
platzhirschI'll go for 15.04 then, because it's newer00:00
EriC^^you'll have to upgrade in 7months00:01
[Saint]In that's your metric, install 15.10 :)00:01
regedithow can i install a later version of NVIDIA drivers?00:01
[Saint]EriC^^: he won't /have/ to.00:01
[Saint]*If that00:01
regeditthe UI shows me 346.59, i'd like 349.1200:02
EriC^^[Saint]: are you here to argue or help dude?00:02
platzhirschProbably there won't be an upgrade but a reinstall if it goes as well as this time00:02
[Saint]EriC^^: neither, but, if you saw misinformation, wouldn't you stomp on it too?00:02
[Saint]Is what I said untrue?00:03
OerHeksplatzhirsch, check your VPN vendor, what images are available. usually they stick to LTS00:03
platzhirschThey offered me 15.0400:03
platzhirschguess I'll take the LTS, seems more reasonbale for a server00:03
EriC^^[Saint]: if he doesn't upgrade he'll be running a server with an eol release00:04
[Saint]EriC^^: yes, that's true - but it doesn't mean he has to upgrade now does it?00:04
[Saint]want to? sure. have to? no.00:04
EriC^^[Saint]: lol00:05
EriC^^you're being impractical and illogical00:05
EriC^^and failing at being pedantic00:05
EriC^^just shut up.00:05
platzhirschCalm down00:05
[Saint]I'm doing nothing but stating a fact hun.00:06
platzhirschIt's not that important00:06
EriC^^[Saint]: if you jump out of an airplane there's a 2187329871 chance you will survive00:06
EriC^^- Fact00:06
platzhirschworld of wonder00:07
EriC^^it *could* happen, maybe you have the skull of a superhuman ?00:07
EriC^^could it not?00:07
bazhanglets take this elsewhere Please00:07
* [Saint] thinks about how deliciously ironic it is that EriC^^ now seems to be intentionally derailing the conversation and deliberately argumentative.00:07
[Saint]Well done.00:07
bazhangback on topic Please00:08
platzhirschmy machine is up and running with 14.04. Thanks for all the support00:08
platzhirsch*scares away from bazhang*00:08
bazhangnot the channels for arguments, thats elsewhere00:08
keith_Im new to linux and need some help please00:12
bazhang!manual | keith_ have a read00:13
ubottukeith_ have a read: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/00:13
Bashing-om!ask | keith_ All ya got to do is ask :00:13
ubottukeith_ All ya got to do is ask :: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:13
keith_Ok thanks. I have a Geforce GTX 970 GPU and have no idea on how to install all the drivers for it00:14
Bashing-omkeith_: Depends, what release are we talking about ?00:14
keith_its the asus strix00:15
[Saint]I'm guessing you're not wanting the open drivers?00:15
Bashing-omkeith_: And 14.04 ubuntu running on it ?00:15
keith_I dont even know lol. I'm just coming from windows so its a little confusing but i want to learn as much as i can00:16
[Saint]the easy route is System Settings - Software & Updates - Additional Drivers00:16
keith_I tried that but nothing shows up00:16
keith_i can try it again00:16
OerHeksThe 343 driver supports that NV970 >> http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/77844/en-us00:17
Bashing-omkeith_: No problem, we were all new at one time, we get ya up to speed. So we want to know the 'buntu release. post back the output of terminal command 'cat /etc/issue ' . and we see what path we take to install a driver .00:17
cyclonisim getting unable to install chntpw on ubuntu 14.0400:18
cyclonisanyone seen this issue before00:18
keith_elementary OS Freya00:18
bazhang#elementary keith_00:18
OerHeks!info chntpw00:18
ubottuchntpw (source: chntpw): NT SAM password recovery utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-1 (vivid), package size 83 kB, installed size 428 kB00:18
bazhangits not supported here keith_00:18
OerHeksmake sure you have universe repo enabled00:19
Bashing-omkeith_: Hate to be the bearr of sad news, but EOS is not ubuntu. Seek support in their channel .00:19
keith_how do i go about that lol?00:19
keith_in software center?00:19
EriC^^keith_: type /join #elementary00:19
Bashing-om!elementary | keith_00:19
ubottukeith_: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.00:19
keith_k thanks guys00:20
Bashing-omKeithIMyers__: :) install ubuntu, and welcome back .00:20
bazhanghe is gone00:21
Bashing-omooopppsss .00:21
cycloniswhen resetting the windows password do i need to download the desktop version or LTS00:27
f343ncecyclonis: This a chroot to change the user password?00:28
Bashing-omcyclonis: Unclear; Do you mean to reset your username password ?00:28
irong33khows everyone holding up their summer00:30
f343ncecaffiene here00:31
irong33kcomo esta ? :)00:32
vlaghtsleep :300:34
gt8ost4lanyone know how to save sessions in libre writer00:41
f343ncegt8ost4l: number of ways, can we have some context?00:43
gt8ost4lwhat do you mean by context00:44
gt8ost4li just want libre write when i open it to go where i left off00:44
f343ncegt8ost4l: Than click the last document used00:45
gt8ost4li did do that and still the same problem it just goes to the top00:46
SudoMatttrying to remove unused shortcuts in the sidebar and need to edit a config file.  where can I find ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs?00:47
f343ncegt8ost4l: what you want than is the cursor where you left it it seems, I think there is a libre channel here as well if needed, not sure myself.00:47
gt8ost4lis that channel active?00:48
psusiSudoMatt, asking "where do I find a file that is at this location" is a non question00:50
Bashing-omSudoMatt: "~/.config/user-dirs.dirs" where " user-dirs ' is the application name of reference .00:50
f343ncegt8ost4l: Lot of people in #libreoffice just a suggested option.00:50
SudoMattApologies.  for reference, please see askubuntu entry.  https://askubuntu.com/questions/79150/how-to-remove-bookmarks-from-the-nautilus-sidebar00:51
f343nceSudoMatt: If you want a gui pad run gksudo gedit /your destination00:53
Bashing-omSudoMatt: What is your end goal that requires to edit a .config file ?? And specific advise may be given .00:56
Aliveswhats the proper way to dhclient an ethernet nic in trusty and up now?01:01
Aliveseth0: error fetching interface information: Device not found01:02
jin7 I create  a desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications. But it doesn't work.    Linux mint 17.1 cinnamon 32-bit.01:03
jin7only when I move ~/.local/share/applications/myfile.desktop to /usr/share/applications,can it  work.01:03
somsip!mint | jin701:03
ubottujin7: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org01:03
_cakeI just lost all my data! Do I install ubuntu or arch01:05
Koyaanis_cake I guess ubuntu.01:05
KoyaanisSince you alrealy are in the right channel :P01:05
bazhangits an ubuntu support channel _cake01:05
_cakeI joined both #ubuntu and #archlinux01:06
cyclonisunable to log into windows after clearing the passwd using ubuntu01:06
cyclonislive cd01:06
bazhang_cake install one, dont poll01:06
cyclonisuser logon service failed01:06
KoyaanisAh, well I like ubuntu, I don't even know arch :p01:06
_cakethanks bazhang01:06
[Saint]SudoMatt: did you get it sorted out? There were a few non-answers, and one incorrect one. ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs is the exact path of the file you want, but you probably have your directory view set to not show hidden files and folders, which is the default. You can simply do "gedit ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs" to edit this file.01:07
[Saint]Or nano, or vi{m}, or whatever editor floats your boat.01:08
[Saint]SudoMatt: alternatively, you can select the "View" header and then select "Show hidden files"01:09
[Saint]What the? >.>01:13
[Saint]~/.ecryptfs/auto-mount isn't present, yet, ~ is still getting automatically decrypted on local login.01:13
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ubottuxerox_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».01:38
SudoMattSaint: Sorry for the long delay, went down a rabbit hole learning more about Ubuntu.  I learned that "~/" is a shorthand for the current user's home folder.  Then, I had to learn how to find hidden files.  Once I did that, it was a piece of cake.  Thanks for following up01:41
chegneyanyone used the minecraft server on azure marktplace?01:43
SchrodingersScatwhat is azure?01:44
chegneyi cant find how it is being started on boot01:44
OerHeksAzure is windows cloud.01:44
chegneymicrosoft azure01:44
Bashing-omSudoMatt: :) You do good work .01:44
chegneyits a server runig ubuntu01:44
chegneycant find where minecraft server is being started01:45
chegneyits not a service01:45
chegneyany ideas where I cood loo>01:46
OerHekschegney, what tutorial did you follow for that minecraftserver?01:46
chegneydidn't follow a tutorial, there is already a sere on the marketplace01:47
OerHeksI have a slight idea that this is not running on ubuntu, as we do not have marketplace.01:48
chegneyi know, it's teh windows azure marketplace01:49
chegneybut it i an ubuntu vm01:49
chegneylts 14.0401:49
OerHekschegney, i think you need to contact the author of that image, their site says: connect to it using the DNS name (e.g. name.cloudapp.net) of the virtual machine on port 25565. http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/partners/microsoft/minecraftserver/01:54
SudoMattShould I install flash on my machine?  I see they stopped supporting Linux and I hear it's buggy/full of security holes.  Can I do without it?01:55
OerHeksSudoMatt, install restricted extras, it gives adobe-flashplugin installer and codecs and such01:56
OerHeksi use chrome with build-in pepperflash01:56
xanguaSudoMatt: should or you should not, only you can answer that. Flash for linux will continue to get security updates up until 2017 or you can just (sight) install Google Chrome01:57
SudoMattOh Chrome...how I love/hate thee01:57
B0g4r7I had one machine where running Flash tended to hang the entire OS.  Then I've had others that were just fine running it.01:59
OerHeksB0g4r7, results may vary, depending on the GPU/driver02:00
Guest88183if a laptop is encypted(fully) will it slow down access to those files?02:01
OerHeksGuest88183, yes. Not sure how to measure the difference, but surely it takes more time02:01
Guest88183also would logging in and startup time increase aswell?02:01
OerHeksGuest88183, yes.02:02
Guest88183ok thanks02:02
B0g4r7Guest88183, slow down would depend on a number of factors.  If the CPU were fast and mostly idle while the disk was slow, there may be no noticeable difference.  You get the idea.02:03
OerHeksIf it was faster than unencrypted, i would be surprised.02:03
Guest88183but for a laptop, probably would be difference in the average laptop02:03
B0g4r7On a laptop you would almost surely have a reduction in battery cycle time.02:03
Guest88183also would algorithm change tht time needed for boot?02:03
Guest88183ie stronger encryption will need more time?02:04
B0g4r7It could.02:04
B0g4r7Some CPUs have special instructions to accelerate AES operations (Intel AES-NI.)02:05
izinucsdriver management says I'm using Broadcom BCM4313 wireless adaptor and the bcmwl-kernel-source .. the other option is "Processor microcode firmware for IntelCPUs from intel-microcode" . What's my better functioning option?02:05
Guest88183and when i am encrypting in linux luks would be used right?02:07
OerHeksizinucs, microcode firmware does not affect working BCM43xx  AFAIK02:07
chegneyyeah that's the site for the server on the marketplace and gives zero information on the configuration02:08
B0g4r7Guest88183, you would likely use dm-crypt, with or without LUKS.  LUKS will probably make things easier.02:08
chegneyis there a good site that talkes about systemd configuration that would hellp02:08
chegneyme understand where it is being started02:08
Guest88183thanks, will look into that02:08
izinucsOerHeks: then I'm confused .. the system is presenting an either or option for the wireless adaptor.02:08
chegneydoes't look like it was started by systemctl02:08
OerHekschegney, we didn'tprovide that minecraft image, nor can we test it ( without azure) and 14.04 does not come with SystemD02:09
OerHeksizinucs, BCM43xx driver is appart from microcode.02:10
izinucsso is microcode for intel video or something else?02:11
OerHeksizinucs, no, for your CPU02:12
chegneyreally? because systemctl is available and that is how sshd is controled02:12
OerHeksTheer is an AMD version too, if you happen to have an AMD cpu02:12
OerHekschegney, that confuses me, and we have no answer to azure images, it is beyond our control and support02:13
doublethinkerhello. i'm having trouble updating with software updater02:13
chegneynot asking you to support, just advice on where things start at boot02:14
izinucsOerHeks: ok.. I enabled it.02:14
prometHi, I need to downgrade a package (ant). I purged the current version, and am trying to use "apt-get install ant=<version_#>, but I can't seem to find the right string for the earlier package. Is there a way to determine this? I've checked repo lists and ant page, for release number but they're pretty convoluted and not resolving.02:15
prometI had 1.9.4, but it's causing problems and would like to go back to, maybe 1.9.0?02:16
prometalso, while I'm asking, I'd like to "lock" this version so apt-get update, etc. doesn't change it02:18
Bashing-ompromet: 14.04 ' apt-cache show ant ' >> Version: 1.9.3-2build . Will that work for ya ?02:20
doublethinkerBashing-om, I'm having the same issue I asked about before02:21
Bashing-omdoublethinker: Let's look: ' sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade ' into the pastebin .02:23
prometBashing-om, thank you, let me give that a go02:23
prometOerHeks, thanks02:23
Bashing-om!pin | promet02:24
ubottupromet: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto02:24
prometBashing-om, OerHeks, using "sudo apt-get install ant=1.9.3-2build" I get "E: Version '1.9.3-2build' for 'ant' was not found" is my syntax wrong?02:27
prometI am on 15.04, btw...02:27
Bashing-ompromet: ' apt-get install ant ' should install version  1.9.3-2build if you are on release 14.04 .02:28
prometBashing-om, !pin got you, thanks!02:28
Bashing-omsudo apt-get install **02:28
prometBashing-om, 15.04 actually, am I borked?02:28
OerHekspromet, you will need to download the package manually, and install it with dpkg -i <package>.deb02:28
prometOerHeks, roger that, Bashing-om and then !pin it, yes?02:29
doublethinkerBashing-om, i've run that and then run the software updater again and it still lists the updates02:30
Bashing-ompromet: That will work . I do not see that "ant" is available in 15.04 however . I would not think in that event that pinning to be an issue .02:31
Bashing-omdoublethinker: yeah, but I want to see those outputs to know where the error is ' sudo apt-get update | pastebinit ; sudo apt-get upgrade | pastbinit ' . Then we may have an idea of waht to do .02:33
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wafflej0ckanyone got systemjs with Jasmine, it doesn't seem to be firing the beforeEach calls anymore, not sure what to do03:04
wafflej0ckah sorry wrong chat03:08
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regeditis it possible / ok to install latest NVIDIA drivers downloaded diretly from NVIDIA? or is it best to stick to distro provided03:11
Bashing-omregedit: Nvidia site is not directly supported here, AND can you cope with re-installing the driver each time the kernel and Xorg is updated ?03:12
regeditmust i?03:13
regeditwhat is this Driver Manager (in Kubuntu)03:13
Bashing-omIf you install from Nvidia's site, then yes you must. As the driver buildt againt the present kernel will break with the new kernel install .03:14
Bashing-omregedit: If you stick with the repo, the system will take care of it .03:14
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regeditBashing-om: i see, thanks for explaining!03:15
Bashing-omregedit: If you can cope with the breakage, you are welcome to test Nvidia's driver .03:16
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xentity1xcan anyone help me figure out why no audio is being sent to my bluetooth speaker03:28
svetlanabecause it's connected03:28
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JinjaNinjaAre there any patches to fix an error with my AMD processor upon wakeup? Sometimes when I wake up my computer there's like, a command prompt that issues a little error of some sort, then it goes away03:39
vnmsdfsidfhow do I remove gdm and lightdm from ubuntu?03:43
vnmsdfsidfi dont want any display managers03:43
EriC^vnmsdfsidf: why?03:43
vnmsdfsidfEriC^: cause I dont want them03:43
cfhowlettvnmsdfsidf, ubuntu server has no DM03:44
vnmsdfsidfi have ubuntu minimal03:44
vnmsdfsidfwhen i install xorg it installs gdm and doesnt let me remove03:44
EriC^vnmsdfsidf: you can boot to text if you want03:44
vnmsdfsidfwhen i try to remove gdm it installs lightdm03:44
EriC^add text to the kernel line in /etc/default/grub03:44
vnmsdfsidfhow do I remove all display managers?03:45
vnmsdfsidfwell this is disappointing...03:46
cfhowlettvnmsdfsidf, install ubuntu server.  do not install display manager.  done.03:47
vnmsdfsidfcfhowlett: 1) i dont want to install ubuntu server 2) I did not explicitly install a display manager03:47
vnmsdfsidf3) that doesnt answer my question03:47
bodhi_zazenvnmsdfsidf, then install ubuntu minimal and only install the packages you need. Removing excessive packages takes longer and is more likely to break ubuntu03:50
mobile3how to install yum ?03:50
cfhowlett!yum | mobile303:50
ubottumobile3: Uh, don't you mean !apt ?03:50
bodhi_zazenvnmsdfsidf, If you did not install a display manager, who did ?03:50
vnmsdfsidfbodhi_zazen: it installs it when you install xorg03:51
bodhi_zazenmobile3, yum is Fedora < 22 , and yum is depreciated on Fedora 22 +03:51
bodhi_zazenvnmsdfsidf, no it does not03:51
vnmsdfsidfyes it does03:51
mobile3ubottu: I don't know about !apt03:51
ubottumobile3: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:51
vnmsdfsidfthats literally the only package I installed03:51
bodhi_zazenso remove xorg03:51
vnmsdfsidfi need xorg03:51
bodhi_zazenthen use xorg03:51
vnmsdfsidfwhich part of this is not clear?03:51
mobile3ubottu: ??03:51
mobile3bodhi_zazen: I want to install it on ubuntu03:52
cfhowlettmobile3, wrong distro.  no yum for debian based distros including ubuntu03:52
bodhi_zazen"I don't want a display manager but I need a display manager" - lol03:52
cfhowlettmobile3, you can't, it won't work.  if you want/need yum, install redhat or a derivative.03:53
vnmsdfsidfbodhi_zazen: where did I say I want a display manager?03:53
vnmsdfsidfbodhi_zazen: is reading really that hard?03:53
mobile3cfhowlett: actually I want to uninstall nano... I searched and found ... yum remove nano03:53
cfhowlettvnmsdfsidf, little less attitude goes far to getting assistance.  we're all volunteers here.03:54
cfhowlettmobile3, sudo apt-get purge nano03:54
vnmsdfsidfso far all I've gotten is trollish uselessness03:54
vnmsdfsidfwhen I asked a simple and straightforward question03:54
vnmsdfsidfcheck your own attitude03:54
bodhi_zazenvnmsdfsidf, why did you install xorg ?03:55
mobile3sfhowlett:-bash: sudo: command not found03:55
cfhowlettvnmsdfsidf, so you respond with sarcasm?  yeah, no ...03:55
vnmsdfsidfbodhi_zazen: that doesnt matter03:55
mobile3cfhowlett:-bash: sudo: command not found03:55
vnmsdfsidfcfhowlett: if you have nothing useful to add, then dont say anything03:55
bodhi_zazenOK, well good luck to you then03:55
vnmsdfsidfbodhi_zazen: okay, go pretend to not be useless with someone else03:56
bodhi_zazenIf you "vnmsdfsidf> i need xorg" then you have to live with the dependencies03:56
cfhowlettmobile3, true.  sudo is not a command.  paste the output of lsb_release -a03:57
vnmsdfsidfgdm is not a xorg dependency in a sane distro03:57
vnmsdfsidfthats just retarded03:57
vnmsdfsidfthats like having kde as a dependency for xorg03:57
EriC^vnmsdfsidf: hey dude ubuntu is made to be used with lightdm/gdm etc.03:57
mobile3cfhowlett: No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description:    Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS Release:        14.04 Codename:       trusty03:57
EriC^take it or leave it or modify it by your own but dont come here asking for support expecting that and then whine about it03:58
bodhi_zazenvnmsdfsidf, gdm is not a xorg dependency - http://packages.ubuntu.com/wily/xorg03:58
OerHeksWhat would one do with Xorg without dm ?03:58
cfhowlettmobile3, sudo apt-get purge nano03:58
mobile3cfhowlett: -bash: sudo: command not found03:59
EriC^mobile3: type echo $PATH03:59
vnmsdfsidfEriC^: I asked a simple question, is expecting a straight answer too much for your highness?03:59
vnmsdfsidfEriC^: if you don't know the answer, say 'I don't know.'03:59
EriC^not highness, i already explained, ubuntu uses lightdm it's made for that, you'r now SUPPOSED to use startx04:00
mobile3cfhowlett: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games04:00
EriC^get it? now you can use text in the kernel line, and i told you that04:00
EriC^so that's that, /join ##linux and ask about modifying it if you want04:00
vnmsdfsidfEriC^: that does not remove the display manager04:01
vnmsdfsidfget it?04:01
vnmsdfsidfI'm not trying to modify any code here04:01
vnmsdfsidfget it?04:01
EriC^i get it:P04:01
mobile3cfhowlet: apt-get purge nano04:01
mobile3it worked04:02
cfhowlettmobile3, cool.  EriC^ why did the command fail in the first place??04:02
mobile3I removed sudo04:03
EriC^mobile3: he's using the root account04:03
EriC^cfhowlett: ^04:03
Turnip_GreenNew question for the evening.  How does one go about setting up a gaming type mouse for Ubuntu?  I'd like to use all the functionality of my fancy new 7 button gaming mouse.04:03
cfhowlettEriC^, oh no way?  people still use root?  SHAME!04:03
bodhi_zazenvnmsdfsidf, root@banshee:/# apt-get -s install xorg | grep gdm04:04
bodhi_zazenroot@banshee:/# apt-get -s install xorg | grep lightdm04:04
bodhi_zazennope, no gdm or lightdm with xorg04:04
bodhi_zazenso you must have installed something else04:04
OerHeksvnmsdfsidf, so what is your goal, displayserver without displaymanager ?04:06
vnmsdfsidfOerHeks: my goal is to have xorg and not have any display managers for a start04:07
bodhi_zazenapt-get purge lightdm gdm04:08
vnmsdfsidfit literally pops up a screen and forces me to select a display manager to use when I try to uninstall one04:08
vnmsdfsidfcant get much more retarded than that04:08
OerHeksvnmsdfsidf, well, any desktop relies on a DM, so pick your choise or install ubuntu server and install xorg manually.04:09
OerHeksvnmsdfsidf, is it retarded?04:09
vnmsdfsidfOerHeks: not thats just false04:09
vnmsdfsidfOerHeks: I did install xorg manually04:10
vnmsdfsidf'any desktop relies on a DM' - wtf04:10
kunjiThe nautilus-dropbox package seems pretty broken on 14.04... keeps asking for root access, the .deb file direct from dropbox is working perfectly.04:10
kunjivnmsdfsidf: ... is it still a desktop without?  :P04:11
vnmsdfsidfkunji: yes....04:12
EriC^vnmsdfsidf: why do you have a problem with using text?04:14
EriC^what's the big deal?04:14
ghostzanyone running their linux box in a VM right now?04:14
vnmsdfsidfEriC^: I know how to use text, and that's not the question I asked04:14
EriC^vnmsdfsidf: it's not a matter of you knowing, what's the issue?04:14
bodhi_zazenghostz, you taking a poll ? ;p04:14
EriC^you won't even know the dm is there04:14
vnmsdfsidfyes I will04:15
ghostzbodhi_zazen just curious how many like myself04:15
vnmsdfsidfanyway I managed to get it working by forcefully terminating the retarded uninstall procedure before it installed the other dm04:15
vnmsdfsidfEriC^: the issue is that a dm is installed, and I don't want it to be installed04:16
EriC^vnmsdfsidf: you probably have dpkg in an unconfigured state right now04:16
EriC^you can't install anything else unless you do sudo apt-get -f install04:16
vnmsdfsidfI'm not trying to find a compromise04:16
EriC^which will install lightdm04:16
vnmsdfsidfim trying to solve a problem04:16
vnmsdfsidfEriC^: no, I just installed dwm and it worked04:17
EriC^ok dpkg -l | awk '$1 ~ /dm$/' returns what?04:17
EriC^sorry, dpkg -l | awk '$2 ~ /dm$/' returns what?04:17
bodhi_zazenghostz, virtualization is popular, I run a few servers virtual, and often I package on a VM04:18
bodhi_zazensort of nice to keep development independent of my desktop04:18
EriC^vnmsdfsidf: anyways, it might reinstall it if you run sudo apt-get -f install , so maybe create a lightdm dummy package, or just manually remove the files or something04:19
bodhi_zazenvnmsdfsidf, best thing about opensource - if you break it you get to keep both pieces04:19
HamledIs LVM2 still the recommended software to use on Ubuntu 14.04, for doing LVM-like stuff04:19
bodhi_zazenHamled, lol04:20
ubuntu552that was funny bodhi_zazen04:20
bodhi_zazenHamled, if it is in the repos, it is recommended ;p04:20
Hamledbodhi_zazen, okay a better question is04:20
HamledI have four disks I want to treat as a single volume but I don't really need raid04:20
vnmsdfsidfEriC^: nah, if I ever see this shit installed again, I'm removing ubuntu and going to a proper distro04:20
Hamledis lvm2 still the thing to use for that04:21
vnmsdfsidfEriC^: that command returns nothing btw04:21
bodhi_zazenHamled, if you do not want RAID, yes LVM is the way to go04:21
cfhowlett!guidelines | vnmsdfsidf no profanity per the IRC user guidelines.  thank you.04:21
ubottuvnmsdfsidf no profanity per the IRC user guidelines.  thank you.: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines04:21
EriC^vnmsdfsidf: good, it means the package isn't in dpkg04:21
