
MacCheesedoes kubuntu spy on what you do on your computer?01:29
austin6598would this work on kde 5? https://github.com/dpanda/pushbullet-kde-servicemenu01:29
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=== mkv is now known as m4v
wolferzQuestion, the sys mon widget in the tray shows major memory usage. When I load sys monitor from the application menu and click on system load it shows a significantly less amount of memory being used. Plasmashell is using the most memory in the process table, and shows private total as: 408016 KB(= 39056 KB clean + 368960 KB dirty). nvidia 346.59 is showing a significant amount in shared, but only 18280 KB. I've purged kubuntu-03:00
wolferznotification-helper and reinstalled newest with the memory leak patch. Any idea what gives? Anyone else with similar problems? And if the systray shows 4000mb and the system load shows 1.6, is the load monitor not including dirty mem usage but the widget in the tray is? Any insight or theory would be appreciated. Thanks03:00
wolferzForgot, upgraded 14.10 to 15.04, and after the upgrade is when the issue formed.03:01
=== sergio is now known as Guest81827
TaZeRwow guys i just installed Kubuntu, and I am simply blown away04:42
TaZeRsince the last time I tried it its so different in a an unspeakably great way04:43
TaZeRKDE 5 is blowing my mind04:43
TaZeRis this a normal first timer reaction? cause i almost cant handle the awesomenes04:43
TaZeRi have a question though regarding a customization i've been trying to do04:44
TaZeRthe taskbar windows titles get greyed out and only the active one is highlighted making it hard to read what applications are open in the taskbar04:44
TaZeRis there a way to make all the text stay the same shade and not fade out in the taskbar?04:44
TaZeRcan anyone assist with this slight issue?04:50
TaZeRor need clarification on what exactly i mean?04:50
valorieTaZeR: you might ask in #plasma05:14
valorieI don't know05:14
valorienice to hear that you love it though!05:14
TaZeRalright thanks ill try there05:15
valoriefor me, none of the taskbar tabs get grayed out, so I'm not sure how you are experiencing this05:15
TaZeRnot sure maybe i have different settings i installed the meta package onto a different ubuntu flavor05:16
valoriethat's possible05:17
valoriebut they'll know the right questions to ask in #plasma if there is anyone around05:17
valorieit's rather early in europe where most of the devels live05:17
=== kevin is now known as Guest11843
=== drawkward_away is now known as drawkward
=== karthik is now known as karthik990099
s_20what's the recommended way to access s3 using kde?08:05
s_20is there a kioslave for that?08:05
lordievaderGood morning.08:21
* sick_rimmit waves08:35
sick_rimmitHello, and good morning08:35
lordievaderHey sick_rimmit08:38
sick_rimmitlordievader: Hello, how are you today ?08:39
lordievaderDoing good here :) How are you?08:39
sick_rimmitIt's Friday, I like Friday's. I always try to make Friday a happy day at work..08:40
lordievaderShouldn't you make everyday a happy day?08:40
sick_rimmitNO.. give hell monday to thursday08:41
sick_rimmitThen make it nice on Friday, so they want to come back Monday08:41
lordievader:P Okay, if you say so :P08:41
sick_rimmitonly kidding of course08:41
=== drawkward is now known as drawkward_away
=== snafu is now known as snafuuu
snafuuucan anybody tell me how i start memtest out of kubuntu boot cd?09:06
snafuuukubuntu doesnt start properloy and i get no output why :(09:06
snafuuuso im stuck at kubuntu logo and than blackscreen maybe ram?09:06
snafuuumh somethings running lol strg+alt +f1 turns cdrom on lol09:11
snafuuuwow maybe the machine is just to old took like 30 mins to boot lol09:12
snafuuuok i see massidle :D hf i progress on my own again09:20
=== drawkward_away is now known as drawkward
svizzero81Hi all, I'm using Kubuntu 15.04 - kernel and I have problems with juniper vpn. Is there a workaround?09:51
=== drawkward is now known as drawkward_away
BluesKajHey all11:09
BluesKajhi again11:17
DelicatesIs there a way to run memtest86 off the LiveDVD?12:49
=== mkv is now known as m4v
DelicatesI see no bootloader menu or anything when I boot from LiveCD, it boots straight into Linux12:51
