
wgrantYay GitHub01:18
wgrantTrying to create a PR for the dulwich changes.01:19
wgrantThe "Compare" link works, but there's no way to create a PR.01:19
wgrantThe "Pull request" link 404s.01:19
lifelessjelmer: ^01:26
wgrant404 on the pull request link means "you're not logged in", apparently.01:26
wgrantMy session must have expired.01:26
wgrantWhy would you show the link and then 404 :(01:26
maozhoucjwatson, wgrant : Is it spamming you yet?02:57
wgrantmaozhou: I haven't had reports of it in some weeks.03:05
blrhmm that was weird, must have been logged out for some reason, but ended up with base template json errors03:49
blrwasn't entirely obvious what was going on...03:49
wgrantblr: Hm, that's not a good sign.03:50
wgrantWhat was the error?03:50
blrwgrant: https://pastebin.canonical.com/133538/03:52
wgrantjelmer: Thanks.04:06
wgrantblr: Hm, can you reproduce it now?04:06
blrwgrant: nope04:11
blrwgrant: just about have all these changes complete, but would like to merge the templates - can a tal:condition be a route/path, or refer to the view class? Ideally would like to avoid having a property set on the project setbranch view just for this purpose04:22
wgrantblr: tal:condition can be any TALES expression. But I don't think it'd be bad to have a is_series or similar property on the view to determine the behaviour, if you had to.04:26
blrwgrant: ok, if that's acceptable that would certainly be easy enough04:26
blrwgrant: the zcml docs suggest the 'for' directive can take multiple classes, but I don't see any instances where we're doing that (other than *), is there are a reason for that?04:44
wgrantblr: Hm, that may work, not sure. If it makes things nicer, I have no problem with it.04:46
wgrantIt would be handy if that did work.04:46
blrwgrant: hmm no it crashes actually heh04:46
blrmay have been misinterpreting Multiadapters http://docs.zope.org/zope.component/zcml.html04:48
blreffectively I want to share a macro between IProduct and IProductSeries04:48
wgrantYeah, unless you have a common interface you need to register it twice.04:50
wgrantWhat's the macro?04:50
blrpush instructions and the ssh key reminder. Both could be inlined in the template, but they seem like they could potentially be used elsewhere04:53
wgrantah, yes.04:53
blrright, think that's in reasonable shape now.05:14
blrmight merge this branch into the golang import meta branch and try to get that working tomorrow for mwhudson05:15
blrah, I didn't add the repository_location vocabulary... drat. Will look at that as well.05:18
blrat any rate, ttyl wgrant05:19
wgrantblr: Thanks, have a good weekend.05:23
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