Hamleddidn't want to go real far into getting it setup and then find out it's been replaced by something elese04:21
bodhi_zazenJust keep in mind, with LVM it is easy to ADD additional space / volumes04:22
bodhi_zazenbut it is difficult to REMOVE or downsize04:23
yournamewhat is RAID04:25
cfhowlett!raid | yourname04:25
ubottuyourname: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto04:25
moondogkunji: I experienced a similar issue with the dropbox package on 14.0404:25
moondogthe one from the repo seems broken. grabbing it off the dropbox site worked fine.04:26
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* hide4 04:28
mach20xI tried to reinstall  fglrx , when I used this command sudo amdconfig --adapter=all --initial ...the output was no adapters04:41
mach20xfrom the beginning it seems as though I was missing the xorg.conf file I'm currently on a normal boot with the lowest settings for gui 640x48004:44
jonathan_hey, is this the right room for wifi card support?04:47
cfhowlettjonathan_, yes.  details.  ask04:48
jonathan_I'm setting up a desktop for a friend, using a broadcom 4321 card04:48
cfhowlett!broadcom | jonathan_04:49
ubottujonathan_: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx04:49
jonathan_I don't have any network connection, so I went with those instructions04:49
jonathan_I put the tar on the computer, extracted, ran install, and it's showing the network, but it times out on trying to connect04:50
jonathan_I'll try the sta driver04:56
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XipDear Ubuntu friends.. I have a serious question here..05:14
OerHeksXip, just ask, wait and see.05:15
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easyOnMehow do I delete a file from a portable hard disk in ubuntu when you are shown a message like this05:17
easyOnMeError when getting information for file '/media/erwin/Erwin Novo/html/symfony/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Bundle/FrameworkBundle/Resources/views/FormTable': Input/output error05:17
easyOnMethanks in advance05:17
OerHekseasyOnMe, is that folder there? is that file there? is the filesystem healty ?05:18
easyOnMeOerHeks: yeah the folder is there05:18
easyOnMebut i do not know the file system is healthy or not05:19
OerHekseasyOnMe, what filesystem is it? ntfs, ext4?05:20
dacorr_Anyone know if Synology Note can be used via ubuntu without having to login to the NAS?05:22
regeditum, ksystraycmd does not exist?05:22
easyOnMeOerHeks: ntfs05:22
ghostzload that thing in windows05:23
ghostzscan disk, delete05:23
ghostzor use file "unlocker" to delete05:23
OerHekseasyOnMe, i would use windows to run a filecheck, or from ubuntu > ntfsfix /dev/sdXX # where sdxx is your external hdd, sdb1 or something like that05:24
easyOnMeOerHeks: what command will I use on the terminal then05:25
easyOnMeOerHeks: the name of my external hard disk is Erwin Novo05:25
easyOnMeand it is currently mounted05:25
OerHekseasyOnMe, find out what name that partiotion has, sudo fdisk -l  # will tell you05:26
OerHeksand unmount it before fixing05:26
regedithello i have Kubuntu 15.04 with KDE Plasma 5.2.2, any reason ksystraycmd does not exist?05:26
easyOnMegive me a sec will do it now05:26
OerHeksregedit, you might want to ask in #kubuntu too, as it is kubuntu specific.05:28
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regeditOerHeks: or...is it? but yeah thanks, i did ask there too05:29
easyOnMeOerHeks: http://imgur.com/GE31Tuh05:29
easyOnMethat is what I got after I type fdisk -l command on the termina05:30
easyOnMemy concern is I do not know which one is the hard disk05:30
liquideeyou should be looking for ntfs one05:30
liquideeand its the one that has /dev/sdb1 partition in it05:30
easyOnMeliquidee: man I am only using Linux these past few months05:31
easyOnMeI am really not sure05:31
easyOnMesorry newbie here05:31
liquideethere are two disks listed: sda and sdb05:32
liquideeand under each, there are partitions listed05:32
liquideethe first disk, sda, is 320 GB and contains 4 partitions with various linux filesystems05:32
liquideethe other one is 80GB sdb which contains sdb1 partition with NTFS05:33
easyOnMentfsfix /dev/sdb105:33
kunjimoondog: I'm not sure if there is an official bug report or not on that...05:33
easyOnMeI just gave that command on the terminal just now and it says OK05:33
liquideetry to delete that file now05:33
easyOnMeliquidee: I still cannot delete05:34
easyOnMethis is nuts man05:34
EriC^^easyOnMe: what file?05:34
kunjiThat's what I was about to ask05:34
easyOnMeliquidee: Error removing file: Directory not empty05:35
liquideei guess this one: /media/erwin/Erwin Novo/html/symfony/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Bundle/FrameworkBundle/Resources/views/FormTable05:35
easyOnMewhen I open the folder there is nothing inside it05:35
easyOnMewhen I press CTRL H05:35
easyOnMenothing ever shows up05:35
kunjiSounds exactly like a broken filesystem to me05:35
easyOnMekunji: this is an NTFS05:35
easyOnMejust run ntfsfix command and says OK05:36
EriC^^easyOnMe: are you using the terminal to remove it?05:36
EriC^^try using the terminal05:36
liquideetry "sudo rm -rf /media/erwin/Erwin Novo/html/symfony/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Bundle/FrameworkBundle/Resources/views/FormTable"05:36
liquideeand check if thats the file you want to remove05:36
easyOnMeI am looking at the current folder inside the external hard disk05:36
xrfanghi, I try to install vmware-view-client following this post: http://askubuntu.com/questions/486549/how-to-install-vmware-view-client05:36
kunjieasyOnMe: Yeah, which makes it worse because ntfsfix is not very useful, it is not a proper filesystem fixing application.05:36
liquideeim just guessing :D05:36
xrfangit does not work (package not found). I am running 15.04.05:36
xrfangany ideas please?05:37
kunjieasyOnMe: You'll probably need to get some real chkdsk running05:37
easyOnMekunji: like?05:37
kunjieasyOnMe: The one included with Windows T.T05:37
OerHekseasyOnMe,  so if ntfsfix says oke, then there is nothing wrong, you can perform "ntfsfix -d /dev/sdb1 "will clear the dirty bit on an NTFS volume.05:37
easyOnMeliquidee: didn't work in the terminal05:38
kunjiOerHeks: That should be the case, but he also shouldn't have been able to mount it if only the dirty bit was the problem05:38
EriC^^easyOnMe: what did it say?05:38
OerHekskunji, also true, i recommend windows for these troubles.05:38
liquideeEriC^^ it might be because he has spaces in the path i pasted - my bad05:39
EriC^^no problem05:39
kunjiliquidee: I'm pretty sure that's a different error though, isn't that a folder cannot be found/does not exist, something like that?05:39
EriC^^easyOnMe: open the terminal, type rm -r and drag the dir you want to delete from nautilus to the terminal05:39
MACscrI have ubuntu trusty running within a xen guest and im trying to upgrade grub from 1 to 2. Any advice on this error? http://pastie.org/pastes/10242424/text05:39
easyOnMeEriC^^: ok one sec05:40
easyOnMeEriC^^: this is what I got after following your instructions05:41
MACscrits a PVM guest, so it is using its own kernel05:41
liquideekunji:  i guess you were right :)05:42
EriC^^easyOnMe: try it again, make sure there's a ' at the end05:42
easyOnMeEriC^^: correct05:43
kunjiEric^^: There is05:43
easyOnMethat was what I did05:43
easyOnMethere is05:43
EriC^^kunji: nah, it took the file as \n\n at the end05:43
EriC^^easyOnMe: nope, you had to add the ' later05:43
EriC^^after it said >05:43
OerHekseasyOnMe, please no space in that line, /media/erwin/Erwin/Novo/etc ....05:44
kunjiEric^^: It was still ended with the ', he just got some new lines in there :P05:44
EriC^^kunji: yeah :P05:44
gagaliciousany major difference between ubuntu desktop and ubuntu server other than the server version does not come pre packaged with a gui? i mean deb wise, is it gonna be significant difference? i would like to use the desktop version for some of my server because there's a gui. that's about all. not the server farm production.05:48
OerHeksgagalicious, no, they use the same repos05:48
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liquideegagalicious: there should be no problem with using a desktop for server05:50
gagaliciousOerHeks: thanks05:51
gagaliciousliquidee: thanks05:51
gagaliciousi cant believe ubuntu server and desktop use the same repo... that's totally different from the way fedora and centos works.05:52
gagaliciousoh well...05:52
OerHekssame repo, different package selections05:53
EriC^^well that's linux, lots of options and different ways to do stuff :>05:53
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mobile3what is the command to restart apache ?06:12
mobile3it was something like that httpd....06:13
mobile3what is the command to restart apache ?06:14
Ben64what version of ubuntu06:15
Tex_Nickmobile3: try /etc/init.d/apache2 start for later virsions of ubuntu ?06:18
EriC^^mobile3: sudo service apache2 restart06:19
Ben64i think the command is different on 15.04+06:19
EriC^^Ben64: nah, it has a service script that converts the command to a systemd systemctl command06:19
mobile3Tex_Nick: -bash: /etc/init.d/apache2: No such file or directory06:20
mobile3EriC^^:apache2: unrecognized service06:21
mobile3I used this  service httpd restart06:21
mobile3I don't know whether it worked or not but now I am able to access my website06:22
murchahave you came across a good backup script for site's files so it shouldn't create daily backup, instead it should only update a backup file.?06:24
=== Thelks is now known as zz_Thelks
nrdbwhy does the an 'apt-get purge <package>' ask to do a 'apt-get -f install' first06:27
EriC^^nrdb: you probably have unmet dependencies06:28
nrdbEriC^^, so why does doing a purge care about unmet dependencies?  ... I am trying to get rid of something (grub-common in this case)06:29
EriC^^nrdb: it might purge something that needs to have something else replaced for stability06:30
EriC^^so it needs to make sure everything is ok before proceeding06:30
EriC^^(just guessing)06:31
nrdbI am sure wishing that when a package is held it would say held ... and not get install latter.06:31
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Tex_Nickout of curosity, why is it that nautilus, or any other mainline GUI OS file manager (Apple, Mac) allow a simple directory printout (with options) ?06:45
Tex_Nickwin also ^^^06:45
EriC^^there's gvfs-tree06:46
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Tex_NickEriC^^: hmmm ok ... thanks my friend, I'll have a look at it ... tis esay enough to do in terminal ... but would be nice as an option in nautilus06:48
easyOnMeEriC^^: this is what I got06:48
easyOnMeafter you wanted me to delete the extra spaces06:48
EriC^^easyOnMe: type rm -r , press space, then drag the dir there06:49
easyOnMeok one sec06:49
OerHekseasyOnMe, why a space in that line  /media/erwin Erwin/Novo/etc ....  /media/erwin/Erwin/Novo/etc ....06:50
OerHekseven a ' does not solve that06:50
easyOnMeOerHeks: well I did try deleting the space but it is still the same06:50
EriC^^OerHeks: the dir has a space in it, it's ok though cause of '06:50
OerHeksehm ... /media/erwin/Erwin/Novo/etc should work, you miss a /06:51
OerHeksso rm sees it as 2 folders, no?06:51
EriC^^OerHeks: nah, the dir actually has a space in it06:51
auronandace_why not just tab complete it instead?06:51
easyOnMeEriC^^: I do not know for no reason06:52
Tex_NickEriC^^: hmmm gvfs-tree looks like a command line utility ... not a nautilus gui utility ?06:52
easyOnMewhenever I drag and drop the folder into the terminal06:52
easyOnMethis is what happens06:52
EriC^^Tex_Nick: yes06:52
Tex_Nickahhh ok sir06:52
EriC^^easyOnMe: just type rm -r , press space then drag06:53
EriC^^and hit enter06:53
easyOnMeEriC^^: that's what I did06:54
easyOnMeEriC^^: it keeps on saying no such file or directory06:55
EriC^^easyOnMe: ok, this is the syntax, rm -r '/path/to file/with spaces/you want to delete'06:55
Ben64just type it and use tab to complete06:56
Ben64so much easier06:56
EriC^^notice a ' at the start of the path, a  ' at the end, and space between rm -r and the '/path' part06:56
EriC^^Ben64: it's like the longest path in history06:56
easyOnMeEriC^^: just did but it keeps on saying folder or directory not empty06:56
easyOnMeI check the folder is empty06:56
EriC^^easyOnMe: can you paste the output?06:56
easyOnMeI press CTRL H06:56
easyOnMeno files shows up06:56
easyOnMeerwin@erwin-M720SRS:~$ rm -r '/media/erwin/Erwin Novo/html/symfony/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Bundle/FrameworkBundle/Resources/views/Form'06:57
easyOnMerm: cannot remove ‘/media/erwin/Erwin Novo/html/symfony/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Bundle/FrameworkBundle/Resources/views/Form’: Directory not empty06:57
liquideeguys, i think he did it right06:57
EriC^^yeah this time it was right06:57
liquideehe did it right last time we talked, but he has some filesystem issues06:57
easyOnMemy issue here is it claims directory is not empty when it is06:57
easyOnMeyou press CTRL H nothing shows up06:58
EriC^^easyOnMe: try it with rm -rf this time06:58
easyOnMewhen you do it inside the Form folder06:58
easyOnMeok wait06:58
liquideetry to do "ls -al <this_dir>" and rm -rf <this_dir>06:58
Ben64rm -r should remove directories that aren't empty06:58
liquideehe had some filesystems issues. this is an ntfs drive06:58
easyOnMeerwin@erwin-M720SRS:~$ rm -rf '/media/erwin/Erwin Novo/html/symfony/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Bundle/FrameworkBundle/Resources/views/Form'06:59
easyOnMerm: cannot remove ‘/media/erwin/Erwin Novo/html/symfony/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Bundle/FrameworkBundle/Resources/views/Form’: Directory not empty06:59
easyOnMethat is the result even if we force it06:59
easyOnMethis is nuts06:59
EriC^^easyOnMe: try it with sudo, worth a shot06:59
EriC^^sudo rm -rf06:59
EriC^^i think it know what's wrong07:00
EriC^^easyOnMe: type alias rm07:00
easyOnMeEriC^^: and then what07:01
easyOnMeerwin@erwin-M720SRS:~$ type alias rm07:01
easyOnMealias is a shell builtin07:01
easyOnMerm is hashed (/bin/rm)07:01
EriC^^nevermind, i thought it might be aliased to rmdir07:01
Ben64uh, you're supposed to type "alias rm" not "type alias rm"07:02
easyOnMeliquidee: but I close all nautilus windows alredy07:03
liquideetry that command07:03
liquideementioned in the thread07:03
easyOnMeliquidee: you mean the while command07:04
easyOnMeare you referring to that07:04
EriC^^this seems interesting https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=18582407:04
EriC^^says a corruption in filesystem07:04
liquideefuser -m <dir>07:04
liquideehe should do a ntfs check with windows07:05
easyOnMeliquidee: I just did nothing happens07:05
OerHeksWhy didn't you try to remove it within windows then?07:06
easyOnMeok guys07:07
EriC^^i think you should use windows to repair the filesystem or something07:07
easyOnMethanks for all the help07:07
EriC^^/join ##windows and they should be able to help07:07
easyOnMeOerHeks: that is why I am using ubuntu because I do not use windows07:07
easyOnMeI will look for a windows laptop07:07
easyOnMethanks for all your help07:07
robbixwhat's up?07:08
OerHekseasyOnMe, oh i understood you did a ntfs check from within windows..07:08
easyOnMeI will once I get my hands on windows07:09
easyOnMethanks everyone07:09
murchais it possible to mound ubuntu's var partition from windows server 2008?07:14
EriC^^murcha: yeah, you need to install some stuff though, i don't recall the name though07:15
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murchainstall in ubuntu?07:15
EriC^^no, in windows07:15
EriC^^so you can mount ext partitions07:15
EriC^^i think it's it07:17
murchai can access ubuntu thourgh ssh connection.07:17
NicholasCI've got several Ubuntu VMs on HyperV that randomly enter Read-only FS states. Whilst we're looking for the cause, I need something that automatically reboots the machine and runs fsck -y. I've currently got this up and running via an errors=panic in my fstab, followed by a reboot after kernel panic, but this obviously doesn't have the benefit that errors=remount-ro provides. Is there any way to detect when remount-ro fires and reboot07:17
NicholasCafter it's finished?07:17
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stevenmcqueevenanyone here?07:36
ESphynxare people @ Canonical paying attention to LP #1268257 ? :P07:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1268257 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-331-updates (Ubuntu) "nvidia-331-updates 331.38-0ubuntu3: nvidia-331-updates kernel module failed to build, with only error: "objdump: '... .tmp_nv.o': No such file"" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126825707:37
ESphynxpeople are getting infuriated :P07:37
beetohi there07:38
deiciderHello. When will 3.19. kernel be backported to 14.04?07:39
stevenmcqueevenI can't get ubuntu to download07:39
stevenmcqueevenand I need help lol07:39
OerHeksESphynx, nvidia 331, isn't that a old version, I thought 340 is current now?07:39
ESphynxOerHeks: it may be, but it was the latest for a long while and still seems to be what I get by default on 14.04 ?07:40
ESphynx(aka the LTS)07:40
ESphynxI may even have 14.10 ...07:41
ESphynxyeah, 14.10 installed and still what comes up07:42
OerHeksESphynx, i would check the driver tool again, and install 340.07:42
ESphynxOerHeks: wouldn't apt-get upgrade do that for you?07:43
ESphynx"OerHeks: The device is using the reocmmended driver"07:44
ESphynxeverytime an nVidia user using LTS or 14.10 does an upgrade, nasty cras reports appear.07:44
ESphynxthis has been going on for more than a whole year.07:44
OerHeksNo, apt-get upgrade does nothing with the closed nvidia driver, you have to select it yourself in the drivermenu07:45
ESphynxOerHeks: it wouldn't make any sense not to select a version known to work better with apt-get upgrade07:46
ESphynxbut as I said above, there's nothing else to select anyways.07:46
ESphynxas much as I'd like nVidia to give out specs so that we can write good open-source drivers, if the proprietary drivers work better, users should use the proprietary drivers to get their graphics performance07:47
ESphynxso treating closed driver users as secondclass users is just wrong07:47
OerHeksESphynx, oh i see, i am wrong, 340 isn't out for 14.04 .. http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/trusty/misc/07:47
TJ-ESphynx: crash reports involving nvidia might be to do with a kernel upgrade. If, for example, the systems are using a newer kernel (from the hardware enablement pack) the source of older nvidia version's may fail to build correctly when the DKMS hook is called during kernel installation. I've had to modify the nvidia source a couple of times for nvidia 346 since I use mainline kernels with 14.0407:47
ESphynxOerHeks: neither is it for 14.1007:47
ESphynxTJ-: yes that might be waht it is.07:48
ESphynxbut the apparent indifference for more than a year is the issue here.07:48
ESphynxBoth the LTS and 14.10 suffers from thi07:48
Ben64ESphynx: you just gotta do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-331" after updating until they fix the bug07:48
ESphynxBen64: i.e. at every update?07:48
TJ-ESphynx: if that is the cause there should be a very prominent warning from DKMS when the kernel is being installed. That should be caught in the crash report details that are being reported to the user07:48
Ben64ESphynx: every kernel update, sure07:49
gouthamHey guys!07:49
ESphynxBen64: but why can't there be a way to automate that process and submit that?07:49
gouthamI have accidently rewmoved python2.707:49
ESphynxUbuntu is supposed to be Linux for grandmas.07:49
OerHeksBen64 +1  .. the header says so, plus "after that... $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-331-uvm"07:49
TJ-ESphynx: This sohuldn't happen for the 14.04 standard kernels with the nvida packages for 14.0407:49
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ESphynxTJ-: I think the fact that this bug is still open and people are screaming is that it still does.07:50
Ben64TJ-: it does07:50
OerHeksgoutham, time to reinstall ubuntu, as python 2,7 is needed for softwareinstall AFAIK.07:50
TJ-ESphynx: what's the bug number? I only just came into the channel07:51
ESphynxand a zillion others.07:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 1268257 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-331-updates (Ubuntu) "nvidia-331-updates 331.38-0ubuntu3: nvidia-331-updates kernel module failed to build, with only error: "objdump: '... .tmp_nv.o': No such file"" [High,Triaged]07:51
ESphynxthe last comment is describing the situation very nicely :P07:52
goutham@OerHeks is there anyway I can do without reinstalling ubuntu07:52
Ben64ESphynx: check comment #32307:52
ESphynxBen64: +1 on that :)07:53
OerHeksgoutham, removing python2.7 also removed a lot of dependencies ..07:53
TJ-OK, it's not a trivial fix so that explains the delay see bug #143175307:54
ubottubug 1431753 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-331-updates (Ubuntu Trusty) "Nvidia binary driver FTBS due to DKMS layer violation" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143175307:54
gouthamYa will upgrade work fine here?07:54
Jackwvwhy can't my dvd cd driver load?07:54
OerHeksgoutham, there is no quick fix07:54
ESphynxTJ-: that's insightful07:55
TJ-In summary, one package relies on the build product of another package, something that is not supposed to happen in Debian land, so it requires merging both packages into one and providing a non-breaking transition for upgrades07:55
deiciderOerHeks: But, can't he just reinstall python? Assuming he didn't autoremove everything07:55
Jackwvi can't get my external hardrive to load either is there a easy and quick solution07:55
OerHeksdeicider, if there was, i would say so.. and assumption is wrong, removing python2.7 removes a lot, probably half desktop07:56
Ben64TJ-: over 2500 people are affected by it, and no real updates on progress in over a year07:56
TJ-ESphynx: I've not hit that issue, maybe because I'm using the nvidia 340 driver from the Xorg edgers PPA: 340.76-0ubuntu1~xedgers14.04.407:56
Ben64TJ-: its quite annoying07:56
Ben64TJ-: the ppa doesn't have the problem07:56
gouthamOerHeks Thanks :)07:57
ESphynxBen64: a large portion of those users probably gave up on Ubuntu already. Apparently Mint doesn't suffer from it either.07:58
ikoniathat seems unlikley07:58
OerHeksESphynx, other solution, use the regular 331 driver, not the update?07:58
TJ-Ben64: ESphynx Let me see if I can figure out a quick workaround to get the module to build, aside from merging packages - something that will at least get the local system to build correctly.07:58
ESphynxOerHeks: I just use whatever Ubuntu recommends / sets up07:59
ESphynxIt's actually not a big problem, stuff still works07:59
Ben64i'd say its a big problem07:59
ESphynxbut everytime an upgrade happens nasty crash messages occur07:59
Ben64and if you don't build the module using dpkg-reconfigure, you get no graphics after rebooting07:59
ESphynxBen64: it's a big problem on the big picture, not for me personally.07:59
TJ-ESphynx: how about suppressing those messages temporarily?08:00
ESphynxBen64: perhaps that's what has been causing my system to stop working08:00
Ben64well i've worked around the problem by doing a dpkg-reconfigure08:00
ESphynxI keep having to do weird tweaks, maybe that is what is casing it08:00
Ben64but that is hardly a solution08:00
Ben64most people won't know how or what to do08:00
ESphynxI think I fixed it with another apt-get upgrade or what not08:00
ESphynxBen64: definitely.08:00
ESphynxthen it's terrible.08:00
ESphynxI just don't understand why this isn't the top priority at Canonical?08:01
ESphynxnVidia driver users is a large chunk of users08:01
TJ-ESphynx: because most focus inside Canonical now is on server, cloud, and phone08:02
Ben64if i knew who to talk to, i would have08:02
Ben64besides this, 14.04 is so smooth and easy08:02
TJ-I'm creating a backported package from Vivid now; I'll upload it to my PPA shortly08:03
TJ-ESphynx: If you're able to test it and confirm it works I can attach the fixed branch to the bug report and propose it for an SRU08:07
ESphynxTJ-: that's a pity :(08:07
TJ-ESphynx: pity?08:08
TJ-ESphynx: that's where the money is08:08
histo https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-331/+bug/1208:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 12 in Launchpad itself ""Next 10 messages" changes Display Settings" [Medium,Fix released]08:08
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TJ-I've just been reminded why I do _not_ like bzr DVCS!08:17
freakynlHi, I have a SAS disk with some bad sectors and was running badblocks against it. By default badblocks will use Direct I/O, but it only does ~7MB/s with that, with the -B option (use buffered I/O instead of direct I/O) it does ~120MB/s. Any idea what causes this?08:19
histofreakynl: have you ever used dd?08:19
metalicehi, what is your opinion about swap partition and ssd ?08:20
freakynlhisto: sure08:20
freakynlmetalice: if there's enough ram I don't use swap, then again, if there's enough ram linux won't use swap easily under normal circumstances anyways08:21
histofreakynl: do you understand when you use a bigger block size why it speeds up?08:21
freakynlhisto: yes because it can fill the buffer/cache on the disk which makes it easier for it to keep on writing continously. Is there a difference between SATA and SAS how this works? Have ran badblocks against SATA disks plenty of times and they don't exhibit this behaviour (perhaps write caching is off by default on SAS I suppose then?)08:23
