
cmaloneyyo yo02:02
wolfgerWoo, now it's a party. :-)11:46
cmaloneyparty party13:31
cmaloneyThis cannot come soon enough14:20
jrwrenhttps://twitter.com/newsycombinator/status/611534051548209153  !!!14:30
jrwrenoh, i forgot we don't have a url title bot: Google Is Now Listing SourceForge as a Malicious Site i.imgur.com/FAv6VdV.png14:31
greg-gis that true?14:32
jrwrennot really14:33
jrwrenonly for projects with malware in them.14:33
greg-ggotcha, but still14:33
greg-gmalware that SF put in them?14:33
cmaloneyIt's a terrible practice and I hope they reconsider their position.15:33
PainBankcmaloney: I know you are hating on Javascript, but if you counter every bad point with one good, it might make your blog a bit nicer.18:13
cmaloneyPainBank: I'm trying. :)18:14
PainBankcmaloney: I'm impressed you have made it this far. :)18:14
cmaloneyPainBank: Thank you. I keep wanting to give up. :)18:15
rick_h_can you add 'ninja' to your business cards yet?18:15
PainBankit was funny, your posts made me google 'client side web programming' to try to understand the other options... was just curious why it was the preferred18:15
cmaloneyrick_h_: I have to hit Rock Star before I can add Ninja18:15
PainBankhe can only add 'padawan'18:15
cmaloneyPainBank: I'm looking forward to WebAssembly. I think that's the right path18:16
cmaloneyThough it'll mean more rogue code that'll need sanitizing.18:16
PainBankI'm surprised no one has created a NSAPIA plugin to enable python in the browser yet.18:17
cmaloneyProbably because it has its own issues.18:17
rick_h_you know how much C is required for python to run fast enough?18:17
PainBanklooks like there are a few attempts18:17
cmaloneyrick_h_: ++18:18
PainBankprobably about on par as the V8 javascript engine18:18
cmaloneyPython is about 30-40% hooks into C libraries18:18
cmaloneyFunny enough the Pebble SDK uses Cython18:19
rick_h_woot, my kayak is officially electrified18:19
cmaloneynot sure if that's for the build chain or what, but it was nice to have Python as part of the template / build process.18:19
rick_h_just need the mount for the display and can glue stuff down18:19
cmaloneyrick_h_: I thought that was a bad thing18:19
rick_h_cmaloney: evidently it's not too bad if you manage not to kill yourself18:19
cmaloneyso electrified meaning it has an electrical charge to keep bad things away?18:20
rick_h_heh, I've got a battery box, wire running through with a fuse to that battery, ending in a depth finder that's running18:21
cmaloneyOr is this a kayak with an electric motor18:21
rick_h_no, self paddle, just depth finder/gps running off battery18:21
cmaloneyIs it sad that I thought you already did that? :)18:22
cmaloneyFigured you'd have a full web-stack in there already.18:22
rick_h_not going into http://i.ytimg.com/vi/MViHRUEYpV0/hqdefault.jpg18:22
rick_h_hah, had to do the wiring 3 times to get it where I htink it's clean/water resistent enough18:22
cmaloney"Kayak outside, PostgreSQL inside"18:23
rick_h_hah, well the gps thing is cool because you can save your path through the water which I think is slick18:23
PainBankInteresting ... Brython... javascript parser of python.18:25
PainBankseems there are quite a few out there like this in some fashion...18:29
PainBankah, reading up on webassembly, unfortunately, this appears to leave out Safari18:32
jrwrenPainBank: for the record, someond did: http://www.skulpt.org/18:32
PainBankjrwren: thanks, but that looks to be a javascript lib that parses python.18:33
cmaloneyPainBank: It'll need to get more traction before it becomes a standard18:33
jrwrenPainBank:  what is the difference?18:33
cmaloneyThat's what the python interpreter is. :)18:33
cmaloney(save for the Javascript bit)18:34
jrwrenskipped the NSAPI part, because it isn't necessary18:34
cmaloneyIsn't NSAPI deprecated anyway?18:34
cmaloneyiirc Chrome yanked it18:34
jrwrencmaloney: chrome is getting rid of it, yes.18:34
PainBankyes, NSAPI is being deprecated18:34
cmaloneyi thought it was a done deal18:34
jrwrenI wonder if you could use emscripten on cpython :)18:34
cmaloneylike "upgrade to this version and see it go poof"18:35
PainBankso which do you think is more effiecient?   Python->Skulpt->V8 parsing or Python->Python parser ?18:35
jrwrenindeed there is: https://github.com/replit/empythoned18:35
jrwrenPainBank: I've no idea what you are talking about.18:35
PainBankcmaloney: it might be, I haven't paid that much attention.18:35
PainBankjrwren it's all good.18:38

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