
bazhang* [Saint] (~hayden@rockbox/staff/saint) seems to want to argue than support00:10
bazhang<keith_> elementary OS Freya00:19
bazhanghe does this repeatedly00:19
OerHeksi notice for some days now, @ber19-3-78-220-252-108.fbx.proxad.net   join/parting endlessly..05:25
Unit193Someone may be around in a little.05:49
OerHeksThank you Unit193, i was not sure someone reads me, as i have no dot before my name.05:50
Unit193Nah that just indicates an OP in a core channel, we read you fine. :)05:50
OerHeksOke, then i want no dot please :-D05:51
bazhang<neetz> k1l_:  i removed python 2.7 ,11:25
ikoniawasn't this explained to him earlier11:28
ikoniathat doing this would break a lot of things11:28
ikonia08:50 < goutham> Hey guys!11:30
ikonia08:50 < goutham> I have accidently rewmoved python2.711:30
ikonia08:52 < OerHeks> goutham, time to reinstall ubuntu, as python 2,7 is needed for  softwareinstall AFAIK.11:30
ikoniait's the same guy - he's IP maxes11:30
ikoniaguy is clearly messing around11:35
bazhang@random accidental HURD11:35
ikonia"I don't know who he is" - but he's using the same PC as you, and has done exactly the same thing as you11:35
ikoniaenough playing silly game11:35
=== Captain_h00k is now known as Pirate_h00k
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest13657
=== Guest13657 is now known as IdleOne
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang

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