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hpekdemirhi all. how would you interpret this output from smartctl?08:24
=== CPUID is now known as Guest55852
hpekdemir7 Seek_Error_Rate         0x000f   063   060   030    Pre-fail  Always       -       429685206408:24
hpekdemir9 Power_On_Hours          0x0032   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       6308:25
hpekdemirisn't that weird?08:25
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:25
histohpekdemir: pipe the output to | nc termbin.com 999908:25
hpekdemirhisto: I only pasted these two lines08:25
hpekdemirno need for more08:25
hpekdemirthis is a new disk arrvied last week.08:26
histohpekdemir: and the column headers for 063 060 030?08:26
hpekdemiryou see its not running for long. how come I get these seek error yet08:26
hpekdemirVALUE . WORST and THRESH08:27
hpekdemirin that order.08:27
histohpekdemir: and we're supposed to interpret that from your two lines?08:27
hpekdemirlet me nopaste.08:27
histohpekdemir: z4x f8* () ?^|08:28
histohpekdemir: 01100100 01110010 01101001 01110110   that's the first part of my answer in binary08:29
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crazyhorse18how do i copy my encrypted home directory data to another drive so that it is not encrypted on the other drive?08:33
EriC^^crazyhorse18: decrypt and mount it08:33
EriC^^then copy08:33
crazyhorse18i've read 20 articles on this, and i'm still confused08:34
hpekdemirnow I pasted. and no answer. haha08:34
ESphynxTJ-: let me know if you have smoething to test :) heading to bed08:34
crazyhorse18i've tried manually mounting the encrypted drive08:34
EriC^^crazyhorse18: are you booted into the installation? or a live usb?08:34
crazyhorse18but i can't get it to work.. i'm booted into the installation08:34
EriC^^it should already be decrypted08:34
EriC^^if you've logged in08:34
crazyhorse18i just exlcude the ./encryptfs directory from my rsync command ?08:35
OerHekshpekdemir, seek error rares are extremely high08:35
EriC^^yeah, i guess, are all your files there?08:35
ESphynxgood night guys08:35
OerHeksshould be 0 on a healthy disc08:35
hpekdemirOerHeks: but could it be because of the UDMA errors?08:36
hpekdemirlose cable etc.08:36
crazyhorse18EriC^^, I'm not sure because i dont' know the mechanics of how this encryptfs drive works08:36
crazyhorse18i mean to me they just look like normal files08:36
histohpekdemir: how old is the drive?08:36
crazyhorse18but i don't know if it's just decrypting them as they are accessed or..08:36
EriC^^crazyhorse18: i think you should be able to copy them all correctly08:37
histocrazyhorse18: you can just copy the files if you see them. It won't encrypt them on the other end.08:37
murchaI have compressed 60GB of folder(out of 120gb) using tar, but the session terminated. If i restart the tar, will it start after 60GB or from zero?08:37
crazyhorse18ok.. so i just exclude the encrypt js directory from the rsycn right?08:37
hpekdemirhisto: as you can see 63 hours.08:37
hpekdemirarrived last week.08:37
histocrazyhorse18: you can copy that directory as well allthough you won't need it.08:38
histohpekdemir: I would warranty it personally08:38
OerHekshpekdemir, loose cable .. not sure that can cause this, easy to fix, cables are not that expensive08:39
crazyhorse18histo: ok08:39
hpekdemirOerHeks: ok08:39
hpekdemirI will check the cables08:39
javnutI have a program (java) which needs to use notification bubbles, but I don't want to use the default bubbles because there's no close button08:39
javnutwhat's a good alternative?08:39
histojavnut: try asking your question in a java room08:41
javnutI don't need a java specific answer08:41
ikoniathe default buttons ?08:42
histojavnut: are you writing this program?08:42
javnuthisto: yes08:42
histojavnut: this is ubuntu related how?08:42
ikoniado you mean linking it into the desktop, or using java graphical libraries to create bubbles ?08:42
ikoniacould you please define what you mean by bubbles please08:42
javnutikonia: no, linking it to a desktop. similar to notify-osd which I'm calling now08:42
ikoniaso that will depend on the desktop/theme08:43
javnutI'm basically calling notify-send right now with my parameters, I was hoping there's another similar application which I can use which does the same thing08:43
ikonianot really, if you're trying to hook it into the desktop enviornment you have to depened on what the desktop libraries will display08:44
damai want to install windows 8 on ubuntu but did not work08:44
javnutI don't necesserily want to change my default notification-daemon08:44
murchawhen i apply this on terminal "tar -uvf file.tar folder/ " the htop shows the process as "D tar-uvf file.tar folder/ "?08:44
ikoniadama: "on ubuntu" ?08:45
ikoniamurcha: and ?08:45
damayes using virtual box08:45
javnutwell aren't there specific standalone programs which just display messages, or maybe Gtk libraries?08:45
javnutactually, I'm going to go look at the Gtk libraries. thanks08:45
murchaikonia: why it is a D (uninterrupted sleep) process08:45
OerHeksjavnut, notify-send does not come with an close button whatsoever >  markshuttleworth.com/archives/253 specifically this part: The most controversial part of the proposal is the idea that notifications should not have actions associated with them. In other words, no buttons08:45
ikoniajavnut: there are loads of graphics libraries, but you'll have to depend on someone having those libraries on their system - where as the desktop will always exist08:46
ikoniamurcha: because it's working08:46
javnutOerHeks: yes, I know08:46
javnutikonia: this is a personal application, not meant for distribution08:46
OerHeksdama, you might want to seek help in #virtualbox or ##windows08:47
damacan some one assist me, how to install windows 8 on ubuntu using virtual box08:47
ikoniadama: how did it fail ?08:47
murchaikonia: i used ctrl-c to cancel the job "tar -uvf file.tar folder/", because of the D process issue.  Is it safe to restart the job?08:48
OerHekswin8 can detect vbox AFAIK08:48
damadosnt pick the windows cd08:48
ikoniawhy did you cancel the job based on a htop output ?08:48
ikoniajust let it run it's job08:48
ikoniadama: then it suggests either the guest is not set to boot from a virtual CD - or the CD is wrong08:48
murchaikonia: because the -v flag doesn't show any output from the tar jobs?08:49
ikoniawhat is the exact tar command you are running08:50
murchaikonia: sudo tar -uvf  /mnt/backupdisk/remote_server/full/2015/23/site2-2015-06-01.tar /var/www/site2/08:52
ikoniamurcha: so is the tar file actually getting updated ?08:52
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murchaikonia: i used the -v flag to see what happens, but there is no any output08:53
damaIt reports the error vt-x is disabled08:53
OerHeksdama, ahhh, shutdown, go into your bios, and enable vt-x08:54
ikoniamurcha: seems odd, can you create a new archive of that directory ?08:54
freakynlhisto: so is it the write caching? It is a sequential write nonetheless so still some confused about the insanely huge difference08:54
murchaikonia: it is possible to create new archive. Actually i wanted to shorten the time by updating the old archive.08:55
murchaabout 120GB of data08:56
ikoniamurcha: understand that, but I thought if you can confirm you can create a new archive / not you may get better output which may give you a clue as to why it's not updating08:57
ikoniamurcha: try updating the archive with ah test file in /tmp/1k.file for example08:57
mcphailmurcha: even if it is working, running tar over a remote connection to update a 120GB archive is going to take ages. How long did you wait to see output?08:59
gagaliciousis there a gui firewall that pops up and inform u that if someone is trying to access ur system through a port like avg?08:59
TJ-murcha: Are there a lot of files in that 120GB, if so, it'll take tar a long time to scan that before it starts accessing the file-system, since an update means it has to shuffle data around inside the existing archive and potentially create a temporary copy of the entire 120GB08:59
histofreakynl: when you use the buffer you are sacrificing memory by reducing calls08:59
murchamcphail: when i create new archive it shows rapidly the output. but when i update an old archive it shows nothing09:00
mcphailmurcha: of course it is quicker to create new - you don't have to check what needs added09:00
mcphailmurcha: this is why tools like rsync are popular09:01
murchaTJ-: so it is safe to continue with update, isn't it?09:01
murchamcphail: yes. updating a tar file should also work09:02
mcphailmurcha: of course, but you need patience. A lot of it, in this case09:03
histofreakynl: those calls are the source of your slow donw09:03
murchamcphail: sure thanks for hints.09:03
mcphailmurcha: I like to use rsnapshot for this kind of things - an rsync wrapper which creates sequetial backups using hard-links for files which haven't changed. You can then tar the backup if you so desire09:05
eduardois there any person who knows about hacking/security ? bit offtopic sorry09:05
histoeduardo: what is your question09:06
murchamcphail: it is a great if i can manage squential backups09:06
k1l_eduardo: this channels focus is ubuntu support. and the community obviously cant help on malicious intentions09:07
murchaikonia: i tested on my local ubuntu machine and the -v flag works gives and output of updated file.09:08
hl_Hi, everyone. I have installed Windows 7 on my hard drive, some time ago I installed Ubuntu on another sector same hard drive, after reboot, only Windows 7 started, how can I see grub menu to select OS?09:09
murchamcphail: I have compressed 60GB of folder(out of 120gb) using tar, but the session terminated. If i restart the tar, will it start after 60GB or from zero?09:09
EriC^^hl_: are you in a live usb right now or windows?09:10
OerHekshl_, if you installed ubuntu after windows7, hold shift @ boot .. if you installed windows7 after ubuntu, you need to reinstall grub209:10
mcphailmurcha: I've never used tar for very large archives. I _think_ it starts at 60GB but will take ages working out where to start and what to add. May be quicker starting fresh09:11
arcskyhey how can i give me full access to a tool called hping3 ?09:11
GuiriIs there an openssh PPA to update it beyond 6.6 in Trusty?09:11
murchamcphail: ok09:11
histoGuiri: you can search for ppa's on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas09:11
histoGuiri: they are not supported here09:11
arcskymy friend*09:11
hl_OerHeks, I've installed Ubuntu after Windows 7. sorry, what does mean @hold shitf @ boot .. ?09:12
TJ-arcsky: Do you mean, give one user elevated privileges to run a single executable?09:12
EriC^^hl_: do you have uefi?09:12
OerHekshl_, while booting, hold shift.09:13
arcskyTJ-: yeah09:13
EriC^^i don't think it'll help, he says windows is booting straight away09:13
OerHeksEriC^^, that is why i asked what is installed last ..09:13
TJ-hl_: Windows will have overwritten the GRUB boot loader with its own. You'll need to reinstall the GRUB boot loader09:13
EriC^^TJ-: he said he installed ubuntu after windows 7, yet windows boot straight away09:14
EriC^^could it be win7 uefi? or just grub-install didn't work in the installer?09:14
hl_EriC^^, hm I dont know09:14
ikoniabecause he's installed grub on the wrong place09:14
TJ-EriC^^: I read that the opposite way around09:14
EriC^^or that ^09:14
ikonia$10 says he installed from a USB disk09:14
ikoniaand grub got put on the USB disk as it's sda09:15
ikoniabecause of his bios boot ordering09:15
Johnny_Linuxill put $20.00 in09:15
hl_How can I check is uefi motherboard?09:15
BuzzardBuzzyour bios will tell you09:16
TJ-hl_: Maybe it's a UEFI system with FastBoot enabled?09:16
EriC^^hl_: are you in a live usb right now?09:16
BuzzardBuzzif uefi09:16
ankki have a sony svs151290x notebook and i use ubuntu right now. when i check processes kworker was using high cpu and i checked via `powertop` and it seems that acpi using high cpu09:16
ankkhow can i find the true problem09:16
hl_EriC^^, now usb is not detected while booting09:17
TJ-ankk: possibly the Sony ACPI implementation is slightly buggy and Linux isn't able to operate correctly with it. There are a lot of ACPI kernel options that might help, but you'd need to do testing with them or search forums, etc., for someone with the same model that's already solved that issue09:18
dionysus69how to i install many .ttf font files at once?09:19
EriC^^hl_: ok, type msinfo32 and check what the bios mode says09:19
gagaliciousis there a gui firewall that pops up and inform u that if someone is trying to access ur system through a port like avg?09:20
hl_EriC^^, sorry, I'm newbie, where should I type this?09:20
mcphailgagalicious: not sure if Ubuntu has anything quite so annoying! :)09:20
gagalicioushow do i make my Dlink NAS Dns 323 use compressed filesystem?09:21
mcphailAre you running Ubuntu on your NAS?09:22
TJ-gagalicious: the most common intrusion detection system is "snort". There may be GUI interfaces to thast09:22
EriC^^hl_: nevermind, it doesn't seem to work for win7, open this file C:\Windows\Panther\setupact.log and press ctrl+f, and search for the line Detected boot environment09:22
mach20xSo I uninstalled fglrx on my machine and the HDMI still works and it would appear that I am not experiencing the issues I had before.09:23
ubuntu089Такая проблема09:23
ikonia!ru | ubuntu08909:23
ubottuubuntu089: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.09:23
mcphailmach20x: the open source radeon drivers are very good for some cards09:23
TJ-gagalicious: see for example: http://blog.snort.org/2011/10/comparison-of-3-popular-snort-guis.html09:24
mach20xHDMI never worked on my install of 14.1009:24
mach20xonly after I installed fglrx did it post to my monitor (I installed it after the update to 15.04)09:25
mcphail3.19 kernel may have helped09:26
mach20xProbably has, though for the record I will say that it would appear to be working for my two radeon 3600 series graphics cards.09:28
mach20xis there an output I can dump to provide solid confirmation for development purposes?09:29
javnuthow can I get the old gnome notifications back in precise pangolin?09:32
ikonianot going to happen09:34
javnutikonia: I'm using gnome-flashback, it can happen09:35
javnutthere's tutorials on how to do it, but they're a bit outdated09:36
Jakey2can someone explain to me what active mq is09:36
asdf_Every time I boot ubuntu, I have to disable and enable my wired network before it works09:37
k1l_javnut: the gnome-flashback is just a trimmed down version. it doesnt offer all what gnome2 did offer.09:38
asdf_I may have changed my /etc/network/interfaces file, but even when I revert to what it was, I still have to do it09:38
asdf_How do I make sure that my wired connection is working on boot?09:38
BuzzardBuzzasdf could be flakey hardware issue, you sure it works ok with a boot stick?09:40
mach20xhas anyone posed the idea of creating an option to wishlist apps in the Ubuntu Software Center, or a place where one can view past installed applications?09:41
crazyhorse18i've just copied my hard drive to a backup drive using rsync, is there anyway i can validate that the copy has been succesfull?09:50
EriC^^crazyhorse18: rsync does a checksum, you can md5sum if you want09:52
crazyhorse18hehe, i'm just worried i've just missed files09:53
mcphailcrazyhorse18: rsync is the Chuck Norris of backup tools. If it has missed files, it knows you don't need them :)09:54
mach20xI'll check to see if the screen freezes tomorrow when I video chat on Hangouts. That has been a little bit of a trouble spot of late. If there are problems I'll report them here.09:56
mach20xis  Grsync good as well?10:00
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TJ-Ben64: For anyone who wants to test the Trusty fix for bug #1431753 and bug #1268257 https://launchpad.net/~tj/+archive/ubuntu/nvidia10:25
ubottubug 1431753 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-331-updates (Ubuntu Trusty) "Nvidia binary driver FTBS due to DKMS layer violation" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143175310:25
ubottubug 1268257 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-331-updates (Ubuntu) "nvidia-331-updates 331.38-0ubuntu3: nvidia-331-updates kernel module failed to build, with only error: "objdump: '... .tmp_nv.o': No such file"" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126825710:25
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metalicesomeone here have hp envy laptop with fingerprint and managed to get it to work?10:36
Mionmetalice: FP readers are horrible, don't use them as your single auth10:36
Mionmetalice: half the time they wont accept valid prints, and the other half you can thrik them with a piece of paper and some spit10:37
metalicei cant get it to work so its not any auth..10:37
OerHeksmetalice, step 1: check if your FP device is listed here .. https://launchpad.net/~fingerprint/+archive/ubuntu/fingerprint-gui10:37
metalicemine is 138a:0050 and its not listed there :(10:38
OerHeksmetalice, bad luck :-(10:39
metaliceOerHeks: yes indeed.. so no driver yet? or workaround?10:39
OerHeksmalinator, this list is universal for all linux's... so no10:40
TJ-metalice: If the use case is for security, you should only use a Fingerprint reader for identity *not* authentication. As in, the fingerprint provides the login username not the authentication token10:40
Mionit is quite bad for identity too10:40
TJ-Mion: no different to typing a username10:41
Mionthat list is not complete btw10:41
metaliceTJ-: i want to get it work first..10:41
MionTJ-: except much less reliable10:41
* Mion have worked on professional FP systems in access control etc10:41
TJ-metalice: The chipsets for those devices don't get a lot of open-source driver love from their manufacturers10:41
TJ-many of us have10:42
irondevHey guys I am running Ubuntu Desktop 15.04 on my MacBook(Aluminum) 2008 and I just started it up and now the trackpad is not operational10:42
Johnny_Linuxis there am app for open source driver love ??10:42
irondevA USB mouse works tho10:42
Mionirondev: kill switch?10:42
irondevMion ?10:42
TJ-Johnny_Linux: yeah... "Linux" :)10:42
metaliceTJ-: so solution is to wait? lol..10:43
MionJohnny_Linux: http://arch.har-ikkje.net/gfx/desulove.jpg10:43
Mionirondev: many laptops have a button to enable/disable touchpads10:43
irondevMion Nope10:43
TJ-metalice: And ignore it. It won't provide any added benefit and might lull you into a false sense of security. I know it is nice to get all the hardware working with Linux but sometimes you have to pass over it :)10:44
OerHeksmetalice, there has been a request since 2013 ... http://home.ullrich-online.cc/fingerprint/Forum/topic.php?TopicId=34710:44
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badbodhlinux devs believe fingerprint isn't secure. anyone can chop your thumb off and voila10:45
OerHeks.. but i use my left ring-finger :-D10:46
metaliceOerHeks: so i wont get too much hope if 2 years already it didnt came out..10:46
jpdsbadbodh: Not just linux devs.10:46
irondevbadbodh What about face recognition10:46
freakynlbadbodh: you can lift someones fingerprints from nearly everything they touch10:46
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badbodhpassword on the other hand has more security layers. a chopped thumb, few chopped fingers, a threat to your kidnapped family, and voila10:46
irondevfreakynl True10:46
irondevbadbodh KonBoot :D10:47
TJ-badbodh: fingerprints are zero use as an authentication token.. you leave them lying about everywhere...  that's how the cops used to catch burglars10:47
badbodhdevs would rather work on fixing unity than writing a driver for fingerprints.10:47
freakynlbadbodh: not to mention carjacking, that came when cars got alarms that prevented them from starting. If they have no issue killing you in front of a traffic light for your car, do you really want to secure stuff with your bodyparts?... ;)10:47
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:48
metaliceall of you write *but* its still a nice tool if you dont care from the machine security too much...10:48
BluesKajHiyas all10:48
badbodhirondev, face recognition :D you watch game of thrones ?10:48
TJ-BluesKaj: morning10:48
irondevbadbodh Nope10:48
BluesKaj'Morning TJ-10:49
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metalicebadbodh: you probably mean the god with many faces.. lol :)10:49
irondevbadbodh lol10:50
arcskyanyone have tested to use ssh to authenticate with Windows AD or windows NPS?10:54
dreamcat5hi. i'm on 15.04 and would like to run a script / command(s) whenever the wired networking is connected or disconnected (but not the wifi one). how to do that please ?11:08
ShapeShifter499I really want to run a ubuntu chroot under my arch linux system for the purpose of building for android (I tried building in arch but I could never get touch working on my android device). But I'm confused, chroot or schroot?   is there a reason to use one over the other?11:12
st_d3vilpost-ip post-down in /etc/network/interfaces11:12
OerHeksdreamcat5, use something like : cat /sys/class/net/eth0/operstate  # which should give you " up "  when connected.11:13
lord4163where do I find a list with snappy packages that I can install?11:13
cfhowlett!snappy | lord416311:14
ubottulord4163: Ubuntu Core is a rendition of Ubuntu with transactional updates using "snappy". For discussion and support, please visit #snappy and see http://www.ubuntu.com/snappy/11:14
scareyOk, ubuntu server straight out of the box. create user using sudo adduser --/home/folder thisuser11:15
scareybut root cannot see the home directory of the new user in ftp11:16
scareyanyone active?11:16
neetzI get this error everytime Processing was halted because there were too many errors. E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) , looks like there is some python package reoved from the system11:17
neetzwhat nexT ?11:17
NicholasCIt hasn't even been a minute, scarey. Calm down.11:17
ShapeShifter499I'm guessing schroot adds a user to a chroot so it can be ran without root?11:19
bazhang!chroot | ShapeShifter499 have a read11:20
ubottuShapeShifter499 have a read: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot11:20
neetzany suggestion ?11:20
k1l_neetz: can you pastebin the whole output?11:21
k1l_!paste | neetz11:21
bazhangneetz, using some PPA?11:21
ubottuneetz: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:21
ShapeShifter499bazhang: "Install the dchroot and debootstrap packages. "   that cannot be right can it?11:21
k1l_neetz: and did you change or remove the python packages?11:21
scareyany thoughts on my root not being able to see users issue?11:22
ShapeShifter499bazhang: I found that under https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot#Creating_a_chroot     I read somewhere that dchroot was deprecated for schroot11:22
neetzk1l_:  yes11:22
neetzk1l_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11724293/11:22
neetzubottu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11724293/11:22
EriC^^scarey: are you sure passing --<home> is the way?11:22
EriC^^adduser --/home/something ?11:22
bazhangShapeShifter499, have you tried either; both are in the repos11:23
scarey sudo adduser --home /home/folder thisuser11:23
ShapeShifter499bazhang: I'm not working out of ubuntu, I'm attempting a Arch Linux chroot11:23
scareythis is the command i used11:23
ShapeShifter499bazhang: er11:23
ShapeShifter499bazhang: I mean a ubuntu chroot from inside arch linux11:24
bazhangShapeShifter499, no idea sorry11:24
k1l_neetz: so you changed python?11:24
neetzk1l_:  i removed python 2.7 ,11:25
scareyEric^^: did you catch that?11:25
k1l_neetz: manually?11:25
neetzk1l_:  command11:25
edakiriWhere do you search non-free packages via WWW?11:25
k1l_neetz: details matter. what ubuntu, what did you do exactly? what output? etc etc11:25
EriC^^scarey: yeah11:25
EriC^^scarey: seems correct11:26
k1l_neetz: it sounds like you screwed the whole system with manually removing python 2.7.11:26
edakirifound it. the package was only named differently than I thought.11:26
EriC^^scarey: ls -l /home/.. doesn't exist?11:26
neetzk1l_:  first i removed python 2.7 , thru sudo apt-get auto-remove python  and then I removed bin files inside usr/bin both python and python 2.7 folders11:27
scareyEriC^^: I dont know what that command means11:27
neetzk1l_:  ubuntu version 14.0411:27
k1l_neetz: programs like dpkg rely on python11:27
neetzk1l_:  i know >_<11:28
neetzk1l_:  what's the solution now ?11:28
OerHeksneetz, reinstall ubuntu, as installing software needs python2.711:28
k1l_imho, a reinstall is the most clean and fast solution.11:29
ShapeShifter499bazhang: :/11:29
neetzk1l_:  I've a lot of data and packages and stuff like configu , some other solution ? like system restore is also a trouble ?11:29
k1l_could take hours to get a proper working state again and a lot of effort to put manually everything back where it belongs. th11:29
k1l_well if you have system backups or disk images, revert that, yes.11:30
neetzk1l_:  does ubuntu create snapshots automatically ?11:31
ikonianeetz: you asked this earlier as the user Goutham - and where told what you neded to do11:31
k1l_neetz: no11:31
ikoniawhy have you come back asking the same thing again as a different user11:31
neetzikonia:  no idea who is GOutham :/11:31
ikonianeetz: it's you - so lets not play games11:31
