
EriC^^hey OerHeks00:08
OerHeksEriC^, is it a bad moon today or something?04:02
cfhowlettLOL.  must be.04:02
OerHeksdisplayserver without displaymanager, i thought i heard them all..04:03
Bashing-omgets no help from me !04:06
cfhowlettwhy does this whole thread remind me of "the chewbacca defense" from South Park?04:07
OerHeksWhen he makes his goal clear ..04:07
cfhowlettOerHeks, "You're a patient man"  Omar.  The Wire.04:10
OerHeks i am getting to the point --no-install-recommends .. not sure that is a solution, as it makes no sense at all04:11
OerHeksLoLz dwm worked..04:20
OerHeksi notice for some days now, @ber19-3-78-220-252-108.fbx.proxad.net and now @ARennes-656-1-202-147.w2-11.abo.wanadoo.fr  join/parting endlessly..04:32
OerHeksthe guy that invented spaces in folder/filenames should get a nobelprice and get shot.05:45
Bashing-omEnough fun for 1 session, Yall hold it together til .06:00
lordievaderGood morning.08:01
BluesKajHiyas all10:48
OerHeksheya BluesKaj :-D10:50
BluesKajHi OerHeks10:51
daftykinsi have a lovely brand new Lenovo X1 Carbon to play with today :D15:33
daftykinsEriC^^: any ideas if that user the other day managed to boot Windows media in the end? o016:04
EriC^^daftykins: yeah, it worked :D16:04
daftykinsi'm just using the Microsoft windows 8 media download tool to pull down an ISO16:05
daftykinsused a CLI partitioning tool on Windows just now too to nuke a flash drive, then gonna just paste the ISO contents on16:05
daftykinsshould be all set for reinstalling the above shiny Lenovo laptop :O16:05
daftykinsonce clonezilla does its' thing to backup the factory install :)16:05
daftykins<3 clonezilla16:06
lotuspsychjegood evening to all18:16
OerHekshi lotus18:17
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: hello mate, how are you?18:17
OerHekssleepy after diner, an how are you ?18:18
lotuspsychjefine here tnx, car is broken18:18
lotuspsychjedoesnt wanna start anymore18:19
lotuspsychjeand we just replaced battery18:19
OerHeksheh, did someone put a potato in the exhaust?18:19
lotuspsychjelol no :p18:19
OerHeksdid you put petrol ..18:19
lotuspsychjeso i went to ##cars yesterday, but there a bunch off 4ssh*les18:20
OerHeksopen the hood, sometimes they steal your engine ..18:20
lotuspsychjenot a very helpfull channel18:20
OerHeksI have no clue about cars, i have no driving-license18:20
lotuspsychjeme neither, but my gf does18:20
lotuspsychjeshe drives me around18:21
OerHeksi can see you smile from here :-D18:21
* lotuspsychje has a sticker on his webcam, nobody can see a smile remote18:21
daftykinshey guys18:29
lotuspsychjedaftykins: hey mate18:30
* daftykins continues playing with this new Lenovo X1 Carbon18:30
daftykinsi can't claim to know much about cars at all, but what does it do? starter motor spin and nowhere further?18:31
lotuspsychjedaftykins: we turn ignition on, and motor doesnt start18:31
lotuspsychjedaftykins: makes a weird low beep sound +click18:31
lotuspsychjedaftykins: battery has been replaced, and still doesnt wanna start18:33
daftykinswhen you say motor, that's the engine as a whole or the starter?18:33
lotuspsychjedaftykins: starter doesnt start indeed18:33
lotuspsychjedaftykins: at first, if we leave it few hours to rest, it started again18:34
daftykinsah i see, almost sounds like it's immobilised18:34
lotuspsychjedaftykins: but then day after it doesnt again18:34
daftykinshow new is it, make + model etc?18:34
lotuspsychjenissan almera 1400cc '9718:34
daftykinsmmm so not terribly new enough that it's got all these mod cons that stop things working18:35
lotuspsychjeoh well we gonna have to call the garage18:36
lotuspsychjeand pay a lotta $$$$$18:36
daftykinsmy mate that's into cars might be on later, i could point him your way potentially first?18:36
lotuspsychjedaftykins: sure mate18:36
daftykinshe's more a fanatic than an actual mechanic, but he may have trawled some forums enough to have a guess18:36
lotuspsychjewould be lovely18:36
daftykinsok will do :)18:37
histofml wife lost her brand new phone20:54
histowhile we were traveling. It's now 5 hours away from m.e20:55
lordievaderLife happens...20:55
histopulled some favors and got it located20:55
historoad trip time fun fun fun20:55
histoShe owes me so big for this one. Day off wasted driving across the country20:57
lordievaderShe couldn't go herself?20:58
MonkeyDustsudo go-get-my-phone --or-else21:00
OerHeksdoes it have 5 hr batery life left?21:01
daftykinshisto: X|21:02
daftykinshttp://paste.ubuntu.com/11727232/ - guys any idea what's going on in here line 27?21:03
daftykins26 sorry21:03
daftykinsguy doesn't use his RAID for boot but something is making this older kernel removal snag21:03
lordievaderdaftykins: Run the script I'd say, or lookup what the error code means.21:04
lordievaderLikely has to do with line 25.21:04
