
nomiccontrols sound v well ..00:11
RJ45ObrienDave: I'm really not sure, it's just the default Volume Control settings that come with Xubuntu00:15
RJ45yeah I think it's alsamixer00:15
knomealsamixer is a terminal app00:16
RJ45oh right, so it is00:16
RJ45what's the stock one that comes with Xubuntu? Pulse-something?00:16
knomepavucontrol or pulseaudio volume control00:16
RJ45probably that, yep00:17
RJ45any ideas why the sound level indicators aren't working?, should I try downgrading the package?00:18
RJ45..sure the application sound level indicators arn't 'essential' to hear sound, but I would like them working, they're useful for troubleshooting sound devices00:39
xubuntu35wHello all, I was wondering if it's possible under Xubuntu to 'lock' the desktop icons in place? Mine seem to shuffle around between reboots/rearranging them. Its fairly minor but I like to arrange mine in a certain order.02:05
xubuntu35wWhile I'm at it, I haven't had much success with getting the keyboard backlight and function keys to work on this Asus F550ZE. Is there any resource someone could point out? I've read a few snippets relating to the /sys devices section but I suspect this laptop might not be supported yet.02:07
xubuntu86wcould anybode help me to boot xubuntu only in console mode?02:12
xubuntu86wwhen I try to boot xubuntu with graphical iunterface it frezees so I want to start xubuntu with console mode only02:13
xubuntu35wyou could try using CTRL-ALT-F1 to see if it switches to another virtual console, or add 'single' to the kernel command line via grub? I think the recovery mode option will also boot to only text mode if that is an option02:13
xubuntu86wI prefer from the grub02:14
xubuntu86wcan I modify the grub directly?02:14
cfhowlettxubuntu86w, of course.02:15
xubuntu35wyou can do it as a one-off I believe, or modify /boot/grub/grub.cfg i think02:15
cfhowlett!grub | xubuntu86w02:15
ubottuxubuntu86w: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub202:15
xubuntu86wI read that I cant add a line editing the grub with ctrl + e02:19
xubuntu35wif you've got a 'live' CD handy of some kind you can use that to edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg.02:23
xubuntu35wathough the (e)dit option should work too02:24
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xubuntu86wyes so throught the edit option what I need to modify02:35
xubuntu86wto boot on console mode?02:35
xubuntu35wat the end of the 'kernel' line, add a space then the letter 'S' or 'Single'02:37
xubuntu35wthat'll boot into single user mode without X11 and you can fix things up a bit02:37
xubuntu86wthank you02:41
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ReptiliaHow do i make Xubuntu "remember" the brightness level settings i have made? On every new boot i have to reduce the brightness, since it does not remember my setup. Also, i can't find a GUI for setting brightness levels.09:06
nomici just reduce it10:03
nomicisn't prob.10:03
nomicsaw something on web that there is a way to have them set10:03
sheldonhwhen i press Ctrl-Alt-L to lock screen on xubuntu 15.04, the screen goes white. if i click, i see the expected, beautiful lock screen. how can i make it go straight to the lock screen, skipping the disturbing white screen?11:05
sheldonhah. my problem with ugly white lock screen is a known issue: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/LightDM#White_screen_after_upgrading_the_GTK_greeter_to_2.0.011:47
=== Luyinot is now known as Luyin
xubuntu64wI have a 2006 MacBook Pro that has been running ubuntu for a while. I had to change the video driver to "nomodeset" in grub to get it to boot. All has been fine until the most recent update. Now it won't boot. After the update I had to switch back to the "nomodeset" setting and got video to return but now it pauses on the "ubuntu" screen with the spinning circle (which stopped animating). Any suggestions? Thanks13:19
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xubuntu80wHello is anybody here?16:10
geniixubuntu80w: Better to just ask whatever question you need help with to the channel in general, and then see if someone knows an answer16:11
xubuntu80wWhen i launch a program there is no notification that program is loading. Spinning circle appears only if i move my mouse over the top xfce panel16:12
xubuntu80wif it's on the desktop or a already open window spinning circle dissapears16:12
xubuntu80wit looks like that it affects only me. I looked on youtube and for others it works fine16:13
xubuntu80wit's a bit annoying because you don't know if you clicked that program or not16:13
xubuntu80wwhen there is no indication if it's launched16:13
ibouvousaimeI was wondering if there is any program for linux that can measure an angle of an image on the desktop such as MB-Ruler for windows. Anybody can help me with this?16:43