neetzikonia:  dude , I've no idea what you're talking about , so stop fuckin around , i have so many problems11:32
cfhowlettneetz, stop the profanity.  now.11:32
OerHeksneetz/Goutham, anyway, backup your data and reinstall11:33
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dreamcat5st_d3vil: thanks. i have done that now. BTW it seems (in 15.04) there is only 'if-up.d/', no 'if-post-up.d/'11:38
st_d3vilwelcome, may be11:39
dreamcat5st_d3vil: clearly i'm plugging-unplugging right now to test it. it works :) just had to move the script in if-up.d/ folder11:41
foofoobarHi. For testing I want to enable password auth for my sshd again. I set „PasswordAuthentication yes“ in my sshd_config and then tried to connect by: ssh -o PreferredAuthentications=keyboard-interactive -o PubkeyAuthentication=no user@host11:41
foofoobarBut when connecting I get: Permission denied (publickey,password).11:41
TJ-foofoobar: did you restart the sshd first?11:42
foofoobarTJ-: ofc. sudo service ssh restart11:42
TJ-foofoobar: is there anything in the target user's ~/.ssh/config to prevent it?11:43
foofoobarTJ-: no config file in the user’s .ssh folder.11:44
foofoobarWhen connecting with -v I get: debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password; debug1: No more authentication methods to try.; Permission denied (publickey,password).11:45
foofoobarSo it looks like „password“ is a valid auth method, why is this not used?11:45
TJ-foofoobar: any clues in the sshd log file?11:46
foofoobarTJ-: Is there a separate log file for the sshd?11:46
foofoobarTJ-: There is a „sshd[19116]: error: Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key“, but this entry does also appear when connecting by pubkey.11:48
foofoobarTJ-: It’s a wrong ssh command to connect...11:52
foofoobar„keyboard-interfactive“ should be „password"11:52
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austin4315Hey guys! I need help for configuring the x11vnc server on my machine running Ubuntu GNOME 15.0412:04
austin4315According to the x11vnc faq: http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/faq.html#faq-gone-lock I can lock my screen after my session completes12:04
austin4315However, how do I configure it to work on gnome?12:04
rpdalyjoin #stench12:08
DreamPCsHey guys, hopefully a quick question. How can I assign a  internal domain for a local machine? For instance, my desktop is running Fedora and I can get to it over the network by pointing to fedoradesktop.local (i.e. ssh fedoradesktop.local)12:10
ikoniatry asking in #fedora ?12:11
DreamPCsI have an Ubuntu machine running as an HTPC, how can I assign a domain to that? (Preferably htpc.local)12:11
ikoniaor have I miss-understood12:11
ikoniayou do that via the resolver12:11
ikoniaso either DNS/Ldap/Hostfiles12:12
DreamPCsikonia: I'm just trying to emulate what I've seen done in an Fedora install but I want to do it to an ubuntu installation12:12
mcphailDreamPCs: that is provided by avahi. Is it running on your htpc?12:12
ikoniayou need name resolution12:12
ikoniahow does avahi impact name resolution ?12:12
DreamPCsmcphail: Don't know, checking now12:12
DreamPCsIt's installed but I don't think it's running12:13
DreamPCs(headless btw most things are done via ssh)12:13
DreamPCsbut I will say this, my desktop machine doesn't have avahi installed and this one can be reached at fedoradesktop.local12:14
mcphailDreamPCs: usually runs automatically, and resolves to "hostname.local", so just set your hostname to whatever you want12:14
DreamPCsmcphail: my host name is already set to "HTPC"12:15
DreamPCsikona: could you possibly be a little more specific?12:15
mcphailDreamPCs: and HTPC.local doesn't resolve?12:15
DreamPCsmcphail that thought just popped into my head, I'll check12:15
ikoniaDreamPCs: sorry, which part is not clear12:16
ikoniamcphail: how does avahi impact name resolution ?12:16
DreamPCsikonia: No worries, I think we got it12:16
DreamPCsmcphail: It does resolve! lol I should have checked that.12:16
TJ-ikonia: avahi does mDNS12:16
IsaiHi, I was installing Ubuntu 15.04 in a VM but Ubuntu doesn't recognize my keyboard. I try to type but Ubuntu doesn't do anything.12:16
DreamPCsI don't think my ssh key is working though, still asking for a password.12:16
mcphailDreamPCs: ha!12:17
DreamPCsIsai: what virtualization software are you using?12:17
mcphailikonia: avahi is the linux equivalent of bonjour etc12:17
IsaiDreamPCs: VMware Player12:17
ikoniayeah, so it's not actually doing any name resolution, it's broadcase response ?12:17
Isaion Windows Server12:17
mcphailikonia: to my tiny brain it is doing name resolution :)12:18
DreamPCsmcphail: I got it working including the ssh keys, thanks for your help and you also ikonia12:18
mcphailDreamPCs: np. enjoy12:18
TJ-ikonia: avahi m-DNS does name resolution. See http://www.multicastdns.org/12:18
DreamPCsIsai, does your mouse work in the virtual machine? And is the keyboard a standard usb keyboard?12:18
ikoniaTJ-: yes, thats basically broadcast response12:19
ikoniawhich makes sense12:19
mcphailikonia: I don't claim to understand it, but know it works12:19
ikoniamcphail: no, it' useful for me too, I've not done much with it12:19
IsaiDreamPCs: the mouse works perfectly, I'm RDP'ing into my Windows Server from my phone (it isn't my phone, I can type on Notepad perfectly)12:19
DreamPCsOk so let me get this straight: You are using a virtual machine hosted on a Windows server being accessed by RDP from a mobile device?12:20
DreamPCsThere's a lot of jumps here, do you have physical access to the Windows server?12:21
berz3rk1Why did development stop on Ubuntu Next http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-desktop-next/daily-live/current/ ?12:21
IsaiDreamPCs: no, it's a server in Canada12:22
IsaiI've tried using the "On-screen Keyboard" but that also fails12:22
DreamPCsIsai: I don't know for certain but I would imagine is has something to do with going over the RDP. Can you install any other screen sharing software like VNC?12:23
DreamPCs (On the server)12:23
IsaiI've also tried that12:23
IsaiI'm stuck on the installation (as I can't type)12:23
DreamPCsWhen you said you tried the on screen keyboard, are you referring to the Windows on screen keyboard or the one in Ubuntu?12:24
IsaiDreamPCs: on Windows12:24
DreamPCsTry the on screen keyboard in Ubuntu12:24
OerHeksberz3rk1, is has not stopped, fresh image 2 days old >> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-gnome/daily-live/20150614/12:25
DreamPCsI don't know if vmware even detects keys from Windows on screen keyboard12:25
berz3rk1OerHeks: its not very usable right12:25
OerHeksberz3rk1, err, wrong url, this one >> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-desktop-next/daily-preinstalled/20150615/12:25
berz3rk1OerHeks: can I run X11 applications12:25
IsaiDreamPCs: How can I access the on-screen keyboard on Ubuntu (as I said, I'm stuck on the Ubuntu installation because I can't type)?12:26
OerHeksberz3rk1, is is just an impression, to run live. not to install.12:26
berz3rk1OerHeks: but i can install 15.10 right12:26
berz3rk1normal ubuntu development is so boring for the years already ;(12:26
DreamPCsIsai: I'm assuming your using some type of live media (lve usb image?) from Ubuntu, if so just boot into the live system and install from there12:26
OerHeksberz3rk1, sure, upgrade to the -d development version.12:26
berz3rk1the normal ubuntu interface didnt change for years12:26
DreamPCsIf your mouse works, once you boot into the live system you should be able to open the on screen keyboard12:27
IsaiAh, I see.12:27
OerHeksberz3rk1, "didn't change for years"  .. really?12:27
DreamPCsAnd I did a quick google search for "vm on screen keyboard" and most of the links I see talk about vmware, try using something like virtualbox12:27
berz3rk1unity 8 gets all the new stuff, but unity 7 comes with 15.10 .. so sad12:27
berz3rk1unity 7 is several years old and has no new features12:28
IsaiDreamPCs: Thanks! Looks like it's a VMware error.12:28
DreamPCsLet us know how it works out.12:28
TJ-berz3rk1: That's really the point of moving on to version 8... that's where development continues12:28
muh2000i cannot get nvidia driver loaded. what can i do?12:29
berz3rk1TJ-: but its not ready yet..12:29
* DreamPCs has to use the restroom, brb.12:29
muh2000same issue with nouveau :(12:30
berz3rk1OerHeks: but what if i want to install it12:30
muh2000modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'nouveau': Invalid argument12:30
OerHeksberz3rk1, nobody said unity 8 is ready :-D12:30
berz3rk1OerHeks: what am i supposed to do with this tar gz file12:30
OerHeksberz3rk1, step 1: join #ubuntu+1 for 15.10/unity-8, as we do not support it untill release.12:30
berz3rk1im there12:31
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OerHekswell, have fun12:31
berz3rk1OerHeks: ?12:31
OerHeksberz3rk1, there are only iso's on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-gnome/daily-live/20150614/12:33
berz3rk1OerHeks: Ubuntu gnome is something competly different..12:33
OerHeksberz3rk1, oh, then you have to use the one you had already.12:35
fyuza21how to change key config for nautilus for recent versions? editing the accels file does not seem to do the trick anymore12:40
austin4315yo ikonia its me, austin12:41
austin4315I need help for configuring the x11vnc server on my machine running Ubuntu GNOME 15.0412:41
austin4315According to the x11vnc faq: http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/faq.html#faq-gone-lock I can lock my screen after my session completes12:41
austin4315However, how do I configure it to work on gnome?12:41
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heipahi folks I have used logical vol management soft to reduce size of lvm, now I have free space which I want to use to make ntfs vol13:04
heipahow can I do it?13:04
kappa1Anyone knows a good application for ubuntu to edit PDFs? (basically text)13:06
kappa1I just want to fill in text in some forms13:06
bazhang!info pdftk13:07
ubottupdftk (source: pdftk): tool for manipulating PDF documents. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.02-2 (vivid), package size 677 kB, installed size 2899 kB13:07
bazhangkappa1, ^13:07
kappa1bazhang, are you sure I can write text on PDFs with that tool?13:08
kappa1It seems that its purpose is just to merge and split pdfs13:08
bazhangkappa1, try it13:08
kappa1bazhang, but it is command line based right?13:09
OerHekspdf editting on comandline, that is new for me13:10
bazhangkappa1, apt-cache search pdf for other options13:10
xrfanghello, when I use sshfs or curlftpfs to mount a remote url to local folder, the mounted directory automatically belongs to root, so that I cannot write into it unless using sudo.  How to prevent this? thanks13:12
YamakasYanyone a clue why a ppa is ignored when I'm asking for a policy on a package ?13:20
OerHeksYamakasY, on what ubuntu version, and what ppa?13:21
mosesMy computer had a shut down error ive never seen last night. Any commands to repair that?13:26
chegneywhere can I find what upstart termination status numbers mean?13:27
chegneyI have a post-stop script that terminated with status 213:27
chegneydmesg doesn't give any more information than that13:27
OerHeksmoses, hard to say, without error details.. check .xsessions-errors or /var/log/kern.log13:29
infolinuxHi All, I have just upgrade apache from 2.2 to 2.4. But I need mod-jk module. If i install it with apt libapache2-mod-jk. It needs dependency: apache2.2-common13:29
infolinuxAnybody advise to get the correct mod-jk?13:30
infolinuxUbuntu version: 12.0413:30
YamakasYOerHeks: trusty https://launchpad.net/~sssd/+archive/ubuntu/updates13:30
chotaz`wHey guys, my ubuntu box is freezing from time to time and I'm not being able to figure out what causes this. I think it fires a kernel panic somehow upon not having more available memory, because all I can do when it freezes is REISUB. What could I do to figure out whats causing this to my system?13:31
OerHeksYamakasY, and what ubuntu version ?13:31
YamakasYOerHeks: as I said, trusty13:32
chegneywhere can I find what upstart termination status numbers mean? I have a post-stop script that terminated with status 2 in dmesg, but I have no more information than that13:33
OerHeksYamakasY, and what package were you looking for?13:34
YamakasYOerHeks: it should work, but I still get 1.11 instead of 1..1213:34
OerHeksYamakasY, hmm odd, did you add that PPA recently, and did you update ??13:35
k1lYamakasY: "sudo apt update"13:35
k1lYamakasY: and after that please show a "apt-cache policy sssd" in a pastebin13:35
OerHeksinfolinux, how did you update apache to the trusty version??13:36
OerHeksinfolinux, you might better upgrade to 14.04....13:36
infolinuxYes that´s not a option13:36
OerHeksinfolinux, well, upgrading outside the supported repos can give you these headaches...13:37
infolinuxOerHeks: I have enabled this repo: ppa:ondrej/php513:38
YamakasYk1l: as I said, only the default is shown13:40
YamakasYI even pinned it a higher number13:40
YamakasYOerHeks: sure I did13:40
OerHeksinfolinux, contact that maintainer, to put libapache2-mod-jk in it? nothing much we can do about that13:41
IrfanAlamHow to installl ffmpeg ?13:42
infolinuxOerHeks: ok, that makes sense13:42
OerHeksinfolinux, grabbing the trusty version can get into other issues, i am afraid .. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libapache-mod-jk13:43
infolinuxGoing to manually install it13:43
YamakasYso it's weird it isn't showed at all13:45
k1l!paste | YamakasY13:46
ubottuYamakasY: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:46
YamakasYk1l: I only see the default repository in there, I know what it should show, both and a pin13:47
OerHeksIrfanAlam, up to 14.10 ffmpeg was replaced with avconv, due to security issues. as of 15.04 ffmpeg is back13:48
IrfanAlamOerHeks: how to install avconv?13:48
YamakasYOerHeks: ffmpeg is in 14.04 if you ask me13:48
k1lYamakasY: ok, then make sure the ppa is setup right and its working. but dont ask how to do since you refuse to show requested infos.13:49
OerHeksIrfanAlam, softwarecenter? take a read about it http://askubuntu.com/questions/432542/is-ffmpeg-missing-from-the-official-repositories-in-14-0413:49
YamakasYk1l: you want to see unrelated stuff, no show is no show... it's setup OK and it's hit during an update... but not for the package13:50
YamakasYOerHeks: I have ffmpeg in my manifests and it installs great13:50
OerHeksYamakasY, that is just a dummy package, pointing to avconv13:50
YamakasYon 14.0413:50
IrfanAlamOerHeks :I have to install it on my webserver !13:50
k1lYamakasY: its not unrelated. but your call. but dont expect others to help you if you play that game13:50
YamakasYOerHeks: but doing the same with the same commands ?13:50
YamakasYk1l: I don't play a game, nothing is more shown than default... it's like asking for a testdrive of a car you already own13:51
OerHeksIrfanAlam, i think you need to install the metapackage  libav-tools13:51
Dr_SThi folks13:51
Dr_STI'm encountering a problem to backport mod_wsgi in lucid with python2.7...13:52
IrfanAlam OerHeks: how ?13:52
k1land there is _no_ ffmpeg in 14.04. that is just a false information.13:52
Dr_ST /python2.7.10/lib/libpython2.7.a(abstract.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against `.rodata.str1.8' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC13:52
OerHeksIrfanAlam, sudo apt-get install <package>13:52
genii!info ffmpeg trusty13:53
IrfanAlamwhich package ?13:53
ubottuPackage ffmpeg does not exist in trusty13:53
IrfanAlamOerHeks: which package ?13:53
OerHeksIrfanAlam, why do i have to repeat ..13:53
IrfanAlamOerHeks: I am very new to Linux... Please give me the direct command13:54
k1lIrfanAlam: install "libav-tools" with any package manager you like13:55
IrfanAlamOerHeks: just give me the command to enter into ssh...13:55
Semiartyhe just did13:55
Semiarty[16:52:44] <OerHeks> IrfanAlam, sudo apt-get install <package>13:55
Semiartysudo apt-get install libav-tools, you can't ask for more13:56
IrfanAlamOerHeks: Semiarty: sudo apt-get install <package> -bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'13:57
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k1lIrfanAlam: come on. dont be a baby that needs spoonfeeding. you need to replace <package> with the actual package name you want to install.13:58
IrfanAlamsudo apt-get install avconv Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package avconv14:00
k1lIrfanAlam: stop14:00
IrfanAlamk1l: E: Unable to locate package avconv14:01
BluesKajIrfanAlam,  libav-tools and ffmpeg perhaps14:01
Semiartyis there a way to find out external IP of my ubuntu server? in terminal obviously14:01
k1lIrfanAlam: we have told you already 3 times the right package name in this channel: <k1l> IrfanAlam: install "libav-tools" with any package manager you like.  and Semiarty even gave you the whole line you need to put into a cli. please think before you ruin your whole system because of blindly putting commands there14:01
zykotick9Semiarty: w3m (text broswer) goto google.com, and search for "whats my ip", at the top of the results google will display it <- one option14:03
OerHeksSemiarty, wget -qO- icanhazip.com14:03
IrfanAlamk1l: I installed libav-tools still I am getting same error14:04
TvFredHi all, new here.  How can I start chromium-browser automatically in kiosk mode as root after LXDE starts ??14:04
k1lIrfanAlam: which error?14:04
k1lTvFred: are you sure about the "as root" part?14:05
IrfanAlamE: Unable to locate package avconv14:05
k1lIrfanAlam: from which command?14:05
IrfanAlamk1l:apt-get install avconv14:05
OerHeksTvFred, browser as root, in kiosk mode is bad.14:05
Semiartythanks zykotick9, OerHeks14:05
k1lIrfanAlam: that command is useless since there is no avconv package14:05
Guest1976Hi $Ubuntu! Trying this guide: http://wiki.libvirt.org/page/UbuntuKVMWalkthrough. But when I execute the virt-install (3d cmd)it fails because apparmor denies a method call... Anyone know how to resolve this?14:06
IrfanAlamk1l: OerHeks told me to install avconv14:06
fyuza21how to change key config for nautilus for recent versions? editing the accels file does not seem to do the trick anymore14:06
OerHeksIrfanAlam, avconv <>  libav-tools14:07
TvFredk1l: it's a touchscreen device with webpages pointing to localhost in which some scripts should be ran as root (not a networked unit)14:07
k1lIrfanAlam: the program is called avconv. but the package in ubuntu is called libav-tools.14:07
chotaz`wHey guys, my ubuntu box is freezing from time to time and I'm not being able to figure out what causes this. I think it fires a kernel panic somehow upon not having more available memory, because all I can do when it freezes is REISUB.What system log or tools would be helpful into finding what's really causing my system to hang? I'm completely blank here14:09
IrfanAlamk1l: I installed libav-tools, still it is showing Command line program avconv or ffmpeg not available14:09
k1lIrfanAlam: what command exactly?14:10
sen_hi friends14:10
IrfanAlamk1l: see this and solve all the No problems14:10
TvFredjust tried to insert  chromium-browser --user-data-dir --kiosk &  into /etc/rc.local but it is executed before LXDE , in fact if I recall /etc/rc.local from LXDE terminal all is working ok14:11
juergen_IrfanAlam: hi14:11
k1lIrfanAlam: its hard to help you if we dont know what you actually do there and what program requests avconv or ffmpeg.14:13
tobishello everyone14:13
wadSo I had something working previously, then I had to reboot, and so I set it up again, just the way it was before, but it no longer works. Been hammering on it for half an hour, and still nothing. Maybe one of you guys can give ma clue what I'm doing wrong.14:14
wadI've got a cron job that runs a script that ssh's to some other machines.14:15
tobisI have an issue with a corrupted PAM lib, and I'm unable to log on my server, any ideas to fix this ?14:15
kalibHello guys, since yesterday one of my machines was running ubuntu 14.10. Well, working fine. But after upgrading it to ubuntu 15.04, it started to get very hot. My processor seems to be working all the time in max speed. I have that intel new technology (turbo booster).14:15
kalibIs anything known about it? About ubuntu using the max speed and turbo booster? It shouldn´t be automatic? Use less when we don´t need it in max speed?14:16
wadSo it needs my keys in the agent. So to do that, I kill any running ssh-agent, then launch it again with "ssh-agent -s > file.foo". Then I add my keys to the running agent with "ssh-add". I see them with "ssh-add -l". My script (run via cron) sources file.foo first thing. THIS WAS WORKING THIS MORNING, but no longer. What's wrong with me?14:16
k1lkalib: see in system settings > updates and addition software > last tab "prop. drivers" if the intel microcode is activated14:17
kalibk1l, I will... can´t check it now, because I´m at work and my machine is at home. But I will, thanks for the tip.14:17
PretreSLThi guys14:19
tobisI have an issue with a corrupted PAM lib, and I'm unable to log on my server, any ideas to fix this ?14:22
PretreSLTCannot add new user through the User Accounts interface, it's unlock(ed) + button grey out, and cannot do anything from there. This is a GUI related question btw ;-) Thanks.14:24
ricardIt is very noticeable on the computer have to be ram 1400MHz 1600mhz ram14:29
wadAh, I figured out what I was doing wrong.14:29
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IrfanAlam_jellow: are you there ?14:46
IrfanAlam_how to send message to specific people in IRC ?14:48
jellowIrfanAlam_ hi14:48
somsipIrfanAlam_: /msg jellow are you there14:48
jellowIrfanAlam_ what version ubuntu you running?14:49
IrfanAlam_jellow: 14.0414:49
jellow  IrfanAlam_ better to get support on main channel as other can help.14:49
IrfanAlam_somsip: hi , you helped me some day ago14:50
jellowIrfanAlam_: can you install libav ( sudo apt-get install libav)14:51
IrfanAlam_jellow: apt-get install libav Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package libav14:51
jellowIrfanAlam_  figured its libav-tools but you've already installed it.14:52
IrfanAlam_jellow: so what to do now ?14:52
Semiartywhat do you want to do IrfanAlam_ ?14:53
jellowIrfanAlam_:  does this return anything ? whereis avconv14:53
IrfanAlam_jellow: avconv: /usr/bin/avconv /usr/share/avconv /usr/share/man/man1/avconv.1.gz14:54
IrfanAlam_Semiary: I have to install ffmpeg14:54
MonkeyDustIrfanAlam_  no, simply use avconv14:55
IrfanAlam_Semiarty: I have to install ffmpeg14:55
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IrfanAlam_MonkeyDust: how ?14:55
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MonkeyDustIrfanAlam_  in a terminal, type avconv ... or use winff, a nice gui tool14:56
MonkeyDust!info winff14:56
ubottuwinff (source: winff): graphical video and audio batch converter using ffmpeg or avconv. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.5.3-4ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 113 kB, installed size 1493 kB14:56
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IrfanAlam_MonkeyDust: On webserver14:57
MonkeyDustIrfanAlam_  sudo apt-get install libav-tools14:59
SemiartyMonkeyDust he has been told to do that countless times today14:59
MonkeyDustIrfanAlam_  what happens when you install libav-tools?15:00
IrfanAlam_It got successfully installed15:00
MonkeyDustIrfanAlam_  great, now, in a terminal, type avconv15:01
tyteen4a03Hi, I just got a "Timed out waiting for dev-disk-by-id 5baf3c76-ad4f-4888-a792-5859aba6c7cf to load" when booting up. It is a encrypted RAID10 drive and all cables are connected correctly; I don't know what's the problem15:01
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IrfanAlam_anyone there ??15:17
lapionI am somewhere that could be called there, of course it depends where you meant with there.15:18
pbxIrfanAlam_, just go ahead and ask your question15:19
mibitI have a question that maybe someone can help with15:21
neewubeedo ask!15:21
mibitI am looking to install Ubuntu onto an external USB 3.0 hard disk drive.  I want to boot my system from this external drive.  I've successfully installed Ubuntu onto this drive.  But I can't boot the system.  The computer doesn't see this drive.15:22
mibitThis is unusual because I first did a test by installing Win7 onto a USB stick, and then installed Tails on a USB stick.  I was aable to boot the computer from a USB stick using these systems.  But once I use an external drive with a USB cable, it doesn't work.15:23
mibitSo I think that I am missing a step.  Any idea?15:23
mibitI know that when I installed Win7 onto the USB stick, I had to prep the stick with a program (I forget the name of it right now.15:24
MonkeyDustIrfanAlam_  typed avconv? problem solved?15:25
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IrfanAlam_it webserver15:25
IrfanAlam_its a webserver15:25
MonkeyDustIrfanAlam_  yes, what happens when you type avconv15:25
IrfanAlam_avconv version 9.18-6:9.18-0ubuntu0.14.04.1, Copyright (c) 2000-2014 the Libav developers   built on Mar 16 2015 13:20:58 with gcc 4.8 (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1) Hyper fast Audio and Video encoder usage: avconv [options] [[infile options] -i infile]... {[outfile options] outfile}...  Use -h to get full help or, even better, run 'man avconv'15:25
MonkeyDustIrfanAlam_  voilÃa, that's all, type avconv -h to learn how to use it15:26
csbmibit, Are you able to select the USB drive from the bios boot menu?15:26
IrfanAlam_MonkeyDust: still it is showing that it is not availablem15:27
