[06:59] Guys when i launch a .Desktop file from the search bar it opens in gedit [06:59] Rather then expected to launch it [08:56] lonix: does it have .desktop or .Desktop suffix? [08:56] i'm assuming it's in the right place if you can see it [08:57] .desktop suffix [08:57] When i browse to it i can launch it [08:57] they are stored in /home//Desktop [08:58] im Assuming thats correct as it's steam shortcuts and alike [08:58] <- Linux veteran, but Desktop noob :) [09:00] oh [09:01] /usr/share/application [09:01] is where you want to put it i think [09:02] I just have it a 644 and owned by root [09:03] http://paste.ubuntu.com/11729535/ [09:04] and the contents of an example .desktop i used for launching chrome with forced gpu accleration [09:04] sorry [09:04] /usr/share/applications* [12:59] hi all :) [13:00] Could I add some language table to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/GetUbuntuGNOME/LTS here? [13:36] Hi all, i'd like to ask if theres an option to do an netboot with ubuntu GNOME ? [13:41] what is your netbook? [13:42] because I am working fine on my netbook for Ubuntu GNOME 15.04 [13:42] so I didn't need any option for netbook :) [13:42] i want to do an NetBOOT [13:42] ah [13:42] sorry. [13:42] T_T [13:42] and there no netboot installer included in the ubuntu gnome iso [13:42] shimm, sorry for my mistake. [13:43] LinDol: nP :) [13:44] Thank you for your understand [13:44] do somebody of you know maybe how to do an installation over network ? (for ubuntu gnome) [13:44] i just reboot. [13:57] um.. === Elimin8r is now known as Elimin8er [20:56] afternoon all [21:06] darkxst, ubuntu to new debdiff for gnome-shell http://pastebin.com/ri8Mjk4j === madjake45_ is now known as madjake45