
=== markthomas is now known as markthomas|away
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lordievaderGood morning.08:01
arcskyhey how can i give me full access to a tool called hping3 ?09:11
arcskymy friend*09:11
OpenTokixarcsky: in /etc/sudoers09:12
lordievader!info hping309:12
ubottuhping3 (source: hping3): Active Network Smashing Tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.a2.ds2-7 (vivid), package size 108 kB, installed size 289 kB09:12
OpenTokixarcsky: username ALL=NOPASSWD:/path/to/hping309:12
arcskyOpenTokix: but can i specify only that program ?09:12
arcskyah thanks09:12
OpenTokixarcsky: yes, I was writing that line for you =)09:13
OpenTokixlordievader: Next time maybe understand the question, before you show of your amazing bot skills09:13
lordievaderOpenTokix: That wasn't about amazing bot skills, just wanted to know what hping was ;)09:13
OpenTokixPotentially very abusive networking tool09:14
arcskyOpenTokix: do i need to retsrat anything?09:15
OpenTokixarcsky: relog in a new shell09:16
arcskydoesnt work09:17
arcskyarcsky  ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/hping309:17
OpenTokixand you did: sudo hping3 -options foo.bar.com09:19
arcskyah ok09:20
friendlyguyhi there! is in ubuntu 14.04.02 something present that mounts zfs filesystems upon start?10:20
friendlyguy(i read about a "mountall" package)10:20
friendlyguywhat I'm experiencing is that upon reboot some of the filesystem in a zpool get mounted and some not.10:22
RoyKfriendlyguy: zfsonlinux or fuse?10:33
RoyKfuse as in ubuntu-zfs10:33
RoyKany mountpoints outside your /pool?10:34
friendlyguyoutside of your pool... i guess not10:35
friendlyguyhave a look at:10:35
friendlyguyit's the output of "zfs get all | grep mount"10:35
friendlyguyright after boot10:35
friendlyguybackup_b and backup_a are mounted, but not the rest10:36
friendlyguynot even /datatank10:36
=== CiPi is now known as cipi
RoyKwierd - try to ask on #zfsonlinux10:36
friendlyguyalready did that10:37
friendlyguyalso, if i run a (zfs mount -a or a mountall command after boot ALL filesystems except /datatank get mounted10:38
RoyKI've seem something like that before10:41
RoyKthing is, ubuntu (and debian?) starts zfs rather late in the boot process, so if a daemon starts before it and opens some files on an existing mountpoint, that one isn't mounted10:42
RoyKbut then again, I have no idea if that could be the case for you10:43
friendlyguyany idea how to troubleshoot10:43
friendlyguyit's pretty untouched. installed ubuntu, setup the cryptdevices, derived keys, installed zfs and samba for smb sharing10:45
RoyKthen probably not the thing I saw10:45
friendlyguyi installed: htop bwm-ng screen vim ubuntu-zfs  samba and ethtool10:47
arcskyanyone have tested to use ssh to authenticate with Windows AD or windows NPS?10:54
OpenTokixarcsky: I am assuming that would be handled by the underlying pam-modules for the thing, and ssh would not know the difference10:54
coreycbjamespage, can you review this? https://code.launchpad.net/~corey.bryant/ubuntu/utopic/python-keystonemiddleware/1.0.0-1ubuntu1/+merge/26201012:17
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tewardzul: ping - when the server meeting starts please give me a ping, I may be shifting my head through three other screens and may miss the initial 'start' time.  my phone will buzz if you ping me though, either here or in -meeting.13:51
zulteward: sure13:52
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tewardzul: i'll be back within 10 minutes, if you can delay the item I put on the agenda for at least that long into the meeting, that'd be great15:54
teward(gotta grab something from the car xD)15:54
zulteward: afaik im not driving the meeting15:54
tewardyou're listed as chair15:54
tewardaccording to the agenda page :)15:55
teward(i'll be back)15:55
tewardno problem though (I'm back, i thought what i was looking for rolled under the seat, turns out it didn't xD)15:58
IrfanAlam_any one here ?16:46
IrfanAlam_anyone here to help ?16:53
tarpmanIrfanAlam_: ask your question, wait a few hours, see if someone answers16:54
IrfanAlam_how to install php cli ?16:55
tarpmanIrfanAlam_: apt-get install php5-cli16:55
IrfanAlam_cli installed but still problem is there...16:57
IrfanAlam_how to install ffmpeg ?16:57
Odd_BlokeIrfanAlam_: If you describe your full problem, then someone will be able to give you a full answer; asking a bit at a time makes it difficult for people to answer helpfully.16:57
tarpmanIrfanAlam_: ffmpeg is not in ubuntu; use avconf (apt-get install libav-tools)16:58
tarpmanIrfanAlam_: pardon me, avconv16:58
IrfanAlam_please see this and solve all the NO problems
tarpmanIrfanAlam_: command-not-found or packages.ubuntu.com or apt-file can help you find the commands you're missing17:01
