org/f/file-roller/news/20150615T132305Z.html ;D19:31
ochosilol, nice one19:32
ochosigotta love that changelog19:32
bluesabreochosi: well... we can probably modify defaults in LO, but probably should not21:37
bluesabreat the same time, really both footnote and endnote in the toolbar? D:21:38

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