
infinitysarnold: I sure hope no one's hitting that, given that I fixed it...00:00
sarnoldinfinity: oh! I missed that bit :)00:00
sarnoldinfinity: awesome, thanks :)00:01
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pittiGood morning05:15
sladengood morning pitti05:18
sladenpitti: I've taken the liberty of cross-posting (shudder, I rarely, rarely do it)  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-community-team/2015-June/000612.html05:19
sladenpitti: I think that has hit the TB moderation05:20
pittisladen: hey Paul, good morning!05:25
pittisladen: I moderated your post05:25
pittiinfinity: I went through the dozen regressions in http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#gcc-5 and none are gcc's fault; could we do the make-it-go-in-anyway magic?05:29
pittiinfinity: perhaps I really should join ~ubuntu-release to do this myself05:30
dholbachgood morning06:51
LocutusOfBorg1nothing pitti everything is good, somebody already retried cmake and now it is on -release pocket07:14
LocutusOfBorg1can anybody please "syncpackage sysdig" ? it doesn't build everywhere, but at least should be build against libjsoncpp on -release07:46
LocutusOfBorg1it was kicked out yesterday, and the auto import didn't pick it again?07:46
cjwatsonLocutusOfBorg1: syncpackage won't do it, because it was already in Ubuntu - it needs a build1 upload.  I've done that now09:51
LocutusOfBorg1thanks cjwatson10:07
LocutusOfBorg1whenever debian uploads a -2 revision, is the sync automatic?10:07
Unit193build1 will be, yes.10:08
LocutusOfBorg1thanks! so buildN are sync'd, while ubuntuN are conserved10:08
cjwatsonLocutusOfBorg1: The substring "ubuntu" in a version inhibits auto-sync; that's its sole technical purpose10:09
LocutusOfBorg1seems legit, thanks!10:09
cjwatsonNothing is special about buildN except that such versions don't normally contain "ubuntu"10:09
cjwatsonOh and that it's << ubuntuN10:09
LocutusOfBorg1yes of course10:10
dokopitti, could you have a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sessioninstaller/+bug/1440368 ? or find somebody from desktop (although this is foundations)11:29
ubottuUbuntu bug 1440368 in sessioninstaller (Ubuntu) "sessioninstaller should be ported to Python3" [Undecided,New]11:29
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juliankCan somebody reassign https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-apt/+bug/1448394 to the correct package (some unity one I suppose)11:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 1448394 in python-apt (Ubuntu) "lauch icon distort in ubuntu 15.04" [Undecided,New]11:52
* juliank is not sure which, but it's definitely not a python-apt bug11:52
seb128juliank, done11:55
juliankseb128: thanks11:55
pittidoko: not familiar with sessioninstaller and swamped, so I can't promise that I can get to it in the next two weeks or so12:08
pittiseb128: ^ do you know, are we still actually using sessioninstaller?12:09
seb128juliank, yw!12:09
seb128pitti, I don't think we changed anything in that area so likely yes12:10
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juliankbarry: Did you ever manage to reproduce https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-apt/+bug/1220013?12:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 1220013 in python-apt (Ubuntu) "python-apt can SIGSEGV when encountering Packages stanzas with no Description field (was: update-apt-xapian-index crashed with SIGSEGV in File())" [High,Triaged]12:35
infinitypitti: I don't think anyone would object to you (re)joining the release team.12:43
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barryjuliank: no, never did.  i wonder if mvo__ has taken a look.  iirc we needed a reproducer13:11
juliankbarry: Because I cannot reproduce it in Debian unstable by dropping that package without description into /var/lib/dpkg/status and then trying to get a description. It just raises an Exception, as expected13:11
barryjuliank: maybe it's fixed by now?13:13
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jamespagedoko, what's the timeframe around having python3.5 as the default python3 ?14:28
dokojamespage, -> barry14:28
jamespagedoko, ta for the redirection14:29
