
pittiGood morning05:15
pittiLaney: udisks2 est vert à nouveau \o/05:26
didrocksgood morning05:33
pittihey didrocks06:08
didrockshey pitti06:09
seb128good morning desktopers07:22
didrocksre seb12807:23
seb128didrocks, hey there ;-)07:23
pittibonjour seb128, ça va ?07:50
seb128hey pitti, wie gehts?07:52
pittiseb128: a bit tired, as usual after Basketball (only went to bed at 1:15)07:53
pittibut playing was great yesterday07:53
pittiand I spent the night fighting juju and canonistack :)07:54
seb128urg, that's late to go to bed!07:56
seb128I hope you won over juju&canonistack ;-)07:56
pittiseb128: kind of -- it keeps failing / fighting back, but I think this will get a lot faster/better in Prodstack07:57
Laneypitti: <o/ \o/ \o>08:03
pittihey Laney08:03
Laneyjust chromium left now ;-)08:05
seb128hey Laney, how are you?08:18
Laneyahoy seb128, not bad thanks08:18
Laneyplayed my new board game last night08:19
Laneythe only trouble is that it's really boring08:19
seb128Laney, was udisks fixed? by what change?08:19
seb128oh :-/08:19
LaneyGET THIS IF08:19
LaneyYou hate yourself. You hate your friends.08:19
pittiseb128: it was a real bug, bug 146608108:19
ubot5bug 1466081 in systemd (Debian) "[udev] no uevent when block devices change" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146608108:19
seb128pitti, oh ok, in systemd of course08:19
pittiseb128: I fixed that last night, so udisks is happy again08:19
pittiseb128: sure, what else :)08:19
seb128the only package I don't read changelogs from anymore because they are 6 screen longs for every upload :p08:20
pittiseb128: yeah, one always needs to skip the topmost merge changelog, the interesting bits are in the Debian parts08:21
pittiI just keep dragging along the ubuntu delta, but that hardly ever changes08:21
seb128pitti, yeah, I know, I just can't be bothered having to scroll to the right point every time so I stopped reading them08:22
seb128I wish you wouldn't add that summary to the top at every upload :p08:22
seb128but at the same time it's a detail, don't worry08:22
pittiyeah, it's a bit difficult -- for once, Ubuntu merge policy wants that, OTOH it's the easiest thing to do with git rebase08:23
pittiit wouldn't be any less difficult to keep it at a "fixed" version and just say "see version <foo> for details" though08:23
seb128right, but then it wouldn't reflect the small changes in the delta that are done08:24
seb128the only way is to get to no delta with Debian :p08:25
didrocksa lamp suddenly light08:30
didrocks"I'm sooo stupid, just got why I don't understand what's happening in my code for the past 10 minutes"08:30
ogra_didrocks, oh, you do IoT stuff now ?08:30
didrocksogra_: no, I guess it's part of the whole IT engineering field :p08:31
ogra_lamps lighting ? yeah, sometimes :)08:31
davmor2didrocks: write you code in english it helps ;)08:52
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didrockswb larsu!11:51
larsuhi didrocks. Hows the day so far?11:52
* larsu wonders if he missed anything11:52
didrockslarsu: did a bunch of test writings for ubuntu make (and brought arduino support)11:54
didrocksenough python3 for today (and did some perl yesterday) ;)11:54
seb128hey larsu, wie gehts?11:54
larsudidrocks: perl!11:54
larsuseb128: good good. Had sushi after spanish11:55
pittilarsu: perl!? I thought you learned Spanish11:55
didrockslarsu: yeah, not even on a Friday…11:55
larsupitti: NEVER11:55
seb128larsu, that's not really spanish food, you could make an integration effort there!11:55
larsupitti: speaking of weird stuff... I got stuck a bit yesterday with understanding the adb and that rescue adb service11:55
larsuthere's no adb right now, is there?11:56
* larsu had to start the service manually11:56
pittilarsu: what is "right now"?11:56
pittilarsu: it usually comes up in developer mode once you unlock the screen11:56
ogra_yeah, there is nothing you should start manually11:56
pittilarsu: the "rescue" unit in the pad was for the time when unity didn't come up yet, i. e. it'd run all the time11:56
pittilarsu: well, you do need to enable dev mode11:56
larsupitti: dev mode is enabled, but it doesn't come up (in systemd land)11:57
larsuworks on the image, of course11:57
* ogra_ guesses someone should port all that stuff to dbus and udev to get rid of the init system boundary 11:58
ogra_(i was actually planning to with the switch to a newer adbd and implementation of certificate exchange, but snappy got in my way, not sure who maintains developer mode now )12:00
larsu"all that stuff"?12:01
ogra_all that stuff -> adbd, the gadget driver managing, property service12:06
ogra_developer mode consists of quite a bunch of parts ...12:07
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cedian_linuxGot a black screen with a cursor when starting unityv812:27
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tedgRAOF, I can't remember the name of that X11 socket command line parameter you gave me.21:33
tedgRAOF, Can I please have it again?21:33
RAOFtedg: You're after -displayfd23:41

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