=== mkv is now known as m4v
BluesKajDelicates, there's no boot loader on live media, it boots from your UEFI/BIOS if that's set to boot cdrom or usb first13:11
BluesKajwhat's the reason for a memtest anyway ?13:12
=== Riddell_ is now known as Riddell
regedithello peoples13:27
regeditso last time i was logged into my kubuntu, system settings, kwin (or was it kwininit or kinit or some such?) and finally even Plasma all died on me one by one13:29
regeditnow when i try booting to ubuntu, no graphical interface even comes up. It remains at "starting version 219" and all i can do is switch to shell sessions (Alt+F1 etc)13:30
regeditwhat went permanently wrong in my startup sequence, and how can i restore it?13:31
regedittrying this http://askubuntu.com/a/464834 , will report back...13:36
regeditno luck :( i dont seem to have the same install / setup as that guy ^13:47
regediti realized that there IS in fact a KDE (or X?) session running, it's just showing black screen. i realized this because a few popup windows successfully rendered, saying plasmashell and krunner crashed13:48
BuddyButterflykubuntu 15.04 does not run in virtualbox with 3d accel enabled13:49
BuddyButterflyissue known?13:49
regeditare there any startup / init logs I can consult about plasmashell and krunner crashing?13:49
regedit#kubuntu often seems like a very populated idling channel...13:50
BuddyButterflyregedit: true13:55
BuddyButterflyjust tested 15.04 in virtualbox.13:55
BuddyButterflyI am not sure if I do like this new icons. have m ore difficulties to separate this wire frame icons.13:55
BuddyButterflyand then, 3d just does not work in virtualbox.13:56
=== jubo2 is now known as Suomi
=== Suomi is now known as jubo2
regeditplease halp! plasmashell, krunner, and some others are crashing, i dont have a functioning graphical desktop :(14:26
bshahregedit: do you have backtrace for crash?14:27
TJ-regedit: Does a Guest login also crash?14:27
regeditTJ-: how do i try that?14:28
TJ-At the login propmt choose the Guest user14:28
regeditbshah: where can i find that, and/or any other intereting logs about this?14:28
regeditTJ-: i should enter "Guest" at the shell prompt?14:28
bshahregedit: from the "Developer Information" tab of DrKonqi window that appears14:29
TJ-regedit: When the greeter login shows instead of choosing your usuall user account there is usually an alternate 'guest' user login14:29
TJ-regedit: Hmmm, maybe not, maybe that's just on Gnome/Unity14:30
regeditTJ-: that doesnt show up anymore14:30
TJ-regedit: for logs look at /home/$USER/.xsession-errors14:30
regeditupon startup, the kubuntu splash screen shows for a few sec, then all i see is "starting verion 219" top left corner14:30
regediti am only able to switch to shell sessions via Alt+F114:31
regeditTJ-: ok will check, thanks14:31
TJ-regedit: also, look at the system logs in /var/log/lightdm/14:31
bshahregedit: just wondering; did you start any applications with sudo before?14:31
bshahfor example sudo dolphin14:31
regeditbshah: actually i may have, yes. This all started when plasmashell or something crashed, so i tried starting it up again, possibly with sudo...14:32
bshahnever do that..14:32
bshahokay now to fix that..14:32
regeditohhhh..... writes a bunch of root configs?...14:32
bshahlogin to full shell session14:32
bshahand tell permissions of ~/.cache/ksycoca514:33
bshahregedit: and if owner is root change it to your user14:34
regeditbshah: should i just `chown -R me:me .cache/ksycoca5 ?14:36
onebitxajaxhi all,  i have a laptop with 2 graphioc card. Nvidia and intl. How can i force of use of nvidia card?14:50
BluesKajonebitxajax, try installing nvidia-prime15:01
onebitxajaxBluesKaj: already installed15:02
onebitXsorry DC15:10
onebitXany solution for me?15:10
onebitXhow can i disable intel graphc card?15:18
BluesKajonebitX, scroll down to "how to use prime" , http://askubuntu.com/questions/412452/getting-hybrid-graphics-to-work-nvidia-prime-gt650m15:20
onebitXBluesKaj: i reach that point.. i try ebnale nvidia.. it give me error15:21
BluesKajonebitX, pastebin the error15:26
regeditbshah: still there?16:30
bshahregedit: yes16:30
regeditbshah: good news is - desktop seems to be working again!16:30
