
balloonsahoneybun, you make it home?14:07
ahoneybunyea 14:08
ahoneybunthanks balloons14:09
mhall119ahoneybun: you guys either drove slow or got a late start14:10
mhall119I hit Jax by 2pm, and we stopped in savannah for lunch14:10
balloonsI've no idea how you made it back on time to S Florida, when you were in North Georgia at 5 yesterday14:11
ahoneybunmhall119: we took a detour14:12
ahoneybunto Geogia to see a landmark14:12
ahoneybunwoke up at 10 am or so yesterday, grabs some stuff in town, went to a landmark in Georgia, then drove all night till morning mhall119 and balloons14:13
ahoneybunalso Frys14:13
balloonsahoneybun, so I could have hung out with you in my pj's at like 2 am eh?14:14
ahoneybunsure lol14:14
ahoneybunmhall119: also I think JB moved me to the Linux Unplugged show14:16
mhall119ahoneybun: moved you?14:17
mhall119I thought we were all just live-streamed in a special show, not part of any regular one14:17
ahoneybunlive-streamed yes14:17
ahoneybunthe final copy, np14:17
ahoneybunin the released version they said that they have other interviews for the Linux Unplugged show14:19
mhall119oh, ok14:24
ahoneybundamn the d.u.com site is off14:24
ahoneybunreally hard to login14:25
ahoneybunmhall119: is there any apps that have hit 1000 downloads?14:29
ahoneybunmhall119: I'm about to hit 1000 downloads for uBeginner15:48
mhall119ahoneybun: some of the default installed apps have had over 10k downloads (updates)16:02
ahoneybunof course ok16:03
mhall119ahoneybun: it looks like the top non-default, non-coreapp is mzanetti's Tagger, which has had over 7500 downloads16:05
mhall119that's also been in the store for a while16:05
mhall119I don't have an easy way to see stats of users though, just downloads16:05
ahoneybunWithin the next two weeks I'm going to do a Ubuntu Hour16:06
mhall119ahoneybun: uReadIt, which has been in the store almost since it's it opened, has less than 1000 users and only 1300 downloads, so you're very close to that16:06
mhall119ahoneybun: awesome \o/16:06
ahoneybunhave to get a hold of someone and use their network16:07
Nothing_Muchthat was quite a jittery live stream18:08
* Nothing_Much is still confused about snappy vs click packages, still thinks that snappy's for system libraries and click is for apps and stuff18:51
mhall119Nothing_Much: snappy is next-generation click18:58
mhall119it does everything click did, plus more18:58

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