Unit193 | micahg: Heya, sorry to bother, but eyes? :) | 01:19 |
Unit193 | Howdy. | 01:20 |
micahg | Unit193: heh, they still need a set of eyes on it :) | 01:21 |
micahg | I'll take a look | 01:21 |
Unit193 | Hah, nice. | 01:21 |
micahg | Unit193: which PPA again? | 01:22 |
Unit193 | unit193/staging. | 01:22 |
micahg | looking | 01:27 |
micahg | umm...chroot issues, sigh | 01:34 |
micahg | sorry, not looking like I'll be able to do that tonight | 02:22 |
Unit193 | Sure, noooo problemo! | 02:25 |
ochosi | bluesabre: i'll try to get some last icons done for LO today, can we then go ahead, do the release and upload? | 08:13 |
ochosi | obviously there are still tons of icons to-do, but i'd like to do a first upload as i | 08:14 |
ochosi | 'm not sure how early i'll be able to focus on the calc icons | 08:15 |
ochosi | also, those are a lot more that need fixing/drawing | 08:15 |
ochosi | writer looks pretty okayish already | 08:15 |
knome | ochosi, ping | 09:24 |
knome | ochosi, did you see this already: http://pad.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-derivative-guidelines | 09:24 |
knome | i've gathered some more derivatives that claim to be based on xubuntu on that pad | 09:24 |
knome | i think we should try to contact the derivatives generally after we've finished these guidelines | 09:25 |
knome | especially those who use our branding/point to our support resources | 09:25 |
ochosi | hey knome | 09:25 |
knome | (or generally, break the guidelines) | 09:25 |
ochosi | i've seen it before, not sure whether there have been updates to the guidelines since then | 09:25 |
knome | another pad i literally just set up is http://pad.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-related-websites | 09:25 |
knome | no, not the guidelines themself | 09:26 |
ochosi | sounds like a good plan to get an oversight of what's out there | 09:27 |
ochosi | i really haven't looked much myself so far | 09:27 |
knome | so for the localized pages, they are fine, i'd just have thought they would have contacted us | 09:27 |
knome | they use our old logos and stuff, so that's a bit meh | 09:27 |
ochosi | right | 09:28 |
ochosi | maybe we should contact them as well then | 09:28 |
ochosi | guess it could be a generic email we send out to all of them | 09:28 |
knome | yeah | 09:28 |
knome | http://xubuntu.fr/ | 09:29 |
knome | there too, they use the new logo, but not in the specified color | 09:30 |
knome | so we don't like that :P | 09:30 |
ochosi | really weird that there are those totally disconnected communities | 09:31 |
knome | yep... | 09:32 |
ochosi | that don't even seem to look for any cooperation or communication with us | 09:32 |
ochosi | basically like hermetic interest groups | 09:32 |
knome | well yeah... what can you do | 09:33 |
knome | i haven't seen many derivative people around here either | 09:33 |
ochosi | not much i guess | 09:33 |
ochosi | we can't get involved personally in all sub-communities as well | 09:33 |
knome | some sure, but considering the list i just put up is the top 5 pages in google for "based on xubuntu"... | 09:34 |
knome | of course we can't, but the sub-communities could get involved with our community | 09:34 |
knome | or at least make themselves visible to us | 09:34 |
knome | i'm sure nobody in the team thinks that derivatives are only a bad thing, or want to stop them from spreading modified versions even | 09:34 |
knome | but some of their actions can turn out meh | 09:35 |
knome | and it could have been avoided with some simple communication | 09:35 |
ochosi | yeah, that's often the case with many things | 09:36 |
knome | so i'd like to (again) encourage people to start communiating with us | 09:37 |
Unit193 | Hi. | 09:37 |
knome | hey Unit193. | 09:37 |
knome | aha.. http://www.linuxpusher.com/product/notebook-sticker-xubuntu-grey | 09:38 |
knome | so they sell stickers with the old logo with no permission | 09:38 |
knome | hmm | 09:38 |
ochosi | i guess we could ask them for sticker donations | 09:52 |
ochosi | but then again, who of us would hand them out | 09:52 |
knome | i guess we could ask them to update the logo | 09:52 |
knome | or drop it | 09:52 |
knome | (: | 09:52 |
knome | ^ the nice version | 09:52 |
ochosi | lunchtime, bbabl | 10:04 |
knome | bon appetit | 10:04 |
knome | hello bluesabre | 10:55 |
* bluesabre is spotted | 10:56 | |
knome | yep, no way to escape | 10:56 |
bluesabre | good thing I brought my | 10:56 |
bluesabre | box! | 10:56 |
knome | huhu | 10:56 |