MonkeyDustIrfanAlam_  what is the exact error mesaage? use a pastebin for multiple lines15:28
mibitCSB, no it is not listed.  But what I was able to do in the part is select the USB stick from the boot menu when the system starts15:28
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MonkeyDustIrfanAlam_  keep it in the channel please15:31
IrfanAlamMonkeyDust: are you there ?15:32
MonkeyDustIrfanAlam  i'm here, so, what happens when you type avconv -h15:32
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MonkeyDustIrfanAlam  ok, looks like the problem is solved... now get familiar with avconv15:35
IrfanAlamstill the same error is showing15:36
MonkeyDustIrfanAlam  pastebin the error please15:36
IrfanAlamMonkeyDust: can you message me ? I will let you know in that...15:36
MonkeyDustIrfanAlam  no, keep it in the channel, no need for pm15:37
IrfanAlamI will tell you my website link15:38
MonkeyDustIrfanAlam  please, i'm losing patience, paste the link here15:39
MonkeyDustIrfanAlam  it needs a password15:40
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IrfanAlamempty, just need login15:40
MonkeyDustIrfanAlam  ok, now what's the problem15:41
IrfanAlamsolve all the NO problems15:41
MonkeyDustIrfanAlam  looks like a webdesign error or so, not sure how to integrate bash command into html15:44
k1lIrfanAlam: best is to ask the h5ai guys that they are looking for the wrong stuff for avconv15:44
MonkeyDustIrfanAlam  it's not ubuntu related15:44
boodllebat__is it possible to use both key and password authentication ? like key comes first if key is there then password authentication ?15:45
chotaz`wHey guys, my ubuntu box is freezing from time to time and I'm not being able to figure out what causes this. I think it fires a kernel panic(?) because all I can do when it freezes is REISUB.What system log or tools would be helpful into finding what's really causing my system to hang? I'm completely blank here, but I've already ran a memtest to make sure my memory hasn't any big issues.15:46
jayjowith crontab, can I say just run every two hours? How do i do that?15:49
polyziumhey guys15:49
jayjoI know how to do every day at 10 am etc15:49
polyziumwhere grub2 config is located?15:49
jayjowould I just do * for days (all), and then */2?15:50
jayjoIs that every 215:50
Picijayjo: yes. See man 5 crontab15:50
polyziumwhere grub2 config is located?15:51
EriC^^polyzium: /boot/grub/grub.cfg15:51
polyziumbut it says do not edit this file15:51
EriC^^what are you trying to do?15:52
k1lpolyzium: the changes are made in other files. like the running scripts or the default file.15:52
k1lpolyzium: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub215:52
polyziumEriC^^, i deleted my old linux partition and expanded my new one. after expanding i rebooted my computer and grub says no such partition15:53
EriC^^polyzium: are you in a live usb right now?15:53
polyziumbootrepair again?15:53
polyziumi just need to change the partition to sda615:54
EriC^^no, follow this guide from step 6 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#via_ChRoot15:54
SemiartyI dont get it, I am trying to create private/public keys, I created it and then copied the public key to the remote server and placed it in /.ssh/ and renamed to authorized_keys, however when I try to connect to that remote server I get enquired for passphrase everytime, what I am doing wrong?15:54
EriC^^Semiarty: what's the permissions of the file?15:55
Semiartyon the remote server?15:55
polyziumomg this is so complex15:55
Pinkamena_DSo today I woke up my laptop after undokcing it and the screen was black (no power to it), but the hdd light blinked a few times and the lock lights still worked - I think that the screen was just not correctly resumed after the undocking but the kernal was still running. It where any kind of keyboard short I can make which will re-initialize the display in this case so I do not have to do a hard reboot?15:56
EriC^^polyzium: type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999915:56
EriC^^rw-------- ?15:56
EriC^^who owns the file?15:57
SemiartyI do?15:57
boodllebatHello i have already public-key authetication i want like this if user logins with key successfully he should be asked for a key15:58
enterpriseyHeather3Ever: /r/riskyclicks is thataway15:58
mj_Quick question: how can I join the official Ubuntu phone mailing list?15:59
Semiartyso EriC^^? anything to add?15:59
OerHeksmj_, join #ubuntu-touch please. the topic has all info16:00
mj_ok thank16:00
EriC^^Semiarty: what's the permissions of ~/.ssh16:00
mj_just to let you know, please feel free to join our fb community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/iuseubuntu16:01
Semiartyit just shows the list of files in that folder16:01
ikoniamj_: please dont spam that16:01
EriC^^Semiarty: type ls -ld ~/.ssh16:01
EriC^^ok, try ssh -vvv to get more info16:02
Semiartyit says you ahve to specify host and then a variety of options16:03
SemiartyI guess I have to check the host of the remote server of interest?16:03
EriC^^ssh -vvv user@host16:03
Semiartywhen I do I have a huge list of lines with debugX (where X 1 2 3 ... )16:03
GargoyleDoes any part of Ubuntu (or Linux, generally) have anything like common services that all applications can call upon via libraries/APIs for managing things like AddressBook Contacts, etc?16:04
OerHeksSemiarty, after editting, did you restart ssh ?16:04
Semiartywell, I did not restart my own server if that's what you're refering to16:04
Semiartywhat should I see EriC^^?16:05
bstarekSemiarty, sudo service ssh restart16:06
EriC^^Semiarty: paste the output in paste.ubuntu.com16:06
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OerHeksbstarek, could be one of these 2: sudo service ssh restart / systemctl restart sshd.service (15.04/systemD)16:07
Semiartythe thing is, that I had it working, but when there was no passphrase (I just clicked enter each time I was asked for it)16:08
bstarekOerHeks, sorry, true, i am still doing it the old way16:08
Semiartybut then I decided get one16:08
Semiartyand then it stopped working properly16:08
OerHeksHeather3Ever, should we click that and why ?16:09
bstarekOerHeks, i am systemED yet =)16:10
OerHeksbstarek, no problem, just saying, and as a reminder of those reading us16:10
bstarekOerHeks, you are right.16:11
SemiartyOerHeks I just created a new publc/private key to try and again did not use any passphrase and now I did not have to type in the password to the remote server16:12
OerHeksSemiarty, nice, have fun!16:13
Semiartywell, the point is that its not what I want16:14
SemiartyI want one working with passphrase :|16:14
OerHekserr pass + keys ?16:14
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EriC^^Semiarty: you have to set that up when you make the keys i think16:16
EriC^^it asks you for a passphrase when you type ssh-keygen16:16
bstarekwould "update-rc.d johdone defaults" still work with systemd?16:16
Semiartyyes, EriC^^, so that was my problem16:17
Semiartywhen I did in fact include a passphrase, it wouldn't work properly and I would ask for that prhase everytime I connected to a remote server16:17
Semiartywhen I left it empty (just clicked enter) - it works16:17
OerHeksIn Fedora you can use "RequiredAuthentications2 pubkey,password " not sure this is available for debian/ubuntu too ....16:17
EriC^^that's what the passphrase is, it's normal16:17
SemiartyI see16:18
Semiartyso I just misunderstood the concept16:18
EriC^^it unlocks the keys so you can use them, in case your laptop gets stolen so nobody can ssh in and you have enough time to change the keys16:18
Semiartydoes the public key has to be named authorized_keys? or it can be any other name?16:19
IrfanAlamhow to install command line16:19
EriC^^i think it has to be authorized_keys , and it has strict permissions too16:19
myndziwhere does the result of crontab -e go?16:20
ikoniawhat do you mean where does it go16:20
EriC^^myndzi: /var/spool/cron/......16:20
myndzii mean, when i run 'crontab -e' i get an editor16:20
myndzii put some things in the editor16:20
myndziand it says "installing crontab"16:20
myndziwhere do the things i typed wind up?16:20
myndzisince they don't seem to have run and i can't seem to find them16:21
ikoniait is a syntax specific editor16:21
ikoniawhy don't you give us an example of one of your entries16:21
ikoniarather than trying to fight how cron works16:21
myndzithe output, i mean, the result; what does the editor do with them16:21
ikonialets fix your problem16:21
OerHeksSemiarty, also there is an excellent wiki about ssh https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys16:21
IrfanAlamEric^^: how to install command line16:21
EriC^^myndzi: the editor saves them in /var/spool/cron/..... but that's irrelevant to your problem i think16:21
myndzii mean after that16:21
myndzicrontab takes that file and puts it somewhere yes?16:22
ikoniamyndzi: lets see one of your failing jobs16:22
myndzi(that directory doesn't have anything)16:22
ikoniamyndzi: show us one of your problem jobs16:22
EriC^^cron runs them, if you want to see if it ran check /var/log/syslog16:22
t0byDon't know if this is the right channel, but I am running Ubuntu 14.04 on a Thinkpad T400, it's a P8600. Now, it's sluggish. I have 8GB RAM, but it's sluggish. The disk seems to be thrashing a lot. Do you think an SSD would be an improvement?16:22
myndzi01 2 * * * myndzi cd /home/myndzi/dailyscrape && ./scrape16:22
ikoniamyndzi: so thats not going to work16:22
gambl0reis it ok to have more than one package manager? for example i already have rpm but i need to install npm. is this gonna be an issue?16:22
myndzii mean, it's a simple question; presumably when it gets "installed" it gets installed somewhere i can look at16:22
EriC^^first you don't put your username there16:22
ikoniaas you don't have a full path to ./scrape16:22
EriC^^that's just for /etc/crontab16:22
myndzithat's what the cd is for, the script wants a cwd16:22
t0bygambl0re, yes and no.16:22
ikoniamyndzi: you don't change directory16:23
ikoniais wrong16:23
ikoniamyndzi: you also don't use your username16:23
ikoniaso your whole format is16:23
ikoniamyndzi: cron is not a shell16:23
myndziokay, i was told that crontab -e was supposed to alert me to errors ;(16:23
ikoniamyndzi: it is  job schedule16:23
gambl0reso what should i do then16:23
t0byTheoretically nothing stops you. Practically it defeats the whole purpouse of a package manager. npm (or pip, tex-live, etc) is an exception because it's not a stystemwide package manager but int only works for a particular subsystem16:23
gambl0rei need for rpm for ruby and i need npm for javascript..16:23
AlveKattAnyone know how I turn off 3d acceleration in ubuntu 14?16:23
myndziEriC^^: why is /etc/crontab different? how should i launch a specific script in a specific working directory as a specific user, then?16:24
auronandacegambl0re: ubuntu is not an rpm based distribution16:24
t0bygambl0re, to give you an idea, I once read a console log that had "yum install apt-get" followed by "apt-get install npm". The guy became the laughing stock of the office because of the former line.16:24
kuba7447.deb based16:24
ikoniamyndzi: forget /etc/crontab16:24
bstarekwould "update-rc.d johdone defaults" still work with systemd?16:24
t0byauronandace, maybe he's running Fedora or something?16:24
ikoniamyndzi: crontab -e is the correct tool, and I've told ou the problems16:24
myndzii'm glad you've told me the problems, but that doesn't help me solve them :P16:24
AlveKattAnyone know how I turn off noveau 3d acceleration in ubuntu 14?16:25
ikoniamyndzi: yes it does16:25
ikoniamyndzi: if you fix the problems - it will work16:25
kuba7447if you want a RPM based distro, use fedora16:25
myndzii assume so16:25
myndzithe question is how? if i'm not just executing a shell command, how do i set the CWD?16:25
EriC^^myndzi: just remove your username and it should work, also specify the full path to the script straight away16:25
ikoniamyndzi: you don't16:25
ikoniamyndzi: you call the full path16:25
EriC^^myndzi: /path/to/script is the same as cd /path/to && ./script16:25
gambl0retoo late, im already using ubuntu. i need to install emberjs and they require npm...16:25
HoloPedhey all, I'm trying to mount a USB drive and I get this error : wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb116:26
HoloPedwhat does it mean ?16:26
myndziEriC^^: ok, tahnks16:26
ikoniamyndzi: you're going to find it easier if you write a script that does what you want, then call that script from cron16:26
t0byEriC^^, except working directory etc.16:26
gambl0rewhat could happen if i have two packaged managers?16:26
EriC^^t0by: ah16:26
t0bygambl0re, it's okay. npm is more than okay. apt-get install npm and then npm install whatever. npm is a package manager specfically for the node.js usbsystem.16:26
myndziseems like every time i try to work with the default system tools i find they're clunky as all hell :P16:26
t0byEriC^^, you know, if script contains an rm -R *16:26
myndzii've now banged my head against syslog, upstart (the shitty centos version) and cron16:26
t0bystuff could get funny16:26
gambl0reok thanks16:27
ikoniamyndzi: they are not clunky at all16:27
kuba7447im my opinion, synaptic is the best package manager16:27
t0bygambl0re, btw rpm != npm16:27
ikoniamyndzi: you're not learning how to use them, you're just doing random things with them, then being upset that they don't work16:27
myndzi"not being able to execute a command like you could from the shell" seems pretty clunky compared to alternatievs16:27
t0byikonia, you know, that was my thing with women at the age of 1616:27
myndziand i'm not mad, just apathetic at this point :P16:27
ikoniamyndzi: no, it's  not meant for that16:27
ikoniamyndzi: it's a job scheduler16:27
ikonianot a command line tool16:28
myndzii keep trying to veer away from things that reinvent the wheel, but it turns out maybe new wheels are useful :)16:28
ikoniaagain - you're trying to do the wrong thing  with the wrong tool16:28
ikoniamyndzi: re-invent the whel16:28
t0byikonia, yes, I got a lot of that too16:28
ikoniawheel ?16:28
ikoniacron has been a solid tool for 20+ years16:28
myndziright, so when i say 'this tool is clunky for my purpose' and you say 'no it's not, you're just trying to do something this tool doesn't work for', that's kind of self contradictory :)16:28
ikoniado you think a.) it's wrong b.) you're using it wrong16:28
ikoniaI think b seems more likely16:28
myndzib is obvious, but that doesn't mean it's not clunky :P16:28
ikoniamyndzi: it is not clunky16:29
ikoniayou are using the wrong tool16:29
t0bymyndzi, enjoy the windows task scheduler.16:29
myndzii think you just want to argue about everything you possibly can16:29
myndziso i'm going to stop responding16:29
ikoniamyndzi: and you can execute command line argument with it16:29
t0bymyndzi, or that5 crappy thing they had on old Sun machines :P16:29
ikoniaI don't want to argue with you at all16:29
ikoniaI want you to use the right tools and get the right results, whih is why I'm giving you info on how to use cron properly16:29
t0bymyndzi, trust ikonia. he has his shit together.16:30
ikoniat0by: tone the language down please16:30
myndziit should be enough presumably to add a 'cd /absolute/path' at the top of the shell script16:30
myndzito get the cwd right16:30
ikoniamyndzi: no16:30
ikoniaagain - it is not a "shell"16:30
ikoniait's a job scheduler16:30
myndzii mean in the script that cron is referencing16:30
myndzinot in the crontab file16:30
t0byikonia, he has his... his... "he knows where his towel is"?16:30
AlveKattHow do I turn off noveau 3d acceleration in ubuntu 14.something?16:31
ikoniamyndzi: you don't use "cd"16:31
myndziso i can call it from anywhere and it will be in the right directory16:31
ikoniamyndzi: call the script/command from the full path16:31
auronandace!behelpful | t0by16:31
ikoniano, you use the full path16:31
ubottut0by: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.16:31
myndziyes, i understand that16:31
t0bymyndzi, using cd will NOT work because it's not a shell, it doesn't have the *concept* of cworking directory16:31
myndziand the full path to the script/command16:31
ikoniamyndzi: great, so you have no need for "cd"16:31
myndziwill get me a script that executes, yes?16:31
myndzinow if i want that script to execute in a specific directory, inside of that script, i should be able to cd to that directory, yes?16:31
ikoniamyndzi: you can do that from within the script, yes16:32
t0byauronandace, I'm... familiar with cron? I was just agreeing with ikonia. myndzi kind of seems in need of hearing people telling him ikonia is speaking perfect sense. Which he is.16:32
myndzithat's all i was saying16:32
myndziand it will run as the user that executed 'crontab -e' ?16:32
ikoniamyndzi: correct16:33
ikoniamyndzi: do you want to try an example entry so we can check it for you16:33
myndzii followed everything just fine :)16:33
myndziabsolute path, no cd, remove username16:33
ikoniacan you show us your example entry16:33
Semiartywell, I was wondering if I could connect to a 2nd remote server with one command? at the moment I have to ssh host1 and then ssh host2 to get to host2, could I do something that I would only have to write lets say ssh host2fast and I would  get from my server to the host2? I have private/public keys on both servers in a chain order, so I don't need passwords to connect to them16:33
ikonialets take a look at it16:33
myndzi01 2 * * * /home/myndzi/dailyscrape/scrape16:33
ikoniamuch better16:33
myndziand at the top of that file under the hashbang, cd /home/myndzi/dailyscrape16:34
myndzii realize it would be better not to make it depend on the cwd but it's calling external tools16:34
myndziand they don't have that ability (yet)16:34
EriC^^Semiarty: does ssh user@host1 "ssh user@host2" work ?16:35
Semiartyill try16:35
Semiartyno EriC^^, it says "pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal"16:36
histoSemiarty: don't use the quotes16:36
Semiartyit connects to host1 and I get this message fyi16:37
histoSemiarty: why can't you reach host2 from your machine?16:37
myndziikonia: thank you for your help16:37
histokind of silly pivoting through another box16:37
Semiartybecause host2 is a local server behind a host1 network16:37
SemiartyI have to ssh to uni's network and then ssh to a research computing server16:38
Semiartywhich I cannot access externally16:38
ikoniamyndzi: no problem16:38
IrfanAlamhey how to install command line ?16:38
histoIrfanAlam: ?16:40
histoIrfanAlam: you mean a command line only system.16:40
gambl0reopen up your terminal...16:40
OerHeksIrfanAlam, is this related to your webserver-page ?16:40
histoSemiarty: I'm still thinking of a way to do whatyou want. hold up16:40
Semiartyyeah, I thought so16:40
SemiartyI tried tunneling as well, but the intermediate host (uni network) does not have netcat16:40
IrfanAlamthe error is Php command line not detected16:40
t0byDon't know if this is the right channel, but I am running Ubuntu 14.04 on a Thinkpad T400, it's a P8600. Now, it's sluggish. I have 8GB RAM, but it's sluggish. The disk seems to be thrashing a lot. Do you think an SSD would be an improvement?16:41
Semiartyhttp://sshmenu.sourceforge.net/articles/transparent-mulithop.html this one16:41
histoSemiarty: tried -t16:41
ikoniat0by: have a look at why the disk is thrashing16:41
IrfanAlamOerHeks: Yes16:41
ikoniathat will tell you more16:41
t0byikonia, it's not swapping.16:41
gambl0reguys i want to install emberjs. i already installed the npm package manager now i want to install ember-cli. do i install with sudo using sudo npm install -g ember-cli ?16:41
ikoniat0by: ok - so what's it doing ?16:41
Semiartywow it's busy in here tonigth ;D16:41
Semiartyhisto the same ssh -t host1 ssh -t host2?16:42
t0byikonia, it happens very frequently and is not linked with something in particular, except that of course the machine is doing I/O of some kind - say, launghing a program or loading a big datafile.16:42
histoSemiarty: ssh -t host1 "ssh host2"16:42
t0byCould be Picasa, could be IntelliJ, really.16:42
t0byThe pattern is the same: "chug chug chug chug chug".16:43
ikoniat0by: have a look at the I/O operations, see what's using the disk at that time16:43
Semiartyeh, did ssh -t host1 ssh -t host2 and it worked, should I expect any difference between the two commands?16:43
t0byikonia, what would I be looking for?16:43
t0byikonia, you seem to have something in mind.16:43
ikoniat0by: see what's using the disk16:43
ikonianothing in mind, hence curious to what's using it16:43
t0byikonia, just iostat?16:44
Semiartywell, histo, the same result with your command as well, now I just have to write a script? so I don't have to write such a long command line?16:44
histoSemiarty: -t is forcing the pseudo tty allocation so that the command run remotely doesn't just exit16:44
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OerHeksIrfanAlam, i have no idea, that _h5ai webserver thing is not in our repos, maybe you better ask in #ubuntu-server16:45
histoSemiarty: in your .bashrc just put alias remote='ssh -t host1 ssh host2'16:45
IrfanAlamOerHeks: Just tell me how to install cli16:45
histoSemiarty: then 'source .bashrc' or log out and back in of that terminal and you can just type remote16:46
OerHeksIrfanAlam, you already have cli - comand line interface, but what you want is that special webthing, that i don't know.16:47
histoIrfanAlam: command line only system can be installed by install ubuntu server.16:48
histoIrfanAlam: or you can just remove the desktop.  it's up to you.16:48
OerHekshisto, he wants a dash/terminal in that website16:48
IrfanAlamOerHeks: No, you understood wrong16:48
Semiartyhisto what if I want to use 2 word combo? like ssh host, can I do that? cause when I write in bashrc only 1 word gets highlited in teal16:48
hplchow can i make this script automatically overwrite my present servers/sources?   http://pastebin.com/gwjj4Ebx16:50
histoSemiarty: are you using single quotes like I was?  You can include double quotes inside of them if you want. alias foo='something -option "something2 whatever"'16:50
hplcor rather the outcome overwrite the present servers16:50
histoSemiarty: what is hilighting teal your editor?16:50
Semiartyhisto, what I meant is that I would like to use alias ssh host=....16:51
Semiartybut only ssh is highlighted in teal16:51
auronandaceSemiarty: why not use an underscore instead of a space?16:51
IrfanAlamOerHeks: The script I want to use h2ai is directory indexer.... and it needed ffmpeg, zip, du, convert module to be installed on the server so that user can download the file in that directory in zipped, or preview it. If the directory has video content then they can play it via ffmpeg ....16:51
Semiartywill it be read as space in the terminal or underscore auronandace?16:52
Semiartyit's not a major issue and I am just being picky, I was wondering if I can have 2 separate word combo working16:52
Semiartyinstead of just 1 word alias16:52
IrfanAlamOerHeks: Did you understand ?16:52
SemiartyI could just just remote like histo told me, it's just my curiosity, nothing else16:53
GumaI have 64G SD card (Sumsung) that I one resizes to Max using gparted. Now that I configured fresh image with everything I want I want to shrink it before dd and then truncate. The weird thing is that gparted will not allow me to shrink it. After I select partition I want to shrink then I click on resize button and then as usual I try to move slider down to desired partition size. But I does not allow me to do this. Anyone has idea why? It did try with gparted16:53
Guma 0.18 and 0.1916:53
SemiartyI am pretty new to ubuntu server and terminal and I am learning, thus interested in everything related.16:54
IrfanAlamSamiarty: OerHeks: k1l: histo: The script I want to use h2ai is directory indexer.... and it needed ffmpeg, zip, du, convert module to be installed on the server so that user can download the file in that directory in zipped, or preview it. If the directory has video content then they can play it via ffmpeg ....16:55
Semiartyfound my answer, nevermind16:56
Semiartythank you very much histo16:56
histoSemiarty: what did you end up doing?  a function?16:57
Lurchycool..using hexchat for first time  :-)16:58
Semiartyfound stuff like http://superuser.com/questions/105375/bash-spaces-in-alias-name histo, but I am going to stick to just one word for now16:58
histoSemiarty: yeah that explains the issue that it only checks the first word of a command for an alias16:59
Lurchyif I installed ubuntu 14.04 server on a single 500MB drive....what would be the best remote admin backup method?17:00
LurchyI want to take snapshots and backup offsite...17:00
Lurchyon samerr...not offsite...on same network on another drive17:00
histoLurchy: rsnapshot or something similar17:00
histo!backup | Lurchy17:01
ubottuLurchy: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning17:01
auronandaceLurchy: would it fit on something that small or did you mean 500GB?17:01
LurchyI have used diff things in windows...but I see this default backup installed in the client.....is there a backup util installed in a server instance?17:01
Cruceriohi, my ubuntu 14.04 gnome laptop does not remember my display settings (pivot display so its pretty ugly on startup)17:02
LurchyI want to remote admin using a gui client (win/linux)17:03
Lurchyahhh..ill be back after I read up17:03
Lurchyauro...i meant 500gb17:04
Lurchymistype :-)17:04
Cruceriodoes anyone know why a laptop might forget the external display settings?17:05
