
josemhall119: that'd be awesome. I'm thinking how can we deal with those for UbuConLA and then TXLF00:17
joseI cannot carry them because customs00:17
dholbachgood morning06:51
dholbachlunch time11:39
* popey forages11:41
davidcalleDoner kebab time \o/11:56
davidcalleMore for me then :)12:07
* popey had grilled tomatoes. nom nom12:07
dpmpopey, remember when we talked about recording an interview from a hangout? What was that program you told me about that I could use to record the audio?12:17
popeydpm: https://launchpad.net/audio-recorder12:18
* dpm installs12:20
balloonsaptly named, lol12:21
popeyDoes what it says on the tin.12:22
dholbachmhall119, davidcalle: if you two have a bit of time, I'd like to chat a bit about what it'd take to have custom app pages in django cms and what your experiences were12:53
dholbachI'd have another case where it might help to use that kind of functionality12:53
davidcalledholbach, sure12:54
davidcalleThough, my experience with that is still pretty limited, the webapp-generator was an easy one and Mike helped a lot12:55
dholbachdavidcalle, so I'd have 2 use-cases, one of them being the import of the snappy markdown docs of course - the second one would be a short python script which would get the list of oem snaps from the store :)12:56
dholbachgadget snaps, sorry12:56
davidcalledholbach, oooh, that's a nice idea12:56
dholbachand I'm trying to get an idea for how much work it's going to be12:57
* davidcalle looks at the store api12:57
dholbachmaybe I'd need to have a look at the webapp creator to get an idea for how hard it is?13:00
davidcalledholbach, hah, I was just looking for how to differentiate these packages from the rest with the store API :)13:05
davidcalledholbach, let me point you to the right place in duc code13:05
davidcalledholbach, so, for example, the webapp generator is mostly two pieces of code:13:07
davidcalleThis part actually does the work : receives the input data from django, does stuff, returns stuff13:08
davidcalleThen : http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~developer-ubuntu-com-dev/developer-ubuntu-com/django-cms/view/head:/webapp_creator/views.py13:08
davidcalleWhich generates the form, and gives the package to the user. It's basically a backend and a frontend.13:09
davidcalleMaking this gadget snaps page should be fairly easy (if the website rules allow to make queries somewhere else online, which is still unclear to me)13:10
mhall119dholbach: I have about 30 minutes now, then I'm unavailable for a bit13:11
dholbachmhall119, do you still have some time?13:27
dholbachdavidcalle, I think we have something like that in the loco directory - it also looks something up and stores it in the database for later use13:28
mhall119dholbach: sorry no, just about to head out13:43
mhall119dholbach: I should be back in ~ 30 minutes though13:43
dholbachno worries, let's talk then13:43
dholbachdavidcalle, thanks for the link to your code - that makes it look "easy" :)13:46
mhall119django is easy13:47
mhall119except for when it's not13:47
dholbachI was expecting the "except" clause :)13:47
davidcalledholbach, without django xp, it can be a bit tricky to get in the right mindset, but once you have started, it's very cool13:48
dholbachdpm, tuesday 15:00 our time ok for a weekly call with sturmflut and svij (for the next 4 weeks?)?13:49
dpmdholbach, works for me, thanks for arranging this!13:50
mhall119are we doing our standup today?15:02
dholbachwe haven't stood up in a while, so I haven't really prepared anything O:-)15:09
mhall119what? no preparation from dholbach?15:09
dholbachI was looking at developer-ubuntu-com code15:11
dholbachI hope that's a valid excuse :)15:11
dholbachmhall119, do you have a bit of time for a quick hangout now?15:11
mhall119dholbach: yup15:12
dholbachdavidcalle, want to join too?15:13
davidcalledholbach, I'll mostly type, but sure :)15:14
dholbachdavidcalle, mhall119: that'd be nice if we could work together on something again - and I could get trained on state-of-the-art django usage :-P15:34
davidcalledholbach, when I'm started on the translations status panel, I'll ping you for reviews and stuff :)15:35
davidcalleI take that for a yes :)15:36
dholbachthat'll depend on the training :)15:38
dholbachbut sure15:38
mhall119dholbach: that would indeed by nice15:49
mhall119dholbach: after all, it's you and django that got me where I am today :)15:49
* dholbach hugs mhall119 and davidcalle15:52
dholbachall right my friends - got to run - see you tomorrow!15:57
davidcalledpm, great email :)16:02
dpmthanks davidcalle, I hope it's useful16:02
dpmmhall119, dholbach is away and has expressed interest in doing django development, time to give him developer site work items ;)16:03
popeythis is why i never disconnect from irc :)16:08
mhall119dpm: already on that :)16:16
dpmnice work ;)16:17
davidcalleSee you all tomorrow o/16:26
=== mhall119_ is now known as mhall119

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