bluesabre | ____ | 10:57 |
bluesabre | |:)| | 10:57 |
bluesabre | how's it going knome? | 10:58 |
knome | slowly, but in a good way | 10:58 |
knome | poking this and that as you can see ;) | 10:59 |
bluesabre | :) | 10:59 |
bluesabre | yeah, good work :D | 10:59 |
ochosi | hey bluesabre | 11:00 |
bluesabre | hiya ochosi | 11:00 |
ochosi | writing from my new laptop for the first time | 11:01 |
ochosi | touchpad is still a bit tricky, seems i touch it frequently when typing | 11:01 |
bluesabre | Mouse and Touchpad > Select touchpad > Disable touchpad while typing | 11:03 |
knome | haha | 11:03 |
knome | touche | 11:03 |
ochosi | yeah, can't seem to find the ideal timeout | 11:03 |
ochosi | and sometimes there are some quirks with keyboard or touchpad becoming inactive for a bit | 11:03 |
knome | which laptop is it again? | 11:04 |
ochosi | xps 13 ubuntu developer edition | 11:04 |
ochosi | (dell) | 11:04 |
knome | mm | 11:04 |
ochosi | bluesabre: do you need anything from my side to get the LO icons on our iso other than me tagging a first release on github? | 11:06 |
bluesabre | if you wanted to write the debian copyright, that'd be nice ;) | 11:06 |
bluesabre | but no, I think that should be it. I'll figure out the proper packaging and start the long road to upload | 11:07 |
ochosi | personally, i'd mostly copy-paste it from libreoffice-style-human | 11:07 |
ochosi | yeah, since it's likely going to be a long road it'd be better if we start it now that we still have time | 11:07 |
bluesabre | yeah, but then there's also the attribution bits to you, knome, elementary | 11:07 |
ochosi | elementary bits are already there | 11:08 |
ochosi | humanity is based on elementary after all | 11:08 |
bluesabre | ah | 11:08 |
ochosi | so only the attribution to knome and me (or shimmer) is missing | 11:08 |
bluesabre | cool | 11:08 |
bluesabre | I'll poke you later with the draft | 11:08 |
ochosi | shall we keep the debian stuff in the repo too? | 11:08 |
ochosi | ah ok | 11:08 |
ochosi | perfect | 11:08 |
bluesabre | nah, no need | 11:09 |
ochosi | ok | 11:09 |
ochosi | i'm not opposed to keeping things in one place, and the copyright stuff might actually have some benefit | 11:09 |
knome | no reason not to put it in the repository either | 11:09 |
bluesabre | have you shown dan the current version to get his impression? | 11:09 |
bluesabre | we'd be better with an AUTHORS file | 11:09 |
bluesabre | but I can dump the debian packing in there, sure why not :) | 11:10 |
ochosi | i havent shown him the progress | 11:11 |
ochosi | but then again, he didnt seem terribly interested in icons for LO | 11:11 |
ochosi | said something like i could knock myself out, but he/they didn't want any part in it | 11:12 |
bluesabre | cool, thats fine then | 11:12 |
bluesabre | :) | 11:12 |
ochosi | yup | 11:12 |
ochosi | checked that *before* i started ;) | 11:12 |
ochosi | anyway, they're aware, i might send them a screenshot at some point | 11:13 |
knome | a-CHOO! | 11:13 |
knome | gosh.. | 11:13 |
ochosi | bless you | 11:13 |
knome | ta ta | 11:14 |
bluesabre | :) | 11:16 |
ochosi | bluesabre: btw, i'll soon see whether i have the same icon issues with LO as you since my screen has likely the same px-density as yours now | 11:17 |
bluesabre | ochosi: sure, but you also addressed several of my issues :) | 11:20 |
ochosi | yeah, the insert-field issue is left i guess | 11:22 |
bluesabre | hm | 11:22 |
bluesabre | the highlight icon is quite high up there now | 11:22 |
ochosi | highlight icon? | 11:23 |
bluesabre | http://i.imgur.com/ttDrHo0.png | 11:24 |
bluesabre | maybe not | 11:24 |
ochosi | that's not my fault | 11:24 |
ochosi | didnt even touch that one | 11:24 |
knome | did you know you can buy a xubuntu disc from amazon? | 11:24 |
ochosi | problem is that there is no color selected | 11:24 |
ochosi | looks better than without | 11:25 |
ochosi | knome: wooot | 11:25 |
knome | the seller mentions the list price is $39.99, but sell it discounted at $8.99 | 11:25 |
bluesabre | oh, I see | 11:25 |
knome | that's... fishy | 11:25 |
knome | ochosi, yeah i know, you bump to the weirdest stuff... | 11:25 |
ochosi | is it a private person? | 11:25 |
ochosi | or a business scam | 11:26 |
knome | "LinuxFreak" | 11:26 |
knome | http://www.amazon.com/Xubuntu-Linux-14-04-CD-Official/dp/B00JTNN88A | 11:26 |
knome | "official" my arse | 11:27 |
knome | "oops i said it aloud" | 11:27 |
bluesabre | "oooooopsies I tooted" | 11:27 |
