=== qub17 is now known as in1t3r [09:15] Ljudi ima li neko predlog neki kako da pokrenem skype [09:15] kad upisem u terminal samo izadje Aborted [09:16] Mile: mv .Skype .Skype_bck && LANG=en_US.UTF-8 skype [09:16] ради ли онда? [09:17] za 2min samo da mi se upali komp. [09:19] Aborted [09:26] Mile: шта би? [09:26] Aborted napisao sam :) [09:27] isto, nzm dal da probam neku prethodnu verziju [09:34] Mile: који Скајп имаш? Најновији? [09:34] Који систем? [09:34] дистрибуција?* [09:35] Distribucija je cista Debian [09:35] skype sam skinuo sa zvanicnog sajta za Debian isto [09:35] probao sam i Ubuntu skype isto se desava tj. samo izbaci Aborted [09:42] Који Скајп си тачно скинуо? [09:42] онај 12.04 мултилиб? [09:42] Аха. [09:42] Чек [09:42] Skyoe 4.3 Debian [09:43] Mile: https://wiki.debian.org/skype [09:44] Јеси ли погледао ово? [09:45] da meni je 32bit tako da mi ne trebaju oni dodaci za i386 a apt-get -f install sam uradio i nista nisam imao ponudjeno za instaliranje [09:45] probacu ovaj skype sa wget -O skype-install.deb http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-deb [09:48] evo instalirao sam odradio i apt-get -f install [09:48] i opet samo pise Aborted [09:49] Дебијан 7? [09:50] Имаш ли Пулс инсталиран као сервер за звук? [09:50] apt-get install libpulse0 [09:51] Debian Wheezy [09:51] То старо [09:51] мнооого. [09:52] imam pulse [09:52] http://community.skype.com/t5/Linux/Skype-is-aborted-on-Debian-32-bit/m-p/3574651#M10832 [09:52] пробај то [09:52] Reply [09:52] New topic [09:52] Topic Options [09:52] ‎18-08-2014 15:59 - edited ‎18-08-2014 16:00 [09:52] Post Options [09:52] I've tried to install last version of skype(4.3) on debian wheezy(7.6) 32bit but skype is never opened. I've already tried to execute skype in the console so I could see any error messages. The only message I get is "Aborted". [09:52] I already followed this tutorial (http://linuxg.net/how-to-properly-install-skype-4-3-on-debian-and-derivatives-and-fix-the-crashes/) but it didn't work. [09:52] Is there anyone tried to install last version of skype in 32 bit debian? [09:52] tstroege [09:52] tstroege [09:52] Novel Tourist [09:52] images.message_type_solution.altAccepted Solution [09:52] 1 Kudo [09:52] I had the same problem. I solved it by *not* installing the official .deb package. Instead, I downloaded the tar.gz file (I think it's called dynamic, it is the last selection in the drop-down menu) and extracted it into /opt. Then I created a symbolic link /usr/bin/skype that points to /opt/skype- Additionally, I removed/renamed the ~/.Skype folder to something else. I have not yet tried file transfers, but if it crashes on those one can sti [09:52] ll fix the database using your linked article. [09:53] View solution in original post [09:53] Labels: [09:53] Debian 7 x86 skype [09:53] Everyone's Tags: [09:53] Debian 7 x86 [09:53] View All (1) [09:53] Reply to this post [09:53] 0 Kudos [09:53] luisilveira [09:53] luisilveira [09:53] Novel Adventurer [09:53] Kudos: 0 [09:53] Posts: 2 [09:53] Registered: 18-08-2014 [09:53] Message 1 of 6 (3,351 Views) [09:53] ‎20-08-2014 16:01 [09:53] Post Options [09:53] I had the same problem. I solved it by *not* installing the official .deb package. Instead, I downloaded the tar.gz file (I think it's called dynamic, it is the last selection in the drop-down menu) and extracted it into /opt. Then I created a symbolic link /usr/bin/skype that points to /opt/skype- Additionally, I removed/renamed the ~/.Skype folder to something else. I have not yet tried file transfers, but if it crashes on those one can sti [09:53] ll fix the database using your linked article. [09:53] Уф... Глупи јаваскрипт. :( [09:54] da to sam sad citao sad cu da probam da skinem dinamicni [09:57] Kostic: Isto aborted i sa dinamicnim [09:57] Не знам. [09:57] Онда. :( [09:58] jedino da probam dpkg --add-architecture i386 [09:58] mada vec mi je 32bit [10:06] Нема потребе [10:06] већ је све 32 битно [10:06] стар ти је тај Дебијан. [10:06] Што се не надоградиш на новији? [10:06] Мислим да има Мате на Дебијану 7 [10:06] ако не волиш Гном 3. [10:15] Ja koristim GNOME Fallback [10:16] na ovom komp.u imam pored win Ubuntu 14.04 i isto Gnome Fallback i za sad mi sve radi odlicno [10:16] a na ovom drugom testiram sajtove i programe pa mi treba skype da se cujem sa kolegom dok radim testiranje [10:18] Kali 1.1.0 najnovija verzija tako da mi je to najnovije sto se tice tog OS-a [20:40] Pozz, treba mi mala pomoc oko setovanja delete dugmeta na tastaturi za brisanje [20:42] uradio sam setovanje preko accela [20:42] ali posle restarta opet se vrati na staro