BuddyButterflyany idea why kubuntu 15.04 does not work with virtualbox 3d accel?16:31
regeditbshah: bad news is, some components seem still not running, i dont have the taskbar & kmenu for example16:31
BuddyButterflyon your laptop?16:32
regeditBuddyButterfly: talking to me?16:32
bshahperhaps remove ~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc and restart plasmashell16:33
regeditbshah: trying now..16:33
regeditBuddyButterfly: thanks, i'm recovering after desktop not working at all due to ~/.cache/ksycoca5 being owned by root16:33
regeditbshah made a brilliant guess on that one16:34
BuddyButterflynice that you could solve it.16:34
regeditside question (egenral linux) how come when i run something like dolphin or koonversation from command line with &, it still produces output to the shell?16:35
regediti think i even tried > /dev/null16:35
regeditand 2>&116:36
regeditanyway - how do i restart plasmashell? is that a service?16:37
bshahkquitapp5 plasmashell && plasmashell16:38
regeditjust plain plasmashell? no &, or service restart or wtvr?16:39
bshahwell yes you can do plasmashell &16:39
regedithow does the system startup plasmashell?16:39
regeditplasmashell > /dev/null ? nohup or something?16:40
bshahthat is done by startkde and kded16:40
regeditlike - i'd like plasmashell to run just as if it were started by system startup, without needing to keep a shell open or wtvr16:40
regeditmaybe i'll just reboot16:41
=== Mitchell92[A] is now known as Mitchell92
regeditwhere are the configs for lanuchers in the taskbar? whec selecting "show launcher when not runnung"17:20
rdieter_workregedit: it's stored in plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletrc17:27
rdieter_workregedit: look for some launchers=.... key17:28
=== sergius is now known as Sergius
=== Sergius is now known as sergius
regeditrdieter_work: thanks, found it17:32
regeditrdieter_work: i have a launcher in there that's not working17:32
regeditthe first difference i see between it and other applications that do work ok, is that it does not have a .desktop file in /home/regedit/.local/share/applications/17:33
regeditthe prblematic application in question is MySQL Workbench17:33
regeditthe launcher reads: file:///usr/bin/mysql-workbench-bin?wmClass=Mysql-workbench-bin&name=mysql-workbench-bin&iconData= <long string of base64 data>17:34
rdieter_workregedit: yeah, I think that feature assumes the app has a .desktop file17:34
TJ-regedit: is there a system-installed desktop file in "/usr/share/applications/" ?17:35
regeditrdieter_work: well when i right click > Add to favorites on this application, it does show up in favourites but doesnt make the .desktop files..17:35
rdieter_workregedit: the .desktop has to already exist, it won't make one for you17:35
regeditTJ-: checking..17:35
rdieter_workper what TJ- said17:35
regedityup it's there mysql-workbench.desktop17:36
regeditdid i install it as root instead of as specific user - can that be the issue?17:37
regediti think i just downloaded the package from the website and installed it with QApt or wtvr it's called17:38
ash_i am trying to install kubuntu 15.04, and after it loads and starts updating, it locks up on "configuring systemd" every time. can anyone help?17:40
regeditTJ-: so, what now, if i found it in /usr/share/applications/mysql-workbench.desktop ?17:45
regeditrdieter_work: ^ ?17:49
TJ-regedit: I dunno... I was just telling you where the file is17:50
=== Mitchell92 is now known as Mitchell92[A]
regedithow come it's there, what's the difference between apps installing .desktop to there or to my home dir? what can i do about the launcher not launching?17:51
TJ-regedit: surely the launcher fails to start the executable due to something on the command-line it is trying... what happens if you manually issue the command in a terminal. does it fail or start?17:52
TJ-regedit: system packages (installed by apt-get) install to system locations (/usr/share/) ... user-built or custom entries are put in the user's "$HOME/.local/share/"17:53
regediti downloaded the (debian?)/ubuntu package from the workbench website, and installed it with QApt17:54
regeditsame process i did with Google Chrome17:54
regeditGoogle Chrome has an entry in my home folder though, workbench does not..17:54