Crucerioon reboot17:05
histoLurchy: Remote admin using gui client of what?17:06
Lurchywell...I installed ubuntu server onto this 3.2ghz systam I am sticking in the closet...want to remote admin the box....ao I took out video card...17:07
Lurchyerr so17:07
Lurchybasically...installing things step by step as a noob....want to be able to take sanpshots of ubuntu install as i progress...in case I screw it up17:08
regeditis this the channel Tj- frequents?17:08
LurchyIve used norton on windows...is there similar program in linux...im reading up on list now17:09
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regeditis there a "last seen" feature on freenode / #ubuntu?17:10
historegedit: he's in here now17:10
regeditoh wow what a coincidence17:11
regeditTJ-: hello!17:11
historegedit: you can /whois username17:12
IrfanAlamwhich files contains default index-file list ?17:13
TJ-Someone called?17:13
IrfanAlamTJ-: which file contains default index-file list ?17:14
regeditTJ-: yessr, how are you today :)17:15
docmurIf I'm running apt-get in a shell script, how do I surpess it asking me for feed back, right now I'm doing apt-get -y install grub2 svn, but grub2 asks me to for some options, I want to prevent that and run a grub-install later17:16
IrfanAlam__TJ-: ?17:16
regeditTJ-: so you seem to know a little bit about BIOS/UEFI17:16
regeditIrfanAlam__: it was me17:17
IrfanAlam__regedit: which file contains default index-file list ?17:17
histoIrfanAlam__: can you type du in the terminal does it output anything?17:17
KrigsforbryterHello, i have a problem with creating raid 6, can anyone se the problem? http://pastebin.com/wTMx6tbi17:18
IrfanAlam__histo: 4       ./.cache 1364    .17:18
TJ-regedit: A little bit17:18
TJ-What is a "default index-file list" ?17:19
histoIrfanAlam__: okay well du is installed but your silly web thing is saying it's not available17:19
IrfanAlam__TJ-: it save the preferred file fetched when a directory is accessed... like index.php index.htlm index.cgi ....17:21
TJ-IrfanAlam__: Ahhh, you need to be more specific. You mean for a web server, which on Apache httpd is the DirectoryIndex directive. To find all instances of that do "grep -rn DirectoryIndex /etc/apache2/*"17:23
regeditTJ-: i'm still stuck at the part where i cant flash the bios... does it make sense that if i tear down my UEFI dual boot setup, and install an old msdos MBR OS, that my existing BIOS setup will suddenly reappear?17:23
IrfanAlam__TJ-: grep: /etc/apache2/*: No such file or directory17:24
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TJ-regedit: Hmmmm, doesn't make sense *unless* the firmware, in UEFI mode, is stuck in "FastBoot" mode. Can you get into Setup and check the state of that setting. You might find doing a complete factory default reset of the firmware settings will cure your issue (if you're lucky!)17:27
TJ-IrfanAlam__: Is that system using Apache httpd as its HTTP server, or some other (such as nginx) ?17:28
IrfanAlam__apache 2.217:28
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regeditTJ-: unfortunately i deleted manufacturer recovery partition, so can't restore initial manufacturer state...17:29
regeditTJ-: can i check this Fastboot setting from like, System Information in windows?17:30
OerHeksIrfanAlam__, tell him that you use h5ai, that would save a lot of time, no ?17:30
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regeditTJ-: or from something within ubuntu?17:30
awojoThursday I'm setting up a POWER 8 box with KVM and Ubuntu and MAAS. Anyone done this yet?17:30
TJ-regedit: There may be a way in Windows 8 but it's a setting in the firmware and ought to be settable from there17:32
mdgeorge4153I'm trying to install ubuntu to replace fedora, and I'm a little confused about the disk partitioning step.  Can someone help?17:32
historegedit: What type of computer is this?  make/model.17:32
IsoLnCHiPHi, does anyone know an archive mirror that still provides Saucy packages?17:32
TJ-!oldreleases | IsoLnCHiP17:32
regedithisto: Lenovo IdeaPad U410. The manufacturer released a BIOS update, but fails to flash...17:32
OerHeks!eolupgrade | IsoLnCHiP see this page for the old-releases trick17:32
ubottuIsoLnCHiP see this page for the old-releases trick: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:32
historegedit: does it give an error when it 'fails to flash'17:33
TJ-IsoLnCHiP: Use http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/17:33
regeditTJ-: which is problematic when i cannot possibly access said firmware setup panel... :'(17:33
TJ-regedit: Have you checked that the installed firmware version *is* older than the version you're trying to install?17:33
IsoLnCHiPThx TJ- and OerHeks17:33
regeditTJ-: yep, it is indeed17:34
regedithisto: i did notice something in windows logs, hang on leme check17:34
TJ-regedit: I think you need to contact Lenovo support17:34
historegedit: is there a reason you're updating the bios?  are you affected by an issue that the new one fixes?17:34
TJ-histo: Yes17:34
regeditTJ-: yep i'm trying some of that too, thus far they're sending me to geeksquad... what can they do that i and you can't?17:35
TJ-regedit: If the PC will enter Setup if you try an MBR boot, can't you force that and then check for the FastBoot setting in the UEFI boot options?17:35
TJ-regedit: Ahhh, I see... you need 3rd line support by the sound of it17:35
regedithisto: the update purpose says something about "...BIOS Setup inaccessible after using windows recovery" which sounded appropriate for me after installing a custom UEFI Windows + Ubuntu dual boot when i suddenly couldnt access bios setup anymore17:36
mdgeorge4153I'm trying to replace my fedora installation with an ubuntu install; and the /dev/mapper stuff is new since the last time I partitioned a drive17:36
mdgeorge4153can someone help me understand what I'm seeing?17:36
regeditTJ-: whadyou mean by 3rd line support17:37
regedithisto: it appears to amount to a newer version of the bios that just needs to be successfully flashed, but so far failing to do so17:38
TJ-regedit: Making contact with the support engineers that really know what they're talking about :)17:38
TJ-regedit: for an overview of the boot issues see the "Preparing to Install Linux" section here: http://www.rodsbooks.com/linux-uefi/17:38
historegedit: how does dualbooting prevent you from getting into the bios17:40
regeditTJ-: so geeksquad geeks might actually know more about this stuff (than more "native" lenovo technicians) is what you're suggesting?17:40
TJ-histo: The firmware has a known bug that results in not offering a way to access Setup during boot17:40
triredHow do i change the main path for VirtualBox VMs to another hard drive?17:40
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TJ-regedit: I have no idea, but usually the initial support response is from 1st line support agents who know next to nothing and work from scripts17:41
regeditthis is the BIOS update in question http://support.lenovo.com/us/en/products/laptops-and-netbooks/ideapad-u-series-laptops/ideapad-u410/downloads/ds10101117:42
TJ-regedit: Whats' the state of play at the moment? The system will boot to Windows 8?17:42
pbxtrired, sounds like a virtualbox support question17:42
regediti am currently using the machine in question, it dual boots fine i can use Windows 8 and ubuntu17:42
triredpbx will go to their irc17:42
TJ-regedit: OK, but you can't get into Setup even from the manual boot selection menu?17:43
historegedit: if it's working fine why are you trying to update the bios?17:43
regeditTJ-: the funny thing is - even the option that used to be there on the manual boot selection menu - disappeared!...17:43
regedithisto: i need to tweak some important BIOS settings, for example: enable HW Virtualization...17:44
historegedit: then press fn+f2 while the machine is booting instead of trying to trigger the bios entry from windows17:44
TJ-regedit: The option is playing hide-and-seek with you :) ... have you tried holding down the key even though the boot display doesn't display the Setup menu message?17:44
regedithisto: i've been doing the former all this time, wasn't even aware of the latter possibility - maybe i should try that?17:45
historegedit: https://download.lenovo.com/consumer/mobiles/bios_readme_u310_u410.txt17:45
regedityup fn+f2 frantically 1,480,469 times... and fn+12, and Novo key...17:45
histohave you read that.  look at the instructions for installing their bios.  Well if you can get into the bios wth does there fix do17:45
regeditthey tell you to enable UEFI, which is already the case by me17:46
snuffeluffegusHey I'm trying to run "sudo smartctl --device=auto --smart=on --offlineauto=off --saveauto=on --tolerance=verypermissive --captive --test=long /dev/sdb" but every time I get the error "Interrupted (host reset)". I've tried turning off hdparm, but it doesn't seem to be working.17:46
TJ-histo: We went through all that yesterday, regedit is stuck though since the only update option - from Windows - fails17:47
Finetundrahello folks, can someone help me figure out how to live an Asus that has win 8 and UEFI. I'm unable to get a model17:47
snuffeluffegusNon captive tests work, but I want to knock the test out fast, and I'd like it to also keep a pid locked so I can watch it in a script I'm writing.17:47
regedithere is an excerpt from the Event Log when trying to run the windows BIOS update: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11726153/17:48
petrvshi dex17:49
DexterFcan one access a raid1 set up in the mobos bios? in particular an nForce 570 raid1? I'd prefer to use software raid, but the ubuntu/studio installer does not offer raid setup anywhere17:49
TJ-regedit: That's the Phoenix Technologies SecureCore Tiano updater, so we know Lenovo are using the Phoenix firmware now17:49
awojoAnyone have any experience with Ubuntu on POWER?17:49
regeditTJ-: yep i could've told you that much. there is also another bootup screen i can access called the "setup splash" or something, which just seems to show some specs/details about the BIOS and system17:50
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TJ-regedit: That tool can take command-line options to over-ride certain features17:51
regeditTJ-: not sure it does, it ends with a press any key to continue and just power cycles17:51
TJ-regedit: I have the Phoenix internal documentation on that tool.17:52
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regeditTJ-: really? i really dont seem to be getting a command line. is there maybe a key combo to reach it?17:52
TJ-regedit: We should really take this discussion to ##windows17:52
regeditTJ-: ok, heading there17:53
stuxnetwhen i try to click tab to complete commands in bash, with some programms, it prints this;17:54
petrvsawojo: try asking a question with a more useful potential answer17:54
stuxnetCannot parse arguments: Unknown option -r17:54
petrvsstuxnet: maybe that executable doesn't have an -r17:55
stuxnetit only happens with some, not all17:55
stuxnetbut i'm not trying to use any -r17:55
stuxnetfor example, when i try to open some file with vim17:55
stuxnetand write vim and start to write the name of the file and use tab to complete17:55
stuxnetit prints that17:56
stuxnetalso happens with okular17:56
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stuxnetbut not with cd and other apps17:56
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DrBennyWill the MSI GP70 2PE work with Ubuntu 14.04?17:56
stuxnetand that didn't happen before17:57
stuxnetit worked normally17:57
DrBennyWill the MSI GP70 2PE work with Ubuntu 14.04?17:59
geniiDrBenny: There are so many different hardware combinations it's difficult to know what will exac tly work out of the box. Best to try booting it on a livecd and see if everything works as expected18:00
DrBennyOk thanks, I am trying to find a better laptop18:01
awojopetrvs: I'm setting up Ubuntu with POWER KVM on IbM POWER 8 hardware.. I want to know if MAAS is available to deploy ON the power hw or I have to run MAAS on intel18:04
petrvsawojo: version?18:05
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awojo15.04 preferably18:07
petrvshttp://packages.ubuntu.com/vivid/maas says architecture 'all'18:08
petrvsone would hope that is accurate18:08
petrvsmight talk to #ubuntu-powerpc for further confirmation18:08
awojoAh, interesting it's a deb18:09
awojonice didn't know that existed18:09
snuffeluffegusHow do I completely disable hdparm?18:12
SeidrI created a single NTFS partition on a 2TB drive at my Ubuntu workstation earlier, and brought the drive home with me, however the partition is showing as two ~980GB partitions, instead of a single 2TB partition. Additionally, I cannot mount the partitions in Windows. Is there a reason Ubuntu would of created these two partitions, instead of a single partition, and is there any way to create a single partition that utilizes all of the space on the18:13
Seidrdrive? Thanks18:13
mdgeorge4153I just almost finished installing ubuntu; I'm getting a message that says "bootloader install failed"18:13
mdgeorge4153I'm not sure what to do at this point, can someone help?18:14
OerHekssnuffeluffegus, apt-get remove hdparm # it is just a package, maybe it triggers more utils.. why would you want this ?18:15
snuffeluffegusI believe it's spinning down my drives when I'm trying to do captive smart testing18:16
snuffeluffegusI'd rather not completely remove it, but just tell it to stop being soo bossy.18:16
TJ-snuffeluffegus: is there a control file for it's startup service setter in "/etc/default/" ?18:16
snuffeluffegusI already edited /etc/hdparm.conf to max out the spin down timout to like 9 hours. TJ-18:17
TJ-snuffeluffegus: have you manually read the drive's spin-down time in case the value in the drive is different?18:19
snuffeluffegusI'm reading the hdparm man page atm so I'll take a look at it when I get a chance TJ- I am having some issue overwriting some of the drives settings. Some kind of io error.18:21
csmuleDo changes take immediate effect when writing values to kernel settings such as /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches or whatever.18:22
n-iCehello, whay would you guys say is the most lightweight ubuntu version out there18:23
lotuspsychje!lubuntu | n-iCe18:23
ubottun-iCe: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.18:23
MonkeyDust!mini | n-iCe18:23
ubottun-iCe: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD18:23
hugegreenbugcsmule: yes, if you echo directly to the file18:23
csmuleCool. Thanks hugegreenbug.18:23
hugegreenbugcsmule: if you edit /etc/sysctl.conf, you need to run sysctl -p18:23
csmulegot it. Great. Thank you again.18:24
gojuI am running 15.04 LTS...I use a ADSL modem and usually keep it as bridged mode. I am unable to connect after creating a DSL connection in Ubuntu.  Plz help18:24
MonkeyDustgoju  it's 14.04 LTS or 15.04 (not LTS)18:25
gojusorry for that18:25
MonkeyDustgoju  is it 14.04 or 15.04 ?18:25
goju 64 bit desktop18:25
n-iCeso, lubuntu?18:25
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lotuspsychjen-iCe: whats your end goal please?18:26
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n-iCelotuspsychje: the faster version18:26
gojuunless i connect by creating a dial-up dsl I have to port-forward a lot of softwares. Plz help18:26
lotuspsychjen-iCe: a fast system depends on various things, not only on a light flavor of ubuntu18:27
n-iCelotuspsychje: like18:27
lotuspsychjen-iCe: you can tweak ubuntu to fast also18:27
lotuspsychjen-iCe: if your hardware is capable of it?18:27
n-iCelotuspsychje: I don't follow18:28
lotuspsychjen-iCe: if your system is older, try lubuntu or xubuntu to make it faster18:28
n-iCeIs not older, but I want it really fast18:28
n-iCei3 4GB here18:28
n-iCeBut Ubuntu does not feel that fast.18:28
lotuspsychjen-iCe: then you can tweak ubuntu desktop real fast also18:28
deicidern-iCe: I would recommend lubuntu anyway. It's fast, light and does the job even on my ancient single-core CPU. If you want something even lighter, go with Debian LXDE or XFCE18:29
lotuspsychjen-iCe: what is it that feels 'slow' on your ubuntu?18:29
snuffeluffegusStock ubuntu is kind of bloaty for an i3, but use like xubuntu, and you'll see some snappyness.18:29
n-iCedeicider: thanks18:29
n-iCesnuffeluffegus: thanks18:29
lotuspsychjei dont agree with that, ubuntu should be real fast on i3 also18:30
blzHi guys, I (stupidly) did an apt-get dist-upgrade and I got this output -- something seems to have gone wrong and I'm not exactly sure what.  Could somebody please advise?  Thanks!  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11726421/18:30
deiciderlotuspsychje: It's the desktop that slows the computer down in most cases.18:31
deiciderDesktop enviroment18:31
lotuspsychjedeicider: depends on the hardware too mate18:32
n-iCeso, should I move to Debian xfce/lxde?18:32
moondogT05.PMPGCD        PROCESS GROUP CODE18:32
moondogT07.PMPYCD        PLY CODE18:32
moondogT05.PMFNCD        FINISH CODE18:32
moondogT04.OHSTE         STATE CODE18:32
moondogT04.OHSVIA        SHIP VIA CODE18:32
moondogT04.OHFOB         FOB CODE18:32
pbxblz, have you tried what it suggests at "please inspect the output of /usr/share/mdadm/mkconf..." ?18:32
lotuspsychjedeicider: i run 14.04 64bit on an old amd 3200+ with ssd and goes rocketfast 7 sec boot18:32
pbxmoondog, use a pastebin18:33
deiciderlotuspsychje:  But of course it does. If you have better computer, it will run faster, simple logic.18:33
bekksdeicider: thats not true in all cases ;)18:33
blzpbx, yes.  I forgot to post it, sorry!  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11726445/18:33
moondogputty, didn't realize a right-click would past18:34
moondogpaste even18:34
deicidern-iCe: I had no problem with speed on Debian XFCE, nor LXDE. XFCE looks better18:34
blzpbx, looks like I was maybe supposed to run the file.  Here's the output:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11726449/18:35
deiciderbekks: In most cases, it is.18:35
pbxmoondog, happens :)18:35
snuffeluffegusSo I'm thinking the spindown issues is cause it's a seagate. hdparm even has a command to attempt to override this issue, but I'm getting an IO error "HDIO_DRIVE_CMD(seagatepwrsave) failed: Input/output error" Any ideas how I might be able to rectify this?18:36
pbxblz, try this:  cat /usr/share/mdadm/mkconf | diff - /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf18:38
blzpbx:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11726471/18:39
pbxblz, try this, universal diff format is a little easier to read.  (that said, i don't know what madm is or how you'll correctly reconcile the differences):     cat /usr/share/mdadm/mkconf | diff -u - /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf18:42
snkcldwhat is the part of ubuntu which manages the clipboard? im trying to debug an issue that causes my chrome tab to freeze each time i copy or paste18:42
blzpbx:  mdadm has to do with with software RAID.  I'm actually not overly concerned about it since it's not needed for boot and I can always fix that manually later.  I'm just worried that my kernel is screwed up and that I won't be able to reboot.  How can I check that this is still working?18:42
pbxblz - don't know, sorry.18:43
mdgeorge4153hi, I just tried to install ubuntu and now I have an unbootable machine.  Can anyone help?18:43
blzpbx, no worries.  Thanks for your help! :)18:43
lotuspsychjemdgeorge4153: can you descibe whats happening exactly?18:43
=== Samul|AWAY is now known as Samul`
mdgeorge4153lotuspsychje: yes.  during install the bootloader install failed.  I told it to continue without installing, and then ran grub-install before rebooting18:44
mdgeorge4153after rebooting I just got the flat purplish screen, and nothing else18:44
lotuspsychjemdgeorge4153: ubuntu version?18:44
petrvsmdgeorge4153: if you see a purple screen, it's probably booted18:45
pbxblz, if you do end up needing to share that diff, this should get you a nice colorized one:   cat /usr/share/mdadm/mkconf | diff -u - /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf | curl -s -F "syntax=diff" -F "content=<-" http://dpaste.com/api/v2/18:45
petrvsprobably your DE hasn't loaded18:45
lotuspsychjemdgeorge4153: single boot or dualboot?18:45
blzpbx, thanks a bunch!  I'm going to save that snippet18:46
pbxsnkcld, if it's specific to chrome then i doubt mucking at the system level will yield much.  but to play with the clipboard it can be helpful to install xclip18:46
mdgeorge4153oh hey, it just booted18:46
mdgeorge4153guess I just needed to be patient.  thanks18:46
lotuspsychjemdgeorge4153: is this an uefi machine perhaps?18:47
mdgeorge4153how would I find that out?18:47
lotuspsychjemdgeorge4153: whats the default Os on your pc?18:47
mdgeorge4153I just replaced fedora18:47
mdgeorge4153it's a mac mini18:47
lotuspsychjemdgeorge4153: nevermind then18:48
mdgeorge4153anyway it seems to be working now18:48
dczhello guys, i was trying to install TILDA on ubuntu 14.04 , i get this error https://paste.kde.org/phkdxbtir  , after i run " ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr "18:48
snuffeluffegusAnyone in here have any experience overwriting Seagate HDD power settings?18:48
petrvsdcz: tilda is in universe, install with the package manager18:48
petrvssnuffeluffegus: hdparm will probably work if it works at all18:49
petrvssnuffeluffegus: if it doesn't, take it back18:49
dczyeah the universe version is 1.1 but i want 1.2 version because of solarized theme18:49
petrvsthere's sdparm, too, but that's still largely superfluous IME18:49
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snuffeluffegusI'm trying to "refurb" a bunch of drives. I can't take these back.18:49
lotuspsychjedcz: its reccomended to use versions of packages for your ubuntu version18:49
petrvssnuffeluffegus: cool18:50
lotuspsychje!info tilda | dcz18:50
ubottudcz: tilda (source: tilda): Gtk based drop down terminal for Linux and Unix. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.2-1 (vivid), package size 85 kB, installed size 528 kB18:50
dczi use ubuntu 14.0418:51
dacorr_snuffeluffegus: refurb in what way?18:51
lotuspsychjedcz: if you want 1.2 would be reccomended to install 15.04 then18:51
petrvsmake the useful18:51
lucas__e screwd up my ubuntu18:51
lotuspsychjelucas__: can you describe whats happening?18:51
dczalso it seems, i dont have tha universe repo18:51
petrvssane applications do not require compiling to install a theme, either, FYI18:52
lucas__i install compiz , and when i gave the command "compiz --replace" my windows manager dont work18:52
lotuspsychjelucas__: ubuntu version?18:52
snuffeluffegusI work for a reseller, and I'm trying to write a script that will run a captive smart test on the disks.18:52
petrvslucas__: you'll have to configure compiz18:52
snuffeluffegusIf they're crap then we bin them, but if they have life left we sell them or stick them in refurb machines.18:53
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petrvssnuffeluffegus: and they're sleeping in the middle of a test?18:53
histodcz: what tilda are you talking about looks like they haven't updated since 200818:53
lucas__my version is 14.018:53
petrvssnuffeluffegus: weird18:54
dczlatest here , https://github.com/lanoxx/tilda18:54
snuffeluffegusI know right18:54
lotuspsychjelucas__: wich window manager do you use?18:54
petrvssnuffeluffegus: if hdparm doesn't work, you could just cd in there and run a thing every foo interval18:54
snuffeluffeguscd in?18:54
petrvsI think I got some big seagates once that wouldn't do the opposite, they wouldn't power down18:54
petrvsseems like a daft make in general =)18:55
petrvssnuffeluffegus: or just regularly run something that keeps it awake18:55
snuffeluffegusI was makig a script read from the drive via dd every 30 seconds, but they still just crap out on me.18:55
lotuspsychjelucas__: maybe this can help: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/11/how-to-set-up-compiz-in-xubuntu-1210-or.html18:55
petrvssnuffeluffegus: might talk to #hardware18:56
histodcz: are you following these directions https://github.com/lanoxx/tilda/blob/master/HACKING.md18:56
lucas__thanks im gonna take a look18:56
dczit gives error at this point , ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr18:56
snuffeluffegusyeah I'm thinking that's the next stop petrvs18:56
lotuspsychjeHeather|TRIGGERE: no randome pictures in this channel please18:57
csmulethere goes my lunch hour18:58
dacorr_snuffeluffwgus: I normally keep spares of the interface boards on drives so i can swap them out. as long as they ae the same make and model and 8 digit number  printed on them match that normally fixes most problems beyond internal drive mechanics18:59
dacorr_snuffeluffwgus: of course data recovery companies do not want people to know that19:00
snuffeluffegusThat's like a whole effort though dacorr_ I need to be able to push through 200+ a day.19:01
dczyeah its okey now19:01
dczfinally built it19:01
petrvsif more than one drive is doing this, then probably every last board will produce the same result19:04
dacorr_depends what was 'wrong' with the drive to begin with. if it is internal mechanics then the cost to recover is ridiculous with very few companies with the clean rooms to do it19:07
lotuspsychjelets keep it ubuntu related guys19:08
pz3GullHi, everyone!19:09
pz3GullPlease is there anybody knows how change files/folders icons in Nautilus?19:10
lotuspsychje!themes | pz3Gull19:11
ubottupz3Gull: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy19:11
