
wallyworldaxw: sorry, finger slipped :-)02:20
axwwallyworld: bye :p02:20
* thumper is done04:13
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dooferladdimitern: hangout?09:02
voidspacedimitern: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1970/09:03
dimiternTheMue, LGTM10:38
TheMuedimitern: thx10:43
voidspacedooferlad: thanks10:44
voidspacedooferlad: failing tests, so I'll have to investigate and resubmit11:48
voidspacedooferlad: on my branch (thought I'd run the tests - but obviously not)11:48
dimiternvoidspace, TheMue, dooferlad, guys, I'm not feeling well and need to get some rest, so I might be back later in the evening11:53
TheMuedimitern: oh, hope you'll get well soon11:53
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rogpeppeanyone know how to bootstrap a local provider without apt-get installing juju-local13:00
rogpeppei really don't want to have juju-local installed because i never ever want to use /usr/bin/juju13:00
rogpeppefwereade: ^ ?13:01
fwereaderogpeppe, afraid not13:01
fwereaderogpeppe, I don't mind having a /usr/bin/juju hanging around :)13:01
rogpeppefwereade: problem is, i can remove /usr/bin/juju but it keeps on *coming back*13:01
rogpeppefwereade: i like being able to do go install juju/... and then running "juju". it always surprises me when it chooses /usr/bin/juju13:02
mgzrogpeppe: curtis has a fake juju-local package13:02
mgzthat you can install, plus the real deps of juju-local13:02
rogpeppemgz: ha, that would be great (although, wtf!)13:02
rogpeppeISTM that juju should check for the actual deps it needs, not juju-local per se13:03
fwereaderogpeppe, to be fair it's not optimal: I do have a mild `ll $(which juju)` habit13:03
rogpeppemgz: know where i can get it from?13:03
mgztrying to find it again13:04
rogpeppemgz: ta13:04
mgzrogpeppe: forwarded you mail13:05
rogpeppemgz: thanks!13:05
mgzI presume it still works, is a hack from a year ago13:06
* rogpeppe tries to remember how to install debs directly13:06
mgzdpkg -i13:06
rogpeppeah dpkg13:07
rogpeppei should do it more often13:07
rogpeppemgz: thanks, that worked nicewly13:11
rogpeppenicely, even13:11
mupBug #1464356 changed: TestCloudInit fails <blocker> <ci> <regression> <test-failure> <juju-core:Invalid> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1464356>13:11
tasdomassoulc somebody take a look at http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1116/ and tell me if it's a bad idea?13:16
mgzis dimitern off today?13:17
mgzif so, probably want someone else to fix the 1.24 branch13:17
mgzsee bug 146435613:18
mupBug #1464356: TestCloudInit fails <blocker> <ci> <regression> <test-failure> <juju-core:Invalid> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1464356>13:18
natefinchug, why the heck does juju/errors/NewErr return a value that does not satisfy the error interface? :/14:00
perrito666natefinch: because satisfying the interface is too mainstream14:01
natefinchperrito666: It just means that you can't use that function to directly embed the value into another error type... which is the only reason that function even exists.14:02
katconatefinch: standup14:03
katcowwitzel3: not sure if you're here yet, but standup if you are14:03
natefinchkatco: coming'14:05
pmatulishello, re restrictions (block/unblock), does an unblock override a restriction set in environments.yaml ?15:05
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fwereadeis anyone who worked on status-history aroound?15:54
perrito666fwereade: I am15:55
fwereadeperrito666, so, we seem to do things quite strangely there15:56
perrito666tell me15:56
fwereadeperrito666, ISTM that we destroy history before we're finished with it15:56
fwereadeperrito666, and that unit.Destroy now runs 2 transactions in flagrant violantion of sense or sanity15:56
perrito666fwereade: mmm, destruction of history  was one of the things that I was unsure of15:57
perrito666fwereade: wanna hangout?15:57
fwereadeperrito666, sure, start one15:58
perrito666fwereade: come to https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/tanzanite-stand it is a deserted land at this time of the day15:59
fwereadeperrito666, by which I mean "please, good sir, would you be so kind as to start a hangout and invite me to join it" :)15:59
mupBug #1466269 changed: bootstrap instance started but did not change to Deployed <bootstrap> <maas> <windows> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1466269>16:24
natefinchericsnow, katco:  I'm not going to be able to get this landed before I get back, which will be in approximately 2 hours.  Sorry, the rebase caused some conflicts, and I evidently did the wrong thing when merging them (i.e. I had removed plugin.go from the process dir in my branch, and it looks like more was added to that file in eric's branch).17:32
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ericsnownatefinch: if you don't mind, I can take a stab at getting it merged...17:32
katcoericsnow: natefinch: we can wait since our planning meeting is on mon17:33
ericsnowkatco, natefinch: k17:33
natefinchericsnow: you're welcome to.17:33
katconatefinch: but we do need that landed today i think17:33
natefinchkatco: yep17:33
natefinchkatco:  it's a matter of putting back the plugin.go file and removing the launch details struct from it, I believe.17:34
natefinchericsnow: ^17:34
ericsnownatefinch: if it can wait it will probably be better for you to sort it out17:34
natefinchericsnow: that's fine17:34
natefinchI should have time17:34
natefinchgotta run17:34
ericsnownatefinch: also, considering merging rather than rebasing17:34