lordievaderWhich leads me to believe grub is not fully installed.21:04
daftykinslordievader: i was having the guy comment out the functions in /etc/default/grub XD that's probably pretty dumb, right? :)21:05
daftykinsas in what was at line 48 within: /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig: 48: /etc/default/grub: function: not found21:05
daftykinshttp://paste.ubuntu.com/11727250/ - present 'grub' packages21:07
lordievaderHmm, that looks okay. What was the original problem?21:07
daftykinsuser ran a dist-upgrade, system is now crying about this kernel removal21:08
OerHeksthe answer is google for line 18  W: mdadm: is currently active, but it is not listed in mdadm.conf. if21:08
OerHeksthat brings you to a borked upgrade indeed21:08
daftykinsapparently the user's RAID isn't part of boot21:08
OerHekssolution, is at the bottom http://serverfault.com/questions/363543/apt-get-update-mdadm-scary-warnings21:08
lordievaderPaulW2U: That depends, if the raid config is needed for boot, then yes. Else it doesn't matter.21:08
lordievaderErr that was for OerHeks, sorry PaulW2U.21:09
OerHeksit is, as  the error says further on?21:09
PaulW2Ulordievader: You woke me up :)21:09
lordievaderdaftykins: Did you mess with things, or is the paste as it was originally.21:09
lordievaderPaulW2U: Good then you can be active :P21:10
daftykinslordievader: i had the user comment out two functions in /etc/default/grub which saw the line it references for the problem jump to the next function each time21:10
daftykinshttp://paste.ubuntu.com/11727069/ this was the very first i was provided with21:10
daftykinsi had a backup of /etc/default/grub be made so can revert my faffing easily21:10
lordievaderThere are no functions in /etc/default/grub, only variables.21:10
daftykinsin this case i refer to http://paste.ubuntu.com/11727153/ function savedefault (line 38) recordfail and loadvideo21:11
daftykinsthat's what the grub-mkconfig seems to trip up on21:11
lordievaderdaftykins: What happens when he manually executes that script?21:12
daftykins/usr/sbin/mkconfig ?21:13
lordievader /etc/kernel/postinst.d/zz-update-grub21:13
daftykinsah ok21:13
daftykinsshall request it21:14
lordievaderIs this in #ubuntu?21:14
daftykinsi'm not sure if blz has tried asking in there as well, as i'm not in there right now - but nah i'm helping someone in #kodi-linux21:14
lordievaderHmm, I see.21:15
daftykinsi did see it as an OS issue and not kodi, but felt like being a samaritan regardless ;)21:16
lordievaderOh it is a grub issue, can happen anywhere.21:17
lordievaderI though 127 was that it couldn't find something, but I am not entirely sure.21:17
daftykinshrmm ok said script causes the above line which complains about those functions within /etc/default/grub21:18
daftykinsthere's only one left that i've not had the guy comment out yet, i'm tempted to try that to see what it does21:18
lordievaderdaftykins: Could you pastebin his /etc/default/grub file?21:19
daftykinsit's this one21:20
daftykinsso the three functions from line 38 seem to be what are being complained about21:20
daftykinsi've had him comment out the first two21:20
lordievaderThat is /boot/grub/grub.cfg not /etc/default/grub...21:21
daftykinshrmm i explicitly stated the latter, wonder if he misread21:22
lordievaderThe /etc/default/grub file looks like: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11727313/21:22
daftykinsi did glance at my own and thought... why so different 0o21:23
lordievaderWell if that is his /e/d/grub it would explain a thing or two ;)21:24
daftykinsyep user confirms that's it o021:25
lordievaderHehe, well there you go ;)21:25
daftykinswhat's responsible for creating it so broken o021:25
daftykinswell it doesn't even get auto gen'd does it21:26
daftykinsi wonder how he could possibly have had it substituted for something so off21:27
daftykinsthanks for the sanity check :D i'll keep fiddling and see if i get anywhere with him21:27
lordievaderAh, sudo cp /usr/share/grub/default/grub /etc/default/grub21:28
daftykinsthen do a sudo update-grub ?21:28
daftykinsty :>21:29
lordievaderAre we out of the woods?21:29
daftykinsjust awaiting the result21:30
daftykinslordievader: yep perfect :)21:36
daftykinsthanks very much!21:36
lordievaderNice, no problem ;)21:40
histoOerHeks: it's an iphone 6, I'm assuming the battery is completely dead.21:43
histoHopefully the staff at where it's located is willing to ship it. It would be cheaper to over night air the damn thing than for me to drive there.21:43
histoUgghh  can't get vim to syntax highlight21:56
daftykinsi think hotels have often gone to quite some lengths when a client has inevitably left things behind :D21:57
histodaftykins: unfortunately it's at a rest stop. I'm hoping the gas station will do the same23:42
daftykinsah i see23:42

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