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genii!info screenruler16:53
ubottuscreenruler (source: screenruler): measure objects on screen with a variety of metrics. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.960+bzr41-1.2 (vivid), package size 18 kB, installed size 157 kB16:53
geniiThat's probably the closest equivalent in *buntu16:53
ibouvousaimecan it measure angles too ?17:09
geniiNo idea, never used it17:10
ibouvousaimeit doest seem to have that feature but thanks guys this can still be useful for me17:11
RJ45After upgrading to 14.04, in the Sound Settings (pavucontrol), none of the sound level indicators are working (blue strips that bounce with sound), how do I fix this?18:14
umarmunir94hi guys18:26
umarmunir94I have just installed xubuntu for the first time, because manjaro crashed during update18:26
umarmunir94it isn't detecting my wifi by Fn + F2 (wifi button) and there are no drivers in the list18:27
umarmunir94should I reinstall manjaro or is there a workaround?18:28
umarmunir94can u help me?18:31
umarmunir94feeling left alone in xubuntu community18:31
GridCube4 minutes18:32
ibouvousaimecan you provide more information about the wifi device ?18:33
GridCubehe quit18:42
ibouvousaimehello idrism20:16
idrismjust wanted to greet everyone since I am new here.20:19
knomeidrism, if you have a support question, just ask; if you want to chat generally (and don't have a support question), you can join our offtopic channel #xubuntu-offtopic20:20
xubuntu13wHi !20:38
xubuntu13wI have a question about Xubuntu20:38
xubuntu13wnd I'm a beginner...20:38
xubuntu13wso sorry if I ask stupid questions..20:38
xubuntu13whow to set p the workspaces in Xubuntu?20:39
xubuntu13wset up..20:40
xubuntu13wanybody here??20:50
brainwash_try Settings Manager > Workspaces20:51
xubuntu13wi did20:52
xubuntu13wbut my problem is that if I put an application in 1 workspace20:53
xubuntu13wwhen I will click on another workspace the application will be there20:53
brainwash_then you should describe your problem in more detail20:53
xubuntu13wwhat I dont want..20:53
xubuntu13wok.. sorry...20:54
xubuntu13wso my problem is that an application which is in workspace 1 will also appear if I change the workspace20:55
brainwash_the application? any or a particular one?20:55
xubuntu13wany applications...20:55
xubuntu13wfor example... if I pt thunderbird in workspace (W1)20:56
xubuntu13wand if I click on W2 thunderbird will be in W220:57
brainwash_right click on the title bar and check if the app is set to be visible in all workspaces20:58
xubuntu13wyes it is21:00
xubuntu13ws I should uncheck it I suppose21:01
brainwash_maybe there is a setting to enable this behavior, it should be disabled by default though21:02
brainwash_check settings manager > window manager (tweaks)21:03
brainwash_you're welcome :)21:05
xubuntu13wnow I have another problem21:08
xubuntu13wwith the workspace21:08
xubuntu13wthey dont appear anymore21:08
xubuntu13wI have the workspace icon on my panel21:09
xubuntu13wand when I click on it nothing happens21:10
xubuntu13wjust a window showing me how many workspaces I have21:10
xubuntu69wHi guys,21:45
xubuntu69wcan anybody help me with encryption?21:45
xubuntu69wi will like some informations..21:45
xubuntu69wI have a laptop with 1 hard drive and 2 partitions...21:46
xubuntu69w1 partition for windows 8.1 and the other one for Xubuntu21:46
xubuntu69wif I wanted to encrypt the hard drive... how to di it?21:47
xubuntu69wany idea?21:47
nomicthere is an option to encrypt the filing system when you install ubuntu21:49
nomicfiling system can be either encrypted or unencrypted21:49
xubuntu69wyes and I didnt choose it at the beginning...21:49
nomicall I know is that you can set it up on install - not sure how thereafter21:49
xubuntu69wwhich solution do I have now?21:49
xubuntu69wIf I had chosen the option to encrypt the hard drive when installing xubuntu, it meant only the xubuntu partition would have been encrypted?21:51
xubuntu69wthanks nomic..21:51
nomicyou are going to have to read up about it - better if you read up on it -- understand yourself21:52
nomicthere is also http://ubuntuforums.org/  this place isn't so busy .. if you create an account you can leave messages overnight - they are always attended to .. ensure you post to the correct section of the forum21:53
nomicso if you have a problem that you haven't resolved in the day .. before you retire, post a message asking.21:53
xubuntu69wI will do it21:54
xubuntu69wI already read these links in the past21:54
xubuntu69wand it is not very clear in the case of a laptop with windows 8.1 alongside Xubuntu installed..21:55
xubuntu69wthanks a lot guys !21:58

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