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ericsnownatefinch: take care17:35
mupBug #1466951 opened: juju no-proxy does not work with apt-http-proxy <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1466951>18:03
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moqqi have the machine-0 jujud agent consuming our entire cpu on both of our environments, independantly19:06
moqqhas anyone here seen this before?19:06
mupBug #1466969 opened: Upgrading 1.20.14 -> 1.24.0 fails <canonical-bootstack> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1466969>19:06
perrito666moqq: not me, is there any logging that we can see?19:09
moqqafter startup everything appears idle from the logs, strace reveals its spending a lot of time on futex19:10
moqqi can grab the startup logs one sec19:10
moqqmongo also is spiking a lot with it19:11
perrito666moqq: juju version?19:11
moqqless consistently, but there seems to be a lot of activity between them19:11
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moqqperrito666: https://gist.github.com/tysonmalchow/765ed773a7edfc0a2f96 is the startup log19:22
perrito666moqq: weird, I see nothing out of the ordniary :(19:23
moqqi really dont want ot have to scrap juju 1 month after getting it into our production env… but unless i can fix this we’re going to have to :(19:28
perrito666moqq: sadly it is friday afternoon so not many people around to help either, if you can hold it is very likely that more of us around could solve your issue19:29
moqqokay well that’s comforting to hear19:30
perrito666moqq: though the last link they passed in #juju seems relevant19:31
moqqyeah i’ve tried as many permutations of the advice on that thread as possible to no avail so far19:32
=== natefinch-afk is now known as natefinch
natefinchericsnow: doing the fixup now.  I noticed your LaunchDetails validate method errored if status is empty.... do we really want to error in that case?  Seems like ID should be required, but status is just a nice to have.19:48
ericsnownatefinch: one key motivation for this feature is to display the current status of a managed workload process, so I'm leaning toward always requiring it19:50
natefinchericsnow: fair enough19:51
natefinchericsnow: so, thinking about this some more.. it's somewhat problematic.  We've told the plugin to launch a process, and presumably it has.  It has returned an ID, but no status.... returning an error from Launch would probably make the rest of the system think that no process was launched, even though one was.  I'm worried that'll leave people in a weird state.19:55
natefinchericsnow: I guess the error from launch would cause whatever hook is firing to go into an error state... which might be good enough, since it should only happen at dev time19:55
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
ericsnownatefinch: that sounds right20:00
fwereadeyay, I got the most totalitarian rb id yet20:01
perrito666fwereade: loooool20:04
natefinchfwereade: double plus good20:05
mupBug #1466984 opened: juju cannot remove-machine even with --force <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1466984>20:06
perrito666means we had at least that amount of reviews in a year20:07
natefinchperrito666: less than a year, really20:07
perrito666mm true, was around july right?20:07
natefinchperrito666: something like that... I forget exactly when it went live.. .august even, I thought20:08
natefinchperrito666: I dunno, it took ericsnow forever to get that thing deployed ;)20:08
perrito666I do recall we showcased it in the induction sprint for ericsnow and katco20:08
ericsnownatefinch: :)20:08
perrito666and at that point it was near the 4th of july because we had this very cool trip to boston with many patriotic things going on20:09
katcoperrito666: ericsnow: we decided to move to RB at my induction sprint. implementation was that winter.20:09
katcoperrito666: ericsnow: sometime between oct.-dec.20:09
mupBug #1466984 changed: juju cannot remove-machine even with --force <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1466984>20:09
ericsnowkatco, perrito666: first one (mid-September): http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/18/20:11
mupBug #1466984 opened: juju cannot remove-machine even with --force <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1466984>20:12
natefinchericsnow: what do you think about the proc-register command needing to pass the same format as launch returns?  i.e. id and status both in a json blob?20:15
natefinchericsnow: would let us reuse more code and keeps the API consistent20:15
ericsnownatefinch: makes sense20:15
natefinchericsnow, katco:  I'm going to have to finish up this merge tonight.... there's just a ton of places where we're using the old process.LaunchDetails that need to be modified to use plugin.ProcDetails.21:01
ericsnownatefinch: k21:01
natefinchalso ericsnow - env_test.go:80: envSuite.TestUnparseEnvOkay    - this is relying on map ordering... you need to use jc.SameContents21:01
katconatefinch: k please make sure it gets done21:01
ericsnownatefinch: k21:01
natefinchkatco: I will.  Sorry, been busting my butt, but there was a lot more to the merge than I had hoped.21:01
natefinchkatco: I have a couple more hours of work time to get it done tonight and I think I'n really close right now.21:02
natefinchkatco: just gott arun for dinner.. natives are restles21:02
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mupBug #1466984 changed: juju cannot remove-machine even with --force <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1466984>23:16
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