blzI can't (un)install any packages as I get the following error:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11726655/  Here is the output of /usr/share/mdadm/mkconf and /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf, respectively:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11726663/  and   http://paste.ubuntu.com/11726665/19:14
blzAny help would be appreicated19:14
pz3Gull@ubottu, Thanks! I'm actually searching for a way to change only the icons in Nautilus. I've ever changed my global theme by the past but I've noticed some slow-down.19:15
hydrajumphi booting from desktop 14.04.2 iso downloaded today and trying to use `hdparm --user-master u --security-set-pass PASS /dev/sda` throws an input/output error. The version of hdparm on the live cd is 9.43.19:19
hydrajumpany ideas?19:19
lotuspsychjepz3Gull: http://askubuntu.com/questions/79110/how-can-i-assign-custom-icons-to-folders19:19
syadnomhey all.  need some iptables help if anyone is willing.19:19
lotuspsychje!iptables | syadnom19:20
ubottusyadnom: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo19:20
pz3Gull@lotuspsychjs, Thanks so much! It works! :)19:22
syadnomsomeone want to take a peak?  I'm trying to mark the connection and then mark DSCP for any of those connections19:23
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lotuspsychje!yay | pz3Gull19:24
ubottupz3Gull: Glad you made it! :-)19:24
hydrajump.buffer 2619:24
x__czy jest tu ktos z polski19:26
lotuspsychje!pl | x__19:27
ubottux__: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.19:27
DexterFwhen installing, ubuntu asks if I want to encrpyt the disk. I said yes. later it asks: encrypt the home folder? I said yes again. then it dawned on me: I now double-encrypted the home dir, right?19:28
pz3GullBye! Thanks for the help!19:30
jxshxxGreetings! Tried upgrading an older tower from 14.04 to 14.10 and now all I get is date/time in the middle of a blue screen and a couple indicator applets.  Now what?19:30
ubuntu822jxshxx: UPgraded with no errors, and you reloaded any needed driver like graphics?19:31
ubuntu822jxshxx: 14.10 is a month from eol, I would have waited for a longterm personally.19:32
darthanubisDexterF, only the first yes is needed19:33
jxshxxubuntu822, There were a couple items along the way that is said didn't load.  It starts me in low graphics mode, but I can't do anything19:33
GJdanquestion since I have absolutely no clue.  What does ubuntu use for services these days?  Still sysvinit?19:33
lotuspsychjeGJdan: wich version?19:33
darthanubisGJdan, systemd19:34
darthanubisthese days19:34
ubuntu822jxshxx: Get a terminal and run a update and dist-upgrade and see if anything installs first. If you have used a propietary graphic driver you will need to reload it.19:34
lotuspsychjedarthanubis: 14.04 still on init19:34
darthanubisugh, I know, he asked these days19:35
darthanubisI read it as latest19:35
GJdanah okay, good to know19:35
ubuntu822jxshxx: a ctrl-alt-f1 will get you a tty terminal.19:35
GJdanlatest is what I as wondering19:35
jxshxxubuntu822, I haven't been able to get a terminal up, so far19:35
jxshxxubuntu822, ah!  yes19:36
ubuntu822jxshxx: Cool, at this point we are just looking around upgrades usually run fine......19:36
metalicewhat you guys are preferring? working on gnome or unity?19:36
lotuspsychje!poll | metalice19:37
metalicelotuspsychje: how to use it?19:37
jxshxxubuntu822, Do I enter like a normal terminal?  "sudo" etc?  it says "desktop login"19:37
lotuspsychje!flavors | metalice19:37
ubottumetalice: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.19:37
tgm4883metalice: don't poll people here. This is for support19:38
ste_hello, would someone be able to tell me what plugins I need to install to get MSE and H264 for HTML5 working in firefox? Thanks19:38
metaliceokk :))19:38
ubuntu822jxshxx: You login first than run sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade19:38
mtottenh_Hi all, I seem to be having a problem with udev. On boot it doesn't seem to be loading the driver for my network cards, but if I manualy run 'udevadm trigger' after logging in it detects them and loads them fine.19:40
laurentidemy /var/log/lastlog file is 4.7 GB. is it safe to clear this file?19:40
jxshxxubuntu822, ran Update - tells me I have duplicate sources and I should run Update to fix ...19:41
jxshxxubuntu822, I loved Bill Murray in that movie ...19:42
ubuntu822jxshxx: When you upgraded how did you do it?19:42
jxshxxubuntu822, through the software updater.  Running dist-upgrage right now19:44
ubuntu822jxshxx: Ah, than you need to check the software sources gui or open the config and look for dual repos and be sure thay are all 14.10. The is an additional repo file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d19:46
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josharensonI just upgraded to wily and it broke my vim plugin  https://github.com/Valloric/YouCompleteMe... Anyone else use this?19:48
ubuntu822jxshxx: It may be that you have to do some of this editing in a terminal, I'm not real up on this, I use gedit/leafpad, others here are cli users however.19:49
jxshxxubuntu822, put "/etc/apt/sources.list.d" in the terminal?19:49
mcphailjosharenson: #ubuntu+1 for wily support19:49
josharensonmcphail: ack19:49
ubuntu822lotuspsychje: What is the bots info on sending a command to a pastebin I forget.19:51
jxshxxubuntu822, Errors were encountered while processing: sysv-rc, initscripts, util-linux, e2fsprogs19:51
lotuspsychje!pastebinit | ubuntu82219:51
ubottuubuntu822: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com19:51
jxshxxubuntu822, Sub-process /usr/bindpkg returned an error code (1)19:52
ubuntu822jxshxx: Hold on I have a command we just need it to a pastebin, look at the top message and use this command    grep -vr "^#" /etc/apt/sources.list{,.d/}19:52
lotuspsychjelaurentide: http://www.shellhacks.com/en/HowTo-Clear-or-Remove-Last-Login-History-in-Linux19:52
ubuntu822lotuspsychje: Thanx, I'm not up on cli vim....etc, this user may need this, feel free to pipie in. ;)19:53
ubuntu822jxshxx: That command will show us all your repos so we can look through.19:54
jxshxxubuntu822, sorry, can you send me just the command that goes in the terminal?19:54
lotuspsychjemtottenh_: maybe the #ubuntu-server or ##networking guys might know?19:55
jxshxxubuntu822, the way it broke into 2 lines on my screen, I'm not sure where spaces are19:56
ubuntu822jxshxx: install pastebinit   sudo apt-get install pastebinit19:57
jxshxxubuntu822, done, with an error19:58
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ubuntu822jxshxx: Try this command   grep -vr "^#" /etc/apt/sources.list{,.d/} | pastebinit     if it works post the url shown20:00
sueliHi, I can't increase the volume in the graphical mode, only doing sudo on a terminal. How does can I change that ?20:01
doublepophello, need help spliting pdf in ubuntu using pdftk/grep/cut. my pdf is 2000 pages and need to split 1-2, 5-6, 9-10, 13-14 and so on to desire output.pdf. Any help?20:02
suelihi sheilong20:03
sheilongsueli:  hi20:03
lotuspsychjedoublepop: http://askubuntu.com/questions/221962/how-can-i-extract-a-page-range-a-part-of-a-pdf20:03
jxshxxubuntu822, tells me that pastebinit is not installed ... trying again20:06
jxshxxubuntu822, unable to migrate - references the earlier error messages20:08
ubuntu822jxshxx: There are a lot of outliers in this situation, you have upgraded to a release a month from eol, you mkight consider just doing a fresh install, if you can pull your stuff out, install is 20 min.20:08
doublepoplotuspsychje: thank you will check this out.20:09
lotuspsychjedoublepop: no sweat mate :p20:09
suelithe bar of my volume in the window maneger doesn't move20:09
sueliit is blocked20:09
jxshxxubuntu822, That's certainly my last resort.  There's no "take me back to 14.04" command?  :)20:10
lotuspsychje!sound | sueli20:10
ubottusueli: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.20:10
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ubuntu822jxshxx: No, however you could have cloned, and backed it up, lots of linux ways to move OS easily. ;)20:11
ubottuThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.20:11
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent20:12
ubuntu822jxshxx: You could persist to a fix as a leaning sistuation, I'm just not your helper in the area of patience at a certain point is all.20:12
MonkeyDustjxshxx  the command is "backup and fresh install, create a separate /home partition during install, to make future upgrades easies"20:12
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lotuspsychje!msgthebot | hardtail20:13
ubottuhardtail: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".20:13
jxshxxubuntu822, Got it.  Thanks for your efforts!20:14
jxshxxMonkeyDust, If you'd made it rhyme, I might have tried it20:15
ubuntu822jxshxx: No problem, anything is fixable, just a personal how hard you want to work varible is all. Mine is always be backed up cloned etc, takes less than ten min to be up and running again.20:16
awojoWow it's REALLY annoying the vsphere web client in 6.x is STILL TIED TO WINDOWS20:18
awojoYou can use it, but to do any admin tasks, you need the plugin20:18
awojowhich only works on windows20:18
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bekksThats whats written down in the requirements, so no need to get desparate about it :)20:19
hardtailWill the performance hit be drastic when using "Try Ubuntu" from USB?20:19
MonkeyDusthardtail  what happens when you try20:20
hardtailMonkeyDust Failure.20:21
MonkeyDusthardtail  define failure20:21
hardtailHaven't tried.20:21
MonkeyDusthardtail  what's keeping you from trying?20:22
hardtailNothing, I am downloading the .ISO now. I realize I did not join the offtopic channel. Moving forward in there.20:23
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b1001Do anyone know how to build your __own__ image for LXD to use?20:27
sueliMy alsa output20:27
azizLIGHThow do i figure out why i have a ppa installed and if i need it anymore20:32
laurentidelotuspsychje, thanks but that doesn't seem to answer my question re: whether it is a safe thing to remove or not, and why either way20:33
ubuntu822azizLIGHT: Why was a personal decision.20:33
b1001azizLIGHT: you can see repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list20:34
ubuntu822azizLIGHT: ppa's are last use repos and not really supported here, however tell us the ppa.20:35
doublepoplostuspsychje: i see this possible using the following command: pdftk A=example.pdf cat A1-2 A5-6 A9-10 output exampleout.pdf.  do you know how to avoid typing 1-2, 5-6, 9-10 and so on? basically I am skipping 2 pages.20:35
MonkeyDustazizLIGHT  try    sudo apt-get update|grep ppa20:35
b1001azizLIGHT: Or you can remove them by using add-apt-repository -r <repository>20:36
azizLIGHTi have kirillshkrogalev/ffmpeg-next and mc3man/trusty-media installed for some reason. what could the reason be20:36
bekksazizLIGHT: "Your will". It was you who installed it.20:36
azizLIGHTwhy would someone typically install such a ppa20:36
b1001azizLIGHT: some codec (non-free stuff)20:36
k1lazizLIGHT: see on launchpad.net what packages that PPA offers and if its still worth it20:37
lotuspsychjedoublepop: try the printer trick= save to file20:37
azizLIGHTok, can regular programs depend on ppa packages? if so how do i check20:37
k1lazizLIGHT: if you need (and i really say need, not want) a other (most time newer) version of a program. like you need a feature which is only supported since version 5 and ubuntu only ships version 4.20:38
ubuntu822!ppa | azizLIGHT20:38
ubottuazizLIGHT: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge20:38
k1lazizLIGHT: all regular programs in the official ubuntu repo dont rely on PPA.20:38
mcphaildoublepop: have you looked at pdfsam, which might do what you want more easily?20:39
mcphail!info pdfsam20:39
ubottupdfsam (source: pdfsam): PDF Split and Merge. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.4-2 (vivid), package size 684 kB, installed size 809 kB20:39
ubuntu822azizLIGHT: As one last communication, there is a ppa-purge that will remove the ppa and all it has installed, reverting any changes to the regular repos.20:40
doublepoplotuspsychje: yes, but will still need to type all pages needed and my pdf is 2000 pages long. so i will need to save to file and print 1-2,5-6,9-10 and so on until I reach page 2000.  any ideo on how to simplify this process.20:40
lotuspsychjedoublepop: maybe with the package mcphail suggested?20:41
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lotuspsychjedoublepop: my guess would be a pdf file so large, will always be long manual work to edit20:42
doublepopmcphail: will look at this thank you.20:42
doublepoplotuspsychje: thanks for pointing this out will check this out.20:42
mcphaildoublepop: the website seems to suggest you can do what you are asking quite simply. Hope it works20:42
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Guest40938 sono federica20:43
Guest40938 14 anni20:43
Guest40938mora e pelosa20:43
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:44
=== Samul` is now known as Samul|AWAY
Guest40938chimi vuole in privato<?20:45
HoloPedhey all, I'm trying to mount a USB drive and I get this error : wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1 | What does this mean and how do I fix it ?20:46
lotuspsychjeHoloPed: have you tryed reformat or cant you loose your data on it?20:48
HoloPedlotuspsychje, there is nothing on it20:49
HoloPedI formatted it in windows20:49
HoloPedto fat3220:50
lotuspsychjeHoloPed: try gparted and format you another layout perhaps20:50
jxshxxubuntu822, I found this,http://askubuntu.com/questions/543857/getting-error-with-dpkg  , but I need help with the particulars of "moving scripts" in the answer given20:51
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ubuntu822jxshxx: I would be careful just following what appears to you to be relavant, I see nothing in that link. At the least it seems you need to get to the sources.list and sources.list.d to get cleaned up.20:56
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Haqpyfeethi guys, I'm a teacher that has decided to learn c++ over the summer and decided to make a knock knock joke program for my class. The problem I have is how to handle the response to the question "knock! knock!" How would I scan for the proper text string of "whos there?"20:59
ubuntu822jxshxx: You have to be clearly with no errors communicating with the repos, no dual listings, out of release, third party I.E. ppa's etc in the way.20:59
HaqpyfeetI know I should use an if else statement to make sure the proper text string is entered20:59
PiciHaqpyfeet: You'd probably be better off asking in ##c++ than in #ubuntu20:59
Haqpyfeetroger that, thanks21:00
PiciHaqpyfeet: You'll need to be registered and identified with freenode to talk there.. so...21:01
Pici!register | Haqpyfeet21:01
ubottuHaqpyfeet: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode21:01
jxshxxubuntu822, okay, time to get the external drive!21:01
ubuntu822jxshxx: I commend you tenacity, you just want to be careful is all. ;)21:02
jxshxxubuntu822, me understand21:03
meLonHey. How would I go about finding out what the hell keeps adjusting my volume automatically.  I can't type because every few seconds my volume adjusts, and the app loses focus.  It is SUPER frustrating and I can't find the cause21:07
IsaiHi, I recently installed Ubuntu in a VM and the VM offered "Easy Install". When it booted, I saw it neglected to install a shell and an SSH daemon. How can I fix this?21:08
ubuntu822Isai: what was the install source, this a standard ubuntu iso, or a net install?21:09
Isaiubuntu822: it was an iso21:10
ubuntu822Isai: What release, what you describe does not sound like a canonical ubuntu release.21:10
meLonI'm back, if anybody said something for the pulse audio thing21:11
ubuntu822Isai: Was this a net install, tiny iso.21:11
Isaiubuntu822: it was Ubuntu 15.04 (or whatever Vivid Vervets' version number it)21:11
IsaiIt was an iso21:11
ubuntu822Isai: Can I see the url of your install source.21:12
ubuntu822cool thanx21:12
Isaiubuntu822: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/thank-you?country=US&version=15.04&architecture=i38621:13
SheGhettomeLon: try to install PulseAudio Volume Control ( you may find it on Ubuntu Software Center) and control the volume from there21:13
squintymeLon:  checked your hot keys setup for conflicts maybe21:14
ubuntu822Isai: This an apple computer?21:14
meLonSheGhetto: squinty I am familiar with that tool, and I can check hot-keys, but It's not that because I've unplugged all input devices21:14
IsaiNo, I'm running it on a VM (VMware Player) on Windows Server 201221:15
meLonIs there a log fore?21:15
meLonfor pulse*21:15
ubuntu822Isai: This on a computer on the web?21:16
ubuntu822the cloud21:16
Isaiubuntu822: yes, a cloud server21:16
ubuntu822Isai: Ah, Im not sure what happened, I'm not up on this kind of install, that downloaded ISO Has all the base and desktop info on it if the sum is correct21:17
IsaiWell, I pressed Easy Install on the VM so idk21:18
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ubuntu822Isai: Key here is the details I extracted the cloud the iso, someone will help.21:18
ubuntu822the vm info is probably crucial as w guess Isai21:19
IsaiMaybe Recovery Mode might work?21:19
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ubuntu822Isai: I would not just peck at it, however it is a vm it can be removed, here details and patience are your best friends.21:21
ubuntu822You're well within supportable issues and we see all kinds of setups here using the canonical releases, if that helps. ;)21:23
squintyIsai:  if you are looking for the ssh server for your vm install then you will need to install openssh-server which is not installed as part of the default ubuntu install21:25
Isaisquinty: I know, I'm just trying to figure out how to get a terminal or something to install a shell and the sshd21:26
ubuntu822Isai: ctrl-alt-f1 is a tty21:28
ubuntu822Isai: gotta go. ;)21:30
ubuntu822best of luck21:30
saberugetting init Gecko errors with Wine21:32
regeditTJ-: heya, you there?21:36
TJ-regedit: just about :)21:36
ax562how can I mount my ntfs partition when ubuntu said it is hibernating and cant access21:36
k1lax562: tell windows not to use the "fastboot" thingy21:37
ax562fastboot thingy?21:39
k1lwindows does some hibernation to the ntfs partitions so it can boot faster the next time. but this makes linuxes not beeing able to mount that drives or having a risk of corrupting data.21:40
regeditk1l: that can be done from windows? i thought that can only be configured from bios21:40
k1lso you need to set windows to not use that "fast reboot" option.21:40
OerHeksfastboot <>secureboot21:40
ax562yeah I disable all that crap21:40
petrvs<> is != for those of you who don't use terrible languages =)21:40
Jordan_Uax562: Your Windows installation *is* hibernated, and it would be a very bad idea to modify the filesytem underneith it.21:41
TJ-regedit: I showed you yesterday how you can access Setup and disable fastboot (better known as Hibernate) in the menus of Windows 821:41
regeditTJ-: well i tried calling manufacturer support, they don't deal with weird custom installs and it's impossible to punch through to a real technician to ask any hardcore questions.... sad state of corporate tech companies21:41
regeditoh hibernate21:41
OerHeksindeed fastboot can make partitions and wireless devices unreachable, awesome21:41
TJ-regedit: That's a real shame.21:41
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regedithow come them big-name techies don't hang out here on IRC sometime?21:43
saberucan someone help me wirth wine?21:43
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petrvsregedit: because IRC is the enemy of productivity21:43
k1lsaberu: depends on the issue. but since wine is quite complex itself you might want to ask the wine spcialists in #winehq21:43
saberubecause the big name techies have a life and im sure their job is very busy21:43
saberuyeh winehq is dead :(21:43
ax562well *is* hibernated is wrong unless they forced some type new option on me unknowingly21:44
saberuthe issue is Gecko is failing to init, and i've tried multiple ways of installing it21:44
historegedit: big name who?21:44
saberui've never had issues like this before on other boxes21:44
k1lax562: did you actively set the feature to off on windows?21:44
regedithisto: lenovo etc21:44
historegedit: lenovo isn't a person21:44
historegedit: I'm sure there are IBM peeps on irc21:44
saberuim wondering if it's a problem with the user im running wine on, i didn't really give the user any special permissions21:45
bekkshisto: I know there are ;)21:45
saberuit's just got sudo etc but i dont run wine in sudo anyway21:45
Jordan_Uax562: Windows 8 defaults to hibernating when you select "shutdown". Your Windows installation is hibernated.21:45
regeditwhy is it that the actual people who know the answers to the issues our communities (linux etc.) are struggling with - are so impossibly unreachable and not having some channel of communication to help / share knowledge etc...21:45
petrvsregedit: what issues?21:45
ax562Jordan_U I took all those crappy options off many moons ago21:45
regeditmy bios UEFI is not accessible21:45
historegedit: What version of windows are you running?21:45
bekksregedit: Because their companies offer support during business hours, and the employees dont give support in their free time.21:46
regedithisto: Windows 8.1 x64 + Ubuntu dual boot21:46
historegedit: http://winaero.com/blog/how-to-disable-or-enable-fast-startup-in-windows-8-1/21:46
ax562that's where I'm at regedit21:46
historegedit: after disabling fast startup try using fn+f2 to get into your settings during boot.21:47
regedithisto: if this works, i am buying you at least 2.5 beers21:47
petrvsregedit: why would they care that you can't pick one OS?21:48
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regeditpetrvs: i picked ubuntu, but Unity game engine...21:48
petrvsregedit: why not pick a game engine not made by clowns21:49
regeditbecause i am a clown, and lenovo doesn't mind clowny customers21:49
Johnny_Linuxquit clownin around21:49
silvaunity game engine is terrible unless you're a beginner trying to put their basic skills to use21:50
regeditsilva: ^ perhaps that is the definition of le moi21:50
regeditit's not like UE4 is all up & running on linux either21:50
petrvsif you minded clowny customers you'd not be very wealthy21:51
regedithisto: this fast startup thing from windows - that affects the whole system as a whole even if i'm doing like UEFI dual boot to GRUB ?21:51
k1lregedit: it affects the ntfs partition. if you dont want to mount the ntfs partition on ubuntu, there is no issue21:52
regeditwell, no i dont21:53
regediti'm currently logged into the ubuntu on the dual boot setup in question21:53
regeditthe windows partition is unmounted21:53
k1lwhich means you cant share files on ntfs with windows and ubuntu then. if that is fine, dont bother with that setting at all21:54
regeditas in - not mounted21:54
TJ-regedit: Windows fast startup is Hibernation21:54
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regeditTJ-: i'm trying to figure out if that would be the reason why i cant reach bios setup right now21:54
TJ-regedit: That won't affect the UEFI 'fastboot' option, although the names are confusingly similar21:54
regeditahh ok i see...21:55
k1lregedit: that doesnt make anything with the bios21:55
TJ-regedit: But it's worth a try - you've exhausted almost every other route to kicking the firmware to behave :)21:55
TJ-regedit: We don't know what/how Lenovo have customised the Phoenix UEFI21:55
regeditfrustrating how impossible it is to just have a chat with one of 'em engineers...21:57
regediti wonder if a private-eye would succeed if tasked to do so :D21:58
compdocthey dont speak in human languages21:58
regediti am not human21:58
bekksregedit: Pay them, they'll chat with you.21:58
alleinwhat do you mean about human language21:58
compdocright. youre a windows database editor21:59
regeditbekks: nope, the support dept. already told me they will not help me with my custom setup21:59
bekksregedit: So you are on your own since the support engineers will not spend their free time with people they told they'd not give business support either.21:59
TJ-regedit: I wonder if you booted it to the full TianoCore UEFI v2 shell, from a USB stick, you might be able to do something with it22:00
Jordan_Uregedit: What problem are you having? What is your end goal?22:00
regeditJordan_U: for example to enable HW Virtualization22:00
regeditcurrently off22:00
regeditTJ-: is that a possibility?22:01
TJ-regedit: Jordan_U -everyone- Lenovo IDeaPad U410 (no-touch) refuses to access UEFI Setup at boot. A known issue with an updated firmware fix, but the Windows 8 flash update (Phoenix WinFlash) crashes and won't update so there is no way to access the UEFI Setup22:01
TJ-regedit: It rather depends whether the bit flags that are causing this within the firmware's NV-RAM can be altered froma full UEFI shell22:02
regedit(back to rant) i guess the way such companies see it, it's more woth for them to produce hardware and only support the most common / standard stupid cutomers. to that end they feel free to crap out whatever technical craps they want and not need to care much for 'em22:02
Jordan_Uregedit: Do you have Ubuntu installed already? It will add an option to your grub menu for getting to the boot firmware setup screen.22:02