knome | https://ualinux.com/en/pay/ubuntu-oem/1404-oem-pack/xubuntu-pack-1404-oem-detail | 11:28 |
knome | harumph | 11:28 |
bluesabre | ochosi: other than that, the theme looks quite polished in writer | 11:28 |
ochosi | bluesabre: thanks, insert-link is still missing amongst others | 11:29 |
ochosi | working on that as we speak | 11:29 |
bluesabre | nice | 11:29 |
ochosi | bluesabre, knome: thoughts? http://i.imgur.com/KAfssNB.png | 12:07 |
bluesabre | :\ | 12:08 |
bluesabre | gotta run, bbl | 12:10 |
knome | ochosi, not too bad, but need to see in context | 12:56 |
sorinb | is it legal to sell *buntu cd's ? | 13:55 |
sorinb | contradicts the philosophy of Ubuntu | 13:55 |
knome | as long as the person selling them doesn't make any profit (or reasonable amount of profit) | 14:09 |
knome | reasonable being related to shipping+handling, burning | 14:09 |
knome | something like $5 is usually considered just fine | 14:10 |
knome | MSRP of $39.99 isn't (though i don't think they've ever tried to sell the CDs with that price point) | 14:10 |
knome | on another note, after going through several derivatives, there seems to be a few that haven't taken removing xubuntu branding seriously | 14:17 |
sorinb | removing ? | 14:52 |
knome | yes. | 15:00 |
knome | unofficial derivatives can't use trademarked names or logos. | 15:00 |
sorinb | interesting. I never heard of a xubuntu derivate | 15:01 |
knome | well, at least if you abide the trademark laws | 15:01 |
knome | pleia2, ochosi: http://pad.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-derivative-guidelines | 15:10 |
knome | i've added a questionnaire draft at the end of the pad - i'm thinking we could/should gather information about the derivatives that way - and possibly get communication started with it | 15:10 |
knome | not sure if everything there is something we want to ask, but these are all the things that came to my mind in the last few days | 15:11 |
knome | Unit193, you know (someone from) the security onion community? | 15:17 |
ochosi | knome: great idea and good questionnaire, sounds like a good way to go! | 16:49 |
=== mhall119_ is now known as mhall119 | ||
Unit193 | knome: No, just talked to a tails person before. | 20:52 |
knome | bluesabre, ping? | 21:01 |
ochosi | bluesabre: question: do you intend to take the easy road and just ship the LO icons with xubuntu-artwork or do you wanna take the more laborious (but i guess generally nicer) approach of libreoffice-style-elementary? | 21:23 |
Unit193 | libreoffice-style-elementary, the first is Xubuntu branding and a meta. | 21:25 |
ochosi | well, elementary-xfce is also dubbed xubuntu-icon-theme | 21:26 |
Unit193 | Well, except for /usr/share/gmusicbrowser/pix/elementary/gmusicbrowser.png | 21:26 |
knome | ochosi, also... | 22:02 |
knome | ochosi, @ http://pad.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-derivative-guidelines, can you check if the package list makes sense at all? | 22:02 |
Unit193 | Nope. | 22:03 |
knome | Unit193, did i ask you anything? :) | 22:04 |
Unit193 | knome: No, but you should have asked how my tea was! :P | 22:04 |
bluesabre | ochosi: going to package it specifically | 22:08 |
bluesabre | knome: hm? | 22:08 |
Unit193 | \o/ | 22:09 |
knome | bluesabre, what was that about the editable link? | 22:09 |
knome | i don't understand... | 22:09 |
knome | bluesabre, http://calendar.google.com/ :P | 22:09 |
knome | bluesabre, click on the +GoogleCalendar button at the right bottom | 22:10 |
bluesabre | knome: I had the public link, which for me was basically useless | 22:10 |
bluesabre | I got it now | 22:10 |
bluesabre | Unit193 added me directly | 22:10 |
knome | aha :) | 22:10 |
pleia2 | I didn't know there was a private link, it just shows up in my calendar with magic | 22:10 |
knome | so you just weren't a member | 22:10 |
knome | pleia2, it's the same link, you just have to have edit rights | 22:11 |
pleia2 | ah | 22:11 |
Unit193 | Well, there is a private link too, that you can use in, say, thunderbird. | 22:11 |
knome | (and be logged in) | 22:11 |
knome | Unit193, i just checked what my link said, it's basically the calendar ID | 22:12 |
Unit193 | Hmm. | 22:20 |
knome | i will be off from today until some time monday | 23:08 |
knome | not going to make the meeting | 23:09 |
knome | well tomorrow tbe; i might pop in early tomorrow or not | 23:09 |
knome | have a nice weekend everybody! | 23:09 |
bluesabre | seeya knome | 23:56 |
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