
=== WildSoft_ is now known as WildSoft
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest13657
=== Guest13657 is now known as IdleOne
omfgtorais there a solid fix for the "No session id for PID XXXX" error on the guest-sessions?21:06
wxlomfgtora: no21:09
wxli'd subscribe to the bug report if you want updates21:09
omfgtorajust needed that quick bit of info. trying to set up a public guest comptuer21:13
yeehiProblem: lxde is not sending desktop to external display. The connection is from VGA to HDMI, via a VGA-HDMI cable. HDMI is not detected when running xrandr21:47
dw1what's a good terminal program for lubuntu that allows opening IRC links in a browser?22:42
dw1ubuntu has gnome-terminal which works good22:42
wxlyou want to click a link in a browser and have it open your terminal with irc?22:43
dw1click terminal link and open in browser :)22:43
dw1default terminal seems to only have copy option22:43
wxloh well they nearly all do it22:43
wxli thought lxterminal could do it22:43
dw1doesn't for me :/22:44
wxloh no wait22:45
dw1oh yeah22:45
wxlnp dw22:46

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