hplcis smart media cards out of buissness? or still some to buy?22:03
regeditJordan_U: is that so? i see no such option22:03
TJ-Jordan_U: There (was) an entry on the system's manual boot menu to access Setup, but that didn't work... then later disappeared altogether22:03
regeditit worked while it was there, then suddenly disappeared22:04
regeditbut what's that you say - GRUB is supposed to offer a door to the BIOS setup??22:05
Jordan_Uregedit: It should be titled "uefi-firmware", and it just runs grub's "fwsetup" command, which you can do yourself by dropping to a grub shell by pressing 'c' at the grub menu.22:05
regeditJordan_U: if you are correct, i am giving you histo's 2.5 and all of TJ-'s 17 beers22:05
Jordan_Uregedit: Note that this command, and the menu entry, will only exist if you're booting grub via UEFI rather than BIOS.22:06
TJ-regedit: http://superuser.com/questions/519718/linux-on-uefi-how-to-reboot-to-the-uefi-setup-screen-like-windows-8-can22:06
TJ-regedit: short story: Hold down shift at boot to access GRUB menu, press 'c' to get to grub command-line, and run "fwsetup'22:07
kostkonhplc, per wikipedia article, they are no longer manufactured. Have you checked on ebay?22:07
HackSmashwhen yer looking at your wallet .... is it possible to open the "MY LAST TRADES 24H" bit in its own window ??22:07
hplckostkon, i was about to go there22:08
HackSmashbah   ww22:08
hplckostkon, but the i realized SM are so very far behind SD :S22:08
histodidn't htink of fwsetup22:08
kostkonhplc, true. There is a rather "funny" picture on the article comparing the sizes of SD and SM cards22:09
regeditTJ- / Jordan_U / histo: alright trying this now... thanks muchly for all the help thus far22:09
hplckostkon, how does CF do compared to SD?22:09
kostkonhplc, they are also an older tech than SD22:10
hplckostkon, personally i kinda have some prejudice against cards no bigger than my thumbnail22:10
historegedit: did you try efibootmgr -n 0  ?22:10
TJ-hplc: Compact Flash was also designed to support active devices, such as GPS and WiFi modules in portable devices22:11
kostkonhplc, nah, it's just that the manufacturing process of electronic has become much more advanced and fine grained. I wouldn't really worry about the size of a memory card as much as the type of memory that is has for example22:11
TJ-much easier for the cat to swallow a micro-SD than a CF card :)22:12
hplcwhat TJ said got my interest22:12
regedit(still here, rebooting soon..) histo: not yet, that from within ubuntu? or grub22:12
hplc" Compact Flash was also designed to support active devices," how you mean?22:13
TJ-hplc: devices with active I/O devices on them, not just storage22:13
historegedit: try the grub thing first. if that doesn't work we may be able to tell efibootmgr to do it from within ubuntu22:13
* hplc is CF the road to my nirvana?22:14
historegedit: by the grub thing I'm referring to fwsetup22:14
hplchow fast does CF go?22:14
k1ldepends on the bus its connected to22:14
hplchmm me want, so, a fat external reader with an e-sata interface?22:15
bekkshplc: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CompactFlash ;)22:15
k1lcompactflash 6.0 is somewhat above 150MB/s22:15
saberui think ive found the problem22:16
TJ-regedit: I've just found a clue as to why you've lost the "Press X to enter Setup" option. Apparently, in some firmwares it notices when a new UEFI boot-loader has *just* been added and shows that message! It would be worth installing another (fake) UEFI boot entry using efibootmgr from linux to see if you can trigger that22:16
saberugnutls seems to be missing from my apt get reps22:16
hplcbtw offtopic, how fast does the signals in the human braincells travel? (for comparison)22:16
TJ-hplc: at the speed of thought22:16
kostkonTJ-, nice one22:16
hplcno i mean it, really22:16
Jordan_U!ot | hplc22:17
ubottuhplc: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:17
MonkeyDusthplc  semi light speed (energy travels with the speed of light, slowed down by the medium it's in)22:17
Johnny_Linuxif the electrons in atom travel @ the speed of light, how fast would you expect22:17
hplcwhats the fastest bus technology ubuntu supports?22:17
bekkshplc: Infiniband.22:17
hplcpci-x mounted media?22:17
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vachohey everyone..I am trying to SSH to a ubuntu web server. I put my public RSA key in /home/[name]/.ssh/authorized_keys file....22:20
vachobut I am still not able to SSH in.. I am getting Permission Denied (public key)22:20
MonkeyDustvacho  the key needs to be on the remote machine too22:21
vachoMonkeyDust: which key?22:21
vachoMonkeyDust: I put my public RSA key on the remote machine in file authorized_keys22:22
regedit(still here, rebooting soon..) TJ-: interesting... noted22:22
MonkeyDustvacho  and on the local machine?22:22
vachoMonkeyDust: yes of course, I got it from my local machine :)22:22
k1lvacho: is key auth enabled in the ssh config on that server?22:22
vachoMonkeyDust: it's on my local machine in .ssh folder22:22
MonkeyDustvacho  did you put inin known_hosts?22:23
vachoMonkeyDust: do I need to ?22:23
TJ-vacho: did you use ssh-copy-id to transfer the public key?22:23
vachoTJ-: No, I just logged in as root, and put it there22:23
TJ-vacho: did you check the ownership or permissions of the "/home/$USER/.ssh/authorized_keys" files didn't get changed?22:24
vachoTJ-: I logged in as root, then did su - [username] and placed the file there.22:25
vachoTJ-: the .ssh folder and authorized_keys are both owned by the user, not by root.22:25
MonkeyDustvacho  i guess you already read this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys22:25
LabanI'm trying to find the pid of a network process, but netstat isn't showing it.22:25
strtokrun it with -p22:25
speciesif I edit rc.local to start a process (in this case, something running in nodejs), then log in with ssh, how do I find the PID of that process?22:26
Labanstrtok: Doesn't say anything where pid is supposed to be.22:26
dfgasshas anyone gotten dropbox to work on 15.04 server?22:26
vachoMonkeyDust: procedure is simple, not sure what I am doing wrong........ does my remote .ssh folder need to have a public and private key?? currently, there is only one file in .ssh folder which is authorized_keys22:26
strtokLaban: netstat -p will show the pid22:27
k1lvacho: is the ssh key accesible by the user that is used for the ssh connection?22:28
TJ-vacho: monitor the server's sshd log output22:28
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TJ-vacho: also, increase client debug output22:28
vachok1l: yes22:31
vachoTJ-: Do I need to put my key in known_hosts... I don't right? Also.. server does not need public/private keypair correct?22:32
SleakerI'm working with 14.04 and noticing an odd issue with the shutdown process sometimes turning the computer off immediately.  Is there anyway to turn on logging of the shutdown process to help with this? I'm not seeing any log files get created in syslog other than for bootup even when the system shuts down correctly.22:32
TJ-vacho: Correct. known_hosts is on the client side. Server has public key, client has public and private keys22:32
vachoTJ-: gotcha, I feel this should work.. I am thinking it's the permissions perhaps..let me investigate further. This is with Amazon EC2 btw.22:33
TJ-vacho: in these cases I always increas the verbosity of the log output to maximum on both sides22:34
vachoTJ-: lemme play around a little more..22:35
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vachoI am logged in as root, but cannot access users home folder, how can I access /home/[username]/.ssh of a user?22:39
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petrvsvacho: 'access'?22:46
Sleakervacho: pretty sure root has access to all files regardless of permissions. how are you trying to access the home/username/.ssh folder?22:47
species1) dont log in as root... 2) you should be able to `cd /home' and see the user folders22:48
OerHeksamazon guide gives a clear tutorial howto make ssh keys and transferring to the client  http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/AccessingInstancesLinux.html22:48
linuxhello jasoniumh22:48
Jordan_Uvacho: Does this particular user use ecryptfs to encrypt their home directory? If so, you'll see a file explaining that if you "ls /home/user/", and allowing passwordless login for this user becomes much trickier, if it's possible at all.22:51
jasoniumhlinux: What's four plus three?22:51
bazhangjasoniumh, stay on topic here22:51
linuxhello every body22:53
bazhanglinux ubuntu support question?22:54
saberui have a question, can u help?22:54
linuxyes why not22:55
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linuxni david22:56
david__speak spanish?22:57
k1l!es | david__22:57
ubottudavid__: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.22:57
linuxun porquito david22:57
linuxdo you live in spain david22:58
bazhanglinux this is not a chat channel22:59
bazhanglinux #ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat NOT here22:59
david__no, i from argentina. my english is bad.22:59
david__i am from argentina.22:59
linuxoh yes argentina22:59
dfgassis there a server channel?22:59
linuxi like this country23:00
linuxbut all south america23:00
bazhang!ot | linux23:00
ubottulinux: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:00
david__Good. ;-)23:00
linuxi live in france23:01
david__i like france too.23:01
bazhangdavid__, did you have an ubuntu support question23:01
david__i like ice scream.  XD23:02
Sleakerbazhang: I posted one up a little bit ago23:04
=== hugegree_ is now known as hugegreenbug
Sleakertrying to track down a shutdown issue and not sure how to get logging enabled for the shutdown process in 14.0423:04
Ben64Sleaker: you can repeat every once in a while, 20 minutes or so, looks like you asked about 32 minutes ago23:04
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Ben64Sleaker: what is it doing/not doing23:05
Guest91023boa noite, preciso de ajuda com o samba23:06
Sleakersometimes when I tell the system to shutdown it immediately turns off, the next boot will pop grub in non-auto boot mode as it detected an incorrect shutdown23:06
Sleakerbut it's a bit random.23:06
Sleakernormally it takes about 5-10 seconds to shut off safely.23:07
regeditTJ- / Jordan_U: there doesnt seem to be a 'fwsetup' command at the grub> shell :(23:08
OerHeksSleaker, sounds a heat problem, but var/log/kern.log or kern.1.log should tell you more23:08
hplcseems this gets more and more sluggish by the week, whats in charge of prioritize processes?, it need to be tweaked, "watchdog"?, "Ooopsie"?,23:09
Jordan_Uregedit: Then you're not booting grub via UEFI, and it may be that you're also not booting Windows via UEFI (which would explain why its similar option disappeared as well).23:09
TJ-regedit: you may need to load the module: you'd do "insmod fwsetup" then you can call it with "fwsetup"23:09
SleakerOerHeks: how does that sound like a heat problem?23:10
Sleakerit's not a heat problem.23:10
TJ-regedit: although I don't see a the fwsetup module installed by the Ubuntu packages on 14.04 at least23:10
Sleakerthe issue only occurs when 'Shutdown' is selected from the menu options. and it only happens maybe 25% of the time.23:10
Sleakerit's not a random shutdown. It's that I'm selecting to shutdown the system but it turns off prematurel before all resources are closed.23:11
TJ-regedit: Ahhh, here we go: "insmod efifwsetup"23:11
Sleakerno temperature alarm has been tripped.23:11
Sleakerkern.log has no shutdown messages that I'm aware of23:11
Sleakerwhich is what is confusing me.23:12
TJ-regedit: In 'fast boot' (sometimes called ultra-fast boot) mode to get into Setup the boot device(s) may need to be detached so there's nothing to boot! See http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/149761/how-much-speed-difference-for-a-tweaked-bios-versus-uefi-boot23:12
regeditTJ-: what do i do with that command, here in ubuntu shell? or reboot to the grub shell?23:12
TJ-regedit: reboot into the GRUB command-line, then do "insmod efifwsetup"  then "fwsetup"23:13
Jordan_Uregedit: TJ-: Wait, lets first confirm that we're even booted via UEFI.23:14
regeditTJ-:  ok, should i try that before this new detaching suggestion you speak of?23:14
regeditJordan_U: OK23:14
OerHeksSleaker, how about /var/log/messages ?23:14
regeditlast i was able to get into setup, i did enable UEFI in bios23:14
SleakerI'm not really seeing any messages related to shutdown in any log files23:14
Sleakeronly startup23:14
Sleakereven when the system shuts down correctly.23:15
regeditand Eric^^ helped me setup GPT for my dual boot23:15
regeditthen i installed windows and then ubuntu, and then the bios disappeared23:15
regeditnot sure exactly at which point...23:15
regeditJordan_U: how do i check that?23:15
Jordan_Uregedit: Please run "[ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo UEFI || echo BIOS"23:15
regeditUEFI !23:16
psusiregedit, if you can't get into your bios setup, you will have to consult your motherboard manufacturer23:16
regeditye those motherf***turers23:16
Jordan_Uregedit: Great, then TJ- is likely right about needing to insert the module first.23:16
Jordan_Uregedit: Please watch your language, obfuscated or not.23:17
regeditoh sorry :p my bad23:17
b4tm4nis there an accepted way to connect on boot to a vpn (openvpn)?23:17
happyfr0ggI have Python 2.x installed. If I want to install version 3.x, should I 1st uninstall version 2.x?23:17
TJ-regedit: All the fwsetup command does is set the UEFI variable: OsIndications = 123:17
Jordan_Uhappyfr0gg: No, definitely not.23:18
regeditneed to memorize this weird command... insmod efifwsetup, then fwsetup...23:18
Sleakerhappyfr0gg: no you need both most likely23:18
petrvshappyfr0gg: you probably have both already23:18
petrvswhich python323:18
Sleakerthere's tons of scripts that explicitly need python2.x and some might need python3.x23:18
TJ-regedit: ... and the do a grub_reboot() of course :)23:18
TJ-regedit: write it down!23:19
regedithuh? whadyou mean, is that a command?23:19
regedityep writing these down23:19
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TJ-regedit: No, I'm telling you what is happening under the hood... simply setting a variable to the value 123:19
happyfr0ggWould it be safe to install Python version 3 while keeping version 2 intact?23:19
regeditthat stupid 1 bit driving me nuts for several days now...23:19
regeditalright, going for it, wish me luck...23:20
TJ-regedit: Every bug always boils down to a single bit!23:20
SleakerOerHeks: hmm yah I'm tailing messages and kernel log from ssh and nothing gets written into when I issue a shutdown from the computer it looks like.23:20
Sleakerdoes 14.04 not have missing rsyslog stuffs?23:21
Sleakeror maybe something with logging that can be turned on somewhere?23:21
TJ-Sleaker: it sounds like the system is a doing a fast ACPI shutdown23:21
Sleakerhappyfr0gg: yes, that's what you're supposed to do, as long as you're installing from apt/canonical it should work fine23:22
TJ-Sleaker: maybe playing with the kernel's acpi* parameters might help23:22
ahop Have you ever used "alsamixer" ?23:22
SleakerTJ-: hmm, any documentation on that? I was thinking it might be something with ACPI but I'm not familiar with adjusting that.23:22
SleakerI'm also pretty sure it only happens on this newer CPU build that we are working with right now.23:22
Sleakercause it just started happening when we received this new system.23:23
happyfr0ggSleaker, okay.23:23
TJ-Sleaker: see https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/kernel-parameters.txt23:23
Sleakerthanks TJ-23:23
TJ-Sleaker: also, check the /var/log/dmesg for indications that the ACPI config at boot-time had any issues23:23
regeditno luck guys :(23:24
TJ-regedit: did it reboot when you issued "fwsetup" ?23:24
regeditTJ-: nope, just said cant find command fwsetup23:24
TJ-regedit: Let's check you have that module. Are you in Ubuntu now?23:24
=== Evanion[AFK] is now known as Evanion
regeditand /var/log/dmesg (Nothing has been logged yet.)23:25
regeditTJ-: yup in ubuntu now23:25
Jordan_Uregedit: Did it complain when you ran "insmod efifwsetup"?23:25
TJ-regedit: do this: "ls /boot/grub/x86_64-efi/efi*"23:25
regeditJordan_U: nope, just accepted the command silently23:25
TJ-regedit: You should see, almonst others, "efifwsetup.mod"23:25
regeditTJ-: yup efifwsetup.mod23:26
TJ-regedit: Don't worry, you didn't do it wrong. The 'fwsetup' code is a non-op if it checks the host system and finds it doesn't support "OsIndications"23:26
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
Jordan_Uregedit: Next time you're at the grub shell, as a test try running "insmod bogus", and see if it silently accepts that as well. I'm thinking that Ubuntu's modifications for disabling module loading for secure boot may be in play.23:27
TJ-regedit: This just means that Lenovo have not implemented that interface23:27
regeditthe first message i see when grub loads (top left corner) is something like "Booting in insecure mode" _23:27
Jordan_UTJ-: But the command is registered either way, so they woudn't have recieved the "command not found" error message.23:28
TJ-Jordan_U: where was the command not found message?23:28
regedit[19:24] <TJ-> regedit: did it reboot when you issued "fwsetup" ? [19:24] <regedit> TJ-: nope, just said cant find command fwsetup23:28
TJ-Jordan_U: sorry, I didn't scroll far enough23:29
TJ-Jordan_U: No, that's not how it works. The command registration is conditional on "OsIndicationsSupported" being available23:29
regeditso that's it? i'm terminally out of luck here?23:30
TJ-regedit: did you see that last link I pasted for you before you rebooted?23:30
regeditTJ-: no actually not, sorry i lost it23:31
Jordan_UTJ-: Indeed. I think I'll submit a patch to change that, it would be much better to have the command exist but give a useful error message.23:31
TJ-regedit: that talks about fast boot (aka ulta fast boot) mode needing the  boot device to be disconnected in order to get into Setup23:31
regeditTJ-: mind repasting the link please?23:32
TJ-regedit: In 'fast boot' (sometimes called ultra-fast boot) mode to get into Setup the boot device(s) may need to be detached so there's nothing to boot! See http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/149761/how-much-speed-difference-for-a-tweaked-bios-versus-uefi-boot23:32
regeditTJ-: so like, i should pull out my internal HDDs?23:33
TJ-regedit: It's worth a try. Here's someone else, very technical, who triggered the same situation you're in: https://www.bios-mods.com/forum/Thread-Lenovo-UEFI-NVRAM-Nightmare23:35
regeditTJ-: https://xkcd.com/979/ :'(23:36
TJ-regedit: Here's something more hopeful for you!   http://superuser.com/questions/809412/bios-recovery-for-lenovo-ideapad-u41023:36
regeditTJ-: sadly, i tried that too, to no avail...23:37
regeditTJ-: the USB does seem to do some action, and the puter does something and then power cycles, but no change23:38
EmanuelI have a headless ubuntu system on my home network. How do I make a shared folder that windows systems can access to save files?23:38
TJ-regedit: Did you put the .cap file from the ExtactTemp/ directory on it?23:38
regediti wonder if something goes wrong and then the backup BIOS gets reset23:38
regeditTJ-: yup23:38
rootsudoEmanuel: samba23:39
regeditrenamed it boot.wpf (or wtvr) & all...23:39
TJ-regedit: Hmmm, let me keep digging23:39
regeditTJ-: you are a blessed soul :) thank you very mucholy23:39
Emanuelrootsudo I do have Samba installed because I see the computer in my Windows network but I don't know how to make a shared folder without a GUI and right now it's not possible for me to get a GUI on tbe box23:40
rootsudoEmanuel: CLI23:41
petrvsEmanuel: http://code.google.com/p/win-sshfs/ would be pretty easy23:41
rootsudoEmanuel: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/How%20to%20Create%20a%20Network%20Share%20Via%20Samba%20Via%20CLI%20(Command-line%20interface/Linux%20Terminal)%20-%20Uncomplicated,%20Simple%20and%20Brief%20Way!23:41
Emanuelrootsudo, tjank you thying info from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/How%20to%20Create%20a%20Network%20Share%20Via%20Samba%20Via%20CLI%20%28Command-line%20interface/Linux%20Terminal%29%20-%20Uncomplicated%2C%20Simple%20and%20Brief%20Way%2123:42
quazimodoguys what's the software layer that handles my trackpad ?23:43
quazimodoi have a lenovo R500 and I really want to change how the trackpad and trackpoint (nipple) respond.23:44
quazimodoideally, I want less acceleration and more raw sensitivity23:44
quazimodoanyone knows?23:44
quazimodoalso my trackpad seems to be 'spongey' as in it doesn't have a snappy response23:44
petrvsquazimodo: probably synaptics23:44
happyfr0ggIn he Ubuntu Software Center, I see in "All Software" Python version 3 but upon clicking on the "More Info" button, it states that it is not found.23:45
regeditTJ-: i must sadly get going for an Hr or more... i will be back though, and will be trying to remove the HDD to see if anything gives, and to see if you may have stumbled upon anything23:45
quazimodopetrvs: it's not synaptics actually23:45
petrvsquazimodo: what's not?23:45
TJ-regedit: Right now I'd recommend pulling the boot drive out see if that works. I need to get to bed it's late here23:46
sat-buddhihi everyone23:46
quazimodoIthink it's ALPS23:46
regeditTJ-: aight then, i'll report my findings next i'm online23:47
regeditTJ-: as yet another understatement, thanks again :)23:47
quazimodopetrvs: xinput i guess23:48
TJ-regedit! try this - the last comment  https://forums.lenovo.com/t5/Lenovo-U-and-S-Series-Notebooks/U410-Cannot-access-to-BIOS/ta-p/140674323:48
EmanuelIn an unrealted question, does anyone here use CrashPlan for backups?23:48
regeditTJ-: so sad to report - that didnt work either... :(23:49
sat-buddhidoes someone know how to solve the next problem? "dpkg: error fatal irrecuperable, abortando:23:50
TJ-regedit: Grrrr... oh well23:50
sat-buddhi el fichero de lista de ficheros del paquete `zenity'23:50
sat-buddhicontiene un nombre de fichero vacío23:50
petrvsquazimodo: you seem simultaneously ignorant, sure, and unsure23:50
petrvspick one23:50
* petrvs goes to chop vegetables23:50
regeditTJ-: yep lenovo suggested that, i was surprised to discover that button had its own menu i didnt kn ow about, but yeah the setup option does nothing more than boot23:50
regeditTJ-: i wonder if any of this depended on the initial manufacturer setup, with their recovery partition etc which i wiped23:51
TJ-regedit: I wonder ... that button plus the Fn+F2 ? :D23:51
regeditTJ-: hey i can try but heh23:51
Jordan_UTJ-: I wonder if the previous version of the firmware supported OS Indications and this version doesn't. It would explain the option dissapearing in Windows.23:51
TJ-regedit: Or maybe drop a brick on it :)23:51
ubuntu925Emanuel: lots of open source backup apps in the repos, we support the re[pos.23:51
regeditJordan_U: what previous? to my knowledge the firmware has not been changed23:52
regeditJordan_U: on the contrary, i fail to change (flash) it23:52
TJ-Jordan_U: the firmware update hasn't been successful yet so I doubt it23:52
Emanuelubuntu925, I know there are many backup apps, but I chose Crash Plan but can't figure out why it's eating disk space23:52
quazimodopetrvs: lol23:52
Emanuelon the wrong drove23:52
Jordan_Uregedit: What was your original end goal in flashing it?23:54
quazimodopetrvs: i'm not sure of anything, but i have some experience. I know it's not asynaptics device, but i have no idea if it's a hardware limitation (the non snappy response from the pad). As for the stick, it's an ALPS DualPoint Stick and I *just* figured out that the Device Accel Constant Decelration controls it's sensitivity23:54
ubuntu925Emanuel: Not supported here is all, looks to be closed source kinda outta the loop here.23:54
regeditJordan_U: hoping to be able to access it? i had lost access to bios setup, as mentioned23:54
TJ-Jordan_U: here's our complete chat log on this covering both the UEFI setting and trying to get the flash update to work http://paste.ubuntu.com/11726833/23:54
Jordan_Uregedit: OK. Have you ever been able to access the BIOS setup?23:54
regeditJordan_U: from what i can tell, all flashing attempts have always failed23:54
quazimodopetrvs: in conclusion, I really am ignorant sure and unsure23:54
regeditJordan_U: yup, before all this EFI/GPT dual boot stuff23:55
Jordan_UTJ-: Thanks.23:55
Emanuelubuntu925, thanks. It seems to be the ONLY Linux/Windws/Mac product to backup locally and remotely that I am able to understand23:55
TJ-Jordan_U: this is a better log... it's in proper date order! http://paste.ubuntu.com/11726839/23:55
regediti sadly do really need to get going, i will try my luck with pulling out internal HDD and check back next i'm online to see if anyone found any additional ideas23:56
TJ-Jordan_U: There's a known bug in the current firmware which causes this lost Setup entry option, which the newer firmware specific claims to fix. This is often triggered by using Windows Recovery, but it is also caused by adding other OS boot options apparently, from what I've read.23:56
TJ-regedit: go ... doubtless we'll catch up later today/tomorrow - I definitely want to hear how it gets fixed!23:56
sat-buddhican someone give an advise about a problem with an update23:57
regeditcheers, can't thank y'all enough23:57
ubuntu925!backup | Emanuel23:58
ubottuEmanuel: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning23:58

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