regedit"Ubuntu Linux" option http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/workbench/ mysql-workbench-community-6.3.4-1ubu1504-amd64.deb17:56
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=== FunnyBunny is now known as spawn57`
WissamHi guys ,i made a bootable usb stick with kubuntu 15.04 but ifconfig shows lo interface onlyt and i can't connect to internet via ethernet nor wireless19:05
Wissami added iface inet eth0 dhcp to /etc/network/interfaces and restart networking and network manager services19:07
Wissamthen ifconfig shows eth0 but networkmanager widget doesn't show eth019:08
Wissami will reboot my laptop and try again19:22
arvedhi my wlan sends a permanent plasmashell that a "Connection deactivated", how can i disable this?19:25
arved                                            ^notification19:26
arvedany ppa, i can use to update to kf 5.10?19:42
danrikdoes kde have alt+left click window dragging?19:57
danrikor Ctrl+right click window resizing?19:59
ubottugianni: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:13
=== gianni is now known as Guest53477
=== Guest53477 is now known as gianni_
eXistenZestill no jokes?21:16
skomorokhHow do I find out what DNS is being used? I'm not sure I follow all this network-manager / resolvconf / dnsmasq / avahi stuff that's going on by default21:29
skomorokhEspecially weird is that "host" and "dig" get the correct IP for a domain and "telnet" and "ssh" get a different one that I struggle to understand the origin of21:30
skomorokhNot the hosts file. Checked that. Also blew away the configs for network-manager, dnsmasq and resolvconf then reinstalled the defaults. And rebooted.21:31
lordievaderskomorokh: What is in /etc/resolv.conf21:31
skomorokhlordievader: what i expect to be there, my local dns.21:32
lordievaderOk, are hosts defined in /etc/hosts?21:32
skomorokhnothing with the domain i'm looking up.21:32
lordievaderThen your local dns should be queried for the name resolution.21:33
skomorokhlordievader: It is when I use host. But not when I use telnet.21:34
skomorokhroot@quite:~# host should-be.local21:34
skomorokhshould-be.local has address
skomorokhroot@quite:~# telnet should-be.local21:34
skomorokhtelnet: could not resolve should-be.local/telnet: Name or service not known21:34
skomorokh(telnet localhost gives the expected "Connection refused" message)21:34
skomorokhWeb browsers, ssh, basically everything except for host, dig and nslookup fails.21:35
lordievaderSo everything that actually queries the dns server fails? That is understandable.21:35
skomorokhEr, wait, what?21:36
skomorokhhost, dig and nslookup don't query it?21:36
lordievaderFor as far as I know they ask the os to resolve it.21:36
lordievaderDig does actually ask the dns server though.21:37
skomorokhdig @ should-be.local     <--- this works21:38
skomorokhAlso, my laptop is able to successfully use the same DNS on the same network.21:39
skomorokh(This is an instance of dnsmasq running on with *.local pointing at
skomorokhBut my desktop is somehow ignoring resolv.conf and using some mysteryass dns. Except for host, nslookup and dig.21:40
skomorokhOne other clue: the desktop's hostname is "quite" and rather than not finding it as it does for *.local, the mystery resolver maps quite.local to the IP that eth0 gets.21:41
skomorokhroot@quite:~# host quite.local21:42
skomorokhquite.local has address
skomorokhroot@quite:~# telnet quite.local21:42
lordievaderHmm... so your desktop is the one with troubles?21:43
skomorokhYa, it's the one with the mystery dns.21:44
lordievaderWho is advertising the .local domain?21:44
skomorokhdnsmasq on the DNS is configured to answer for it.21:44
lordievaderThe dns is another box?21:44
skomorokhWhich is also being used (correctly) by the laptop.21:45
lordievaderOk, your desktop has no knowledge of a .local domain other than querying the dns?21:45
skomorokhWell, there is no .local  in /etc/hosts21:45
skomorokhWhere else would a domain be defined?21:46
lordievaderRunning a local dnsmasq could resolve it.21:46
skomorokhWell, the network-manager etc. shenanigans already is running one :)21:46
skomorokhOr, at least it depends on dnsmasq-base21:47
lordievaderWith what config?21:47