IrfanAlam_I am very new to linux.... please tell me what command to enter in ssh to solve the problem17:02
IrfanAlam_anyone there ?17:09
histo!info ffmpeg17:13
ubottuffmpeg (source: ffmpeg): Tools for transcoding, streaming and playing of multimedia files. In component universe, is optional. Version 7:2.5.7-0ubuntu0.15.04.1 (vivid), package size 1144 kB, installed size 1751 kB17:13
histohow is du not available17:14
histopaultag: should be installed on his system is what I'm saying.17:15
paultagYeah, it's marked Essential17:15
histoIrfanAlam_: does du work in a terminal on that system17:15
IrfanAlam___anyone ?17:16
histoIrfanAlam___: can you respond to the question..17:17
paultagAh, ahaha17:18
IrfanAlam___I was disconnected... I didn't saw the question, can you please tell agian ?17:18
IrfanAlam___histo: 4       ./.cache 1364    .17:19
histoIrfanAlam___: can we keep this in one channel. du is installed but your silly web script doesn't think it's available.17:20
IrfanAlam___what about zip and ffmpeg and convert ?17:20
histoIrfanAlam___: you can install those if you want.  sudo apt-get install packagename17:21
IrfanAlam___I installed zip17:23
IrfanAlam___but convert, Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package convert17:23
TJ-IrfanAlam___: Do you mean the 'convert' program from the "imagemagick" package?17:26
IrfanAlam___I don't know but it says , you see here
histo!file convert17:27
histowhat happened to ubottu could you search for what package provides x17:28
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histoIrfanAlam___: install the imagemagick package17:29
IrfanAlam___how ?17:30
PiciThe same way that you've installed other packages.17:30
=== Guest13657 is now known as IdleOne
histoIrfanAlam___: apt-get install packagename17:31
YamakasYanyone using samba against kerberos ?17:33
ogra_do you want to know who wins ?17:33
YamakasYboth are pigs atm :P17:34
ogra_(and no, i dont, sorry)17:34
tarpmanYamakasY: what do you mean by "samba against kerberos"?17:37
YamakasYtarpman: auth17:39
YamakasYtarpman: any idea ?17:50
tarpmanYamakasY: sorry, if it's AD-related I am probably the wrong person. no experience with the MS bits17:51
tarpmanYamakasY: generally, ask your question, wait and see whether someone comes up with an answer17:51
YamakasYtarpman: nah linux kerberos17:51
tarpmanYamakasY: based on a brief test, I got samba/smbclient to work with heimdal-kdc but not krb5-kdc. YMMV, I probably did something wrong. so, what was your question? :)18:17
YamakasYtarpman: I can't get it auth, I get some weird error: Failed to initialize kerberos context! (Invalid argument)18:21
tarpmanYamakasY: that's not enough info. crank up the log level18:23
YamakasYtarpman: are you calling me a crank now ?? :P18:23
tarpmanYamakasY: pardon me. "crank up" is an expression, means "increase"18:23
tarpmanYamakasY: I run "smbd -F -S -d5", or even higher, when troubleshooting18:24
YamakasYtarpman: yeah, check the :P18:24
YamakasYtarpman: ok saf_fetch: failed to find server for "MYDOMAIN" domain18:28
YamakasYsitename_fetch: No stored sitename for MY.REALM18:28
tarpmanYamakasY: is it possible for you to pastebin the entire log somewhere? showing what happens when you do for example smbclient -k -L //server (with a valid ticket)18:30
tarpmanYamakasY: ideally in a situation where smbclient -L //server already works (without -k)18:30
YamakasYtarpman: need to check, just a sec18:36
YamakasYtarpman: I wonder about the workgroupname, should it be known in ldap ?18:44
tarpmanYamakasY: the workgroup name needs to be the same as the krb realm name (AFAIK). I don't believe ldap is relevant here (other than to the extent you need a working samba setup)18:44
YamakasYtarpman: ok, but if you realm is My.DOMAIN18:47
YamakasYor my.domain.local18:48
tarpmanYamakasY: looks like I lied and the workgroup and realm can be separate18:48
tarpman(but did not actually verify)18:49
YamakasYtarpman: yes they can18:49
YamakasYtarpman: mhh I get no login servers, but hostnames are OK18:51
tarpmanYamakasY: maybe the 'password server' samba option? not sure what the exact cases are where that's needed...18:53
YamakasYtarpman: that is set, it get's an IP back it says18:57
tarpmansorry, since I can't see your actual setup or output I am really just throwing out random guesses :)18:57
YamakasYtarpman: yeah I know19:04
YamakasYno prob19:04
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=== markthomas|away is now known as markthomas
dfgasshas anoyone had issues with dropbox on 15.04?23:00
dfgassi can not get a link at all23:00
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b4tm4nis there an accepted way to connect on boot to a vpn (openvpn)?23:17
histob4tm4n: what are you using to configure your network connection?23:59

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