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barryjamespage: maybe this cycle.  if i can find some time where i don't have to hack on system-image, i am working on the transition.  first step is to do a partial test rebuild in a ppa and address any problems that come up.  then we can do a full archive rebuild on all arches.  if that looks good, we can at last make it supported, then hopefully default by the rc time frame (august)14:32
jamespagebarry, ack - we're enabling py3 across the openstack clients - started hitting a few py3.5 issues - just figuring out how to deal with them upstream as 3.5 is not on the 'even trying' list yet14:33
barryjamespage: very cool.  how can i follow the issues and resolutions (well, without being avalanched by email ;)?14:35
jamespagebarry, I'll figure that out and let you know :-)14:35
Davieyjamespage: Are you using a tag for py35 issues?14:38
jamespageDaviey, tbh I only just started thinking about this - thats a nice idea14:38
rbasakjibel, pitti: I'm confused by the juju-core dep8 failure. It looks like an environment issue, but failed on both amd64 and i386 (ie. two separate runs)? It passes locally on amd64. Please could you take a look?14:41
barryjamespage: cool :)14:42
xnoxis it me, or is docker lxc exec driver totally broken on 15.04?!15:05
pittirbasak: hm, will investigate in a bit (meeting now)15:05
pittirbasak: locally it fails differently for me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11735834/15:21
rbasakpitti: is that with LXC? I used qemu, since the test actually exercises Juju+LXC and I didn't want to turn it into a test for nested LXC.15:25
pittirbasak: it's QEMU, standard adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud image15:27
pittiwith -proposed15:27
rbasakOh. I don't think I used proposed15:27
rbasakLet me try again locally.15:28
rbasak(with proposed)15:28
infinitypitti: Will the autopkgtesting move to scalingstack happen hand-in-hand with killing jenkins from the workflow, or are those two different goals?15:46
pittiinfinity: I'm rebuilding this entirely from scratch with just AMQP and swift, so it'll all go away in one stap15:47
pittior rather, we don't need to touch jenkins and the static machines to run the new stuff in parallel, and can switch over once we are satisfied15:47
infinitypitti: SO MUCH YAY.15:48
barrypitti: i'm (slowly) working on the python3.5 transition.  first step is test rebuilds in a ppa.  after that i'd like to run dep-8 tests on any of those packages that have them.  what are your thoughts about infra to do that?  can we reuse some bits of prodscalingcanonistack?15:57
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TJ-Any ideas about this strange issue with libvirt on 14.04? Got a VM image in $USER home directory that has previously worked (many months ago) but now when I try to start the VM (from Virtual Machine Manager) it reports "Access Denied". I check and find that the file ownership keeps being changed from '$USER:$USER' to 'root:root', despite that libvirt runs as user libvirt, which means that libvirtd (running as root) is changing ownership preventing itself fro16:12
TJ-m opening the image!16:12
pittibarry: in a week or so perhaps; I just started today with setting up the clouds and some baby steps :)16:14
barrypitti: cool, np!  thought i would put it on your radar.  "a week or so" is probably when i'll be ready to try it anyway16:17
mdeslaurTJ- do you have "user" configured in/etc/libvirt/qemu.conf?16:54
mdeslaurTJ- are you using the real ubuntu libvirt/qemu packages?16:55
TJ-mdeslaur: to your 2nd: yes ... let me check on the 1st16:59
TJ-mdeslaur: to the 1st. no changes to qemu.conf. I worked around the issue by moving the image to /var/lib/libvirt/images/17:02
mdeslaurTJ- weird, sorry, no idea17:05
mdeslauroh, actually, all my images are root:root too17:05
mdeslaurlooks like it's normal17:06
mdeslaurdid you change the permissions on your home directory?17:06
TJ-mdeslaur: that was my reaction, too :)   I've always had this issue whenever libvirt opens an image it takes ownership. Used to annoy the heck out of me when I was writing/altering those images manually or by script17:06
TJ-mdeslaur: No, standard permissions on $HOME17:07
mdeslaurnot sure why you're getting access denied on them17:07
TJ-mdeslaur: Ahhh, yes, the $HOME is 710 so that'd stop libvirt traversing17:08
TJ-I wish I knew why libvirtd needs to take ownership when it's running as root17:10