lordievaderThe dnsmasq not the NetworkManager ;)21:48
skomorokhI had some config before but since rm -rf'd it along with the network-manager configs to ease the process of elimination.21:48
lordievaderNM creates its own dnsmasq config.21:48
lordievaderSo what is in it?21:48
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:48
skomorokhDefault stuff :)21:48
lordievaderskomorokh: Please pastebin it.21:48
skomorokhlordievader: thanks much for this!21:49
lordievaderskomorokh: If that is what it uses... here (on Gentoo) it uses /var/run/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.conf21:49
skomorokhThere is no such file in /var/run/NetworkManager, just private and private-dhcp21:50
skomorokhThere is an empty /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d/21:50
lordievaderHmm, does 'dig @ should-be.local' resolve anything?21:51
skomorokhBut it also can't resolve quite.local or yahoo.com21:52
lordievaderHmm, what is the output of 'ps aux|grep "NetworkManager\|dnsmasq"'21:53
lordievaderAh, no dnsmasq ;)21:54
skomorokh/var/lib/NetworkManager/dhclient-eth0.conf  ...interesting!21:54
lordievaderresolv.conf pointed toward your dns right?21:55
skomorokhAnd only that.21:55
lordievaderThen I guess it is time to pull out tcpdump ;)21:55
skomorokhbwahaha I was looking at strace21:55
skomorokhBut ya that might be better.21:55
lordievaderSee when and what it does on port 53.21:56
skomorokhHow can I dump the traffic for a single process?21:56
skomorokhLast time I tried to figure that out I gave up after quite some googling.21:56
skomorokhIt'd be a neat trick to have tho so I could just go tcpdumpproc telnet quite.local and see what's what21:56
lordievaderskomorokh: Yes, make a packet dump of both approaches and see if there is a difference.21:58
skomorokhlordievader: Bunch of other stuff is going on though.21:58
skomorokhlordievader: Do you know how to isolate tcpdump (or equivalent) to a single process?21:58
lordievaderYeah, with dns that is the difficult part...21:58
skomorokhShould be totally doable with cgroups and suchlike.21:59
lordievaderErr perhaps the internet knows?21:59
skomorokhLike said, last time I looked it up it was bizarrely hard to find. I guess it's time to try again :)21:59
lordievaderTry to limit activity which resolves stuff.22:00
skomorokhRunning tcpdump | grep \.53 to trim the output somewhat I'm actually not seeing anything resolving.22:02
skomorokhI think it's doing that on UDP :)22:02
lordievaderskomorokh: Let tcpdump do the filtering: tcpdump 'udp && port 53' ;)22:03
lordievaderAlso it is a good idea to save it with the -o flag and then analyze them side by side with wireshark.22:04
skomorokhSeems like host is sending it and telnet isn't sending anything.22:06
skomorokhAAAND telnet sends it when I use .localo instead of .local22:06
skomorokhSo something thinks .local is, well, local.22:06
skomorokhI'm sure I told it that somehow, somewhen.22:06
skomorokhHow would I have done that aside from /etc/hosts I wonder?22:07
skomorokhI'm not even sure what the concept of a local domain would be beyond domain foo in resolv.conf22:14
skomorokhAvahi. It's avahi.22:18
skomorokhThank you "grep -r \\.local /etc"22:19
bjrohanafter updrading to 15.04 from 14.04 my wireless connection has been horrible. Are they any drivers I should install?22:19
skomorokhAnd thanks a lot lordievader for helping with that.22:19
bjrohanIf I hardwire to my router, all is as expected as far as speed and connectivity goes, but connecting via wifi my service is sporadic in terms of speed and even remaining connected. My laptop is in the same area as it was where I got great service with 14.0422:20
lordievaderskomorokh: Good question, perhaps it is something in telnet itself?22:20
* lordievader time for bed \o22:21
skomorokhbjrohan: hm, well, nic drivers are in the kernel. You could try using an old kernel and see if that works. Might not be a good solution but you'll at least narrow the issue down to the kernel module. If I recall 15.04 would at least boot with the last 14.10 kernel, haven't tried with a 14.04 one.22:25
bjrohan_Is there an updated driver for the Intel Corporation Centrino Wireless-N 2230 (rev c4)?22:30

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