argeshallyn: bug 1425619, is now a verification-failed and blocking qemu/libvirt SRUs. How would you like to proceed?17:14
ubottubug 1425619 in ubuntu-cloud-archive "Migration fails between QEMU 1.5 and QEMU 2.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142561917:14
dpmmvo, cjwatson, would you be able to help with some guidance on bug 1466432? It seems to be quite difficult to find anyone who is familiar with click18:02
ubottubug 1466432 in unity8-lxc (Ubuntu) "Cannot install click packages on the unity 8 desktop session" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146643218:02
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hallynarges: feh19:08
hallynarges: but,19:10
hallynhe only shows his qemu pkg version.  it requires both qemu and libvirt to fix this19:10
argeshallyn: i think he upgraded both, i spoke with him this morning. In addition I tried it myself and couldn't get it to work19:10
argeshallyn: not sure if there is something special that needs to be done other than 'virsh migrate'19:11
argeshallyn: it would be great if the original reporter tried it again. but I think we may want to skip this for now so we can get other fixes in19:11
hallynchecking the changelogs19:11
hallynso qemu had no other colocated bugs.  so yeah i'd say revert it and push 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.15 with whatever you were wanting to sru there19:13
hallynlibvirt's more of a pain19:13
hallynhm, do you have anything for qemu that you want to sru to trusty?19:14
hallynI see two or libvirt perhaps, 1455608 and 14641719:14
argeshallyn: gotta look through the list. i think right now its just libvirt19:15
hallynbug 144820519:16
ubottubug 1448205 in libvirt (Ubuntu Trusty) "Crash when removing <filterref> from interface with update-device" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144820519:16
hallynweird, wouldn't work for me through pad.lv19:16
hallynarges: ok so those two are verifiaction-done.  let's rush the next libvirt with just those two for a clean confirmation19:17
hallyndo yo uwant me to push the new libvirt version, or were you already on it?19:17
argeshallyn: i haven't done anything yet, so have at it, and I can push the next batch with those two fixes19:17
hallynarges: pushed19:22
argeshallyn: ok i'll reivew19:23
hallyn(i left the patch in but commented out in series;  maybe someone will want to take another look at some point...  )19:23
hallyn(if you think i should drop it altogether for cleanliness lemme know)19:23
argeshallyn: i think that's fine for now.19:23
hallyncool.  thanks as always for all your sru work :)19:24
argesno problem19:24
apostojAnyone familiar with the "static-network-up" upstart signal?20:10
hallynstgraber: do you happen to know whether, for a task upstart job A that has a script section, if job B starts on started A, will it start when A's script section has started or finished?21:04
hallynapostoj: been awhile since i've looked at it, but several ppl here should be able to help21:05
hallyn(guess i'll just test;  just need an upstart machine to do so :)21:07
hallynanswer: as soon as it starts :)21:08
sarnold_I thought there was  a way to wait for the script to have finished21:08
hallynstart on stopped ?21:09
hallynsarnold_: was looking for best suggestion for bug #1466103.  i went with 'start on stopped'21:12
ubottubug 1466103 in dnsmasq (Ubuntu) "dnsmasq runs unconfined due to starting before apparmor on boot" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146610321:12
hallynyou may have another suggestion...21:12
sarnold_hallyn: hmm. I don't see any output from grep -r apparmor in the dnsmasq source packages21:16
sarnold_oh durrr that'sfrom apparmor-profiles21:16
hallynyeah especiallythe mentoin of libvirt threw me for a while21:16
sarnold_especially since the fix there is 100% not going to help here.21:17
hallynhe hasn't yet said which dnsmasq he wants running21:20
dokobdmurray, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/770766 ?21:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 770766 in morse (Ubuntu Oneiric) "morse version 2.2-1 failed to build on amd64 with GCC-4.6/oneiric" [High,Fix released]21:20
infinitydoko: THe patch was accepted in Debian 2.4-3 and mentioned in the changelog, and that upload is a backport of same, hence the bug closure 4 years later. :P21:23
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